What are the Best Moving Averages for Swing Traders? (2024)

As a swing trader, you have an arsenal of technical indicators you can rely on to help you uncover opportunities and execute trades. However, among the most frequently used indicators are moving averages. From the SMA (simple moving average) to the EMA (exponential moving average), to the MACD (moving average convergence divergence) – there are quite a few different moving averages you can rely on. Further complicating matters is the time frame for which each of these indicators can be looked at through. There’s the 5-day moving average, 20-day moving average, and even a 250-day moving average – among many others.

All this variety can lead to analysis paralysis – as you ponder all the different indicators and end up stuck in your thoughts, failing to actually gain confidence in your decision-making. That’s why in this article, we’re going to answer a common question our community asks: what is the best moving average for swing trading?

Keep in mind – each of these moving averages has its place in your arsenal. However, some are more insightful than others. And if you had to rely on just one for swing trading in particular, our recommendation would be the 20-day simple or exponential moving average – and we’ll explain why later on. First, let’s explain what moving averages are in the first place, why they’re so important, and how you can use them in your trading plan.

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What Exactly are Moving Averages?

We recently wrote a complete guide discussing the best swing trade indicators. There, we touched on moving averages in general and their variations. But in this section, we’re going to go a bit deeper.

A moving average is simply a calculation that takes the average price of a security over a certain period of time – and then plots that data on a chart. For example, if you’re looking at a 50-day moving average (MA), you’re essentially taking the past 50 days’ worth of closing prices and averaging them out. This gives you a good idea of the overall trend of a stock.

The Different Moving Averages Explained

There are different types of moving averages – as we briefly mentioned before. The most common ones used in trading are the SMA (simple moving average), EMA (exponential moving average), and MACD (moving average convergence divergence). However, there are quite a few others worth mentioning as well. We’ll break them all down below – starting with the SMA.

SMA (Simple Moving Average)

The SMA is the most basic type of moving average. As we briefly touched on, it simply takes the past X number of days’ worth of closing prices and averages them out. For example, if you’re looking at a 50-day SMA, you’re taking the past 50 days’ worth of closing prices and averaging them.

EMAs (Exponential Moving Average)

An exponential moving average (EMA) puts more weight on recent price action than a simple moving average does. The formula for an EMA includes a multiplier, which essentially determines how much weight is given to the most recent price. The larger the multiplier, the more weight that’s given to the most recent price – making it more responsive to recent price changes.

SMMA (Smoothed Moving Average)

A smooth moving average is simply an EMA that has had its multiplier reduced. This makes it less responsive to recent price changes than an EMA – but more responsive than a standard SMA.

LWMA (Linear Weighted Moving Average)

A linear weighted moving average (LWMA) is similar to an EMA in that it gives more weight to recent price action. However, the way the LWMA calculates weighting is different. With an LWMA, the weight given to each closing price declines linearly – as opposed to exponentially like with EMAs.

MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence)

The MACD is a bit more complex than a simple moving average or EMA. It’s actually the difference between two exponential moving averages – the 26-day EMA and the 12-day EMA. MACD lines are plotted above and below a zero line, which signals bullish and bearish momentum, respectively.

There are quite a few other types of moving averages we could touch on – including the Hull Moving Average (HMA), Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA), Kaufman’s Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA), Vidya’s Linear Regression Slope (VLSM), and many others. However, we don’t want to get too far into the weeds. The purpose of this article is to help you discover the best moving averages to use for swing trading – so with that said, let’s break down the pros and cons of each style.

How Time Frames Factor Into Moving Averages

Just as there are different types of moving averages, each of these can be broken down further by time frame. We wrote a complete guide on which time frame is best for swing trading if you’d like to learn more. However, we’ll touch on the basics here. There are three main time frames to consider when swing trading: short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term.

Short-Term Moving Averages

A short-term moving average is any MA that has a time frame of 20 days or less. The most common MAs used in this time frame are the 50-day, 100-day, and 200-day MAs.

Intermediate-Term Moving Averages

An intermediate-term moving average is any MA with a time frame of 21 days to 200 days. The most popular MAs in this category are the 100-day, 150-day, and 200-day MAs.

Longer-Term Moving Averages

A long-term moving average is an MA with a time frame of 200 days or more. The most common ones used by traders are the 200-day and 300-day MAs.

So – What are the Best Moving Averages for Swing Trading?

Now that we’ve gone over the different types of moving averages, it’s time to answer the question – what are the best moving averages for swing trading? The answer isn’t as simple as you might hope. The best moving average for swing trading depends on your trading goals and risk tolerance. That said, there are certain types of moving averages that tend to work better than others for swing trading. In general, exponential moving averages (EMAs) are a good choice – as they’re more responsive to recent price action than simple moving averages (SMAs).

Another thing to keep in mind is the length of the moving average. A longer moving average will smooth out some of the noise and help you better identify the overall trend. Conversely, a shorter moving average will be more responsive to recent price changes – which can be helpful if you’re looking to enter or exit a trade quickly. For swing trading, in particular, most investors benefit from sticking with intermediate time frames – such as a 20-day moving average. However, the 50-day moving average is another great option. It’s a solid balance of short and long-term insight.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment with different moving averages and find what works best for your trading style. As we always say – the best way to learn is by actually trading. Starting swing trading with a small account – or even paper trading with fake money – will help you determine which MA’s provide you with the greatest insights for your unique trading strategy. And, no matter which moving average you end up using, we’re going to break down how you can actually go about using it below.

How to Use Moving Averages for Swing Trading

Now that we’ve answered the question – what are the best moving averages for swing trading? – it’s time to show you how to actually use them. Moving averages can be used in a few different ways when swing trading. We’re going to touch on three of the most popular methods below.

Identify the Overall Trend

The first way to use moving averages is to simply identify the overall trend. This is probably the most common way that MAs are used by traders. By plotting a MA on your chart, you can quickly see whether a stock is in an uptrend, downtrend, or sideways pattern.

An uptrend occurs when the stock is making higher highs and higher lows. In other words, each successive peak and trough is higher than the last. A downtrend is the opposite – with the stock making lower lows and lower highs. And, finally, a sideways or range-bound market occurs when the stock isn’t making any clear directional moves – it’s just bouncing around between support and resistance levels.

Time Your Entry

Once you’ve identified the overall trend, you can use moving averages to help time your entry into a trade. For instance, let’s say you’re looking at a stock in an uptrend that suddenly starts to pull back towards its MA. This could be an opportunity to buy the dip – as long as the MA holds as support. Conversely, if a stock in a downtrend starts to rally back up towards its MA, this could be a good time to sell or short the stock.

The key here is to wait for confirmation before taking a trade. In other words, don’t just blindly buy or sell a stock every time it touches its MA. Instead, look for candlestick patterns or other indicators that signal that the trend is still intact – even after the pullback. This will help you avoid false breakouts and increase your chances of success.

Exit Your Trades

Moving averages can also be used to help you exit your trades – either at a profit or a loss. For example, if you’re in an uptrending stock and the price starts to drop below its MA, this could be a sign that the trend is reversing and it’s time to get out. Similarly, if you’re in a downtrending stock and the price starts to move back above its MA, this could be a sign that the trend is losing momentum and it’s time to take your profits.

Of course, it’s always best to use other technical indicators in conjunction with MAs to confirm your exit signal. For instance, you could wait for the RSI indicator to become overbought or oversold before taking action. Or, you could look for candlestick patterns like bearish reversals or bullish reversals.

A Simpler Way to Find Opportunities, Entries, & Exits: No Manual Analysis Necessary!

Even using the best moving averages for swing trading can become time-consuming, complicated, and at times, inaccurate. Fortunately, there is a better way to conduct analysis that requires no manual work on your end. You can effortlessly find opportunities and identify entry/exit points – no guesswork, no emotion. Just sound investment principles that have been perfected over the course of the past decades. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not – our stock forecast website is the #1 resource for investors looking to simplify things while earning better returns.

The VectorVest system boils down all fundamental and technical analyses into three proprietary ratings: Relative Value, Relative Safety, and Relative Timing. These make up the VST (value, safety, timing) rating a stock is given. All of these ratings are easy to understand, ranked on a scale of 0.00-2.00. The closer to 2.00, the better a stock is performing against the average. And, this system provides investors with a clear buy, sell, or hold recommendation for any given stock. You can still use technical indicators – like moving averages – to help validate opportunities and time entries/exits. But, the point is that you don’t have to. Wouldn’t it be nice to earn more profits while spending less time in front of a screen? That’s the value behind VectorVest.

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Final Thoughts on the Best Moving Averages for Swing Trading

So, what are the best moving averages for swing trading? In our opinion, you can’t beat the 20-day or 50-day SMA or EMA. These give swing traders all the insights they need to uncover trends and find the perfect entry/exit point. And while using moving averages can be beneficial, there is an easier, more straightforward way to trade. With VectorVest, you don’t have to spend nearly as much time staring at charts. And you’ll enjoy a greater rate of success along the way. What more could you ask for?

If you want to learn swing trading more, find great resources in our blog – such as our articles on swing trading for beginners, swing trading pros and cons, or swing trading vs scalping.

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Precision Swing Trading|Midas Touch Swing Trading|Swing Trading Success|Master Candlestick Analysis

I'm a seasoned financial analyst and trading enthusiast with a deep understanding of technical indicators, particularly those related to swing trading. My expertise is rooted in years of practical experience, and I've successfully employed various moving averages in real-time market scenarios.

In the provided article on swing trading and moving averages, the author discusses the significance of these indicators in executing successful trades. The article covers a range of concepts, including different types of moving averages and their variations, the importance of time frames, and practical strategies for utilizing moving averages in swing trading.

Moving averages, such as the Simple Moving Average (SMA), Exponential Moving Average (EMA), and Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), are explained thoroughly. The SMA is described as a basic average of closing prices over a specified period. On the other hand, the EMA, with its weighted approach, emphasizes recent price action, making it more responsive to changes. The MACD is presented as a more complex indicator, representing the difference between two EMAs.

The article also introduces other moving averages like Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA) and Linear Weighted Moving Average (LWMA), briefly highlighting their characteristics. It wisely avoids delving too deep into lesser-known moving averages, keeping the focus on practicality for swing traders.

The discussion extends to the impact of time frames on moving averages, categorizing them into short-term, intermediate-term, and longer-term. The author suggests that the choice of moving average and time frame depends on individual trading goals and risk tolerance.

The core question addressed in the article is, "What is the best moving average for swing trading?" The recommendation leans towards the 20-day SMA or EMA for their balance between short and long-term insights, with an acknowledgment that the choice ultimately depends on the trader's preferences.

To enhance the article's practicality, it guides readers on how to use moving averages for swing trading. This includes identifying the overall trend, timing entry points, and deciding when to exit trades. The emphasis on waiting for confirmation signals and using additional technical indicators for validation aligns with sound trading principles.

Towards the end, the article introduces VectorVest as a tool that simplifies market analysis by providing proprietary ratings and clear buy, sell, or hold recommendations. It positions VectorVest as a time-saving solution for investors.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of moving averages in the context of swing trading, catering to both novice and experienced traders. The author combines theoretical concepts with practical advice, promoting a balanced and informed approach to using moving averages for successful swing trading.

What are the Best Moving Averages for Swing Traders? (2024)


What are the Best Moving Averages for Swing Traders? ›

20 / 21 period: The 21 moving average is my preferred choice when it comes to short-term swing trading. During trends, price respects it so well and it also signals trend shifts. 50 period: The 50 moving average is the standard swing-trading moving average and is very popular.

What is the best moving average to use for swing trading? ›

For swing trading, in particular, most investors benefit from sticking with intermediate time frames – such as a 20-day moving average. However, the 50-day moving average is another great option. It's a solid balance of short and long-term insight.

What is the most successful moving average? ›

For short-term trades the 5, 10, and 20 period moving averages are best, while longer-term trading makes best use of the 50, 100, and 200 period moving averages.

What moving averages do traders use? ›

Five, eight, and 13-bar simple moving averages (SMAs) offer relatively strong inputs for day traders seeking an edge in trading the market from both the long and short sides. Moving averages work as macro filters as well, telling the observant trader the best times to stand aside and wait for more favorable conditions.

Which indicator is best for swing trading? ›

Here are the top 10 indicators that swing traders rely on to make informed decisions:
  • Relative strength index (RSI) ...
  • Stochastic oscillator. ...
  • Ease of movement (EOM) ...
  • Bollinger bands. ...
  • Fibonacci retracements. ...
  • Support and resistance. ...
  • OBV (On-Balance Volume) ...
  • MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence)
Aug 10, 2023

What is the 5 8 13 21 EMA strategy? ›

The 5 8 13 21 EMA strategy revolves around spotting trends, gauging their strength, and identifying potential entry and exit points. Here's a breakdown of how the strategy typically works: Trend Identification: The EMAs help traders identify trends in the market.

Which strategy is best for swing trading? ›

The top swing trading strategies are Fibonacci Retracement, Trend Trading, Reversal Trading, Breakout Strategy and Simple Moving Averages.

What are the three best moving averages? ›

You'll gain insights on fine-tuning entry and exit points and filtering market noise for more disciplined, effective trades across various market conditions.
  • Key Takeaways.
  • 21 Popular Moving Average Trading Strategies. ...
  • Simple Moving Average (SMA) ...
  • Exponential Moving Average (EMA) ...
  • Weighted Moving Average (WMA)
Feb 25, 2024

How do I choose the best moving average? ›

Use a moving average that is roughly half the length of the cycle that you are tracking. If the peak-to-peak cycle length is roughly 250 days (1 year) then a 125 day moving average is appropriate. Cycle lengths do vary so you will probably be left with a choice of several different time periods.

What is the best simple moving average strategy? ›

Which moving average is best?
  • Short-term: 9-day or 10-day average is used as a directional filter.
  • Medium-term: Medium-term moving average tends to be the most accurate.
  • Long-term: A 50-day moving average is best suited for identifying a long-term direction for price movement.

What is the golden cross moving average? ›

A Golden Cross is a basic technical indicator that occurs in the market when a short-term moving average (50-day) of an asset rises above a long-term moving average (200-day). When traders see a Golden Cross occur, they view this chart pattern as indicative of a strong bull market.

How to master moving average? ›

To calculate the MA, you simply add up the set of numbers and divide by the total number of values in the set. For example, if you wanted to calculate the moving average of a five-year period, you would add up the numbers over that period, and then divide by five.

Which moving average is best for scalping? ›

First off, both SMA and EMA are the best indicators for 1 minute scalping. The Simple Moving Average (SMA) tracks the average closing price of the last number of periods. For example, a 50-day SMA will display the average closing price of 50 trading days, where all of them are given equal weight in the indicator.

Which moving average is best for swing trading? ›

20 / 21 period: The 21 moving average is my preferred choice when it comes to short-term swing trading.

Which chart is best for swing trading? ›

There are two types of charts you can use when swing trading: candlestick charts and bar charts. Candlestick charts give you more insights because they show the opening, closing, high, and low prices for a stock. Bar charts only show the closing price.

What time frame is best for swing trading? ›

Generally, a swing trader holds the stock between a few days to a few weeks. The best time frame for swing trading if you have just started investing is between 6 months to 1 year. Technical analysis is a crucial tool in this process.

What is a good average volume for swing trading? ›

Since swing trades rely on shorter periods of time, the volume thresholds can also use shorter periods. A 10-day consolidation with volume at the highest level of the entire consolidation is often enough. It's more telling than a comparison to the 50-day average volume.

Which time frame is best for swing trading? ›

The best timeframe for swing trading includes 1-hour, 4-hour, and daily timeframes. Here's why: 1-hour charts: Short enough to give you intraday insights but long enough to help you spot broader swings. 4-hour charts: A balanced point of view for identifying short-term and medium-term trends.

What is the 9 21 55 EMA strategy? ›

The market is uptrend when the 9 EMA is above the 21-period and 55-period EMAs. The market is in a downtrend when the 9-EMA is below the other two. To enter a long trade using this strategy, first, you look out for a cross of the 9 EMA above the 21 EMA while both are above the 55 EMA.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.