What are Ethereum gas fees? ETH fees explained (2024)

Mrig P also contributed to this article

Ethereum is the world’s first, largest, and most widely used decentralized application (dApp) blockchain. It hosts thousands of dApps that attract millions of users who conduct billions of dollars worth of daily transactions.

While these transactions differ in size, form, and nature, they all have one thing in common: gas fees.

This article explains what Ethereum gas fees are, why they’re sometimes expensive, how you can pay lower fees, and the Ethereum upgrades that aim to lower them.

What are Ethereum gas fees?

Gas fees are the transaction fees users pay on the Ethereum blockchain to conduct transactions (like sending or swapping ETH) and execute smart contracts. Users pay this fee in ETH and the network nodes earn a fraction of fees for validating transactions via Proof of Stake (PoS).

How are gas fees calculated?

To best understand how gas fees are calculated, we’ll need to first clearly define a few terms.

1. Gas: Gas is the unit that measures computational power required to conduct a transaction, which varies depending on the complexity of the transaction. The computation and gas units needed for a token swap, for example, will be much lower than for minting an NFT or publishing a smart contract.

2. Gas price: The gas price is the price per unit of gas, and it is measured in gwei, a smaller unit of ETH that equals 0.000000001 ETH (10-9 ETH). (Conversely, 1 ETH equals 1 billion gwei).

3. Gas fees: Gas fees are the final fees paid by users to complete a transaction.

What are Ethereum gas fees? ETH fees explained (1)

Now, let’s see where these terms fit into the gas fee calculation formula.

Gas fee calculation before the London upgrade

The formula to calculate gas fees has changed since the London upgrade, which was implemented in August 2021.

Before the London upgrade, users had to make an assumption about their gas price based on network congestion, or how busy the network is at any given time. In doing so, every user tried to outbid as many other users as possible to try and get their transactions validated first.

The formula to calculate the gas fees before the London upgrade was:

Gas fee = Gas units (limit) * Gas price per unit

By default, the minimum gas unit you must spend on any Ethereum transaction is 21,000.

So, let’s suppose Alice is sending 5 ETH to Bob. The gas unit is 21,000 by default and Alice chooses to pay 300 gwei per unit based on the current network conditions.

Going by the above formula, Alice would pay a gas fee of 21,000 * 100 gwei. Or 2,100,000 gwei, which equals 0.002093 ETH.

5.002093 ETH will therefore be withdrawn from Alice’s crypto wallet. Bob will receive 5 ETH and the rest goes toward making the transaction successful.

Gas fee calculation after the London upgrade

The London upgrade implemented EIP-1559, which proposed a new mechanism to calculate gas fees with a fixed per-block base fee and flexible block size to tackle network congestion.

The goal of this upgrade was to remove the unpredictability of gas fees based on network congestion. The lack of surety forced users to try and outbid the gas prices of other users, consequently taking the gas prices even higher.

With a pre-defined base gas price for every block, the guesswork is no more in the equation and the new formula is:

Gas fee = Gas units (limit) * (base fee + priority fee)

Now, let’s suppose Bob wants to send 5 ETH to Alice. The gas limit is 21,000, the block fee at that instance is 30 gwei, and Bob adds a priority fee of 10 gwei for his transaction to be validated faster.

So, Bob would pay a gas fee equal to 21,000 * (30+10) = 840,000 gwei or 0.000839 ETH.

Here, the network burns the base fee, i.e. 21,000*30 gwei while the priority fee — 21,000*10 gwei — goes to the validator that adds the transaction to the chain.

While most cryptocurrency wallets automatically detect the demand and set the priority fee and gas limit by themselves, you can use advanced settings to alter the numbers when finalizing a transaction.

In the below MetaMask screenshot, you can see the base price is 16 gwei and the wallet recommends a priority fee of 0.5 to 7 gwei. Further, the wallet also shows the transaction times for respective fees that you may be willing to pay.

What are Ethereum gas fees? ETH fees explained (2)

It’s important to note though that the London upgrade was not aimed at directly lowering the average gas cost on Ethereum. Instead, the aim was to limit the waste of gas due to uncertainty.

Why are ETH gas fees high?

It is not rare for people to pay hundreds of dollars to execute simple swapping or buying transactions on Ethereum. That is especially the case when the demand is high, such as during the 2021 bull market.

But why?

While every blockchain has three core attributes - security, scalability, and decentralization - it is only practical to maximize on two of these while compromising with the third one.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin called this the blockchain trilemma.

What are Ethereum gas fees? ETH fees explained (3)

Considering Ethereum’s key features are decentralization and security, the network compromises with scalability. As a result Ethereum can only process between 20 and 30 transactions per second.

For a blockchain where users transact billions worth of value every day, that’s an alarmingly slow transaction speed.

Now, when the network is busier than usual, there could be hundreds of transactions sent every second to the mempool — a waiting area for transactions. However, as we know, Ethereum validators can only validate 20-30 per second.

What are Ethereum gas fees? ETH fees explained (4)

Naturally, validators prefer to select transactions with higher gas prices. Due to this, users keep trying to outbid other transaction requests to get their transaction included in a block first.

You can think of this as a blind auction, where users will make bids (in the form of gwei) to incentivize miners to pick up their transactions. Just like a traditional auction, the highest bids will be chosen.

As a result, gas prices keep rising until the transaction volume drops.

Since the London upgrade, however (as you saw in the gas price calculation section), the blind auction analogy is no longer valid. Now, the network defines a fixed base fee for every new block depending on the demand for transactions in the previous block.

While the base fee is enough for a transaction to go through, the users can still add a tip (priority fee) for validators to make their transactions go faster.

Note: During a popular NFT mint or other high network congestion activities, gas prices can still be exorbitant.

How does the

Since its launch, Ethereum relied on a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus algorithm to validate transactions and add them to the network.

In September 2022, however, the Ethereum mainnet merged with the Beacon chain, marking the event popularly called The Merge. With this, Ethereum transitioned from the Proof of Work consensus to Proof of Stake (PoS).

Contrary to popular belief, The Merge itself didn’t aim to lower gas prices. And that is why it has so far had little impact on the gas fee Ethereum users pay.

However, Ethereum’s switch to PoS was crucial for deploying sharding — a mechanism in which multiple side chains are deployed to offload transactions from the mainnet.

Ethereum will have 64 shard chains that will help significantly increase its scalability and transaction speed. According to Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum will be able to process 100,000 transactions per second.

Higher scalability would mean extremely lower network congestion. In theory, this means transactions will go through without any problem even during times of high volume.

ETH gas fees frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What happens if you don’t pay enough gas fees?

Setting the gas price or gas limit lower than a certain required amount may result in failed transactions. If that happens, your gas fee amount would still get deducted from your wallet but the transaction wouldn’t go through.

Always first check the minimum gas price at any given time across various Ethereum calculators to ensure your transactions don’t fail.

What are Ethereum gas fees? ETH fees explained (5)

How can I choose the correct gas price?

Ethereum’s London upgrade has removed uncertainty from gas price calculations.

Now, whenever you conduct a transaction, there is always a base fee attached to it that the network decides and you cannot change. However, you can add a priority fee as a tip to validators and expect them to pick your transaction sooner.

The gas unit (and thus the gas fee) needed for different kinds of transactions is different. For instance, you will need to pay considerably more for complex transactions such as executing a smart contract.

How can I pay lower gas fees?

Even with fixed base fees, there’s no certainty that the gas fees will be low. It all depends on network congestion.

To avoid paying high gas prices, you can do one of these three things:

1. Plan ahead

Schedule your transactions for times with less network congestion. Try not to transact during popular NFT mints, as the network may get congested.

2. Adjust fees in your wallet

Most wallets will allow you to preview the estimated gas price that you’ll pay. You can alter these numbers in the advanced gas settings within the wallet.

3. Use an external calculator

Several tools can show you what current gas prices look like. Some of these include

To learn more about Etherscan, see our article What is Etherscan and how do you use it?

Buy Ethereum via MoonPay

Now that you understand how gas fees work on Ethereum, you may feel comfortable enough to experiment with the cryptocurrency yourself.

You can buy Ethereum (ETH) via MoonPay or through any of our partner wallet applications with a credit card, bank transfer, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and many other payment methods.

Sell Ethereum via MoonPay

MoonPay also makes it easy tosell Ethereumwhen you decide it's time to cash out. Simply enter the amount of ETH you'd like to sell and enter the details where you want to receive your funds.

Swap Ethereum for more crypto

Want to exchange Ethereum for other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin? MoonPay allows you to swap crypto cross-chain with no processing fees, directly from your non-custodial wallet.

I'm an enthusiast well-versed in the intricacies of Ethereum and its underlying technology. My deep understanding is rooted in the evolution of Ethereum's blockchain, including recent upgrades and their impact on gas fees. Allow me to delve into the key concepts covered in the article.

1. What are Ethereum Gas Fees?

Ethereum gas fees refer to transaction fees paid on the Ethereum blockchain. Users pay these fees in ETH when conducting transactions or executing smart contracts. Gas fees are crucial for validating transactions through the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

2. How are Gas Fees Calculated?

Gas fees are calculated based on the gas units required for a transaction, where gas is the unit measuring computational power. The formula before the London upgrade was Gas fee = Gas units (limit) Gas price per unit. After the London upgrade (EIP-1559), the formula became Gas fee = Gas units (limit) (base fee + priority fee). Gas price is measured in gwei, with 1 ETH equal to 1 billion gwei.

3. Why are ETH Gas Fees High?

ETH gas fees can be high due to Ethereum's compromise between security and decentralization, sacrificing scalability. The network's limited capacity (20-30 transactions per second) causes congestion during high demand. Users engage in a blind auction, bidding in gwei to incentivize miners, leading to rising gas prices. The London upgrade aimed to address this issue.

4. Ethereum Upgrades and Impact on Gas Fees

The London upgrade, particularly EIP-1559, introduced a fixed base fee and a flexible block size to combat network congestion. This change aimed to provide more predictability in gas fees, reducing the uncertainty caused by the blind auction mechanism. However, it did not directly lower average gas costs but aimed to prevent waste due to uncertainty.

5. Ethereum's Transition to Proof of Stake (PoS)

In September 2022, Ethereum transitioned from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS) with The Merge. While this transition did not directly impact gas fees, it was crucial for deploying sharding—a mechanism to increase scalability. Ethereum's sharding involves 64 shard chains, aiming to process 100,000 transactions per second, significantly improving scalability.

6. Managing Gas Fees: FAQs

  • What happens if you don’t pay enough gas fees? Not paying enough may result in failed transactions, with the gas fee deducted but the transaction unsuccessful.

  • How can I choose the correct gas price? The London upgrade removed uncertainty, setting a base fee decided by the network. You can add a priority fee as a tip to expedite transaction validation.

  • How can I pay lower gas fees? To avoid high fees, plan transactions during low congestion, adjust fees in your wallet, or use external calculators like Etherscan Gas tracker or ETH Gas Station.

7. Buying, Selling, and Swapping Ethereum

The article concludes by introducing MoonPay, a platform enabling users to buy, sell, and swap Ethereum with various payment methods, highlighting its utility in navigating Ethereum transactions and gas fees.

In summary, Ethereum's gas fees, their calculation, the impact of upgrades, and strategies to manage fees are essential aspects for users navigating transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.

What are Ethereum gas fees? ETH fees explained (2024)


What are Ethereum gas fees? ETH fees explained? ›

Ethereum gas fees are the transaction fees users pay on the Ethereum blockchain to conduct transactions and execute smart contracts. Users pay this fee in Ether (ETH), while the network nodes earn a fraction of fees for validating transactions via Ethereum's Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

What is the Ethereum gas fee? ›

Gas fees are transaction costs on the Ethereum blockchain, paid in Ether (ETH) or its fraction, gwei. These fees serve as a form of remuneration for validators who maintain and secure the network. Gas fees fluctuate based on supply, demand, and network capacity, and may increase during periods of network congestion.

What are gas fees for dummies? ›

Gas fees are payments made by users to compensate for the computing energy required to process and validate transactions on a blockchain network. These fees are not fixed and can vary depending on the network's congestion and the complexity of the transaction.

How do I avoid high gas fees on ETH? ›

Selecting the optimal time to engage with the Ethereum network is a savvy strategy for reducing Ethereum gas fees. Gas fees are typically lower during periods of lower network congestion. In the case of Ethereum, network congestion tends to be during off-peak hours or on weekends.

Why are ETH gas fees so high today? ›

The popularity of NFTs on Ethereum. Many spikes in gas prices can be attributed to highly anticipated NFT drops. Ethereum is the home of DeFi (decentralized finance). Many of the largest, most established dapps were built on Ethereum, and continue to be the biggest players in DeFi.

How to monitor Ethereum gas fees? ›

If you are on Ethereum mainnet you can check Etherscan's gas tool to estimate today's gas price. Please note the gas price fluctuates; always refer to the gas station to see the current gas prices. The Ethereum network requires gas to execute transactions.

Why are gas fees important? ›

The meaning of gas fees is the price users pay to execute transactions on a blockchain. They are important because they provide the necessary incentive for validators to keep the network secure and efficiently operational.

Who benefits from gas fees? ›

On these blockchains, gas fees reward validators who first commit a certain amount of cryptocurrency to the network in order to be selected to verify new transactions.

What is the gas fee concept? ›

Gas is the fee required to successfully conduct a transaction or execute a contract on the Ethereum blockchain platform. Fees are priced in tiny fractions of the cryptocurrency ether (ETH)—denominations called gwei (10-9 ETH). Gas is used to pay validators for the resources needed to conduct transactions.

How can I avoid high gas fees? ›

Gas fees can vary throughout the day and week, peaking during busy periods when there's high demand for transactions. By monitoring gas prices and identifying times when network activity is lower, like late at night or on weekends, you can reduce costs by sending transactions during these off-peak times.

What time of day is ETH gas cheapest? ›

Ethereum gas prices vary a lot, even from one hour to another. Statistically, it's been shown that the lowest gas prices can be found in the mornings and on the weekends.

What happens if my ETH gas fee is too low? ›

The units of gas necessary for a transaction are already defined by how much smart contract code is executed on the blockchain. If the gas limit is set too low, the transaction will fail, and if the gas price is set too low, the transaction can be stuck pending for an indefinite amount of time.

How do I reduce gas fees on Ethereum plan? ›

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is planning a significant update, migrating to a layer-2 network to lower gas fees and enhance transaction speeds. This proposed version, ENSv2, seeks to move away from the Ethereum mainnet to improve scalability and functionality.

How to reduce Ethereum gas fees on trust wallet? ›

How to Change the ETH Gas Fee on Trust Wallet
  1. Create a transaction. Tap the send icon and select ETH. ...
  2. Access advanced settings. The next screen displays a summary of your transaction, including the estimated network fee. ...
  3. Change the fees. ...
  4. Save your settings.
Jun 26, 2024

What is the best time to send Ethereum? ›

The bars are where most of the data falls. The black dots are outliers. The data clearly shows fees are at their highest between 2-6pm UTC. The best times to transact are instead between 1AM-3AM, 5AM-8AM, and 9PM to 11PM UTC.

What affects ETH gas fees? ›

Several key factors influence the fluctuation of GWEI, including network demand, transaction complexity, and blockchain congestion. High demand for Ethereum, often driven by popular decentralized applications (dApps), NFTs, or increased trading on decentralized exchanges (DEXs), can lead to higher gas fees​​.

What is Ethereum pay for gas? ›

Since each transaction on Ethereum requires computational resources to execute, gas fees are used to incentivise validators to validate the transactions, which helps prevent bad actors from spamming the network. The gas fee is the amount of gas used to perform an operation, multiplied by the cost per unit gas.

How much is the ETH transaction fee? ›

Ethereum Average Transaction Fee is at a current level of 0.0004, unchanged from 0.0004 yesterday and down from 0.0007 one year ago. This is a change of 0.00% from yesterday and -42.86% from one year ago.

What is gas price and gas limit? ›

The gas limit defines the total cost computationally associated with a transaction. The gas price defines the price per unit of computation a participant is willing to pay. Gas is priced in Ether on Ethereum. Private and public permissioned networks do not have to have gas, but they usually do.

Will ETH lower gas fees? ›

The upgrade will lower gas fees for the growing number of networks built on top of Ethereum that are known as Layer 2 (L2), or “roll-ups.” This is important since gas fees have historically soared whenever there is a surge of activity on the blockchain, making it unviable to use at a large scale.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.