What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (2024)

Last updated on Sep 15, 2024

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Advantage: Easy to understand and interpret


Advantage: Flexible and adaptable


Disadvantage: Sensitive to outliers and noise


Disadvantage: Prone to overfitting and underfitting


Challenge: Assumptions and limitations


Application: Regression models examples and applications


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Linear regression is one of the most widely used and simplest methods for predictive analytics. It is a statistical technique that models the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. For example, you can use linear regression to predict sales based on advertising spend, customer satisfaction based on service quality, or life expectancy based on health factors. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? In this article, we will explore some of the pros and cons of this method and how to overcome some of the challenges.

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  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I…

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (7) 6

  • Paras Gupta Microsoft certified Azure Data Scientist || 8+ years of expertise in Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial…

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (9) 5

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (10) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (11) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (12)

1 Advantage: Easy to understand and interpret

One of the main advantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics is that it is easy to understand and interpret. The linear equation that represents the relationship between the variables can be expressed in a simple form: y = a + bx, where y is the dependent variable, a is the intercept, b is the slope, and x is the independent variable. You can use this equation to estimate the value of y for any given value of x, or to test hypotheses about the significance and direction of the relationship. You can also visualize the linear relationship by plotting the data points and the regression line on a graph.

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    Linear regression is easy to interpret, computationally efficient, and works well with linear relationships. However, it struggles with complex, nonlinear data, is sensitive to outliers, and assumes hom*oscedasticity and normality, which may not hold in all datasets.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (21) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (22) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (23) 7

  • Paras Gupta Microsoft certified Azure Data Scientist || 8+ years of expertise in Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, stakeholder and product management
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    Linear regression offers simplicity, interpretability, and efficiency in predictive analytics. Its straightforward implementation and intuitive understanding make it accessible for beginners and serve as a baseline model for comparison with more complex techniques. The interpretability of coefficients provides clear insights into variable relationships, aiding in understanding the underlying mechanisms driving predictions. Moreover, linear regression is computationally efficient, making it suitable for handling large datasets and real-time applications


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (32) 5

  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    In one PoC Project, we aimed to predict sales based on advertising spend. We chose linear regression due to its simplicity. Using the formula y = a + bx, where y represented sales and x was advertising spend, we could easily interpret the results.By plotting the data points and regression line, the team quickly grasped how changes in advertising influenced sales. This transparency helped stakeholders understand the model and trust its predictions. However, we also learned that while linear regression is great for straightforward relationships, it struggles with more complex patterns, reminding us to always consider the nature of our data before selecting a model.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (41) 3

  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    Using linear regression for predictive analytics offers a significant advantage in its simplicity and interpretability. The linear equation, y = a + bx, clearly shows the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. This straightforward form allows for easy estimation of outcomes and hypothesis testing regarding the relationship's significance and direction. Visualizing data with a regression line enhances understanding, making it accessible even to those without a deep statistical background. However, ensure data meets linearity assumptions, as violations can lead to inaccurate predictions. Regularly validate models to maintain predictive accuracy and reliability.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (50) 3

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    Linear regression can be used to make the linear relationship from non-linear data and use the linear equation y = mx + c to predict or estimate the value y for any input value of x. It plots the data points on the graph and best-fit regression line to visualize linear relationships and predict the value.


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2 Advantage: Flexible and adaptable

Another advantage of using linear regression for predictive analytics is that it is flexible and adaptable. You can use linear regression to model different types of relationships, such as linear, polynomial, logarithmic, exponential, or inverse. You can also use linear regression to handle multiple independent variables, by using multiple linear regression or multivariate linear regression. You can also use linear regression to incorporate categorical variables, by using dummy variables or encoding techniques. Moreover, you can use linear regression to deal with non-linear or complex relationships, by using transformations, interactions, or regularization methods.

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  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    In a recent PoC, our team needed to predict customer churn. Initially, we started with a simple linear regression model. As we explored more, we realized the relationship was more complex. We adapted by using polynomial regression, which better captured the non-linear patterns.We also included multiple independent variables such as usage frequency and customer service interactions, making our model more robust. By encoding categorical variables like subscription type, we improved the model's accuracy. This experience taught us the flexibility of linear regression and the importance of adapting our models to fit the data's complexity.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (68) 5

  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    Linear regression's flexibility and adaptability are key strengths in predictive analytics. It can model various relationships, including polynomial and exponential, and handle multiple independent variables through multiple or multivariate regression. Incorporating categorical variables with dummy variables or encoding techniques is straightforward. Additionally, non-linear or complex relationships can be addressed using transformations, interactions, or regularization methods. This versatility makes linear regression a valuable tool across diverse scenarios. Regularly assess the assumptions and fit of the model to ensure it captures the underlying data dynamics accurately.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (77) 3

  • David Lee Director
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    To add on what had been written, beyond just linear relationships, this method can effectively capture a spectrum of relationships, including polynomial, logarithmic, exponential, or inverse functions. Accommodating multiple independent variables is seamless through the implementation of multiple linear regression or multivariate linear regression techniques. Linear regression further extends its applicability by integrating categorical variables using dummy variables or encoding strategies. The flexibility of linear regression shines through in handling non-linear or intricate relationships with the utilization of transformations, interactions, or regularization methods.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (86) 1

3 Disadvantage: Sensitive to outliers and noise

One of the main disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics is that it is sensitive to outliers and noise. Outliers are data points that deviate significantly from the rest of the data, and noise is random variation or error in the data. Both outliers and noise can affect the accuracy and reliability of the linear regression model, by distorting the slope, intercept, and error terms of the equation. To reduce the impact of outliers and noise, you need to carefully examine and clean your data, by using techniques such as descriptive statistics, box plots, histograms, scatter plots, or z-scores.

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  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    In a project predicting product demand, our initial linear regression model produced inconsistent results. We discovered outliers in the dataset—unusual spikes in sales due to promotional events. These outliers skewed our model, distorting the slope and intercept.To address this, we visualized the data with box plots and scatter plots to identify and understand the outliers. We then applied z-scores to remove extreme values and reduce noise. This data cleaning process significantly improved our model's accuracy and reliability, highlighting the importance of handling outliers and noise in predictive analytics.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (95) 5

  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    A notable disadvantage of linear regression in predictive analytics is its sensitivity to outliers and noise, which can distort the model's accuracy. To mitigate this, it's crucial to thoroughly examine and clean your data. Employ descriptive statistics, box plots, histograms, scatter plots, and z-scores to identify and address outliers and noise. Consider robust regression techniques or data transformations to reduce their impact. Regularly validate the model to ensure its reliability and adjust as necessary to maintain the integrity of your predictions. This proactive approach enhances model robustness and predictive performance.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (104) 2

  • David Lee Director
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    Here's what I'd be willing to add for now, outliers, representing data points that deviate significantly from the norm, and noise, indicating random variation or error, can distort parameters like slope, intercept, and error terms within the regression equation. Mitigating the adverse effects of outliers and noise necessitates diligent data examination and cleansing practices. Leveraging tools like descriptive statistics, box plots, histograms, scatter plots, or z-scores aids in identifying and addressing these anomalies effectively.


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  • Susan Coelius Keplinger CEO at Force of Nature | Performance Marketing at Scale
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    Linear regression models can be significantly affected by outliers and noise, as they can skew the results and reduce model accuracy. Regularly use diagnostic plots to identify outliers and leverage robust regression techniques or outlier removal to mitigate this issue.

  • Deepak Chopra Data Science Addict | currently @ Meta (Facebook) | ex-dunnhumby | ex-Target
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    .. Also in addition, it's important to note that linear regression assumes that the relationship between the independent variable(s) and dependent variable is linear, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios. Additionally, linear regression can be sensitive to multicollinearity, where independent variables are highly correlated with each other, leading to unstable estimates of the regression coefficients. -- Therefore, it's crucial to carefully evaluate the assumptions of linear regression before applying it to your data and consider alternative methods if necessary.


4 Disadvantage: Prone to overfitting and underfitting

Another disadvantage of using linear regression for predictive analytics is that it is prone to overfitting and underfitting. Overfitting occurs when the linear regression model fits the data too well, by capturing not only the general trend but also the random noise. This leads to a high variance and low bias model, which performs well on the training data but poorly on new or unseen data. Underfitting occurs when the linear regression model fits the data too poorly, by failing to capture the underlying pattern or relationship. This leads to a low variance and high bias model, which performs poorly on both the training and the test data. To avoid overfitting and underfitting, you need to select the appropriate number and type of independent variables, by using techniques such as feature selection, feature engineering, or cross-validation.

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  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    In a forecasting website traffic PoC, our initial linear regression model faced issues with overfitting. It performed excellently on training data but failed on new data. We realized the model was too complex, capturing noise along with the trend.To combat this, we used feature selection to keep only the most relevant variables and applied cross-validation to ensure the model generalized well. Conversely, when we stripped down the model too much, it underfitted, missing key patterns.By balancing feature complexity and validating our model, we achieved better performance on both training and unseen data, underscoring the need to manage overfitting and underfitting.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (138) 5

  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    Linear regression models can suffer from overfitting and underfitting, impacting their predictive performance. Overfitting occurs when the model captures noise along with the trend, resulting in poor generalization to new data. Underfitting happens when the model fails to capture the data's underlying patterns. To prevent these issues, use techniques like feature selection, feature engineering, and cross-validation to select the right number and type of independent variables. Regularly validate your model with new data and adjust as necessary to maintain an optimal balance between bias and variance, ensuring robust and reliable predictions.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (147) 3

  • Divya Hegde Actively seeking data science internship/co-op opportunities | MS in Data Science | Python, Machine Learning, NLP, and Deep Learning | Ex-Salesforce
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    LR assumes linear relationship between dependant and independent variables. When this is not the case, it performs poorly. Lack of features could lead to the model not capturing the patterns resulting in underfitting. Lack of regularization leads to overfitting. This is also true if you make the model too complex by introducing too many polynomial features.How to combat these cons? 1) Ensure model complexity is just right for the amount of training data2) Feature selection techniques3) Regularization4) Learning curves to check for bias/variance


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (156) 1

  • David Lee Director
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    Again, speaking from experience on WealthRyse, I believe overfitting transpires when the model excessively adheres to the training dataset, encapsulating not only the intended pattern but also random noise. This culminates in a high-variance, low-bias model that excels with training data but falters when presented with new or unseen data. Conversely, underfitting occurs when the model inadequately captures the intrinsic relationships within the data, leading to a low-variance, high-bias model that underperforms across both known and unknown datasets. Safeguarding against these pitfalls demands the judicious selection of independent variables through techniques like feature selection, feature engineering, or cross-validation.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (165) 1

5 Challenge: Assumptions and limitations

Linear regression has some assumptions and limitations that need to be checked and verified for predictive analytics. These include linearity (the relationship between the dependent and independent variables is linear or can be transformed into linear), normality (the error terms are normally distributed or can be approximated by normal distribution), hom*oscedasticity (the variance of the error terms is constant across different values of the independent variables), independence (the error terms are independent of each other and of the independent variables), and multicollinearity (the independent variables are not highly correlated with each other). If these assumptions are violated, the linear regression model may produce inaccurate or misleading results, so it is important to use techniques such as residual analysis, diagnostic plots, correlation matrix, variance inflation factor, or remedial measures to test and correct them.

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  • Lokesh Parab Data Scientist | Team Leader | Prompt Engineer | OpenAI | Llama 3 | Langchain | PowerBI | Tableau | Looker | AWS | GCP | Azure
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    Linear regression shines for linear relationships, but watch out for curves!While linear regression is a workhorse for predicting trends, it assumes a straight-line connection between variables. If the data has an exponential or polynomial bend, the model's predictions will add limitations to predictive results.


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  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    When using linear regression for predictive analytics, it's crucial to validate assumptions to avoid inaccurate results. Ensure linearity by examining scatter plots and transforming variables if needed. Check normality of error terms through Q-Q plots and histograms. Assess hom*oscedasticity using residual vs. fitted value plots. Verify independence with Durbin-Watson tests. Detect multicollinearity via correlation matrices and Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). Employ residual analysis and diagnostic plots to identify and address issues early. Regularly reviewing these aspects improves model reliability and predictive accuracy.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (183) 3

  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    Linear regression's effectiveness hinges on meeting key assumptions: linearity, normality, hom*oscedasticity, independence, and low multicollinearity. Violations can lead to inaccurate results. Regularly conduct residual analysis, use diagnostic plots, and calculate the correlation matrix and variance inflation factor to detect issues. Employ remedial measures like transformations or robust regression techniques when necessary. This proactive approach ensures your model's reliability and accuracy, leading to better predictive performance and more trustworthy insights.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (192) 3

  • David Lee Director
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    To add, I believe these include verifying the linearity of the relationship between dependent and independent variables, assessing the normality of error terms, confirming hom*oscedasticity (constant error variance), validating independence of error terms from one another and predictors, and ensuring minimal multicollinearity among independent variables. Detecting and rectifying any deviations from these assumptions is critical, as violations can gravely impact the accuracy and validity of the regression model's outcomes.


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  • Charles PH T. Data Science | Machine Learning | Forecasting
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    To check for multicollinearity, two popular techniques can be used:Correlation Matrix:You can calculate the correlation matrix for all predictor variables. If the correlation coefficient between two variables is close to 1 or -1, it indicates a strong linear relationship between them, which is a sign of multicollinearity. You can drop one of them from the model based on domain knowledge, variable importance, and model performance evaluation.Variance Inflation Factor (VIF):You can calculate VIF for all the predictors. In general, a VIF value above 5 suggests a problematic level of multicollinearity. Variables exceeding the threshold, especially the one with the highest VIF, should be evaluated for potential removal from the model.


6 Application: Regression models examples and applications

Linear regression is an invaluable tool for predictive analytics, which can be applied to various domains and scenarios. For instance, in business, linear regression can be used to forecast sales, revenue, profit, demand, cost, or market share depending on factors such as price, promotion, seasonality, or competition. In economics, linear regression can estimate the impact of macroeconomic variables such as GDP, inflation, interest rate, or unemployment on microeconomic variables. Additionally, in education it can evaluate the effect of educational inputs such as class size, teacher quality, curriculum, or resources on educational outputs. Furthermore, in health it can predict the risk of disease, mortality, or morbidity based on indicators such as age, gender, lifestyle, genetics, or environment. Lastly, in science linear regression can be used to model the relationship between physical phenomena such as force, mass, acceleration, temperature, pressure, or volume.

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  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    In a PoC to improve our marketing strategy, we used linear regression to forecast sales based on factors like price, promotion, and seasonality. By analyzing historical data, we identified which promotions drove the most sales and how seasonal trends affected demand.This model enabled us to allocate our marketing budget more effectively, boosting revenue. Additionally, we applied linear regression in a health-related project to predict patient readmission rates based on age, gender, and lifestyle factors. This helped the healthcare team focus on high-risk patients, improving care and reducing costs. These experiences demonstrated the versatility and power of linear regression across various domains.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (218) 5

  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    Linear regression is a versatile tool for predictive analytics across various domains. In business, use it to forecast sales, revenue, or demand based on factors like price and seasonality. In economics, it can estimate the impact of GDP or inflation on microeconomic variables. In education, evaluate how inputs like class size affect outputs like student performance. In health, predict disease risk based on indicators such as age and lifestyle. In science, model relationships between physical phenomena like force and acceleration. Regularly validate and refine models to ensure accuracy and relevance in each application.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Abdulla Pathan Next CIO Winner | AIML Icon | Driving competitive edge and operational excellence through AI/Cloud/Data analytics. I foster growth with agile, innovative solutions, align technology with business goals, and mentor teams
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    Advantages of Linear Regression for Predictive AnalyticsSimplicity: Easy to understand and implement.Interpretability: Clear insights into variable relationships.Efficiency: Fast and computationally light.Baseline Model: Useful for comparison with complex models.DisadvantagesLinearity Assumption: May not capture non-linear relationships.Sensitivity to Outliers: Can skew results.Overfitting: Prone to overfitting in high-dimensional data.Multicollinearity: Correlated predictors can distort results.ConsiderationsCombine with exploratory analysis and domain expertise to validate assumptions. Use cross-validation and regularization to prevent overfitting. Complement with other models to capture non-linear patterns.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (236) 6

  • Carlos Roberto Kassai Softwares que aprimoram o ERP nas decisões estratégicas: Budget, Custos, Pricing, Contabilidade Gerencial + consultoria (negócio e TI)
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    A regressão linear é inestimável para análises preditivas econômicas e financeiras, mas os algoritmos contábeis e financeiros (conhecidos mundialmente), em minha opinião, ainda são mais eficientes.Um bom software de Planejamento Orçamentário (planning), que tenha uma contabilidade por detrás (tornando as informações auditável), confere mais assertividade nas previsões, com simulações e projeções de cenários.



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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using linear regression for predictive analytics? (2024)
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