What are the most common barriers to creativity? (2024)

Last updated on May 15, 2024

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Fear of failure


Lack of diversity


Time pressure


Fixed mindset


Negative emotions


Here’s what else to consider

Creativity is the ability to generate novel and useful ideas, solutions, or products. It is essential for innovation, problem-solving, and collaboration in any field or domain. However, creativity is not always easy to achieve, especially in a group setting. There are many barriers that can hinder your creative potential and limit your performance. In this article, we will explore some of the most common barriers to creativity and how you can overcome them.

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  • Alex Gombos Talent Acquisition Leader | Top Recruiting Voice | Worldwide Voice in Gaming 🎮 | All thoughts + opinions are my own 🤘

    What are the most common barriers to creativity? (3) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (4) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (5) 125

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  • Yonela Maka Talent Acquisition Manager at CyberPro Consulting | 🚀 Passionate People Connector 🌟 | Technical Recruiter…

    What are the most common barriers to creativity? (7) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (8) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (9) 47

  • What are the most common barriers to creativity? (11) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (12) 26

What are the most common barriers to creativity? (13) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (14) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (15)

1 Fear of failure

One of the biggest obstacles to creativity is the fear of failure. Many people avoid taking risks, trying new things, or expressing their opinions because they are afraid of making mistakes, being rejected, or facing criticism. This can lead to a lack of confidence, motivation, and originality. To overcome this barrier, you need to embrace failure as a learning opportunity, not a personal flaw. You also need to cultivate a growth mindset, which means that you believe that your abilities and talents can improve with effort and feedback. Instead of focusing on the outcome, focus on the process and the value of your ideas.

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    The fear of failure is a common barrier that can significantly impact creativity. When individuals are afraid of making mistakes or facing criticism, it creates a mindset that can inhibit their ability to think creatively and take risks.


    What are the most common barriers to creativity? (24) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (25) 26

  • Alex Gombos Talent Acquisition Leader | Top Recruiting Voice | Worldwide Voice in Gaming 🎮 | All thoughts + opinions are my own 🤘
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    I've mentioned something similar in another post, but I'm a big believer in healthy and positive failure. Meaning, go into something with an open mind when it comes to failure and look at it not as a negative but a positive, or learning or growth opportunity. Every failure leads to new data and I like to use that data to build upon my next iteration. I learn from each little failure, which can ultimately lead to a big success, it just takes time and often doesn't happen on your first go.


    What are the most common barriers to creativity? (34) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (35) 72

  • • Grant Elliott People | Performance | Partnerships | Strategy | Tech
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    In my experience the only way creativity can actually be present and spoken about is if there is trust in your environment. Trust that when you speak up, your colleagues and leaders listen and don’t judge. Having that freedom of speech comes from environments where you feel safe to be authentic. Creativity is present when you have a healthy team environment and culture.


    What are the most common barriers to creativity? (44) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (45) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (46) 21

  • Henrique Garcia, CNPI-T, PAAP® Partner at Eu me banco and EMB University, Miami
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    Uma das barreiras mais comuns, na minha visão, é não acreditar em si mesmo. Nós mesmos somos nossos próprios sabotadores, ao não acreditar que podemos ser criativos. Todos nós podemos usar a criatividade a nosso favor; claro, algumas atividades são necessárias para que possamos desenvolver este aspecto.



    What are the most common barriers to creativity? (55) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (56) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (57) 16

  • Jennifer "JP" Patterson Creative Production Executive
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    Creativity is being held ransom by an elite group of titled "creatives". When producers or other team members attempt to contribute or throw out creative ideas that they believe will help the process and improve the outcome they repeatedly get told to stay in their lane. Titled Creatives want exclusivity on all creative input and decisions at the expense of minimizing the contributions of others on the team, which corrodes moral and creates fear, which also prolongs a cycle of inefficiency and budget bloat where creatives are left unchecked and colleagues are devalued and scared to speak up. If we want change I would look to companies to set the expectation amongst creative teams that input from their colleagues is welcomed.


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2 Lack of diversity

Another barrier to creativity is the lack of diversity in your team, network, or environment. When you are surrounded by people who think, act, or look like you, you tend to conform to their norms and expectations. You also tend to rely on familiar sources of information and inspiration, which can limit your perspective and insight. To overcome this barrier, you need to seek out different viewpoints, experiences, and cultures. You also need to be open-minded, curious, and respectful of others' opinions and backgrounds. Diversity can enrich your creativity by exposing you to new ideas, challenges, and opportunities.

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  • Richard Croll Dad of 3 Girls | Regional Sales Manager @ Equifinance | Business Relationship Management, Sales Growth
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    In my experience, diversity also means giving people of all backgrounds and department’s a voice or a stake in an organisations vision or mission.


    What are the most common barriers to creativity? (76) 9

  • Walter Scott Senior Director of Key Accounts, CoConstruct at Buildertrend
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    Without surfacing diverse thoughts and opinions, your team or organization will never get past "groupthink" or the "yes" men and women who just agree with "the boss." If you seek actual strategic and organizational alignment then challenge the status quo and actively solicit new ideas and ways of thinking! It's one thing to say you welcome diverse opinions, it's another to go out and ask people to challenge you.


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  • Francesco Lugli Retail Director - General Manager - Area Manager
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    Focus on diversity it's a hard work. Because you have to fight with culture, with bias, with short term targets and expectations. It's a hard personal work a leader has to do on his/her self. Being intentional in looking at diversity, challenging in listen to different perspectives, recognise your self, your background. And I can't stop to repeat, being strongly intentional in doing this.


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  • Yonela Maka Talent Acquisition Manager at CyberPro Consulting | 🚀 Passionate People Connector 🌟 | Technical Recruiter Extraordinaire 💻 | Turning Talent into Triumphs! 🚀 | Proud MamaBear | [email protected]
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    Having worked in diverse organizations, I've gained valuable insights and cultivated an open-minded approach. Facilitating knowledge-sharing sessions and workshops has been a key strategy, allowing individuals to showcase their expertise. This not only fosters open-mindedness but also encourages curiosity and continuous learning. Engaging in these sessions offers a platform to understand diverse perspectives, enabling us to appreciate various ways of thinking and problem-solving. The profound takeaway lies in comprehending not just how individuals perceive situations, but also in learning from their approaches to overcoming obstacles.


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  • Fabiano Araújo Gerente Geral de Agência | Itaú Unibanco | Campeão AGIR 2016 | CPA-20 | Gestão de Pessoas | MBA Gestão Empresarial
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    Nelson Rodrigues, escritor e jornalista brasileiro, tem uma frase atribuída a ele que diz que "toda unanimidade é burra". Trazendo para o tema estudado nesse artigo, podemos traduzir que "onde todos são iguais, o diferente não aparece".É preciso que para termos uma equipe criativa tenhamos uma diversidade de pessoas, com origens, raças, sexualidades, credos, idades, posições sociais, enfim, para que a representatividade das ideias consigam brotar, atingir e fazer sentido para a maior parte de pessoas.



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3 Time pressure

A third barrier to creativity is the time pressure that you face in your work or projects. When you have tight deadlines, urgent tasks, or multiple demands, you tend to focus on efficiency, productivity, and quality. You also tend to use conventional methods, follow routines, or stick to the rules. While these are important aspects of any work, they can also stifle your creativity by reducing your flexibility, experimentation, and exploration. To overcome this barrier, you need to balance your time between urgent and important activities, and between focused and diffuse modes of thinking. You also need to allocate some time for brainstorming, reflection, and relaxation.

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  • Yonela Maka Talent Acquisition Manager at CyberPro Consulting | 🚀 Passionate People Connector 🌟 | Technical Recruiter Extraordinaire 💻 | Turning Talent into Triumphs! 🚀 | Proud MamaBear | [email protected]
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    Working in IT time pressure is unavoidable. The best way I have learned to better manage my time and get maximum productivity out of it is by allocating a set amount of time for various tasks in this way everything gets its own fair share of time and nothing is left to chance :)


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  • Janine Brewer I Simplify Complex Topics for Customers and Teams to Enable Business Growth
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    The best thing to do when you're under time pressure is to block time slots for the areas you need to focus on. Close your inbox, log out of Teams, put your phone outside the room and just focus on one thing you need to complete. These time blocks include reflection, brainstorming and self-care. You cannot please everyone, so you may as well please yourself by focusing on what's important to your success.


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  • Alison Worsfold Assoc CIPD Talent Acquisition Partner - Digital Transformation


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    I have heard of companies (especially in tech) where employees are allowed to spend 20% of their time on any personal project they like. This has brought about many new ideas through employees personal passions and interests.


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  • • Elaine Herring Business Development Specialist | Problem Solver | Electronic Components Specialist | Distribution Sales Professional | TTI, Inc.
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    How often do we put pressure on ourselves to complete something that we think is urgent only to find out it is not? Sacrificing a lunch break to get more done but causing burnout? It is important to determine what is urgent and important. Deciding on the tasks to do immediately, schedule to do later, delegate to someone else or eliminate will provide the best ROI. Time is precious and it is important to spend it wisely and prioritize. It is also important to sit with our thoughts each day and let our minds wander. In my experience self-discipline and a plan rather than desire and “busy” helps me meet my goals.


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    The dual challenges of time constraints AND the constant influx of tasks from upper management often push us into autopilot mode, limiting our capacity for innovative thinking and unique perspectives. To break free from these routine constraints and stimulate creative thought, a compelling approach is to designate one hour, twice a week, early morning when our minds are at their freshest and most alert. This intentional time allows us to step back and contemplate the bigger picture. Just as ideas often strike people in unconventional settings—whether it's during a morning shower, a leisurely hike, or a simple coffee break WITHOUT the distraction of phones—this dedicated time can serve as a catalyst for innovative thinking.


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4 Fixed mindset

A fourth barrier to creativity is the fixed mindset that you have about yourself or your situation. When you have a fixed mindset, you believe that your abilities and talents are innate and unchangeable. You also believe that your situation is determined by external factors and beyond your control. This can lead to a lack of initiative, challenge, and improvement. You also tend to resist change, feedback, or collaboration. To overcome this barrier, you need to adopt a growth mindset, which means that you believe that your abilities and talents can develop with effort and feedback. You also need to take responsibility for your situation and seek opportunities for growth and change.

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  • • Grant Elliott People | Performance | Partnerships | Strategy | Tech
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    A growth mindset is paramount for individuals when trying to cultivate an environment of innovation and creativity. This can only be achieved by the ways your leaders, managers, board react to mistakes made and decisions which haven’t worked favourably. If there is a fear of failure inherent in an environment, individuals will be less likely to express themselves and also will be fearful of feedback and more likely taking it as a negative rather than than an opportunity for growth. A love of learning and continual questions about how you can get better as a team is a result of a group that has a high performing culture. It starts at the top.


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  • Gurbux Singh Managing Director


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    A happy, free environment where innovation and flow of new ideas is appreciated and thrives and is indeed emphasised has to be deliberately created and entrenched as a building block of any organisation. Fixed mindsets start from leadership. Leaders must drive creativity and appreciate even the smallest attempts so that flow of ideas can happen.


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  • Melanie Parrish, SPHR Founder of Strategic People Solutions ⦁ Visionary CEOs and entrepreneurs hire me to design and implement a people strategy that accelerates their company's growth.
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    Understanding that there is typically more than one right way to do something can open the door to more creative and collaborative thinking. Bringing in other viewpoints can challenge your mindset and set the stage for your own growth. It can be an ego challenge but if you can be secure in the value you bring regardless of the outcome your ability to creatively solve problems will grow.


    What are the most common barriers to creativity? (187) 5

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    In many Tier 2 and 3 cities in India, there is a lack of exposure to creative thinking and innovation. Its because of number of factors, such as a lack of access to quality teachers in Indian schools and culture or not giving access to role models who are seen as being creative and innovative. The education system in India always places a heavy emphasis on rote learning and memorization.This does discourage creativity and innovation, and does not teach students how to think critically or come up with new ideas.Change the Indian education system place a greater emphasis on creativity and innovation. This can include things like coaching students how to think critically, come up with new ideas and solve problems creatively in a superb way


    What are the most common barriers to creativity? (196) 4

  • Scott Kotoul Senior Business Development Manager
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    Get your mindset right whatever you need to do 1st, once there, embrace that.Keep your eyes open for opportunity, they are all around us each day. work with others to collaborate, but take responsibility for your part and follow through.


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5 Negative emotions

A fifth barrier to creativity is the negative emotions that you experience in your work or life. When you feel stressed, anxious, angry, or depressed, you tend to narrow your focus, avoid risks, or withdraw from others. You also tend to lose interest, enthusiasm, or passion for your work or projects. These emotions can impair your creativity by affecting your cognition, motivation, and communication. To overcome this barrier, you need to manage your emotions and cope with your stressors. You also need to cultivate positive emotions, such as joy, gratitude, or curiosity, which can enhance your creativity by expanding your attention, encouraging risks, and fostering connections.

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    In my experience, I have found that a fulfilling morning routine sets a superb creative tone for the day.- I start every day with listening to "The Mindset Mentor" podcast by Rob Dial, which inspires me to think positively.- I also may meditate, do pilates or go for a walk.I then have a healthy breakfast that gives me the right energy to sustain my creative thinking.These steps all set the foundation for me to be my best self. And, if I get a creative blocker during the day or get some negative feelings, getting outside for some fresh air, reading a book, or taking a lunch break helps me to break free of these feelings again.


    What are the most common barriers to creativity? (214) What are the most common barriers to creativity? (215) 6

  • Anna Moizio Global Talent Sourcing Partner @ ABB | Recruitment, Talent Sourcing
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    Sometimes fear of judgement affect creativity. You are not sure of how much you can share and how much you can truly be creative, expecially with new colleagues or in new roles.


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  • Pankaj Kumar Agarwal Vice President at Accenture
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    While negative emotional plays big role in taking decisions, to me personally best way is to look at the situation in hand is at par, considering what if I have a tough situation back home, will I join hands with family to solve or not? If answer is yes, join hands with your extended family at work 😀


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  • Fabiano Araújo Gerente Geral de Agência | Itaú Unibanco | Campeão AGIR 2016 | CPA-20 | Gestão de Pessoas | MBA Gestão Empresarial
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    As emoções negativas são péssimas para que as pessoas amadureçam os seus lados criativos. A primeira limitação dessa barreira que uma pessoa pode demonstrar é ela dizer pra si mesma que ela não é criativa, que ela não possui esse dom.Primeiro que a criatividade não é um dom, é uma habilidade inerente a todo ser humano e que pode ser desenvolvida ou exercitada caso esteja "atrofiada".Depois, o negativismo bloqueia a nossa abertura para o novo por nos colocar em uma esfera de medo para o novo. Se temos medo do novo, se estamos enclausurados dentro de uma redoma, não conseguimos fluir as nossas ideias nos privando de que os insights surjam.



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    Lack of Motivation and Inspiration:Creativity often requires a source of motivation and inspiration. A lack of intrinsic motivation or external inspiration can lead to a creative slump. To overcome this barrier, individuals can seek inspiration from various sources, engage in activities that spark their curiosity, and cultivate a passion for their work.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Alex Gombos Talent Acquisition Leader | Top Recruiting Voice | Worldwide Voice in Gaming 🎮 | All thoughts + opinions are my own 🤘
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    We don't get bored anymore. We don't make room for creativity to happen naturally. We overwork ourselves (gym, work, errands, kids and everything that comes with supporting little humans, meal-prepping, homework, etc.) and doom-scrolling until the wee hours of the morning, when was the last time you had a moment to just... think or let your mind wander? We are so often inundated with noise. I find it calming and meditative to run, walk, take hikes, or just sit for a few minutes without headphones. As an adult, gone are the days where I can sit around with my friends and play with our cool toys, but... are they really? Make space for fun and creativity to happen even though we're no longer kids. It's good for our mental health!


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  • F.B. LAM Chief Investment Officer @ Brandhorus Capital Group | Took profit of 547% at GFC 08 | Climate Advocacy | UHNW Client Management | Policy Research | Keen sportsman, philanthropist and dancer
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    Another point is overthinking or analysis paralysis: Overthinking a problem or getting caught up in unnecessary details can hinder creative thinking. Sometimes, individuals become so focused on finding the perfect solution that they get stuck in a cycle of analysis without making progress.Additionally, seeking feedback and learning from failures can help break through barriers and stimulate creativity.


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    In my humble opinion, the greatest barrier to creativity within the current ecosystem is the fairly low set of expectations from the craft. Since everything moves so fast, “creative” is made so easily and the judges are so many, the bar is extremely low. The gold is getting lost in the mix, and there’s very little desire to mine for diamonds.


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  • Narelle Price Senior Account Manager at SHL
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    Lack of curiosity stifles innovation and creativity, for example accepting rules, processes and approaches and doing things because that is simply how it was always done without seeking to understand why and the impact. Not stopping to check in every once in a while, to consider if there is a better way. Being focused on the here and now alone, not considering where the opportunities lay for tomorrow and beyond.


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  • Jonathan Novack KTTV FOX11 Meteorologist
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    Fundamentally, creativity is an expression of the individual self, and serves as a way to exercise our free will, as well as connect with the creative spirit of those around us. For creativity to become abundant and rich, an environment needs to allow for, encourage, hold in high esteem and reward individuality.


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What are the most common barriers to creativity? (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.