Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (2024)

It is fairly often we hear from people, either friends on Instagram or randomly in our inbox, asking foundational questions about flipping houses. I’ve avoided writing on this topic thus far because there are so many resources out there! However, each individual investor has views, experiences, strategies, and systems that are unique to them and hold their own value.So, after flipping over 100 houses in the Triangle area, it felt like a good idea to weigh in and write a beginners guide for how to flip a house.

Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (1)

In today’s post, we answer a majority of frequently asked questions, share parts of our journey, and offer advice on how to get started so you can eventually flip your first house! From initial steps to analyzing potential deals to the structure of funding: this post is here for your reference whenever you need or want to share it!

A Beginner’s Guide to How to Flip a House: Answering your Top Questions

Step 1: Networking & Education

I want to start flipping houses. How do I get started?

You can always dig a little deeper into how to start flipping houses, but the most basic initial step is simple: read the right books and network with like-minded people. Locate your nearest real estate investment association (REIA) or community and get plugged in! This way, you become familiar with common real estate lingo, can listen to individual stories, and hear about opportunities in the pipeline!

Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (2)

Two real estate investing communities have been particularly valuable on our journey: Bigger Pockets and InvestHER. The Bigger Pockets platform is a wealth of knowledge for newbies and experienced investors alike – and where we learned most of what we know today! If you are a female real estate investor, I suggest becoming a part of The Real Estate InvestHER Community.There is a podcast, facebook community and local meetups (both virtual and in-person) where women can find the support they need to gain financial freedom through real estate.

Get Connected! Two minds are better than one…

And be sure to reach out to us on Instagram! I would love to connect with and be a support to you!

For Book Recommendations on how to flip a house, start here:

Here’s an Idea: Invest in your education using your valuable time. Consider volunteering your time with an experienced investor and work for free in exchange for mentorship. You could offer to drive for dollars, clean up job sites, move materials on a job site, paint a house, etc. Get creative and write down all the things that you are good at. If they agree, while you are offering the value of your time and skills, they provide value through education and it is an equitable exchange. Plus, you now have your foot in the door for a potential partner on your first or second deal.

Step 2: Secure Funding

I’ve heard that you can flip houses with no money, but how can that be true?

Let’s be clear friends, the keys to financial freedom are not free. Don’t let overly idealistic concepts the ‘gurus’ sell fool you, nor the ads that “flipping houses with no money” imply. Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with online courses or even OPM (using other people’s money). Rest assured, flipping houses takes a personal investment.

How OPM works

Nevertheless, this is how the concept works (well, one of the ways). Say you find a house, analyze the deal and it the numbers work. Now you need to fund it. In this case, because you are new to REI, you locate a hard money lender to fund the majority or all of the purchase price, but still need the remainder in order to add value to the property. You locate an experienced investor who is willing to loan you the money. In exchange, both lenders receive an agreed-to interest rate. The person bringing the majority of funds to the project is called the first position lender and receives the most secure position on the loan. Other lenders are second position and so on. In the event of foreclosure, first position lenders are paid out first.

Hard money lenders usually mean expensive money, including points and high interest rate. But, there is a time and place for it, such as when you are first starting out. Most lenders want to see that you do have your own “skin” AKA ” funds” in the game, especially on your first deal. This is why hard money lenders compensate for high-risk new investors – by offering less favorable terms.

Yes, we currently flip houses without using our own capital, but it didn’t start that way.

Each investor has a unique beginning, a different story. Here is ours:

First, we proved to ourselves that we were capable of this work. Our first primary residence was a fixer-upper which we sold for a profit of $45,000.

  • Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (3)
  • Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (4)

Second, we networked with others, educated ourselves, studied rehab costs, and practiced analyzing deals.

Next, we used a combination of hard money lenders, our money, and a second position private lender to fund a smaller portion of our second, third, and fourth deals. In this structure, we paid high-interest rates, points, and had ‘skin’ in the game. Our profit margins were not as good then, but we were paying for our education and earning credibility for future lending partners.

We believe before taking on the responsibility of accepting someone else’s hard-earned cash, it is your ethical obligation to prove to yourself before you prove to others that you are skilled and capable to be a good steward of those funds.

Currently, this is one of the ways we fund our deals:

Private money funds the majority of our flip projects, and usually indicates no points and better interest rates. We hold the honor to work with a handful of private investors with whom we have an established relationship, a long-standing proven track record, and maintain excellent, transparent communication. Some private lenders have $500k +, some have $25k to lend. But each investor agrees to an acceptable interest rate, one that aligns with their personal goals. Annualized interest rates accrue during the life of the project, paid upon closing, and secured using a promissory note and deed of trust. On any given project, we hold a maximum of two lenders.

Step 3: Practice Analyzing Deals

How Much Does It Cost to Flip a House?

The answer to this one is highly dependent on the house’s condition and, therefore, the project’s scope of work. This is where education comes in. You will want to have a good grasp of how much certain line items cost. J. Scott wrote a good book on Estimating Rehab Costs that will serve you well.

It is worth noting, many costs associated with flipping a house fall outside of the renovation budget. See: Hidden Costs of Flipping Houses.

You will also want to account for these factors when analyzing the cost of a potential house flip deal:

  1. Insurance
  2. Utilities
  3. Selling Costs (Commissions, Cleaning, Staging, Photography)
  4. Management costs (General Contractor or Construction Manager)
  5. Accrued Interest
  6. A Contingency or “Uh-Oh” Fund (15-20% of rehab budget for an inexperienced rehabber)

Account for all of these costs, taking into consideration the anticipated hold time. However, calculating all of these items is only one step in analyzing a potential deal.

  • Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (5)
  • Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (6)
But how do I know how much to pay for the house?

To know how much you should pay for a house, you have to establish three major things:

  • Rehab costs
  • Holding Costs
  • ARV (after repair value)

Materials, location, and labor determine rehab costs. Holding costs are all utilities, accruing interest, insurances, etc. ARV is the price the market supports after all repairs are complete.

ARV – (Rehab Costs + Holding Costs) = Profit

Don’t forget to brush up on your real estate lingo!

Try building a calculator in Excel or Google Sheets! Uriah built a calculator that helps us analyze properties prior to purchase. Within this tool, we insert the ARV (after repair value), estimated holding time, selling costs, among other things. This foundational tool helps us know what to offer a seller.

Step 4: Marketing

How do you find the houses to flip?
Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (7)

Just like Home Depot, Wegmans, and Pottery Barn are marketing to you, we market to find our ideal clients: homeowners who want to sell. Marketing strategies vary from investor to investor and market to market. We’ve invested in multiple courses in order to build and establish our own strategy.

Some options for marketing are:
  • Driving for $$
  • ListSource
  • Direct mail letters or postcards
  • Email marketing
  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Ads
  • SEO

In our personal journey direct mail, SEO, and Google Ads have been the most effective. Full disclosure, here: acquisition costs can be HIGH in this business! But, you can’t flip houses without a house and you can’t find houses unless you show sellers you are there. Our monthly marketing budget ranges from $4-6k per month.

*Does that number make you want to pass out? Direct mail letters are a solid, cost-effective place to start – plus, we’ve noticed a higher conversion rate than postcards.

  • Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (8)
  • Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (9)

Now you know how to flip a house – are you Ready?

Actually, there’s still a good bit left to learn like hiring contractors, managing the budget, etc. But, it’s not too early to read, network, look for houses and start talking to lenders. We have lots of ideas on this blog to help you. Join our email list and become an Inspiring Investor! See the form below

Until Next Time…

Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (10)

Do you have any other questions on how to flip a house? Let us know in a comment below!

Ultimate Beginner's Guide: How to Flip a House - Tii | Real Estate Investing (2024)


What is the 70% rule in house flipping? ›

The 70% rule can help flippers when they're scouring real estate listings for potential investment opportunities. Basically, the rule says real estate investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's after-repair value (ARV) minus the cost of the repairs necessary to renovate the home.

What is the formula for buying a house to flip? ›

The 70% rule means you should only purchase a property to flip if its price—plus the amount you expect to spend on renovations and repairs—is 70% or less of what you think the house's value will be when you resell it. This helps you avoid overspending on a property that'll give you little return on your investment.

What is the hardest part of flipping a house? ›

Even if you get every detail right, changing market conditions could mean that every assumption you made at the beginning will be invalid by the end.
  1. Not Enough Money. Dabbling in real estate is expensive. ...
  2. Not Enough Time. Flipping houses is time-consuming. ...
  3. Not Enough Skills. ...
  4. Not Enough Knowledge. ...
  5. Not Enough Patience.

How do you flip a house for beginners? ›

How to Start Flipping Houses in 2023
  1. Get to know your real estate market. ...
  2. Talk to experienced house flippers. ...
  3. Organize your own finances and set a budget. ...
  4. Build your team. ...
  5. Search for a property and make a purchase. ...
  6. Develop a timeline and plan for your flip. ...
  7. Make your sale. ...
  8. Choose the next house to flip!
Feb 6, 2023

What is the golden rule for flipping houses? ›

Many home flippers abide by the so-called golden rule for house flipping: the 70% rule, which says that you should pay no more than 70% of what you estimate the house's ARV (after-repair value) to be. You generally calculate ARV as the current property value plus the added value of any renovations you do.

What is the golden formula for real estate? ›

70 percent Rule

This rule states that you should only pay 70% of what you think the after repair value is of a property minus your estimated repair costs. if you think a home would sell for $300,000 after you fix it up, 70% of that would be $210,000 minus your repair costs of let's say $50,000.

Do most house flippers lose money? ›

The average ROI was -4.1%, and losses averaged out to $18,640. Five of the 10 worst markets for house flipping by ROI in 2023 were in Texas. Data source: ATTOM Data (2024).

What is better than flipping a house? ›

Buying rental properties carries significantly less risk than flipping, and it's a better choice if you're looking for a more passive income approach. Buying a vacation rental is a significant decision, so it's important to determine whether a property is worth your investment.

What should you not do when flipping a house? ›

5 Do's and 5 Don'ts for Flipping a House
  1. Don't Buy the Best House on the Street. ...
  2. But Do Shop in Up-and-Coming Areas. ...
  3. Do Consult Contractors Before You Buy. ...
  4. Don't Ignore the Warning Signs. ...
  5. Don't Hold the House Too Long. ...
  6. Don't Oversell Your DIY Skills. ...
  7. Do Try Your Hand at Simple DIY Projects. ...
  8. Do Call a Pro for the Big Stuff.

What is the first thing to do when flipping a house? ›

How to flip a house, step-by-step
  1. Set a budget: House flipping is expensive, and the first step is to make sure you have your finances in order. ...
  2. Find a property: Next, look for properties that fit your finances. ...
  3. Make an offer: When you find the right property, it's time to make an offer.
Jul 8, 2024

How long should a house flip take? ›

How long does it take to flip a house? The average time to flip a house is 178 days. Typically, it depends on the extent and the cost of renovations required, market conditions, and the type of property you're flipping.

How do you calculate a 70% rule? ›

70% Rule: Formula and Example
  1. Formula: (ARV * 0.7) – rehab.
  2. Example: ($100,000 * 0.7) = $50,000.
Jan 3, 2024

What are the IRS rules for flipping houses? ›

The IRS considers the profits of flipping houses as ordinary income, meaning that you pay taxes within your normal income tax rate. You'll have to pay a self-employment tax, which typically is a rate of 15.3%. You will also pay federal income taxes and state income taxes, again at your ordinary income tax rate.

How do I avoid capital gains tax on a flip? ›

A few options to legally avoid paying capital gains tax on investment property include buying your property with a retirement account, converting the property from an investment property to a primary residence, utilizing tax harvesting, and using Section 1031 of the IRS code for deferring taxes.

Why is house flipping illegal? ›

The lender finds out the truth about the property's value and can't possibly recoup its money. Simply put, this type of “flipping” is a crime because it violates California's fraud laws. In fact, it is sometimes referred to as mortgage fraud or loan fraud.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.