US-Citizen - InVertas (2024)

Investing in Germany as a US American Citizen – is not easy. Together we work through an in­di­vi­du­al & reliable solution!

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Investing in Germany as a US American Citizen – is not easy. Together we work through an in­di­vi­du­al & reliable solution!

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Arriving fi­nan­ci­al­ly as a U.S. citizen

We offer you the op­por­tu­ni­ty to invest in pro­fi­ta­ble assets and ef­fi­ci­ent­ly build up wealth in Germany. Arrange a free and non-binding initial ap­point­ment with one of our spe­cia­lists for US persons.

No in­vest­ment opportunities?

As a U.S. citizen in Germany, the topic of in­vest­ment and re­ti­re­ment planning is often con­side­red par­ti­cu­lar­ly difficult. Re­gu­la­ti­ons in between states and unknown options might lead to confusion and make in­vest­ment options seem limited.

Let us guide you through the bu­reau­cra­tic jungle and find ways to invest more freely and cuttaxes.

Too manyrules?

The reason for this is a change in the law (Foreign Account Tax Com­pli­ance Act, FATCA) ) on the part of the USA, which entails a con­sider­a­b­ly higher ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve burden for deposits of persons with a US con­nec­tion. US citizens and dual (US) ci­ti­zen­ship are affected. Even many existing in­vest­ment accounts have been terminated.

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In­vest­ments for US Citizens

Re­se­ar­ching in­vest­ment pos­si­bi­li­ties in Germany as a US Citizen can be super frus­t­ra­ting. We know this, because we have many Clients that come from the US and are living here in Germany. Espe­ci­al­ly in beautiful Hei­del­berg, where our company is located, there are so many people with US Citizenship.

FATCA re­gu­la­ti­ons

When you are a US Citizen living here in Germany, you already know what the problem is: Due to special re­gu­la­ti­ons for US Citizens, Bank and In­vest­ment re­la­ti­onships are difficult for you. That starts with opening a bank account, but is espe­ci­al­ly relevant for investing here in Germany. Because the re­gu­la­ti­on requires so much extra reporting from the bank, it has become very hard to open up an in­vest­ment account. And even when you manage to open one, you are still very rest­ric­ted on what in­vest­ment you choose and have to be very careful about double taxation for most funds traded here. And I am not a tax advisor, but I know that the tax im­pli­ca­ti­ons are very com­pli­ca­ted with a tra­di­tio­nal in­vest­ment account.

What we have spe­cia­li­zed in is showing my clients how they can invest their money pro­fi­ta­b­ly and long term, without having to do an extra tax de­cla­ra­ti­on every year or getting in trouble with bank re­gu­la­ti­ons. And don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against broker accounts, we also offer broker accounts to our clients, but for US Citizens it is horrible.

The good news is, there is a solution for US citizens looking to invest in Germany: Pension plans. The FATCA re­gu­la­ti­on has left a loophole in the system that allows US citizens to invest through pension plans without the hassle of extra reporting or double taxation.

The reason for that is the structure of private pension products here in Germany. Because you have an insurance acting as an umbrella, you have to pay 0 capital gains tax while the money is in the plan com­poun­ding, which leads to you not having to do an extra tax de­cla­ra­ti­on nor being subject to double taxation. In the eyes of the re­gu­la­tors, the pension plan is an insurance, not an in­vest­ment account, even though it might consist of the same funds or ETFs.

And yes a good pension plan has a cost structure of around 1% of your capital long term, of course you have more fees than with a broker account. But the plan not only provides you massive tax breaks and ad­di­tio­nal services, mainly you have no work and no headache with it. You just pay your monthly con­tri­bu­ti­on, the money compounds itself in the plan and works foryou.

Important note: Because of the re­gu­la­ti­ons, very few Insurance Companies offer fund investing for US persons, but there are good options.

The easiest way to see what in­vest­ment and what plan makes sense for you, is to book yourself a free initial con­sul­ta­ti­on with us, where we show you what plans and options are available and also make sense for your in­di­vi­du­al situation.

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Spe­cia­liza­ti­on for your challenges

You will app­re­cia­te our expertise and spe­cia­liza­ti­on through our highly trained con­sul­tants in allareas:


A low-cost and trans­pa­rent in­vest­ment structure.


Our experts will be happy to advise you in English.


Save on paper, nerves &taxes.


Pos­si­bi­li­ties you might not have thought aboutyet


100% digital process. From video call to signature to online do­cu­men­ta­ti­on archive.

Fre­quent­ly asked questions

Here you will find the answers to questions that we are asked very frequently.

We are in­de­pen­dent con­sul­tants, as we do not work for any product provider like an insurance or a bank, so we do not have to sell any products. We are re­gis­tered with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry as an in­de­pen­dent financial broker. This means that we are “fiduciary trustees” of our clients. We are therefore legally obligated to find suitable solutions for your situation and your needs. In doing so, we draw on virtually the entire in­vest­ment, finance and insurance market. For us, this means true independence.

The solutions in our con­sul­ting are struc­tu­red in a way that you are flexible should you choose to leave Germany during your working life, and you can get your pension anywhere in theworld.

We work as a digital financial service provider. Re­gard­less of where you are, we can advise you anywhere, as long as you have a Computer and Internet. Nevert­hel­ess, you are also welcome to visit us in our office! In the beautiful Hei­del­berg, directly at the Neckar with a view to the castle, we are waiting for you with a good cup of coffee!

We have spe­cia­li­zed and focused on building broughtly di­ver­si­fied fund port­fo­li­os, that provide good returns and offer a high degree of safety due to the brought di­ver­si­fi­ca­ti­on. To read more about our in­vest­ment phi­lo­so­phy click on our in­vest­mentpage.

Take care of your private pension today

We help you to clarify the complex facts and show you your in­vest­ment options. Get to know us in a free initial consultation!

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Opinions of our

Our passion is to give you a pro­fes­sio­nal good feeling. Always honest and trans­pa­rent. Convince yourself with our numerous reviews!

US-Citizen - InVertas (3)Ragnar Strutz

19:24 20 Aug24

Very friendly, committed and pro­fes­sio­nal staff. During the purcha­sing process, emphasis was always placed on trans­pa­ren­cy, fairness and quick cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on of queries. From the exposé to the nego­tia­ti­on and financing ar­ran­ge­ment, it was the best ex­pe­ri­ence we have had in a longtime.

Yes, the company trust­worth, because they invest in pro­fes­sio­nal staff. David Reinhard one of them. The in­for­ma­ti­on they provide was accurate, relevant and very helpful.Thank you somuch

We have used Invertas for private pension plan con­sul­ting. For us 5 Stars are NOT ENOUGH! The pro­fes­sio­na­lism, courtesy and com­pe­tence of David Reinhard are out­stan­ding. He never made us feel bad, whatever questions we asked or how many times. On the contrary, I feel always a sense of serenity and trust when I ask cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­ons, when I share my thoughts with him and when we discuss the best solutions for us. We recommend Invertas 100% and we think of using it for other topics aswell.

US-Citizen - InVertas (6)Genevieve brady

15:06 15 Aug24

David Reinhard at Invertas gave me excellent and detailed advice. I certainly trusted him to find me the best pension options. Would de­fi­ni­te­ly recommend him and Invertas!

US-Citizen - InVertas (7)Ariel Conant

13:19 15 Aug24

David was in­cre­di­bly helpful and patient during the entire con­sul­ta­ti­on process. We ended up having several calls where he was able to walk me through ever­y­thing and answer every question I had. As a US Expat, the in­tri­ca­ci­es of equity, stocks, and pension planning in Germany can be really confusing, but David was able to lay out all of my options clearly, and give advice without any pressure. I feel so much more confident in our future and financial planning now.

US-Citizen - InVertas (8)Antoine Broisin

09:43 03 Mar24

David has been very helpful th­roug­hout the process of investing my savings. From our first con­sul­ta­ti­on, he genuinely listened to my concerns and questions and suggested a per­so­na­li­zed in­vest­ment plan perfectly tailored to my needs and goals. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking a dedicated and know­led­geable financial advisor.

US-Citizen - InVertas (9)Jeremia Elmlinger

08:06 17 Oct23

I have been receiving in­vest­ment advice from David Reinhard for a long time and I am very satisfied. He takes a lot of time to answer my questions, answers them expertly but is easy for me to un­der­stand, and is always easy to reach. I feel very safe and would de­fi­ni­te­ly handle it again through InVertas and Mr. Reinhard.

US-Citizen - InVertas (10)H. Löwen

13:38 12 Oct23

very friendly and expert advice on re­ti­re­ment planning issues.Thank you forthat.

US-Citizen - InVertas (11)Samuel Pfaff

14:57 11 Oct23

We sought advice from Mr. Reinhard in the area of ​​re­ti­re­ment planning and are extremely satisfied. Mr. Reinhard took the time to give detailed advice, was always easy to reach if we had any questions and helped us find the best possible solution for our in­di­vi­du­al situation. We par­ti­cu­lar­ly liked his high level of trans­pa­ren­cy, his passion and his ability to explain complex issues in a compact and un­der­stan­da­ble way. We feel very well looked after and can recommend InVertas and espe­ci­al­ly Mr. Reinhard without reservation.

US-Citizen - InVertas (12)Bryan Thomas

20:39 09 Oct23

Really great experience!We ap­proa­ched David to figure out a pension plan and he walked us through the entire thing ex­plai­ning every detail of the confusing pension schemes here in Germany. Had two very pleasant calls where he patiently answered all our questions and helped us choose the right plan.I’d highly recommend working withDavid!

I would recommend David Reinhard for his knowledge in the field and for having been trans­pa­rent and eager to help and answer all my doubts in a straight forward manner while choosing my private Basis pension scheme in Germany.

US-Citizen - InVertas (14)Pablo Enrique Kraemer

05:50 28 Sep23

I wanted advice regarding my pension in Germany after being a longtime expat. After my inquire, in no time, an online meeting was set and I got all the in­for­ma­ti­on and advice I requested. David informed me precisely, showing expert knowledge of the German pension and tax system. The 1 hr. meeting went along in a very pro­fes­sio­nals and kind at­mo­sphe­re. I highly recommend David and InVeritas.

US-Citizen - InVertas (15)Zino Barbieri

16:50 17 Sep23

I was advised by David Reinhard and after several dis­cus­sions with different advisors, I decided to entrust my finances to David. He gave me detailed and trans­pa­rent advice and gave me the best feeling in the end. Well then I hope that I don’t end up in old age poverty in 40years.;)

US-Citizen - InVertas (16)Sebastian Knaup

16:58 30 Aug23

Good and friendly ad­vice­Very nice and helpful

US-Citizen - InVertas (17)Daniel Salman

09:33 08 Aug23

I was advised by David Reinhard. Was a very competent and friendly con­sul­ta­ti­on. I can recommend to everyone

US-Citizen - InVertas (18)Nina Müller

11:46 02 Aug23

As a young person, I had no idea about the subject of re­ti­re­ment provision and in­vest­ment. I am very grateful to Mr. Ulpts for taking so much time for me and for ex­plai­ning ever­y­thing in detail right from the start. Now I have a great gut feeling and I am very grateful to InVertas!

US-Citizen - InVertas (19)M M

13:36 30 Jul23

Thanks for the extremely competent advice Martin Brinkm­öl­ler! I felt very well looked after, the con­sul­ta­ti­on was very transparent.

US-Citizen - InVertas (20)Ang1966 Querdetz

12:09 31 May23

We have been with InVertas for a number of years and are ab­so­lut­e­ly satisfied. Very competent and friendly. We feel very well cared for here. We can recommend the company with a clear conscience.Very special thanks to Mr. Dillge and Mr. Bertram.

US-Citizen - InVertas (21)Nora Hollerith

20:12 14 May23

I had con­sul­ta­ti­ons with David.He provided us excellent financial advice and knowledge as well as great plans for our re­ti­re­ment investments.

US-Citizen - InVertas (22)Alexander Tumler

14:19 12 May23

Great advice and super friendly team!☺️

US-Citizen - InVertas (23)Venkatesh

08:18 22 Jan22

David Reinhard has the patience and knows the details. He gives the time that is needed for the advice and is really good in what he does. He came across as someone who does his best to win the trust and confidence.

US-Citizen - InVertas (24)Faisal Anees

19:30 22 Dec21

It was nice being supported with a pro­fes­sio­nal re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve – ( David Reinhard ) who advised and gave us the best suited and trans­pa­rent advise. This not only gave us the con­fi­dence but also motivated us to start with ourgoal.

US-Citizen - InVertas (25)Kristian Noullet

13:20 23 Oct20

My contact person at InVertas was very pro­fes­sio­nal, explained with me­ti­cu­la­te detail my various insurance options and patiently helped me find products fitting my purposes.I espe­ci­al­ly app­re­cia­ted the ex­pl­ana­ti­on of the systems and related costs, as well as their (potential) evolution. I tend to be at ease with numbers, but now I feel like I actually un­der­stand a bit more about the (German) insurance system.I felt that I was being treated in an honest and trans­pa­rent manner (e.g. in regards to where/how they get their cut) and it didn’t feel like I was being talked down to, although some questions certainly may have seemed extremely fundamental.

US-Citizen - InVertas (26)Redi Rodion

23:51 08 Jun20

Great input into funds and stack in­vest­ment, pro­fes­sio­nal support yet at the same time un­der­stan­da­ble breakdown, thanks Martin!

US-Citizen - InVertas (27)Yulong Zhuang

10:27 23 Apr20

Very nice ex­pe­ri­ence, they are patient and supportive.

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US-Citizen - InVertas (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.