Upgrading smart contracts - OpenZeppelin Docs (2024)

Smart contracts deployed using OpenZeppelin Upgrades Plugins can be upgraded to modify their code, while preserving their address, state, and balance. This allows you to iteratively add new features to your project, or fix any bugs you may find in production.

Throughout this guide, we will learn:

  • Why upgrades are important

  • Upgrade our Box using the Upgrades Plugins

  • Learn how upgrades work under the hood

  • Learn how to write upgradeable contracts

Instructions are available for both Truffle and Hardhat. Choose your preference using this toggle!

What’s in an upgrade

Smart contracts in Ethereum are immutable by default. Once you create them there is no way to alter them, effectively acting as an unbreakable contract among participants.

However, for some scenarios, it is desirable to be able to modify them. Think of a traditional contract between two parties: if they both agreed to change it, they would be able to do so. On Ethereum, they may desire to alter a smart contract to fix a bug they found (which might even lead to a hacker stealing their funds!), to add additional features, or simply to change the rules enforced by it.

Here’s what you’d need to do to fix a bug in a contract you cannot upgrade:

  1. Deploy a new version of the contract

  2. Manually migrate all state from the old one contract to the new one (which can be very expensive in terms of gas fees!)

  3. Update all contracts that interacted with the old contract to use the address of the new one

  4. Reach out to all your users and convince them to start using the new deployment (and handle both contracts being used simultaneously, as users are slow to migrate)

To avoid going through this mess, we have built contract upgrades directly into our plugins. This allows us to change the contract code, while preserving the state, balance, and address. Let’s see it in action.

Upgrading using the Upgrades Plugins

Whenever you deploy a new contract using deployProxy in the OpenZeppelin Upgrades Plugins, that contract instance can be upgraded later. By default, only the address that originally deployed the contract has the rights to upgrade it.

deployProxy will create the following transactions:

  1. Deploy the implementation contract (our Box contract)

  2. Deploy the ProxyAdmin contract (the admin for our proxy).

  3. Deploy the proxy contract and run any initializer function.

Let’s see how it works, by deploying an upgradeable version of our Box contract, using the same setup as when we deployed earlier:

// contracts/Box.sol// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.0;contract Box { uint256 private _value; // Emitted when the stored value changes event ValueChanged(uint256 value); // Stores a new value in the contract function store(uint256 value) public { _value = value; emit ValueChanged(value); } // Reads the last stored value function retrieve() public view returns (uint256) { return _value; }}

We first need to install the Upgrades Plugin.

Install the Truffle Upgrades plugin.

npm install --save-dev @openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades

Install the Hardhat Upgrades plugin.

npm install --save-dev @openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades

We then need to configure Hardhat to use our @openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades plugin. To do this add the plugin in your hardhat.config.js file as follows.

// hardhat.config.js...require('@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers');require('@openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades');...module.exports = {...};

In order to upgrade a contract like Box we need to first deploy it as an upgradeable contract, which is a different deployment procedure than we’ve seen so far. We will initialize our Box contract by calling store with the value 42.

Truffle uses migrations to deploy contracts. Migrations consist of JavaScript files and a special Migrations contract to track migrations on-chain.

We will create a migration script to deploy our upgradeable Box contract using deployProxy. We will save this file as migrations/3_deploy_upgradeable_box.js.

// migrations/3_deploy_upgradeable_box.jsconst { deployProxy } = require('@openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades');const Box = artifacts.require('Box');module.exports = async function (deployer) { await deployProxy(Box, [42], { deployer, initializer: 'store' });};

Hardhat doesn’t currently have a native deployment system, instead we use scripts to deploy contracts.

We will create a script to deploy our upgradeable Box contract using deployProxy. We will save this file as scripts/deploy_upgradeable_box.js.

// scripts/deploy_upgradeable_box.jsconst { ethers, upgrades } = require('hardhat');async function main () { const Box = await ethers.getContractFactory('Box'); console.log('Deploying Box...'); const box = await upgrades.deployProxy(Box, [42], { initializer: 'store' }); await box.deployed(); console.log('Box deployed to:', box.address);}main();

We can then deploy our upgradeable contract.

Using the migrate command, we can deploy the Box contract to the development network.

$ npx truffle migrate --network development...3_deploy_upgradeable_box.js=========================== Replacing 'Box' ---------------... Deploying 'ProxyAdmin' ----------------------... Deploying 'TransparentUpgradeableProxy' ---------------------------------------...

Using the run command, we can deploy the Box contract to the development network.

$ npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy_upgradeable_box.jsDeploying Box...Box deployed to: 0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0

We can then interact with our Box contract to retrieve the value that we stored during initialization.

We will use the Truffle console to interact with our upgraded Box contract.

$ npx truffle console --network developmenttruffle(development)> const box = await Box.deployed();undefinedtruffle(development)> (await box.retrieve()).toString();'42'

We will use the Hardhat console to interact with our upgraded Box contract.

We need to specify the address of our proxy contract from when we deployed our Box contract.

$ npx hardhat console --network localhostWelcome to Node.js v12.22.1.Type ".help" for more information.> const Box = await ethers.getContractFactory('Box');undefined> const box = await Box.attach('0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0');undefined> (await box.retrieve()).toString();'42'

For the sake of the example, let’s say we want to add a new feature: a function that increments the value stored in a new version of Box.

// contracts/BoxV2.sol// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.0;contract BoxV2 { // ... code from Box.sol // Increments the stored value by 1 function increment() public { _value = _value + 1; emit ValueChanged(_value); }}

After creating the Solidity file, we can now upgrade the instance we had deployed earlier using the upgradeProxy function.

upgradeProxy will create the following transactions:

  1. Deploy the implementation contract (our BoxV2 contract)

  2. Call the ProxyAdmin to update the proxy contract to use the new implementation.

We will create a migration JavaScript to upgrade our Box contract to use BoxV2 using upgradeProxy. We will save this file as migrations/4_upgrade_box.js.

// migrations/4_upgrade_box.jsconst { upgradeProxy } = require('@openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades');const Box = artifacts.require('Box');const BoxV2 = artifacts.require('BoxV2');module.exports = async function (deployer) { const existing = await Box.deployed(); await upgradeProxy(existing.address, BoxV2, { deployer });};

We will create a script to upgrade our Box contract to use BoxV2 using upgradeProxy. We will save this file as scripts/upgrade_box.js.We need to specify the address of our proxy contract from when we deployed our Box contract.

// scripts/upgrade_box.jsconst { ethers, upgrades } = require('hardhat');async function main () { const BoxV2 = await ethers.getContractFactory('BoxV2'); console.log('Upgrading Box...'); await upgrades.upgradeProxy('0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0', BoxV2); console.log('Box upgraded');}main();

We can then deploy our upgradeable contract.

Using the migrate command, we can upgrade the Box contract on the development network.

$ npx truffle migrate --network development...4_upgrade_box.js================ Deploying 'BoxV2' -----------------...

Using the run command, we can upgrade the Box contract on the development network.

$ npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/upgrade_box.jsCompiling 1 file with 0.8.4Compilation finished successfullyUpgrading Box...Box upgraded

Done! Our Box instance has been upgraded to the latest version of the code, while keeping its state and the same address as before. We didn’t need to deploy a new one at a new address, nor manually copy the value from the old Box to the new one.

Let’s try it out by invoking the new increment function, and checking the value afterwards:

We need to use the address of the proxy contract with the BoxV2 artifact.

$ npx truffle console --network developmenttruffle(development)> const box = await Box.deployed();undefinedtruffle(development)> const boxV2 = await BoxV2.at(box.address);undefinedtruffle(development)> await boxV2.increment(){ tx:...truffle(development)> (await boxV2.retrieve()).toString();'43'

We need to specify the address of our proxy contract from when we deployed our Box contract.

$ npx hardhat console --network localhostWelcome to Node.js v12.22.1.Type ".help" for more information.> const BoxV2 = await ethers.getContractFactory('BoxV2');undefined> const box = await BoxV2.attach('0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0');undefined> await box.increment();...> (await box.retrieve()).toString();'43'

That’s it! Notice how the value of the Box was preserved throughout the upgrade, as well as its address. And this process is the same regardless of whether you are working on a local blockchain, a testnet, or the main network.

Let’s see how the OpenZeppelin Upgrades Plugins accomplish this.

How upgrades work

This section will be more theory-heavy than others: feel free to skip over it and return later if you are curious.

When you create a new upgradeable contract instance, the OpenZeppelin Upgrades Plugins actually deploys three contracts:

  1. The contract you have written, which is known as the implementation contract containing the logic.

  2. A ProxyAdmin to be the admin of the proxy.

  3. A proxy to the implementation contract, which is the contract that you actually interact with.

Here, the proxy is a simple contract that just delegates all calls to an implementation contract. A delegate call is similar to a regular call, except that all code is executed in the context of the caller, not of the callee. Because of this, a transfer in the implementation contract’s code will actually transfer the proxy’s balance, and any reads or writes to the contract storage will read or write from the proxy’s own storage.

This allows us to decouple a contract’s state and code: the proxy holds the state, while the implementation contract provides the code. And it also allows us to change the code by just having the proxy delegate to a different implementation contract.

An upgrade then involves the following steps:

  1. Deploy the new implementation contract.

  2. Send a transaction to the proxy that updates its implementation address to the new one.

You can have multiple proxies using the same implementation contract, so you can save gas using this pattern if you plan to deploy multiple copies of the same contract.

Any user of the smart contract always interacts with the proxy, which never changes its address. This allows you to roll out an upgrade or fix a bug without requesting your users to change anything on their end - they just keep interacting with the same address as always.

If you want to learn more about how OpenZeppelin proxies work, check out Proxies.

Limitations of contract upgrades

While any smart contract can be made upgradeable, some restrictions of the Solidity language need to be worked around. These come up when writing both the initial version of contract and the version we’ll upgrade it to.


Upgradeable contracts cannot have a constructor. To help you run initialization code, OpenZeppelin Contracts provides the Initializable base contract that allows you to tag a method as initializer, ensuring it can be run only once.

As an example, let’s write a new version of the Box contract with an initializer, storing the address of an admin who will be the only one allowed to change its contents.

// contracts/AdminBox.sol// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity ^0.8.0;import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";contract AdminBox is Initializable { uint256 private _value; address private _admin; // Emitted when the stored value changes event ValueChanged(uint256 value); function initialize(address admin) public initializer { _admin = admin; } /// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow constructor constructor() initializer {} // Stores a new value in the contract function store(uint256 value) public { require(msg.sender == _admin, "AdminBox: not admin"); _value = value; emit ValueChanged(value); } // Reads the last stored value function retrieve() public view returns (uint256) { return _value; }}

When deploying this contract, we will need to specify the initializer function name (only when the name is not the default of initialize) and provide the admin address that we want to use.

// migrations/5_deploy_upgradeable_adminbox.jsconst { deployProxy } = require('@openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades');const AdminBox = artifacts.require('AdminBox');module.exports = async function (deployer) { await deployProxy(AdminBox, ['0xACa94ef8bD5ffEE41947b4585a84BdA5a3d3DA6E'], { deployer, initializer: 'initialize' });};
// scripts/deploy_upgradeable_adminbox.jsconst { ethers, upgrades } = require('hardhat');async function main () { const AdminBox = await ethers.getContractFactory('AdminBox'); console.log('Deploying AdminBox...'); const adminBox = await upgrades.deployProxy(AdminBox, ['0xACa94ef8bD5ffEE41947b4585a84BdA5a3d3DA6E'], { initializer: 'initialize' }); await adminBox.deployed(); console.log('AdminBox deployed to:', adminBox.address);}main();

For all practical purposes, the initializer acts as a constructor. However, keep in mind that since it’s a regular function, you will need to manually call the initializers of all base contracts (if any).

You may have noticed that we included a constructor as well as an initializer. This constructor serves the purpose of leaving the implementation contract in an initialized state, which is a mitigation against certain potential attacks.

To learn more about this and other caveats when writing upgradeable contracts, check out our Writing Upgradeable Contracts guide.


Due to technical limitations, when you upgrade a contract to a new version you cannot change the storage layout of that contract.

This means that, if you have already declared a state variable in your contract, you cannot remove it, change its type, or declare another variable before it. In our Box example, it means that we can only add new state variables after value.

// contracts/Box.solcontract Box { uint256 private _value; // We can safely add a new variable after the ones we had declared address private _owner; // ...}

Fortunately, this limitation only affects state variables. You can change the contract’s functions and events as you wish.

If you accidentally mess up with your contract’s storage layout, the Upgrades Plugins will warn you when you try to upgrade.

To learn more about this limitation, head over to the Modifying Your Contracts guide.


To test upgradeable contracts we should create unit tests for the implementation contract, along with creating higher level tests for testing interaction via the proxy. We can use deployProxy in our tests just like we do when we deploy.

When we want to upgrade, we should create unit tests for the new implementation contract, along with creating higher level tests for testing interaction via the proxy after we upgrade using upgradeProxy, checking that state is maintained across upgrades.

Possible issues

While learning how to upgrade contract you might find yourself in a situation of conflicting contracts on the local environment.To solve this consider using the follow steps:

rm -r build/contractsnpx truffle migrate --reset

Stop the node ctrl+C which was ran with npx hardhat node. Execute a clean: npx hardhat clean.

Next steps

Now that you know how to upgrade your smart contracts, and can iteratively develop your project, it’s time to take your project to testnet and to production! You can rest with the confidence that, should a bug appear, you have the tools to modify your contract and change it.

← Connecting to public test networks

Preparing for mainnet →

Upgrading smart contracts - OpenZeppelin Docs (2024)


Can smart contracts be upgraded? ›

Smart contracts in Ethereum are immutable by default. Once you create them there is no way to alter them, effectively acting as an unbreakable contract among participants.

Can you update a smart contract once deployed? ›

Typically, smart contracts are unchangeable once deployed. This immutability builds trust among DeFi parties since even the contract's creator can't alter it. However, this also means they can't be updated, posing risks if security or other issues arise.

Can I change or delete a smart contract? ›

A transaction that deletes a smart contract from a Hedera network. Once a smart contract is marked deleted, you will not be able to modify any of the contract's properties. **** If a smart contract did not have an admin key defined, you cannot delete the smart contract.

Are smart contracts reversible and can be modified? ›

Immutable: once deployed, a smart contract cannot be changed. Autonomy: no third parties are involved. As there are no intermediaries, this means that once conditions are met, the contract is executed immediately.

What is the difference between an upgrade and a new contract? ›

An upgrade is when you choose to renew your existing mobile contract with the same network provider. If you choose to switch network the industry classes this as a new connection.

Can smart contracts be patched? ›

The input smart contract can be either bytecode or Solidity source code. The latter, will be compiled into bytecode before performing any analysis or patching. The patched smart contract consists of the patched version of the bytecode of the original smart contract.

What happens when a smart contract is deployed? ›

Yes, when you deploy a smart contract, you are instantiating it. This means that you are creating a new instance of the contract on the Ethereum network, with its own unique address. Each time you want to create a new instance of the same smart contract, you will need to deploy a new contract to the network.

What happens if your contract ends during deployment? ›

Service members whose ETS, retirement, or end of service obligation date falls during a deployment may be involuntarily extended until the end of their unit's deployment.

Are smart contracts irreversible? ›

Once completed, the transactions are trackable and irreversible. The best way to envision a smart contract is to think of a vending machine—when you insert the correct amount of money and push an item's button, the program (the smart contract) activates the machine to dispense your chosen item.

Can you burn a smart contract? ›

The NFT's smart contract can also allow another entity to initiate the burning of an NFT. An NFT is “burned” when it becomes disabled from individual ownership.

How do I migrate to a new smart contract? ›

Smart contract migration mainly consists of two steps: recovering the data to be migrated and writing this data into a new contract deployed on the target blockchain. Figure 2 is Smart Contract Migration Process Diagram.

Can smart contracts be changed once deployed? ›

Smart contracts are immutable, meaning that once they are deployed on the blockchain, they cannot be changed or deleted. This ensures that they are tamper-proof and reliable, but also limits their flexibility and adaptability.

Are smart contracts really immutable? ›

Smart contracts are immutable. Once deployed, the code is unalterable, providing a tamper-resistant and trustless environment.

Are smart contracts still relevant? ›

Smart contracts are playing an increasingly important role and being more widely adopted across various sectors. As platforms like Ethereum continue to dominate the market, ensuring their security and reliability is crucial for the broader adoption and trust in smart contracts.

Are smart contracts permanent? ›

Immutability – When a smart contract is written and executed, it cannot be changed, and thus is permanent. Since computers running the blockchain, known as nodes, store an identical copy of the contract, any change to the contract is impossible without consensus on the network.

Can you modify a blockchain? ›

Blockchains can be used to make data in any industry immutable—meaning it cannot be altered.

Do smart contracts run forever? ›

Because smart contracts are Turing complete, they can potentially execute forever, locking up every single node on the blockchain.

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