USPS Automated Package Verification — Global Ecommerce APIs documentation (2024)

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On this page

  • What is USPS Automated Package Verification (APV)?

  • Does APV take into account my discounted rates?

  • How can a merchant ensure postage is calculated accurately when printing a label?

  • How do merchants know if there have been APV adjustments?

  • Does the Merchant Portal display APV adjustments?

  • What happens if the postage account does not have sufficient funds?

  • How does a merchant dispute an APV adjustment?

  • How does a merchant view the status of an APV dispute?

  • How long does it take USPS to review a dispute?

  • Sample APV Adjustment

What is USPS Automated Package Verification (APV)?

Automated Package Verification (APV) is the process by which USPS® automatically verifies if accurate postage has been applied to a parcel. USPS uses technologies that capture parcel properties, including weight and dimension, and then calculates the correct postage amount. If the calculated postage differs from the postage paid, USPS notifies Pitney Bowes of the discrepancy, and Pitney Bowes applies the adjustment to the postage account. USPS has up to 30 days after a parcel is shipped to issue an adjustment. Most adjustments occur within a few days of the parcel being shipped. APV applies only to domestic parcels and does not apply to letters and envelopes. To learn more about APV, go to

To test APV transactions in the Sandbox environment, please contact Client Support at [email protected].

Benefits of APV over Manual Postage Due

By eliminating the need to manually collect additional postage through the postage-due process, APV eliminates shipment delays and the need for collection upon delivery from recipients, which allows USPS to maintain competitive and economical shipping prices for their customers.

Does APV take into account my discounted rates?

Yes. APV takes into account your specific discounted rates when recalculating the postage amount that should have been paid for a parcel.

How can a merchant ensure postage is calculated accurately when printing a label?

Merchants should ensure they have the correct weight, dimensions, services, and packaging by following the USPS instructions at

To calculate whether dimensional (DIM) weight applies, merchants can use the Pitney Bowes DIM-weight calculator at

How do merchants know if there have been APV adjustments?

To check whether your merchants have received APV adjustments, use the Transaction Reports API. Each APV adjustment is reported as a separate transaction, with the transactionType field set to either APV-POSTAGE OVERPAID or APV-POSTAGE UNDERPAID. The transaction includes the corrected shipment information and the amount credited or debited from the postage account.

To return only APV adjustments, set the transactionType query parameter to one of the following when making the API call:

  • APV-POSTAGE ALL: All APV adjustments

  • APV-POSTAGE OVERPAID: Overpays only

  • APV-POSTAGE UNDERPAID: Underpays only

To return adjustments for a particular merchant, use the merchantId query parameter. If you manage merchant postage through a Bulk Postage Account, you can use the Transaction Reports API to determine the adjustments to apply to each merchant. If a merchant closes an account, Pitney Bowes recommends that you hold the merchant’s account balance for at least a month in order to cover any underpays.

The following is an example request to retrieve all APV adjustments posted in the last 31 days:

curl -X GET .../v4/ledger/developers/<id>/transactions/reports?transactionType=APV-POSTAGE%20ALL \-H "Authorization: Bearer <oauth_token>"

The following is an example transaction returned for an APV adjustment for incorrect weight. Not all the transaction’s fields are shown. For a complete example of an APV transaction, see Sample APV Adjustment at the end of this page.

{ "transactionId": "12345678_86bd33", "transactionDateTime": "2020-07-08T22:30:22.026+0000", "transactionType": "APV-POSTAGE UNDERPAID", ..., "developerRateAmount": 5.14, ..., "merchantRate": 5.14, ..., "parcelTrackingNumber": "940550989841491959942", "weightInOunces": 18, ..., "externalId": "000001065208938", "adjustmentReason": "weight"}
  • The transactionId and parcelTrackingNumber are the values from the original shipment.

  • The transactionDateTime is the timestamp of the adjustment.

  • The developerRateAmount and merchantRate are the amount of the adjustment. The amount is the difference between the original charge and the recalculated charge. The amount has been either added or subtracted from the postage account.

  • The externalId is the USPS Revenue Assurance ID. Use this if there is a dispute of the APV adjustment.

  • The adjustmentReason indicates why the adjustment was made. The reason can be any of the following:

    • Incorrect weight, dimensions, or parcel type.

    • Incorrect sender or induction postal code.

    • The shipment used a label that had already been used.

    • The shipment used a label that had been submitted for refund.

    In this case the adjustment is for incorrect weight, and the weightInOunces field gives the adjusted weight.

Does the Merchant Portal display APV adjustments?

Yes. Merchants with their own Pitney Bowes-managed postage accounts can view APV adjustments by logging into the Merchant Portal and navigating to the Transaction History page. They can use search filters to retrieve APV adjustments and can expand adjustments to view details, including adjustment amount, reason for adjustment, and adjustment ID.

What happens if the postage account does not have sufficient funds?

If the amount debited is more than the postage balance, an auto refill is triggered to replenish the account balance.

How does a merchant dispute an APV adjustment?

If a merchant believes an APV adjustment to be in error, the merchant can dispute the adjustment. The merchant should send an email with the reason for the dispute to USPS at [email protected]. The email should include the following:

  • IMpb (Tracking) Number.

  • Revenue Assurance ID. This is the externalId in the Transaction Reports API response.

  • Detailed reason for the dispute.

  • Contact information (name and email).

To view the status of the dispute, see How does a merchant view the status of an APV dispute?

How does a merchant view the status of an APV dispute?

If a merchant has disputed an APV adjustment, you can return the status of the dispute through the Transaction Reports API. The API returns a transaction when:

  • USPS reports to Pitney Bowes that a merchant has filed an APV dispute.

  • USPS reports the resolution of the APV dispute.

A transaction for an APV dispute has the following values for the following fields:

  • The content.transactionType is set to APV-DISPUTE ADJUSTMENT.

  • The content.status reports the status of the dispute:

    • REQUESTED: The merchant has filed the dispute, and the dispute is pending.

    • ACCEPTED: USPS has resolved in favor of the dispute. Pitney Bowes will credit the underpayment amount to the postage balance.

    • DENIED. USPS has resolved against the dispute.

  • content.adjustmentReason reports the reason for a resolved dispute.

The following is an example of a transaction returned for a pending dispute:

{ "transactionId": "24458850-904673", "transactionType": "APV-DISPUTE ADJUSTMENT", ..., "adjustmentReason": "pending dispute adjustment", "status": "REQUESTED", ...}

The following is an example of a transaction returned for a resolved dispute:

{ "transactionId": "24458850-904673", "transactionType": "APV-DISPUTE ADJUSTMENT", ..., "adjustmentReason": "approved dispute adjustment", "status": "ACCEPTED", ...}

How long does it take USPS to review a dispute?

Most responses can be expected within 5 business days, and at most, 15 business days.

Sample APV Adjustment

The following is a side-by-side comparison of two transactions returned by the Transaction Reports API for the same shipment. The first transaction is for the creation of the label; the second is for an APV adjustment.

Print Transaction

APV Transaction for Underpayment

{ "transactionId": "12345678_024a5d", "transactionDateTime": "2020-07-01T14:30:22.026+0000", "transactionType": "POSTAGE PRINT", "developerName": "ABC", "developerId": "12345678", "developerPostagePaymentMethod": null, "developerRatePlan": "<rate_plan>", "developerRateAmount": 6.78, "developerPostagePaymentAccountBalance": null, "merchantName": "shipper-abc", "merchantId": "9024324564", "merchantPostageAccountPaymentMethod": "OTHER", "merchantRatePlan": null, "merchantRate": null, "shipperPostagePaymentAccountBalance": 2286.44, "labelFee": null, "parcelTrackingNumber": "<tracking_number>", "weightInOunces": 4, "zone": "8", "packageLengthInInches": 17, "packageWidthInInches": 1, "packageHeightInInches": 11, "packageTypeIndicator": "NonCubic", "packageType": "PKG", "mailClass": "Priority Mail", "internationalCountryPriceGroup": null, "originationAddress": "<address>", "originZip": "<zip>", "destinationAddress": "<address>", "destinationZip": "<zip>", "destinationCountry": "US", "postageDepositAmount": null, "creditCardFee": null, "refundStatus": null, "refundDenialReason": null, "shipmentId": "USPS1100572858248722", "refundRequestor": null, "externalId": null, "adjustmentReason": null}
{ "transactionId": "12345678_024a5d", "transactionDateTime": "2020-07-08T08:02:18.012+0000", "transactionType": "APV-POSTAGE UNDERPAID", "developerName": "ABC", "developerId": "12345678", "developerPostagePaymentMethod": null, "developerRatePlan": "<rate_plan>", "developerRateAmount": 2.66, "developerPostagePaymentAccountBalance": null, "merchantName": "shipper-abc", "merchantId": "9024324564", "merchantPostageAccountPaymentMethod": "OTHER", "merchantRatePlan": null, "merchantRate": null, "shipperPostagePaymentAccountBalance": 2835.48, "labelFee": null, "parcelTrackingNumber": "<tracking_number>", "weightInOunces": 26, "zone": "8", "packageLengthInInches": 17, "packageWidthInInches": 1, "packageHeightInInches": 11, "packageTypeIndicator": null, "packageType": "PKG", "mailClass": "Priority Mail", "internationalCountryPriceGroup": null, "originationAddress": null, "originZip": "<zip>", "destinationAddress": null, "destinationZip": null, "destinationCountry": "US", "postageDepositAmount": null, "creditCardFee": null, "refundStatus": null, "refundDenialReason": null, "shipmentId": "USPS1100572858248722", "refundRequestor": null, "externalId": "000001393103414", "adjustmentReason": "weight"}

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USPS Automated Package Verification — Global Ecommerce APIs  documentation (2024)


How to get API from USPS? ›

Get access to USPS APIs when you register for a Web Tools user account. Once registered, you will automatically receive an email containing your assigned Web Tools User ID. After you receive this email, you can use the following APIs: Price Calculators.

What is the USPS verification address API? ›

The Address/Standardization “Verify” API, which corrects errors in street addresses, including abbreviations and missing information, and supplies ZIP Codes and ZIP Codes + 4. The Verify API supports up to five lookups per transaction. By eliminating address errors, you will improve overall package delivery service.

How do I dispute an APV adjustment? ›

To dispute an APV adjustment with USPS directly, send the following information in an email to [email protected]:
  1. The package tracking number.
  2. The Adjustment ID associated with the adjustment.
  3. Your reason or explanation for the dispute (please provide as much detail as possible).

How does USPS verify delivery? ›

A Proof of Delivery (POD) is an e-mailed response letter containing the delivery information, the recipient's name, the tracking number, an image of the recipient's signature, and the printed name and address. Other information includes: Delivery location attribute (e.g., Front Door / Porch). Product of mail.

Is USPS API free? ›

Customers who have registered for a USPS Web Tools® account and agreed to the terms and conditions of use can access USPS APIs for free.

What are the limitations of USPS API? ›

The USPS APIs can be challenging for developers to access and use. Additionally, they can only be used for shipping and mailing services, not bulk address validation or data enrichment. They also lack complementary APIs like forward geocoding, reverse geocoding, and address autocomplete.

How long does USPS verification take? ›

Select either "Verify Identity Online" or "Request Invitation Code by Mail" Complete the online verification steps or wait for the code to be received (3-5 business days). Once received enter the enrollment code on the Account Preferences page to finalize the identity proofing process.

How does USPS verify identity online? ›

Verify your identity by completing the mobile phone verification process: a. Provide your mobile phone number and then enter the one-time numeric passcode sent to you via text message. 6. Once you successfully verify your identity, you will be shown a confirmation page.

What is an address verification document? ›

Current official document with your name and address

A utility bill, credit card statement, lease agreement or mortgage statement will all work to prove residency. If you've gone paperless, print a billing statement from your online account.

What is Proof of Delivery verification? ›

Verification Of Successful Delivery

It provides concrete evidence that the goods reached their intended destination. POD is the backbone of accountability and transparency. It is a tangible record, a delivery receipt that captures important information about the delivery and provides factual evidence of completion.

What is a Proof of Delivery document? ›

A proof of delivery (POD) is a document that substantiates that a carrier has satisfied its terms of a contract of carriage for cargo by confirmation of the recipient or consignee. When the sender sends multiple documents through the mail, there is a possibility of some not reaching the intended recipient.

Does USPS look at your packages? ›

If there is probable cause to believe the contents of a First-Class letter or parcel violate federal law, Postal Inspectors can obtain a search warrant to open the mail piece. Other classes of mail do not contain private correspondence and therefore may be opened without a warrant.

How do I request a POST API? ›

To make a POST request to an API endpoint, you need to send an HTTP POST request to the server and specify a Content-Type request header that specifies the data media type in the body of the POST API request. The Content-Length header indicates the data size in the POST message body.

How do I get API from postman? ›

Creating an API
  1. Select APIs in the sidebar and select +.
  2. Enter a name for your new API.
  3. Select an option for creating your API: Connect to a Git repository and import your API definitions and collections into Postman. ...
  4. To start working with your new API: Create a new API definition for your API.
Sep 15, 2022

How do I access API from Postman? ›

Generate and use Postman API keys
  1. Open your API Keys page. Select your avatar in the Postman header, then select Settings. Then select API keys.
  2. If you do not have a key you will be prompted to create one. Select Generate API Key.
  3. Enter a name for your key and select Generate API Key.
  4. Copy your key.
Jan 25, 2024

How do I access API through Postman? ›

Enter the API Endpoint: In the URL bar, enter the endpoint of the API you want to interact with. An example could be a weather API like . Send the Request: Click on the "Send" button to execute the request. Postman will display the response from the API.

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.