What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (2024)

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Lack of alignment


Poor research


No differentiation


Weak relationship


No follow-through


Here’s what else to consider

Business development is the process of identifying, pursuing, and acquiring new customers, markets, or partnerships for a company. It is a vital function that drives growth, innovation, and competitive advantage. However, many business development strategies suffer from common weaknesses that can undermine their effectiveness and results. In this article, we will explore some of these weaknesses and how to avoid or overcome them.

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What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (1)

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  • Isidoro Benjamin A. CEO Gofirmex | Ex-Uber

    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (3) What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (4) 13

  • Katriona Lee CEO @ Bear Venture Group | Strategy Advisor | Board Director

    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (6) 11

  • What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (8) 7

What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (9) What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (10) What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (11)

1 Lack of alignment

One of the most common weaknesses in business development strategies is the lack of alignment between the business development team and the rest of the organization. This can lead to confusion, conflict, and missed opportunities. For example, if the business development team pursues a deal that does not fit the company's vision, values, or capabilities, it can waste time and resources, damage the company's reputation, or create operational problems. To avoid this weakness, the business development team should communicate clearly and frequently with the other stakeholders, such as the senior management, the marketing team, the product team, and the sales team. They should also align their goals, metrics, and incentives with the company's overall strategy and objectives.

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  • Isidoro Benjamin A. CEO Gofirmex | Ex-Uber
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    Stay humble, communicate your expectations, and listen to those of your stakeholders. In the dance of collaboration, understanding each other's perspectives is the rhythm that creates harmony.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (20) What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (21) 13

  • Iker Iturralde
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    Es muy importante el rol del líder en la alineación de su equipo de trabajo con la estrategia de la organización.Él es responsable, que el equipo pueda definir sus objetivos individuales en línea con los de la Organización. Sin embargo, es muy común encontrar equipos que definen objetivos con poca alineación a la estrategia y en ocasiones, esto ocurre porque el líder no está pendiente de bajar adecuadamente a su equipo, el detalle del plan estratégico.



    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (30) 6

  • Rajiv Kumar Managing Director @ U Square Lifescience | PGDM, Business Strategy | Your trusted partner
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    One prevalent weakness in business development strategies is the lack of alignment.Often, strategies fail when they aren't closely tied to overall organizational goals. When there's a disconnect between business development plans and the broader mission, it can lead to wasted resources and missed opportunities. Effective strategies require alignment with the company's vision, market dynamics, and customer needs. By ensuring that business development efforts are in sync with the larger objectives, organizations can mitigate this weakness and foster a more cohesive and impactful approach to growth.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (39) 4

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    Alignment between business development team and rest of the org can be enabled by clearly defining the following 1) Markets (focus and exclusions) 2) Industries (focus and exclusions)3) Organizations - Enterprises / SMBs (focus and exclusions)4) Customer persona (focus and exclusions)5) Channel partnerships 6) Engagement & commercial models (dos and don'ts)7) Minimum deal size & duration of contracts (dos and don'ts)Finally, an incentive plan for biz development team aligned to the above parameters is critical. Hope this helps


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (48) 3

  • Gabriela Joelsas Timerman Maritime Decarbonization | Agroforestry | Open Source | Energy Transition | Equality | Inclusion
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    The primary Achilles' heel in business development often stems from flawed assumptions. Incorrect, incomplete, or contradictory underlying assumptions form the epicenter of strategy failures. If foundational beliefs about market dynamics, customer behavior, or competitive landscapes are off-target, subsequent decisions veer astray. Whether misjudging consumer needs or underestimating competitors, these lapses erode strategy efficacy. To fortify business development, meticulous scrutiny and validation of assumptions are imperative, ensuring a robust foundation for strategic decisions.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (57) 2

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2 Poor research

Another common weakness in business development strategies is the poor research on the potential customers, markets, or partners. This can result in targeting the wrong prospects, offering the wrong value proposition, or missing important information that could affect the deal. For example, if the business development team does not understand the needs, pain points, or decision-making process of the potential customer, they might fail to address their concerns, offer a compelling solution, or close the deal. To avoid this weakness, the business development team should conduct thorough and systematic research on the target audience, using both qualitative and quantitative methods, such as interviews, surveys, analysis, and feedback. They should also validate their assumptions and hypotheses with data and evidence.

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    Arabella the shark notices a parallel in her reef when the fish don't swim together; chaos ensues, just as businesses struggle when teams aren't aligned. In the coral world, every fish has a role, harmonizing with the others to ensure survival and prosperity. Similarly, in business, when development strategies aren't synced with the company's vision or teams, it leads to inefficiencies and missed chances. To combat this, just like the coral symphony, every department must communicate and coordinate, aligning their efforts towards the common goal for a seamless and efficient growth trajectory. Arabella's world teaches us the importance of unity and clarity in driving successful business development. #divineintervention #gabenfreude


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (66) 2

  • Pranav Pammi Warwick Business School | Project Officer at University of Warwick | Ex- KPMG
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    My university days at Warwick Business School screamed one truth: poor research cripples biz dev! Targeting the wrong folks is like selling opera tickets at a rock concert - epic fail. Blind to customer needs, pain points, or decisions? You're pitching solutions to non-existent problems. Combat this with X-ray vision! Dig deep with interviews, surveys, data analysis, and feedback. Don't assume, validate with evidence. This research magic transforms you from a clueless salesperson to a trusted advisor, closing deals with a confident wink. Go forth, warriors, and conquer with research!


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (75) 1

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    Inadequate research can lead to a fundamental misunderstanding of the market, resulting in products or services that do not meet customer needs. Consider a company that launches an app based on assumptions of customer behavior without actual data, only to find that the features do not address any real user pain points. Thorough market research is crucial for informed strategy development.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (84) 1

  • Gabriela Joelsas Timerman Maritime Decarbonization | Agroforestry | Open Source | Energy Transition | Equality | Inclusion
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    The primary Achilles' heel in business development often stems from flawed assumptions. Incorrect, incomplete, or contradictory underlying assumptions form the epicenter of strategy failures. If foundational beliefs about market dynamics, customer behavior, or competitive landscapes are off-target, subsequent decisions veer astray. Whether misjudging consumer needs or underestimating competitors, these lapses erode strategy efficacy. To fortify business development, meticulous scrutiny and validation of assumptions are imperative, ensuring a robust foundation for strategic decisions.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (93) 1

  • HUGO ZUREK Vicepresidente Transformación Digital y CiberseguridadDesarrollo la transformación digital creando nuevos modelos de negocio sostenibles y rentables que escalan, a partir de la tecnología e innovación, de forma segura
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    Una investigación deficiente es el principio de un mal diseño de la estrategia corporativa. No comprender las necesidades y motivaciones de los clientes es ser un vendedor o comercializador de productos commodities adicional que no termina por generar diferenciación. La profundidad y calidad de la investigación determinan la pertinencia de las soluciones ofrecidas. Por ello, las hipótesis no pueden basarse en suposiciones, sino en datos concretos. Una estrategia basada en un entendimiento exhaustivo del mercado es más que una ventaja competitiva, es una necesidad fundamental para el éxito en el panorama empresarial actual.Mercado local y tendencias que influyen en los cambios de las dinámicas mundiales



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3 No differentiation

A third common weakness in business development strategies is the lack of differentiation from the competitors. This can result in losing the competitive edge, being perceived as a commodity, or being unable to justify the price or value. For example, if the business development team does not highlight the unique features, benefits, or advantages of their product or service, they might face more objections, resistance, or negotiation from the potential customer. To avoid this weakness, the business development team should identify and communicate their unique selling proposition (USP), which is the specific reason why their product or service is better than the alternatives. They should also demonstrate how their USP solves the customer's problem, meets their needs, or creates value for them.

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    Differentiation is what sets a business apart in a crowded market. It’s not just about being different; it’s about being compellingly different in a way that matters to your target audience. This means deeply understanding your customers’ needs and preferences and developing a unique value proposition that addresses those needs better than anyone else.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (110) 2

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    Arabella the shark understands that in the vast ocean, every creature must stand out to thrive. Just as a brightly colored fish catches the eye, businesses need to differentiate themselves from the swarm of competitors. Without distinct features or innovative solutions, companies risk blending into the background, losing both allure and customers. To avoid this, just like the most striking creatures of the deep, businesses must highlight their unique qualities, ensuring that their value proposition shines clearly through the sea of sameness. Let Arabella's vibrant reef inspire us to define and communicate our own distinct advantages, setting our offerings apart and captivating our audience. Spread Shark Love #divineintervention #gabenfreude


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (119) 1

  • Gabriela Joelsas Timerman Maritime Decarbonization | Agroforestry | Open Source | Energy Transition | Equality | Inclusion
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    Another prevalent pitfall in business development surfaces when differentiation from competitors is lacking. Whether in product solutions, price competitiveness, or core value propositions, failure to stand out hampers success. In a saturated market, generic offerings fade into the background, overshadowed by more distinctive alternatives. Identifying and amplifying unique selling points becomes paramount. Without a clear edge, businesses risk being lost in the sea of competition, compromising market share and growth potential. Sustainable success demands a keen understanding of what sets a company apart and leveraging those differentiators effectively.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (128) 1

  • HUGO ZUREK Vicepresidente Transformación Digital y CiberseguridadDesarrollo la transformación digital creando nuevos modelos de negocio sostenibles y rentables que escalan, a partir de la tecnología e innovación, de forma segura
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    La falta de diferenciación es una trampa silenciosa en la estrategia empresarial. Sin una propuesta de valor única (USP), los productos y servicios corren el riesgo de desvanecerse volviéndose commodities o alternativas fácilmente reemplazables e indistinguibles. La diferenciación no es solo un aspecto de marketing, sino una declaración de identidad y propósito. Es con lo que su empresa va a ganar al generar valor a sus clientes. Es el cómo y el porque un cliente elige una marca sobre otra. Por tanto, una USP convincente no es un lujo, sino un requisito esencial para cualquier negocio que busque no solo sobrevivir sino prosperar en un mercado competitivo.


  • Bruce B. A. West, MBA 🇺🇸 AI Strategist / Solutions Architect | DoD Technology Consultant | Veteran Combat Medic | Ex-AWS | Ex-Serial Entrepreneur
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    Lack of differentiation is a major weakness in business strategies. When a business, such as a new e-commerce platform, enters a saturated market without a unique selling proposition (USP), it often struggles to attract and retain customers. In today's competitive landscape, simply offering generic services or products isn't enough. Companies must differentiate themselves through unique features, exceptional service, innovative branding, or a distinctive market approach. Without these, businesses risk being lost in the crowd and unable to establish a loyal customer base or a strong market presence. Differentiation is key to standing out, creating value, and building a sustainable competitive advantage.


4 Weak relationship

A fourth common weakness in business development strategies is the weak relationship with the potential customer, market, or partner. This can result in losing trust, credibility, or loyalty. For example, if the business development team does not follow up, provide value, or engage with the potential customer, they might lose their interest, attention, or commitment. To avoid this weakness, the business development team should build and maintain a strong relationship with the potential customer, market, or partner, using various channels and methods, such as email, phone, social media, events, or referrals. They should also provide value, education, or support throughout the business development process, and address any issues or concerns that might arise.

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  • Mohammad Pazoukimehr Commercial Manager at Novo Nordisk
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    As business development affects all the departments present within the company, business developers must be up-to-date with the market’s movements to identify opportunities for expansion, revenue increase, and overall improvement.Activities under business development exist in various departments. All of these efforts are navigated by the business’s development goals. Innovation and business development are closely interrelated. It has a direct relationship that businesses must carefully watch out for as one affects the other.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (153) 5

  • HUGO ZUREK Vicepresidente Transformación Digital y CiberseguridadDesarrollo la transformación digital creando nuevos modelos de negocio sostenibles y rentables que escalan, a partir de la tecnología e innovación, de forma segura
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    Una relación débil con clientes y socios es un la deficiencia y muerte de un negocio. La confianza y la lealtad son la métrica de perdurabilidad de una empresa, con clientes que tienen cada vez más posibilidades y más información en la economía actual. Construir relaciones sólidas es un arte que implica compromiso y consistencia, más allá de la transacción inicial. La comunicación debe ser bidireccional, personal y continua, la personalización y el conocimiento de los clientes, utilizando todos los medios disponibles para entender y atender a las partes interesadas. En un mercado donde la fidelidad es volátil, la profundidad de las relaciones puede ser la diferencia entre el olvido y la preferencia.



    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (162) 1

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    Arabella the shark knows that a strong relationship with her fellow sea creatures is vital for a thriving ecosystem. Similarly, in business, weak connections with customers or partners can lead to a loss of trust and missed opportunities. Arabella observes that the most successful creatures are those that continually engage, offer support, and build mutual respect with others. Companies should emulate this, nurturing robust relationships through consistent communication, providing value, and addressing needs. Strong bonds, like the alliances in Arabella's world, are the cornerstone of sustained success and growth. Let's cultivate these connections to ensure a resilient and prosperous business environment.

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    In my dual roles as a digital health strategist and pharmacist, I've witnessed that weak relationships are the downfall of any business. Trust and loyalty are the metrics of a company's sustainability in a market where customers have abundant choices and information. Building robust relationships is an art that demands commitment and consistency beyond the initial transaction. Communication should be bidirectional, personal, and continuous. In a market where loyalty is volatile, the depth of relationships can be the difference between being forgotten and preferred.

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    Neglecting the relationship aspect of business development can be detrimental. A B2B company failing to nurture relationships with its distributors might find its products being outcompeted by others with stronger partnerships. Strong relationships can lead to better market penetration and sustained business growth.


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5 No follow-through

A fifth common weakness in business development strategies is the lack of follow-through after the deal is closed. This can result in losing the customer, market, or partner, or failing to achieve the expected outcomes. For example, if the business development team does not deliver on their promises, provide quality service, or measure the results, they might face dissatisfaction, complaints, or churn. To avoid this weakness, the business development team should follow through on their commitments, ensure a smooth transition, and provide ongoing support and communication. They should also monitor and evaluate the performance, impact, and feedback of the deal, and seek opportunities for improvement, upselling, or cross-selling.

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    In Arabella the shark's world, a promise is as binding as the currents. Similarly, in business, failing to follow through post-deal can erode trust and lead to lost opportunities. Arabella watches as the most respected creatures in the ocean are those who deliver on their commitments and support their peers long after the initial interaction. Businesses should adopt this steadfast approach, ensuring promises are kept, quality is upheld, and relationships continue to grow. Regularly evaluating and enhancing these engagements, much like Arabella's continuous reef patrols, can lead to lasting satisfaction and loyalty. Let's commit to not just closing deals but nurturing them into enduring partnerships. #divineintervention #gabenfreude


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (195) 2

  • Gabriela Joelsas Timerman Maritime Decarbonization | Agroforestry | Open Source | Energy Transition | Equality | Inclusion
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    In the realm of client retention and relationship building, a critical weakness often lies in neglecting the human element. Overemphasis on transactions without fostering genuine connections can erode customer loyalty. Building lasting relationships requires more than just delivering a product or service—it hinges on understanding client needs, engaging in open communication, and consistently providing value beyond the initial transaction. Failure to prioritize client satisfaction, address concerns promptly, or adapt to evolving customer expectations jeopardizes long-term loyalty. A robust client retention strategy revolves around nurturing meaningful connections, ensuring clients not only stay but become advocates for the brand.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (204) 2

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    A strategy without execution is a common pitfall. For example, a software company may have an excellent plan for a new product launch, but without proper follow-through, such as coordinating marketing efforts and training the sales team, the product may fail to reach its target audience effectively.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (213) 1

  • Lukas Peaco*ck --
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    Effective communication and physical contact with stakeholders are key. Show them that you value them by visiting them and provide continuous interaction related to the product or service you provide.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (222) 1

  • HUGO ZUREK Vicepresidente Transformación Digital y CiberseguridadDesarrollo la transformación digital creando nuevos modelos de negocio sostenibles y rentables que escalan, a partir de la tecnología e innovación, de forma segura
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    Se mide erradamente. Se mide a veces la cantidad o volumen vendido, no el valor o la rentabilidad agregada. Se mide el número de usuarios y no el de clientes leales, recurrentes y que no destruyen valor. Cuando se mide mal, se gestiona mal y se decide mal. Las métricas son pocas pero deben ser bien seleccionadas en negocios que escalan de manera rentable y sostenible, generando valor para las partes interesadas



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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Katriona Lee CEO @ Bear Venture Group | Strategy Advisor | Board Director
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    Before commencing with any outbound business development or sales efforts, it's imperative that we understand our: Ideal Customer Profile (who?), Problem Space (why? and when?), our Unique Selling Proposition (what? and how?), and likely channel (where?). Getting clear answers to those questions enables us to be specific about the challenges our product/service is uniquely capable of solving, for which our target customers can easily be persuaded to pay for. Wherever possible, share anecdotes and quantified examples of how you've effectively solved pain-paints relevant to your prospect. Generic outreach will yield sub-par results at best, and at worst, cost you precious time / competitive edge even if your offering is amazing!


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (239) 11

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    Adaptability and resilience should be baked into any business development strategy. It’s not enough to set a course; one must also be prepared to navigate unexpected turns. This means staying informed, being ready to reassess assumptions, and having contingency plans. The capacity to evolve in the face of change is a hallmark of a robust strategy.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (248) 7

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    Beyond these common weaknesses, consider the adaptability of your strategy. The business landscape is ever-changing, and strategies need to be flexible. For instance, a retailer with a rigid strategy that did not adapt to the e-commerce boom likely lost market share to more agile competitors. A robust business development strategy anticipates change and incorporates flexibility to pivot as needed.


    What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (257) What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (258) 6

  • Gabriela Joelsas Timerman Maritime Decarbonization | Agroforestry | Open Source | Energy Transition | Equality | Inclusion
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    Drawing from the Cambridge Innovation Course, consider the case of Apple Inc. Their success lies not just in groundbreaking products, but in cultivating a unique relationship with users. Apple's seamless integration of hardware and software, coupled with a focus on user experience, has elevated them beyond mere product providers. This holistic approach to innovation has fostered unparalleled client loyalty. Conversely, businesses like BlackBerry, despite early dominance, faltered by underestimating evolving user preferences and failing to differentiate. These examples underscore the pivotal role of innovation and client-centric strategies in shaping long-term success.


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    Another area that is overlooked is developing Business Risk. We often place a lot of focus on activities/milestones or initiative without assessing what are any external factors that could negatively impact the success of the initiative. I think we need to look at the initiative and list the risk and monitor those risk. Strategic risk is important and needs to have a seat at the table like all other areas we consider important.


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What are the most common weaknesses in business development strategies? (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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