What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (2024)

Last updated on Jul 1, 2024

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What is LIFO method?


Why use LIFO method?


What are the drawbacks of LIFO method?


How to choose the best method for inventory valuation?


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If you run a business that sells goods, you need to account for the cost of your inventory. Inventory valuation is the process of assigning a monetary value to your stock of goods at the end of an accounting period. There are different methods of inventory valuation, such as FIFO (first in, first out), LIFO (last in, first out), and weighted average cost. In this article, we will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation.

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  • Karan Chopra CA | Risk Management, Business Consulting | 14k+

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (4) 6

  • CA Preeti Sharma Team lead

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (6) 5

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (8) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (9) 5

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (10) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (11) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (12)

1 What is LIFO method?

LIFO method is a way of valuing inventory that assumes that the last units of goods purchased or produced are the first ones to be sold. This means that the cost of goods sold (COGS) reflects the most recent prices of inventory, while the ending inventory reflects the oldest prices. For example, if you buy 100 units of a product at $10 each in January, 200 units at $12 each in February, and 300 units at $15 each in March, and you sell 400 units in March, your COGS will be $6,000 (300 x $15 + 100 x $12) and your ending inventory will be $1,400 (100 x $10 + 100 x $12) under LIFO method.

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  • CA Preeti Sharma Team lead
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    Advantages of LIFO:Tax Benefits: Lower taxable income during inflationary periods.Current Cost Matching: Matches recent costs with current revenues.Disadvantages of LIFO:Reduced Profits: Lower reported profits in financial statements.Inventory Valuation: Outdated inventory values on the balance sheet.Complexity: More complicated to maintain and less accepted internationally.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (21) 5

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    LIFO method is allowed in US GAAP, whereas IAS 2 Inventories does not allow for LIFO method usage. Whenever, LIFO method is used means that the ending inventory is valued at the cost of the older items purchased earlier.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (30) 3

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    The LIFO method offers certain advantages such as potentially better matching of current costs with revenues, which can enhance the accuracy of financial reporting in inflationary environments. Additionally, it may result in lower taxable income due to the higher cost of goods sold. However, it's important to acknowledge the drawbacks as well. LIFO can lead to outdated inventory costs being reported on the balance sheet, which may not reflect current market values accurately. Furthermore, it can complicate comparisons with competitors or industry benchmarks using different valuation methods. Ultimately, the decision to use LIFO should be carefully evaluated in light of the specific circ*mstances and objectives of the organization.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (39) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (40) 3

  • JYOTI SUTHAR |Harvard Delegate- HPAIR-24 | Master's Union'25- Cohort 13 | IIP-Applied Finance Intern KPMG India |CA Finalist - ICAI|


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    The LIFO method’s primary advantage is that it allows firms to lower their profits in an inflationary situation. There’s another advantage, as well. The LIFO method allows companies operating in an inflationary situation to reflect costs more accurately. However, this accounting method carries a distinct disadvantage. When a company follows the LIFO method, the ending inventory is valued at old prices. These don’t reflect the current situation. Consequently, the financial statements could present a distorted picture of the value of a company’s inventory.It’s generally accepted that FIFO is a better method. As a matter of fact, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) bans LIFO’s use.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (49) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (50) 2

  • Jaye Subramanian, CPA Dedicated to helping individuals and small businesses nationwide with making sound financial decisions by seeing beyond their numbers
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    Using the LIFO method for inventory valuation has its merits and drawbacks. On the positive side, it can offer tax advantages by reducing taxable income during periods of rising prices. However, it may not accurately reflect the true cost of inventory, potentially distorting financial statements. Additionally, LIFO can result in outdated inventory values during inflationary periods. Each method has its trade-offs, and the choice often depends on specific business circ*mstances and objectives.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (59) 1

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2 Why use LIFO method?

The LIFO method for inventory valuation has several advantages, particularly during times of rising prices or inflation. It matches the current cost of inventory with the current revenue, providing a more accurate depiction of gross profit margin and operating performance. Additionally, it reduces taxable income and income tax liability due to its higher COGS and lower net income than other methods. This can help the business conserve cash flow and reinvest in its operations. Additionally, LIFO also reduces the risk of inventory obsolescence since older inventory remains on the balance sheet and does not affect the income statement.

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  • Karan Chopra CA | Risk Management, Business Consulting | 14k+
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    In times of rising prices, the LIFO method tends to match the latest, more expensive inventory with current revenue, resulting in a lower reported profit. This can be advantageous for tax purposes as it may reduce taxable income.LIFO can also be beneficial for cash flow management, by assigning higher costs to COGS, companies may defer taxes, freeing up more cash for immediate needs.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (68) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (69) 6

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    LIFO can lower taxable income during inflationary periods as the COGS reflects more recent, higher prices. This can result in lower tax payments compared to FIFO.LIFO resonates matching concept: it may better match current expenses with current revenue in inflationary periods, as the cost of goods sold reflects closer to the actual cost of the items currently being sold.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (78) 1

  • Rebecca Jones Trainee Accountant
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    Tax Benefits: LIFO allows a business to match its most recent inventory costs with current revenue, resulting in lower reported profits and lower income tax liability. This can help businesses reduce their tax expenses in times of rising prices.Hedging Against Inflation: LIFO can buffer against the impact of inflation. When prices are rising, LIFO can provide a more accurate reflection of the increased cost of replacing inventory. This helps businesses maintain the purchasing power of their earnings.Smoothing Net Income: LIFO can help smooth a company's net income over time. During periods of inflation, LIFO can result in lower Cost of Goods Sold, which can lead to steadier and more consistent net income figures in financial statements.

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    The LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) method for inventory valuation offers several advantages and disadvantages. **Advantages**:1. Matches current costs with current revenues, providing a realistic profit margin during inflation.2. Results in higher COGS and lower taxable income, reducing tax liability and conserving cash.3. Mitigates inventory obsolescence risk by keeping older stock on the balance sheet.**Disadvantages**:1. Can understate inventory value on the balance sheet, affecting financial ratios.2. Not accepted under IFRS, limiting its international applicability.3. May lead to lower net income, potentially impacting investor perceptions and stock prices.


3 What are the drawbacks of LIFO method?

The LIFO method of inventory valuation has some drawbacks, particularly in times of stable or falling prices or deflation. It distorts the value of the ending inventory, as it does not reflect the current market prices or replacement costs, which can have a negative impact on the balance sheet ratios and solvency of the business. Additionally, it creates a LIFO reserve or LIFO liquidation problem, which can result in a deferred tax liability and reduced future earnings and cash flow. Furthermore, this method is not compatible with some international accounting standards (IAS) or generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This lack of compatibility can limit the comparability and transparency of financial statements across different markets and jurisdictions.

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    Drawbacks of using LIFO include:1. Inventory Valuation Issues: Inventory on the balance sheet may be significantly understated, as older, cheaper costs remain in inventory which results in misleading financial statements.2. Regulatory Restrictions: LIFO is not permitted under IFRS.3. Complexity in Tracking: Tracking LIFO layers can be complex and require detailed record-keeping, or sophisticated inventory management systems to maintain accuracy.4. Potential for Income Manipulation: through earnings management.5. Impact on Financial Ratios: Higher COGS under LIFO can result in lower gross profit margins, affecting profitability ratios and financial analysis.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (103) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (104) 5

  • Mark E.


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    IFRS and many local GAAPs prohibit the use of LIFO as it can distort an entities profitability and its inventory valuation on the balance sheet. Under IAS 2, inventory must be measured at the lower of cost and net reliable value.This poses complexity for accountants that produce group accounts under IFRS where complex adjustments will need to be made to conform with IAS 2.- Calculate your LIFO reserve;- Adjust the inventory;- Adjust Cost of Goods Sold (COGS);- Adjust any tax effects;- Update the consolidation entries; and- Provide adequate disclosures in the notes to financial statements.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (113) 4

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    - During deflationary periods, LIFO can overstate the value of ending inventory and distort profitability.- It can manipulate their reported income by strategically adding or reducing purchases before the end of a period.- LIFO is not accepted for tax purposes in many countries, making it less useful for companies operating internationally.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (122) 1

  • Rebecca Jones Trainee Accountant
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    Distorted Financial Statements: LIFO can distort the financial statements, making it difficult for investors and creditors to assess a company's true financial performance and profitability, as it may understate the value of inventory.Non-International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Compliant: LIFO is not allowed under IFRS, which is the accounting standard used in many countries. This can create challenges for multinational companies and those seeking international investors.

  • Sajith Eranga Ranasinghe Financial Accounting Professional || 12+ Years of Experience || IFRS Expert.
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    Due to the possibility that LIFO may not correctly reflect the true economic value of inventory, it can lead to distorted financial statements. This can make it challenging for creditors and investors to fairly evaluate the financial standing of a company.


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4 How to choose the best method for inventory valuation?

When selecting the best method for inventory valuation, businesses must take into account its impact on the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, and tax liability. Furthermore, they must evaluate the consistency and reliability of the method over time and across different accounting periods and inventory items. It is also important to consider the compliance and alignment of the method with relevant accounting standards and regulations. Lastly, businesses should assess the simplicity and feasibility of the method in terms of data collection, calculation, and reporting.

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  • Karan Chopra CA | Risk Management, Business Consulting | 14k+
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    Choosing the best inventory valuation method depends on various factors, including the nature of the business, industry standards, and regulatory requirements. If a business operates in an inflationary environment, LIFO may offer tax advantages but could compromise the accuracy of financial statements.Conversely, the First-In, First-Out (FIFO) method assumes that the oldest inventory is used first, providing a more accurate reflection of the cost of goods sold but potentially resulting in higher taxes during inflationary periods.Businesses may also opt for the Weighted Average Cost method (WAC), which calculates the average cost of inventory over a specific period.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (147) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (148) 4

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    - LIFO might be beneficial for retailers dealing with seasonal products or fluctuating prices, but the potential for manipulated earnings makes it less attractive.- Companies with stable production costs and low inflation might adopt LIFO for tax advantages. However, complex production processes can make cost tracking challenging.Choosing the right inventory valuation method depends on your specific industry, tax situation, and financial reporting goals.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (157) 1

  • Carlos Roberto Kassai Softwares que aprimoram o ERP nas decisões estratégicas: Budget, Custos, Pricing, Contabilidade Gerencial + consultoria (negócio e TI)
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    A forma gerencial é a melhor para tomar decisões de custos & pricing.É possível abrir mais os detalhes de mensuração por grandes grupos: clientes, produtos, etc...Um de nossos clientes, tem um cliente que ajuda comprar matéria prima do estoque, ou seja: influencia para um custo menor, mas gerencialmente aplicamos somente esta vantagem competitiva para este clientes.


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    The LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) method of inventory valuation has distinct advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that it matches recent costs with current revenues, potentially reducing taxable income in times of rising prices and thereby deferring tax payments. This can improve cash flow. However, LIFO can also reduce reported earnings, potentially affecting investor perceptions. Additionally, LIFO can lead to outdated inventory values on the balance sheet, as older, lower-cost inventory remains recorded. Compliance is another issue, as LIFO is not allowed under IFRS, limiting its use for international companies.


5 Here’s what else to consider

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    LIFO can be suitable for industries where natural resources are depleting, as it matches current extraction costs with current revenue.Always consult with an accountant for expert advice on the best method for the business.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (182) 5

  • Marcos Baez Consultor especialista Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) | Optimización de Procesos | Atracción de Talento | HR | Asesor Contable Fiscal | Implementación de ERP | Transformación Organizacional | Founder |
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    El método LIFO (Last In - First Out) para la valoración de inventarios tiene ventajas como reflejar costos actuales en periodos inflacionarios y reducir los impuestos sobre la renta. Sin embargo, conlleva desafíos de complejidad administrativa y contable, además de distorsionar la rentabilidad y los ratios financieros al no reflejar los costos actuales en un entorno deflacionario.



    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (191) 1

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    The LIFO (Last In, First Out) method for inventory valuation has its advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, LIFO can reduce taxable income during periods of inflation, as the cost of goods sold reflects higher recent prices, leading to lower taxes. This method also matches current costs with current revenues, providing a realistic view of profit margins. However, LIFO can distort inventory value on the balance sheet, as older, potentially outdated costs remain. Additionally, LIFO is not permitted under IFRS, limiting its use internationally. Companies must weigh these factors when choosing their inventory valuation method.


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using LIFO method for inventory valuation? (200) 1

  • Carlos Roberto Kassai Softwares que aprimoram o ERP nas decisões estratégicas: Budget, Custos, Pricing, Contabilidade Gerencial + consultoria (negócio e TI)
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    O Estoque é um custo invisível na formação de preço, e quando mal mensurado não reflete uma análise correta de margem, retorno, etc.costumo sugerir que para as leis contábeis oficiais e suas análises, mantenha o que há na lei.Mas, gerencialmente, para tomada de decisão faça pelo preço de mercado atual e futuro (estimativa).Preços de vendas iguais, podem necessitar de estoques diferentes, e quando não abordado não reflete o verdadeiro ganho ou margem.Capital de giro também é estoque. Para análise de retorno costumo considerar todo o capital empregado, como estoque.



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