What are the best ways to influence stakeholders during a change process? (2024)

Last updated on Jul 17, 2024

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Identify your stakeholders


Communicate clearly and consistently


Involve and consult your stakeholders


Build trust and rapport


Address resistance and objections


Inspire and motivate your stakeholders

Change is inevitable, but not always easy. Whether you are leading a new project, implementing a new system, or introducing a new policy, you will need to influence stakeholders to support your vision and goals. Stakeholders are anyone who has an interest or impact on the change, such as customers, employees, managers, suppliers, or regulators. How can you persuade them to embrace the change and overcome their resistance or concerns? Here are some best practices to guide you.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Tailor your communication:

    Customize messages for different stakeholders to address their unique needs and concerns. This targeted approach ensures that everyone feels heard and understood, thereby increasing their buy-in.

  • Walk the talk:

    Lead by example to inspire change. When stakeholders see you embodying the desired change, they’re more likely to follow suit, creating a ripple effect of positive transformation across your organization.

This summary is powered by AI and these experts

  • DANIELLE GUZMAN Coaching employees and brands to be…
  • JAKE Small 🏳️🌈 Author, "FOR EVERY BLACK BOY" 🖤 | TEDx…

1 Identify your stakeholders

The first step is to identify who your stakeholders are and what their needs, expectations, and motivations are. You can use a stakeholder analysis tool, such as a matrix or a map, to categorize them based on their level of influence and interest in the change. This will help you prioritize your communication and engagement strategies and tailor your messages to each group. For example, you may need to provide more information and reassurance to those who are highly affected by the change, and more incentives and recognition to those who can champion the change.

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  • NARAYANAN PALANI 🏦Platform Engineering Lead 𓐬ௐ🦚🐓 💳Retail, Commercial and Investment Banking 📚Best Seller 👉FOLLOW
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    Considering stakeholders as other humans is super important. Being inclusive and respecting neuro diversity such as ADHD in stakeholders are critical since not all disabilities are visible! Alternative methods to contact them and approach them in a better way they like is equally important. E.g: One of my stakeholders is 70% visually impaired hence he recommends a chat with slowly pronounced words help him understand the narration better when comparing to digital messages in which he need support in reading them and there is a delay involved due to assistive technologies. Moral of the story: Be inclusive and identify the right method of communication for stakeholders.


    What are the best ways to influence stakeholders during a change process? (11) What are the best ways to influence stakeholders during a change process? (12) What are the best ways to influence stakeholders during a change process? (13) 5

  • JAKE Small 🏳️🌈 Author, "FOR EVERY BLACK BOY" 🖤 | TEDx Speaker
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    It can be helpful to prioritize stakeholders so you know where best to put your time and energy but nobody likes to feel like an afterthought. Be intentional and empathetic!

  • (edited)

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    When considering an organizational change, we want to ensure all stakeholders have input and consideration. Forcing change via swift action may seen efficient at the onset, but failure to engage all affected team members in the process from the beginning can lead to catastrophic results. As someone with little patience, Im tempted to move the ball fast. I often need to tap the brakes and make sure team engagement is significant before pressing on. Even a highly critical stakeholder could overcome their specific objections to the change if they are a part of the conversation and a much more likley to "buy in" if fully engaged in the process.

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    Every executive prioritizes "innovation and change." However, to identify stakeholders, consider the impact of the change. Is it an incremental change to existing business operations expected to make some impact within a fiscal year? Or is it a transformative/disruptive change, for example, to capture a new wave to stay competitive/enter new markets that will make a significant impact in the next 2-5 years? Stakeholder needs, expectations, and motivations are very different for each and require different communication and engagement strategies.


2 Communicate clearly and consistently

Communication is key to any successful change process. Communicate the purpose, benefits, and impact of the change to your stakeholders in a clear and consistent manner. Communicate the process, timeline, and milestones of the change, and provide regular updates and feedback. Use different channels and formats, such as emails, meetings, newsletters, webinars, or videos, to reach your audience and reinforce your message. Avoid jargon, ambiguity, and inconsistency, and use positive and persuasive language.

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  • JAKE Small 🏳️🌈 Author, "FOR EVERY BLACK BOY" 🖤 | TEDx Speaker
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    Different stakeholders need different types of communication. Consider what the best and most effective medium will be as well as who the best messenger might be. A personalized recorded video from your executive director will feel different from a tweet from your company page.


    What are the best ways to influence stakeholders during a change process? (46) 1

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    During times of change, there’s no such thing as over communicating The communication needs to include resources to support change challenged individuals as well as reiteration of the new direction.


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  • Anupama ("Ann") Rajaram Analytics | Risk Management | Transformation
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    "What's in it for me?" All communications should answer this vital Q for the audience. This makes it easier for the message to resonate more easily and convert stakeholders to idea champions and evangelists for your initiative.


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  • NARAYANAN PALANI 🏦Platform Engineering Lead 𓐬ௐ🦚🐓 💳Retail, Commercial and Investment Banking 📚Best Seller 👉FOLLOW
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    A common mistake is the different information in each channel misleading stakeholders when reviewed by different media sources. If there is a strategy and vision to follow, representation of such values should be consistent across banners, newsletters, videos with identical facts. This is called 'telling the same story which has been told'


3 Involve and consult your stakeholders

Involving and consulting your stakeholders is not only a sign of respect, but also a way to gain their input, feedback, and buy-in. You can invite them to participate in the planning, design, or testing of the change, or ask them to provide suggestions, opinions, or concerns. You can also create forums, surveys, or focus groups to solicit their views and address their issues. By involving and consulting your stakeholders, you can show that you value their contribution, understand their perspective, and incorporate their feedback into the change.

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    The earlier in the process we involve stakeholders, the deeper the buy in. Asking for input into the planning and creation typically assures loyalty and advocacy through the process. This is called the IKEA affect; when one puts a high value into something they were involved in creating. Such a democratic process leads to much smoother and easier change.


    What are the best ways to influence stakeholders during a change process? (81) 2

  • JAKE Small 🏳️🌈 Author, "FOR EVERY BLACK BOY" 🖤 | TEDx Speaker
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    Folks deserve to be a part of the creation if they will be expected to champion the final product!We all want to see the efforts of our labor succeed. It is either to root for something that we had a hand in building.


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  • Melissa Cohen Personal Branding and LinkedIn® Presence Expertise | Amazon Bestselling Author | Panel and Podcast Guest | The Good Witch of LinkedIn ✨
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    If your key stakeholders don’t support the change, it will be nearly impossible to implement successfully. Getting their buy in is key. The best way to gain the support of stakeholders is to consult with them early, often and consistently. Get their opinions, listen to their concerns, and implement their suggestions where practical. When people feel heard in the process rather than feeling dictated to, they will give you their support and loyalty.

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    Involve stakeholders early and in one on one meetings learn their motivators and challenges to be able to address on time. Skipping this step can affect the semuccess of your message and leave a stakeholder that is unable to agree and communicate the benefits of this change to their organization.


4 Build trust and rapport

Trust and rapport are essential for influencing your stakeholders. Establish and maintain a positive and professional relationship with them, based on honesty, integrity, and credibility. You can do this by being transparent, authentic, and respectful in your communication and actions. You can also show empathy, appreciation, and recognition for their feelings, needs, and achievements. By building trust and rapport, you can foster a climate of openness, collaboration, and support for the change.

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  • Prabhleen Kaur, ACC Coach Head HR at Imperial Auto Industries Limited(Erstwhile Warburg Pincus Organisation)
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    Building trust and rapport with stakeholders at all levels is critical, and it's just not communicating formally in the meetings but touching the right chord both personally and professionally beyond office job to infuse trust in the system which also means to accepting each others' strengths and capitalise on them to synergise and sing in symphony


    What are the best ways to influence stakeholders during a change process? (115) What are the best ways to influence stakeholders during a change process? (116) 7

  • Robin Jarvis, SPHR, GTML
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    Although these are not numbered, my work has led me to begin building rapport and trust as soon as I've identified my stakeholders. I can communicate clearly, etc., but if I haven't taken the time to establish the relationship, the communication may not be a) understood or b)valued.


    What are the best ways to influence stakeholders during a change process? (125) What are the best ways to influence stakeholders during a change process? (126) 6

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    I've learned that by being open and completely honest (for example, "yes, parts of this are going to be hard - and I'm asking for your help to get us to where we need to be") that stakeholders are more open to the change - if they understand WHY it's happening. I think this also opens the door to bring them on as co-owners in the change, rather than victims of the change. I think that good leaders understand that they won't see all the nuances and details that their subordinates will, and being open to input goes a long way in paving the way for change.


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    When it comes to building trust, the importance of leading by example cannot be understated. If you don't practice what you preach, your words will ring hollow. The very best leaders walk the walk and model behavior others will want to emulate.

  • Greg Crossan, CPA, M.B.A., CPC, ELI-MP I empower tax professionals to boost performance while finding balance.


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    I find trust is an essential element in being an effective influencer. Building trust takes time and the speed at which business moves is always increasing. This means you need to invest in relationships and in building trust long before you need to influence. If you start only when you have a project, you may not have the time to do the ground work. Identify key people in your internal network and invest the time in getting to know them and to understand the challenges they have. Do your homework, and bring them value in every interaction. This will make influencing them in the future much easier.


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5 Address resistance and objections

Resistance and objections are inevitable in any change process. Anticipate and address them proactively and constructively. You can do this by listening actively, acknowledging their emotions, and validating their concerns. You can also provide facts, evidence, and examples to support your arguments, and highlight the benefits and opportunities of the change. You can also offer solutions, alternatives, or compromises to overcome their barriers or challenges. By addressing resistance and objections, you can reduce their negative impact and increase their acceptance and commitment.

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  • Sharon Rhinehimer Compliance and Privacy Advisor for TRIHealth
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    I believe this to be very true. One thing I've found helpful is the power of the pause. Pause and listen to what they find challenging to overcome. Let them know you hear them and understand. Find ways to see things from their perspective. This will allow you to rephrase the changes you are trying to implement from their vantage point and understanding. Doing so helps soften the barriers they are having trouble with.


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  • Whitney Johnson Learning is the oxygen of human growth. Learn along with me on the Disrupt Yourself podcast.
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    Understanding the emotional experience of disruption or change is important for anticipating the needs of your stakeholders. When we start something new, it can feel slow and like the change is imperceptible. This can be discouraging. As a leader, we need to recognize, call out, and celebrate the small achievements so that the team feels success rather than stagnation.


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  • Al Dea Helping Organizations Develop Their Leaders - Leadership Facilitator, Keynote Speaker, Podcast Host
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    Being able to listen and demonstrate empathy is really critical to managing resistance and objections. It's not just important that you show that you are coming up with a solution, but also that you hear what they're concerns are, when necessary, that you're comfortable with making adjustments, and that ultimately, you are there to address and support them as they navigate through the change


6 Inspire and motivate your stakeholders

Inspiring and motivating your stakeholders is the ultimate goal of influencing them. Create a compelling vision and story for the change, and connect it to their values, goals, and aspirations. Demonstrate enthusiasm, passion, and confidence in the change, and model the desired behaviors and attitudes. You can also use incentives, rewards, or recognition to encourage and reinforce their participation and performance. By inspiring and motivating your stakeholders, you can create a shared sense of purpose, direction, and ownership for the change.

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  • DANIELLE GUZMAN Coaching employees and brands to be unstoppable on social media | Employee Advocacy Futurist | Career Coach | Speaker
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    Walking the talk is so important. Be the change you want to see. And find centers of influence you can bring on the journey. Knowing that if they’re motivated to action they in turn influence pockets of employees across the organization. With a little planning this is a highly effective way to drive momentum quickly and sustainably.


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  • Nathalie Gregg Adjunct Professor, Leadership Coach, Speaker,
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    When you inspire your stakeholders they will become engaged. Your goal is to move them from engaged to champion. Championing a process will sparkle innovation and strategic collaboration that often exceeds results. #LeadLoudly #leadership #focus #success


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What are the best ways to influence stakeholders during a change process? (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.