UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (2024)

Next-gen of AR/VR devices such as Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3 hit the market in 2023, but the potential of VR/AR's power to create a next-gen user experience in banking is still undiscovered, which is why’ UXDA took on the challenge to demonstrate how this kind of future banking in Metaverse would work. Let us introduce you to the first mixed reality banking concept that includes virtual reality banking, augmented reality banking, tablet, desktop, wearable and mobile banking.

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Today, without a digital presence, there is no successful trade or service in the digital age. The next revolutionary disruption will be caused by the Metaverse. Virtual reality and augmented reality have already become mainstream in the gaming industry. Thanks to its potential to engage, it attracts a lot of interest from gamers who want to enjoy lifelike, immersive experiences.

But, true mixed reality potential lies far beyond games; it's a new Metaverse platform that provides a revolutionary user experience. VR and AR technologies will merge digital content with the real world to create one constant Metaverse reality.

We could say that the modern digital world as we see it today is only the basic preparation stage for the Metaverse that we will fully experience in a few decades.

This will enrich consumers' experience with as-seen-in-a-movie opportunities in all the industries, especially after AI and 5G integration. Metaverse has one of the highest projected growth potentials, according to tech experts.

This means that every company that strives to succeed in the digital world should expand its digital transformation plans and include a Metaverse strategy.

The main question is: how will everyday services work in the new Metaverse environment, especially banking? For example, if we are in a virtual or augmented reality session, do we need to exit out to check a few transactions or send money to relatives using mobile phones?

UXDA's team of financial UX architects and designers introduces you to the first metaverse banking UX concept that includes VR and AR banking design, tablet, wearable, desktop and mobile banking UI / UX.

Let's say “hello” to the future and dive into how Metaverse banking service could look in VR/AR and how we would be able to use it.

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (1)

The first mixed-reality Metaverse banking concept that includes virtual reality banking, augmented reality banking, tablet, desktop, wearable and mobile banking by UXDA


How to Become Pioneers in VR/AR Banking

In the future, a bank that strives to ensure an easy and smooth flow for its users should be easily accessible inside a VR/AR experience.

Innovative banks and Fintechs, which will be the first ones to realize this and prepare mixed VR/AR experience for their users, will become the pioneers of the new banking in Metaverse.

Some banks and Fintechs are already trying out VR/AR features in their products. For example, Westpac Banking Corporation and Current provide financial data visualization and budgeting through smartphone-based augmented reality. There's no doubt that it looks impressive, but it's questionable whether it makes banking itself more convenient and user friendly.

We can expect that the situation will change dramatically after the widespread distribution of VR/AR devices, just as we have already seen it happen with touchscreen devices decades ago.

To create Metaverse banking solutions, we need to develop technology that's behind VR/AR, but the main success factor is still all about the user experience. First, we need to explore VR/AR features to understand how it affects user expectations, needs and behavior in mixed reality.


Compared to the desktop or mobile experience, VR/AR design is not limited by the screen size. Although tempting when you want to display all possible information at once, this wouldn't be a great idea as it could cause cognitive overload and frustrate the user. In the case of VR/AR banking design, we especially need to remember that the main criterion for quality is simplicity.


Both virtual and augmented reality should relate to the experience in the real world. Properly structured VR design should reduce the painful effect of a mismatch caused by the difference between the eyes’ tracked movement in virtual reality and the feeling we perceive from physical reality through our other senses.


One of the largest challenges of VR/AR banking design is user interface transition from two-dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) interactions. This requires deep adaptation of UX/UI design principles and methods for the depth of volumed space.

Metaverse will be established by two types of devices─holographic and immersive. Holographic devices place digital objects into the real world as if they are really there. Immersive devices create an immersive experience by hiding the physical world and replacing it with virtual reality.

UXDA's First Metaverse Banking VR/AR Design Concept

Let us introduce you to the world's first Metaverse banking design concept by UXDA:

In this Metaverse banking design concept UX case study, we will not delve into a voluminous description of our financial UX design process. UXDA's approach is described in great detail in our previous financial UX design case studies:

1.How We Designed the World's Most Awarded Banking App Concept

2. How to Create Banking Super App Based on 10 Latest Tech Trends

3. Banking Back-Office Transformation that Led Vendor to a Global Expansion

4. How to Raise the Rate of a Mobile Banking App from 2,8 to 4,7 in Google Play

With this Metaverse banking design concept our aim was to overstep the boundaries of the physical world by designing a rich, 3D sensory banking experience that corresponds to the person's movement in virtual reality.

This allows the user to “feel” his finances in a completely different way and discover a revolutionary, previously unseen virtual banking environment.

By blending the physical and the virtual world with augmented reality, Metaverse banking overcomes the limitations of a physical screen, bringing finances closer to the user.

AR banking expands the opportunities an interface can provide to ensure the fastest and most convenient banking experience of the future.

In addition, we should remember that Metaverse will not instantly replace desktop and mobile banking solutions, which is why VR/AR design solutions should be easily adaptable for online multi-channel use. For UXDA, it was a daunting challenge to create a cross-platform design language that makes our VR/AR banking solution available for every channel, but we succeeded.

So, let's explore in detail how UXDA's designed banking in Metaverse could enrich the future banking experience.

Delightful 3D Dashboard

We assume that login screens will not be needed in the VR/AR Metaverse future. You just ask your voice assistant or choose from the app list to open a banking app and get automatically authorized to log in. In most cases, the banking dashboard will be the first screen the user will see.

In considering the transition from 2D screens to a 3D VR/AR platform, we have rethought the app interface from a 3D perspective by adding depth.

In the case of the VR/AR experience, the main sections are located around the user, who can rotate them simply by swiping or by turning your head.

To adapt this 3D interface design for 2D devices, we placed elements in front and behind the main dashboard. The elements behind are out of "depth of focus," thus creating a space volume effect.

On the dashboard, the user sees a summary of his/her main account, cards connected to the account, an expenses/income bar, upcoming payable bills, favorites to whom to send money, a budget data chart, profile icon and five-section navigation bar.

It is possible to swipe or tap every element on the screen, just like in the physical world. For example, a user sees a blurry recent transactions list in the background and can move it to the front by just clicking on it or swiping up the payment list.

The user can easily swipe account cards to see the balances of his/her other accounts. They can also swipe favorite contacts to the left to quickly find a recent one and send money instantly, or swipe the right balance bar to compare this month’s expenses with the previous month.

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (2)

Delightful banking 3D dashboard overview through smart glasses while enjoying the sunset on the beach

Handy Accounts List

The user can switch accounts from a card view to a list view just by tapping the switcher in the upper left corner. This will provide a scrollable accounts list convenient for multiple account owners. Users can see more account details by tapping on it.

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (3)

Checking the banking account list through AR headset while relaxing in a boat on a picturesque vacation

Crystal Clear Transactions

After opening a list of particular account transactions, users can use the menu on the right to search for specific transactions, change the history time range or filter transactions by type, beneficiaries or categories.

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (4)

Checking recent transactions through an AR headset while having a picnic in the park

Enjoyable Payments

By simply tapping on the payment icon in the navigation bar or swiping the screen to the left, the user is taken to the payment section where he/she can manage bills and regular payments, as well as transfer funds to his/her mates.

Users see all the upcoming bills but can switch to their list of favorite recipients list that works as a carousel menu so they can see the latest paid bills, requests and automatic payments.

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (5)

Managing the bill payments through smart glasses while waiting for a transfer between flights

The search bar in the payment section is for searching previously made transactions, as well as creating new ones. The user just has to input the card number, name, surname, ID number, phone number or any other recipient's details, and the virtual bank matches it to the database and requests any additional info that might be needed.

We believe that, in the future, this will be a rarely used function because, thanks to open banking connections and global digitalization, the majority of recipients could be easily found since they will already be connected to the user account.

By tapping on the backward bullet, the user easily switches from sending money to requesting it.

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (6)

Viewing favorites payments through an AR headset to quickly split the bill between friends right after you had a wonderful dinner by the seaside

Powerful Budgeting

It is highly important for users to maintain control over their finances, so we provide users with simple but powerful budgeting features to track and manage their expenses.

The summary shows how much a user has spent and how much is left to reach his/her budget limit. Customers can easily detect the situation with expenses by exact categories and compare it to budget limits. Such budget data visualization is provided for every connected account.

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (7)

Analyzing spendings and setting up budgeting through an AR headset while enjoying hot cocoa on the winter holidays in the countryside

Surprising Product Marketplace

There are hundreds of useful financial products, but the majority of bank users aren't even aware of them. The virtual bank ecosystem of the future should provide not only its own products but also third-party services. This is the only way to enable the best possible service and opportunities for the user.

In addition to traditional financial products, such as new accounts, cards, loans, insurance, investment, or business-related banking services, there could also be a funding platform on which the user can create crowdfunding for his/her project or help other projects. There could even be a marketplace for cars, yachts and electronics.

Such a virtual bank could prepare personal offers based on a customer's preferences, financial track record and similar customer analytics.

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (8)

Overviewing the financial product marketplace through AR headset right from the office to get additional funding for the business

The Heart of Virtual Banking - AI Advisor

The last section, and the heart of virtual banking, is a banking AI-based advisor. It has voice processing and could serve the customer even without opening a virtual banking app.

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (9)

Activating the banking AI advisor through an AR headset to schedule financial tasks while on an adventurous mountain hike

If the user opens this section, he/she can ask anything and see recent personalized offers and insights prepared just for them. Thanks to AI, those are more than the usual advertising. AI analyzes the customer’s financial context and provides insights on how to become more effective and improve their financial life.

For example, it could find and suggest ways to save more money, detect a positive correlation between your business design investments and income growth or even provide a forecast on stock growth based on your trading interest.

Read more about the possibilities of AI in banking in this Mobile Banking Super App UX Case Study.


This is Only the Beginning

This VR/AR banking case study demonstrates UXDA's vision of the future of banking in Metaverse. This is not an attempt to make some precision forecast.

Instead, we hope to inspire the financial industry to explore the next step in making finance more user-centered in the future.

The only way to be ready for the revolutionary switch to Metaverse reality is to start generating ideas and concepts today. With this case study, we encourage you to view your own financial products through the lens of the future.

As technological advancements are rapidly developing and bringing more and more benefits for the customers, this is a must for any company that strives to become more successful, not only today but also in the future.

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (10)

We used to call the previous age industrial, since the industrial approach was the main driver of development and the creation of consumer value. Today, all industries are undergoing digital transformation, and consumer behavior is shaped through digital channels. Digital helps to understand the nature of the changes around us, but hides its essence. How to explain all the strange phenomena, such as overcapitalization of joke cryptocurrencies, startups without sales and crowdfunding experiments?

We believe, this is not about the emergence of a digital economy, but about an economy of experience. The essence of the changes is that digital created a new paradigm, where the economic relations are formed by experience. It takes the attention and emotions of consumers to the forefront. Experience becomes the determining factor of value in the modern world and to survive the Metaverse you need Digital Experience strategy.

We might not be able to know exactly what tomorrow holds, but we can do our best to prepare today and become the pioneers of the future Metaverse.

Get UXDA Research-Based White Paper "How to Win the Hearts of Digital Customers":

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (11)If you want to create next-gen financial products to receive an exceptional competitive advantage in the digital age, contact us! With the power of financial UX design, we can help you turn your business into a beloved financial brand with a strong emotional connection with your clients, resulting in success, demand, and long-term customer loyalty.

UX Case Study: Metaverse Banking VR / AR Design Concept of the Future (2024)


What is the future of UX design in the metaverse? ›

It is clear that UX designers will have to change their mindset in the wake of the metaverse. Instead of designing for passive consumption, the future will focus on active design that encourages consumers to act on their creation and continues to blur the lines between real and virtual .

What is the future of AR and VR technology? ›

Furthermore, AR/VR will create an immersive experience, blurring the line between real and digital worlds. In the future, these emerging technologies will transform the mobile app development services industry, leading to engaging and innovative mobile applications.

What is AR and VR in UX design? ›

As emerging technologies like Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) continue to evolve, they present unique opportunities and challenges for UX design.

What is the role of AR and VR in the development of the metaverse? ›

AR and VR are the cornerstones for metaverse projects. Augmented reality systems operate on three essentialities namely a coupling of real and virtual environments, real-time interaction, and precise 3D visualization of objects.

What is the future of UX design in 2030? ›

The digital world is moving at an unprecedented pace but also at an exciting one! This makes it hard to predict the future of UX, particularly into 2030. Look how far we've come in the past decade alone!? The future of UX design is going to undoubtedly widen and our UX design principles.

What is the next big thing in UX design? ›

3D designs

Although three-dimensional design is nothing new, we're going to see a resurgence and evolution of the UX design trend in 2024. We anticipate that more design tools will make 3D design easier for designers (both amateurs and professionals) to create.

How will VR be in 10 years? ›

However, 10 years from now, everyone could have a playpen where they use VR and also physically move around – run, crouch, jump, etc. without any risk to their health. This would be huge for the gaming and fitness industry, which will jump at the chance to provide a much more engaging experience to their clients.

How VR and AR will be used in 2025? ›

AR and VR have huge potential in making learning more immersive, engaging and interactive. This can be through overlaying information into real-world environments, supporting remote and virtual collaboration and easy information sharing, and by enabling personalized learning environments and experiences.

Is VR the future of design? ›

In recent years, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have emerged as transformative technologies with the potential to revolutionize various industries, including design. These immersive technologies offer new avenues for designers to conceptualize, create, and iterate on ideas like never before.

What is AR and VR with example? ›

AR uses a real-world setting while VR is completely virtual. AR users can control their presence in the real world; VR users are controlled by the system. VR requires a headset device, but AR can be accessed with a smartphone. AR enhances both the virtual and real world while VR only enhances a fictional reality.

What is AR and VR together called? ›

Mixed Reality (MR)

Mixed Reality blends elements of both AR and VR, where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real-time. It allows the user to interact with combined virtual and real objects. Examples of MR include games like Halo Recruit or apps such as HoloTour.

What role will AI play in the Metaverse? ›

Artificial Intelligence can enhance the metaverse by allowing for the creation of realistic and interactive virtual worlds. The technology can improve the immersion of the metaverse by providing users with the ability to interact in a more natural way with the virtual environment.

How is VR and AR changing the world? ›

VR and AR have transfigured the gaming industry by transporting players from a flat, 2D world into a captivating, 3D universe. These techniques enable us to interact with virtual objects, freely navigate environments, and engage in truly immersive gaming experiences.

What are the applications of VR in Metaverse? ›

In the Metaverse, VR and AR technologies could seamlessly integrate, creating a more immersive and interactive online experience. The Metaverse promises to be a place where users can socialize, work, learn, shop, create, and explore in ways that are not yet possible on today's devices.

Is there a future in UX design? ›

The future of UI/UX design is bright, with new technologies and trends shaping the industry. As technology continues to evolve, UI/UX designers will play a crucial role in creating meaningful and impactful experiences for users.

What is the future of the metaverse industry? ›

By 2030, we could be spending more time in the metaverse than in the real world. People will be applying for jobs, earning a living, meeting with friends, shopping, even getting married using the virtual capabilities of the metaverse.

What is the future of UX design with AI? ›

Will AI replace UX designers in the near future? The short answer—no. While AI will substantially transform aspects of UX design, amplifying designers' capabilities, the uniquely human skills of UX experts remain irreplaceable.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.