Vegan Bacon Recipe | No Meat Athlete (2024)

Vegan Bacon Recipe | No Meat Athlete (1)

By: Christine F

Vegan Bacon Recipe | No Meat Athlete (2)Bacon.

We live in a world that covers its wounds with bacon-strip bandages, provides children withplush bacon dolls, and challenges its artists to create the ultimate bacon sculpture.

This obsession has earned the honor of a dedicated Wikipedia entry to bacon mania. The country is so in love with its smoky, salty goodness that even the most gung-ho meat-eaters are willing to sprinkle bacon-flavored TVP bits all over their salads and baked potatoes.

But if you think bacon mania is only for meat-eaters, think again. During college I waitressed at a vegetarian cafe, where the “fakon” routinely sold out during Sunday brunch.

Most fake bacon barely counts as food

At that same cafe, I remember serving one unsuspecting elderly diner who had not yet noticed that all the “meat” on the menu was written in quotes.

He took one bite of his tempeh “bacon,” threw down the strip, forced the plate back into my hands, and declared:

“This is the worst food I’ve had since the war!”

And really, who could blame him? Besides being heavily processed and expensive, most veggie bacon, well, just plain sucks.

The surprising secret to great vegan bacon? Beans and buckwheat

Today, after a lot of tasty research, I finally have an inexpensive, gluten-free, whole-food and freaking delicious solution. If you’ve ever woken in the middle of the night and found yourself drooling to the scent of unexplained bacon, this recipe is for you.

Yes, this bacon is not only ready to stand in for pancetta in your pasta carbonara and gourmet mac’n’cheese, but is even good enough on its own during breakfast or as the star of an avocado BLT!

Vegan Bacon Recipe | No Meat Athlete (3)

This batch makes about 24 slices, or 1 cup total. You’ll be surprised about how quickly that amount disappears, so do yourself a favor and triple the batch, store in the freezer, and enjoy the luxury of pigless-but-obsession-worthy bacon at a moment’s notice.

Homemade Vegan Bacon


  • 1/2 cup dried adzuki beans or other small red beans
  • 1/3 cup hulled wholegrain buckwheat (not buckwheat flour)
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon hickory liquid smoke
  • 4 teaspoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 tablespoon Braggs Liquid Aminos (May be substituted with soy sauce)
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 teaspoons tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup

Rinse the beans and buckwheat, place in large bowl covered with several inches of cold filtered water; let soak overnight.

[UPDATE: Several people have asked if it’s okay to bake the beans and buckwheat, as the recipe suggests, even without having boiled them, as boiling is the usual cooking method for beans and is known to remove most of the toxins in uncooked beans. While we’ve never had any problems with the soaking-and-baking (not boiling) method, and have seen the same method used for black-eyed peas in Alicia Silverstone’s The Kind Diet, you can pre-cook the beans and buckwheat by boiling if you’d prefer to do so.]

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Strain the soaked beans and buckwheat and rinse. Place in the bowl of a food processor. Add the onion powder, liquid smoke, nutritional yeast, smoked paprika, aminos or soy sauce, salt, tomato paste, coconut oil, and maple syrup. Pulse several times to combine, scrape down the sides and bottom of bowl and continue pulsing until uniform but not as pureed as hummus.

Line a 9×13 casserole dish with parchment paper and coat pan with baking spray. Place bacon mixture in pan and spread as much as possible with a spatula. To get the mixture very thin and evenly spread, spray another piece of parchment paper lightly with baking spray and press the paper on top of the mixture and flatten with your hands. Remove and discard the top piece of parchment paper, then use a spatula to spread over and fill in any bare spots.

Bake for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes, then slice into 24 strips, about 1 inch by 4 inches (Do this by making one lengthwise cut down the center, and then twelve cuts across the shorter side). Remove the strips with a small spatula.

Heat a tablespoon of oil in a frying pan on medium-high heat. Fry the bacon slices for 2-3 minutes, flipping once. Alternatively, before frying, you can freeze the bacon, then fry when ready to serve (no need to thaw first).

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  • Oh, unabashedly miss bacon. Will have to try this!


    1. This is really good. It does soak up the oil in the frying pan… but with healthy oil.. that’s not a bad thing. i used kamut and adzuki beans. i think i’ll try the molasses replacing the maple syrup suggestion. i have both, but molasses is much cheaper.


      1. i agree, molasses is better, also because it is a food fortifier-has minerals your body needs! I replaced Bragg’s liquid aminos/soy sauce w/ molasses and sea salt! And I only use pure sorghum syrup instead of honey- it is vegan/gluten free; high in minerals, and is cheaper and leaves the bee population alone!


        1. Feel free to comment about my suggestions for molasses, and sorghum syrup


        2. Are you being serious right now lady!!!! Honey is for consumption not to leave the bees alone! You’re wacked!


          1. Honey is food for bees. We should only take 1/3 of what they make so that they can survive the winter months. No need for you to be rude.

    2. Just made these today, tweaked the ingredients to suit palate, fed them to a few people (all vegetarian) and everyone was WOW! Fantastic, I would recommend to all to make these. Now to test the shelf life of them.


      1. Ok so what did you tweak the ingredients to?


  • Wow, I can’t wait to give this a try. I’ve only had tempeh bacon twice and I’m not a fan. I hope this is as tasty as you say it is 🙂


  • This is outstanding! I cannot convey my excitement enough, for real.


  • You advertise this recipe as gluten-free, which would be great, except Braggs and most other soy-sauces contain wheat. Of course, most people sensitive to gluten will realize this and opt for gluten-free soy sauce or tamari. I wanted to call that out, just in case!


      1. tamari is a gluten free soy sauce (well at least all the ones I have seen). Standard soys contain wheat though.


  • this looks sooooooo good!


  • Why, why, why must I be allergic to buckwheat? So bummed…


    1. Hey Sunshine, You could try bulgur or farro in place of the buckwheat!


      1. Oooh, thanks for the bulgur suggestion! I can def get my hands on that. Triple batch coming up…


      2. Ooh, good to know!


        1. This looks good def going to try. I’ll sub the soy with coconut aminos as I have a slight soy allergy (makes me itch) but yeah this looks good are the beans dry or canned??


  • Yeah, I have been missing blts with avocado! We use to eat the Morningstar bacon, but I read the ingredients.


    1. I like Morningstar. Despite the ingredients. I figure bacon is not meant to be healthy, so fakon doesn’t have to be either. Only thing is we can’t get Morningstar here, so I only get it when family or friends come over from the US. Seems like a nice recipe.


      1. Morning star has egg whites in it


  • i am SOOOO intrigued by this – it sounds like the PERFECT weekend activity!!!


  • I actually like tempeh bacon, but THIS be given a try. So clever! And soy free!! Buckwheat is one of my favorite ingredients, too. I would have never thought to do this. Yum!


  • This is actually GF! Yay, thank you so much, Matt for finally posting a GF recipe. 😉 I will be trying this out, and my husband will be doing the taste testing since he is the bacon expert!


  • I was so excited to try this until I saw the nutritional yeast in the ingredients (allergic). Are there any substitions for the yeast, and if not do you think this recipe might work without it?
    I’ve been a vegetarian for over 16 years but have never gotten over my craving for bacon…


    1. Hey Victoria,
      The nutritional yeast provides another dimension of flavor, but is not absolutely necessary.
      Nutritional yeast has a nutty, cheesy sort of flavor. I’d recommend replacing it with a vegan parmesan cheese substitute if you have it on hand, but some brands contain nutritional yeast also.
      Otherwise, I would try subbing in 3 teaspoons of ground flaxseed or almond meal, and 1 teaspoon ground dry mustard.
      These are all flavor recommendations- if you just want a filler even 4 teaspoons of cornmeal or flour should be fine and not affect the taste too much.
      Hope that helps!


      1. Brilliant! I try to avoid yeast as much as I can too as well as gluten, dairy and pork. Can’t wait to try this.


        1. Sheeeit just realized I forgot to add the yeast to the batch I just made….it’s ok though, held together during baking.


  • Another brilliantly creative recipe Christine, thank you! I hope you don’t mind, but I really wanted to flag up that kidney beans can be toxic if not prepared properly- the phytohaemagglutanin levels being so high that an initial rolling boil for at least 10 minutes is needed to degrade it sufficiently- which is why you can’t prepare them from scratch in a slow cooker… I’m sure you already know this, just wanted to check you did!
    Maybe cranberry/borlotti or even pinto beans could be used if there are no adzukis to be found?


    1. Laura,
      Thank you for your comment. I have heard about lectins in beans, but did not realize that kidney beans have levels 90% higher than most other beans. I only called for them because I assumed they were a common bean that readers would have on hand, so for now I will change it to just any red bean.
      I did some research and saw at FDA’s site for foodborne illness they cite the Public Health Leadership Society‘s recommendations to soak beans for 5 hours, discard water, and boil in new water for 10 minutes to destroy the lectin.
      Unfortunately, they do not mention what temperature will destroy the lectin, and I do not know if baking at 400 degrees F for 10 minutes (and additional frying time for 2-3 minutes) is equal to boiling at 212 degrees F for 10 minutes.
      The FDA does mention the slowcooker problem, saying that in most cases the internal temperature of the beans does not reach above 75 degrees Celcius, or 167 degrees Fahrenheit.
      I have emailed the Public Health Leadership Society, who made the recommendations that you are citing, for clarification. Hopefully they can clear this up.


      1. Can you use tinned beans at all?


        1. Canned beans are pre-cooked, so I can’t see why not. (I know I’m commenting six months too late, but just in case someone else has the same question…)


          1. Thank you

  • Thank you SO much for this! I can’t wait to try it. I would really love to have a good BLT sandwich one of these days!


    1. I think when you’re vegan for a while some turkey or a piece of real bacon once a year doesn’t kill. All things in moderation they say. But then some vegans may beg to differ. Either case with a recipe like this why go backwards right:)


  • Thanks Christine! Soy bacon is so intensely disgusting I’m really looking forward to it. And how did you find that talking bacon! That’s disturbing and funny all at the same time.


  • Sounds good! I’ll try it! Thanks!


  • If you haven’t already seen it, I recommend Googling in The Bacon Flowchart…
    With best regards.


  • This is fabulous, I can’t wait to try it! Also, I wanted to let you know that I added this to my favorite recipes from last week. This would be so cool to try! Thanks!


  • OMG, this looks delicious! I am always trying new fakin bacons and they are never very healthy nor very tasty. They either taste too salty or don’t have enough taste at all….I am definitely trying this. Thanks Matt!


  • Wow, wow, wow. This really IS perfect. I made it the other day, and proceeded to eat half the pan before even getting to the frying part. Yeah, not much self-control, but whatever, it was worth it!
    With the remainder, I marinated it in additional paprika, sugar, Bragg’s, and a little barbecue sauce because I didn’t have liquid smoke.
    I also used red lentils, because it is what I had on-hand. Ahhhh, enough cannot be said for this! Perfect on the side, on sandwiches, it is superb! Thank you for posting!! A new favorite!
    To conclude this novel, would it be okay to post this photo/link on my new site, Thanks 🙂


    1. Hey Jenn, I’m glad to hear you liked it. Amazing, isn’t it? You should try the liquid smoke next time; I think it adds a lot. Then again, if the BBQ sauce you used was smoky, that might be enough.
      Definitely feel free to post the photo and link on Gluten Free Feed.


  • Made this last week and loved it. We’re having BLT’s for dinner on Wednesday and cannot wait for the rest of the family to try it…they’re gonna love it as much as I do.


  • I am so intrigued by this recipe! I don’t have a lot of the ingredients on hand, but I’ll definitely be bookmarking it to make later.


  • Hi Christine!
    Great blog! I’m trying this recipe and I have buckwheat groats. Is that what I’m supposed to be using?


    1. Hey Heather,
      Yep, groats are fine. I believe “hulled” and “groats” both indicate that the buckwheat kernel is stripped of its outer inedible coating and are ready to go.
      Just as long as it’s not ground into flour, it should work in this recipe.


      1. I have groats, too. Do I still need to soak them over night?


  • You Rock Hard!!
    This is awesome stuff! I’m sitting here taste testing my first batch, and all I can say is that this will become a staple around our house. The omni-hubby even likes it! I’ve never cared for any of the fake pre-packed stuff, even some of the homemade recipes that I tried were….ehhh?!
    Having been raised in Mississippi, bacon is just a staple of life. You know meat and grease in everything. Thank goodness those days are over. I’ve been vegetarian for twenty plus years, and vegan now for four. I see Yummy BLTs are on the horizon, and who knows what else! 🙂
    I did have to sub the buckwheat with Kamut, and used Molasses with a few drops of agave instead of the maple syrup.
    Thanks again for the recipe, you’ve made this Southern Girl VERY Happy!


  • Delicious.
    Made a lovely “B”LT.
    Thank you for the recipe!


  • Would it ruin the recipe to boil the beans 10-15 minutes and then drain and cool them before processing to eliminate any concerns about toxins? I don’t think they would cook much in that time.
    I can’t eat soy so I’m looking forward to trying this recipe. Thanks Christine!


  • I made this today, it turned out to be very tasty. I left out the liquid smoke simply because I don’t like smoke flavor. Now I’m going to try and use the bacon in a family recipe which calls for bacon. I’m always trying to veganise my favorite childhood recipes.


  • Hi Christine,
    I’ve been making your vegan facon bacon since you posted it last year – almost every 6 weeks would you believe it as my husband a vegetarian by association absolutely enjoys it. He has wondered why I have never posted it on my blog. I tell him because its on your blog and other bloggers have made variations of it. He still insists it should be on my blog too for my readers to enjoy. So if its okay with you, I’ll be posting and sharing your recipe on my blog in the next week or so, and please be assured I will link back to your original recipe. Once again, thank you so much for this super duper recipe.


    1. Shaheen, feel free to share it. I appreciate the link back with the recipe!


  • Matt,
    Thank you so much and absolutely no problem with the link back – its always courteous to acknowledge the original source of the recipe.


  • How important is the coconut oil? I’d hate to buy a whole bottle just for 1 tsp. Can I sub another oil? Can I mix 1tsp of canola with a drop of coconut extract?


    1. You can use any kind of oil- sometimes coconut oil is used for “structure” because it is thick, but in this recipe it is just used to add some good fat. And it’s such a small amount, any oil will be fine. There is no need to add coconut extract. Good luck!


  • I thought Bragg’s aminos were made from soy beans, so this isn’t totally soy-free, right?
    If someone were allergic to soy, what could they substitute for that? More liquid smoke and/or paprika?


    1. Hmm, good point. I’ve always thought of Bragg’s as an alternative to soy sauce, but it turns out (I just checked) that it’s a salt-free, preservative-free alternative, but still is made from soybeans.
      I’ve tried these soy-free coconut aminos ( and they’re pretty good. Not quite like real soy sauce, but not far off. I’d guess that would work pretty well.


  • Any particular reason for the kosher salt vs. whatever I have a large box of right now? 🙂 Trying to prioritize my purchases and buy one new thing from this ingredient list at a time!


    1. Abby, until very recently I’ve used kosher salt because the flavor is much better than regular table salt (and though I’m not sure about this, I suspect that somehow it’s less processed and lower in sodium). But recently I’ve started using sea salt, which has a much better flavor, is lower in sodium, and contains other healthy minerals.


      1. Great answer, thanks! 🙂 I tried getting a little of it at Bulk Barn today. Next time, I’ll look for sea salt, too.
        Another followup — is the whole-grain buckwheat supposed to be toasted or not? They only had toasted.


  • Just posting again since I’m not sure if you saw it as a response.
    Is the whole-grain buckwheat supposed to be toasted or not? They only had toasted.


    1. Hey Abby, Christine (who came up with this recipe) is on her honeymoon this week, and I’m sure she’s not checking email much. I think she’ll respond when she gets back though.
      But I would guess that the buckwheat is not supposed to be toasted, since most commonly the buckwheat I’ve seen (and have) is not toasted. But I doubt that would ruin the recipe, so you could give it a try.


      1. Ahh, okay — no worries! 🙂 I’ll start looking elsewhere for it, then!


        1. Found it! Surprisingly, Bulk Barn in Canada only has kasha, but a small independent bulk food store did, as “hulled buckwheat”.


  • Wow, this looks great. And thanks for the tip about the soy-free aminos!


  • Can the coconut oil be substituted? (allergy)


    1. RED Palm oil is also saturated fat, like coconut. But, most palm oil is killing orangutangs & taking their food, starving them wandering into villages. So buy only RED Palm oil. I found it at Whole Foods only so far. I have not tried it yet, but hear it’s good. I had to stop using coconut oil too. (high in salicylates, i suspect I’m sensitive to too many salicylates).


  • I found this uncomfortably crunchy despite soaking the beans & buckwheat for 14 hours. I’m wondering if the aduki beans were supposed to be cooked first?


  • This is fantastic! I’ve been eating Morningstar Farms forever, and now have a less expensive and tastier way to eat my bacon. Thanks so much, five stars!


  • Can adzuki beans be replace with another bean?


    1. I’m answering my question….I need to read more thoroughly next time. It looks like any red bean will work.


  • Just so you’re aware, soy sauce and braggs have soy in them. It’s probably a good idea to have a soy-free alternative in a recipe you advertise as being soy-free. Thanks!


  • is there a substitute for beans..i can’t digest beans


    1. A commentor above you said he used red lentils to amazing effect. I know this is years late… maybe you or someone else will see it. Cheers!


  • That looks really good, but just so you know…that’s not soy-free. Braggs contains soy. I have a severe soy allergy – I’ve checked.


  • I just made these faux bacon slices and they are delicious! I was skeptical at first, the beans may be soaked but they are raw. I chopped 1/2 an onion very fine and browned on a low heat. Added the onion. Doubled the smokey paprika (left out the ole hickory smoke).
    We will see how they digest in a few hours!
    Thank you for your efforts.


  • Hi, I want to try your recipe for vegan bacon but where I live they don’t sell Buckwheat or aduki beans. I guess I could use red kidney beans, which are plentiful here in Colombia, as a replacement for the aduki beans but what would be a good replacement for the buckwheat?


  • I know this sounds ridiculous, but is there something I can substitute for tomato paste? I am allergic to tomatoes. It’s so awful.


    1. Raya, you could try using red bell peppers in place of the tomato paste. You could use jarred bell peppers, not the roasted ones, from the grocery store and puree them.


  • This was delicious! So glad I doubled the recipe! Thanks so much!!


  • OMG! I made this this morning. I am in Southern Girl Heaven. Now if you can just come up with a recipe for scrambed eggs that does not include tofu!


    1. A friend just sent me this recipe for Non-tofu breakfast scramble from a cookbook she recieved (sorry, I don’t have the book’s title). I haven’t tried it since we like the spicy tofu scramble, but it might work for you:1 medium onion, quartered and thinly sliced
      3 cups chickpeas
      1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
      black pepper
      3 cloves garlic, minced
      3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill for garnish, optional
      2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
      –No-oil saute the onion until caramelized.
      –Add chickpeas and use a potato masher or fork until only a few whole pieces are left. You don’t want it to be smooth like hummus! Chickpeas should be about 25% mush and the rest just slightly mashed.
      –Cook, tossing occasionally, so that chickpeas get a little charred. Add salt, turmeric, and black pepper, along with a splash of water or too so that things don’t dry out. Mix well.
      –Push remaining chickpeas to the side (but leave them in the pan), and in a clear spot in the same plan, dry-saute the garlic.. Then toss everything together and add dill (if using) and lemon juice. Add extra water if it seems dry and add any other spices you like.


  • I made this and it tastes good. although I have never tried to make veggie bacon before so i really have nothing to compare it to. I wouldn’t quite call it “bacon”. lol. but it is still very good.
    i actually cooked the adzuki beans because they were just too hard still after soaking overnight. Also, i don’t have a food processor so i had to get clever and i devised a makeshift “mortar pestle” which was A LOT more work.
    i used a little less sugar and salt and regular (rather than smoke) paprika. because that was what I had on hand. but i did add the smoke flavor and all the other ingredients.
    Next time I will try to get the mixture even thinner before baking. Especially in the center.
    I feel excited to have made this!(I am a new cook just starting to learn) thank you for sharing the recipe!!!!

  • Just made a triple batch, based on positve reviews, above. Fresh out of the oven my dog, Mancha, went wild for it, and she is usually not much on vegetables. Can’t wait to try it on a thick avocado and BLT with Vegenaise spread. I will let you know how it goes.


  • What started out as a church sponsored 40 day fast has now morphed into my fully delving into a vegan diet. Oh, and I’ve lost 15Lbs already, WOW. During my constant search for good eats I came across this recipe for vegan bacon and I just finished my second BLT this morning. Definitely a keeper. Thanks.


  • Oh boy I can’t wait to make this! Yum’,,


  • Just made my first ever batch today – lovely lovely lovely. I’m not a vegan but I’ve tried the store bought ‘substitutes’ and they’ve all left a little to be desired. Don’t think I managed to get this quite thin enough but they were still de-lic-ious. Off to make a huge batch now for freezing purposes. Thanks for this recipe.


  • I’ve made 6 batches of this bacon and have learned a few tricks.
    I use silicone baking sheets that fit a standard sheet pan, sprayed with canola, as the top layer, which allows me to roll out the mixture evenly and to the desired thickness, using a 1″ dowel, cut to the width of the sheet pan. A standard rolling pin is too wide. The silicone peels off of the mixture quite easily, preventing holes.
    I triple the recipe, which makes two standard sheet pans of the desired thickness. I freeze the strips between layers of parchment in gallon zip locks–easy to grab a few strips and head for BLT-land.


  • fantastic! I served it at our vegan waffle party with tomatoes and extra maple syrup!


  • This is amazing stuff! Very good and very easy. I think I will probably be making this every week – we have been making lots of vegan BLTs (with vegenaise).


  • Hi,
    I am a raw foodist. Can this recipe be dehydrated
    instead of baked and fried?
    Also, if you are interested in a quick, cooked,
    flavorful fake bacon, go to the supermarket and
    buy some Kraft sliced provolone cheese, fry it
    gently in a non-stick pan on both sides. It is a
    crisp and flavorful substitute for you BLT sandwich.
    Oh, one more thing: Don’t forget to spray the pan
    with a non-stick spray.


    1. Kraft sliced provolone is very not vegan.


      1. LOL, too funny. My thoughts exactly.


  • Just wondering whether this can be frozen before frying to keep fresh. I live alone and want to keep some for another meal


    1. I bake it, then let sit for about 20 minutes. I then slice it into bacon strips, place it between sheets of parchment paper in layers into a gallon size zip lock. I do three layers. Carefully place in freezer. Once it is frozen, it is pretty durable, but will crack and crumble if you are not careful.
      To cook, just grab a few strips and fry for a few minutes in a little olive oil or veg spray. It cooks pretty fast this way.
      I tripled the recipe, since it is a lot of work, so why not do it all at once for a few months supply of vegan BLTs.


  • I bought some buckwheat that’s been roasted, and cracked into smaller pieces. I read a comment that it probably won’t ruin it.. I also bought small red beans, should I cook them or will they be small enough to use raw? I am also going to put in some artificial ham flavoring to add the ‘ham’ flavor as well as using Parmesan cheese in place of the yeast (I’m not a vegan, but a vegetarian. What about the kosher salt, can I use table salt? Will let you know how it comes out if I don’t hear from you! Wish me luck!


  • That bugler comment you made to the allergy person. Do the mean whole grain or bugler flour?


  • OMG OMG OMG! I just found this recipie yesterday and cooked up my first batch. Yummy yummy yummy, even my dogs were begging for them. Shamefully I must admit that between me and my 2 bichon frises, we polished off the whole batch in one sitting. You know how in the “beggin strips” commercial the dog goes crazy for bacon? That was us this morning, myself included! 🙂
    I added some hickory flavor bacon salt ( I order it online) which is vegan (the other flavors are not) for an extra flavor boost as well. Definitely going to be making a triple recipie tomorrow, YUM!! Thanks for the recipie!!!


  • This sounds good. But what’s the texture of this? I like bacon that is still sort of flexible, not super crunchy, which is why I ask.


    1. I have made a couple batches of this recipie so far. It is yummy bacon crunchy IF you spread it thinly enough and fry it up to crisp. One pan fun I didn’t spread the mixture out thinky enough, so that when they were fried in a pan later, the thicker sections were a little softer. Kinda the texture of mashed or thick consistency refried beans- not awful, but not the softish-chewy texture you would associate with real bacon that was cooked that way. I definitely preferred the crispier variety. Mind you, it still didn’t stop me from polishing off the batch 🙂 but IMHO anything less than crispy in this recipie is also less than stellar. Hope that helps!


  • Wow! This is really, really amazing. After a homemade vegan sausage disaster, I was very skeptical. I made this yesterday and it was a complete success! When I make it again, I’ll take more care to spread it out thinner (I’ll probably put it on a cookie sheet instead of a 9 x 13 pan).
    I made 1/2 sandwich for breakfast (crispy fakon and avacado) and am wishing now that I made a whole one instead. Mmmmmm… facon!


  • Is it possible to cook this in the oven for the last step instead of frying it? I am looking to cook a lot of this at once and I don’t have the frying space.


  • Has anyone tried this with out the frying? Like, just keeping them in the oven for an extra 5-10 minutes?


  • I’ve made three matches of this and it’s soooo good. I make BLTs with them, but they’re nomnom on their own (especially if you have a nice, thin, crispy piece). My sister and step-dad liked them, too 🙂


  • This recipe is mouthwateringly AMAZING!!! I just shared the link on community message boards.
    I love that I can enjoy BLTs again. Thank you!


  • I am looking forward to trying your vegan bacon recipe, but I have one question. Do you want toasted or non toasted buckwheat groats for this recipe. When I went to the store there were both and I wasn’t sure.


  • This made awesome BLT sandwiches!! I couldnt find the buckwheat so I used bulgur and it worked great. thanks for sharing, SO delicious and easy


  • In your Homemade Vegan Bacon recipe you say to only soak them and then add to your recipe.What I want to know is: baking for 10 minutes and then pan frying enough time to consider the beans cooked (I would consider them half raw) in order for me not to have negative repercussions from the beans.
    I do admit that I’m not familiar with the bean but have never used a bean that has not been previously cooked.


  • As soon as I get back home this will be the first recipe I try. From the feedback it sounds like we can save a lot of pigs and satisfy the world’s crazy craving for bacon.
    Marty’s Flying Vegan Review


  • Wow, I have been going through serious bacon withdrawal since becoming vegan a month ago. I have to try this recipe asap. Thanks so much for sharing!


  • For those who have to use “Soy Sauce” because they don’t have Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, I would recommend getting Bragg’s in the house. Bragg’s has an intense flavour that other Soy Sauce does not have. Also, they have less salt. Taking your Soy Sauce, and boiling it down some might work if you use low sodium Soy Sauce. In this case I would try 4 TB Soy sauce, boiled down to 1 TB.
    I can’t use Buckwheat, but will substitute the less then favorable Tofu. LOL Buckwheat will definitely give it the better texture. (Coeliac who reacts to some cross-reactors including Buckwheat, Quinoa, Amaranth, Hemp).


  • Can I skip the oil? I don’t cook with any kind of oil.


  • Oh.My.Bacon.
    I made this last night and fried some up this morning. I am so glad that I’m at work today otherwise the entire double batch would be gone already! I’m addicted to nutritional yeast, so any chance I get to put it in a recipe makes me super happy. With the liquid smoke and all the other goodies…….. this simply can’t be beat. I see an entire week of Avocado “B”LT’s in my immediate future.
    THANKS for the incredible recipe!!


  • Ello! I’m super excited to try this out! I just need some clarification before I dive into it. Do I cook the buckwheat and Aduki beans before putting them in the food processor? Or do they go in raw? Thanks love!


    1. According to how his recipe is written, he is only soaking them overnight, and then using them raw. This would also help keep it from being “hummus” like, and give it a more firmer texture. Cooking it first, would produce more liquid, which might not work as well here.
      However, if you experience any stomach upset, you should be able to cook them in water for an hour and half, until soft, removing the foam that appears with a ladle. Then, I’d use a cheese cloth lined colander, and put the beans in there. Then, I’d twist the cheese cloth up, and squeeze out some of the extra moisture. Pulsing it in the blender shouldn’t take as long either. Another idea, would be to dry it out some in an oven for food dehydrator set at very low heat (lowest your oven goes), for a few hours, until its dry enough for you. I’m not sure if this would take longer then 4 hours or not, because you don’t want it too dry either, or pulsing it might turn it into powder perhaps.


      1. Thank you!


  • Christine, I just want to thank you for creating this recipe and to tell you that this is the best vegetarian bacon I’ve ever had! I’m making my second batch right now! Also, carnivores love it too!


  • Awesome recipe! I made it once as suggested and then a second time a couple of days later – because I couldn’t stop thinking about it! The second time though, I formed patties out of the mix and baked them in the oven, flipping them once at about 8 or 10 minutes (with total cooking time of maybe 12-15 minutes – I didn’t really look at the clock.) Once they were cooked I spread some olive oil on the outsides of the patties and put them on the grill for a little extra flavor. The end result was one of the best veggie burgers I’ve ever eaten! Had a great meaty flavor and consistency – really exciting recipe to find. This increasingly vegetarian reader thanks you a ton.


  • Morningstar Farm Bacon is pretty good. Finding veggie bacon is hard. At 11 I saw cows getting slaughtered. Not nice.


  • If you have a Vitamix blender with a grain attachment, I recommend breaking down the beans separately, then adding them to the food processor with the rest of the recipe. The beans didn’t soften very much by soaking and they don’t break down at all in the food processor.


  • This is NOT a Soy-Free Recipe… Braggs HAS Amino proteins made from SOY. Important for readers to know. Please update your article & photo descriptions for accuracy & allergy safety.


    1. Thanks crosswind. I thought I had corrected that years ago, but apparently it was still in the description that shows up on Google and the photo (which you said). Fixed it; thanks!


  • This has been a standby for our family for years now. Thanks so much. My variations includes adding some sauteed mushrooms and/or caramelized onions to the mix. I think it might it a slightly woodsier flavor and helps with binding.


  • I’ve made this recipe so many times now, that I make triple-quantity batches!
    A couple substitution experiments that I’ve performed that have worked very well, to pass along follow:
    – Sundried tomatoes (organic) in oil substitute for tomato paste
    – black strap molasses substitute for maple syrup – adds kind of a nice mineral flavor, but super subtle
    – Teriyaki sauce (organic) substitute for the organic soy sauce – makes it slightly sweeter
    Just thought i’d throw that out there for anyone who has the occasional grocery store brain fart!


  • Just made this exactly as written. I’m so glad I trippled the recipe because it’s the best bacon substitute ever.


  • Do you think reg whole grain oats could sub for the oat groats?


  • I used brown rice instead of buckwheat as that is what I had on hand and it was delicious and did have a bacon like flavor and texture!


  • So delicious and easy. This is now a staple for me


  • The nutritionl yeast seems hard to get for me and I wondered if Marmite or Vegemite would work as well?


    1. Nutritional yeast has a cheesy like flavor. Marmite/Vegemite are a yeast extract and are a very different flavor, more like a very strong vegetable broth. I, personally, would not attempt using a yeast extract in place of the nutritional yeast. Have you tried ordering nutritional yeast online?


  • Gonna try this recipe


  • An update for any who have asked or wondered (I added this to the recipe within the post, too):
    Several people have asked if it’s okay to bake the beans and buckwheat, as the recipe suggests, even without having boiled them, as boiling is the usual cooking method for beans and is known to remove most of the toxins in uncooked beans. While we’ve never had any problems with the soaking-and-baking (not boiling) method, and have seen the same method used for black-eyed peas in Alicia Silverstone’s The Kind Diet, you can pre-cook the beans and buckwheat by boiling if you’d prefer to do so.


    1. So I can use canned beans?


  • I will have to try this for sure! How long will these keep after you make them? And do you just store them in the fridge?


    1. Dani, we usually store ours in the freezer. Since they’re thin, they thaw pretty quickly.


  • hey there!
    so stoked about finding this recipe. I just got the first sheet in the oven. I kind of wondered how crispy it has to come out? any tips and tricks on that?
    all the best from austria


  • Liquid smoke has a lot of chemicals in it. When I used it, I had migraine headaches. Other than that, it sounds good.


  • Looks amazing! Any suggestions for substituting the liquid smoke? Can’t buy it here.


  • So you can grind up the beans and buckwheat without boiling them first then in the oven for 10 minutes. will the beans be hard, and how do I grind up the adzuki beans fine. When I first made this I pre boil the beans then let sit for an hour. love to here from you.


  • Not bad. I had to sub a few items because I didn’t have them on-hand. I used farro instead of buckwheat, soy sauce instead of Bragg’s and omitted the liquid smoke altogether. The texture was a bit “crackery”. Not sure if it’s the same texture using buckwheat. It was also on the dry side- next time I will add more oil.
    All in all, it’s a good recipe. Sure beats eating actual bacon… and beats eating that fake bacon on the market which is filled with ingredients I can’t pronounce.


  • I have used the same ingredients to marinate thinly sliced tofu, then fried. Crispy goodness!. Maple syrup is the way to go!


  • I tend to have stomach pains and nausea when I eat things with coconut oil or coconut meat in them… Are there any non-coconut substitutes I could try?


    1. Olive Oil or any oil is fine…it’s just needed as the fat source in this recipe.


  • Is it possible to make salt free tempeh or very low salt?.


  • Can I use a glass casserole dish? does it have to be metal?


  • I must have done something badly wrong. All I can taste is buckwheat 🙁 The flavour mix is what I would call kindly ‘subtle’, and seems to disappear – and comparing the proportions to, say, Chef Conroy’s seitan bacon, there seems to be very little of it. like, one quarter of most of the same components in proportion, if you do a rough back of envelope calculation.
    I might crumble it up and try to hide it in a ‘meatloaf’ type thing with a lot of other stuff, because no one in my house will eat this 🙁 The basic idea seems pretty neat, and the texture is great, though, so I might give it one more shot but go with my instincts on flavouring!


  • I made this a few days ago, and it is superb. I need to improve it though, I only have a hand blender which was awkward and didn’t really blend the buckwheat at all. So with the buckwheat mostly intact the texture is all wrong, it crumbles too easily in the frying pan.
    Any tips for helping it to gel better, aside from buying a food processor to blend it effectively? (I’ll be doing that anyway). I suspect I didn’t use enough coconut oil as. Feedback would be great.
    I’m sure the next batch will be much better, thanks very much for this great recipe.


  • […] Homemade Vegan Bacon by No Meat Athlete (Surprisingly, using beans and grains!) […]


  • […] is the most unique recipe out there and it looks amazing. It’s filled with protein and nutrients, and has sweet and savory […]


  • Is there anything special about the buckwheat? I don’t have any, and I’m wondering if other whole grains would work? I think someone mentioned in the comments they used rice. I have lots of red wheat berries and I’m wondering if they would work (I don’t care if it’s gluten free). If it really has to be buckwheat to work, I’ll buy some.


  • Cook before freezing. Otherwise, they fall apart.


  • Hello, this is the best tasting vegan bacon by far, however my bacon crumbled. Did I do something wrong? I did just as the recipe stated but when I fried it, that’s when it crumbled which is fine but if I ever wanted this on a vegan BLT it won’t really work.


  • After soaking the beans and buckwheat should the beans be soft? Mine are still kind of hard but break apart when I squeeze them. Is that OK or should they be soft?


    1. When beans get too old they will stay hard. if u can break them apart though just after soaking, they’re fine.


  • Hi! i was wondering if all your recipes on this fantastic website are in US cup measurements or Au? This would be super helpful, thanks 🙂


  • I would like to use canned kidney beans. How much of those would I use to replace the 1/2 cup of dry beans?


  • I just made this today and can tell I would really like it but it all fell apart after cooking. I wonder if I did not puree well enough as the wheat and the red beans were kind of hard after I mixed in food processor. I could not find where anyone else had this issue. Maybe if I cooked the beans first, it would have a better texture for staying together? Not sure if anyone would see this so many years later but really hoping I can figure this recipe out.


    1. I had the same thing happen to me. What did you do, Julie?


      1. Mine crumble too (although so delicious). I’m going to try and add ground flaxseed next time as a binder.


  • I’ve tried this recipe several times now. First with canned aduki beans (on Christmas Day!). Which was utterly amazing. Then I tried with just soaked beans, and then soaked and boiled beans (aduki again). They didn’t work. And other friends who tried with soaked beans too had disappointing experiences. So I’m back to canned beans again which is reliable. I don’t know if it is something we have in the UK (perhaps the water you soak them in has some effect? we have very hard water here) but doesn’t seem like it works with dried for us.
    Total staple now, I keep it in the freezer! Lifechanging!


  • I’m drooling for salami, does anyone have a vegan salami recipe they are willing to share?!


  • I have been using this recipe years….and I have 2 say THANK U 4 sharing it! I do have 2 say also that while it’s GREAT and offers a great source of protein with my awesome vegan pancakes or french toast…. I don’t call it vegan bacon as it doesnt taste or behave like bacon. The taste and texture IS however more like scrapple, if any vegans missed or liked this…. def use this recipe as a substitute. 4 those in need of the closest thing I have found 2 a bacon taste/texture/crisp… try a recipe 4 RICE PAPER bacon….THAT does taste like it and is really simple and quick 2 pop in the microwave 2 cook. Not as nutritionally viable but still.
    Again love this recipe and still making it after sooo many years!


  • Have made this vegan bacon many times, it is delicious. I keep it in the freezer as suggested. It’s perfect.


  • As everyone suggested, I’ve prepped a triple batch (a chore in itself.) I was hesitant but, many have posted to go for it!
    I’m really nervous…
    MY first batch is just out of the oven. It looks horrific, and I went 13 mins. Waiting for it to cool before slicing. I may have put it in a bit too thick (hence the longer baking time.) But I’ll reserve judgement until it’s fried and tasted.
    Perhaps I’m jumping the gun.


    1. Okay, NOT EXCELLENT, but definately eatible, especially as a BLT. I think I should have perfected a SINGLE BATCH first, rather than trying to calculate a 3-times batch (given the size of my food processor, etal…)
      Cooking took longer, and frying was the trick (although not the healthiest due to the oil.)
      I’ve tried this several ways, with several derivations; baked and fried, cooking longer, tweaking the spices to my taste, and a few other attempts.
      I won’t make it again, very labor intensive. It wasn’t as bad as the rice paper bacon. It definately has the FEEL of bacon (like for a BLT), and although close, it hasn’t the taste.
      Yes, I DID make it EXACTLY as noted, however I am disappointed.
      I will freeze/eat later, but my vote has Morningstar… (no association, full disclosure. )
      Any suggestions?


  • I have made this many, many times and keep coming back to it! Thanks so much No-Meat Athlete!!


  • Can you use a blender? I don’t have a food processor and don’t have any interest in buying one.


  • Can I dry can this Vegan Bacon after fryin g it?


  • I have made this three times and cant get this to hold together when i make it i have alll the ingredients and i use parchment paper and i make sure i dont pulse it too long, any ideas why it keeps falling apart after i bake it.


  • Best bacon substitute I have tasted. I won’t pretend that it tastes like bacon because it doesn’t but it does provide that salty smoky hit that you get from bacon. I used honey instead of maple syrup (I am not vegan and I am a beekeeper). I also added more smoke than the recipe because l love anything smoked.


  • Have not tried it yet sounds good


  • thank you ! Going to try this recipe!!


  • Could you cook the bacon in an air fryer instead of in oil in a skillet. I don’t do added oil. Thanks.



    Vegan Bacon Recipe | No Meat Athlete (2024)
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