What are Layer 2 (L2) Solutions in the Blockchain and Why Are They Important? (2024)


What are Layer 2 (L2) Solutions in the Blockchain and Why Are They Important? (1)

Michael Caloca / ONE37pm

What are Layer 2 (L2) Solutions in the Blockchain and Why Are They Important? (2)

By: Alex White-Gomez

Published Aug 31, 2022

But First, What Is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a fundamental concept in understanding the way cryptocurrency works. But it's not only limited to its application in crypto.

The blockchain is a database that stores information from transactional records in a universal ledger. Assets are traded and tracked on the blockchain, reducing risk and cutting costs for everyone involved.

Blockchain allows you to send money to a friend in seconds without worrying about banking fees and other charges. You can also store cash in an online wallet and don't need anyone's permission to move it or transfer ownership.

Every block on the blockchain has a specific number of transactions. When a new block generates on-chain, it's added to each network node's ledger and uses distributed ledger technology (DLT).

A key concept of blockchain is that it's decentralized, which allows for transparency and real-time access to assets. Being decentralized also enables the network participants to be collectively responsible for the security, as opposed to having a centralized entity like a bank or governing body.

Other fundamentals of blockchain technology include being immutable and distributed. Since the ledger is immutable, you can always trust that the information is accurate because no one can alter it.

Since the blockchain is also distributed, it potentially protects users from network attacks and other instances of fraud and cybersecurity threats.

Layer 1 vs. Layer 2: What are The differences

Layer 1 is the main blockchain network in charge of on-chain transactions, while Layer 2 is the connected network in charge of off-chain transactions

What are layer 2 solutions?

Layer 2 is a term used for solutions created to help scale an application by processing transactions off of the Ethereum Mainnet (layer 1) while still maintaining the same security measures and decentralization as the mainnet. Layer 2 solutions increase throughput (transaction speed) and reduce gas fees. Popular examples of Ethereum layer 2 solutions include Immutable X, Polygon, and Polkadot.

Why are layer 2 solutions important?

Layer 2 solutions are important because they allow for scalability and increased throughput while still holding the integrity of the Ethereum blockchain, allowing for complete decentralization, transparency, and security while also reducing the carbon footprint (less gas, means less energy used, which equates to less carbon.)

Although the Ethereum blockchain is the most widely used blockchain and arguably the most secure, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with some shortcomings. The Ethereum Mainnet is known to have slow transaction times (13 transactions per second) and expensive gas fees. Layer 2s are built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, keeping transactions secure, speedy, and scalable.

Each individual solution has its own pros and cons to consider such as throughput, gas fees, security, scalability, and of course functionality. No single layer 2 solution currently fulfills all these needs. However, there are layer 2 scaling solutions that aim to improve all these aspects; these solutions are called rollups.

What are layer 2 rollups?

Rollups are layer 2 scaling solutions that perform transaction operations off the main Ethereum blockchain, but still post the transaction data onto layer 1. Considering the transaction data is on layer 1, rollups are secured by the same layer 1 security measures. In fact, this is the defining feature that rollups offer to users.

There are three properties of a layer 2 rollup:

  1. Transactions are executed outside of layer 1 (reduces gas fees)
  1. Data and proof of transactions reside on layer 1 (maintains security)
  2. A rollup smart contract which is found on layer 1, can enforce proper transaction execution on layer 2, by using the transaction data that is stored on layer 1

Ultimately, rollups require users like you and me to stake a bond in the rollup smart contract, which encourages users to verify and execute transactions correctly.

Rollups are useful because they reduce fees, increase transaction throughput, and expand participation. There are two kinds of rollups with different security measures:

  1. Optimistic rollups assume transactions are valid by default and only runs computation, via a fraud proof, in the act of a challenge
  2. Zero-knowledge rollups runs computation off-chain and submits a validity proof to the main-chain

Optimistic Rollups:

Optimistic rollups sit in parallel to the Ethereum Mainnet on layer 2 and don't perform any computation (mathematical equations) by default. Instead, after the transaction is complete, they submit the new state to the Ethereum Mainnet, essentially notarizing the transaction.

Optimistic rollup transactions are written into the main Ethereum blockchain, further optimizing transactions by reducing the cost of gas.

Advantages of optimistic rollups include:

  • Low gas fees
  • Increased throughput
  • Smart contract capability
  • Security (guaranteed by the Ethereum Mainnet)

Disadvantages of optimistic rollups:

  • Long withdrawal time (challenge periods can last for weeks)
    • If a fraudulent transaction is discovered, the rollup will automatically call a fraud-proof and run the transaction’s computation using the available written data, leading to long withdrawal times if the transaction is challenged.

There are several applications of optimistic rollups that you can integrate into your own dapps:

Zero-knowledge rollups:

Zero-knowledge rollups (ZK rollups) bundle thousands of transactions off the main Ethereum chain and create cryptographic proof which is known simply as SNARK (succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge). This is called validity proof, which is posted to the Ethereum Mainnet.

The smart contract for a ZK rollup keeps the data of all transfers on layer 2 and the data can only be edited with a validity proof. Meaning, ZK rollups only need validity proof, opposed to all the transaction data. This function decreases the cost to transact due to less data being included.

When it comes to ZK rollups, there is minimal hesitation when moving assets from layer 2 to layer 1, considering the validity proof has already been approved by the ZK rollup and has already authorized the transaction.

Advantages of ZK rollups include:

  • Near instant transfers
  • Not vulnerable to the attacks that optimistic rollups may be affected by
  • Still secure and decentralized

Disadvantages of ZK rollups:

  • Validity proofs are extreme to compute for smaller applications with less on-chain activity
  • A user can influence transaction ordering
  • Some rollups don’t offer Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) support

There are numerous applications of ZK rollups that you can integrate into your own dapps:

Ethereum layer 2 solutions have some serious potential to change the blockchain landscape for the better. Layer 2 solutions ensure that users are able to maintain all the safety measures used on the Ethereum Mainnet while still being able to transact quickly and at little to no cost for users.

This type of technology may encourage more people to try out the Ethereum blockchain and everything it has to offer. Also, keep in mind that many layer 2 solutions are still in their beta phase, meaning you should research everything in-depth and always remain curious and cautious when exploring the various layer 2 solutions.

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As a blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiast with a demonstrable depth of knowledge on the topic, I'd like to dive into the concepts discussed in the provided article dated August 31, 2022, published by Alex White-Gomez on ONE37pm. The article covers key aspects of blockchain technology, Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions, and specifically, the concept of Layer 2 rollups.

Blockchain Fundamentals: The article rightly begins with an introduction to blockchain, emphasizing its role as a decentralized database storing transactional records in a universal ledger. It underlines how blockchain facilitates transparent and real-time access to assets while ensuring security through decentralization. The immutability and distribution of the ledger further enhance the trustworthiness and protection against fraud and cybersecurity threats.

Layer 1 vs. Layer 2: The article distinguishes between Layer 1 and Layer 2 in the blockchain context. Layer 1 represents the main blockchain responsible for on-chain transactions, while Layer 2 is a connected network handling off-chain transactions. This distinction sets the stage for understanding the need for Layer 2 solutions.

Layer 2 Solutions: Layer 2 solutions are introduced as tools designed to scale applications by processing transactions off the mainnet while maintaining security and decentralization. The examples provided include Immutable X, Polygon, and Polkadot. The importance of Layer 2 solutions is highlighted in addressing scalability issues, improving throughput, reducing gas fees, and minimizing the environmental impact (carbon footprint) associated with blockchain transactions.

Layer 2 Rollups: The article delves into the specifics of Layer 2 rollups, categorizing them into optimistic rollups and zero-knowledge rollups.

  • Optimistic Rollups:

    • Operate parallel to the Ethereum Mainnet.
    • Submit transaction data to the Ethereum Mainnet after completion, optimizing transactions by reducing gas costs.
    • Advantages include low gas fees, increased throughput, smart contract capability, and security backed by the Ethereum Mainnet.
    • Drawbacks include long withdrawal times in case of challenges to fraudulent transactions.

    Examples of optimistic rollups applications mentioned in the article are Arbitrum, Boba, Cartesi, and Fuel Network.

  • Zero-Knowledge Rollups (ZK Rollups):

    • Bundle transactions off the Ethereum main chain and create cryptographic proofs known as SNARK.
    • Utilize validity proofs posted to the Ethereum Mainnet.
    • Offer near-instant transfers, increased security, and decentralization.
    • Drawbacks include computational intensity for validity proofs in smaller applications, potential influence on transaction ordering by users, and varying support for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

    Examples of ZK rollups applications mentioned in the article are Aztec 2.0, Immutable X, Loopring, Matter Labs zkSync, Polygon Hermez, Starkware, and zkTube.

The article concludes by emphasizing the potential of Ethereum Layer 2 solutions to positively impact the blockchain landscape, providing users with quick and cost-effective transactions while maintaining the safety measures of the Ethereum Mainnet. The caution to research in-depth and approach these solutions with curiosity and caution is apt, considering many are still in the beta phase.

What are Layer 2 (L2) Solutions in the Blockchain and Why Are They Important? (2024)


What are Layer 2 (L2) Solutions in the Blockchain and Why Are They Important? ›

The main goal of L2 solutions is to enhance the network's capacity to handle a much larger transaction volume at a faster speed and lower cost, without compromising the fundamental security and decentralization features of the underlying chain.

Why are Layer 2 solutions important? ›

Layer 2 solutions are crafted to enhance blockchain scalability, ensuring networks can handle increased global adoption. They also focus on reducing transaction costs, making every blockchain interaction, big or small, more affordable.

What is Layer 2 blockchain? ›

A Layer 2 solution is a secondary blockchain network, which reduces the load on the parent chain by handling part of its capabilities. Think of Ethereum as a boss whose desk is overflowing with paperwork (validating & executing transactions).

What are L2 solutions? ›

A Layer-2 solution refers to infrastructure built on top of an existing blockchain that can execute transactions off-chain. While they process transactions separately, Layer-2 blockchains are still secured by the underlying Layer-1 blockchain.

Why is Layer 2 necessary? ›

Layer 2 - A Scalability Solution

These are networks (or technologies) built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, designed to increase its capacity without compromising security. Layer 2 solutions effectively enhance Ethereum's scalability and reduce congestion by processing transactions off the main blockchain.

What is the main function of the layer 2? ›

Layer 2 is used to transfer data between adjacent network nodes on the same local area network. Layer 2 provides the procedural and functional means for data transfer between network nodes and provides the means to detect and correct errors that may occur at the physical layer (Layer 1).

Why is layer 2 security so important? ›

Insider Threats: Layer 2 security measures can help prevent unauthorized access and malicious activities within the network by implementing features like MAC address filtering and port security. These techniques contribute to controlling access rights and reducing the risks posed by insiders.

What is the best Layer 2 blockchain? ›

Top 10 Layer-2 networks ranked by throughput
  1. Lightning Networks. Throughput: Up to 1 million TPS. ...
  2. Coti. Throughput: 100,000 TPS. ...
  3. Polygon. Throughput: 65,000 TPS. ...
  4. Dymension. Throughput: 20,000 TPS. ...
  5. Immutable X. Throughput: 9,000 TPS+ ...
  6. Manta Network. Throughput: 4,000 TPS. ...
  7. Starknet. Throughput: 2,000-4,000 TPS. ...
  8. Arbitrum.
Mar 29, 2024

What are the two main types of Layer 2 technologies? ›

Differences Between Various Layer 2 Technologies
State ChannelsTwo-way communication channels for off-chain transactions.
SidechainsIndependent blockchains running parallel to the main chain, connected via a two-way peg.
2 more rows
Dec 11, 2023

What is an example of a Layer 2 protocol? ›

The OSI Layer 2 protocol is described as a procedure used to regulate communications at the Data Link Layer. Examples are Ethernet used in cable networks, Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), HDLC and ADCCP for point-to-point (dual-node) connections, as well as the Wi-Fi protocol used in wireless.

Why do we need L2? ›

L2 solutions act as bypass lanes, processing transactions off-chain before periodically batching them for settlement on the main blockchain. This significantly reduces congestion and facilitates faster, cheaper transactions.

What are the 2nd layer solutions? ›

Layer-2 or second-layer solutions increase the throughput and transactions per second of a blockchain by creating additional blockspace or recording transactions in a more efficient manner. Examples include Plasma, TrueBit, Lightning Network and more.

What does a layer 2 blockchain inherit from the main chain? ›

A Layer 2 network refers to an off-chain network or technology that's built on top of a Layer 1 blockchain. Typically, a Layer 2 acts as a separate blockchain that extends the underlying Layer 1 blockchain and inherits its security guarantees.

What is the advantage of layer 2 blockchain? ›

Advantages of Layer 2 Blockchains: Scalability: Layer 2 solutions can significantly increase transaction throughput and reduce congestion on the main blockchain, making it possible for more transactions to be processed per second.

What is the point of layer 2? ›

Layer 2 technology is part of what is called the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model. It is the layer at which data moves from the physical layer into the cybersphere. It is the launching pad for data.

What is layer 2 responsible for? ›

Layer 2 of The OSI Model: Data Link Layer provides the functional and procedural means to transfer data between network entities and to detect and possibly correct errors that may occur in the physical layer.

What is the difference between Layer 1 and layer 2 scaling solutions? ›

Layer 1 scaling involves foundational blockchain enhancements, while Layer 2 builds atop L1 for improved transaction speed and efficiency. BNB Smart Chain and opBNB exemplify this evolution in the BNB ecosystem.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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