Valtan Gate 1 Legion Raid Guide - Lost Ark (2024)

Lost Ark

Legion Raids

Valtan Gate 1 Legion Raid Guide

Last Updated: February 29th 2024

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Valtan Gate 1 Introduction

Valtan Phase 1 is a TIER 3 Legion Raid and you need to be at least 1415(Normal) or 1445(Hard) Item Level to enter this Raid. This dungeon drops Tier 3 Accessories, Ability Stones, Engraving Books, Cards and materials to craft the sets listed below.

GoldMaterialBox MaterialBox CostAuction Material
Gate 150011300
Gate 270022400
Gate 170033450
Gate 21100336005

For more set related information, check out the Gear Set Guide.

After clearing the dungeon, you can pay gold to get additional loot. The recommended Combat Items are HP Potion, Panacea, Sacred Charm and Dark Grenade or Whirlwind Grenade.

This is the first Legion Raid which allows the usage of Sidereal skills to deal additional damage or to provide protection. On top of that, you can claim the Phase 1 rewards after clearing and continue at a later time with Phase 2 and new party members. Since this is the first Legion Raid, you have to put in more effort and coordination to survive.

Disclaimer: In this guide, we will only focus on the important core & general patterns of the boss. Basic attacks of him, which are easy to predict or deal low damage, won't be explained in detail.

It is important to make sure that everyone in the raid group is aware of the boss and coop mechanics. Additionally, item level is not as significant as having good Engravings and Combat Stat distribution as these provide the most damage increase which shorten the duration of the battle. A shorter battle leads to less damage taken and less consumable used.

This guide assumes that you are familiar with the recommended Raid Build for your class.

If you have cleared Phase 1, follow the Valtan Phase 2 Guide, to clear the next Phase.

Patterns Overview

  • x50 HP = Purple Wolf
  • x45 HP = Red Wolf
  • x40 HP = Red Wolf + Blue Wolf Invader
  • (Mist Phase appears if you can't reach x30 HP fast enough.)
  • x30 HP = First Orb Phase ; Upon success, Blue Wolf fight starts.
  • x25 HP = Blue Wolf + Red Wolf Invader
  • (Mist Phase appears if you can't reach x15 HP fast enough.)
  • x15 HP = Second Orb Phase ; Upon success, Purple Wolf fight starts.

Once you have read through the detailed description of the main patterns, use the “cheat sheet ” during the raid, or check out our condensed Cheat Sheet Collection for all Legion Raids on one page.

Main Patterns

Mist Phase


In each Legion Raid, once the bar on the top left is full, the raid lead has can activate the Sidereal skills to summon powerful allies. The bar fills up over time or gets a boost after specific patterns and interactions, like a Counter Attack. Using the Sidereal skills at the proper time can be a game changer.

If the raid lead dies, you can pass the role to an alive member to grant that person the access to use the Sidereal skills.

Hotkey: CTRL+Z

Deals the highest Damage out of all 3 Sidereal skills. Often, this is the best skill to use if the entire raid can handle the main patterns without the aid of the other 2 Sidereal skills.

Hotkey: CTRL+X

Deals the highest Stagger Damage out of all 3 Sidereal skills. Use this skill during the Orb Phase main pattern if your raid has difficulties to consume the orbs in the correct order or lacks Stagger Damage.

Hotkey: CTRL+C

Provides a 30-second Damage Reduction and Push-Immunity buff to everyone who was standing in the circle summoned by the raid lead. Use this skill to survive difficult one shot patterns, if your raid struggles to do it the proper way.

Red Wolf Transformation

At x45 HP, the Purple Wolf teleports close to the center and transforms into the Red Wolf. Stay at 9 or 11 o'clock and a few steps away from the wolf until the transformation is over. During the transformation, the wolf is immune to damage.


This pattern happens twice. The first time at x40 HP, where the Blue Wolf is the invader, and the second time at x25 HP, where the Red Wolf is the invader. To succeed this mechanic, you need to kill the invader.

At the start of this pattern, 4 randomly chosen players get a golden orb buff icon above their HP bar. (Check video footage below!) The invader targets 1 random player out of these 4. The other wolf targets one random player without the golden orb buff icon. A blue or red crosshair above the head indicates the targeted player.

If both wolves are too close to each other, they get a defense buff. To prevent that, try to move the invading wolf to the bottom side and the other one to the top side of the battlefield. This can be easily archived if everyone with the golden orb buff moves to the bottom side and everyone without it to the top side of the battlefield. While one group tries to kill the invader, the remaining players should use this opportunity to deal as much damage as possible to the other wolf.

Mist Phase

This pattern can appear between the Invader and Orb Phase pattern, if your raid deals average damage. This pattern lasts until you reduce the HP to trigger the next Orb Phase. During the Mist Phase, the players can get a stacking dark debuff which imprisons the player upon reaching 5 stacks. The imprisonment can be lifted by the other players.

Orb Phase

The Orb Phase starts at x30 and x15 HP. For this particular pattern, you need to assign a number(yellow) to each of the 8 players before the fight starts, so that they can go to the positions(blue) shown below at the start of this pattern. Once the pattern starts, a blue or a red orb spawns from each of the portals and starts chasing the closest player. The players need to consume the orbs in the recommended order shown below. Shortly after you succeed the x15 HP Orb Phase, the Wolf cast multiple waves of explosions. To avoid getting hit, either dodge towards the edge after the first explosion or move to the safe spot at the southern edge of the map.

If the same colored orbs got consumed in a row, the boss wipes the raid. The easiest way to prevent this is to pay attention to the player behind you with the lower number and to consume the orb assigned to you as soon as that player consumed their orb. While waiting for your turn to consume the orb, run clock wise to prevent any collision with other players or the environment. Additionally, if a player consumes 2 orbs, he dies.

On top of that, you have to succeed a stagger check to prevent a raid wipe. Once a player consumed an Orb, he needs to start using skills and Combat Items(Whirlwind Grenade) with Stagger Damage on the boss to deplete the stagger bar. For this purpose, it is important to let classes with higher Stagger Damage consume the orbs first by assigning them a lower number. But be aware, that each properly consumed Orb applies a debuff to the boss, which increases the Stagger Damage taken. So holding on to Whirlwind Grenade until the players consumed at least 4 Orbs and throwing it afterwards, increases the efficiency of it.

There are 2 methods to clear this stagger check. First method is to rotate properly and consume the Orbs in the correct order and stagger the boss on time. If you succeed, you can use Thirian Sidereal Skill afterwards to deal high damage to the boss. But this method might be difficult for a group of random players or a group with low Stagger Damage.

The second and easiest method is to assign the raid lead the position number 1 and let him use the Wei Sidereal Skill on the boss after he consumes the orb assigned to him. This reduces the stagger bar of the boss by a lot. In this case, only the first 4 players need to consume their Orbs in order, and the other 4 should keep running clockwise until the orbs chasing them disappear.

General Patterns

The Blue, Red and Purple Wolf have their own unique patterns. But the Purple Wolf has access to the patterns of the other two. Below, you can find the unique and shared patterns of each wolf.

Bleed Slash (Red)

Bleed Slash

Most of the Red Wolf's attacks apply a stacking bleed debuff to the player. Upon reaching 3 stacks, the bleed disappears and summons a huge Bleed Slash on top of the player, which deals high damage and has a high chance to hit other players. Prevent reaching 3 bleed stacks by avoiding a hit until the bleed timer runs out, or by using cleansing skills or Combat Items like Panacea or Sacred Charm.

Slash Combo (Red)

The Red Wolf summons huge slashes right and left of the boss, indicated by the red telegraph. Shortly afterwards, he jumps backwards and summons another slash on top of him, which expands towards his both sides.


This pattern has 2 variants based on Wolf's color. But both variants have a narrow safe zone between the storms and can be cheesed if you react fast enough and jump out of the outer storm. The storm deals high damage to players too close to it.

Red Wolf

Purple Wolf

The Red Wolf Tornado chases after a player who needs to run away from it for a few seconds before it stops. On contact, the Tornado deals damage per second to the player.

The Purple Wolf Tornado shoots a shuriken 3 times towards 4 directions, alternating between the cardinal and ordinal one. To avoid getting hit by the follow-up shurikens, move to the spot where one of the previous shurikens passed by.

Splitting Shurikens (Blue)

The Blue Wolf shoots a huge shurkien towards the front, which travels a short distant before splitting into multiple smaller one. Right and left side of the boss are safe spots.

Elemental Bombs

The claw of the Blue Wolf starts to glow red, blue or green based on the element of the bomb he throws at each player after the 2nd swipe attack. Once the bomb hits the ground, make sure to move away from that spot or dodge the projectiles. Ideally, you would group up at the same spot after the 1st swipe attack, before the boss throws the bomb. If you succeed in doing so, you can stack the bombs at the same spot, which will make it easier to dodge the explosions.

Fire Bomb(Red)

Freezing Bomb(Blue)

Poison Bomb(Green)

After a short duration, the bomb detonates and deals damage in a huge area around it.

After a short duration, the bomb detonates and shoots small projectiles, which freeze the player on hit and creates additional freezing projectiles.

After a short duration, the bomb detonates and triggers an expanding circular explosion affecting a huge area. The initial bomb location is a safe spot as long as it doesn't overlap with the explosions of the other bombs.


The Purple Wolf fears the farthest away player and teleports behind that player after a short delay. The remaining players need to rush towards the location of the feared player and prevent the boss from killing the affected player by dealing enough Stagger Damage.


The boss remains stationary and summons at random nearby spots small circles, which explodes after a short delay. Stay away from the circles to avoid the explosion damage.

Teleport Spin

The boss teleports close to a random player and strikes once. After a short delay, he performs a 360° spin attack, knocking up nearby players.

Spin Explosion

The boss roars and strikes towards a random player to do a spin attack, followed by an explosion a few steps away from him. To prevent getting hit, after he spins, dodge either towards the boss or stay very far away from him.


The boss strikes once in front of him and performs a slow backflip attack to strike at everyone behind him.

Gameplay with Shot Calls


Written byPerciculum
Reviewed by Starlast

Valtan Gate 1 Legion Raid Guide - Lost Ark (2024)


How to do a Valtan raid? ›

Standard Strategy
  1. Assign positions before entering so each player takes an orb.
  2. Make sure you take orbs in order, we recommend clockwise.
  3. After taking an orb, run to the boss, throw a Whirlwind Grenade and perform all stagger skills.
  4. Players must do this in quick succession as the timing window is tight.

How to do Vykas lost ark? ›

It will become available upon reaching item level 1415. The Vykas Legion Raid is reserved for Tier 3 players. You can join the raid on normal difficulty once you reach item level 1430, and hard difficulty when you reach item level 1460. You can enter the Legion Raid once a week, and only in groups of eight players.

How to open Legion Raid Lost Ark? ›

Players can participate in Legion Raids after completing the guide quest '[Guide] Notice: Legion Raid'. Once you've completed the guide quest, you can visit the “Lunar Knights” NPC located in Vern castle to start the quest 'Resurrected Lord of Destruction' which tells the story of Valtan.

How many Legion raids can you do lost ark? ›

Each character can face up to three different Legion Commanders each week - meaning your characters can fight both Valtan and Vykas in the same week. However, Normal and Hard difficulties for the same Legion Raid share a weekly lockout, so you can only attempt one difficulty (per commander) per week.

Can I do a raid battle by myself? ›

Your goal is to defeat this powerful Pokémon. If you and your fellow Trainers are successful, you'll be rewarded with special items and a chance at catching that Pokémon. You can't do it alone; you'll need help from fellow Trainers to raid the Gym and (hopefully) prevail.

How to go from RAID 0 to raid 1? ›

It's not possible to migrate from a RAID 0 array to a RAID 1 array directly. You will need to backup data, remove the original RAID 0 array and re-create a RAID 1 array with the disks.

How do you get 80% Punika in Lost Ark? ›

you can do NIA with 15 leg trick... For reference, you can rapport Nia until you nearly get blocked by the virtue requirement, then you use 15 legendary gifts at once to immediately finish her rapport. Therefore bypassing any high virtue requirement.

What is the minimum item level for vykas? ›

Vykas Phase 1 is a TIER 3 Legion Raid and you need to be at least 1430 (Normal) or 1460 (Hard) Item Level to enter this Raid .

When to use nineveh vykas gate 1? ›

Optimal Usage

Purple Side should use Nineveh (Ctrl+Z) since they have more HP to burn through. It is best used during long animation lock outs such as Purple Stripes and Purple Arrows.

Can you reset gate progress in Lost Ark? ›

Players can enter through the Legion Raid 'Demon Beast Commander Valtan' entry UI by clicking the 'Extreme' button, and the corresponding Party Finder sections have been added to the UI. When a Gate has been cleared, players can reset the progress by using the 'Gate Reset' feature.

How do I get to Legion raids? ›

The raid entrance is at the end at coordinates 44, 60. If you have no obtained the shortcut portal, you can get there through the building entrance in Suramar City at 46, 64.6. Once you enter, simply continue forward.

How do you heal in raid Lost Ark? ›

Gotta use the battle item potions, which can be made pretty easily through your strong hold, or gained from the plethora of battle item chests you get as you progress through the game+the daily rewards etc.

Is it possible to solo Legion raids? ›

At 60 you're fairly able to solo Legion raids and below (keep in mind most of the old content raids are tuned to Lv.

How much GOLD from valtan hard? ›

Gold rewards
RaidDifficultyGold reward
38 more rows

How much GOLD from Vykas Hard? ›

5. Legion Raids
RaidMinimum ilvlGold Reward
Vykas Gate 3 (Normal)1430700
Vykas Gate 1 (Hard)14601,000
Vykas Gate 2 (Hard)14601,000
Vykas Gate 3 (Hard)14602,500
15 more rows
Mar 24, 2023

How do I start Guardian raid? ›

Once you reach level 50 you can unlock the Guardian Raid by following the tutorial purple quests in Vern City. Interact with the Raid board to see the Raid window shown above.

How do you raid Legion? ›

Players can enter through the Legion Raid entry UI by clicking the 'Extreme' button, and the corresponding Party Finder sections have been added to the UI. Each roster can enter the raid once every 2 weeks, with gate progress bound to the character that cleared the first gate.

How do I enter raid mode? ›

Depending on your Intel Desktop Board model, enable RAID by following either of the steps below.
  1. Press F2 after the Power-On-Self-Test (POST) memory test begins.
  2. Select the Configuration menu, then the SATA Drives menu.
  3. Set the RAID Mode to RAID.
  4. Press F10 to save the BIOS settings and exit the BIOS Setup program.

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