What Are Money Affirmations? Do They Actually Work? | SoFi (2024)

By Alice Garbarini Hurley ·October 18, 2022 · 9 minute read

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What Are Money Affirmations? Do They Actually Work? | SoFi (1)

Affirmations, or phrases you repeat to help promote positive thinking and self-acceptance, are everywhere, from “Just do it” on Nike leggings to “Happiness comes in waves” on beach-house pillows. But what about money affirmations? Can they put a sunnier spin on finances or even help you reach your financial goals? If you’re curious or just want to give them a try, this guide will be a good introduction.

Naturally, it’s not motivating to be down on yourself with any life goals, from weight loss (“I can’t even lose five stupid pounds”) to finances (“I will never dig out of this debt”). Researchers at George Washington University’s Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center recently reviewed data showing that 60% of respondents ages 21 to 62 reported feeling anxiety and stress when thinking about their personal finances. Furthermore, they found that those emotions are highly linked to problematic financial behaviors and decreased financial security.

Could money affirmations help this kind of worry and negativity around finances? You can be the judge of that once you read this guide. You’ll learn the scoop on money affirmations, including:

• Whether money self-talk works

• 25 top phrases for affirmations about money

• How to choose positive affirmations for wealth

• How to write your own finance affirmations.

What Are Money Affirmations?

Affirmations about money are positive statements that reflect on you and your relationship. They capture optimistic viewpoints on the dollars that pass through your hands (or stay in your savings account). Some people value these as being a step towards achieving financial success.

An affirmation can be as simple as “My finances will get better.” If you are, say, out of work and in debt, repeating such a statement may seem like putting on rose-colored glasses.

But many financial advisors and life coaches believe that looking on the bright side can manifest a positive change in prosperity and help you learn how to become financially independent.

Fans of finance affirmations say that repeating them can help you believe them and thus avoid impulsive or unwise money decisions, such as selling stocks or splurging on a vacation when neither is in your budget right now.
Repeating key words may help keep your financial goals top of mind.

Others, however, believe that these sayings don’t impact one’s money. It’s a very personal decision whether to implement affirmations or not.

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How Do You Use Money Affirmations?

Financial affirmations can be used by anyone who wants a better relationship with money; no skills or prior knowledge required.

Those who believe in affirmations suggest saying them aloud or in your mind or writing them down to condition yourself into positive self-talk.You could jot them on a sticky note to post on your computer, mirror, fridge, and/or car dashboard. Some people like to put the words on their phone lock screen; others may prefer to write them in a notebook or journal daily.

The affirmation you choose will likely be something personally resonant. It might range from “The sunrise is free. I will watch it once this week” to “I choose to set aside savings every payday.”

The goal is to repeat the affirmations often enough to impact your outlook, enabling you to recognize how to achieve financial security.

The prevailing wisdom is to make time to repeat affirmations several times, at least once a day. Try turning to them when you are overwhelmed, sad, scared, or stressed to help move toward a shift in how you see yourself and your money skills.

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Do Money Affirmations Actually Work?

No golden rule exists–there’s no guarantee that if you repeat money affirmations, your financial well-being will improve. No matter what you see online, read in books, or watch on YouTube, no one knows 100% whether money affirmations, even if repeated 100 times, will truly improve finances and build wealth. But proponents believe in them.

Moreover, consider that research shows that stress and anxiety about money can lead to problematic spending decisions. Reinforcing positive self-talk with mantras might relieve fear and worry and result in a calmer, steadier, more productive financial mindset. Certainly, thinking positive is a win over negative self-talk.

Recommended: How to Develop a Healthy Money Mindset

Money Affirmations vs Money Mantras

The phrases “money affirmations” and “money mantras” are interchangeable. They are also sometimes called “abundance affirmations.” Whatever you call them, money affirmations for financial abundance may be a way to boost your positivity when it comes to managing your cash.

One technicality: While affirmations are usually sentences, mantras can sometimes be as short as just one word. (Om, for instance, is a simple sound you may recognize from yoga practice. But it has a complex meaning. In the Hindu tradition, om is said to contain the entire universe.) You could play with one-word money mantras, such as Confidence, Success, Savings, or Empowerment.

No matter what form the affirmations take, the words are meant to help you stay the course in reaching your financial goals.

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A (Non-Exhaustive) List of 25 Money Affirmations

If you’re curious and want to give affirmations about money a try, you’re in the right place. What follows are 25 sayings you can try out (whether you say them aloud, internally, or write them down) to hopefully build a more positive approach to your finances.

1. I control money; money doesn’t control me.

2. I can become financially free.

3. I have the power to be financially successful.

4. I have wealth beyond money.

5. My income will exceed my expenses.

6. My hard work will bring in more money.

7. I will not stop myself from generating income.

8. I will accept whatever wealth comes my way.

9. I deserve the money coming to me.

10. I have more than enough money.

11. My finances will get better.

12. I accept financial success.

13. I will achieve my financial goals.

14. I deserve success and happiness.

15. I will use the money I earn for good.

16. I am wise with my money.

17. I can make smart financial decisions.

18. I have the ability to overcome reckless spending.

19. I can make my dreams a reality.

20. My future self will thank me for being wise with money.

21. Having wealth is integral for life.

22. I can go beyond my financial goals.

23. Debt will not stop me from reaching my financial goals.

24. Saving money is a challenge I can accomplish.

25. My investments will pay off.

How to Choose Your Money Affirmation

First, identify negative beliefs about money that may be holding you back. Perhaps you see yourself as a diehard shopper, not capable of resisting sales or making frugal decisions. For instance, do you buy kitchen gadgets (an air-fryer, a rice cooker, an ice cream machine) that you never use or a necklace at a friend’s jewelry party, when your jewelry box is already stuffed? Maybe “I am wise with my money” would be a good affirmation to try.
Choose affirmations that address and reverse negative money self-talk.

If you can’t seem to master money discipline and scrape together a few bucks to put into savings, it could help to stop the thinking that says you never will. Repeat a mantra such as “Saving money is a challenge I can accomplish” and it just might lead you to pass up another latte and make your own, or ride a bus instead of calling an Uber. Start where you are on your journey, even if it only involves taking a small first step.

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How to Write Your Own Money Affirmation

Some money advisors say that creating your own money mantra is more powerful than adopting someone else’s. Wondering why? Because you can directly address your own very personal struggles and goals.

Write the mantra in first person (from your point of view) as though it is already true. Keep it real and spin it from deprivation to empowerment. For example, if you’re tightening your budget, “I will not order pizza deliveries ever again” may be hard to live up to if pepperoni pies are a Friday night family treat.

A better affirmation might be “I will budget well and spend my grocery money mindfully.” That way, when you do order occasional pizzas, you will have planned for it and can feel good. This can help you avoid feeling guilty about ordering something that puts you in the red and focuses on the positive.

If it seems hard to write your own money mantra, jot down an incident of negative self-talk (“I can’t stop ordering books on Amazon”) and turn it into a confident phrase (“I choose to spend my money with intention”).

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The Takeaway

Money affirmations, aka money mantras or abundance affirmations, are phrases people repeat to replace a negative money mindset and create a positive one. Some experts say the words can turn self-defeating self-talk (“I will always be in debt”) into positive affirmations for wealth (“I have the power to be financially successful.”)

The goal is to say (aloud or to yourself) the affirmations regularly, perhaps posting them where you will see them often, such as on your car dashboard or computer screen. Those who put stock in affirmations believe that ultimately, the words can enrich and transform your financial journey.

3 Banking Tips

1. Typically, checking accounts don’t earn interest. However, some accounts will pay you a bit and help your money grow. Online banks are more likely than brick-and-mortar banks to offer you the best rates.

2. If you’re faced with debt and wondering which kind to pay off first, it can be smart to prioritize high-interest debt first. For many people, this means their credit card debt; rates have recently been climbing into the double-digit range, so try to eliminate that ASAP.

3. When you feel the urge to buy something that isn’t in your budget, try the 30-day rule. Make a note of the item in your calendar for 30 days into the future. When the date rolls around, there’s a good chance the “gotta have it” feeling will have subsided.

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Do you need to have money affirmations to attract wealth?

No, there is no rule that says you must use money affirmations to attract wealth. However, some people (including financial advisors and life coaches) stand by these phrases. They believe that repeating the words often can empower people and transform their negative money mindsets, ultimately helping them smooth their financial journeys.

How often do I need to say my money affirmations?

Money mantra fans say you should repeat the phrases as often as you need to until you start believing them, at least several times daily. The general advice is to post your finance affirmations in places where you will see them often, such as on the refrigerator or mirror. You can say the words aloud, repeat them to yourself, or write them in a journal.

When is a good time to repeat money affirmations?

An ideal time to repeat money affirmations is when you’re feeling overwhelmed, sad, or stressed about your finances. For instance, if your credit card payment is late and payday is a week away, rather than sinking back into negative self-talk, you could repeat powerful money phrases. Doing so might help you accept your current burden and refocus on your goals in the moment.

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What Are Money Affirmations? Do They Actually Work? | SoFi (2024)


Do money affirmations really work? ›

Affirmations can work both on the conscious and subconscious level. At first, it can feel strange to repeat money-positive phrases — especially if you're not used to talking to yourself in any concerted way. Beyond the initial discomfort, pay attention to how you feel when repeating affirming phrases.

Do affirmations actually work? ›

This may sound too simple; repeating the same sentences won't change anything around you. But research shows that positive thinking can rewire your brain, changing the way you feel about things. Affirmations work because of neuroplasticity, or the brain's ability to adapt to new situations.

How do you make money with affirmations? ›

Abundant Money Affirmations
  1. I attract money to me easily and effortlessly.
  2. I always have enough money.
  3. I am a money magnet.
  4. I make money easily.
  5. I am grateful for money.
  6. I love money because money loves me.
  7. I believe there is enough money for everyone.
  8. I am generous with my money.
Sep 6, 2023

Do affirmations work for trauma? ›

Working with trauma and marginalization

For a person in that situation, the positive affirmation can feel false, like gaslighting themselves into minimizing their trauma.

What to do to attract money? ›

  1. Apr 15, 2024. Morning habits that attract money, wealth and prosperity. ...
  2. Positive affirmations. Start your day with positive affirmations about yourself and your financial goals. ...
  3. Visualisation. Take a few minutes to visualise yourself achieving your financial goals. ...
  4. Goal setting. ...
  5. Schedule review. ...
  6. Exercise. ...
  7. Meditation. ...
  8. Reading.
Apr 15, 2024

How long do affirmations take to work? ›

It can take between 22 and 66 days to see results from a sleep affirmation practice. The exact amount of time depends on each person's subconscious mind. But remember: This practice is only helpful if actions follow. You can't rely solely on affirmations to create the changes you want to see.

How true are affirmations? ›

Though affirmations aren't always effective, their positive effects are supported by psychological theory. Self-affirmation theory—an important psychological theory—encompasses three core principles in keeping one's sense of self-integrity by affirming ourselves and our beliefs in positive ways.

Do affirmations change reality? ›

These statements can encourage and motivate you to develop skills, learn new things, and live a healthier life . They can also help you overcome self-doubt, fear, and self-sabotage and help you see the positive side of life. But do affirmations work? They can, but they won't make things magically occur.

What is the secret behind affirmations? ›

Embody the Emotion: Affirmations are not just about words; they're about emotions. If your affirmation is about self-love, don't just say, "I love myself." Feel it. Imagine that warm, comforting feeling of self-acceptance washing over you.

How do I manifest money? ›

8 Steps to Manifesting Wealth and Abundance
  1. Step 1: Set Clear Intentions. ...
  2. Step 2: Visualise Your Wealth. ...
  3. Step 3: Practice Gratitude. ...
  4. Step 4: Take Inspired Action. ...
  5. Step 5: Practice Patience and Persistence. ...
  6. Step 6: Align Your Environment with Your Wealth Goals. ...
  7. Step 7: Reflect and Adjust Your Approach as Needed.
Mar 13, 2024

What is an example of money affirmation? ›

I have more than enough money. I deserve to make more money. I am always discovering new sources of income. Money comes my way in both expected and unexpected ways.

How can I attract money to my wallet? ›

You can attract a lot of luck and abundance by keeping a peepal leaf in your wallet. Seashell or sea salt: wrap the sea salt in a nylon cloth and keep it in your wallet securely. Otherwise, you can also consider keeping a couple of seashells in your wallet as they are signifiers of abundance in many cultures.

Why do affirmations backfire? ›

While a good deal of research supports the practice of self-affirmation for many, some studies find that affirmations may backfire, primarily because people with especially low self-esteem may find it too challenging to believe that the affirmations they state are true.

Is it scientifically proven that affirmations work? ›

Scientists have since discovered that when people write self-affirmations, they tend to subsequently make positive, healthy, life choices and even feel a stronger, larger sense of self.

What do psychologists say about affirmations? ›

Research suggests that affirmations can help us maintain our self-esteem in the context of threat (Critcher, Dunning, & Armor, 2010).

Does manifesting and affirmations work? ›

With practice and dedication, modern-day manifestations can be extremely powerful tools for reaching your goals. Manifestations and affirmations can help boost confidence and motivation, but putting in some work yourself is still important. These are steps toward change, but they will only work if you take some action.

How do you know if your affirmations are working? ›

When you start to notice small positive mindset shifts, you'll know your affirmations are working.

What happens when you write affirmations everyday? ›

Practicing daily positive affirmations can help you overcome fear and self-doubt and reduce self-sabotage. Daily positive affirmations help you believe in yourself and what you're capable of achieving.

Is it OK to read affirmations? ›

Yes, you can definitely read affirmations in your head. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to help reprogram your subconscious mind and reinforce positive beliefs.

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