WalMart Supply Chain Management analysis (2024)

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Wal-Mart, a multinational retail corporation is considered to be one of the fastest growing corporations in the supply chain and retail management. Its presence in America and Latin America is huge. The ere have been numerous studies concerning Wal-Mart and its operation, the strategies and all aspects of its managements, given the fact that Wal-Mart as a corporation is considered to be a leader in the retail segment of the industry in America and worldwide.

In order to meet the global demands of their presence, Wal-Mart requires bringing into force effective supply chain management and its thinking is the call of the hour. We assume that Wal-Mart strategies are resilient enough in that regard. This report also presents some significant finding of Wal-Mart supply chain management strategies, which is a pioneer for the industry.


Supply chain management is a complex process involving the intricacies of top of the end management practices. As we are aware with the reality, the world today in the backdrop of globalization and its impact is interlinked. Considering business manufacturing or retails units as well, it is quite obvious that corporation needs effective coordination and cooperation with suppliers as a means to ensure that products and services reaches the market without any hiccups, which further enable such corporation to serve their customer better.

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It is prudent to select a company with an international presence to analyze the components of supply chain thinking and its management aspects. For that reason, the company selected for the purpose of this study is Wal-Mart, a market leader in the global retail industry. The objective behind this report is to identify the trends and strategies adopted by Wal-Mart in the backdrop of globalization and its impact, plus the effect of competitions on their inventory management practices as well as the technological shift that the company have integrated for streamlined processes in their supply chain management processes overall, which is discussed below.


In the retail industry, the most important trends and its characteristics are defined by their dependence on consumer spending habits. This is what we generally seen happens in most cases, whether during the good times or likewise. Retails industry serves it customer through their retail stores, such as grocery shops and departmental stores, which is the commonest example we can come with concerning the characteristics in retail industry.


Global retail industry and “its range is considered to be quite huge in nature of their existence,” (RetailDirectory) which is true and factual. In term of the industry trends in the current schemes of things, retail industry in considered to be amongst the frontrunner for the top place in the global ranking. That is to say, retail industry is speculated to be the second largest industry on a global scale” (RetailDirectory) in term of revenue generations and sales encompassing their businesses and its characteristics.


The trends that is fast catching up today in the retail industry are in the forms of “e-commerce, for sales stores or discounted stores to be precise, rise of the mall culture and departmental stores, which are a few to name here.” (RetailDirectory)

The trends are changing all around. In US and UK, retail is a huge industry per comparison. However, after “the recession in the early part of 2009, there has been a sharp decline in retail,” (Ystats) although big retailer in the industry still have their major share of the market.


Above mentioned discussion gives a glimpse of the trends and characteristics in global retail industry. Four major retail companies are Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Kroger and Tesco.


Wal-Mart is a global leader in the retail industry, based in US. The company since its founding days has come far and wide to command a place for itself in the industry today. What has been the significant change of tide in favor of Wal-Mart can be emphasized to its supply chains strategy. Wal-Mart today is “considered to be a market leader in term of employment in the private sector. It’s been asserted by industry expert that Wal-Mart achieved the status of leader in the retail industry because of its effective supply chain management strategy.” (P Mohan Chandran)

Wal-Mart supply chain strategy is very successfully because it adapts to change and requirement of the market. “The company commitment to improve operations, lowering the cost factor and building relationship with customer in the best possible way is dome of the strategic outlook that is reliant to the company principle and its visions.” (Anonymous)

The supply chain management adopted by Wal-Mart are strategically effective, which reflect the points that “abundant concentration is given toward ‘procurement and distribution’ of its products, services and everything in the retail segmentations that are aligned to one single units. With over 40 distribution centre, Wal-Mart presence across the globe in context of its procurement and distribution is huge and influential factor. (P Mohan Chandran) Besides, the company also is very specific to meet the strategic formulation in the best possible ways, wherein its operations in the logistic segment, its distribution as well as transportation and integration of technology follows the best industrial practices. (Anonymous) These four components are what define the key strategic key of Wal-Mart.

Specific details to Wal-Mart logistic management can be emphasized to the components “encompassing fast, reliable and responsive transportation facilities. Most importantly distribution centre of Wal-Mart also are serviced by company owned transport vehicle and trucks to facilitate a fast, reliable and effective logistics from one centre to another.” (P Mohan Chandran) This is one of the biggest strategic strength that Wal-Mart boasts of as far as logistic segmentation goes in its business operational expertise.

Thus, when we look to these features as details, we feel that Wal-Mart key supply chain strategy and its adoption is the strength accumulated in four segmentation of its business, namely logistic management, procurement and distribution, inventory management and most importantly technological integrations. These four factor in the supply chain management strategy of Wal-Mart in the retail industry are the streamliner of its business operation and considered to be a strategic tools adopted by Wal-Mart, which have helped improved its business operation to a great extent.


As we have defined above, Wal-Mart supply chain strategy and its strength are composed into four factor, they are the integration of technology, procurement and distribution, inventory management and effective logistics components. In that respect, the other factor that comprised the strength of Wal-Mart in supply chain management also is their emphasis and greater force that is “concentrated in building a lasting and fostering relationship with customers, its employees, and suppliers,” (P Mohan Chandran) who the company overall comprised the stakeholder in the company in deciding its fate in the market.

Considering these facts, the major difference in Wal-Mart supply chain management to that of other corporations in the retail industry in US and elsewhere are the factor of “its cross docking operational expertise adopted by the company in meeting its supply chain management processes.” (P Mohan Chandran) As the case is, Wal-Mart “in recent time since 2000 have invested heavily in cross docking, which is its unique factor that also defines its inventory mechanism, often regard by analysts as a major factor. The main factors that have helped Wal-Mart through its unique cross docking inventory mechanism are its benefits derived in context of economic of scale and cost of sales that are reduced dramatically through such processes.” (

Besides, Wal-Mart and its management also spent a “significant amount of time in meeting their vendors, suppliers, distributors as a factor to understand what goes into the cost in selling and procurement, etc which is an exemplification of an effective negotiation process that goes into the making of it.” (P Mohan Chandran)


As we have detailed in Table 1.1, there is a clear indication that starting from the year 2000 to the end of the fiscal year 2002 Wal-Mart was a market leader. In the current stage as well, Wal-Mart grosser is huge. Their management of the supply chain is truly an industry example of the effective mechanism taking shapes, and easing the process through the integration of technology, human understanding, building relationship and most importantly attending to the needs and wants of consumer, which is one success factor in basic economic sense and is understanding.

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Globalization has had both the negative and positive impact on Wal-Mart supply chain strategy and its management. However, on a greater note, we feel that Wal-Mart supply chain strategy have benefitted greatly from globalization. One example of it can be said in context of the company retail chains and its presence across national boundaries, be it in Mexico, Latin America and major part of US and Canada. Add to it, “with around 7000 stored across the globe, and 120 major distribution units globally, with an operation that span across 15 national economies, (Anonymous) is one good exemplification to reason the factor attached to Wal-Mart and the impact globalization have on it.

Some instance of globalization and impact on Wal-Mart supply chains management can be seen in context of ‘improved inventory process, technology, distribution channels and cross docking as well as sales tracking systems that are rapid in process formulation and information transfers.” (Anonymous)


In the inventory segment as we have detailed, Wal-Mart adopt a streamlined measure in that regard, so as to keep a low level of inventory. In that respect “the investment made by the company in context its cross docking mechanism and its inventory. In another word, Wal-Mart cross docking inventory “and its integration have enabled the company the ease and convenience of complexities involved in the process of inventory management.” (

Besides Wal-Mart “adoption of the fast transportation facilities that are serviced and backup by the company owned truck and supply vehicles that defines the effective transportation facilities overall saves a tremendous amount of time, which is often loss in transaction or shipping, which also reduces the cost in that regard.” (P Mohan Chandran) This is the benchmark of Wal-Mart inventory practices and a model for emulation in the global retail industry.


Technology as in any other industry has it influence. The same is with Wal-Mart and their integration of technology in fostering an effective operational process in is supply chain management. It is “speculated that Wal-Mart has one of the largest IT system within its corporation structure, where technological integration and its influence is tremendously huge” (Anonymous) and play a significant part in Wal-Mart supply chain.

The main technologies adopted by Wal-Mart in its supply chain management are namely the following:-

Universal Bar Code: This is the first of its kind “technology introduced by Wal-Mart in the retail industry. The primary objective of this universal bar code adopted by Wal-Mart is to bring about a change in retail industry bar coding system for common labeling. This is somewhat a great technology adopted by Wal-Mart that enhanced its business process, given that it generates all kinds of information required which is specific.” (Wilbert)

Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFIT): This technology used by Wal-Mart “integrates the advancement of radio frequency to pass on data and any relevant stored data within the company intranet and extranet system.” (Wilbert)

Magic Wand: This is a hand held device used by Wal-Mart in its stored around the world. This hand held device are mainly executed by the help of computers and make use of the point of sale (POS) system and its integration, which help tracking sales of product and tracking the merchandise in stores accurately. (P Mohan Chandran)

Considering these three technological advancement, we feel that Wal-Mart integration of technology in its supply chain management is huge and influential.


Supply chain has always been in the process of existence. But in the current scenario, supply chain thinking and its management features have undergone tremendous change and transformation, given the rise of multinational companies (MNC).

Wal-Mart case is also no different. Wal-Mart supply chain process in the current scenario is aimed at enhancing operational expertise. This has been a reality, and the sales figures that have increased since 2000 till the current years shows the change in company standing. Besides being the world 2nd largest retailer in term of sales says a lot about Wal-Mart performance in term of sales, strategy, and success factor and brand image.

Surprisingly, retail and its market cap in Asia have risen dramatically in recent times. Research carried out by global research company, came to the key findings that “retail spending in major market where retail command a place on the global scale have declined, that is in UK and US market. The trends thus have shifted to Asian market, such as China, India and Japan in the current time.” (Ystats)


It is recommended that in the current time Wal-Mart should take more approach towards:-

  • Enhancing their associates and building relationship, so that it helps the company to further expand.
  • Given the trend in Asian retail growth in the current, it’s a good idea for Wal-Mart to expand their retail chain in Asians market, be it in India, and China.
  • Improvement of their process always calls necessarily.
  • Continuous improvements and learning’s.
  • Emphasizing on diversity programs.
  • Employee’s commitments and their concentration on employees with special needs.

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WalMart Supply Chain Management analysis (2024)


How did Walmart implement to make its supply chain become more responsive and efficient? ›

Walmart pioneered the Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) method, which involves the manufacturer or supplier of the inventory taking full responsibility for keeping inventory supplied at levels the seller (Walmart) stipulates. This allows for lower inventory levels and removes the need for things like safety stock.

Are Walmart's supply chain capabilities still a source of competitive advantage Why or why not? ›

Some of the leading supply chain's capabilities that support Wal-Mart to gain a competitive advantage in the retail market are: Walmart made excellent and long-term relations with suppliers. Also, it made the communication process easy to improve the flow of products by reducing their inventory level.

Does Walmart have a good supply chain? ›

Walmart's strong relationships with vendors have played a major role in their supply chain success. They go straight to the source and identify vendors who can provide them with the best price and can meet their high-volume demands.

What are Walmart's supply chain strategies? ›

Key Supply Chain Practices from Walmart
  • Four Powerful Concepts from Walmart. ...
  • Strategy of expanding around distribution centers (DCs) ...
  • Using electronic data interchange (EDI) with suppliers. ...
  • The “big box” store format. ...
  • “Everyday low prices” ...
  • Use these Concepts to Lower Costs and Inventory in any Supply Chain.
17 Mar 2020

What is wrong with Walmart supply chain? ›

Executives say the top three reasons for this are: the high inventory levels; a change in product mix as consumers bought more groceries and fewer high margin products to cope with inflation; and finally last in first out (LIFO) inventory accounting. LIFO matches the rising price to acquire inventory against revenues.

Why was Walmart strategy successful? ›

MERCHANDISE-DRIVEN RETAIL -Sam Walton writes that Walmart was more a 'Merchandise-Driven' retail than 'Operation-Driven' retail and this was one of the major reasons for the company's success. The operation-driven strategy would be toward reducing expenses and improving efficiency.

What is Walmart's strategy what is the basis on which Walmart builds its competitive advantage? ›

Wal - Mart 's strategy is to sell branded products at low cost . Wal - Mart 's competitive advantage is cost leadership . The basis on which Wal - Mart builds its competitive advantage are the company 's management controls , organizational structure , human resource management , and culture .

What attributes demonstrate the effectiveness of Walmart's supply chain? ›

In 2012, Arkansas Business listed three things that have evolved Wal-Mart's supply chain success: distribution practices, operating its own fleet of trucks, and technology for improvements in efficiency, inventory management and product forecasting.

What are Walmart's biggest weaknesses? ›

Walmart's Weaknesses – Internal Strategic Factors

Employee treatment and working conditions – Walmart has received criticisms and lawsuits several times regarding its workforce. Low wages, inadequate healthcare, and poor working conditions are few of the issues that have been publically criticized.

How Walmart manages their supply chain and logistics? ›

Walmart deals directly with manufacturers without any need for a supply-chain middleman. As the world's second-largest retailer, the company wields enormous bargaining power and can demand lower wholesale prices from suppliers.

What are Walmart's supply chain objectives? ›

Walmart aims to accelerate progress on the sustainability of our own assortment as well as product supply chains across the retail and consumer goods industry.

How does Walmart affect supply and demand? ›

Once a Walmart location opens, the lower prices, concentration, and selection of merchandise in its stores tend to draw consumers away from local retailers. With less foot traffic and declining sales, local retailers see their profits fall, forcing them to make cost-cutting decisions.

What is value chain analysis of Walmart? ›

Walmart Value Chain Analysis (FAQs)

Answer: Walmart creates value for its customers by offering them low prices on various products. The company does this by sourcing products at low prices and using its massive buying power to get favorable terms from suppliers.

What type of strategy was taken by the Walmart? ›

Instead of charging too much for the products, Walmart maximises its income by making prices customer-friendly and focusing on bulk sales. Walmart is known for its superior procurement methods in negotiating prices to keep the costs low.

What is Walmart's main strategy? ›

Every Day Low Prices on a Broad Assortment - Anytime, Anywhere. Every Day Low Price (EDLP) is the cornerstone of our strategy, and our price focus has never been stronger. Today's customer seeks the convenience of one-stop shopping that we offer.

Is Walmart having inventory problems? ›

Walmart's excess-inventory issues are spilling out into its stores — literally, Insider's Ben Tobin writes. The company reported that it had finished the first quarter with a 32% increase in inventory because of inflation and supply-chain issues, and it has been dealing with the consequences.

What is the main threat Walmart will possibly facing for? ›

It can be a threat to a company's growth. Walmart is facing a threat posed by massive competition from many other online business sites like Amazon. The company needs to eradicate their weaknesses to meet the challenge of the fiercely competitive market.

What are the threats that Walmart faces? ›

  • 1- As a global retailer, walmart is exposed to political problems in the countries and regions where it is currently operational.
  • 2- Intense price competition is a threat to Walmart. Low cost of products is driven by the low cost of maufacturing. ...
  • 3- Small Businesses vs.

What Walmart needs to improve? ›

8 Things Wal-Mart Admits It Needs to Fix At Its U.S. Stores
  • Improve the shopping experience. ...
  • Get the inventory right. ...
  • Enhance the store layout and design. ...
  • Integrate the store network with the company's digital operations. ...
  • Utilize the store space better by offering more services. ...
  • Reduce prices even further.
1 Apr 2015

What makes Walmart different from its competitors? ›

Walmart will sell its products at a lower price than any of its competitors and consistently done so for decades. The company also doesn't rely on gimmicks and sales to get customers through the door because it doesn't have to.

What are Walmart's most critical competitive advantages? ›

Strength in Both In-Store and Online Grocery Sales

Consumers that shop for online groceries at Walmart are drawn to low prices, one-stop convenience, brand selection, and curbside service.

What were the key success factors for Walmart to be successful in the retail industry? ›

The Business Model
  • Every Day Low Price. Every Day Low Price (EDLP) is the pillar of Walmart's strategy. ...
  • Checking on competition. Conventional business advice is along the lines of focus on creating the best product or service. ...
  • Empowering employees. ...
  • Distribution.
3 Dec 2020

What are the 4Ps of Walmart? ›

Through a coordinated strategic effort pertaining to product, place, promotion, and price (4Ps), the retail and e-commerce enterprise maintains its strong industry position. In keeping its marketing mix, Walmart Inc. focuses on enhancing process streamlining and operational efficiency as ways to maximize profitability.

How does Walmart measure its performance? ›

90-Day Order Defect Rate (ODR)

First, Walmart measures your ODR by calculating the number of purchases and divides them by the total defective orders within the same purchase period. To be in good standing with Walmart, your ODR needs to be 2% or less.

How does Walmart measure quality and customer satisfaction? ›

Walmart's key measures of quality service include: 90-Day Order Defect Rate <2% On-Time Shipment Rate >99% Valid Tracking Rate >99%

How does Walmart ensure customer satisfaction? ›

Walmart operates the world's most enormous private cloud and integrated satellite communication network to efficiently manage its resources and supply chain, which enable the company to provide a better quality of customer service.

How do you answer the top 3 weaknesses? ›

How to answer What are your greatest weaknesses? Choose a weakness that will not prevent you from succeeding in the role. Be honest and choose a real weakness. Provide an example of how you've worked to improve upon your weakness or learn a new skill to combat the issue.

What is Walmart's greatest strength? ›

1. Being the largest retailer in the world, with unmatched scale of operations and strong market power over suppliers and competitors. Walmart is the world's largest company by revenue. It is also the world's largest private employer, with more than 2.3 million employees.

How has Walmart used technology to improve inventory management? ›

Rainey said an augmented reality technology called VizPick is letting the company accelerate the inventory management process in its U.S stores, letting workers move products from the backroom to the sales floor more efficiently.

How does Walmart manage its inventory? ›

In inventory management, Walmart uses a system that allows suppliers to access data on the inventory levels of their products. This system supports the company's vendor-managed inventory model, which helps minimize operating costs and enables the business to offer low selling prices.

Who runs Walmart supply chain? ›

Joe Metzger is executive vice president of supply chain operations for Walmart U.S. He has responsibility for leading our distribution centers, fulfillment centers and transportation fleet, among other areas.

How do the Walmart used it and is to achieve the company objectives? ›

3) IT is a way to fasten the operations of the company, and it is also a way to reduce the cost of operations of the company. For example, Walmart introduced the IT software, which records all the data of sales of the company, which helps the company in reducing the cost of operations of the company.

What are the 5 main goals of supply chain management? ›

Top Five Goals and Objectives of Supply Chain Management
  • Ensure efficiency.
  • Optimize and standardize logistics.
  • Focus on improving quality.
  • Increase flexibility.
  • Monitor financial success.
1 Mar 2022

How is Walmart able to keep track of its inventory Why is this important? ›

Why is this important? The Walmart is able to keep track of its inventory with the help of a little gadget called, Telson. It scans the bar code which is not just a simple thing but it is almost like an encyclopedia as it tells all the information. The power of information is hidden in a bar code.

How much does Walmart spend on supply chain? ›

That figure, $400 million, was what the company spent on supply chain costs above management's original estimates for the fourth quarter, which ultimately yielded some $3.6 billion in net income.
Walmart in Q4.
Net sales:$105.3 billion
Comp sales:+5.6%
Operating margin:4.9%
Inventory growth:+18%
1 more row
3 Mar 2022

Where does Walmart get their supply from? ›

The majority of its suppliers are in the United States. However, the supply chain for Walmart stores is global, with suppliers in the United Kingdom, Canada, China, Mexico, Taiwan, Hong Kong, France, and other countries.

Why is Walmart's supply chain so successful? ›

What makes Walmart's supply chain so successful? Walmart's supply chain success can be attributed to their tactful decisions to start investing in the right initiatives, including technology and expanding their logistics network, to provide value in the ecommerce space.

What is value chain analysis example? ›

For example, McDonald's mission is to provide customers with low-priced food items. The analysis helps McDonald's identify areas for improvement and activities that add value to their products and services. Below is an example of a value chain analysis for McDonald's and its cost leadership strategy.

Is Walmart responsive or efficient? ›

Walmart has usually been presented as an example of an efficient supply chain strategy.

How is Walmart so efficient in its logistics function? ›

Walmart uses a consolidation system that allows large shipments of products in one region to be broken down and dispersed throughout the distribution centers across the company. This ensures fuller truckloads to cut down transportation costs.

What is the new technology that Walmart has recently implemented? ›

Walmart Deploys Blockchain to Track Leafy Greens

How do you know your food is safe to eat? Walmart and Sam's Club are now utilizing blockchain technology with their suppliers of fresh, leafy greens which allows them to trace their products all the way back to the farm.

What has Walmart done to improve its practices since 2005? ›

We're making progress: As of 2021, we've diverted 78% of global waste from landfills and incineration, and donated 696 million pounds of food in the U.S. alone. We've conserved over 1.8 million acres of land since 2005 in partnership with Acres for America. Private-brand packaging by 2025.

What challenges does Walmart currently face? ›

Being the world's largest private employer, Walmart still faces a range of ethical issues. Those most current involve company's employees: they face exploitation, gender discrimination, poor working conditions, and inadequate healthcare.

What is Walmart's innovation strategy? ›

New Services. Walmart is interested in expanding its profit pools beyond its core retail business. And to achieve that Walmart has started selling its technologies to small-and-medium size retailers. It allows shoppers to buy items online and pick up the purchase at the store.

What is Walmart's growth strategy? ›

The retailer has built its massive scale largely through expanding its brick-and-mortar stores, as well as its foundational promise of broad access to low prices on everyday goods. But in the last 2 years, Walmart has ramped up investments and partnerships in e-commerce and even areas outside of retail.

How has Walmart remained successful? ›

Throughout its 50+ years of history, Walmart has stayed true to its purpose and consistently striven to offer low everyday prices to its customers, and because of this, Walmart has built for itself a strong and loyal customer base. Customers walking into any Walmart store know that they can count on low prices.

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