Understand and manage Windows 10 virtual memory | TechTarget (2024)


It can be difficult for IT pros to understand the intricacies of Windows 10 virtual memory, but they should develop a basic knowledge of virtual memory to effectively manage desktops.

Understand and manage Windows 10 virtual memory | TechTarget (1)


  • Gary Olsen

Published: 20 Apr 2020

One of the biggest headaches for any desktop admin is users complaining about desktop performance, and perhaps the easy culprit to blame is memory.

IT's first instinct may be to buy more memory, but adding more random access memory (RAM) isn't always the best option. Additionally, there are several factors that control and limit how desktops can use memory.

However, there are some fundamental concepts that can help desktop admins understand how Windows 10 virtual memory works and how physical memory fits into the picture.

Windows 10 virtual memory vs. physical memory

IT professionals should understand the basics when it comes to physical memory, virtual memory and virtual addresses -- also known as address space.

Physical memory is the amount of physical RAM available in the computer. This is something organizations purchase with the computer itself and what many people refer to when they say memory.

Physical memory is where data is stored (Figure 1). Each cell shown in the table has a unique address where data is stored that aids the Windows OS in locating applications.

Understand and manage Windows 10 virtual memory | TechTarget (2)

Windows 10 virtual memory exists as a physical, hidden file on the hard disk called the page file: pagefile.sys. IT professionals should think of the virtual memory as using the hard disk for additional memory when there is not enough RAM for all process requests. The processes, typically opening and running applications, fit into a queue that the OS manages.

The OS can access both the Windows 10 virtual memory and physical memory and map the data and resources that the current processes are using from the page file to RAM. Application processes are written specific to an OS because they cannot communicate directly with the hardware.

Processes operate in privacy, so they aren't aware of any other processes using system resources. Each process depends on the OS to prioritize and manage the total resources to avoid crashing the desktop.

Writing memory and page file swapping

When a process starts up, it reserves a certain amount of memory, which is dictated by the developer in the code. However, initializing processes requires few physical resources. This is analogous to making a hotel reservation. For a hotel receptionist, making the reservation just takes some time to enter it in the system and talk to the customer, but it does not block off the room until you arrive.

Committed memory occurs when the process requests the memory manager to back the reservation with memory via RAM and page files. Using the hotel example, this would be checking into the hotel. Now, there is a room blocked off for the customer, but the customer hasn't taken up any resources such as electricity or water. In a similar way, at this point in the process initiation, the OS hasn't written anything to memory.

Windows 10 memory management vocabulary

There are several terms that desktop admins need to know to understand Windows memory management processes.

Page. At 4 KB in size, this is the smallest unit of memory. Pages of memory are reserved, committed or free.

Free memory. Pages of the virtual address space available for a process's use. When a user initializes the process, most of the pages in its virtual address are free memory.

Process reserved memory. The amount of memory reserved by a process for its own use. This memory isn't necessarily used, but it is usually reserved when a process initializes.

Committed memory. Processes actively use this type of memory, and it consists of physical RAM and page files. It is a promise from the OS that it will be backed by RAM or paging files.

Working set. The amount of RAM used by a single process. This includes private and shareable memory.

Page file. A file on disk -- pagefile.sys -- that extends physical memory but can only hold modified memory pages that are not on disk.

When the OS writes the memory, it maps the virtual memory pages into RAM and the process will consume memory. Using the hotel example, this is where the customer enters the room and starts consuming water, electricity, housekeeping services and other resources. Each process performs these actions as they run.

If one process is running and using less than its dedicated physical RAM, the OS should perform well without any RAM-related issues. However, if several processes are running and their data requirements are more than the available physical RAM, the OS stores some data in the page file and swaps it into RAM with a replacement algorithm.

The OS typically swaps out data that it determines isn't frequently in use to the page file and data needed for a current process action will be swapped in. This swapping causes a delay and, thus, a performance hit.

If the process demand is more than the OS can manage with swapping, or if the process gets referred to an address that doesn't exist, it crashes. In this situation, more RAM may be the best option. IT can analyze the page file using debug tools to determine the cause: for example, a bad driver.

In this scenario, perhaps a better analogy is to a restaurant. Someone wants to eat dinner, which is the process. To do so, this person has to be in the restaurant, or the physical memory, but the number of customers allowed at a given time is limited by the number of seats -- address space.

When the number of customers exceeds the number of seats, the restaurant manager, who is the operating system, issues tickets, which are the virtual address space. The manager uses some rationale to remove customers who are waiting for their food to come and allows some customers with tickets to come into the restaurant.

Eventually, everyone will get in, though they may have to come back several times to finish dinner. This process isn't ideal for serving a meal, but it works for computer processes. While more memory provides better performance in some scenarios, there is a limiting factor called the address table.

Virtual addressing and page tables

Each process stores data and code in address space of memory and is mapped onto the virtual address space by the OS to keep track of it. The OS addresses virtual memory and uses the CPU to interface with the physical memory. Windows 10 virtual memory is limited only by the address space available on the computer's architecture. If the computer architecture cannot address all the memory, then adding memory will not help performance. IT professionals should be familiar with the difference between virtual addressing for 32- and 64-bit architectures (Figure 2).

Understand and manage Windows 10 virtual memory | TechTarget (3)

32-bit architecture
The virtual address space for 32-bit architecture has a physical limit of 232 - 1 or about 4 GB, regardless of the amount of RAM in the computer. Further, Windows divides the address space up into two sections: user and kernel space (Figure 1). The addresses in the kernel space are reserved for system processes, and only the user space addresses are accessible for applications. Therefore, each application has a virtual memory limit of 2 GB, regardless of physical RAM.

No process can ever address more than 2 GB of virtual address space by default. Exceeding this limit produces an out-of-virtual-memory error and can occur even when there is plenty of physical memory available.

Consider a user with several applications open at the same time on a 32-bit platform, for example. Each application or process has 2 GB of virtual address space and has no way to know it is sharing physical RAM with other processes. The OS' memory management then will use Process Translation Extensions to translate the virtual address space for each process to physical RAM. The use of virtual memory allows the three applications, each with 2 GB of virtual address space, to share the 2 GB RAM in the computer (Figure 2). The OS accomplishes this by paging infrequently used data to disk and paging it back to RAM when needed.

The 32-bit architecture can only provide 4 GB address space on an endpoint device with 12 GB of RAM, so it may appear that there is 8 GB of wasted RAM. The RAM isn't wasted; it's allocated to the Physical Address Extension (PAE). This is a processor feature, supported by Intel and AMD, that extends the address space to 236 or about 64 GB. This requires a chipset capable of PAE, and applications must be written to take advantage of PAE.

PAE is enabled on Windows desktops by default, unless explicitly disabled. IT can also repurpose 1 GB from kernel space and add it to user space by using the /3GB switch in boot.ini and BCD. This is common for server applications such as 32-bit Microsoft Exchange Server.

64-bit architecture
The 64-bit architecture (x64) permits 264 or about 16 exabytes (EB) of address space. Windows uses a 16 TB tuning model, with 8 TB in user space and 8 TB in Kernel space (Figure 3). This makes a significant difference in memory addressing over the 4 MB of 32 bit.

Understand and manage Windows 10 virtual memory | TechTarget (4)

Rather than the same special switches and extensions of the 32-bit architecture, x64 addresses memory management with a flat model. This allows more processes to run in memory without paging, significantly increasing performance for memory-intensive processes.

The sum of all the memory used by active processes in the system is displayed in Windows 10 Task Manager (Figure 4).

Understand and manage Windows 10 virtual memory | TechTarget (5)

IT professionals can opt to view the alternative Resource Monitor available within Task Manager. This view displays visual and numerical data on the following categories of resource use and availability:

  • Hardware reserved. Memory dedicated to hardware operation.
  • In Use. Memory used by processes, Windows and drivers.
  • Modified. Memory with contents that have not been written to disk. This memory cannot be used until it is written to disk.
  • Standbby. Memory that contains cached data and code not currently in use.
  • Free. Free memory that does not contain any valuable data and will be used first when more memory is needed.

Dig Deeper on Windows OS and management

  • ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM)By: GavinWright
  • pagefileBy: RobertSheldon
  • memory pagingBy: JuliaAnderson
  • memory managementBy: RobertSheldon

As an expert in Windows operating systems and virtual memory management, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to help IT professionals navigate the complexities of Windows 10 virtual memory. My expertise is backed by hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the concepts discussed in the provided article.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Physical Memory vs. Virtual Memory:

    • Physical Memory: This refers to the actual RAM installed in a computer. It's where data is stored temporarily for quick access by the CPU.
    • Virtual Memory: Windows 10 virtual memory is a concept where a hidden file on the hard disk (pagefile.sys) is used as additional memory when physical RAM is insufficient for all process requests. The operating system manages the queue of processes, accessing both virtual and physical memory.
  2. Memory Management Vocabulary:

    • Page: The smallest unit of memory, typically 4 KB in size. Pages can be reserved, committed, or free.
    • Free Memory: Virtual address space available for a process's use when it initializes.
    • Process Reserved Memory: Memory reserved by a process for its use during initialization.
    • Committed Memory: Actively used memory, consisting of physical RAM and page files, backed by the OS.
    • Working Set: The amount of RAM used by a single process, including private and shareable memory.
    • Page File: A file on disk (pagefile.sys) extending physical memory, holding modified memory pages not on disk.
  3. Memory Writing and Page File Swapping:

    • Processes reserve memory during initialization, and committed memory is backed by RAM or page files.
    • The OS maps virtual memory pages into RAM, and processes consume memory, analogous to a customer entering a hotel room and using resources.
  4. Virtual Addressing and Page Tables:

    • Each process stores data in the address space of memory, mapped onto virtual address space by the OS.
    • Virtual memory is limited by the address space available, crucial for understanding performance limitations.
  5. 32-bit vs. 64-bit Architecture:

    • 32-bit Architecture: Limited to 4 GB of address space, with a 2 GB limit for user space. PAE extends the address space to about 64 GB.
    • 64-bit Architecture: Allows for a vast address space of 16 exabytes (EB), with a 16 TB tuning model. Uses a flat model for memory management, improving performance for memory-intensive processes.
  6. Resource Monitoring in Windows 10 Task Manager:

    • IT professionals can monitor hardware reserved, in-use, modified, standby, and free memory in the Task Manager or Resource Monitor.

Understanding these concepts is crucial for IT professionals to effectively manage desktops, optimize performance, and troubleshoot memory-related issues in Windows 10 environments.

Understand and manage Windows 10 virtual memory | TechTarget (2024)


What should virtual memory be set at Windows 10? ›

Note: Microsoft recommends that virtual memory be set at no less than 1.5 times and no more than 3 times the amount of RAM on the computer. For power PC owners (most UE/UC users), there is likely at least 2 GB of RAM, so the virtual memory can be set up to 6,144 MB (6 GB).

How much virtual memory should I set for 16GB RAM? ›

However, with advancements in technology and more efficient operating systems, this rule is not as rigid as it once was. For a system with 16GB RAM, setting the virtual memory between 24GB to 32GB is a good starting point, but adjustments might be needed based on specific use cases.

How do I manage virtual memory in Windows? ›

Click Start > Settings > Control Panel. Double-click the System icon. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab and click Performance Options. In the Performance Options dialog, under Virtual memory, click Change.

How much virtual memory should I set for 8GB RAM? ›

As a rule of thumb, the paging file should be a minimum of 1.5 times the size of your installed RAM, and a maximum of 3 times your RAM size. For example, if you have 8 GB RAM, your minumum would be 1024 x 8 x 1.5 = 12,288 MB, and your maximum would be 1024 x 8 x 3 = 24,576 MB.

What happens if virtual memory is too high? ›

Virtual Memory - High Usage

This could be slowing down some operations. Some actions that might help performance are: Exit and restart Revit. Specify fewer worksets when opening/saving a file.

Does increasing virtual memory speed up computer? ›

Virtual memory is important for improving system performance, multitasking and using large programs. However, users should not overly rely on virtual memory, since it is considerably slower than RAM.

Does changing virtual memory help? ›

To ensure that you have sufficient memory to deploy models and perform other processes like sending and receiving events, you can increase the maximum virtual memory on your Windows system.

What is the ideal paging file size? ›

Managing Your Page File Guidelines:

The Page File should be approximately 1.5 - 2 times the size of your total system memory (RAM). A computer with 4GB of RAM will need a Page File a minimum of 6GB (6144 MB) and a maximum of 8GB (8192MB).

Do I need a pagefile with 16GB of RAM? ›

Unless you are running applications that require a massive memory space, then most Windows systems can actually run without a pagefile. Obviously if the memory required by all the running processes (including Windows itself) exceeds the physical memory size then it will have problems.

How do you clean up virtual memory? ›

Open the Registry Editor and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > Session Manager > Memory Management. Double-click ClearPageFileAtShutdown. Change the Value_data to 1. Reboot.

How do I stop my computer from using virtual memory? ›

how to disable virtual memory
  1. Press Windows key + R to open the Run window.
  2. Type CMD to open the command prompt.
  3. Copy and paste this command: fsutil behavior set encryptpagingfile 0.
  4. Once done, restart your PC to apply the changes made.
Mar 18, 2017

What is the difference between virtual memory and Page File? ›

Pagefile. RAM is a limited resource, whereas for most practical purposes, virtual memory is unlimited. There can be many processes, and each process has its own 2 GB of private virtual address space.

What is the default virtual memory in Windows 10? ›

Therefore, each application has a virtual memory limit of 2 GB, regardless of physical RAM. No process can ever address more than 2 GB of virtual address space by default. Exceeding this limit produces an out-of-virtual-memory error and can occur even when there is plenty of physical memory available.

Is virtual memory necessary? ›

If virtual memory doesn't exist, we can't load more than one program in the main memory. This means that without virtual memory, we can only run one program at a time. This is because each program might have to use different functions that may point to the same addresses in RAM.

How much RAM should I allocate to Windows 10 VM? ›

A good starting point is to allocate 2 GB for Windows 10 or later desktops. If you want to use one of the hardware accelerated graphics features for 3D workloads, VMware recommends two virtual CPUs and 4 GB of RAM.

What is the optimal virtual memory size for 32gb RAM Win 10? ›

It is recommended that you set between 1.5 to 3 times the amount of virtual memory vs physical memory. So we have 32 GB of total RAM, and I'm therefore confused why Windows has currently allocated 2648 MB of virtual memory, and it says that it recommends 4982 MB to be allocated.

Should I set virtual memory to 0? ›

RE: Setting Virtual Memory To Zero

Probably the only useful reason for disabling virtual memory is when you want to test a program in a low memory condition. In that case you need VM off, otherwise you won't know exactly how much memory to eat up to get into a low memory state...

How much virtual memory should I set for 4GB RAM Windows 10? ›

A general guideline is to set the virtual memory to be 1.5 to 3 times the size of your physical RAM, ensuring there is enough space left on the hard drive for other needs.

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