Vault 81 (2024)

Vault 81 (1)

For the quest, see Vault 81 (quest).

Vault 81 is a Vault-Tec Vault in the Commonwealth in 2287.


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Layout
    • 2.1 Secret vault
  • 3 Inhabitants
  • 4 Notable loot
    • 4.1 Vault 81
    • 4.2 Secret Vault 81
  • 5 Related quests
  • 6 Notes
    • 6.1 Companion comments
  • 7 Appearances
  • 8 Bugs
  • 9 Gallery
    • 9.1 Secret vault
  • 10 References


Vault 81 is an active, functioning vault. The former overseer's terminal (stored in the generator room) reveals this success is due to the original overseer actively sabotaging Vault-Tec's original mandate by refusing to conduct the experiments.[1][Non-game 1]

Vault-Tec created Vault 81 with the purpose of developing a universal cure for every sickness that humanity could possibly suffer from, using the residents as human test subjects. The vault was divided into two separate areas including the main area and a secret section, where Vault-Tec scientists would conduct their research and observe inhabitants as they were unknowingly exposed to different diseases and cures. The diseases were released via propellant nozzles hidden within the resident's rooms. In the case of an evacuation of the vault, everyone was to be incinerated with the same propellant nozzles.

The first vault overseer, Dr. Olivette was skeptical of Vault-Tec's goal and possible human experimentation.[2] She planned to blow the whistle if anything was found to be unethical. When she received her full briefing, she discovered the true nature of both Vault-Tec's planned experiment and Vault-Tec’s collaboration with the federal government. Dr. Olivette was determined not to let the residents of the Vault be used as guinea pigs and tried to think of a plan. On the morning of the Great War, Dr. Olivette received the "call" to begin Vault-Tec’s experiment, but sabotaged the call list so the science staff wouldn't be notified.[3] Her plan mostly worked; however, three of the science staff turned up. Kenneth Collins and Jim Flint came over with the general population and the third one, Burrow, was visiting to ask when the next drill would be.[4][5] As the three scientists worked to create their cure, Olivette watched over all of their data and personally had to approve the scientists moving onto Phases II and III, animal testing and human testing on unknowing participants respectively.[6]

Before human testing could begin, Olivette disabled the delivery systems, cutting off the scientists from infecting the vault dwellers.[7][8][9][10] Additionally, she also sealed all access points to the secret vault, leaving the three scientists to die. Though remorseful of what she had done, Olivette took solace in knowing that the scientists would have enough food and water to live out the rest of their days. To prevent any commotion within the general population, Olivette kept the vault's true purpose and the existence of the secret vault a closely guarded secret.[11][12]

Isolated from the other side of the vault, the scientists continued to use animal testing with their last remaining population of mole rats. To help with the research, Dr. Collins modified a Miss Nanny lab assistant to take on greater responsibilities due to the staff shortage, creating Curie.[13][14] When the scientists eventually died of old age, Curie remained and worked on the cure alone, spending decades conducting trial after trial. She achieved the vault's objective in 2204, perfecting the universal cure. Curie reached a level of self-awareness over the years; however, she was unable to overcome her original programming, which required authorization from a Vault-Tec employee in order for her to leave the vault and begin a new line of research. She patiently idled for decades, awaiting a response from security.

Meanwhile, the residents in the main vault went on with their lives completely unaware that anything was amiss, or that they had been intended as test subjects.[15] In 2277, Overseer McNamara opened the Vault for the first time, allowing communication and trade with the outside world. This provided a badly needed source of food and other vital supplies, especially parts and tools to repair the vault's deteriorating systems. Many residents maintained an isolationist or even xenophobic mindset, distrusting any outsider who was allowed to enter.[16]

In 2287 Bobby De Luca, one of Vault 81's dwellers, had discovered one of the entrances into the secret vault and used it to store his drugs. Austin Engill witnessed Bobby opening the door and went in to investigate. He was bitten by one of the lab mole rats, which had escaped containment and started a colony in the secret vault decades before.[17] This nest was still infected with the various diseases used in the experiment, resulting in Austin acquiring an unknown disease, which would be lethal for his young immune system. When Bobby revealed the existence of the secret vault, the Sole Survivor agreed to search it for a potential cure. Inside, the Sole Survivor discovered Curie, who handed over the last unexpired dose of her universal cure. The Sole Survivor could either use it on themself, leaving Austin to perish and earning the animosity of the vault dwellers, or turn it over to save Austin and be granted a room in the vault by Overseer McNamara.


Vault 81 is divided into two main areas: the regular vault, where the residents live, and the secret observation area, where the scientific team used to observe the vault dwellers and conduct research. By 2287, the secret area is overrun by a special breed of mole rats while the regular vault is still functional and inhabited.

There are two entrances from the main vault to the secret vault: an elevator located in the lobby, and a secret door in the reactor room. The elevator cannot be used until the end of the quest Hole in the Wall and the secret door is not unlocked before the beginning of the same quest.

The vault opens to the admission area with the security office in the north. An elevator at the end of the hall leads to the rest of the vault. The central atrium is split into the two floors: the top floor contains the depot where people can trade, the overseer's office and a spare room (which can become the Sole Survivor's after completing Hole in the Wall); the lower floor contains the barber, cafeteria and the hallway leading down to the residential area.

The rooms lining the top and bottom of the western wing are all private residences for the vault dwellers along with the classroom. Directly below the classroom is the clinic, and past the classroom is the reactor room. The reactor room holds the entrance to the secret area of Vault 81, which is accessed during Hole in the Wall.

Secret vault[]

The secret vault is a combination of vault architecture and cavernous dirt walls and floors. Navigating through the broken walls of residences leads to the small atrium which attaches to the maintenance area. Above the generators lies the entrance to the research and observation area.

The observation corridor covers the depot and overseer's office. The security gate at the end leads down further into the research wing, into the molerat breeding area. The central room has two levels, with adjoining breeding cages and laboratories.

The first one on the right from the entrance contains a Master-level safe. The upper floor has a door leading further into the vault and, on the opposite end, a small medical room with a mole rat brood mother and a steamer trunk. A staircase off the south side of the second floor of the cells leads upstairs to a room containing Curie as well as an elevator to get back up to the normal Vault 81.


Notable loot[]

Vault 81[]

Vault 81 (2)

Secret Vault 81[]

Vault 81 (3)

Related quests[]


  • All quests related to Vault 81 grant 81 experience at 1 Intelligence.
  • If the vault is accessed by passing the Charisma check, one will still need to speak to McNamara before access to the elevator is gained.
  • If the player character is bitten by the mole rats in Vault 81, their maximum HP will be reduced by 10 points until the vaccine from the quest Hole in the Wall is used. This will, however, affect the outcome of said quest negatively.
    • If one manages to escape without being bitten, the cure can safely be given to Austin and the quest is completed without suffering from the health penalty.
    • The virus will also be contracted if a companion is bitten.
  • For Survival mode, the beds in Vault 81 are owned. However, there is one bed inside the secret vault that can be used to save (many others are not interactable). Other than that, the closest bed is the one in the shack south of the lake outside.
  • If one is still wearing the Vault 111 suit, the Vault 81 inhabitants will comment on their Vault suit. Sometimes they will comment on the player character being from a vault without them wearing the vault suit, or having interacted with them before.
  • If one brings Codsworth, the Vault 81 inhabitants will compare it to their vault's Old Rusty.
  • If one brings Dogmeat, Preston Garvey, MacCready, Cait, Paladin Danse, Hanco*ck, Strong, Piper or Nick Valentine, the vault security will ask Overseer McNamara for permission to allow entrance.
    • There is an audio file for having a second companion along with Dogmeat when first entering. This is only accessible in the game files.
  • If one brings Deacon, he will change his disguise to a Vault 81 jumpsuit.
  • If one brings Paladin Danse, vault security will sarcastically question his seriousness.
  • If one brings X6-88, some dwellers may recognize him as an Institute courser.
  • If one brings Hanco*ck, some vault dwellers will insult him for being a ghoul.
  • If one brings Curie (after enabling her as a companion), she will request to leave the vault, even though she will still follow the player character.
  • If one is wearing a suit of power armor, there will be numerous comments of both fear and admiration from the residents.
  • If one is wearing a Silver Shroud costume, there will be comments about it being Halloween already.
  • Following the successful completion of Hole in the Wall, the player character will be given a room by Gwen McNamara.
  • The original overseer's change of heart led to the vault serving in its advertised role: "A shelter for its residents in the event of a nuclear attack."
  • In the reactor area, five wooden blocks can be found on top of two machines, spelling out "BS" and "LOL."
  • Fusion cores handed in can have anywhere from 1/100 to 100/100 charge remaining.
  • When first entering the vault, the Sole Survivor will be asked to go see Dr. Forsythe. He will then ask for a donation of blood for his research, to study the change in the human DNA.
  • A former Vault 81 resident, Rylee, can be encountered in Longneck Lukowski's Cannery and asked about where she got her vault suit. She will explain that she is from Vault 81 and will mark the location on the Sole Survivor's map. If she is not asked while she is still in the cannery, she can later be found in a random encounter and the same dialogue can be had to still get the map marker.
  • In another random encounter, the player character can come across a band of raiders holding a Vault 81 resident hostage. Upon killing the raiders, should the vault dweller survive, he will thank the player character and return to his vault.
  • It's also possible to get Vault 81 marked on the map by picking up Dr. Forsythe's note if found in the Commonwealth.
  • All the clocks in the vault are stuck at 9:47, meaning the residents have made no effort to repair them, even after 210 years. It is not clear how the nuclear blast would have impacted clocks in a sealed vault.
  • After completing the Brotherhood of Steel ending, a Brotherhood of Steel knight may be eternally standing guard outside the cave leading to the vault door.
  • After gaining access to Vault 81, the vault control panel will be considered an NPC saying normal lines like "Yeah?" or "Huh?"
  • Caravans, including Cricket's, can sometimes be found outside the vault entrance as it's one of the stops on their route.
  • There is a scripted scene where the G.O.A.T. is explained to the children as the player character enters the classroom. Due to it only being intended to run once and the quest script ending when Katy goes to bed, it ends before one ever enters Vault 81.
  • During the pre-War beginning of the game, the news anchor on the TV notes that there are still openings in Vault 81.
  • On the left side of the vault door, on the outside, there is a Railsign symbol meaning "Ally."

Companion comments[]

  • When at this location, companions make comments, which are activated at three locations: the entrance walkway, the observation room, and upon entering the secret section.
Location comments
CharacterSpecific locationComment
CaitEntrance walkway"This is the only Vault I know that people still call home. Kind of weird that they want to stay out here all by themselves."
Secret section entrance"There's no end to this place."
Observation room"Vault-Tec... makin' the perverts look like saints."
CodsworthEntrance walkway"Another Vault? I must admit my excitement. I've been curious about them ever since that fateful day."
Secret section entrance"Quite the garden maze of hallways, isn't it? One could easily get lost down here."
Observation room"I say, Vault-Tec really does enjoy crossing the line, don't they? Watching these poor souls like animals in a lab."
CurieEntrance walkway"Ah, my Vault. Please, let's go elsewhere."
DanseEntrance walkway"Vault-Tec built places like this to conduct unethical experiments on human beings. Just thinking about it makes me sick."
Secret section entrance"I'm going to guess that the residents of this vault didn't even know this section existed.}"
Observation room"This is exactly the reason that science never belonged in the private sector."
DeaconEntrance walkway"Vault 81. The mad hermits as I like to call them. It's usually sealed up, although you find the occasional patrol."
Secret section entrance"Vault-Tec's up to its usual tricks."
Observation room"No, this isn't creepy."
John Hanco*ckEntrance walkway"Heh. Pretty sure the Vaults were built to keep riff-raff like us out."
Secret section entrance"Place just keeps going, doesn't it?"
Observation room"No cost too great to control the common folk."
Robert MacCreadyEntrance walkway"I spent my childhood living right next to a Vault. Those are some seriously bad memories I wish I could forget."
Secret section entrance"Vault-Tec built all sorts of secret sections into their vaults. I don't even want to know what this one was for."
Observation room"Well that's pretty damn creepy. I bet they had no idea they were being watched."
Nick ValentineEntrance walkway"Vault 81, friendliest Vault in all the Commonwealth. Because here, they don't shoot on sight."
Secret section entrance"I expect there's a damn good reason this place is abandoned."
Observation room"A peepin' tom's paradise."
Piper WrightEntrance walkway"Vault 81. Have I got some questions for the folks down here..."
Secret section entrance"They have wings they're not even using."
Observation room"Now this is creepy."
Preston GarveyEntrance walkway"Oh, this is one of those Vaults. Like you came out of, right?"
Secret section entrance"What do you suppose this was all about?"
Observation room"I'll be damned. So the whole thing was set up as a big experiment?"
X6-88Entrance walkway"So Father came from a place like this? Fascinating."
Secret section entrance"It looks like they were planning to expand the vault here."
Observation room"Did they interrogate people here?"


Vault 81 appears inFallout 4 and the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game.


  • Vault 81 (4) Vault 81 (5) Vault 81 (6) When first entering the vault, you may be unable to open the door as the "You cannot do this while in combat" message will appear. This is because the two turrets on the ends of the wall are hostile, although they do not attack. The only way to "see" the hostile turrets is using VATS since they will also not appear marked on your compass. The turrets are also immortal, which makes all efforts of destroying them to continue futile.[verified]
    • You can remove the turrets from the game by opening the console, clicking on the turrets and typing disable into the console for each turret.
    • You can also destroy them via the KillAll console command, but this will also kill most residents and characters inside.
    • Another way of resolving this is opening the door while sneaking (completely hidden, a Stealth Boy is recommended). After, the animation will commence and everything will return to normal, but the turrets will remain hostile and immortal forever.
    • Another fix may be to fast travel from and return to the vault.
    • Another fix may be to sneak under the left facing turret until you are Hidden.
    • You can also destroy these turrets in VATS using critical hits or using explosions.
  • Vault 81 (7) Vault 81 (8) After using the speech check, the main door never opens. Reloading to an earlier save (before the speech check) can fix this.[verified]
  • Vault 81 (9) Vault 81 (10) Vault 81 (11) The vault security guards will sometimes refer to the male Sole Survivor as a female.[verified]
  • Vault 81 (12) Vault 81 (13) Vault 81 (14) On the surface, the button in the main elevator will be on the eastern side. While the elevator is in motion, the button will be on the northern side. When inside the vault, the button will be on the western side. This is most noticeable if the elevator is activated in the third person.[verified]
  • Vault 81 (15) Holt Combes will disappear after exiting the vault. Occasionally this can be fixed by using the elevator and searching again.[verified]
  • Vault 81 (16) Vault 81 (17) Vault 81 (18) Dr. Penske will give a quest to deliver fertilizer for 25 caps apiece however after agreeing she will give standard dialogue when prompted to talk. [verified]
  • Vault 81 (19) After finishing the quest Hole in the Wall, Vault Security will refer to you as a woman even if you are a male character saying: "You're a brave woman. I wish we could've handled it ourselves, but no doubt, we'd have gotten eaten alive down here." (see gallery)[verified]
  • Vault 81 (20) Vault 81 (21) Vault 81 (22) After entering Vault 81, the main elevator you see when you first come in may be non-existent, resulting in an Endless fall under the map which can easily be escaped by moving forward back onto the floor (Though any companions that happened to follow you will be endlessly falling). Reloading a save, or exiting and entering the vault again should fix it.[verified]
  • Vault 81 (23) Vault 81 (24) If access is gained to the vault via Charisma, a glitch will occur where you cannot enter the door to the elevator. Calvin and the Overseer will also be unable to open the door. The door or the button to the left of it would show "INACCESSIBLE". To access the door, the player must accept the overseer's exchange by delivering three fusion cores instead of using Charisma. [verified]
  • Vault 81 (25) Vault 81 (26) When in the secret Vault 81 the mole rats that come up from the ground freeze in some areas. It also causes them to sprout from the metal roofing of the facility.[verified]
  • Vault 81 (27) Vault 81 (28) Vault 81 (29) Part of the wall at the end of the hallway opposite the classroom doesn't load and is a blank space. [verified]
  • Vault 81 (30) Vault 81 (31) After the first interaction with him, Calvin (the man who bought tools), will disappear and end up in the hidden "Vault 81 Holding Cell," which is a door hidden behind the residential area upper hallway wall, between the bathroom on the left of Holt and Alexis' room, and the wall immediately to the left of the security guard in the corridor at the top of the steps leading to the 2nd floor.[verified]
    • This can be temporarily resolved by opening console and typing prid 00153855 then moveto player.
    • If the holding cell door was opened, go back into the wall, select the door, then type lock 1. Change the point of view so the "Unlocked" message disappears, then look at the door again, it should now say "Novice Lock". NPC's will not be able to unlock this and will stay in the halls if they don't have an assigned room.
  • Vault 81 (32) If the player character kills all of the Vault 81 dwellers, leaving only the essential NPCs and all children in the vault alive, and hasn't finished the tour that Austin Engill gave, once the player character exits the vault and returns, all NPCs in the vault will return to neutral. When the player character talks to Austin and decides to stop the tour, the player character will complete the quest and receive EXP despite not finishing the tour and killing almost all the vault residents. Some quests might be still able to start after this happens.[verified]


Vault 81 (33)

Vault 81 exterior

Vault 81 (34)

Vault 81 blast door

Vault 81 (35)

Airlock/processing area

Vault 81 (36)

Entrance scanners

Vault 81 (37)

Upper atrium level

Vault 81 (38)


Vault 81 (39)

Player room

Vault 81 (40)


Vault 81 (41)


Vault 81 (42)


Vault 81 (43)

Hydroponics lab

Vault 81 (44)

Hydroponics lab

Vault 81 (46)

Operating theater

Vault 81 (47)

Katy's classroom

Vault 81 (48)


Vault 81 (50)

Three Nuka-Cherries

Vault 81 (51)

Overseer's office reception area

Vault 81 (52)

Overseer's office

Vault 81 (53)

Overseer's office

Vault 81 (54)

Overseer's quarters

Vault 81 (55)

Overseer's quarters

Vault 81 (56)

Reactor room

Vault 81 (57)


Vault 81 (58)

Residential corridor

Vault 81 (61)

Room of Austin Engill and Priscilla Penske

Vault 81 (65)

Vault 81 construction survey

Vault 81 (66)

Chemistry station (shack north)

Vault 81 (68)

Cooking station (outside vault)

Vault 81 (69)

Texture file

Secret vault[]

Vault 81 (72)

Vault 81 (73)

Vault 81 (74)

Vault 81 (75)

Vault 81 (76)

Vault 81 (77)

Vault 81 (78)

Vault 81 (79)

Vault 81 (80)

Vault 81 (81)

Vault 81 (82)

Vault 81 (83)

Vault 81 (84)

Vault 81 (85)

Vault 81 (86)

Vault 81 (87)

Vault 81 (88)

Vault 81 (89)

Vault 81 (90)

Vault 81 (91)

Vault 81 (92)

Vault 81 (93)

Vault 81 (94)

Improvised graves

Vault 81 (95)

Vault 81 (96)

Vault 81 (97)

Vault 81 (98)

Vault 81 (99)

The medicine bobblehead in Curie's laboratory

Vault 81 (100)

Vault 81 tech password


  1. Vault 81 terminal entries; research comm terminal
  2. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, A job's a job?
  3. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, Drills, Drills, Drills
  4. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, What to do?
  5. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, The day
  6. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, Science staff
  7. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, They suspect
  8. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, Forgiveness
  9. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, Please Answer
  10. Vault 81 terminal entries; research comm terminal, Please Answer
  11. Vault 81 terminal entries; terminal, Vault 81 mission statement
  12. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, Phase I trial
  13. Vault 81 terminal entries; Curie's terminal, Boot up
  14. Vault 81 terminal entries; Curie's terminal, personality profile
  15. Vault 81 terminal entries; overseers terminal, Anti-Commonwealth
  16. Vault 81 terminal entries; overseers terminal, Repairs, Repairs, Repairs
  17. Sole Survivor: "These mole rats carry a disease. Do you know anything about it?"
    Curie: "My poor little darlings. They were used to grow all manner of new and interesting pathogens. Then vault citizens would be exposed to these viruses in the hopes that they would develop new antibodies. But they never got a chance to execute their plan. Clyde got out of his cage. He was smarter than the others, my sweet Clyde. He let out the others and those poor scientists never stood a chance. Clyde's been dead for almost two centuries now, but his descendants have free run of the vault. I'm rambling. Where are my manners. Are you Vault-tec security?"
    (Curie's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p. 318: "[3.22] VAULT 81
    Somewhere in the Commonwealth is a vault that never fulfilled its secret purpose. The people just lived normal lives for generation after generation. They are aware of the outside world but choose to remain within the safety of the vault rather than brave the dangers of the Commonwealth. They do trade with the outside world since they aren’t entirely self sufficient, so the people are used to seeing outsiders every couple of weeks or so. What secrets does Vault 81 contain?"
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)


Major faction locations

Brotherhood of SteelThe Prydwen· Boston Airport· Cambridge Police Station
The RailroadRailroad HQ· Old North Church· Ticonderoga
Commonwealth MinutemenSanctuary Hills· The Castle
The InstituteThe Institute· C.I.T. ruins
GunnersGreenetech Genetics· Gunners plaza· Quincy ruins· Vault 75· Vault 95
RaidersBeantown Brewery· Combat Zone· Corvega assembly plant· Dunwich Borers· East Boston Preparatory School· Federal ration stockpile· Libertalia· Quincy Quarries· Thicket Excavations· USAF Satellite Station Olivia· Walden Pond

Greater Boston Neighborhoods - West

CambridgeCambridge Police Station· Cambridge Polymer Labs· Cambridge campus diner· Cambridge crater· Campus law offices· C.I.T. ruins· College Square· College Square station· Collegiate administration building· Fraternal Post 115· Greenetech Genetics· Kendall Hospital· Monsignor Plaza· The Institute
CharlestownBADTFL regional office· Bunker Hill· USS Constitution· Weatherby Savings & Loan
The FensBack Street Apparel· Fens Street sewer· Hangman's Alley· Hardware Town· Parkview Apartments· Police Precinct 8· Wreck of the USS Riptide
Diamond CityAbbot's house· All Faiths Chapel· Chem-I-Care· Choice Chops· Colonial Taphouse· Commonwealth Weaponry· Diamond City Market· Diamond City Radio· Diamond City Surplus· Dugout Inn· Home Plate· Power Noodles· Publick Occurrences· Schoolhouse· Science! Center· Sheng Kawolski's house· Swatters· Valentine Detective Agency
EsplanadeCharles View Amphitheater· HalluciGen, Inc.
Back BayBoston Public Library· Dartmouth Professional Building· Hubris Comics· Layton Towers· Trinity Plaza· Trinity Tower· Vault 114· Wilson Atomatoys corporate HQ
Beacon HillBoston Bugle building· Cabot House· Vault-Tec Regional HQ

Greater Boston Neighborhoods - East

North EndPickman Gallery· Old North Church
Boston CommonBoylston Club· Massachusetts State House· Old Granary burying ground· Park Street station· Swan's Pond
Financial DistrictFallen skybridge· Faneuil Hall· Garden terrace· Haymarket Mall· Mass Fusion building· Old Corner Bookstore· Postal Square
GoodneighborDaisy's Discounts· Hotel Rexford· Kill or Be Killed· Memory Den· Old State House· The Third Rail· Warehouses
Theater DistrictCombat Zone· D.B. Technical High School· Hester's Consumer Robotics· Mass Bay Medical Center· Medical Center metro
Boston HarborCustom House Tower· Harbormaster Hotel· The Shamrock Taphouse· Yangtze
East BostonBoston Airport· East Boston Preparatory School· East Boston police station· Easy City Downs· Fort Strong· The Prydwen
South BostonAndrew station· Big John's Salvage· Four Leaf fishpacking plant· General Atomics factory· Gwinnett Brewery· The Gwinnett Restaurant· South Boston High School· South Boston military checkpoint· South Boston police department· The Castle· University Point
Vault 75· Vault 81· Vault 95· Vault 111· Vault 114
Abernathy farm· Boston Airport· Bunker Hill· The Castle· Coastal cottage· County crossing· Covenant· Croup Manor· Egret Tours Marina· Finch farm· Graygarden· Greentop Nursery· Hangman's Alley· Home Plate· Jamaica Plain· Kingsport Lighthouse· Murkwater construction site· Nordhagen beach· Oberland station· Outpost Zimonja· Red Rocket truck stop· Sanctuary Hills· The Slog· Somerville Place· Spectacle Island· Starlight Drive In· Sunshine Tidings co-op· Taffington boathouse· Tenpines Bluff· Warwick homestead

The Commonwealth individual locations

Lexington and Northwest CommonwealthAbernathy farm· Bedford Station· Concord (Museum of Freedom)· Drumlin Diner· Gorski cabin· Lexington (Corvega assembly plant· Lexington apartments· Mystic Pines· Super Duper Mart)· Lonely Chapel· Ranger cabin· Red Rocket truck stop· Robotics disposal ground· Sanctuary Hills· Starlight Drive In· Sunshine Tidings co-op· Tenpines Bluff· Thicket Excavations· Vault 111· USAF Satellite Station Olivia· Walden Pond· Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup
Medford and North Central CommonwealthBreakheart Banks· County Crossing· Covenant· Dark Hollow Pond· Finch farm· General Atomics Galleria· Greentop Nursery· Irish Pride Industries shipyard· Lake Quannapowitt· Listening Post Bravo· Lynn Woods· Malden Center· Malden Middle School/Vault 75· Mass Fusion containment shed· Med-Tek Research· Medford Memorial Hospital· National Guard training yard· Old Gullet sinkhole· Outpost Zimonja· Parsons Creamery· Parsons State Insane Asylum· Poseiden Energy Turbine #18-F· Radio tower 3SM-U81· Relay tower 0MC-810· Recon bunker Theta· Revere satellite array· Rotten landfill· Saugus Ironworks· Skylanes Flight 1981· Slocum's Joe Corporate HQ· The Slog· Taffington boathouse· Tucker Memorial Bridge· West Everett Estates· Wildwood Cemetery
Western CommonwealthArcJet Systems· Beantown Brewery· Boston mayoral shelter· Chestnut Hillock Reservoir· Federal ration stockpile· Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates· Forest Grove marsh· Fort Hagen· Fort Hagen filling station· Fort Hagen satellite array· Graygarden· Greater Mass blood clinic· Jalbert Brothers Disposal· Mass Gravel & Sand· Mass Pike Interchange· Oberland station· Relay tower 0BB-915· Relay tower 1DL-109· Rocky Narrows Park· Vault 81· Wattz Consumer Electronics· Weston water treatment plant
Coastal CommonwealthCoastal cottage· Crater house· Dunwich Borers· Gibson Point Pier· Hub City Auto Wreckers· Hugo's Hole· Kingsport Lighthouse· Longneck Lukowski's Cannery· Lynn Pier parking· Mahkra Fishpacking· Nahant (Croup Manor· Libertalia· Nahant Chapel· Nahant Oceanological Society· Nahant Sherrif's Department· Nahant Wharf)· Nordhagen beach· Reeb Marina· Revere Beach station· Salem (Museum of Witchcraft· Rook family house· Sandy Coves Convalescent Home)
Natick and the Glowing SeaAtlantic Offices· Capsized factory· Cave· Crater of Atom· Cutler Bend· Decayed reactor site· Decrepit factory· Edge of the Glowing Sea· Electrical Hobbyist's Club· Federal supply cache 84NE· Federal Surveillance Center K-21B· Forgotten church· Hopesmarch Pentecostal church· Lake Cochituate· Mass Fusion disposal site· Natick (Natick Banks· Natick Police Department· Poseidon reservoir· Roadside Pines Motel)· O'Neill Family Manufacturing· Relay tower 0DB-521· Robotics Pioneer Park· Rocky cave· Scrap palace· Sentinel site· Skylanes Flight 1665· Somerville Place· Vault 95· Vertibird wreckage· Waypoint Echo· WRVR broadcast station
Quincy and Southern CommonwealthAtom Cats garage· Boston Police rationing site· Coast Guard Pier· Egret Tours Marina· Fairline Hill Estates· Fallon's department store· Gunners plaza· Hyde Park· Jamaica Plain· Mass Pike Tunnel east· Mass Pike Tunnel west· Milton General Hospital· Murkwater construction site· Neponset Park· NH&M Freight Depot· Poseidon Energy· Quincy Quarries· Quincy ruins (Quincy police station· Peabody house)· Relay tower 0SC-527· Shaw High School· Spectacle Island· Suffolk County Charter School· Warwick homestead· West Roxbury station· Westing Estate· Wilson Atomatoys factory· Wreck of the FMS Northern Star

The Commonwealth unmarked locations

Slocum's Joe· Garage alcove· Malden police station· 35 Court· Abandoned house (Charlestown)· Anna's Cafe· Back Alley Bowling· Back alley camp· Backyard bunker· Barricade and rooftops· Beacon Hill apartments· Boxing gym· Bridgeway Trust· Broken monorail· Brookline building· Bus and apartment wreckage· Cambridge Academic Center· Cambridge church· Cambridge construction site· Cambridge hardware store· Cambridge raider base· Camp Kendall· Car tree camp· Charles River· Charlestown laundry· Columbus Park· Coastal hideout·Commonwealth Avenue· Commonwealth Bank· Commonwealth Weaponry· Compound· Concord Church· Concord Civic Access· Concord Speakeasy· Congress Street garage· Copley station· Cottage· Daisy's Discounts· Dorchester Heights Monument· Drug den· East C.I.T. raider camp· Evans Way Cul-de-Sac· Factory· Faded Glory laundromat· Fallout 4 military checkpoints· Fens Cafe· Fens Way station· Fentons Food Stuffs· Flagon Tunnel· Footbridge (Esplanade)· Founder's Triangle· Freedom Trail· Freeway pileup· General Atomics outlet· Graygarden homestead· Guns Guns Guns· Handy Eats· Hardware store· Hawthorne Estate· Hoarder's apartment· Hollowed-out rock· Holy Mission Congregation· Hub 360· Jamaica Plain Town Hall basem*nt· Jimbo's Tower· Joe's Spuckies· Joe's Spuckies sandwich shop· Kellogg's house· Kendall Parking· L Street bathhouse· Lexington Bank· Lexington Pharmacy· Lil' Gentry playground· Long Wharf· Madden's gym· Raider platforms (Cambridge)· Malden drainage· Marlborough house· Marowski's chem lab· Mass Chemical· Mass Pike Tunnel· Mean Pastries· Milton parking garage· Mole rat den· Nahant Bar and Restaurant· Natick power station· North End graveyard· Northwest house· Atlantic· Parking garage· Paul Revere House· Paul Revere Monument· Pearwood Residences· Pinelli's Bakery· Pinnacle Highrise· Pizza parlor· Plumber's Secret·Prospect Hill· Prost bar· Quincy apartments· Quincy church· Quincy diner· Quincy pharmacy· Raider back-alley camp· Red Rocket (Glowing Sea)· Root cellar· Rusty tractor· Science Center gift shop· Shanty store· Shenley's Oyster Bar· Sleepwalker's place· Sniper's hideout· South Boston Church· South Fens Tower· Sullivan's· The Dig· The Hole in the Wall· The House of Tomorrow· The Switchboard· Ticker Tape Lounge· Train car· Trinity Church· UFO crash site· Union Man's Circle· Union's Hope Cathedral· University Credit Union· Valenti station· Vitale pumphouse· Walden Drugs (Cambridge)· Walden Drugs (Concord)· Warren Theater· Water filtration caps stash· Water Street apartments· Baxter building· Western Bell vessel· Workhouse· Wright's Inn
Far Harbor unmarked locationsAcadia National Park· Basem*nt armory· Emmet's Causeway· Kawaketak Station· Pump control· Red Death Island
Nuka-World unmarked locationsBear cave· Cappy's Cafe· Employee tunnels· Nuka-Cade· Nuka-World access tunnels

Add-on locations

AutomatronFort Hagen hangar· RobCo Sales & Service Center (The Mechanist's lair)
Far HarborThe Island· Acadia· Aldersea Day Spa· Atom's Spring· Beaver Creek Lanes· Briney's Bait and Tackle· Brooke's Head Lighthouse· Children of Atom shrine· Cliff's Edge Hotel· Cranberry Island Bog· Cranberry Island Docks· Cranberry Island supply shed· Dalton farm· DiMA's cache· Eagle's Cove Tannery· Eden Meadows Cinemas· Echo Lake Lumber· Far Harbor· Fringe Cove docks· Glowing Grove· Haddock Cove· Harbor Grand Hotel· Horizon Flight 1207· Huntress Island· Kitteredge Pass· Longfellow's cabin· MS Azalea· Nakano residence· National Park campground· National Park visitor's center· National Park HQ· Northwood Ridge Quarry· Oceanarium· Old Pond House· Pine Crest Cavern· Radiant crest shrine· Rayburn Point· Red Death Island· Rock Point Camp· Ruined church· Southwest Harbor· The Nucleus· The Vessel· Vault 118· Vim! Pop factory· Waves Crest Orphanage· Wind farm maintenance· Zephyr Ridge Camp
Vault-Tec WorkshopVault 88· University Point Pharmacy
Nuka-WorldNuka-World· Galactic Zone· (Nuka-Galaxy· Vault-Tec: Among the Stars· RobCo Battlezone· Starlight Interstellar Theater· Starport Nuka)· Dry Rock Gulch· (Dry Rock Gulch employee area· Dry Rock Gulch Theater· Doc Phosphate's Saloon· Mad Mulligan's Minecart Coaster· Main Street· Ol' Sugartop)· Safari Adventure· (Angry Anaconda· Cappy's treehouse· Jungle Journey Theater· Safari Adventure primate house· Safari Adventure reptile house· Welcome Center)· Kiddie Kingdom· (Carousel· Blast Off!· Candy Town Playground· Employee tunnels· Ferris Wheel· Fun House· King Cola's Castle· King Cola's Court· Nuka-Racers· Teacups)· Nuka-Town USA· (Bradberton Amphitheater· Cola-cars arena· Cappy's Cafe· Fizztop Grille· Fizztop Mountain· Nuka-Cade· Nuka-Town backstage· Nuka-Town market· Nuka-World access tunnels· The Parlor)· Nuka-Cola bottling plant· (Secure beverageer lab· World of Refreshment)· Bradberton· Bradberton overpass· Dunmore homestead· Evan's home· Grandchester Mystery Mansion· Hubologist's camp· Morton residence· Northpoint reservoir· Nuka-World junkyard· Nuka-World power plant· Wixon's Shovel Museum
Parentheses () denote sub-locations, bold denotes main locations, italics denotes unmarked locations.


Vaults3· 4· 8· 11· 12· 13· 15· 17· 19· 21· 22· 29· Three Vaults (31· 32· 33)· 34· 51· 63· 75· 76· 77· 79· 81· 87· 88· 92· 94· 95· 96· 101· 106· 108· 111· 112· 114· 118
Other VaultsDemonstration Vault· Fake Vault 13· Los Angeles Vault· Makeshift vault· Vault-Tec: Among the Stars· VTU Training Vault· Whitespring Congressional Bunker

Non-canon Vaults

Non-canon0· 27· 29 (Van Buren)· 36· 42· 43· 53· 55· 56· 68· 69· 70· Corporate Vault· Vault prototype
Unreleased1· 6· 10· 24· 39· 65· 70· 74· 100· 113· 117· 120· 121· Burkittsville Vault
MiscellaneousFictional Vaults1· 2
Fallout: The Board Game7· 44· 84· 109
Fallout Shelter31· 93· 120· 144· 177· 189· 199· 226· 232· 233· 242· 261· 314· 315· 317· 322· 333· 390· 404· 428· 450· 505· 512· 525· 666· 700· 711· 730· 778· 789· 813· 819· 840· 850· 899· 909· 923· R41D
Vault 81 (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.