Troubleshooting — Anaconda documentation (2024)

Table of Contents
Most common issues# Conda: Channel is unavailable/missing or package itself is missing# 403 error# HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED# Conda: command not found on macOS/Linux# conda update anaconda command does not install the latest version of the anaconda metapackage# Recovering your Anaconda installation# Anaconda Distribution issues# Using Anaconda behind a firewall or proxy# InsecurePlatformWarning error# Anaconda search error: not recognized as an internal or external command/unrecognized arguments# Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): - Killed# Linking problems when Python extensions are compiled with gcc# Error message: Unable to remove files# Using 32- and 64-bit libraries and CONDA_FORCE_32BIT# Anaconda Distribution installation issues# Cannot get conda to run after installing# “This package is incompatible with this version of macOS” error when running a .pkg installer on OSX# Anaconda installer download problems# Error message on Miniconda install: Already installed# “The installation failed” message when running a .pkg installer on OSX# Windows-specific Anaconda Distribution issues# Cannot see Anaconda menu shortcuts after installation on Windows# Windows error: Failed to create Anaconda menus or Failed to add Anaconda to the system PATH# Anaconda interfering with other software on Windows# Files left behind after uninstalling Anaconda on Windows# Spyder errors or failure to launch on Windows# Uninstaller requests admin privileges on Windows# Windows permission errors when installing from Favorites folder# Trouble with activation on PowerShell on Windows# MacOS-specific Anaconda Distribution issues# .zshrc not updated under macOS Catalina# Segmentation fault on package import with macOS Python 3.7 interpreter# Linux-specific Anaconda Distribution issues# Missing libgomp on Power8# Anaconda on Power8 reports “can not execute binary file”# Navigator issues# Navigator error on start up# Issues launching or initializing# PermissionError on macOS Catalina# Access denied error# Navigator buttons are missing# Trouble logging in to the Anaconda Server connection in Navigator# VS Code is not appearing on the Navigator Home tab# Anaconda Navigator fails to start and gives Permission denied error# Navigator gives ‘Email verification failed’ error 403# Navigator fails to start due to “Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” in “” even though it was found” error# Disable Anaconda Cloud login reminder# issues# Captcha not appearing when trying to create an account on Firefox# “URI no longer exists and has been permanently removed” 410 error when attempting to upload notebooks or environments to

If you encounter an issue that is not listed here, you can obtain support for Anaconda through the Anaconda community. For Anaconda installation or technical support options, visit our support offerings page.


The Navigator and troubleshooting pages have been consolidated into this page. Click to view their sections:

  • Navigator



You can search this page for information using your browser’s search function (Ctrl/Cmd + F).

Most common issues#

Conda: Channel is unavailable/missing or package itself is missing#


After you have configured your .condarc on either the Pro or Business tier, in some cases you may be unable to install packages.You may receive an error message that the channel or package is unavailable or missing.


One potential fix for all of these is to run the following command:

conda clean -i

This will clear the “index cache” and force conda to sync metadata from the repo server.

403 error#


A 403 errors is a generic Forbidden error issued by a web server in the event the client is forbidden from accessing a resource.

The 403 error you are receiving may look like the following:

Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): failedUnavailableInvalidChannel: The channel is not accessible or is invalid. channel name: pkgs/main channel url: error code: 403You will need to adjust your conda configuration to proceed.Use `conda config --show channels` to view your configuration's current state,and use `conda config --show-sources` to view config file locations.There are several reasons a 403 error could be received:

There are a few possible reasons for receiving this error:

  • The user has misconfigured their channels in their configuration (for example, the secure location where the token is stored was accidentally deleted (most common)

  • A firewall or other security device or system is preventing user access (second most common)

  • We are blocking their access because of a potential terms of service violation (third most common)

  1. First, run the following to undo your configuration:

    conda config --remove-key default_channels

    When conda is first installed, the default channels it uses to install packages are and (as well as for Windows operating systems).

  2. If your other channels require a token, install or upgrade the conda-token tool by running the following command:

    conda install --freeze-installed conda-token
  3. Lastly, re-apply the token and configuration settings:

    # Replace <TOKEN> with your tokenconda token set <TOKEN>

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, Anaconda recommends consulting our Terms of Service error page.



This is generally caused by a proxy misconfiguration, which can be corrected by setting your proxy servers correctly. However, because some businesses do not have an easy method of providing their SSL cert, Anaconda recommends bypassing the SSL verification step if you encounter this error.


If you receive this error message, first run the following command:

conda config --set ssl_verify false

(Package Security Manager users) If necessary, install conda-token by running the following command:

conda install conda-token -n base

(Package Security Manager users) Ensure the token verification step ignores SSL errors by running the following command:

# Replace <TOKEN> with your tokenconda token set --no-ssl-verify <TOKEN>

You may see the following warning, though you can safely ignore it:

/Users/<USERNAME>/Applications/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host ''. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:,

Conda: command not found on macOS/Linux#


The conda shell function is not available or is not working properly. Some causes:

  • You haven’t started a new shell after installing Anaconda/Miniconda (assuming you allow it to modify your startup script).

  • You didn’t allow the installer to modify your startup script.

  • Conda has been corrupted, usually by a change in the Python package (e.g. 3.9->3.7).

  • You have set auto_activate_base to false.


If your install is new, close and reopen your terminal application. If you want your terminal to remain open, you can source your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file. When you “source” a script, your terminal re-reads it and applies the changes, which usually only happens when the terminal is first opened.

# Replace bash_profile with bashrc on Linux and Windows Subsystem for Linux. ~/.bash_profile

To initialize conda in your current terminal, run the following command:

# Replace <PATH> with the path for where you installed Anaconda Distribution<PATH>/bin/conda init zsh

For example, if you installed Anaconda Distribution to the default location on macOS or Linux, your command would look like the following:

~/anaconda3/bin/conda init zsh

To see the value for auto_activate_base, run the following command:

conda config --describe auto_activate_base

If your terminal returns true, this means that conda is not automatically activating your base environment when you start a new shell. This behavior emulates your system Python, and some users prefer to have their conda environment be inactive until they need it. However, this is not conda’s default behavior after installation.

To change the value of auto_activate_base, run the following command:

# Replace <TRUE_OR_FALSE> with true or falseconda config --set auto_activate_base <TRUE_OR_FALSE>

If you have auto_activate_base set as false, the conda command will still be available as a shell function, but your base environment will not be active when a new shell is started. To activate your base environment, run conda activate.

conda update anaconda command does not install the latest version of the anaconda metapackage#


The anaconda metapackage was removed from Anaconda Distribution installers in February of 2023 and no longer appears in your base environment by default. This troubleshooting topic assumes you are working with package incompatibilities in an environment containing the anaconda metapackage.


If you have installed packages that are incompatible with the latest version of the Anaconda metapackage, running conda update anaconda updates the Anaconda metapackage to the latest compatible version. Keep in mind this might not be the latest version.

  1. Obtain a list of the conflicting packages by running conda update anaconda or conda install anaconda=2023.07.


    Replace 2023.07 with the latest version number.

  2. Enter n to cancel the installation or update.

  3. Once you know which packages are conflicting, you can:

    • update all current packages without upgrading to the latest version of the anaconda metapackage, or

    • remove the conflicting packages and then upgrade to the latest version of the anaconda metapackage.

To update all current packages without upgrading to the latest version of the anaconda metapackage:

  1. Remove the anaconda metapackage itself by running the following command:

    conda remove anaconda
  2. Update all currently installed packages by running the following command:

    conda update --all

To remove the conflicting packages and upgrade to the latest version of the anaconda metapackage:

  1. Remove the conflicting packages by running the following command for each one:

    conda remove <PACKAGE>
  2. Update to the latest version of the anaconda metapackage:

    conda update anaconda

Recovering your Anaconda installation#

If your Anaconda installation has become corrupted and is in a state where normal conda commands are not functioning, use the following steps to repair Anaconda and preserve your installed packages and environments.

  1. Download a new installer, then follow the instructions for your operating system.


    Use the actual path, filename, and directory name for your installation.

    1. Open a terminal application, such as Command Prompt.

    2. Change your original installer’s name so you do not overwrite it:

      move anaconda3 anaconda_old
    3. Run the Anaconda.exe installer as usual and use robocopy to sync the directories:

      robocopy anaconda_old anaconda3 /S
    4. Delete your old Anaconda installation directory:

      rd /s anaconda_old

    1. Open a terminal application.

    2. Change your original installer’s name so you do not overwrite it:

      mv anaconda3 anaconda_old
    3. Install to same directory as your original installer:

      # Replace <INSTALLER> the name of your installer filebash ~/Downloads/<INSTALLER>rsync -a anaconda_old/ anaconda3/
    4. Delete your old Anaconda installation directory:

      rm -rf anaconda_old

    1. Open a terminal application.

    2. Change your original installer’s name so you do not overwrite it:

      mv anaconda3 anaconda_old
    3. Install to same directory as your original installer:

    4. Delete your old Anaconda installation directory:

      rm -rf anaconda_old
  2. Run conda list to view the packages from the previous installation.

  3. Run conda info -e to list the environments created in the previous installation, which are now available in the new installation.

Anaconda Distribution issues#

Using Anaconda behind a firewall or proxy#

Corporate security policies may prevent a new Anaconda installation from downloading packages and other functionality that requires connecting to an external server. To make external connections, you may need to connect to a firewall/proxy. Additionally, your IT team may need to allow connections to and, as these are the main package repositories.


To add the proxy information, you will need to add two entries to your .condarc file, located in the user’s home directory. This information should be made available by your IT team and may contain a username and password that is included in the URL. For more information, see configure conda for use behind a proxy server.

Example .condarc file configuration:

channels: - defaultsproxy_servers: http: http://username:[emailprotected]:8080 https: https://username:[emailprotected]:8443

In some situations, it may be necessary to export the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables.

set HTTP_PROXY=http://username:[emailprotected]:8080set HTTPS_PROXY=https://username:[emailprotected]:8443

export HTTP_PROXY=http://username:[emailprotected]:8080export HTTPS_PROXY=https://username:[emailprotected]:8443

If these steps have not allowed connections, you should speak to your IT team to verify that security policies are not blocking connections to or

InsecurePlatformWarning error#


InsecurePlatformWarning appears only when the installed version of Python is older than version 2.7.9. This message warns only that the validity of the SSL connection is not being verified. It should not affect your package downloads.


To resolve this, install the updated package ndg-httpsclient:

conda install ndg-httpsclient


When initially installing this package, you receive the SSL warning again. Once it is installed, the package will prevent the warnings.

Anaconda search error: not recognized as an internal or external command/unrecognized arguments#


If anaconda-client is not installed and you search for a package on using the Anaconda search command…

# Replace <PACKAGE> with the name of a package you want to search foranaconda search -t conda <PACKAGE>

…You will receive the following error message:

'anaconda' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

usage: conda [-h] [-V] command ...conda: error: unrecognized arguments: -t <PACKAGE>

To resolve the error:

  1. Install anaconda-client by running the following command:

    conda install anaconda-client
  2. Search for a package:

    # Replace <PACKAGE> with the name of the package you are looking foranaconda search -t conda <PACKAGE>

Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): - Killed#


When installing or searching for a package, you may see the process end abruptly with a “Killed” message:

$ conda install numpyCollecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): doneSolving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): - Killed

This may be because your system lacks the sufficient disk space or memory to complete the process.


Verify that you have enough disk space and memory on your system to install and use Anaconda packages. The minimum system requirements for Miniconda and Anaconda installers can be found in the conda user guide.

Linking problems when Python extensions are compiled with gcc#


When compiling Python extensions with gcc on Windows, linking problems may result.


To resolve these linking problems, use the conda package libpython, a mingw import library that Anaconda builds and includes with the Anaconda Distribution.

Error message: Unable to remove files#

When trying to update or install packages with conda, you may see an error message such as:

Error: Unable to remove files for package: <PACKAGE>Please close all processes running code from conda and try again.

Generally, this is caused by a file lock issue.


Before updating or installing any packages with conda, be sure to terminate any running Anaconda processes, such as Navigator, Spyder, or IPython.

You can also force the installation of the package:

# Replace <PACKAGE> with the name of the package you want to installconda install -f <PACKAGE>

Using 32- and 64-bit libraries and CONDA_FORCE_32BIT#

To work with both 32- and 64-bit libraries, Anaconda recommends that you have two separate installs: Anaconda32 and Anaconda64 or Miniconda32 and Miniconda64.


When working with both versions, add the path to your installer files to the PATH.

To get the information about conda, including your PATH, run the following command:

conda info -a


  • Always specify which version you want to work with because mixing 32- and 64-bit packages can cause problems in your environment.

  • Using force_32bit is not recommended because it forces 32-bit packages to be installed in the environment, but does not force 32-bit libraries to load at runtime.

  • force_32bit should be used only when running conda-build to build 32-bit packages on a 64-bit system.

Anaconda Distribution installation issues#

Cannot get conda to run after installing#

In macOS or Linux, you may get “conda not found” or “conda is not recognized as an internal or external command” or a similar message, and you cannot execute conda in a terminal window regardless of what path you are on. This will not happen in Windows if you use the Anaconda Prompt terminal dialog.


When you were installing Anaconda or Miniconda, you most likely answered “No” to the question about prepending the conda prompt to your PATH.

Solution one

Uninstall and then reinstall Anaconda or Miniconda, answering “Yes” to the question about prepending the conda prompt.

Solution two

Manually edit your .bash_profile file to prepend the Anaconda or Miniconda install location.

  1. Open your .bash_profile file in a text editor with the following command:

    open ~/.bash_profile
  2. Add this line to the .bash_profile file and save:

    # Replace <USERNAME> with your usernameexport PATH=/Users/<USERNAME>/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
  3. Close and re-open your terminal window before running a conda command again.

Manually edit your .bashrc file to prepend the Anaconda or Miniconda install location.

  1. Open your .bashrc file in a text editor with the following command:

    open ~/.bashrc
  2. Add this line to the .bashrc file and save:

    # Replace <USERNAME> with your usernameexport PATH=/Users/<USERNAME>/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
  3. Close and re-open your terminal window before running a conda command again.

“This package is incompatible with this version of macOS” error when running a .pkg installer on OSX#

When running the .pkg installer, you may encounter this error during the “Installation” step:


This error occurs when the installation attempts to write to a directory for which it does not have write permissions.


Manually select an appropriate install location. The following example shows how to select your user’s home directory.

  1. Re-run the installer and click through until you reach either the Installation Type or Destination Select page.

  2. If you reach the Installation Type page first, click Change Install Location…. This will take you to the Destination Select page.

  3. Click Install on a specific disk….

  4. Select the appropriate destination drive. Then click Choose Folder….

  5. Select your user’s home directory (e.g. /Users/john.doe/). Then click Choose.

  6. In the message box, confirm the name of the install folder you chose in the previous step. Then click Continue.

  7. Click Install, and then proceed with the rest of the installation.

If you continue to receive the same error message, please open an issue here, and be sure to include the installation log output from your install.log file, which can be found at /var/log/install.log.

Anaconda installer download problems#


The Anaconda installer files are large (over 600 MB), and some users have problems with errors and interrupted downloads when downloading large files.

Solution one
  1. Download and install the smaller Miniconda (between 70 and 100 MB).

  2. Download and install the remaining packages in Anaconda by using the following command:

    conda install anaconda


If the package downloads are interrupted, just run conda install anaconda again. Conda only downloads the packages that were not finished in any previous attempts.

Solution two

Download the large Anaconda installer file, and restart it if the download is interrupted or you need to pause it.

  1. Find the latest installer at, or an older installer at

  2. In Chrome, use CTRL + J to open the Chrome download manager.

  3. Click Resume to continue the interrupted download.

The Chrome download manager also enables you to pause and resume or cancel and retry downloads in progress.

  1. Find the latest installer at, or an older installer at

  2. In Edge, click Settings and more .

  3. Click Downloads to open the Downloads dialog.

  4. From here, you can use the play, pause, and cancel buttons to control downloads in progress.


Go to edge://downloads/all to open the full page of recent downloads. From here, you can retry cancelled downloads.

  1. Find the latest installer at, or an older installer at

  2. Click the Settings icon.

  3. Click View Downloads to open the Download Manager.

  4. Click Resume beside the stopped download to restart downloading. The download resumes at the point where it stopped.

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. To download the file, use the following command:

    # Replace <INSTALLER> with the the installer file you want to install# See all available installers on https::// -O<INSTALLER>
  3. To pause the download, use CTRL + C.


    While a download is paused, you can shut down or restart your computer.

  4. When you are ready to resume your download, use the following command:

    #Replace <INSTALLER> with the same file you used abovecurl -O -C<INSTALLER>


    The -C flag is the option for “continue”. You can pause and restart a download as many times as you wish.

Error message on Miniconda install: Already installed#


This situation can occur if you are getting a conda error and you want to reinstall Miniconda to fix it.


For macOS and Linux, download and install the appropriate Miniconda for your operating system from the Miniconda download page using the --force or -f option by running the following command:

# Replace the name of the installer if you need a different version or operating systembash ~/Downloads/ -f


Make sure to install to the same location as your existing install so it overwrites the core conda files and does not install duplicates in a new folder.

“The installation failed” message when running a .pkg installer on OSX#


When running the .pkg installer, you may see this message at the end of the installation:

If so, check for the following:

  1. Open your /var/log/install.log file and check whether the most recent lines show errors following a call to conda init --all.

    open /var/log/install.log
  2. In your $HOME directory, check whether the owner of your shell config files is root:

    ls -la ~/.bash_profile ~/.config/fish/ ~/.tcshrc ~/.xonshrc ~/.zshrc

    Troubleshooting — Anaconda documentation (6)


If both of the above are true, do the following:

  1. Change the owner of your shell config files to your current user:

    sudo chown -R $USER ~/.bash_profile ~/.config/fish/ ~/.tcshrc ~/.xonshrc ~/.zshrc

    Troubleshooting — Anaconda documentation (7)

  2. Uninstall the previous installation. Then re-run the installer, making sure to select the Install for me only option.

Windows-specific Anaconda Distribution issues#

Cannot see Anaconda menu shortcuts after installation on Windows#

After installing on Windows, the Anaconda Prompt and Anaconda Navigator shortcuts do not appear in the Windows Start menu.


This may be caused by the way Windows updates the Start menu, or by having multiple versions of Python installed that are interfering with one another. Existing Python installations, installations of Python modules in global locations, or libraries that have the same names as Anaconda libraries can all prevent Anaconda from working properly.


If Start menu shortcuts are missing, Microsoft recommends rebooting your computer or restarting Windows Explorer.

If that doesn’t work, clear your $PYTHONPATH environment variable, if applicable, and re-install Anaconda.

Other potential solutions are covered in the “Conflicts with system state” section of the following blog post.

Windows error: Failed to create Anaconda menus or Failed to add Anaconda to the system PATH#

During installation on a Windows system, a dialog box appears that says “Failed to create Anaconda menus, Abort Retry Ignore” or “Failed to add Anaconda to the system PATH.” There are many possible Windows causes for this.


Try these solutions, in order:

  • Do not install on a PATH longer than 1024 characters.

  • Turn off anti-virus programs before installing, then turn the anti-virus programs back on.

  • Uninstall all previous Python installations.

  • Clear all PATHs related to Python in sysdm.cpl file.

  • Delete any previously set up Java PATHs.

  • If JDK is installed, uninstall it.


To find your path variable:

  1. Search for “environment variables” in the search in your taskbar.

  2. Select Edit the System Environment Variables in the sidebar.

  3. Click Environment Variables in the System Properties dialog.

  4. Highlight the path variable for your user.

  5. Click Edit.

Anaconda interfering with other software on Windows#


If a user chooses to add Anaconda to the Windows PATH, this can cause programs to use the new Anaconda versions of software (like Python) and not the versions that were already in place. In some cases, this can cause incompatibility and errors.


Anaconda recommends against adding Anaconda to the Windows PATH manually. Instead, use Anaconda software by opening Anaconda Navigator or Anaconda Prompt from the Start Menu.

Files left behind after uninstalling Anaconda on Windows#


Some users may need to keep settings files and other users may need to delete them, so Anaconda leaves some settings files in place when it is uninstalled. Specifically, the directories .spyder2, .ipython, .matplotlib, and .astropy remain. Depending on your version of Windows, these may be in C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME> or in C:\Users\<USERNAME>.


Replace <USERNAME> with your Windows username as it appears in the Documents and Settings or Users folder.


Manually delete any unneeded settings files.

Spyder errors or failure to launch on Windows#


This may be caused by errors in the Spyder setting and configuration files.

  1. Close and relaunch Spyder and see if the problem remains.

  2. Open the Start Menu and then click Reset Spyder Settings and see if the problem remains.

  3. Close Spyder and relaunch it from Anaconda Prompt with the following command:

  4. Delete the directory .spyder2 and then repeat the first item in this list. Depending on your version of Windows, .spyder2 may be in C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME> or in C:\Users\<USERNAME>.


Replace <USERNAME> with your Windows username as it appears in the Documents and Settings or Users folder.

Uninstaller requests admin privileges on Windows#

After installing Anaconda or Miniconda as a non-administrative user on Windows, uninstalling may prompt for administrative privileges.


This occurs when running the uninstaller by choosing Control Panel > Uninstall a program, selecting Anaconda or Miniconda from the list of programs, and clicking Uninstall.


Open the anaconda3 or miniconda3 installation folders and run the .exe file uninstaller from that location. Uninstallation will complete without prompting for administrative privileges.

EXAMPLE: If you installed Miniconda3, the uninstall file will be Uninstall-Miniconda3.exe. Users who installed Miniconda2 or Anaconda will find a similar file with the appropriate name.

Windows permission errors when installing from Favorites folder#


The Windows Favorites folder has unusual permissions and may cause permission errors with installers of any software. If you try launching the installer from the Favorites folder, you may see errors such as “Setup was unable to create the directory”, “Access is denied”, or “Error opening file for writing”.


Move the installer to a different folder and run the installer from the new folder.

Trouble with activation on PowerShell on Windows#

Some users might run into the following backtrace on Windows:

File "C:\Users\damia\Miniconda3\lib\site-packages\conda\", line 550, in _replace_prefix_in_pathassert last_idx is not NoneAssertionError
  1. Open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Navigate to where you installed conda. The following command shows the default:

    cd C:\Users\<USERNAME>
  3. Run the following command:

    python -m conda init
  4. Close the Command Prompt window.


If the above method didn’t work, try running:

conda update conda

MacOS-specific Anaconda Distribution issues#

.zshrc not updated under macOS Catalina#


MacOS Catalina changed the default shell from Bash to zsh.


To initialize conda for zsh:

  1. Open a terminal application and run the following command:

    bash -c "conda init zsh"
  2. Close and reopen your terminal application.

Segmentation fault on package import with macOS Python 3.7 interpreter#

In CPython < 3.8, using python3-config to determine a linking command line to compile an extension module will cause that extension module to segfault upon import. python3-config does provide command-line flags, but for the different purpose of embedding a Python interpreter.


This is because of the command-line flags returned by python3-config. Before Python 3.8, those are needed to embed the core Python interpreter into a different project altogether and not those that should be used when linking a Python extension module.

Python modules should never link to the core Python interpreter library directly, either statically at build time or dynamically at runtime. This is because the Python executable itself provides all the necessary functions and symbols.


You should only use python*-config —ldflags when linking to an interpreter library (either static or shared).


Python < 3.8

Python >= 3.8

Get command line to link to extension module

python -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var('LDSHARED'))"

python3-config --ldflags

Get command line to embed Python interpreter

python3-config --ldflags

python3-config --ldflags --embed

python3-config doesn’t include the command/compiler name, whereas the sysconfig way does. This works provided none of your arguments have spaces:

python -c "import sysconfig; print(' '.join(sysconfig.get_config_var('LDSHARED').split(' ')[1:]))"

Linux-specific Anaconda Distribution issues#

Missing libgomp on Power8#

If the Python command import numpy fails, the system is likely missing the libgomp system library.


Most Power8 Linux distributions include libgomp, but some may not.


Check whether the system is missing libgomp by running the following command:

conda inspect linkages -n root numpy

If is listed in the not found: section, it must be installed.

Install libgomp on Ubuntu by running the following command:

apt install libgomp1

Install libgomp on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or CentOS by running the following command:

yum install libgomp

Anaconda on Power8 reports “can not execute binary file”#


Anaconda on Power8 only supports little endian mode. The little endian Python binary will not execute on a big endian operating system.


Install Anaconda on Power8 on a little endian Linux installation or VM.

Navigator issues#

Navigator error on start up#


This is often the result of a corrupted .condarc file.


To resolve, delete the .condarc file and restart Navigator.

  1. Find the .condarc file.

    Open Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux) and enter the command conda info. The output will tell you the location of your .condarc file(s). You can also search for “.condarc” on your computer.

    The .condarc file is frequently found in:

    • macOS: /Users/<USERNAME>

    • Linux: ~/.condarc

    • Windows: C:\\Users\\<USERNAME>

  2. Optional: Save custom configurations.

    If you had custom configuration in your .condarc file before it was corrupted, save the information to add that configuration back to the new file.

  3. Delete the .condarc file.

  4. Restart Navigator.

Issues launching or initializing#


Issues launching or initializing Anaconda Navigator may be caused by permission or licensing problems.

  • If you cannot launch the Anaconda Navigator desktop app via its desktop or application shortcut, you might still be able to launch it via Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux). Enter the following command:

  • If you have permissions issues, there may be a problem with the hidden licenses directory, .continuum. To delete the .continuum directory, open Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux) and run the following command, depending on your operating system:

    rd /s .continuum

    rm -rf ~/.continuum

    Then, relaunch Navigator from the desktop app or Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux).

  • If removing the licenses directory does not resolve the issue, manually update Navigator by opening Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux) and running the following command:

    conda update -n base anaconda-navigator
  • If you have updated Navigator and still have problems, remove and reinstall Anaconda Navigator by opening Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux) and running the following command:

    conda remove -n base anaconda-navigatorconda install -n base anaconda-navigator
  • If none of the above work, reset the Anaconda Navigator configuration back to default values by opening Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux) and running the following command:

    anaconda-navigator --reset

PermissionError on macOS Catalina#


MacOS Catalina users may experience permission errors where the system does not prompt you for permission to folders requiring access.

  1. Update Navigator by opening Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux) and running the following command:

    conda update -n base anaconda-navigator
  2. Once updated, have Navigator generate the permissions prompt by launching Spyder and running the following in the console:

    # Replace <DIRECTORY> with the folder you need access toimport osos.listdir('<DIRECTORY>')

Access denied error#


This is caused by a lock file that sometimes gets stuck and isn’t removed when it should be.


Open Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux) and remove the lock file by running the following commands:

conda update -n base conda anaconda-navigator navigator-updateranaconda-navigator --reset

Navigator buttons are missing#


The disappearance of Navigator buttons may be caused by an out of sync repodata, a corrupt .condarc file, or an unknown issue.

  1. Run Update Index from the Environments page of Navigator.

  2. Quit and restart Navigator.

If that solution doesn’t work, try one of the following:

  • Confirm that your .condarc file is not corrupt. Specifically confirm that your channel settings contain defaults.

  • Open Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux) and run the following command:

    conda search python

    This downloads a fresh copy of the repodata, which should resolve the problem.

  • If none of the above options work, open an issue detailing the error.

Trouble logging in to the Anaconda Server connection in Navigator#

If you are having issues logging in or know you’re logged in but cannot interact with Anaconda Server, try the following solution:

  1. Set logged_api_url, anaconda_server_token, and anaconda_server_token_id in the Navigator config file (anaconda-navigator.ini) to None.


    The token and token ID config variable names have been updated from team_edition_token to anaconda_server_token and team _edition_token_id to anaconda_server_token_id as of Version 2.4.0. If you downgrade your Navigator application to a version older than 2.3.0, you will need to manually change these variable names back to their older versions within your anaconda-navigator.ini file.

  2. Remove channel_alias from the conda configuration file (.condarc).

  3. Try signing in again.

VS Code is not appearing on the Navigator Home tab#


Anaconda Navigator displays and launches VS Code, and many other applications, through that application’s executable file. VS Code’s installation should have placed the executable in a specific directory where Navigator is programmed to look. For example:

  • Windows User-Only Installation: C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Microsoft VS Code

  • Windows System-Wide Installation: C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code

  • Linux-64: /usr/share/code

  • macOS: /Applications


There are two options for solving this issue:

  • Reinstall VS Code to ensure that executable is installed in the default location.

    1. Close Navigator.

    2. Uninstall (if necessary) and reinstall VS Code.


      On macOS, make sure the VS Code application is moved from your Downloads folder to your Applications folder.

    3. Re-open Navigator.

  • If you have installed VS Code to a different location than the default, edit VS Code’s path in your Navigator user preferences.

    1. Open the Anaconda Navigator Preferences dialog from the top menu bar (such as File > Preferences or Anaconda Navigator > Preferences).

    2. Scroll down to the VS Code path setting.

    3. Enter the path to the installation of VS Code you would like Anaconda Navigator to use. This may be similar to the examples above, especially if you have a user-specific installation you would rather use over your system-wide installation.


      You do not need to enter the name of the executable file itself. Just the path to the folder that contains that file.

    4. Close and reopen Navigator.

Anaconda Navigator fails to start and gives Permission denied error#

After installation, Anaconda Navigator may fail to start and give you a “Permission denied” error on the anaconda-client configuration file (/.continuum/anaconda-client/config.yaml).


This error is likely due to anaconda-client being installed with admin rights. This will lead to incorrect user permissions for the anaconda-client config file.


You can do a few things to solve this. They are listed from most straightforward to most complex.

Delete your .continuum folder

  1. Back up your .config.yaml file to a different location.

  2. Delete your .continuum folder.

  3. Start Navigator again.

  4. Copy your saved .config.yaml file back into /.continuum/anaconda-client.

Uninstall and reinstall without admin privileges

Uninstall Anaconda and then reinstall Anaconda without admin privileges.

Manually change the .continuum folder’s user permissions

You will need administrator privileges to do this.

  1. Search for “powershell”.

  2. Right-click the Windows PowerShell app and select Run as administrator.

  3. Run the following command:

    #Replace <USERNAME> with your usernameicacls C:\Users\<USERNAME>\.continuum /grant:r <USERNAME>:(i,f) /t

  1. Open your terminal application.

  2. Run the following command:

    sudo chmod 766 /.continuum

Navigator gives ‘Email verification failed’ error 403#


Users with unverified email addresses can no longer access the API that Navigator and Anaconda Client use to communicate with Navigator 2.5.0+ now catches this error and logs you out of your connection.


To connect to again through Navigator, update your Navigator version or verify your account.

Verify your account

To fully resolve the issue, we recommend verifying your account on

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. If your email is unverified, you will be prompted to verify it.

  3. Click Resend Confirmation Email.

  4. Follow the instructions in the email you receive to complete the verification process.

Navigator fails to start due to “Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” in “” even though it was found” error#


In the CentOS 7 Linux operating system, Orange3 is missing some graphics libraries required by Qt, a framework that Orange Canvas requires to work.

These missing dependencies cause an error when starting Navigator: “Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” in “” even though it was found. This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized.”

  1. Open a terminal application.

  2. Install the missing system libraries and run updates by running the following commands:

    sudo yum install xcb-util-wm xcb-util-image xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-renderutilsudo yum update

Once these libraries are installed and updated, Orange3 should launch correctly on CentOS 7 and the above error should no longer appear when opening Navigator with Orange3 installed.

Disable Anaconda Cloud login reminder#


In Navigator versions 2.5.0 and later, a dialog appears every hour (or every 24 hours as of version 2.6.2) to remind users to log in to Anaconda Cloud, if they are not already logged in. This can be disruptive to users who do not want to log in to Anaconda Cloud.


There are a few ways to disable the Anaconda Cloud login reminder, depending on your version of Navigator:

Work in offline mode or log into another repository.

  1. Open the Navigator configuration file.

  2. Edit the cloud_login_popup_state to be 0 in the [internal] section of the configuration file.

    [internal]anaconda_toolbox_installed = Truecloud_login_popup_state = 0

  1. Open the Navigator configuration file.

  2. Edit the welcome_state to be 0 in the [internal] section of the configuration file.

    [internal]welcome_state = 0 issues#

Captcha not appearing when trying to create an account on Firefox#

The captcha at the bottom of the Sign In panel on sometimes fails to appear on Firefox browsers.


The captcha may be blocked by an ad blocker extension, tracking blocker extension, or Firefox’s privacy settings.

  1. Refresh your browser and try again. If refreshing multiple times, wait a few seconds between each refresh.

  2. Check your extensions. Extensions that block tracking or ads may also block the captcha.

  3. Check your browser settings. Privacy settings may block the captcha.

  4. Open the sign in page in a private browsing window.

“URI no longer exists and has been permanently removed” 410 error when attempting to upload notebooks or environments to


The Notebooks and Environments features have been removed from as part of an initiative to streamline and improve and enable the site to focus on package hosting and management. Because of this, notebook and environment files can no longer be uploaded to using the anaconda upload command.


Although you can no longer upload notebooks to, you can share your notebooks with others using Anaconda Notebooks instead. Anaconda Notebooks come with their own preloaded Environments <../anaconda-notebooks/notebook-environments> and allow you to create your own custom environments as well. For more information on sharing notebooks with Anaconda Notebooks, see Sharing notebooks.

Troubleshooting — Anaconda documentation (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.