Visiting the UK: guide to supporting documents (2024)

Visiting the UK: guide to supporting documents (1)

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To visit the UK, you need to show that you’re a genuine visitor.

You can do this by providing evidence that:

  • you’re coming to do a permitted activity – see Appendix Visitor: Permitted Activities
  • you’ll leave the UK at the end of your visit
  • you’re able to support yourself and any dependants for the duration of your trip
  • you’re able to pay for your return or onward journey and any other costs relating to your visit

Wherever possible, digital images should be taken of original documents, not copies.

If you submit a document that is not in English or Welsh, it must be accompanied by a full translation that can be independently verified by the Home Office. Each translation must contain:

  • confirmation from the translator that it is an accurate translation of the original document
  • the date of translation
  • the translator’s full name and signature
  • the translator’s contact details

You do not need to provide multiple copies of the same documents if you’re applying as a family or group at the same time.

If you’re applying to visit the UK as part of a Chinese tour group, you should read the specific guidance for ADS visitors.

Further information about coming to the UK as a visitor can be found in Appendix V: Visitor of the Immigration Rules and in the Visitor Guidance.

Submitting or presenting any of the documents listed below does not guarantee that your application for a visit visa or entry at the border will be successful. You should bear this in mind when making any bookings, particularly if you need to apply for a visitor visa before you travel to the UK.

1. Travel document (passport)

You must provide a valid passport or other travel document with all applications and when travelling to the UK. Your passport must have at least 1 page blank if you use it to apply for a visa.

Some passport holders may need to provide alternative evidence of their identity and nationality.

2. Demonstrating personal circ*mstances

If you are intending to visit the UK you will need to show that you are a genuine visitor who is coming to the UK to undertake a permitted activity, that you will leave at the end of your visit and that you have sufficient funds for yourself and any dependants to cover all reasonable costs in relation to your visit.

It is recommended that you provide information about your circ*mstances in your home country and details of the activity that you will be doing in the UK.

The following provides information about the types of documents that you might want to provide to help us consider your application against the Immigration Rules for Visitors (Appendix V: Visitor). This list is not exhaustive.

  • if you are coming to the UK to do activities relating to your employment or study outside the UK (e.g. attending business meetings, performing as a musician or taking part in an educational exchange), you may want to provide documents detailing:
    • what you will be doing in the UK, the reason for your visit and whether any costs are being met, including any letters from inviting or sending organisations
    • circ*mstances in your home country, including documents that demonstrate your employment or student status, such as
      • a letter from your employer on company headed paper, detailing your role, salary and length of employment
      • a letter from your education provider, on headed paper, confirming your enrolment and leave of absence
      • business registration documents or recent invoices that confirm on-going self-employment
  • copies of previous passports showing evidence of travel to other countries
  • confirmation of legal residence, if you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport
  • financial documents showing that you have sufficient funds available. These must clearly show that you have access to the funds, such as:
    • bank statements which detail the origin of the funds held
    • building society books which detail the origin of the funds held
    • proof of earnings, such as a letter from your employer confirming employment details (start date of employment, salary, role, company contact details)

If someone else (your sponsor) is providing your travel, maintenance or accommodation you should provide evidence showing:

  • what support is being provided and whether it extends to any dependent family

  • how this support is being provided

  • the person supporting you has enough funds to adequately support themselves and their dependents

  • the relationship between you and the sponsor, for example if they’re your family member or your employer

  • the person supporting you is legally in the UK (if applicable), for example if they have a British passport or residence document

4. If you’re a child (under 18)

You should show a legal document showing the relationship between you and at least 1 of your parents or guardians, for example a birth certificate or adoption papers.

You should show a copy of the photo page of at least 1 parent’s or guardian’s passport, including their signature and passport number, if they’re not also applying for a visa.

If you have a different family name to your parent/guardian, you may be asked to provide evidence of your relationship. Evidence you can provide may include:

  • a birth or adoption certificate showing your relationship to your parent or guardian

  • a divorce or marriage certificate for your parent or guardian

4.1 If you’re not travelling with your parent or guardian

You should provide additional documents to show that your parent or guardian is aware of your travel plans and that they give you permission to enter the UK. Your application may be refused if you don’t.

You should provide a signed letter from your parent or guardian confirming your travel arrangements, including:

  • your parent or guardian’s consent for you to travel to the UK
  • who’s travelling with you – you’ll need to provide their passport number if they’re an adult
  • who’ll look after you while you’re in the UK
  • how you’ll travel to the UK
  • If your parent or guardian does not have a passport, you should provide another official document that includes their signature

5. Visiting for business purposes

If someone else (your sponsor) is providing your travel, maintenance or accommodation you should provide evidence showing:

  • what support is being provided and whether it extends to any dependent family
  • how this support is being provided
  • the relationship between you and the sponsor, for example if they’re your family member or your employer)
  • the person supporting you is legally in the UK (if applicable), for example if they have a British passport or residence document

If you are attending a business event or conference, you should provide a letter of invitation from the organiser of the event you are attending.

7. Intra-corporate visits

If you are visiting the UK to work with your UK based colleagues you should provide a letter from your employer confirming this, and if this will involve working with clients, your employer should confirm that this is not the main purpose of your visit.

8. Wet lease arrangements

If you are a pilot or cabin crew member travelling to the UK to work temporarily under a wet lease agreement, you should provide a letter from your employer confirming that you are employed by them and that a wet lease agreement is in place.

9. Visiting for training, research or paid engagements

9.1 Academics coming to undertake research (12-month visa)

You should show that you’re highly qualified and working in your field at an academic or higher education institution. For example, you could provide:

  • a letter from your employer outlining the research to be undertaken
  • a letter from the UK host organisation confirming the arrangements for your research or exchange

You should check if you need a TB test.

You should check if your family members need a TB test if you’re bringing them to the UK with you.

9.2 Performers at one or more permit-free festivals

You may want to provide a letter of invitation from the organisers of each event, including the dates of your performances and details of any payments you’ll receive.

9.3 Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) test

You’ll need to provide a letter from the General Medical Council or Nursing and Midwifery Council confirming your test.

9.4 Work-related training – unpaid clinical attachments and dental observer posts

You’ll need to provide confirmation of your offer to undertake a clinical attachment or dental observer post, that it involves no treatment of patients and that you’ve not previously undertaken this activity in the UK.

9.5 Study

You should provide an acceptance letter from your course provider confirming the details of the course.

9.6 Study – medical electives

You must provide written confirmation from your UK Higher Education provider confirming you have been accepted to undertake an elective relevant to your course of study overseas.

9.7 Study – research placements

You must provide confirmation from your overseas course provider that the research or research tuition is part of, or relevant to, the course you’re doing overseas.

9.8 Permitted Paid Engagements

You’ll need to provide an invitation letter showing why you’re carrying out the engagement and how long it’s for from a relevant UK-based organisation, such as:

  • a Higher Education institution
  • an organisation in the creative arts or entertainment industries
  • a sports organisation, agent or broadcaster
  • a research organisation
  • an aviation training organisation regulated by the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority
  • a client, if you are a lawyer
  • the organiser of a conference or seminar confirming your invitation to speak at their event

You should provide evidence of professional status in your home country or expertise, depending on the engagement.

9.9 Lecturers or examiners

You can provide:

  • the names or details of your publications in your field of expertise
  • dates and times of lectures you’ve given in that field
  • a letter from your employer confirming where you work and your area of expertise

9.10 Entertainers/artists/sports people

You can provide:

  • dates and times of performances, screenings, concerts, talks, readings and exhibitions
  • details of any awards you’ve received
  • proof of recent performances

9.11 Air pilot examiners

You should provide evidence showing you’ve been invited by an approved training organisation. They must be based in the UK and regulated by the UK Civil Aviation Authority.

9.12 Lawyers

You’ll need to provide evidence that you’re a qualified lawyer, for example a practising certificate or equivalent document.

You should also show you’ve been invited to represent a client in the UK court, for example confirmation of your right to audience, or ‘temporary call’ (where required).

10. Visiting for private medical treatment

If you’re applying to visit the UK as an S2 Healthcare Visitor, you should read the specific guidance for S2 Healthcare Visitors

10.1 Private Medical Treatment

You’ll need to provide a letter written by a doctor or consultant, that includes:

  • details of the condition requiring consultation or treatment
  • estimated cost and likely duration of any treatment
  • details of where the consultation or treatment will take place.

If you are coming to the UK to receive medical treatment as part of a reciprocal healthcare arrangement between your country and the UK, you must provide an authorisation form from that country.

You should check if you need a TB test if you’re applying for an 11 month visa.

If you’re applying to extend your stay in the UK to receive private medical treatment you must show:

  • a letter explaining your medical condition from a registered medical practitioner
  • you’ve met the costs of the treatment you’ve already received

If you’re applying to extend your stay in the UK to continue receiving medical treatment as part of a reciprocal healthcare arrangement between your country and the UK, you must provide an authorisation form from that country which authorises further treatment.

10.2 Organ donors

You’ll need to provide a letter from either the lead nurse of the transplant team or a GMC-registered specialist, dated no more than 3 months before you intend to arrive in the UK, confirming:

  • you’re a confirmed match to the recipient with whom you have a genetic or close personal relationship, or you’re being tested to determine whether you are a potential donor
  • when and where the transplant or tests will take place

You should show the intended recipient is legally resident in the UK, such as a copy of their British passport or residence permit. You should provide the intended recipient’s name, nationality and date of birth if they are not legally resident in the UK and are applying for a visa at the same time.

11. Visiting for your marriage or civil partnership

You must apply for a marriage or civil partnership visitor visa to enter the UK to marry, form a civil partnership, or give notice of this.

You should provide evidence that you intend to give notice, marry or form a civil partnership during your stay, for example an appointment confirmation with a registrar or booking confirmation for your reception. If you’ve been married or in a civil partnership before, you should provide documents to show that you are free to marry or form a civil partnership.

You must be over 18.

12. Passing through the UK in transit

You should provide evidence that:

  • your outward journey from the UK has been confirmed and is within 48 hours of arrival, for example travel booking confirmation
  • you can enter the country you’re travelling to, for example a valid visa or residence permit

Further information can be found on the Visitor in Transit visa pages or in the Transit Guidance.

13. Documents you should not use as evidence

Some types of documents are less useful as evidence in visit applications. These include:

  • bank statements or letters issued more than 1 year before the date of application
  • credit card statements
  • driving licence
  • educational certificates that are not listed as required for your visa
  • evidence of car ownership
  • personal photographs
  • notarial certificates
  • business cards
  • hotel bookings
  • flight bookings (unless transiting)
  • photocopies of bank cards
  • certificates relating to leisure activities, for example sports trophies
  • travel insurance
  • sponsor’s utility bills
  • sponsor’s council tax bills

You may be asked to provide additional information by a decision maker.

Visiting the UK: guide to supporting documents (2024)


What evidence of support is required for UK visitor visa? ›

proof of your income and where you work, for example payslips or an employment contract. proof that you have enough money to pay for the visitor's stay, for example recent bank statements. proof that you're in the UK legally, for example a copy of your passport or visa.

What documents do US citizens need to enter the UK? ›

Your identity document (for example your passport or identity card) will be checked when you arrive at a UK port or airport to make sure you're allowed to come into the country. It should be valid for the whole of your stay. You may also need a visa to come into or travel through the UK, depending on your nationality.

What travel documents do I need to go to UK? ›

You're from outside the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein. You must have a valid passport to enter the UK.

How do I submit supporting documents for UK visa? ›

You need to upload your documents once you reach the evidence section of the application form. Click 'upload evidence' next to the evidence you want to upload and then 'choose file' to select the file you need. If your upload is successful, you'll see it under the 'Files added' heading on the application form.

Why would a UK visitor visa be denied? ›

The Home Office refuses visas because of the applicant's lack of funds, lack of evidence to prove the purpose of the visit, lack of ties to the home country, criminal record, previous refusals, submission of false information, and on health grounds.

How much bank balance is required for a UK visitor visa? ›

A general guideline is to have at least £1,800 to £3,600 available for each month you plan to stay in the UK. This will depend on your planned activities, accommodation costs, and personal spending habits​.

What are the new travel requirements for the UK? ›

All visitors who currently don't have to apply for a visa will need to get an ETA before they travel. This includes those who do not currently need to make any form of application to visit to the UK - meaning US, Canadian, Australian and European citizens will require an ETA even for short stays.

Which documents are required for UK? ›

You must provide a valid passport or other travel document with all applications and when travelling to the UK. Your passport must have at least 1 page blank if you use it to apply for a visa. Some passport holders may need to provide alternative evidence of their identity and nationality.

What do you need for a visiting visa in the UK? ›

A valid passport or travel document. Bank statements confirming that you can support yourself and your return journey. Evidence of your purpose for the visit. Evidence that you will leave the UK at the end of your proposed visit.

What documents are required for UK tourist visa 2024? ›

Documents required for a UK Visa in 2024

Updated Bank statement for the last six months with Bank sign & stamp on it. Three Year Income Tax Returns. Six month's Salary Slip. Personal Covering letter.

How does UKVI verify supporting documents? ›

In some cases, UKVI will take action to verify if certain documents are genuine. If they decide to do this, they will contact the organisation (for example bank, overseas government sponsor or university) that has issued that document directly.

What is an example of evidence of support from sponsor for UK visa? ›

I am happy to provide funding to my [child/ward] for the full tuition fees and maintenance while studying in the UK. I am able to fund this amount and this is evidenced by my bank statements which are enclosed. I give my consent to the funds being available to my [child/ward] for study in the UK.

What is evidence of financial support for UK visa? ›

Bank Letters

This letter must confirm that the funds have been held for a consecutive 28-day period and the letter must not be dated more than 31 days before you make your Student Visa application. The bank letter should: be on official stationary or an electronic record. be printed or electronic (not hand-written)

How do you prove financial support for tourist visa? ›

Use this form to agree to provide financial support to a beneficiary of certain immigration benefits for the duration of their temporary stay in the United States. You must file a separate Form I-134 for each beneficiary.

What is a letter of support for visa application UK? ›

Letters of Support are different from cover letters (discussed earlier). These are statements from either the applicant's spouse/partner (the sponsor), family relatives, or close friends. Letters should be written by the sponsor spouse/partner and should confirm that the relationship is genuine and subsisting.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.