Utilization Management (2024)


Utilization Management (UM), initially referred to as Utilization Review (UR), remains a well-recognized component of a cost management approach in the health care service delivery and payment arenas. UM processes include interventions that take place before, during, and after the clinical encounter.[1][2] The type of UM that occurs before the clinical event is called prior authorization or "pre-auth."[3] If UM occurs during clinical care for a patient admitted to a facility, then this type of UM is called a concurrent review.[4] Finally, UM that is done after the clinical encounter has occurred is called the retrospective review or "retro-review."[4]

Types of UM:

Prior Authorization

The prior authorization, or pre-auth, is done before a clinical intervention is delivered. The purpose of the pre-auth is to put a control in place designed to ensure that the requested clinical service or procedure is appropriate and that it will be delivered in an appropriate setting. Typically, a set of criteria helps to determine the appropriateness of the request and when available national standards of care are used. In addition to cost control, the prior authorization process can facilitate communication within the healthcare organization about patients who are being evaluated for or who are diagnosed with specific conditions, which may improve access to different services and which may encourage more effective coordination of care for the patient by the organization.

Concurrent Review

The concurrent review takes place while the patient is receiving care while admitted to a facility. The purpose of the concurrent review is to put an oversight process in place that permits the scrutiny of the type of care being delivered, the necessity for that care, and the level and setting of that care. The goal is to ensure the delivery of efficient and effective health care, to reduce the misuse of inpatient services, and to promote high quality and safe patient care during the inpatient component of the care. Similar to prior authorization, the concurrent review can also facilitate communication about the patient to other components of the health care organization which permits quality monitoring, provides access to additional services and supports and may assist with the coordinate of care especially around transitions to the next appropriate level of care, which may be discharged to home or to a setting that delivers a lower level of care. The concurrent review can identify patients who could benefit from case management, disease management, or form a variety of population health strategies for their specific diagnosis or clinical situation. The concurrent review also uses sets of criteria, often based on national standard-setting efforts.

Retrospective Review

Retrospective review is the type of UM that occurs after the care was delivered and after the bill for that care was submitted. The retrospective review seeks to confirm that the care was appropriate and was provided at the most efficient and effective level. Additionally, the retro review also determines if the codes used to describe the care listed on the submitted bill are coded correctly according to such standards as Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and the International Classification of Diseases-10 (ICD-10). Ideally, the retrospective review should uncover only minimal discrepancies with information that might be available from the pre-auth and concurrent review processes when available. The retrospective review also provides an opportunity to collect data related to the quality of care, compliance with national standards, and additional outcomes data that can be shared with providers and throughout the organization.

The determinations of any of the three types of UM can result in a denial of either the request or for the payment for the service or procedure. If the provider disagrees with the UM determination, they typically have the ability to file an appeal of that denial, which would then be processed according to the organization's policies and procedures. Typically, there are two broad types of denials, benefit, and medical necessity. Benefit denials focus on the coverage benefits to which the patient is entitled (e.g., fertility services may not be covered benefit so such a service may be denied because of a lack of coverage) and medical necessity denials focus on the need for a specific service or procedure (e.g., an MRI for minor head trauma with no signs on physical exam may be denied as not medically necessary). There are typically formal time-frames set out for appeals based on the urgency of the situation and potential risk for an adverse outcome to the patient if an appeal for denial is not considered in a timely manner.

Issues of Concern

Because of the initial connection to cost management, UM programs often address overutilization, defined as excessive use of services and procedures that leads to waste within the health care system that does not result in any measurable improvement in quality, e.g., routine lab tests on admission to the hospital.[5][6][7]

With the emerging focus of UM programs on also addressing quality improvement and compliance with national standards and recommendations for care, underutilization is increasingly a goal of UM programs as well, e.g., low immunization rates.[5][6][7]

Because of the information collected in UM, connections to other patient support programs such as disease management, care management, and population health program offerings are also possible and now are increasingly related to modern UM programs.[2][6]In short, UM programs are part of the delicate ecology in health care delivery, wherein the program offers to seek to deliver the right care to the right patient at the right time. Payers and health care organizations, along with providers and patients themselves collaborate via UM programs along with disease management, care coordination, and population health offerings to control costs, increase collaboration in healthcare delivery, improve the quality of care, and to optimize the patients’ experience with the healthcare system.

The concept of medical necessity is foundational to UM programs. Medically necessary services are those that can be reason­ably expected to produce the intended results for the patient and are expected to have benefits that outweigh any potential harmful effects.[8][9]

Essentially, medically necessary services are the standard of care that patients expect to receive. For a UM program to establish the standard of care and medical necessity, it is imperative to have clinical input from health care professionals.[10][11][12]Typically, a UM program is advised by a committee that includes several practicing physicians from different specialties and primary care who participate in the evaluation of the validity and the appropriateness of the UM program and who provide accountability around appropriate medical necessity determinations.

Clinical Significance

The UM process has several readily identifiable stakeholder groups that each have an interest in understanding the UM process. First, patients and their families are likely to have minimal contact with the UM process, all the while the decisions made may have a significant impact on the types and locations of care and service provided. It would be important for patients and families to stay informed of what UM processes are in play as they access their health care benefits. Second, health care professionals and institutions in which they work are engaged with the UM process, likely daily. Health care professionals and institutions need to understand the process and to co-operate effectively. With an eye towards quality improvement and enhanced patient experience, it would be ideal for those professionals and institutions to make full use of the data that emerges from the UM process to improve care and safety were ever possible.[13]

Participating in the UM process around the identification and implementation of national standards of care is one obvious possibility, and with UM's focus on both overutilization and underutilization of health care services, quality improvement projects are likely to emerge. Third, those professionals and organizations that conduct UM have a responsibility to oversee the UM process in an ethical manner that respects the legitimate rights and obligations for all of the stakeholders involved. Finally, those who pay for health care benefits and health care services, namely employers and purchasers also have a responsibility to make sure that any UM processes done on their behalf are useful and contributing to the delivery of efficient and effective health care services to those for home health care is purchased.[14][15]

One ongoing concern relates to how UM programs might create unintended consequences emanating from the financial incentives and disincentives on health care professionals' decisions around care and service delivery. The literature evaluating the impact that UM determinations might have on professionals and institutions' behaviors and care process is mixed in terms of measuring a positive, negative, or neutral effect.[16][17][18]What is clear that additional research is necessary to provide a more robust answer to the question of what the impact is on utilization and quality of care based on UM and payment policies.[18]

Nursing, Allied Health, and Interprofessional Team Interventions

Nurses and clinical pharmacists are often the health professionals who conduct the three types of UM activities, namely, prior authorization, concurrent review, and retrospective review. Nurses by way of training and experience are ideally suited to both 1) collect the clinical information required for UM activities, and 2) interpret the clinical relevance and appropriateness of the information collected as well.[19] Pharmacists have unique skills and experience with collecting and interpreting clinical information related to medication use.[20][21]

The central role that nurses play in UM has long been addressed in the literature, and maintaining the connection of UM nurses to the principles of the nursing profession remains a concern.[22] Also, ethical dilemmas may arise in the performance of UM owing to the tension that may arise between UM’s focus cost containment and the judgment necessary in determining appropriate clinical interventions and at what level of care and setting of care is appropriate for that intervention.[23][24][Level 5] Review decisions and denials/prior authorization by utilization management organizations necessitate physicians to work closely with nurses and pharmacists. Interdisciplinary collaboration and good communication are important after utilization management reviews and improves patient outcomes.



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Disclosure: Angelo Giardino declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Roopma Wadhwa declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

As an expert in healthcare management and utilization review, I draw upon a wealth of knowledge and practical experience in the field. My expertise is grounded in both theoretical understanding and hands-on application, making me well-equipped to discuss the various facets of Utilization Management (UM) and its critical role in the healthcare service delivery and payment landscape.

Utilization Management, formerly known as Utilization Review (UR), is an integral part of cost management strategies within healthcare. It involves processes that intervene before, during, and after clinical encounters, ensuring efficiency, appropriateness, and quality in healthcare services. I have a deep understanding of the three key types of UM: Prior Authorization (pre-auth), Concurrent Review, and Retrospective Review.

Prior Authorization (Pre-Auth) is a proactive process conducted before a clinical intervention to ensure appropriateness and proper delivery. I am well-versed in the criteria used to assess the suitability of requested clinical services and the importance of national standards in this process.

Concurrent Review occurs while a patient is receiving care in a facility, focusing on oversight to guarantee efficient and effective healthcare delivery, reduce misuse of inpatient services, and promote high-quality patient care. I can discuss the criteria utilized during concurrent reviews and their alignment with national standards.

Retrospective Review takes place after care is delivered and the bill is submitted. My expertise extends to understanding how this type of UM confirms the appropriateness and efficiency of care, ensuring proper coding according to standards such as CPT and ICD-10. I am aware of the crucial role retrospective reviews play in collecting data on care quality and compliance with national standards.

The denial of service or payment is a potential outcome of UM determinations. I am knowledgeable about the two broad types of denials: benefit and medical necessity. My understanding extends to the formal appeal processes available to providers in case of disagreement with UM determinations.

Furthermore, my expertise encompasses the broader concerns associated with UM programs, such as addressing overutilization and underutilization within the healthcare system. I can discuss how UM programs contribute to quality improvement, compliance with national standards, and their connections to patient support programs like disease management and population health.

The concept of medical necessity is foundational to UM programs, and I can articulate its significance. I understand that establishing the standard of care and medical necessity requires clinical input from healthcare professionals, and I am familiar with the role of committees, including practicing physicians, in advising UM programs.

The stakeholders in the UM process are diverse, including patients, healthcare professionals, organizations conducting UM, and those paying for healthcare benefits. I can provide insights into the interests, responsibilities, and ethical considerations of each stakeholder group.

Lastly, my expertise extends to the impact of UM programs on healthcare professionals' decisions, the role of nurses and clinical pharmacists in UM activities, and the ongoing concerns related to unintended consequences and financial incentives.

In conclusion, my comprehensive knowledge and practical experience position me as an authority on Utilization Management in healthcare, allowing me to provide valuable insights into its processes, challenges, and impact on the healthcare ecosystem.

Utilization Management (2024)


What are the three important functions of utilization management? ›

  • Prior Authorization. The prior authorization, or pre-auth, is done before a clinical intervention is delivered. ...
  • Concurrent Review. The concurrent review takes place while the patient is receiving care while admitted to a facility. ...
  • Retrospective Review.

What are two 2 of the main goals of utilization management? ›

Utilization management primarily focuses on evaluating and managing the utilization of healthcare services, treatments, and procedures. It aims to ensure that the services provided are medically necessary, cost-effective, and aligned with established guidelines.

What are the best practices in utilization management? ›

Best practices for a Successful UM program

You need to define processes clearly to make your utilization management program deliver optimal results. Show each team member's role and responsibility in a concise manner. This step ensures high-quality outcomes that can be repeated with ease.

Why do you want to work in utilization management? ›

Utilization management nurses are essential in promoting efficient, cost-effective health care delivery. As patient advocates, they ensure patients receive the right care at the right time, while helping to control health care costs to prevent unnecessary expenses.

What are the three basic categories of utilization management? ›

There are three types of utilization reviews:
  • Prospective review: determines whether services or scheduled procedures are medically necessary before admission.
  • Concurrent review: evaluates medical necessity decisions during hospitalization.
  • Retrospective review: examines coverage after treatment.
Oct 14, 2022

What is the primary purpose of utilization management? ›

Utilization management (UM) is a process that evaluates the efficiency, appropriateness, and medical necessity of the treatments, services, procedures, and facilities provided to patients on a case-by-case basis.

What is the most important part of a utilization management program? ›

The review process is perhaps the most crucial part of utilization management. There are three types available: prospective, concurrent, and retrospective.

What are utilization management rules? ›

In this report, the committee considers utilization management as a set of techniques used by or on behalf of purchasers of health care benefits to manage health care costs by influencing patient care decision-making through case-by-case assessments of the appropriateness of care prior to its provision.

What are the basic three components of utilization review? ›

Utilization review contains three types of assessments: prospective, concurrent, and retrospective. A prospective review assesses the need for healthcare services before the service is performed.

What is a utilization review for dummies? ›

Utilization review involves conducting case reviews, checking medical records, speaking with patients and care providers and analyzing the care plan.

How do you maintain utilization? ›

5 Simple Ways to Improve Employee Utilization and Productivity
  1. Track your Current Productivity and Utilization. ...
  2. Analyze, Analyze, Analyze. ...
  3. Improve your Planning. ...
  4. Manage Customer Expectations. ...
  5. Create a Productive Working Environment. ...
  6. 5 Steps to Improve Employee Utilization and Productivity.

Why is it important to manage utilization? ›

Utilization management offers a blueprint for treatment plans and reduces cases of unnecessary procedures, leading to lower overall costs without compromising the quality of care.

Is utilization management stressful? ›

Like most nursing roles, working as a utilization review nurse comes with a high stress level. Working as a utilization review nurse can be stressful, as it may involve situations and settings in which nurses must make difficult decisions that they may not personally agree with.

What is the best answer for why do you want to work here? ›

A better way to explain why you want the position

is to flip the question like this: “Why would this company want to hire me?” In other words, when considering the best answer you can give, think more about what you have to offer and how you could make an impact rather than why getting the job would benefit you.

What is the difference between um and ur? ›

Utilization Management (UM)

While the UR process validates appropriateness of care and identifies services that are outside the scope of practice, UM ensures healthcare systems continuously improve quality of care and deliver appropriate levels of care.

What are the top 3 important functions of operations management? ›

What Are the Main Functions of Operations Management? The main functions of operations management are developing effective processes, ensuring production is efficient and determining the most cost-effective way to achieve goals.

What are the three major functions of management? ›

They include: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. You should think about the four functions as a process, where each step builds on the others. Managers must first plan, then organize according to that plan, lead others to work towards the plan, and finally evaluate the effectiveness of the plan.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.