Tsukiyomi | Shintō deity (2024)


Notable Family Membersfather Izanagi sister Amaterasu

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Why Do Bananas Turn Brown?

Shintō deity

Also known as: Tsuki-yomi, Tsukiyomi no Mikoto

Learn about this topic in these articles:


  • In Izanagi and Izanami

    …left eye, the moon god Tsukiyomi was born from his right eye, and the storm god Susanoo was born from his nose. In the Shintō religion, Izanagi’s bath is regarded as the founding of harai, the important ritual purification practices of Shintō.

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Ukemochi no Kami

  • In Ukemochi no Kami

    …of Japan”), the moon god, Tsukiyomi, was dispatched to earth by his sister, the sun goddess Amaterasu, to visit Ukemochi no Kami. (According to the Kojiki, “Records of Ancient Matters,” it was another brother, the storm god Susanoo, who was sent on the mission.) The food goddess welcomed him by…

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Tsukiyomi | Shintō deity (2024)


Tsukiyomi | Shintō deity? ›

Tsukuyomi no Mikoto

Tsukuyomi no Mikoto
Tsukuyomi (Japanese: 月読), or Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto (Japanese: 月読尊), is the god of the moon in Japanese mythology. He is the brother of Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, and of Susanoo, the god of the sea and storms.
https://simple.wikipedia.org › wiki › Tsukuyomi
is a kami from the Shintō religion, but details about him are scarce in literature. He is the Japanese god of the Moon and as such, is also associated with calendars and the tides. Two kanji characters make up his name; tsuki means ''moon,'' and yo(mi) means ''reading.

What does tsukiyomi represent? ›

Tsukuyomi (Japanese: 月読), or Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto (Japanese: 月読尊), is the god of the moon in Japanese mythology. He is the brother of Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, and of Susanoo, the god of the sea and storms.

Is it tsukiyomi or Tsukuyomi? ›

Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto (ツクヨミノミコト, 月読命), or simply Tsukuyomi (ツクヨミ, 月読) or Tsukiyomi (ツキヨミ), is the moon kami in Japanese mythology and the Shinto religion. The name "Tsukuyomi" is a compound of the Old Japanese words tsuku (月, "moon, month", becoming modern Japanese tsuki) and yomi (読み, "reading, counting").

Who is the most powerful Japanese deity? ›

Legitimizing the early Japanese state of Yamato might be called the main theme of the Kojiki legends. It is also the reason why Amaterasu is revered as the highest deity in Japanese mythology.

What does the name Tsuyomi mean? ›

The surname Hirawa contains the kanji平和, meaning plain of harmony. His name Tsuyomi contains the kanji 強 (Tsuyo), meaning strength and 身 (Mi) meaning body.

Is Tsukuyomi good or bad? ›

Like the moon, he is also kind and peaceful, but he is often regarded as an evil character. He was a god who cared deeply about order and etiquette, and he would go to great lengths to enforce it. Like Amaterasu, he was a proud god who stood for what he believed in.

Why did Tsukiyomi get mad with the food goddess? ›

Once Tsukuyomi arrived, Uke Mochi began to prepare the food; she turned into the ocean and spat out fish, faced the forest and spat out game, then turned into a rice paddy and coughed up rice. The food looked delicious, but Tsukuyomi was so disgusted by the way Uke Mochi produced the food that he killed her.

Who is the most feared Japanese god? ›

Fujin and Raijin are the most feared and respected of all Japanese deities. These two gods are the masters of wind and thunder and always seen together in works of art. Wood and stone sculptures of Fujin and Raijin are found at the gates of Japanese shrines and temples as protectors.

Who are the 4 guardian deities of Japan? ›

The Four Guardian Deities are a pantheon of four divine beasts; namely, the Blue Dragon, the White Tiger, the Red Phoenixes and the Black Tortoise and Serpent.

What is Japan's main god? ›

The Sun Goddess Amaterasu is considered Shinto's most important kami. Some prominent rocks are worshiped as kami.

What is the meaning of tsuyoi? ›

Japanese Adjective tsuyoi - 強い- strong.

What does Tsuyo mean in Japanese? ›

"tsuyo" is not a correct term, but it is a stem of an adjective "tsuyoi" translated as a word "strong".

Is Tsuyoi a Japanese name? ›

Meaning & History

Means "strong" in Japanese.

What is the meaning of the Tsukuyomi? ›

In Japanese mythology, Tsukuyomi is the god of the Moon, said to have been born when Izanagi, after escaping from the underworld, washed his face and cleaned his right eye. As the Moon god, Tsukuyomi is associated with the passing of time, and at times is cited to be the God of Time (or at least of the calendar).

What does the moon symbolize in Japan? ›

Many works of art and literature grew out of admiration for the moon. Japanese have always presented offerings for ritual viewings of the moon. With the moon itself as the object of worship, they would give thanks for a bountiful harvest and make offerings of their crops.

What does izanami represent? ›

Izanami is a Shintō creation god who became the Japanese goddess of death after she died. Her name, Izanami, means ''the female who invites. '' Her honorary title is Izanagi no Mikoto, which means Highness Izanami or the Revered Lady Izanami.

What mythical creature represents the moon? ›

Rabbit or hare

In Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica the rabbit is often associated with the Moon, for example, Tecciztecatl, the Aztec moon god, was pictured as an anthropomorphic rabbit. Frequently, the Maya moon goddess is represented with a rabbit in her lap.

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