VPN Protocols Compared in 2023 | Security.org (2024)

  • What Is It?
  • Most Common VPN Protocols
  • Comparing VPN Protocols
  • What Each Protocol Is Best For

Many internet users are aware of what a VPN is and what it does. A VPN safeguards your online privacy by encrypting your internet communications and routing your traffic through secure tunnels. But do you know the inner workings of a VPN?

The protocol is the backbone of any VPN connection. In this guide, we’ll compare five of the most commonly used protocols in VPNs. This isn’t just for the tech enthusiasts out there though. Knowing the differences among these VPN protocols can help you choose the best VPN and the best type of connection for different needs, whether you’re looking for more speed, more flexible connections, or stronger encryption.

Let’s talk about OpenVPN, WireGuard, IKEv2, L2TP, and PPTP. Fair warning: You may hear a lot of networking jargon and talk about encryption in this post, but we’ll do our best to break it all down into bite-size, easy-to-grasp concepts. Let’s get started!

What Is a VPN Protocol?

A VPN protocol is a set of rules that decides how your online traffic gets from your device, through the VPN server, and to the web.

When you connect without a VPN, your online traffic simply travels between your device and the internet. To do that, it follows a set of rules called the Internet Protocol or IP. Every internet-connected device knows the protocol, much like you and your normal route to work. You’re familiar with it; a navigation app is optional.

When you connect to a VPN, it redirects your traffic through a secure, encrypted tunnel before reaching the internet. That calls for another set of rules, and that’s what a VPN protocol is. A VPN takes you to a safer alternative route, but your device isn’t familiar with it, so it needs the VPN to provide navigation instructions.

VPN Protocols Compared in 2023 | Security.org (1)

VPN protocols provide more than just directions, however. Just like different routes have varying distances, traffic conditions, and road safety, your choice of a VPN protocol determines the speed and level of security you experience with your VPN connection. It influences crucial aspects, such as the VPN encryption standard employed, the routing of various types of traffic through specific ports, and the overall reliability of your connection.

Surf More of the Web Securely with These Powerful VPNs

VPNs don’t create secure connections by magic. They run powerful software under the hood that lets us connect quickly and safely to more of the web. But you can’t be sure about a virtual private network until you test it. We’ve tested them all and these three VPNs gave us the fastest, most secure and versatile connections:

Overview of the Most Common VPN Protocols

Over the years, VPN leaders have developed and used a variety of protocols, each of which has unique benefits and disadvantages. The five most widely used protocols right now are:

  • OpenVPN is an open-source VPN released in 20011 that has continually improved since. Now the gold standard of VPN protocols, it’s compatible with cutting-edge encryption standards and provides fast and reliable speeds.
    VPN Protocols Compared in 2023 | Security.org (5)
  • WireGuard is much newer, released in 2015. It’s comparable to OpenVPN in terms of security and encryption, but many consider it faster and more reliable.
  • IKEv2 is often paired with IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) to create a secure VPN tunnel. IKEv2/IPSec is lightweight and adequately secure. It’s also agile, since it’s one of the few protocols that can re-establish a VPN connection when you switch networks (e.g. from mobile data to Wi-Fi).
  • L2TP, much like IKEv2, is often paired with IPSec. It was developed in the 1990s by Cisco and Microsoft, and it was considered secure at the time. It still has zero known vulnerabilities, but many people believe it’s no longer safe from government spying, especially by the NSA.2
  • PPTP is the oldest VPN protocol to become widely available, and many people see it as obsolete in terms of security. It’s fast and can still provide adequate privacy, however, albeit with a lower encryption standard.

FYI: Aside from the five widely used VPN protocols, some VPN providers create their own proprietary protocols either from scratch or based on existing protocols. When we reviewed NordVPN, for example, we got to experience NordLynx, which is based on WireGuard.

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Comparing VPN Protocols: Speed, Security, Ease of Use, and Application

To compare all five VPN protocols, we need to see how they do in three key areas: speed, security, and ease of use. By doing so, we can figure out what they are best used for. Here’s a quick comparison chart, but be sure to read on for a more detailed explanation.

VPN protocolsSpeedSecurityEase of use

Speed Comparison

In terms of speed, WireGuard and PPTP are the fastest, but OpenVPN, IKEv2, and L2TP offer decent speeds as well.

WireGuard is fast because it’s lightweight. The protocol can be implemented in very few lines of code, so there’s much less going on in the background. It also uses high-speed cryptography that, although state-of-the-art, makes key exchanges and traffic flow smoothly.

VPN Protocols Compared in 2023 | Security.org (7)

PPTP is fast for another reason: It’s not as strict in implementing encryption. By sacrificing security, it is one of the fastest VPN protocols around.

OpenVPN can also be fast, but it depends on the configuration. The speed of your connection can be affected by which transmission protocol you use. OpenVPN can use UDP (user datagram protocol) and TCP (transmission control protocol) to transmit data. The former is faster but can be unreliable, while the latter is slower but more reliable.

IKEv2 and L2TP have speeds comparable to OpenVPN, but IKEv2 has a unique advantage because it can establish a connection more quickly, allowing it to be more agile. If you connect through IKEv2, you can switch Wi-Fi networks without losing connection to the VPN.

Security Comparison

When it comes to security, OpenVPN and WireGuard take the helm. IKEv2 and L2TP offer adequate privacy and security, but there are some security concerns. PPTP, meanwhile, offers the lowest level of security of the five protocols.

VPN Protocols Compared in 2023 | Security.org (8)

OpenVPN is built like a tank when it comes to encryption. It supports the highest encryption standard used in VPNs, which is 256-bit AES. In addition, its arsenal of security protocols relies on OpenSSL, a robust cryptographic toolkit of secure communication standards. In other words, OpenVPN is the most secure protocol.

WireGuard uses state-of-the-art cryptography. It doesn’t support AES encryption, but it substitutes it with ChaCha20. It’s less complex, but still very secure. One advantage of WireGuard, though, is that it’s easier to audit and there’s a smaller attack surface compared to OpenVPN, since it’s implemented in a few lines of code. That said, WireGuard is new and still developing.

IKEv2 and L2TP are once again evenly matched in the security category. Both support different levels of AES encryption, and they use IPSec to handle the encryption itself. Their use of IPSec, however, has become a concern since the Edward Snowden leaks in 2013, since they seem to imply that the NSA is working to insert vulnerabilities to allow the agency to monitor VPN users. IPSec was originally developed by Microsoft and Cisco, but the NSA also played a hand in its development.

PPTP is the least secure, and we advise against using it if privacy is a major concern. As early as 1998, studies showed that PPTP has serious vulnerabilities, both in its use of challenge/response authentication protocol (CHAP) and the encryption standard it uses, which is MPPE. Basically, researchers have found that CHAP’s cryptography is easy to crack, and the quality of MPPE encryption is very low.

Tip: Encryption plays a big role in VPN security, so in addition to choosing the right VPN protocol, you should consider customizing your VPN encryption standard. Most of the time, you’ll be able to choose between 128-bit AES and 256-bit AES, with the latter being more secure.

Ease-of-Use Comparison

All five protocols are fairly easy to set up and use if you install a commercial VPN that supports them. Simply download a VPN app to your device and install it, and it will take care of the rest of the setup.

VPN Protocols Compared in 2023 | Security.org (9)

If you’re doing a manual installation, IKEv2, L2TP, and PPTP are the easiest to set up, because they are built into most computers. You can use those three protocols without third-party software when setting up a VPN manually on Android, for example. You simply need working credentials from a VPN service or your network administrator.

WireGuard and OpenVPN both require third-party software. There are official apps for both protocols available for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. Besides the apps, you’ll need to download a VPN configuration from a VPN provider or create one yourself before being able to use the VPNs.

Most operating systems make it easy to connect to a VPN once it’s set up on a device correctly.

Pro Tip: Average VPN users find it most convenient to use a VPN app rather than set up a VPN manually. There are a few good free VPNs to try, but for the best experience, we recommend a premium VPN. Find out VPN costs here.

What Each VPN Protocol Is Best For

Having seen how each VPN protocol does in terms of security, speed, and ease-of-use, we can now draw conclusions about what they are best used for.

  • OpenVPN is a good general-purpose protocol for ensuring your privacy. It’s very secure, but you may see a slight drop-off in your internet speed.
  • WireGuard is both fast and secure. It’s still in development and most VPN providers are yet to implement WireGuard, but like OpenVPN, it’s great for a day-to-day VPN.
  • IKEv2/IPSec’s ability to connect quickly makes it great for mobile phones using cellular data.
  • L2TP/IPSec is best for manual VPN configuration since it’s easy to set up. It offers adequate security and decent speeds, but there are security concerns, so you may not want to use it for transmitting highly sensitive data over the internet.
  • PPTP is an obsolete VPN protocol with limited applications. It’s easy to set up, though, so it’s worth looking into if you want to run your own VPN server at home.

Wrapping Up

Your choice of VPN protocol greatly affects your overall VPN experience, but most commercial VPNs offer a number of protocols in one subscription. That means you can adjust how your device connects to the VPN on the fly, or even set up a different protocol for each device. Keep this guide handy, and come back whenever you need help fine-tuning your VPN connection.


Here are some FAQs about VPN protocols and the answers from our experts.

  • Are VPN protocols the same as encryption?

    VPN protocols and encryption are not the same, but they are closely related. The VPN protocol is a set of rules that dictates how your traffic is handled, including what encryption standard to use and how to securely transmit the encryption keys to the VPN server. Encryption, on the other hand, is simply the process of scrambling data packets.

  • Are all VPNs encrypted?

    All VPNs use encryption, but the quality of the encryption depends on which VPN protocol is used. OpenVPN, IKEv2, and L2TP support AES encryption, considered the gold standard, while WireGuard uses ChaCha20, which is also secure. PPTP uses the least secure encryption standard, MPPE.

  • Is WireGuard better than OpenVPN?

    WireGuard is newer, but it has already proven better than OpenVPN in terms of speed. Since OpenVPN is open source and it has been around longer, however, it has been audited and reviewed more times than WireGuard, so it has a better track record with security.

  • Are IKEv2 and L2TP still safe to use?

    IKEv2 and L2TP have no known major vulnerabilities, but they don’t provide much security on their own. They have to be paired with IPSec for encryption, and there are allegations in cybersecurity communities that the NSA may have compromised IPSec. If you’re doing journalistic research or activism and you fear the government may be monitoring you, it’s best to avoid IKEv2 and L2TP.

  • What is the best VPN protocol?

    The best VPN protocol for you depends on a number of factors, including what device you’re using, how much balance between security and speed you want, what type of activities you’re doing online, and more. OpenVPN and WireGuard are generally considered the best VPN protocols for day-to-day use.

As a seasoned expert in the field of virtual private networks (VPNs) and network security, I can confidently break down the concepts discussed in the provided article about VPN protocols. My expertise in this domain stems from a comprehensive understanding of networking principles, encryption technologies, and the evolution of VPN protocols over the years.

VPN Protocols: The Backbone of Secure Connections

The article rightly emphasizes the significance of VPN protocols, which are essentially sets of rules governing how online traffic travels from a user's device, through the VPN server, and to the web. When users connect to a VPN, their traffic is redirected through a secure, encrypted tunnel, introducing a new set of rules – the VPN protocol.

These protocols play a crucial role in determining the speed, security, and overall reliability of the VPN connection. As an enthusiast or professional, understanding these protocols becomes imperative for choosing the most suitable VPN based on specific needs, such as speed, flexibility, or enhanced encryption.

Overview of Common VPN Protocols

The article highlights five commonly used VPN protocols: OpenVPN, WireGuard, IKEv2, L2TP, and PPTP. Each protocol has its unique characteristics and advantages, making it essential for users to be aware of their differences.

  1. OpenVPN: Established as the gold standard, OpenVPN is an open-source VPN protocol known for compatibility with cutting-edge encryption standards, providing both speed and reliability.

  2. WireGuard: A newer protocol released in 2015, WireGuard is praised for its comparable security to OpenVPN, with added speed and reliability benefits due to its lightweight implementation.

  3. IKEv2/IPSec: Often paired with IPSec, this protocol is lightweight, adequately secure, and agile, making it suitable for scenarios where quick VPN connection re-establishment is crucial, such as switching networks.

  4. L2TP/IPSec: Developed in the 1990s, L2TP is often paired with IPSec and is considered secure, but concerns about its vulnerability to government spying have been raised.

  5. PPTP: The oldest widely available VPN protocol, PPTP is perceived as obsolete in terms of security but is still fast and can provide basic privacy.

Comparing VPN Protocols: Speed, Security, and Ease of Use

The article appropriately compares the five VPN protocols based on three key criteria: speed, security, and ease of use. The following summarizes the findings:

  • Speed Comparison: WireGuard and PPTP are the fastest, while OpenVPN, IKEv2, and L2TP offer decent speeds. The speed depends on factors such as protocol configuration and transmission protocol used.

  • Security Comparison: OpenVPN and WireGuard are highlighted as the most secure, with robust encryption standards. IKEv2 and L2TP offer adequate security, but concerns about IPSec vulnerabilities are raised. PPTP is deemed the least secure.

  • Ease-of-Use Comparison: All five protocols are fairly easy to set up through commercial VPN apps. For manual installations, IKEv2, L2TP, and PPTP are considered easier due to built-in support in most computers.

Best Use Cases for Each VPN Protocol

The article concludes by providing insights into the best use cases for each VPN protocol, considering their performance in terms of security, speed, and ease of use:

  • OpenVPN: Suitable for general-purpose privacy, offering high security with a slight potential drop in internet speed.

  • WireGuard: Fast and secure, ideal for day-to-day VPN usage.

  • IKEv2/IPSec: Great for mobile phones using cellular data due to its quick connection establishment.

  • L2TP/IPSec: Best for manual VPN configuration, offering adequate security and decent speeds.

  • PPTP: Considered obsolete but easy to set up, suitable for running a personal VPN server at home.

Conclusion and FAQs

The article concludes by emphasizing the significant impact of the chosen VPN protocol on the overall VPN experience. Additionally, it provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding VPN protocols, encryption, the safety of specific protocols, and the best VPN protocol based on individual needs.

In summary, the article serves as a comprehensive guide for both tech enthusiasts and general users, helping them make informed decisions when selecting a VPN protocol based on their specific requirements and priorities.

VPN Protocols Compared in 2023 | Security.org (2024)


What is the most efficient VPN protocol? ›

OpenVPN is the most secure VPN protocol and the safest choice thanks to its near-unbreakable encryption, which keeps users' data private even when using public Wi-Fi.

What is the best VPN protocol in 2024? ›

OpenVPN and NordLynx

NordVPN offers two of the fastest, most reliable, and most secure VPN protocols: OpenVPN and WireGuard in the form of NordLynx.

What is the new VPN protocol? ›

NordLynx is a new-generation VPN protocol that offers an improved connection, faster speeds, and better security measures than other VPN protocols, including WireGuard. A VPN protocol is a tunnel that lets users' data travel encrypted and unattainable to third parties.

What is the obsolete VPN protocol? ›

PPTP, once a pioneering VPN protocol, has become largely obsolete due to its significant security weaknesses. While it offers fast speeds and easy setup, its poor security makes it unsuitable for protecting sensitive data. A VPN protocol that is best left to the history books.

Which VPN is better IKEv2 or IPsec or L2TP? ›

IKEv2 and L2TP/IPsec provide the same level of security as they both work around IPsec. IKEv2 is, however, supported by fewer systems and software, though this shouldn't be a main concern to most users.

Which is better, WireGuard or IKEv2? ›

Speed Comparison

In terms of speed, WireGuard and PPTP are the fastest, but OpenVPN, IKEv2, and L2TP offer decent speeds as well. WireGuard is fast because it's lightweight. The protocol can be implemented in very few lines of code, so there's much less going on in the background.

What protocol does always on VPN use? ›

Always On VPN uses the widely used IKEv2 protocol for secure and reliable VPN connections. Always On VPN can seamlessly work with VPN gateways from different vendors that support the IKEv2 protocol.

What will replace VPNs? ›

Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN)

SD-WAN is a cloud-delivered service that provides a high-performance alternative to a VPN.

What is the popular protocol for today's VPNs? ›

The most common VPN protocols are OpenVPN, WireGuard, L2TP/IPsec, IKEv2/IPsec, PPTP and SSTP. These protocols offer different trade-offs between security, speed and compatibility, so the best option will depend on your specific needs.

What protocol does NordVPN recommend? ›

If you are conscious about your security and are wondering what the most stable NordVPN protocol is, we recommend OpenVPN. WireGuard is the newest and fastest tunneling protocol, and the entire VPN industry is talking about it. It uses state-of-the-art cryptography that outshines the current leader, OpenVPN.

What is the next generation VPN technology? ›

What is a Next Gen VPN? A Next Gen VPN is an evolution of both network architecture and VPN technology that provides a greater degree of control and thus improved security, in access to both cloud and centralized network resources (or a hybrid of both).

Which is more secure, WireGuard or OpenVPN? ›

There are no known security flaws in either protocol. If security is your topmost priority, the conservative option is OpenVPN. It has simply been around much longer than WireGuard, gone through more third-party security audits, and has a far longer track record than WireGuard.

What is the strongest VPN protocol? ›

OpenVPN and WireGuard are protocols that can offer the most robust encryption and the highest level of security. OpenVPN uses an AES 256-bit encryption key, widely used by top-tier entities, such as NASA and the military. Meanwhile, WireGuard® uses a comparatively new and sturdy encryption protocol called XChaCha20.

Why you shouldn't use VPN all the time? ›

While people sometimes use VPNs to bypass geo restrictions or for malicious deeds, some websites block access if a user's VPN is on. In such cases, disabling a VPN might be necessary. Avoiding software conflicts. Some applications or services, such as online games or streaming services, may clash with a VPN.

Will VPNs become obsolete? ›

Is the VPN really dead? Although some critics say the VPN is obsolete, enterprises continue to use the technology to enable remote access. Research shows widespread use is dwindling, however. In June 2023, Zscaler and Cybersecurity Insiders published a "VPN Risk Report" study.

Is TCP or UDP better for VPN? ›

TCP is more reliable, but there are many uses where UDP is preferred and this is usually the default protocol on most VPN services.

Which is the most effective VPN? ›

NordVPN tops our VPN rankings by offering an unmatched blend of features, speed, unblocking, and value for money. Not only is it half the price of ExpressVPN, it also has more features compared to Surfshark. They're its two nearest rivals, making Nord a no-brainer for most people.

Which VPN protocol uses the least data? ›

128-bit PPTP: This protocol uses the least amount of data. However, it also provides the lowest level of security and privacy.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.