Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (2024)


This is an article that will visit and explore the following topics and questions about virtual staging:

  • What you need to avoid any legal issues with virtual staging
  • The main Pros and Cons of virtual staging
  • Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: Which Should You Choose?
  • Virtual Home Staging Tips: Best Practices
  • What is Home Staging and How does it Work?
  • Is Home Virtual Staging Worth It?
  • How Much Does Virtual Staging Cost?

Virtual home staging is transforming the real estate market, offering a sleek, modern way to attract buyers without the high costs and hassle of traditional staging. However, while virtual staging real estate presents numerous advantages, it’s essential to approach this innovative tool with a clear understanding of its potential legal implications. Here’s a guide to using digital staging wisely to enhance your real estate listings using virtual staging without worrying about any legal issues.

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (1)

Is Virtual Staging Legal?

Yes, absolutely virtual staging is legal. It's a widely used practice in the real estate industry where digital tools are used to enhance and decorate a property's photos to make them more appealing to potential buyers. However, while virtual staging itself is legal, it is important to use it responsibly to avoid misleading potential buyers.

We have even had several meetings with MLS and real estate boards to discuss the legality of virtual staging.

When using virtual staging, transparency is key. It's essential to clearly disclose that the images have been virtually staged. This disclosure prevents buyers from being misled about the property's actual condition and appearance. For instance, if virtual staging is used to add furniture to an empty room, the listing should clearly state that the images have been enhanced digitally.

Moreover, it’s important not to alter or hide any permanent features or defects of the property through virtual staging, as this can lead to misrepresentation, dissatisfaction, and possibly legal action from buyers. In summary, while virtual staging is a legal and effective marketing tool, it must be used ethically and transparently to ensure that it does not mislead or deceive potential buyers.

If you are using virtual staging on MLS and other sites, best practice would be to disclose on the realtor notes to the buying agent that the rooms were virtually staged to set expectations when viewing the property.

Video of Virtual Staging in Real Estate

Virtual Staging in Real Estate Today

In today's real estate market, virtual staging offers outstanding benefits. It's generally more affordable than traditional home staging because you don't need a professional stager to physically arrange furniture, nor do you need to rent or purchase any furnishings or accessories. Many virtual staging companies provide various packages based on the number of photos you need, allowing you to tailor your property's presentation to your specific requirements.

Virtual staging is ideal for empty properties or those still under construction. It allows potential buyers to visualize the potential of a space—how a home could look or what a room might look like when fully furnished. The technology behind virtual staging has greatly improved, making these digitally enhanced images look incredibly realistic.

However, while the lifelike quality of virtually staged images can be a major selling point, it also poses risks. Keep reading for some tips on how to use virtual staging wisely and avoid legal issues.

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (2)

Virtual Renovation and Staging Before

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (3)

Virtual Renovation and Staging After

How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits When Virtual Staging Your House

Virtual staging is a great selling tool that makes it easy to paint your walls with neutral colors, add furniture, and remove unsightly clutter all with a click of a button. However, without proper management and disclosure, virtual staging could lead to misunderstandings and legal disputes. This guide provides essential tips to ensure your virtual staging efforts are legally sound and effective.

In an article in the Globe and Mail, there was a recent article about 3d Renderings being misleading in a property for sale.

Although 3d renderings and virtual staging are different services, they both use visualizations to help buyers visualize the property.

Key Practices to Avoid Legal Issues in Virtual Staging

1) Commit to Transparency with Potential Buyers

  • Avoid Misleading Visuals: Ensure that virtual enhancements do not misrepresent the actual condition of the property. It's crucial to keep the staging realistic, avoiding the addition of elements that could deceive potential buyers about the space's size or condition. We usually do not change any fixtures to avoid this issue.

  • Clear Disclosure: Always inform potential buyers that the images have been virtually staged. Consider including a side-by-side comparison of staged and actual photos to clarify what aspects of the staging are digital. We always recommend the sellers agains are informed and is disclosed in the realtor notes that this property has been virtually staged.

2) Full Disclosure of Virtual Alterations

  • Mark Modified Photos: Clearly label photos that have been enhanced digitally. This simple step can prevent misunderstandings about what the property looks like in reality versus how it appears in marketing materials. If there is a difference in the fixtures in the photos, there could be a complaint issued to your real estate board as it being misleading.

  • Transparency in Listings: Detail which parts of the image are virtually staged, such as furniture additions or significant aesthetic changes like wall colors or landscaping.

3) Maintain Open and Honest Communication

  • Regular Updates: Keep communication lines open with your clients by providing updates throughout the selling process, including disclosing any negative aspects that could affect the sale, especially when it comes to the virtual furniture, buyers must know the items are digital and do not come with the unit (this has actually been an issue with our clients before, as the buyer liked the furniture so much they wanted it in the subject).

  • Honesty is Key: Be forthright about the virtual staging techniques used and the reasons behind them. Honesty helps build trust and credibility with clients.

Virtual staging can significantly enhance a property's marketability, but it must be approached with care to avoid legal pitfalls. By adhering to these guidelines, real estate professionals can utilize virtual staging effectively while maintaining ethical standards and legal compliance. This approach not only helps avoid legal issues but also promotes a trustworthy relationship with clients, enhancing your reputation in the real estate market.

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (4)

Pros and Cons of Virtual Staging vs Real Staging

You want to make sure your home is ready to lure in onlookers, but you’re not sure which approach will be best for selling your property. How do you decide on virtual staging vs real staging?

There are times when one staging method will be preferable to the other, but there are also times when both can be used as part of a complete marketing plan. We’ve provided some pointers on the pros and cons of each. Read on to learn more about both approaches.

An article form National Association of Realtors stated that"82 percent of buyers' agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home."

Pros of Virtual Staging

Virtual staging that is created using 3d modelling software and photo shop is cheaper than traditional staging. You can virtually stage an empty property for a small fraction of the price you would pay for traditional staging. Traditional staging can cost several thousands of dollars to upwards for 70 thousand dollars we have seen.

Small landlords on a tight budget can use virtual staging to attract online attention. The entry barrier for virtual staging is much lower, and virtual staging offers a better return on your investment. We charge 30 dollars per image - the savings can be enourmous.

Virtual staging offers more flexibility. Want to change the wall color on your virtual stage? No problem. You choose a new shade with a few mouse clicks, and without hiring a contractor or opening a paint can.

The Cons of Virtual Staging

When deciding between virtual staging vs real staging, some things to consider are:

  • Virtual staging can be misleading is it is not disclosed before potential buyers view the property. Your clients may be disappointed when the empty property doesn’t look nearly as appealing as your virtual image.

  • Bad virtual staging is worse than none at all. Computer graphics that are almost but not quite realistic can hit the “uncanny valley” and make clients uncomfortable.

  • Virtual staging is less impressive than an in-person visit with a trained realtor to a well-staged property. This is especially true in higher-price listings, where most buyers want to see the unit in person before committing to a purchase.

Before Virtual Staging Living Room

After Virtual Staging Living Room

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: Which Should You Choose?

When selling a property, presentation is everything. Staging a home can significantly influence buyer perceptions and the sale price. But should you choose virtual staging or real staging? Each has its advantages and specific scenarios where it shines. Here’s a detailed comparison to help you decide:

Virtual Staging: The High-Tech, Low-Cost Option


  • Cost-Effective: Generally less expensive than real staging, as it eliminates the need for physical furniture and decorations.

  • Flexibility: Allows you to showcase different designs and styles in the same room, catering to diverse buyer tastes.

  • Speed: Can be completed quickly, as it requires only digital editing of photographs.


  • Lack of Tangibility: Buyers visiting the property will not see the furniture in person, which can sometimes lead to disappointment.

  • Misrepresentation Risk: If not done carefully, virtual staging can mislead buyers about the property’s size and layout.

Real Staging: The Tangible, Impactful Method


  • Real Experience: Provides a tangible feel of the home, helping buyers visualize living there.

  • Immediate Impact: Creates an emotional response that can lead to quicker sales decisions.

  • Detailed Presentation: Allows for showcasing actual improvements and quality finishes in the home.


  • Higher Costs: Involves renting or buying furniture, hiring stagers, and possibly storage fees.

  • Time-Consuming: Requires more time to plan, execute, and dismantle than virtual staging.

  • Inflexibility: Changing decor style or furniture layout involves significant effort and additional costs.

Which Should You Choose?

Choosing between virtual and real staging depends on several factors:

  • Budget: If cost is a concern, virtual staging might be the better option.

  • Property Condition: Well-maintained homes can benefit more from real staging, while virtual staging can help visualize the potential of fixer-uppers.

  • Market Conditions: In a fast-paced market, virtual staging can speed up listings. In slower markets, real staging might give you an edge by making your property stand out.

  • Buyer Demographics: Consider your target buyers’ preferences. Younger, tech-savvy buyers might appreciate the modern approach of virtual staging, while older buyers might prefer the traditional feel of real staging.

Both virtual and real staging have their place in real estate marketing. The choice between them should be based on your specific circ*mstances, including budget, property condition, and the nature of the real estate market. Whichever option you choose, ensure it aligns with your overall selling strategy to maximize the appeal of your property and achieve the best sale outcome.

Virtual Home Staging Tips: Best Practices

Virtual home staging has become an indispensable tool in the real estate industry, allowing agents and sellers to present properties in the most attractive way possible without the heavy costs and logistics of traditional staging. Here are some essential tips to maximize the effectiveness of your virtual staging efforts.

1. Choose the Right Software and Services

  • Quality Matters: Opt for high-quality virtual staging software that offers realistic and appealing images. Consider services that provide a range of furniture styles and room settings to best match your property’s character.

  • Service Reviews: Do your homework by reading reviews and checking portfolios of different virtual staging companies to ensure they deliver high-quality results.

2. Maintain a Balance Between Aesthetics and Honesty

  • Realistic Enhancements: While it’s tempting to transform a space completely, keep virtual enhancements realistic to prevent misleading potential buyers. Avoid adding elements that imply physical changes or exaggerate the space’s size.

  • Transparency is Key: Always disclose that images have been virtually staged. This can be done in the listing descriptions and by including both staged and unstaged photos.

3. Tailor Staging to Your Target Market

  • Know Your Audience: Understand the preferences and expectations of your target demographic. For example, a modern, minimalist setup might appeal to younger buyers, while a classic, furnished look could attract more traditional buyers.

  • Versatility in Presentations: Virtual staging allows you to easily adapt the décor to suit different tastes, so consider creating multiple versions of your staged photos to appeal to a broader audience.

4. Focus on Key Rooms

  • Prioritize High-Impact Areas: Focus your virtual staging efforts on rooms that make the biggest impact, such as the living room, master bedroom, and kitchen. These are the areas that potential buyers often consider most when viewing a property.

  • Enhance Curb Appeal: Don’t forget the exterior; virtual landscaping can help enhance curb appeal, making a strong first impression.

5. Update Staging as Market Trends Evolve

  • Stay Current: Keep up with interior design trends and update your virtual staging styles accordingly. This helps your listing stay relevant and appealing to contemporary buyers.

  • Seasonal Adjustments: Consider updating your virtual staging with the seasons to make your listing feel current and well-maintained.

Virtual home staging is a cost-effective and dynamic strategy to enhance real estate listings and attract potential buyers. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your virtual staging is both attractive and ethical, leading to faster sales and satisfied buyers. Embrace these tips to leverage the full potential of virtual staging in today’s competitive market.

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (7)

Before Furniture Removal Service

AfterFurniture Removal Service

What is Home Staging and How does it Work?

Home staging is the process of preparing a residential property for sale in the real estate market. The goal of staging a home is to make it more appealing to the highest number of potential buyers, thereby selling the property more swiftly and for a higher price. Staging techniques include decluttering, depersonalizing, rearranging furniture, and even enhancing decor and fixtures to showcase the property's strengths and potential.

Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Decluttering and Cleaning: This step involves removing personal items and excess clutter that can make the space look cramped and less appealing. A clean, clutter-free space appears larger and more inviting.

  2. Depersonalizing: This means removing personal items like family photos, memorabilia, and distinctive decor. The idea is to create a neutral environment where buyers can envision themselves living.

  3. Rearranging Furniture: Sometimes furniture is rearranged to maximize the use of space or to highlight features of the home, such as a fireplace or a great view.

  4. Repairing and Refreshing: Minor repairs might be made, and walls might get a fresh coat of paint in neutral colors to appeal to a broad audience.

  5. Enhancing Decor: Adding stylish, modern decor elements can give a home a refreshed look and feel, making it more attractive to buyers.

Home staging can be done by homeowners themselves or by hiring professional stagers. The investment in staging is often seen as worthwhile because it can lead to a faster sale and potentially higher selling price.

At Bella Virtual Staging we have combined the concept of home staging with virtual staging creating an amazing cost effective marketing tool

Is Home Virtual Staging Worth It?

Virtual home staging can definitely be worth it, especially in certain circ*mstances. Here’s a look at some of the benefits and considerations to determine if it's the right choice for you:

Benefits of Virtual Home Staging:

  1. Cost-Effective: Virtual staging is typically much cheaper than traditional home staging. There’s no need to rent furniture, hire movers, or manage physical setups, which can add up in costs.

  2. Quick and Convenient: It can be done quickly and without the physical labor of moving furniture. This makes it ideal for sellers who are short on time or who are marketing properties from afar.

  3. Flexibility: Virtual staging allows you to showcase multiple styles and arrangements for a single room, which can appeal to a wider array of potential buyers. You can easily adjust the decor to suit different tastes and demographics.

  4. Enhanced Marketing Materials: Virtually staged photos can make a listing stand out in online marketplaces, where most buyers first see a property. High-quality, attractive images can draw more interest and get more potential buyers through the door for showings.

  5. Boosts Appeal of Vacant Properties: It can significantly enhance the appeal of empty homes by helping potential buyers visualize the space as a lived-in home, which can be challenging with empty rooms.


  1. Transparency is Key: It’s important to disclose that images have been virtually staged. Honesty prevents buyer disappointment and distrust, which can arise from seeing a different reality during physical showings.

  2. Not a Replacement for Actual Condition: While virtual staging can help buyers visualize potential, it doesn’t replace the need for the home to be appealing in its actual physical condition. Homes still need to be clean, well-maintained, and in good repair to close a sale.

  3. Potential for Misrepresentation: If not done carefully, virtual staging can risk misleading potential buyers about the true size and condition of spaces, which could lead to dissatisfaction.

Is It Worth It?

Virtual staging can be a valuable tool for sellers looking to make a strong impression in the competitive real estate market. If you’re dealing with a tight budget, a tight timeframe, or marketing to a tech-savvy demographic, virtual staging can be particularly effective. However, it should be used as part of a broader strategy that includes pricing the home correctly and ensuring it is in its best possible real-life condition.

In conclusion, virtual home staging can indeed be worth it, providing a cost-effective, flexible, and impactful way to enhance the appeal of a property, as long as it’s used wisely and ethically.

How Much Does Virtual Staging Cost?

There are three main virtual staging services:

1. Virtual Staging:

Virtual staging, also known as digital staging, involves the complete digital furnishing of a property. Our skilled designers begin with an empty space and utilize a variety of techniques, including 3D modeling, Photoshop, and rendering software, to transform it into an attractively staged room. This is particularly useful for creating engaging brochures, MLS listings, and online advertisem*nts. Our services have successfully assisted realtors in generating millions in sales revenue. Traditional staging can be costly and labor-intensive. As a result, virtual or digital staging has emerged as an excellent, cost-effective alternative, offering a compelling glimpse into the potential of a property when expertly staged.

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (9)

Virtual Staging Before

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (10)

Virtual Staging After

  • 30 dollars per image

  • 24-48 Hours turnaround time

  • Professional Staging Design

  • Photo Retouching

  • High Res Format for Print and Web

  • Watermarking Option

  • Download Link of Final Product Emailed to You

  • Unlimited Revisions

  • Customer Support 7 Days a Week

Try Virtual StagingService

2. Virtual Furniture Removal And Virtual Staging Service:

Clear out old furnishings and refresh the space with professionally styled designs. Our Virtual Furniture Removal and Replacement service enhances property appeal for potential buyers by eliminating outdated decor and clutter, substituting them with modern, stylish furniture. This service is indispensable for realtors aiming to capture effective real estate photography. Our expert team of graphic and interior designers uses Photoshop to remove unwanted items, replacing them with chic furniture and decorative accents. We employ localized MLS data to custom-style each home, ensuring every rendering is uniquely tailored to the property’s specific features.

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (11)

Virtual Staging and Furniture Removal ServiceBefore

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (12)

Virtual Staging and Furniture Removal Service After

  • 40dollars per image (30 dollars Virtual Staging + 10 dollars removal service)

  • 36-48 Hours turnaround time

  • Removal of Existing Furniture and Other Items

  • Virtual Staging

  • Professional Staging Design

  • Wall Color Adjustments/ChangesHigh Res Format for Print and Web

  • Watermarking Option

  • Download Link of Final Product Emailed to You

  • Unlimited Revisions

  • Customer Support 7 Days a Week

Try Virtual Staging and Furniture Removal Service


Virtual Renovation involves digitally editing photos to depict a property’s appearance after renovations. Clients can change wall colors, update flooring, and add features such as kitchens or pools. This service allows professionals to offer a visually appealing preview of the property’s potential post-renovation, helping to speed up the listing process on the market. Bella is dedicated to delivering top-notch virtual renovation services, customized to address the specific requirements of our clients. Our expert team guarantees the highest quality outcomes, with modifications integrated smoothly for hyper-realistic depictions of the renovated space.

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (13)

Virtual Renovation Before

Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (14)

Virtual Renovation After

  • 40dollars per image

  • 36-48 Hours turnaround

  • Removal of all Existing Furniture and Items

  • Virtual Staging

  • Professional Staging Design

  • Countertop Replacement

  • Cabinet Replacement

  • Floor Replacement

  • Fixture Replacement

  • Wall Color Adjustments/Changes

  • Wall Removal/Addition

  • High Res Format for Print and Web

  • Watermarking Option

  • Download Link of Final Product Emailed to You

  • Unlimited Revisions

  • Customer Support 7 Days a Week

Try VirtualRenovation Service

Is It Better to Have a House Virtually Staged or Empty?

Yes, a virtually staged home is generally considered better than an empty one for selling. Staging a home can significantly influence how quickly and for how much a property sells. Here are a few reasons why staged homes often have an advantage over empty ones:

  1. Enhances Visual Appeal: Staging a home helps potential buyers visualize the space as livable and welcoming. Furnished rooms look more inviting and can often appear larger with the right furniture layout compared to empty spaces that can come off as cold and impersonal.

  2. Highlights Functional Spaces: Staging can demonstrate the potential of how different areas in the home can be used, which might not be immediately obvious in an empty space. For example, showing a neatly set dining area or a comfortably arranged living room can help buyers imagine living there themselves.

  3. Creates an Emotional Connection: A well-staged home creates a warm, appealing atmosphere that can evoke an emotional response from buyers. This emotional connection can motivate buyers to make an offer faster.

  4. Helps Stand Out in Listings: In online listings, staged homes tend to photograph better and stand out more compared to empty homes. Since most homebuyers start their search online, good photography can significantly impact the initial interest in a property.

  5. Speeds Up the Sale: Statistics show that staged homes can sell faster than non-staged ones. A staged home makes it easier for buyers to decide because they can see the potential without having to use their imagination.

  6. Potentially Higher Offers: Staging can also lead to higher offers. Buyers are often willing to pay more for a home that looks ready to move into compared to one that feels like it needs work, even if it's just furnishing.

While staging involves an investment, either through hiring a professional stager or renting furniture and decor, the potential return in terms of quicker sale times and higher selling prices often outweighs the cost. In competitive markets, virtually staging can be particularly beneficial in helping a property stand out among the listings.

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Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits (2024)


Virtual Staging vs Real Staging: How to Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits? ›

Disclose all virtual staging. Any photos that are digitally altered should be clearly labeled to show that they are possibilities for the property. In addition to helping avoid legal issues, this clear notice can prepare interested parties to see an empty or sparsely- furnished property at a showing.

Is virtual staging better than real staging? ›

Here are some pros of virtual staging: It's cost-effective – Virtual staging is up to 97% cheaper than regular home staging. Easy to customize – It's super easy to customize. And you can even stage a room using different interior design styles to cater to any market.

What are the cons of virtual staging? ›

You may not be able to find the exact furnishings you want or get a realistic look. Additionally, virtual staging can't be used to make structural changes, such as adding a wall or removing a window. Lack of Professionalism. Some viewers may perceive virtual staging as unprofessional or deceptive.

Is virtual staging allowed by the MLS? ›

Virtually Staged Photos

Pre-Construction and under construction homes cannot utilize virtual staging. Photos must always offer an accurate representation of the property- virtual staging and modification cannot significantly alter the appearance of the property.

Is virtual staging ethical? ›

Virtual staging is not only legal, it's perfectly ethical. In fact, it makes it even easier for buyers to see the home's true flaws. Physically staged furniture can cover stains and scratches - vacant homes have nothing to hide.

Do buyers like virtual staging? ›

Do homebuyers generally appreciate virtual staging when viewing properties? Yes, many homebuyers find virtual staging helpful as it can enhance the visual appeal of a property by showing its potential. Virtual staging allows buyers to imagine themselves in the space more easily.

Do virtually staged homes sell faster? ›

‍Yes, virtual staging can help you sell a house faster because it allows for a more efficient staging process. Additionally, it can enhance the property's online presence by creating visually appealing and engaging virtual representations of the property.

What are the disadvantages of virtual structure? ›

The primary challenges include effective communication, fostering a strong company culture, managing diverse time zones, and maintaining high levels of trust and accountability. It can also be challenging to manage and monitor remote employees' performance.

What are the disadvantages of staging? ›

With that said, let's take a look at 5 disadvantages of traditional home staging and the better, faster, and more affordable option.
  • Home Staging Can Be Expensive. ...
  • Staging Can Be Difficult to Maintain. ...
  • It Can Be Misleading. ...
  • Staging Can Intimidate Some Buyers. ...
  • Home Staging Is a Time-Consuming Process.
Aug 30, 2023

Is virtual staging expensive? ›

How Much Does It Cost to Virtually Stage a House? The cost of virtually staging a home can range from $72 to $360, depending on factors such as the number of photos to be staged, and the provider you select.

Does Redfin do virtual staging? ›

Make an unforgettable first impression with virtual staging by communicating with our highly experienced team about your listing's particular needs.

How do you disclose virtual staging? ›

A virtual staging disclaimer should include a clear statement of the fact that the images are digitally enhanced, and that the property may not look the same in person. Below is an example found on Zillow (Summerville) where the agent did not disclose properly the photos are digitally altered.

How do realtors do virtual staging? ›

The virtual staging process typically involves taking high-quality photographs of the empty rooms, then using specialized software to insert realistic-looking furniture, artwork, rugs, plants, and other home decor items.

How accurate is virtual staging? ›

Virtual staging can be misleading is it is not disclosed before potential buyers view the property. Your clients may be disappointed when the empty property doesn't look nearly as appealing as your virtual image. Bad virtual staging is worse than none at all.

Do homeowners get to keep the staging furniture? ›

But here's the kicker: More often than not, the homes are staged, meaning the homeowners don't get to keep the furniture and decor that's shown on TV. “Most if not all of our flipping shows are staged,” Betsy admits, noting that, depending on the client, sometimes the renovation will include some of the furniture.

Does staging really work? ›

A fifth of buyers' agents said that staging a home increased the offers between 1% and 5%, compared with other similar homes on the market that weren't staged, according to NAR. Roughly the same share of sellers' agents said staging helped the home sell faster.

Is virtual staging profitable? ›

So, is virtual staging worth it? The answer is “yes.” Virtual staging allows you to present a property as it could be, which helps potential buyers emotionally connect to the unit. Additionally, it costs just a fraction of what you'd spend on actual, physical staging.

What is the difference between physical and virtual staging? ›

What is the main difference between traditional staging and virtual staging? Traditional staging involves physically decorating a property with furniture and decor, while virtual staging uses digital technology to create similar effects in photos or virtual tours, providing cost savings and flexibility.

Is real estate staging worth it? ›

On average, a staged home sells 73 percent faster than non-staged homes. Additionally, staging your home can increase the dollar value by up to 10%. This figure can increase up to 23% over list price according to the Real Estate Staging Association®.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.