Vaping laws in other countries (2024)


  • Taking your vape on public transport
  • Countries where vaping is legal
  • Countries where vaping is restricted
  • Countries with a ban on the sale of vaping products
  • Countries where vaping is illegal
  • Check local vaping laws before you travel
  • Why do some countries have a ban on vaping?
  • Do vape bans work?
  • Map of vaping
  • Can I buy vapes on holiday?
  • Vaping safely on holiday

Planning a trip abroad and wondering whether you’ll be able to vape while you’re there? We’re here to help, with a quick guide to vaping laws in some of the most popular holiday destinations.

Taking your vape on public transport

In most cases while on public transport, there will be signs to specify whether vaping is allowed or not. We would also recommend checking with a driver or representative of the company you are travelling with, especially in the absence of a sign.

Vaping restrictions on more common modes of public transport have been highlighted below.

Taking your vape on a plane

You’re allowed to take a vape on a plane with the majority of airlines, but there are a few common restrictions to consider. Here’s what you need to know:

  • It’s very important that you remember to put it in your carry-on bag, not your checked luggage. Vapes have batteries and heating elements, so airlines need them to be stored in a place where they’re easy to reach and unlikely to be accidentally activated.
  • Spare batteries should also be packed in your carry-on bags and should be stored safely, so that they aren’t touching each other and can’t come into contact with other metal objects.
  • You can bring e-liquids in your hand luggage but they must be in bottles of 100mls or less and placed in a clear plastic bag alongside other liquids and gels. You can also pack e-liquids of a larger quantity in your checked bags.
  • Some airlines may have a restriction on how many vapes you’re allowed to carry, so be sure to check out individual websites before travelling.
  • While you’re allowed to travel with vape juice in your tank, it’s a good idea not to fill it before flying. The changes to air pressure can cause tanks and pods to leak.
  • Do not plan to charge your vape on a plane. While some airlines may not have a problem with this. Others may class it as ‘use’. Charge your vape before or after flying instead.

It’s also worth remembering that restrictions can sometimes change with short notice, so be sure to check the rules on the airline you’re travelling with before setting out.

Can I vape at the airport?

When it comes to vaping at the airport, you will need to follow the same rules as smokers. This can vary widely depending on your destination, but the best advice is to follow any and all information for smokers. Most airports have designated smoking zones.

Can I vape on the plane?

No, you can’t vape while on a plane. It’s forbidden by all major airlines, and you could face severe fines and penalties if you do so. One alternative option, if you’re looking to manage your nicotine cravings while travelling, is to pick up some nicotine pouches. These convenient pouches simply need to be placed between your gum and top lip and will steadily release nicotine and any added flavours for around 30 minutes.

Can I vape on a train?

In the majority of places, you will not be able to vape on a train. This is a little more variable than in the case of airplanes, where vaping is forbidden worldwide, but most countries do not allow vaping on trains. If you’re prohibited from smoking on a train in a country or region, then it’s safest to assume that you can’t vape there either.

Countries where vaping is legal

There are lots of places where vaping is legal. These are the places where you should be safe to bring your e-cigarette at the moment, although do bear in mind that vaping laws can change quickly. It is always best to check just before travelling. It’s also worth remembering that while vaping may be legal in these countries, it’s likely that most places will have restrictions in place. For example, you may not be able to vape in public places like restaurants or hotel lobbies, even though vaping is legal overall.

  • Albania
  • Armenia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • China
  • Costa Rica
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Dubai (UAE)
  • El Salvador
  • Egypt
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Gibraltar
  • Greece
  • Honduras
  • Hungary
  • Indonesia
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Malta
  • Morocco
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • UK
  • Ukraine
  • Vietnam

Countries where vaping is restricted

There are also some countries where it is legal to vape but there are extra restrictions in place. For example, in South Africa, vapes aren’t governed under any specific laws but nicotine is classed as a scheduled drug under the Medicines and Related Substances Act, which means products with nicotine in them can only be sold by pharmacists and purchased with a doctor's prescription. In the USA, on the other hand, vaping laws vary state by state, so it’s important that you check out the particular area you’re planning to travel to. Some EU countries like Estonia and Lithuania have recently introduced flavour bans, meaning that e-liquids are available but the flavours are highly limited.

  • Canada – regulations for the sale and marketing of vapes is stricter in Canada than in the UK and varies between different provinces, plus products are age restricted to over 19s only
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Japan – the sale and supply of nicotine-containing e-liquids is not permitted, but nicotine-free vapes are readily available. Those entering the country can bring a small supply of nicotine-containing vaping products for personal use but must adhere to a 120ml limit
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Norway – regulations in Norway currently prevent the sale of nicotine-containing e-liquids and vaping products, although this is set to change this year, but travellers can bring them during their visit for personal use
  • Slovenia
  • South Africa
  • USA

Countries with a ban on the sale of vaping products

These countries currently have a ban on the sale and marketing of vapes, but this does not extend to the use of vapes. This may mean that travellers

entering the country can bring their own vape device and accessories with them for use during their visit but will not be able to purchase further products while in the country.

  • India
  • Lebanon
  • Panama
  • Turkey
  • Uruguay

Countries where vaping is illegal

There are also a number of countries where vaping is banned altogether. For example, vaping laws in Mexico have prohibited vapes and vaping products since 2022 and it’s illegal to smoke anything in a public space. The punishment for breaking the law varies depending on the country, but at the very least you’re likely to be fined or have your vape confiscated and in some places, you may even face prison. In countries where vaping is banned, it’s best to play it safe and leave your vape at home.

  • Brunei
  • Cambodia
  • Jordan
  • Mexico
  • Qatar
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Venezuela

Check local vaping laws before you travel

Before you pack your bags, be sure to check out the vaping laws in other countries. Laws can change, so it’s a great idea to make sure you have up to date information if you want to be able to avoid fines or problems during your trip.

Why do some countries have a ban on vaping?

Whether there is a ban on the sale and marketing of vaping products, or a complete ban on vaping, some countries have much harsher restrictions than we do here in the UK.

There are a number of reasons why these bans may be in place, but they are often shielded under the umbrella of ‘public safety’. While there is an abundance of research and information available in the UK proving that vaping is far less harmful than smoking, this is not necessarily the case everywhere.

Unfortunately, a big factor in the decision to ban vapes for many countries is the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) are actively encouraging their restriction, including advocating for flavour bans. To this day WHO refuses to recognise the research finding vaping to be less harmful than smoking, and instead takes the stance that both smoking and vaping should be avoided. They have been widely criticised for this, with experts pointing out that they seem intent on not recognising the difference between tobacco and nicotine. While tobacco is known to be extremely harmful to health, containing many toxic and cancer-causing substances, nicotine is not linked to any forms of cancer and, although it is highly addictive, has a similar effect on the body to that of caffeine.

Do vape bans work?

The short answer to this question is no, not only do vape bans mean that smoking prevalence is likely to be higher, but many countries with a ban on vaping products have a thriving illicit vaping market and are still home to many vapers. Australia is a prime example of how vaping bans can cause many more problems than embracing effective regulation. The sale of nicotine-containing vapes has been illegal in Australia since 2021, with users needing a prescription to access these products. They also introduced a ban on disposable vapes at the beginning of 2024, despite them never actually being legal for sale. However, due to poor enforcement of these laws vaping products are still widely available, with one Daily Mail reporter finding at least 20 locations illegally selling vaping products within just one high street. The main consequences of the bans so far have been a significant price hike in vaping products and much less concern over age verification, along with an influx of unregulated products. As retailers are taking a risk by selling products illegally, there is room for them to inflate prices significantly, and as the act of selling them at all is illegal, there is little regard for ensuring the person buying them is of legal age to use them, or that the product has been subject to full health and safety testing.

A similar situation is evident in Brazil, where vaping is illegal and has been since 2009, but surveys suggest that 17% of those aged 18-24 use e-cigarettes. The high levels of vape use actually caused the laws to be reviewed, although the decision was ultimately made to uphold the ban on vaping products. This has not prevented them from being widely available to buy, with sellers facing minimal repercussions for flouting the law.

Additionally, many countries with bans on the sale or use of vapes also have much higher smoking rates than those without such bans. For example, in the UK as of 2022 smoking rates have dropped to 12.9%, and our use of e-cigarettes as an effective stop smoking aid is praised as playing a role in rates dropping to their lowest ever. While in Jordan, where vaping is completely illegal, smoking rates are at 41% of adults as of 2019. While this is in some ways a cultural effect, as smoking is much more widely accepted, the lack of access to tools like vaping could play a big part in smoking rates being as high as they are.

A similar trend can be seen in those countries with flavour bans in place. These are laws which restrict the flavours that vape juices are available in, they are usually restricted to only tobacco, or only tobacco and menthol flavours. The World Vapers' Alliance have revealed that the most recent Eurobarometer shows that EU countries who have introduced flavour bans are experiencing a dramatic rise in smoking rates, with Estonia in particular seeing a nearly 40% increase in smoking rates since the bans were introduced.

Map of vaping

Can I buy vapes on holiday?

While it’s likely that you’ll be able to buy vapes or vaping products in places where vaping is legal or where there are only minor restrictions. We recommend picking up things like coils and pods before you go, as the popular brands and products may differ between countries, and you don’t want to find that you are down to your last coil and can’t find somewhere that stocks them.

However, there are a few things to watch out for while you are away. Counterfeit vapes are a problem around the world and when travelling, it may be more difficult to tell which vendors are genuine and which aren’t. For example, following US vaping law changes in 2020, America has seen a stark rise in the number of illegal vapes. It's also worth keeping a close eye on the e-liquids you buy, as laws around strength also differ from place to place. In the UK, our regulations impose a 20mg strength max limit and 10ml pre-mixed bottle sizes on e-liquids. This is not the case for all countries and you may find yourself buying e-liquids at a higher or different strength than you’re used to.

There are also countries where vaping products are illegal or highly restricted, but are still widely available, making it easy to accidentally break the law if you are not fully informed before your trip. For example, many countries with flavour bans have thriving illicit markets which make banned flavours readily available. Research from the Tholos Foundation revealed that 93% of vapers in Denmark find it easy to find and purchase banned flavours.

This highlights the importance of understanding the laws in a county before you visit, as it can be easy to inadvertently fall victim to disreputable retailers when you are in an unfamiliar place. Although it may be easy to access vaping products in these locations despite the laws, it is not worth the risk of getting in trouble and ruining your holiday.

The information in this post is correct as of 5 April 2024, however the information is not intended as legal advice and Evapo assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions within the content. Vaping laws around the world are constantly changing and it is imperative that you research the laws in your specific destination before you travel to ensure you are abiding by the regulations during your visit.

If any of the information in this post is incorrect or needs to be updated please contact us to let us know so that we can ensure this post stays as informative and helpful as possible.

Vaping safely on holiday

When vaping in warmer climates, its important to follow the steps below to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.

Keep your vape out of the sun

If you’re hanging out in the sun then chances are yourvape kitis also spending a lot of time in the sun by default.

However, the lithium ion batteries which are used inside vape kits do not like temperature extremes, so this can cause the device to become very hot if left in direct sunlight.

When your vape battery becomes too hot this can cause the device to no longer work as expected, and may even cause the vape battery to vent, which could be dangerous to both you and your environment.

When vape batteries are consistently subject to hot weather this can also affect the battery life.

When taking your vape outside in the heat, try and ensure you are keeping it in a cool area, in the shade and away from direct sunlight. It can also be a good idea to invest in a vape case so that you can store all of your vaping supplies together and offer a bit more protection.

Charging vape batteries safely

Keeping your device safe from the hot weather is not just limited to taking your e-cigarette outside though. It is easy to forget that the heat from the sun can still affect electronics inside your house, such as if they are stored on a window sill, or even just left charging in the path of direct sunlight.

Our top tips, along with not leaving your device in direct sunlight, are to ensure you are monitoring the device when it is charging, and making sure to not leave it charging on any particularly flammable surfaces like rugs or bed spreads.

We have lots of advice about how to best charge and maintain your vape battery in our post ‘Vaping battery safety’, but these are especially important to remember during the warmer months.

How the heat affects e-liquid

Hot temperatures can actually also affect the consistency of youre-liquid, making it thinner and more watery than it would usually be.

This means that if your device spends too much time in the sun, you may start to notice some e-liquid is leaking out, especially for vape tanks with a bottom airflow design.

This can also be the case if you leave your e-cigarette in a hot car. As we all know, parked cars can get extremely hot, so don't be surprised if you come back and find that your vape has protested being left in a hot car by leaking a little bit.

Keep your vape kit dry

Whether you’re at the beach, by the pool, or even just hanging out in your garden with a paddling pool, many of us flock to water to cool off during the summer.

While you want to be able to keep your nicotine cravings at bay, it’s important to remember that vape kits and water do not mix.

As with other electricals, vape kits will need to be kept away from the water in a cool and dry place to avoid damage. So, if you’re planning on doing any cannon balls, we recommend checking your pockets first to make sure your vape kit won’t be making a splash with you.

Stay hydrated!

Obviously, staying hydrated is always important, especially during the warmer weather. However, what you may not know is that vapers are actually a little more likely to become dehydrated, although this is normally only if you are a particularly heavy vaper.

This is because propylene glycol (PG) which is one of the base ingredients in e-liquid is hygroscopic, meaning it draws moisture from its environment.

In the summer more than ever it is important to make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids and watching out for signs of dehydration in yourself and those around you. These can include dry mouth, eyes, and lips, dizziness and headaches, and drowsiness.

While dehydration from vaping is not very common, it is definitely something you should bear in mind when out and about in the sun, as you can never be too careful!

Sources 30/12/2023

gov.uk29/09/2022 19/01/2024 09/02/2024 27/04/2022 06/07/2022 27/06/2024 2023

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Vaping laws in other countries (2024)
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