What are the 5 Best Smart Contract Platforms for 2024? (2024)

Wondering about the best smart contracts platform? This article will provide a list of smart contract platforms that are the top 5 for 2024.

A List of Popular Smart Contract Platforms

The top smart contract platforms include the following:


Ethereum tops the list of smart contract platforms. While most people are aware of the Ethereum Project through its token, Ethereum or Ether or ERC-20, many are not aware that this is one of the most exciting startups in the last decade or two. It is the world‘s leading smart contract platform and is the top choice for most developers.

Why Use Ethereum

The platform first went live in July 2015. Since then it has grown by leaps and bounds and now facilitates smart contracts for everything from online games to ICOs. In fact, the vast majority of ICOs now use theERC-20 token standard to facilitate their offering.

The beauty of Ethereum‘s smart contract platform is the degree of standardization and support it offers. Ethereum has published a set of clearly defined rules for developers to follow, making smart contract development easier and less risky.

On the support side, apart from having the biggest market capitalization of all the smart contract platforms, Ethereum is completely dedicated to improving the way that smart contracts are created and operated.

To this end, they have even developed their own smart contract programming language, Solidity, which not only helps with standardization but also makes setting up contracts much easiertoo.

What Are the Issues With Ethereum

There are a few drawbacks to Ethereum, however. In recent years a number of security issues have exposed serious flaws in the platform. A recent study by researchers from Singapore and the UK found 34,000 Ethereum-based smart contracts that were vulnerable to bugs.

While Ethereum has been quick to address many of the bugs in its own code, including releasing ERC223 and ERC777 updates, a big problem still remains with the code being written by smart contract developers using the platform.

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That said, Ethereum is widely considered to be the best general-use smart contract platform. Such a platform can be used for everything from ICOs to facilitating smart contract use with almost any kind of decentralized application.

A final concern is Ethereum‘s success itself. Its network has been recorded as frequently running at 100% capacity, something that may worry application developers who need the guarantee that their contracts will always be processed quickly.

Ethereum Smart Contract Platform Features:

  • Free to set up. Contract transactions are charged in gas.
  • Ethereum token standard or ERC-20
  • Own smart contract programming language Solidity
  • Clear guidelines for developers
  • The cutting-edge development community
  • Lots of literature/help available
  • Smart contract developers nearly always have experience using Ethereum

Drawbacks to the platform:

  • Network frequently overloaded
  • More expensive than other platforms
  • Developers have found a number of security issues with the Ethereum code. Added to this, poor-quality smart contract code has left many contracts exposed to hackers.

Hyperledger Fabric

The second in the list of smart contract platforms and top of the list of Ethereum’s competitors is Hyperledger Fabric. The Hyperledger project began in December 2015 and was set up by the Linux Foundation. It is an open-source project that has the stated goal of supporting the development of blockchain-based distributed ledgers.

There are now several different frameworks being developed under the Hyperledger banner. These include Hyperledger Burrow, Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Sawtooth, and Hyperledger Indy.

Why Use Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is an excellent smart contract platform that has proven itself a really viable Ethereum platform alternative. Co-developed by IBM, it is a permissioned blockchain infrastructure that facilitates the execution of smart contracts or “chain codes”.

Like Ethereum, Hyperledger developers have created a set of extremely helpful tools that include Hyperledger Composer, a Javascript-based set of tools that allow developers to create smart contracts more easily and efficiently.

Developers can create smart contracts in JavaScript with Hyperledger Composer, in Go, and with a range of other common programming languages simply by installing the relevant modules.

This feature makes Hyperledger far more flexible as developers don‘t need to rely on a single language such as Solidity to code their smart contracts in.

Finally, Hyperledger is a permissioned network meaning that all the participants in the network have known identities. This makes it the go-to choice for companies who wish to create smart contracts but need to comply with data protection laws that require them to be known.

What Are the Issues With Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger doesn‘t have its own token system. Though this does have some advantages it does limit the kinds of smart contracts that can be easily deployed via its platform.

For those companies who wish to develop smart contracts that include the need for some form of payment transfer (ICOs for example) then they will be better off sticking to Ethereum, etc.

Hyperledger Smart Contract Platform Features:

  • Open Source and free to use;
  • Permissioned membership;
  • Supported by IBM;
  • Allows contracts to be coded in a variety of languages;
  • Reliable Performance;
  • Supports plug-in components.


  • No token system;


What are the 5 Best Smart Contract Platforms for 2024? (1)

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Nem was launched on March 31, 2015. It is favored by some developers because it is written in Java, one of the most used programming languages in the world.

Why Use Nem

This makes it super accessible since it doesn‘t require programmers to have to learn a platform-specific programming languages such as Solidity etc.

A second thing worth noting is that Java is far more developed and therefore has fewer security vulnerabilities than the newer platform-specific languages like Solidity.

Nem recently released the Catapult or Mijin v.2 updates, which according to numerous security experts, has made it the most secure smart contract platform out there.

It is an industry milestone that opens up new capabilities for blockchain database functionality.” – Source NEM.io Foundation President Lon Wong

The biggest selling point of Nem is that it is highly scalable. Also, where Ethereum can manage around 15 transactions per second, Nem is able to manage hundreds. It is for this reason that developers are increasingly jumping ship from other platforms like Ethereum.

Nem Smart Contract Platform Features

  • Created in Java, so easy to use
  • No platform-specific programming language
  • Scalability
  • Excellent performance


  • Smaller development community than other platforms;
  • Fewer tools available;
  • NEM uses code off the blockchain which makes it less decentralized.


What are the 5 Best Smart Contract Platforms for 2024? (2)

Fourth on the list of smart contract platforms, Stellar was founded back in 2014, making it one of the oldest smart contract platforms. It is maintained by the Stellar Development Foundation and has been repeatedly heralded as one of the most exciting blockchain startups out there.

A slew of recent good news stories that involve large companies deciding to implement the Stellar platform into their existing infrastructure has convinced industry experts that the Stellar network is really going places.

Why Use Stellar

One of the key areas where companies are looking to implement Stellar is in facilitating international payments. In late 2017, it partnered with IBM and KlickEx to offer a new low-cost way to transact cross-border transactions in the South Pacific region.

When it comes to the top smart contract platforms, Stellar is arguably simpler and easier to use than Ethereum but perhaps not as straightforward as Nem. However, it is really designed to facilitate simple smart contracts such as ICOs.

When to Pick From Other Smart Contracts Platforms

This is because Stellar is primarily a money exchange and so operates along those lines. If you are planning to develop more sophisticated smart contracts for Dapps, for example, then this is not really the platform to use.

When implemented for more straightforward smart contracts, Stellar outperforms rival Ethereum both in terms of speed and security.

The average cost for a transaction with Ripple is $0.0000002. To give you an idea of just how great value is this, Ethereum costs around $0.094 for the same transaction.

Nem Smart Contract Platform Features

  • Ideal for ICOs
  • Very inexpensive when compared to Ethereum
  • Simple platform
  • Good performance
  • Well-regarded within the industry


  • Not really suitable for more complex smart contract development


What are the 5 Best Smart Contract Platforms for 2024? (3)

Another one of the best alternatives in the list of smart contract platforms, Waves was launched in June 2016. It is an open-source platform that aimed to address many of the existing barriers that stand in the way of more mainstream blockchain implementation, namely speed and scalability.

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Why Use Wave

Much like Ripple, Wave has positioned itself as a platform to facilitate token operations. As such it is another excellent platform for ICOs. It takes just a few minutes to create your own tokens on the platform, something which is so easy to do as it requires next to no technical knowledge.

For more on Waves smart contract development, you can read their whitepaper.

Waves Smart Contract Platform Features

  • Ideal for ICOs and crowd-sales
  • Requires very little background knowledge to create own tokens


  • Not a very versatile platform
  • Still a relatively small user-base

For a complete list of smart contract platforms list, click this link.

Final Thoughts

Smart contracts are a truly revolutionary tool. They have the potential to decentralize many of the processes that we all rely on today. The exciting thing is that they have the power to dramatically improve existing solutions without being a direct threat to governments.

If you, as a business owner, are looking forward to engaging in smart contract development, you are making a wise investment decision, given the popularity and future of smart chain technology.

However, you will need expert blockchain developers to help you choose the right platform and blockchain methodology for developing and deploying smart contracts according to your business needs.

DevTeam.Space can help you here through its experienced blockchain developer community. Write to use your initial smart contract development project requirements via this form and one of our technical managers will get back to you for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a smart contract?

A smart contract is a digital blockchain-based contract that facilitates an agreement and sometimes an exchange between two parties. They can be used to agree on a property transfer or to automate supply chains, etc.

Which is a good smart contract platform?

Ethereum is a great place to develop and host smart contracts. The platform has its own smart contract language, Solidity, to help smart contract development.

Where can I find smart contract programmers?

If you are planning to create a smart contract then you will need great developers. You can find expert smart contract developers at DevTeam.Space.

I'm a seasoned expert in blockchain technology and smart contracts, with a proven track record of staying at the forefront of developments in the field. My extensive knowledge is based on hands-on experience, continuous learning, and a deep understanding of the nuances of various smart contract platforms.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article about the top smart contract platforms for 2024:



  • Established Dominance: Ethereum is a pioneer in the smart contract space and remains the go-to choice for developers.
  • ERC-20 Standard: Widely adopted standard for token creation, enhancing interoperability.
  • Solidity Language: Ethereum's own programming language streamlines and standardizes smart contract development.
  • Clear Guidelines: Ethereum provides clear rules for developers, fostering a standardized approach.


  • Security Issues: Ethereum has faced security vulnerabilities, with instances of exposed smart contracts.
  • Network Overload: The network's high usage has led to concerns about consistent transaction processing.

Hyperledger Fabric:


  • Permissioned Blockchain: Offers a permissioned network, ensuring known identities, crucial for compliance.
  • Diverse Language Support: Developers can code smart contracts in multiple languages, enhancing flexibility.
  • Developed by IBM: Hyperledger Fabric benefits from IBM's support and involvement.


  • No Token System: Lacks its own token system, limiting certain types of smart contracts.



  • Java-based: Uses Java, a widely adopted and secure programming language.
  • Scalability: Boasts high scalability, managing hundreds of transactions per second.
  • Security Updates: Recent updates, like Catapult or Mijin v.2, enhance security.


  • Smaller Community: Nem has a smaller development community compared to some other platforms.
  • Less Decentralized: Uses code off the blockchain, reducing decentralization.



  • International Payments: Well-suited for facilitating international payments.
  • Simple and Efficient: Simplicity and ease of use, especially for straightforward smart contracts like ICOs.


  • Not for Complex Contracts: Stellar may not be suitable for more complex smart contract development.



  • Speed and Scalability: Focuses on addressing barriers to mainstream blockchain implementation, emphasizing speed and scalability.
  • Token Operations: Designed for facilitating token operations, making it ideal for ICOs.


  • Limited Versatility: Waves is not as versatile for a wide range of use cases.
  • Smaller User Base: Relatively small user base compared to more established platforms.

In conclusion, choosing a smart contract platform depends on specific use cases, development requirements, and the desired features. Ethereum remains a top choice for its established position, but alternatives like Hyperledger Fabric, Nem, Stellar, and Waves cater to different needs, offering a diverse landscape for smart contract development.

What are the 5 Best Smart Contract Platforms for 2024? (2024)


What are the 5 Best Smart Contract Platforms for 2024? ›

Conclusion. The top smart contract platforms in 2024 are Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Cardano, Solana, Polkadot, Avalanche, and Tezos. Each platform has its own strengths and challenges.

What is the most popular platform for smart contracts? ›

Ethereum is the world's first and one of the best smart contract platforms which remains the most popular choice among developers. Following Bitcoin's decentralized concept, Ethereum has become a leader in smart contract platforms. Since its inception in 2015, the platform has launched more than 4,400 dApps.

What is the best Cryptocurrency for smart contracts? ›

Top Smart Contract Platform Coins Today By Market Cap
1Ethereum ( ETH )+2.10%
2BNB ( BNB )+3.52%
3Solana ( SOL )+3.60%
4Cardano ( ADA )+3.75%
39 more rows

What is the future of smart contracts? ›

The future of smart contracts holds immense potential to transform the way transactions are conducted but it will require ongoing research, development, and collaboration with a dedicated smart contract development company and the establishment of legal frameworks to unlock their full capabilities.

What are the Layer 1 smart contract platforms? ›

Layers and levels of smart contract platforms

They're usually characterized as Level 1 (L1) or Level 2 (L2) platforms. L1 platforms are blockchains on which smart contracts are executed directly on the main core platform. Prominent examples are Ethereum, Solana, Cardano and BNB Smart Chain.

What is the first smart contract platform? ›

Ethereum—the First Smart Contract Platform.

Which blockchain platforms support smart contracts? ›

It is common for public blockchains to support smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps), enabling complex programmable use cases. Popular public blockchains include Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and Polkadot.

Which network is the most reliable? ›

Most Reliable Network
  • 1st AT&T.
  • 2nd Verizon.
  • 3rd T-Mobile.

How to make money with smart contracts? ›

Opportunities to Earn with Smart Contracts
  1. Lending and borrowing - Supply assets to liquidity pools and earn interest from protocols like Aave and Compound.
  2. Liquidity mining - Provide liquidity to DEXs like Uniswap and Balancer to earn trading fees and rewards.
Nov 13, 2023

Are smart contracts better on Bitcoin or Ethereum? ›

Bitcoin is designed to provide an alternative to physical or fiat currency; Ethereum is intended for complex smart contracts and decentralized applications, which are believed to be part of the emerging (and theoretical) infrastructure of the future of the internet known as Web3.

Which coin is smart contract? ›

Currently, Ethereum is the most popular smart contract platform, but many other cryptocurrency blockchains (including EOS, Neo, Tezos, Tron, Polkadot, and Algorand) can run them.

Is Cardano good for smart contracts? ›

Tooling and languages​

Cardano introduced smart contract support in 2021. As a multi-functional environment, Cardano now supports the development and deployment of smart contracts using different programming languages. Here are some examples: Plutus — a purpose-built smart contract development and execution platform.

What are smart contracts replacing? ›

With smart contracts, central agents are eliminated and replaced by decentralized, distributed nodes that verify each transaction within the network. The time needed to finish the information processing and exchange is significantly reduced with the use of blockchain ledgers.

How risky are smart contracts? ›

Security Flaws and Loopholes

Security flaws, such as reentrancy attacks or overflow/underflow bugs, pose serious threats to smart contracts. These vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers, leading to unauthorized access or manipulation of contract functions.

What is a smart contract platform? ›

In this interpretation a smart contract is any kind of computer program which uses a blockchain. A smart contract also can be regarded as a secured stored procedure, as its execution and codified effects (like the transfer of tokens between parties) cannot be manipulated without modifying the blockchain itself.

What is the demand for smart contracts? ›

The Global Smart Contract market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period, between 2024 and 2032. In 2023, the market is growing at a steady rate and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.