Trixie or the WG (F/F+ fict. bond. fet) (2024)

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Trixie or the WG (F/F+ fict. bond. fet) (1)
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Trixie or the WG (F/F+ fict. bond. fet)

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Postby friedet »

Trixie or the WG
by T.A.Friedet
© Copyright 2016 - T.A.Friedet -

Storycodes: F/F+; bond; chastity; buttpl*g; cuffs; chain; naked; piercing; public; exhib; collar; strip; latex; shop; sweat; forniphilia; enclosed; transported; whip; blindfold; gag; rope; urine; cons; XX

Info: This is a translation of a story I wrote in 2016. I used a software for this translation. My English is not good enough to correct probable errors. Please excuse.

A „WG“ is a group of people sharing a house or a flat. The expression can be used for the group, or for the place. My story is located in Germany, so please accept local issues.

Part 1
Chapter 1: Getting to know each other
A week after her birthday, Trixie would finally put this nightmare behind her. A few years ago, she had fallen in love with Miroslav, a Serbian. He was constantly in need of money, and Trixie had manipulated invoices at her company, where she was responsible for data processing, and thus embezzled a lot of money. When the whole thing was discovered, Miroslav disappeared to Serbia and was never heard from again. Trixie was left to pick up the pieces. The receipt was three years in prison. She would be released next Monday, and she had no greater desire than to leave her past, and especially prison, far behind.
But at the same time, she was unsure of what to do next. She had no apartment, no job, and no one to turn to. Her parents had passed away years ago and she had been an only child. She had talked to Gaby about the problem. Gaby was a fellow inmate and if you could even talk about a friend in prison, that applied to Gaby.
The day before her release, Gaby came to Trixie and told her, "Listen Trixie, I talked to my sister Beate. We've already talked about you many times in the past years because you were my only friend here. I told her that you were a little scared when you came out here. She lives in Cologne and has offered to let you stay with her for a while."
Trixie was amazed. "That was sweet of you. But you shouldn't have done that. You know I'm from Frankfurt here. I don't know anyone in Cologne. I don't want to be a burden to anyone and, as much as I like you, you know that I definitely don't want to go back to prison."
"You're not a burden to anyone. And Beate is a real sweetheart. Is always law-abiding. She's a nurse and works at the university hospital in Cologne. You don't need to have any concerns. Really not!"
The next morning, a Monday, Trixie was released from the prison at 9:00 am. As she stood in front of the institution with her suitcase, she looked around and enjoyed her regained freedom. Suddenly, a young woman approached her. She was blond, had short, tousled hair, blue eyes, and wore a yellow, sleeveless T-shirt, washed-out, extremely short jean shorts with the edge of her bottom sticking out, and her feet were apparently without socks in simple, worn sneakers. "Are you Trixie?" she asked, "I'm Beate."
"Oh, hello, nice to meet you. Are you here to visit Gaby?"
"I visited Gaby last week. Today I'm here for you. Gaby told me you were being discharged today. She also told me that you would probably be shy about calling me or just coming to Cologne. I figured it would be easier if I picked you up here."
Trixie blushed. "That's very sweet of you, but Gaby was right. I don't want to be a burden to anyone. You don't even know me."
"That's about what I had in mind. Don't be so stubborn. I'll make you a suggestion: you come with me for now and we'll talk on the drive to Cologne. You can sleep with me tonight and then we'll see. If you want to go, that's OK. I'll buy you a train ticket to a place of your choice."
Without waiting for an answer, she grabbed Trixie's suitcase and went to her car. She opened the trunk and put the suitcase inside. There was nothing left for Trixie to do but follow her at the moment. Beate got into the car, leaned over to the passenger side and opened the door. Still hesitant, Trixie got in. Beate started the car and pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.
"I'm about to get on the freeway, but we have to get gas first." She followed the road until a gas station appeared on the right. There, she pulled up to a gas pump, got out and filled up the car. Then she went inside the gas station to pay and returned to the car a few minutes later with two mugs of coffee. She handed the two coffee mugs to Trixie through the open passenger window and asked her to hold them for a moment. She got back into the car and drove back onto the main road, which after a few miles led to the highway. In between, she kept reaching for her cup, taking a sip, and handing it back to Trixie to hold. When they finally got to the highway, Trixie asked what it all meant.
"Well, it's not that easy to explain," Beate said. "I don't want you to get anything wrong now. Can we agree that you let me finish first, like 10, 15 minutes and then you can ask your questions. Is that OK?"
Trixie nodded silently and looked over at Beate.
"Gaby and I are sisters, as you know, but we haven't had that much contact with each other in the last few years before she went to prison. Especially in the last four years, since she's been here, we've only had contact once a month when I've visited her. And in that time, a lot has changed in my own life. I have made new friends who are very important to me. We live a life that is probably hard for most people to understand. We have common preferences, common views, and, to put it bluntly, we don't give a sh*t about other people's opinions. Especially the mendacious morals and views, concerning sex, we just find to vomit. We now live four in a WG, all women, and this WG should also grow a little. Space is available in sufficient measure.
“What connects us most is our preference for sex, especially fetish and BDSM. BDSM is the abbreviation for Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism. The four of us all tend toward submission and masochism, but also possess a bit of dominance. Some people would call us switches. We are bisexual, but have all had bad experiences with men over the years. I know from Gaby's stories that you also fell for a man, and you probably had some lesbian experiences in prison, though perhaps not by choice. Our WG has set a few strict rules. Everything we do is legal, no crimes are allowed, except maybe causing a public nuisance or something like that.
“We love sex, and especially the rougher paces. And they can be very rough. The rougher the better. We decided to live out our needs to the fullest.
“Based on my conversations with Gaby and her stories about you, I think the whole thing might suit you. I have discussed this with the others and that is why we want to get to know you and give you the same opportunity to get to know us. But in any case, it is important that there be absolute silence about anything you see or hear or tell us. Not a word to anyone.
“If you are interested in joining our WG, and if we think you would be a good fit, we will make you an offer. At the moment we would like you to stay with us for one or two weeks. At the end of the next week you should tell us your decision and we will also tell you our decision. Until then, you just have to look around and let all the impressions affect you. You are completely free during this time and you can do whatever you want. You are not involved in our routines, but if you want you can take part in them.
“For the time you stay with us you will get an allowance. When we are in Cologne, I will give you 1000 € with which you can do what you want. We know that you didn't get much money as release money, but you should enjoy your time with us and that includes some pocket money. If you want to go out on the town or to the disco, you can do that anytime."
"Whew," Trixie countered. "Well, that's a doozy. I'll have to let that sink in. What can you tell me about the other WG members?"
"You'll meet them all later today. But I can already give you some information. You already know me, at least a little bit. I'm 28, a nurse and work at the university hospital in cardiology. As a nurse, I have to work shifts, of course. But our department is well staffed because our professor thinks that overworked doctors and nurses make mistakes, and we can't afford mistakes.
“Then there is Antje. She's been my best friend since we met a few years ago. She is immensely wealthy, owning several houses, entire industrial enterprises, a hotel, and much else. But her main occupation is her store where she sells fetish stuff. She contributes the most to our budget. But that doesn't mean that she is treated any differently than the rest of us, either better or worse. She doesn't open the store until 11 in the morning and the rest of us help out here sometimes when we have time. It's pretty fun, I'm sure you'll catch that sometime. She has a great sense of humor and she loves to work hard, especially naked and in chains. We're the same age, by the way.
“Then Karin. She is 27, Antje's employee and she works in the store. She mainly makes garments and leather accessories. But for demonstrations or other purposes she also likes to serve as a model. For us she makes all kinds of sharp things, but you'll see those too.
“And last but not least Siggi. Siggi is like you 29, a carpenter who also knows a lot about metalworking. She's always tanned and, when she has time, likes to lie in the sun or on the tanning bed."
"So how did you guys get together?" Trixie asked.
"It was quite crazy, especially in the beginning. I got lost once in Cologne and somehow I suddenly found myself in front of Antje's store. There was a doll in a pony dress in the shop window at the time. I thought that was strange and became curious. Anyway, I went into the store and looked around. Antje then served me, although I told her that I just wanted to look around. We were immediately sympathetic to each other. Some of the things that were on display in the store were still quite unknown to me, but others I already knew as a nurse. I told her that I found the pony dress interesting. She immediately offered to try it on. At first I didn't want to, but then she said she would lock the store so no one would see me in the dress. She called Karin and together the two of them put me in the pony dress. You wouldn't believe how embarrassed I was when I realized that I was so horny that I had totally messed up the crotch of the dress. But Antje just laughed. She told me that she also sometimes puts on such a dress, but that it is difficult to find a place where she can do that in the forest or in a field undisturbed. I then told her about a piece of my parents' property that was about 30 km from Cologne and had a forest with a large clearing. The whole area was fenced, so no one could disturb you there. Well, we tried that immediately the next weekend, two, three times. Two years ago she bought another area, which is not so far away and where we have played from time to time since then.
A few months later she told me that one of her tenants had given notice. We were in a bar at the time and had been drinking quite a bit. Somehow I came up with the idea of the WG. Antje was immediately enthusiastic about it, but when I was sober again the next morning, I wondered what I had been thinking. It turned out that it was a whole floor that had become vacant. The top floor in a 6-story office building that had previously been used for storage. The two floors below were also used as storage for the other tenants. This is still the case today. The tenants are lawyers and tax consultants with tons of files. But they are only there during the week, not on weekends or evenings. At least as far as the storage rooms are concerned. So nobody can hear what is going on in the WG. We have the whole floor to ourselves, even though not everything has been finished yet. We also have the attic at our disposal. Sometimes we play there, too, because it's wonderfully dusty. Sweat and this dirty dust are just great. When we started with the extension, Antje looked for a carpenter and found Siggi by chance. The floor was originally one huge room and Siggi built various rooms in the front area. But we can always expand it. Antje was so pleased with Siggi's work that she commissioned a few other things from her. Siggi took all the orders and of course realized what she was putting together. She then offered Antje to pay only for the materials and Siggi would work for free. In return, however, she wanted a room in the WG."
"You said that Antje contributes most to your budget. How do you do that?"
"It's very simple. Each of us gives half of her salary or half of what she earns in the business into the cash register. Everything is then paid for from that. Because the house belongs to Antje, we don't have to pay rent."
"You know that I am currently unemployed. And when that will change, I can't say yet either. It's not easy to find a job, and with my history, it's going to be even harder."
"Don't worry about that for once,” Beate reassured Trixie. “Money isn't really important to us, and we'll find you a new job too. First of all, it's much more important whether you fit in with us and we with you."
"You were talking about some routines earlier. What's that all about?" Trixie asked.
"We've come up with a rhythm. Every week a different one of us is the mistress and the rest of us are the slaves. The mistress is completely free to determine what gets done. But every slave can refuse anything without further justification, because she doesn't like it or because she is afraid. She will not be made to do anything. But during the week the mistress can make any conditions for each slave. This week it is Antje's turn. Karin, Siggi and I have to fulfill different conditions during the week. Antje has also determined what I will wear today."
"What do you mean by what you're wearing today?"
"You see, very skimpy jean shorts with the butt already showing out, bare legs, the sleeveless T-shirt that allows the side view. Plus the simple shoes, and a plug in the butt. No stockings, no bra, no panties. As sexy as possible and no more than absolutely necessary. I'm already glad I don't have to take off my shorts while driving."
"No underwear?" Trixie asked.
"We all almost never have underwear on. Only when I'm working do I have to wear something underneath because it would show through the thin white clothes I have to wear as a nurse if I didn't have anything on underneath."
"And you have a plug in your butt now? Doesn't that hurt?"
"Just a matter of getting used to it. I can barely feel it when I'm sitting down. Do you want to see it," Beate asked.
Without waiting for an answer, she pulled the car into a parking lot that had just appeared just ahead of them. Beate turned off the car, and motioned for Trixie to follow her. They walked together through the bushes for about 50 yards. Then Beate stopped and pushed her shorts down. She turned around, bent over and pulled her buttocks apart with her hands. Trixie saw an emerald green glass stone on Beate's butt hole. She also saw that Beate's labia were pulled down by three locks.
Trixie approached Beate about the locks. It was clear that Beate's labia were pierced. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the locks. They'll probably stay on all week, knowing Antje. If I can't satisfy myself all week, I'll be all the hotter on the weekend." Beate got dressed again and they went back to the car.
After about two hours, they arrived in Cologne. Beate drove onto the Ring and finally pulled into the underground parking garage at a house. Trixie was amazed that Beate drove all the way to the third sub-floor, where she stopped short in front of a closed roll-up door. She pressed a remote control and the rolling gate opened. There were several cars parked in the area behind the roll-up door. Beate parked, closed the rolling gate again with the remote control and got out. Trixie followed her. They got Trixie's suitcase out of the trunk and then walked to an elevator. Next to the elevator was another door to the stairwell. When they entered the elevator, Trixie saw that there were only three buttons installed and that the other floors were only displayed. Beate briefly held her arm to the elevator controls, then pressed the top button. Trixie did not understand why Beate had held her arm to the elevator controls. Beate noticed Trixie's look and explained to her that they had all had a transponder implanted in their forearm that allowed them to open the locks.
Once upstairs, they entered a short hallway at the end of which was an apartment door. Again Beate held her arm to a sensor and the door opened. They entered a large hallway from which several doors led to other rooms and from which a corridor led off on one narrow side.
"I'll show you to your room first," Beate explained. Trixie followed her down the hall. On either side of the hallway were a couple of doors. At the third door on the left, Beate stopped briefly and opened the door. Then she went into the room with Trixie. The room was about 5 feet by 5 feet and had a large window on one side. The shutter was lowered a bit. In the room were a bed, two closets, a dresser, and a small seating area. Opposite the seating area, a large flat-screen TV hung on the wall. The bed was neatly covered, on the table of the seating group was a vase with a colorful bouquet of flowers and even a bowl of pastries stood next to it. On the bedside table was a bottle of water plus a glass, next to it a radio alarm clock and a pack of Kleenex wipes.
"You can put your things in the left closet. There's bedding in the dresser. You'll get the key for the second closet, of course. I'll explain it to you later. The bathroom is here," pointing to a door on the right wall. "You share the bathroom with Siggi. You probably want to freshen up a bit first. When you're done, please come to the front of the living room. That's the door in the hallway just across the hall."
Trixie went into the bathroom and used the toilet. In addition to the toilet, the bathroom had a bidet, a large bathtub, a very large shower, and a double vanity. On the shelf above the double vanity was shaving stuff and a simple soap. On the right side of the shelf was a jar with a toothbrush and toothpaste. On the other side were the same things, but hygienically wrapped in plastic. Next to the sink, a couple of towels hung on each side. There were bath towels hanging from a towel rack. It struck Trixie that there were no cosmetics anywhere to be seen. There were also only plain soaps by the bathtub and in the shower. She went back into the room and put her things in the closet. It was then at most a third full because she didn't have that many things.
Trixie then left the room and went, as she had been asked, to the living room. There she met Beate, but she was now completely naked. She was wearing handcuffs and a neck iron. Her feet were also bound with iron and chains. A chain ran from the neck iron to her feet and through the center ring of the handcuffs. Trixie admired Beate's firm, semi-circular breasts. She also noticed piercing rods at the base of her nipples.
"Are you hungry?" Beate asked. Apparently, being naked and tied up was quite normal for her. When Trixie answered in the affirmative, Beate stood up and also motioned for Trixie to follow her into the kitchen. The kitchen was very big, there was a table with six chairs at the side. Trixie saw that the kitchen lacked nothing. Beate took a ready meal out of the icebox and put it in the microwave. After it was heated, she arranged the food on a plate.
"Please don't be disappointed that there is only one ready meal. It's one from Holland for that, they're better than the stuff you get here." Trixie tasted the food and declared that it was indeed much better than the food she had been getting in prison for the past few years. She asked Beate if she wanted to eat some, too. Beate then explained that Antje had not provided anything for her.
After Trixie had eaten, Beate put the dishes in the dishwasher and they went back into the living room. The living room was also very spacious. There was a large seating area with a round table. Opposite the seating area was a huge television set and next to it was an elaborate stereo system. Apparently, money was no object. What amazed Trixie the most, however, were three iron cages like those used for dogs when they are transported in cars. When Beate noticed Trixie's puzzled look, she explained that female slaves were often locked up there. Trixie looked at the clock, it was now a little after 4:00 pm.
Beate said that she needed to exercise a bit. Trixie was welcome to stay in the living room and read or watch some TV, or she could come with her to the gym.
"I'd love to come with you," she announced, "I'll wait here, I'm sure you'll take off your chains and get dressed first?"
Beate just laughed, "No, we have our own gym here." She took Trixie to a room further down the hall. When she opened it, Trixie saw several pieces of fitness equipment there. These included a treadmill, two ergometer bikes, a rowing machine and several wall bars. "Antje told me to row for an hour," Beate explained. "She wants me to really work up a sweat. And before you ask, I'm not allowed to shower afterwards. But that's not unusual for us. It's one of the many fetishes we have. Does that bother you?"
"It's a little unusual, but I readily admit that a wet sweaty female body can be very attractive."
Beate sat down on the rowing machine after setting a timer for 65 minutes. "I can't cheat, so I'll set your watch for 5 minutes longer," Beate explained. Then she immediately started rowing hard. After a few minutes, she also began to sweat. Her breasts swayed to the beat and a few drops of sweat collected on the underside of her breasts before continuing down her flat stomach. Meanwhile, Trixie sat down on one of the ergometers and began to pedal away. When the timer rang after 65 minutes, Beate stopped rowing. She was soaking wet with sweat and had to sit down on a stool first. Trixie had stopped earlier and sat on a stool as well, watching Beate do her physical exercises.
Suddenly the door opened and a woman entered the room. She was a little taller than Trixie and had black short hair. Beate saw her and said "Trixie this is Siggi. Siggi, may I introduce you to Trixie?"
"Hello Trixie," said Siggi. "Nice to have you here. I've been working all day in the carpenter's shop and would like to take a shower now. But Antje only allowed me to do that if you shower together with me. I know that invades your privacy, and if you don't like it, that's okay too. But then I'm not allowed to shower."
Trixie was a bit taken aback, but then she agreed and they went together to Trixie's room and from there to the bathroom. They both undressed there and when they were naked, Trixie saw that Siggi's labia also had locks on them. She also had rings in her nipples and on her cl*t. Even while undressing, Trixie had noticed that Siggi was not wearing any underwear either. Together they entered the large shower and Siggi turned on the water.
"May I soap you up?" Siggi asked. Trixie was taken aback but she agreed. Immediately Siggi began to soap her from top to bottom. She took special care of Trixie's pubic area and her small breasts. After that she handed Trixie the soap. "Now it's your turn," she said. Trixie also soaped Siggi now. She enjoyed kneading Siggi's breasts. They were quite small but still bigger than Trixie's own and sagged a bit. Then she asked Siggi if she could take a closer look at the locks on her labia. Siggi didn't mind and Trixie knelt down and felt the locks on her labia. She playfully pulled on them, which Siggi acknowledged with a pleasant grunt.
"Crazy," was all Trixie could say to that. Afterwards, they washed off the soap, exited the shower, and dried each other off. Then they both went to their respective rooms. Trixie got dressed again and then went into the living room. A little later, Siggi also came into the living room. It didn't surprise Trixie that Siggi was also naked this time. But with her only the feet were tied, instead she dragged a heavy iron ball behind her on a chain.
Beate joined them and they watched some TV together. Shortly after 7:00 p.m., Trixie heard the apartment door open and shortly thereafter Antje and Karin came into the living room. Antje was wearing a normal outfit, jeans and a white T-shirt. Trixie saw that Antje was obviously not wearing a bra and her breasts were very clearly visible under the fabric. But she was much more amazed by Karin's outfit.
Karin was wearing a kind of metal bikini. Two stainless steel hemispheres covered her breasts, the panties, if you could call them that, were also made of stainless steel. Antje called the part a chastity belt. It was very narrow and had numerous holes. Pubic hair peeked out through holes in the front of the panties and on the sides. Her arms were in handcuffs and were attached to the right and left sides of the waist part of the chastity belt. Chains were also attached to the hip portion of the panties on both sides, running down to stainless steel bands that Karin wore around her thighs above her knees. Another chain, actually only three links, connected the stainless steel bands. This allowed Karin to take only very short steps and not spread her legs apart. In addition, she was barefoot but she wore even heavier leg irons than Siggi and these were also connected with a short chain that allowed only small steps. Around her neck she wore a heavy neck iron and in her mouth she had an iron horse bridle, which was pulled back very tightly by a strap.
"Hello," said Beate, "how was your day?"
"Same as always, actually," Antje replied. "The customers have lots of special requests and Karin has a lot to do. Most of the customers find it very stimulating to see Karin dressed as she is now, but with her hands in chains and not tied to the chastity belt surveying them. Some of the men would like to touch you on the breasts or on the pubic, but they can't. The only thing they can touch is her bottom."
"Are you saying that Karin was in the store like this and people saw her like this?" Trixie asked in amazement.
"Of course she did. You wouldn't believe how that helps with sales."
"Doesn't that bother you Karin?" asked Trixie. Karin answered something, but it was unintelligible because of the bridle.
"I'm going to take Karin's bridle out of her mouth tonight so she can join in the conversation," Antje announced. Then she took the bridle out of Karin's mouth. Karin had to loosen her mouth and jaw first, then she said "that's part of the job."
"Why did you get involved in something like that?" asked Trixie.
"Now you've got it wrong," Karin replied. "I was the one who insisted on being paraded around like that."
Then Beate spoke up. She explained that she had the night shift that day and the next and that she still had to shower and get ready for duty. Antje saw this and unlocked Beate's chains and sent her to the bathroom. Only now did Trixie realize that Beate had been able to put the chains on, but that she had had no way to unlock them afterwards. About an hour later, Beate left the apartment to go on duty.
Karin was sent to the kitchen where she prepared dinner for the others. They then all ate together in the kitchen. When they returned to the living room, Antje sent Karin and Siggi to the cages while she sat down with Trixie in the seating area. They drank some wine and Antje asked Trixie what her impression had been so far.
"I find it all very exciting so far. There is actually nothing that would put me off at first glance. However, I admit that some things will certainly take some getting used to."
"That's quite normal," Antje replied. "That's why you're here, and I want you to look at everything. Would you do us a favor?" Antje asked.
"Do what," asked Trixie.
"So far, only Siggi has seen you naked. Karin and I are curious, of course. Would you mind undressing for us so we can admire you at length? But please, if you don't want that, we understand. It's just very new for you. On the other hand, as I said, we are curious and would like to see your slim body."
Trixie thought for 2 seconds, then stood up and started to undress. When she was naked, she turned around several times so that the three of them could see her from all sides. Karin asked her to put her hands on the back of her neck so she could see her armpits. After that, Trixie was supposed to spread her legs wide to show her pubic area as well. She had thin, rather sparse pubic hair and at Karin's request she also spread her labia. She thought to herself that this was actually a rather humiliating treatment, but somehow she didn't mind at all and found it appropriate.
After that, Antje asked Trixie to tell a little about herself. Trixie told about her youth, but also about the time with her Serbian boyfriend Miroslav, how he had betrayed her and how this had landed her in prison. She also told how it had been in prison and that she had had an involuntary lesbian experience there for the first time. They sat together for quite some time until they all went to bed. Neither Karin nor Siggi were untied, but each went to her own room and lay down in bed. Trixie, who was still naked, took her clothes and went to her room as well. Normally she wore a long T-shirt and panties at night, but this time she left both off. She already had the feeling that she was in the right place here.

Chapter 2: in the city
The next morning, Trixie slept very late because she was usually used to being woken up by the prison guards. Without this wake-up, she just slept through it. When she finally got up she first went to the bathroom and took a shower, after that she went still naked to the kitchen where Beate was already waiting for her. "Well, you late riser," Beate greeted her.
"If you want, we can go to town later. I have your money here, 1000 euros as promised, plus a small handbag to put around your neck and a wallet. You can't just carry the money around in your hand, that would look stupid. You've had to go without shopping for three years now, and I'm sure you have a lot of catching up to do. We can go together if you want. I can show you everything, because you don't know your way around Cologne yet. But you can also go alone. If we go together, then I have received instructions from Antje on how to dress. You can wear whatever you want, of course."
"May I ask you what instructions Antje gave you?" asked Trixie.
"I wear a very short, tight black jerk that just barely covers the locks in my pubic area, plus a short T-shirt, white, made of relatively thin fabric so that my breasts show through a bit, and with a very wide sleeve neckline that allows a glimpse of my T-shirt from the side. It also leaves my belly exposed. This is accompanied by sandals that have 10 centimeter high heels. The sandals have an ankle strap that is secured with a small lock. I also wear a stainless steel neck iron and heavy rings on my wrists and ankles. The rings on the ankles are very large and thick and each of the rings weighs over 2 kilograms. The ones for the wrists are lighter and not as thick. They're all custom-made rings that Siggi made for us and they're held together with two screws."
"That sounds very daring. Do you want me to dress like that, too?" asked Trixie.
"That would be nice, but it's not a commitment. In any case, you don't have to wear the neck iron or the rings on your hands and. I'd be happy to give you the matching items from me."
Trixie agreed, but when she saw how short the skirt was, she did feel a little embarrassed. But she controlled herself and decided to go through with it. Beate also gave her simple sandals, but without a high heel. Trixie was especially interested in the neck iron that Beate was supposed to wear. Beate showed it to her. It was slightly oval shaped to fit the shape of the neck, was a good 6 inches high and an inch thick. The front half was one piece, the back half was split, and the two quarters were attached to the front piece with some sort of hinge. This allowed them to be unfolded to tighten the neck iron. When the rear parts were folded closed, they could be secured with a massive lock on the neck. A thick iron ring hung down the center of the front piece. To the left of the ring was engraved the word "slave" and to the right "Beate". Trixie took the neck iron in her hand and marveled at how heavy it was. She put the neck iron on Beate and secured it with the padlock. At Beate's request, she placed the accompanying key on the kitchen table. Beate looked at herself in the mirror. From this angle, Trixie saw that while the skirt did indeed cover the pubic area, almost half of the locks Beate wore there were visible from both the front and the back. She herself also looked at herself in the mirror, but since she wasn't wearing any locks in her labia, it was just about wearable.
Before they left the apartment, Beate gave Trixie a round plastic thing that was about the size of a two euro coin, but a little thicker.
"What is this?" Trixie asked.
"It's a transponder similar to the one we had implanted. You can use it to open the front door on the first floor, operate the elevator, and open the apartment door here, too."
"You guys got a big thing like that implanted? That's horrible."
Beate laughed. "No. Of course we didn't. The transponders they put in us are the same ones that are implanted in dogs, for example. They're about 2 millimeters thick and a little over a centimeter long. The implantation is done with a slightly thicker hypodermic needle. It's not particularly painful, and the things don't bother you at all because you don't feel them at all." Trixie slipped the transponder into her small purse, which she strapped around her
They rode the elevator down to the street. The elevator stopped at a short hallway on the ground floor. One door opened onto the street, a second onto the stairwell. Beate showed Trixie where to hold the transponder, but then they headed for a subway station. "We better take the subway, parking downtown is a horror. With the subway, we can get anywhere and still be very mobile.
When they got on the subway, they boarded a train headed downtown. It wasn't that busy at that time of day and they found two seats next to each other. It took a few minutes, then something caught Trixie's eye. She leaned over to Beate and whispered in her ear "listen, I think that guy across the aisle is looking up our skirts."
Beate giggled. "Not only the guy directly across from him, but also the woman to his left. Are you embarrassed about that? That's what our WG is all about. Our mistress gives us challenges and they're often a little uncomfortable, but we have to live with them. That's part of the deal."
Finally, she arrived downtown. Trixie enjoyed strolling through a shopping street again after three years. She stopped at many store windows and looked at the displays. Beate asked her if there was anything in particular that she wanted to shop for. But at the moment, Trixie was still far too overwhelmed. What she really wanted to do, however, was treat herself to a big sundae at a sidewalk café. When she asked Beate where a good ice cream parlor was, she led them to a sidewalk café, where they quickly found a seat. The menu was huge and showed almost unbelievable sundaes.
"They're really showing off here," Trixie said.
"Well, you wait and see. The sundaes here really look like the picture." Trixie ordered a South Pacific sundae and when it came, she thought she would never be able to finish it. But after half an hour, she polished it off. Trixie insisted on being allowed to pay for both. She didn't take the money Beate had given her, however, but she took money from the brown envelope in which she had received her discharge money.
After that, they continued walking through the shopping streets. At some point, Trixie asked if they might visit Antje's store. She was incredibly interested in what was sold there. Beate agreed, but they had to take the subway two stops because the store was on the Cologne Ring. When they got out of the subway, Trixie immediately saw a three-color neon sign that said "Lack Leder Latex". The store seemed to be very large and the storefront was close to 20 meters wide. In the display windows were life-size dolls in a variety of getups. In front of the store there was a row of parking spaces marked 'customer parking'. Beate purposefully headed for the entrance and held the door open for Trixie.
Inside the store, Trixie saw a whole row of clothing racks with a wide variety of clothes hanging on them, sorted by the material they were made of and by different themes. There were both men's and women's fashions. Beate showed Trixie a mannequin in the corner that was wearing a pony outfit. "This is the exact outfit I saw the first time I walked into this store and tried it on," she said. Trixie looked it over very thoroughly. It consisted of a heavy leather corset with large holes for the breasts. There were D-rings in various places and on the back there were a dozen straps that could be tightened. Some of the straps could also be secured with locks. The corset reached below the mannequin's artificial belly button. More straps were attached to the bottom of the corset, which ran through the mannequin's crotch and then tied back to the corset at the back. In addition, the doll wore shoes that imitated a horse's foot. On her head she had a strap harness to which was attached a bridle that ran through her mouth.
Antje saw the two and came over to them. There were no other customers in the store at the moment. Trixie asked where Karin was. Antje led her to the back of the store, then through a door behind which was a workshop. Karin's hands were in handcuffs connected by a 30 centimeter chain. A heavy chain attached to the wall was attached to her collar.
Trixie asked Antje how she and Karin got from the apartment here to the store. After all, Karin couldn't ride the subway like that. Antje explained that Karin had to get into the trunk of her car in the underground garage at home, and here at the store one of the parking spaces was reserved for her. Karin then just had to get out of the trunk in front of the store and walk to the store door. Trixie shuddered at the thought of Karin having to endure this humiliating procedure every day. But Antje explained to her that it was done this way at Karin's request and Karin also confirmed this by nodding her head. Because of the bridle she could not speak well again.
"Have you ever worn latex clothing?" asked Antje. Trixie replied in the negative, "Do you want to try something?"
They went back to the sales room and Antje picked out something for Trixie to try on. It was a simple but completely transparent slip made of latex. Antje helped her put the thing on because she had to pull on the latex and it didn't go over her lower body easily. Trixie had simply pulled up her short skirt during this procedure. She looked at herself in the mirror and realized that you could tell she was wearing something, but her pubic and hair down there was clearly visible. She stroked her hand over the smooth material and felt it. Antje told her that she could leave the panties on until evening. Then she had Trixie take off her T-shirt. Trixie looked around the store a little shyly at first, but since there were no other customers, she went along with it. Antje brought a long top made of the same material and as they were about to pull it over Trixie's head, the store doorbell rang and a young couple came in. Trixie would have loved to sink into the floor with shame. But apparently it was the most normal thing in the world for the couple that there was a young woman standing almost topless in the store. When Antje had smoothed out the top, Trixie quickly pulled her T-shirt back over it. She realized very quickly that these things were quite warm.
The couple waited for Antje and when she turned to them the man said they had come to pick up your order. Antje went to the back of the workshop where she unhooked the chain from Karin's collar and Karin came forward with the parts she had ordered. Trixie saw that the man was almost devouring Karin from top to bottom with his eyes. Then he turned to his wife. "Take off your clothes. All of it."
The woman was elegantly dressed, wearing a knee-length jerk and a dark blouse. Her feet were in comfortable loafers. She opened her blouse first, slipped it off her body and laid it on a chair. A black bra can now be seen underneath. Her hands reached back and unclasped the bra. She stripped it off as well and put it on the chair with the blouse. She had very full breasts that hung down heavily. Then she undid a clasp on the right side of her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She got out of the skirt and put it with the other clothes. The now visible panties followed the skirt a few moments later. Lastly, she took off her loafers and placed them under the chair. So she turned to the man.
"Ready," he asked. The woman nodded. A second later, the man slapped her across the face with full force. "I told you to take everything off."
The woman pulled off her earrings and she also slipped a ring off her right hand. Without an order being given, she stood in front of her husband, spread her legs and put her hands on the back of her neck. Trixie noticed some red welts on her back.
The man turned to Antje and told her that Karin could now dress his wife. Antje gave Karin a wave, whereupon she took a garment from the package she had brought from her workshop. It was a bodysuit made of black latex, very tight and when the woman put it on, it traced the woman's figure. It had an oval opening in the crotch for her puss* and two holes on top for her breasts. The man made a circular motion with his finger and the woman turned around. Her back was almost completely uncovered. Only at the very top of her shoulder was her back covered and at the bottom the opening reached to her butt crack. Then Karin knelt down in front of the woman and held shoes ready. Trixie looked at these shoes in disbelief. She had heard of such shoes before. They were ballerina high heels that forced the wearer to walk on her toes. Karin slipped the shoes over the woman's feet and laced them up as tight as she could. Now Karin reached for the last part. It was a latex mask that would cover the whole head and had only two small holes for the eyes and two for the nose. Karin turned the mask once inside out and showed Trixie that where the mouth would be later, a huge dild* was attached. Karin slipped the mask over the woman's head and Antje had to help her. The woman opened her mouth and picked up the giant dild*. Trixie was sure that the part had to reach the woman's throat. The man took out of his jacket pocket a spiked collar, like some fighting dogs wear, and put it around his wife's neck. The collar sat between her bodysuit and head mask. The spikes dug into her bare skin. Then the man attached a dog leash to the collar and left his wife standing there for now. He walked with Antje to the cash register and paid his bill. He nodded over to the chair and asked Antje to please very please dispose of the wife's things. He walked back to his wife, grabbed the leash and ordered her to put her hands on her neck. Then he pulled on the leash and the woman followed him out of the store.
Trixie and Beate came to Antje and Trixie asked Antje why the man had slapped his wife. Antje just shrugged her shoulders. "That's a matter for the two of them to work out between themselves. If it had happened somewhere else, not here in the store, I might have intervened. But in my store, it's not uncommon for a master to treat his slave girl very roughly. And after all, she had not followed a clear command properly."
Beate also tried to reassure Trixie. "I too don't think it's good when a husband beats his wife. I don't know the circ*mstances of the two and also don't know if such treatment is common in their partnership. In our WG such behavior would not be possible. But also with us it goes partly very roughly. In fact, it can be many times harsher with us when we whip each other, for example. Yes, you hear right. Sometimes we also use the whip. But that is something that each of us has said 'yes' to. Just as each of us has said 'yes' to the various humiliations, insults, sex games, bondage and whatnot. It may be hard for you to comprehend right now but we realized, each of us separately, at some point that pain and pleasure are closely related."
Antje called Beate to her. "Pull up your skirt, I have an idea."
Beate did as she was ordered. Antje got a key out of her purse and took the locks off Beate's labia. Then she went to one of the shelves and looked for something there. She returned with two balls attached to short chains. Both balls had dozens of spikes about two centimeters long with slightly rounded tips. Antje attached the balls to Beate's labia. Although the labia still remained covered, the balls were clearly visible to everyone. In addition, Beate now had to keep her legs as far apart as possible while walking.
Trixie and Beate left the store shortly after, Trixie still had the latex clothes on. Beate suggested to walk the way to the city center this time and not to take the subway. Trixie wondered about this, but she had no objections. After they had walked the streets for 20 minutes, Trixie noticed that she was extremely sweaty under the latex by now. She told Beate this, but she just grinned. When they were downtown Beate found a pet shop. She went into the store with Trixie and looked at the dog collars. She found a red collar with white crosses about three inches wide that she liked. She held it up to Trixie, looked at it and told Trixie to put the collar on. Trixie could never explain later why she complied with this request without any hesitation. Beate also picked out a long leash, which she tied to the front of the collar and then just let it dangle down. So they went to the cash register, where Beate paid for the collar and leash and loudly announced that Trixie would keep it on right away. The other customers in the store looked at Trixie, puzzled.
After they had strolled around the shopping streets for a while, Beate said that they should slowly go home. Again, they walked, which caused Trixie to break out in another sweat. Back home this time Beate had Trixie unlock the doors and operate the elevator so she realized how easy it was with the transponder. Trixie also saw a camera pointed at the front door, apparently connected to the doorbell system in the apartment.
When they entered the apartment, Siggi was already there. This time, too, she was completely naked. She was kneeling on the floor in the hallway, her arms at the back of her neck, waiting for her roommates like this. When she saw Trixie's new collar, she stood up and kissed her on the cheek. Beate and Trixie went to their rooms. Before entering her room Trixie said "I need a shower first now. Do you want me to get dressed after?"
Beate looked at her. "Do you really need the shower that bad? I'd take a blind guess that Antje would be happy if you skipped the shower and instead just took off your skirt and t-shirt and sandals and stuff and waited for the other two."
Trixie went to her room and took off her normal clothes. Then she stroked the smooth latex on her body. She felt the sweat on her skin under the latex. With one finger, she pulled the latex at the neckline and smelled it. However, she only smelled the latex and no body-sweat because it was still much too fresh. She decided to follow Beate's suggestion and went into the living room wearing only the transparent latex. When Siggi saw her like that, she hugged Trixie. "That's so sweet, little girl. I get the impression you're already enjoying the whole thing." Trixie sat down in the living room on an armchair. Then she closed her eyes and started thinking about her situation. In fact, she was becoming more and more attracted to this WG.
The only aspect that really worried her was the matter of the whip. Should she really let herself be whipped? She was afraid of that pain. She still saw the image of the man who had slapped his wife in the face. She went into the hallway where Siggi had resumed her previous position and asked her if she could talk to her because something was bothering her. Siggi came into the living room and when Trixie sat down in the armchair, Siggi knelt down on the floor next to the armchair. As before, she held her hands at the back of her neck.
"What I've seen here so far has appealed to me quite a bit. But when we were at Anke's store today, there was a customer who was beating his wife, and then Beate explained to me that you guys sometimes whip each other. Is that true?"
"Yes, it happens. Not even that very rarely. Just last week Karin spanked me with a riding crop. I could barely sit for two days. I know that sounds bad now. And I'm sure it repulses you, too. But shall I tell you something? While Karin whipped me, I got so horny that the juice ran down my legs. And because Karin had then also forbidden me to wash myself and we then went to town in the heat last week, I stank like a forest donkey after a while. Just for fun we went into a store and tried on a pair of jeans. You should have seen the saleswoman's face when she smelled me."
"Is that the only way you guys whip each other," Trixie inquired.
"Of course not," Siggi replied. We use a wide variety of tools to do it. We have various whips, but also paddles and bamboo sticks, and sometimes a leather belt will do. And it's not limited to the buttocks either, the whole body can be the target, including pubic or breasts. Only the head and the region by the kidneys are off limits. Sometimes, when one of us has very strong welts, she has to dress in such a way that everyone who sees her can also notice the welts. We have also been to the theater, Beate, Karin and I with backs covered in welts and then fancy backless evening gowns. Of course people noticed that. You notice something like that and you also notice when people whisper to each other. Some whisper so loudly that everyone hears it. Most of them then ask themselves what kind of women they are who put up with such things. When we're back home, we're amused by the stupid faces and the comments that were made."
Shortly after, Antje and Karin came out of the store. Antje ordered Siggi to kneel on all fours in front of the couch. Then Antje locked Karin in one of the cages. She went to the kitchen and after a few moments came back with a bottle of iced tea, two glasses and a shallow bowl. She put the glasses and the bowl on Siggi's bare back, then she opened the bottle and poured the glasses full and also poured some of the iced tea into the bowl. After that, she put the cold bottle on Siggi's back as well. Siggi was startled at the cold touch. Antje placed the shallow bowl on the floor in front of her and told Siggi to lick her tea out of the bowl.
The sight of Siggi kneeling naked in front of her with her small breasts hanging down excited Trixie insanely. Then when Antje put her feet on Siggi's bare back Trixie followed her example. But then Trixie asked if she could play with her feet on Siggi's breasts. Antje laughed and gave her permission. Trixie let her toes slide against Siggi's small tit*. She played with Siggi's stiff nipple with her big toe, then leaned back on the couch, closed her eyes and grabbed her crotch. Antje watched her with amusem*nt.
"Well, how do you feel in that latex. There's a paper-thin film of sweat between your skin and the fabric now. Do you like that feeling?"
"It's all so unreal here. No, unreal is perhaps the wrong expression. On the one hand, I actually want to run away screaming. But on the other hand, I probably wouldn't forgive myself for this my whole life."
"I think a woman's body glistening with sweat like that is just horny," Antje explained. "And I like the smell, too." She stroked Trixie's thighs and her fingers carefully crept under Trixie's panties toward her puss*. Trixie bit her lips, but she let it all happen.
Antje turned on the TV to watch the news, then there was a feature film. All the time Siggi remained kneeling in front of them. Antje got up a few times to get supplies, chips or a bottle of ice cold co*ke. Antje and Trixie talked again about Trixie's time in prison and Antje had countless questions about it. She also inquired how Gaby was doing, whom she had already visited once in prison together with Beate. At some point the film ended and if Trixie had been asked what the film had been about, she would not have been able to answer.
Then, when they went to bed, Antje said that Trixie had better take a shower now, because she wasn't used to being in latex clothes for so long yet.
"By the way, here is the key to the second closet in your room," Antje said, handing Trixie a key. "Each of our rooms has a closet like this. We stored our toys there. Of course, each of us has our own individual favorite toys here. But certain basic equipment is the same in all of them. In your closet, of course, there is only the basic equipment. But even with that, you can have a nice evening.

Chapter 3: Siggi's workshop
Trixie went to her room and opened the closet with the key. On the left side of the closet were several compartments containing various parts. In one compartment there were about a dozen different dild*s, big small thin ones, some obviously with a vibrator, because there was a pack of batteries next to them. In the compartment above, Trixie found hand and foot cuffs made of chrome-plated iron, along with some collars that were also chrome-plated. Then there was a compartment containing several whips. Next to it there was a clothes rail with some latex pieces hanging from it. Above the clothes rail there was another larger wide compartment where several folded latex parts lay. She took some of the parts, unfolded them and looked at them. She wasn't quite sure yet if she should wear something like this, but maybe she would find out.
Trixie picked up some of the wrist and ankle cuffs and looked at them more closely. She wasn't sure what to do now. Of course, she could take the handing over of the key as a request to satisfy herself. She had done that regularly in prison. But somehow it seemed wrong to her here and now. At last, however, she gave herself a jolt and grabbed some leg irons and handcuffs. She put on the leg irons. A key had been lying next to the leg irons and she tried it to see if it would fit into the leg irons. For a moment she cursed herself for not checking before putting the leg irons on. But she was lucky, she could actually open the leg irons with this key. But this time, before she put on the handcuffs, she also checked if the key fit. When that worked, she first put a handcuff on her left wrist, guided her hand behind her back and fished for the other handcuff with her right hand. Then she put her right hand into the handcuffs as well and squeezed the handcuffs together with her left hand. The clicking of the handcuffs excited her and she would have liked to satisfy herself now, but to do that she would have had to remove the handcuffs first, and she didn't want to do that. She lay down on the bed and soon fell asleep.
The next morning she woke up around 7:00. She first grabbed the keys for the handcuffs and realized that it was quite a fumble to get the handcuffs off herself behind her back. When she finally succeeded after a few minutes, she took off her leg irons as well. Then she quickly went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth afterwards. Still completely naked she went into the kitchen where she met Siggi. Siggi was also still naked. She had set the breakfast table for herself and motioned for Trixie to join her with a wave of her hand.
"Well, did you sleep well?" Siggi asked. Trixie said that the bed was much softer than in prison. That was very comfortable, she said. And then she confessed to Siggi that she had tied herself up the night before and spent the night that way.
"That's quite normal," Siggi countered. "We all do it from time to time, and you certainly don't have to be ashamed of it. But of course it's much more fun when someone else does it for you and you have no choice whether to let yourself go free again or stay tied up. If you tie yourself up, you are also somewhat limited. Some positions you can hardly realize alone. But honestly, since I've been living here in the WG now, I do that relatively infrequently because we tie each other up often enough in one way or another."
As the two finished breakfast Siggi said she was starting to get ready for work. She asked Trixie what she had planned to do today. Trixie thought for a moment first. She wondered if she should go back to the city, but she would also like to go to the zoo in Cologne. Suddenly she had an idea.
"Say, Siggi, couldn't I go with you to your workshop?"
"Of course. No problem at all. But what do you want there?"
"I don't know exactly yet," Trixie said. "But we would have a lot of opportunities to talk there."
"We can talk here, too," Siggi replied. "We don't need to keep anything secret from the others here."
"That's certainly true. But somehow I have the feeling that when we talk to each other for a whole day like this, topics come up that I might not even think about now. I'd also like to see how you work. As long as I don't have a new job, I might be able to help you, if you want me to."
Siggi laughed, then sent Trixie to her room and told her to put some clothes on. Jeans and a t-shirt would do just fine. She herself also went to her room and after a few minutes came into Trixie's room dressed. "Come on then let's get going."
They took the elevator together to the underground garage where Siggi's van was parked. "Do you want to go comfortably or do you want it the hard way?" Siggi asked.
"What do you mean by comfortable and what do you mean by hard way?"
"’Comfortable’ means you sit in the passenger seat. I'll show you the hard way in the cargo compartment." Siggi opened the sliding side door and showed Trixie that there were shelves built into her truck that held various tools. Then she pointed to a small cabinet in the corner. "This is the hard way," she explained.
"Are you telling me to crawl into that little closet?"
"Of course, why not? Karin has ridden in that closet with me many times. Sometimes for hours at a time. And once I locked her in it and left the car in the blazing sun. You should have seen her there when I came back after a few hours and freed her."
"But Karin is much bigger and stronger than I am," Trixie objected.
"Yeah, that's just it. If Karin can fit in there, then you can fit in there."
"And how long does the ride take?"
"About 20, 25 minutes. It depends on the traffic, of course. Are you scared when you're in tight spaces? I couldn't keep Beate locked in that closet because she panics in tight spaces like that."
Trixie got into the car, and opened the small closet. Then she crawled inside the closet. It was incredibly tight. She moaned a few times but Siggi said, "Don't be like that. Karin gets in there too and she's usually tied up by then."
When Trixie was finally in the closet, Siggi closed the door and turned the key to lock the closet. Then she lightly tapped on the top of the closet and called out to Trixie that it was time to go. It was a new experience for Trixie to drive around without seeing anything and without being able to move. The closet was totally dark inside and she could well imagine that Beate would panic in such a space. She felt how the car started, drove a distance, around some curves, then stopped again. Long ago, the air in the closet was a bit stuffy. After that, it apparently continued for a bit in stop-and-go traffic. The time in the closet seemed like hours to her. Finally, the car stopped once again and the engine was turned off. Trixie heard the door open and the key turn in the locker lock. When she got out of the car, she was drenched in sweat and had to take a breath.
The car was now parked in a small yard next to a workshop. She followed Siggi through a door, then they were standing in Siggi's workshop. It was meticulously tidy. On one side was a lumberyard, while on the other side were several workbenches, with a wide variety of saws, planes, chisels, screwdrivers and other tools hanging on the wall above them. In the center of the room were several machines. She recognized a band saw and a large electric planer.
"Do you do your iron work here, too?" she asked
Instead of an answer, Siggi led Trixie into a second room, apparently reserved for ironwork. Trixie looked around and was especially impressed by the anvil and a furnace. But then they went back to the room for carpentry work.
Siggi pointed to a pile of wood and explained that she was currently working on a staircase. She showed Trixie the plans and then the wood she was going to work on next. Trixie then took the wood to the band saw where Siggi cut it. Suddenly, Siggi turned off the saw, even though she was nowhere near finished with the piece she was working on.
"Spit it out," Siggi said.
"You do have something. Something is bothering you and you want to talk to me about it. But apparently you don't dare. So, what's it about?"
"It's still about the whipping thing. I can't deal with it yet."
"I can understand that. Most people would say you were crazy if you told them you were getting whipped. But you know, or at least you suspect, that this isn't the only occasion you'll suffer pain."
"Then what other occasions are there?" Trixie asked, intimidated.
"All kinds of things can cause you pain. We're all pretty masoch*stic, Karin most of all. She can never get enough. It can be bondage that's too tight or that's kept on too long. It can be electric shocks or needles. It can be a plug that's too big in your butt or the sharp edge when you're riding the buck. And if you're unlucky, it's the food Antje cooks."
Now Trixie laughed. "The food Antje cooks can cause you pain?"
"You bet. Antje learned to cook Thai food somewhere. And mostly she cooks it extremely spicy. At the very beginning, she asked us if we liked it spicy, and we cluelessly said that it could be spicy. We never made that mistake a second time. Now we always say that it should be relatively mild. And even that's still pretty darn spicy."
"Thanks for warning me there. I might have said I liked it spicy, too. But getting back to my problem, the whipping still worries me. More than the other things you just mentioned. Some of them I didn't even think about. But whipping is such a very real thing. I've seen in movies that people used to get whipped when they committed a crime. Like in 'Mutiny on the Bounty,' for example."
"I've seen that movie, too. It's portrayed pretty drastically. And I don't even know how to help you here now."
"You could whip me."
"Excuse me?" asked Siggi.
"I mean it. Of course, not as hard as you do, and certainly not as hard as in the movie, because I'm not used to your games yet. I'm sure there are many gradations there, too."
"Sure, sometimes it's harder, sometimes it's almost a gimmick. And what were you thinking of now?"
"I can't say exactly, maybe something in the middle. Not quite extreme, but not too light either."
"So a medium whipping. That would mean light welts on your back. I even have a suitable whip here. And how many strokes were you thinking of, ten? Twenty?"
"Isn't five enough?"
"Five is not much, but you are still at the very beginning in this respect. Are you sure you've thought this through? Even if I don't do it that hard, you'll feel the welts for some time and see them for much longer."
"Of course. And I'm afraid of it. But I've made up my mind to do it. Please let's do it real quick before I change my mind."
"All right," Siggi said. "Take off your clothes. And all of it. I'll go get the whip in the meantime."
Trixie took off her T-shirt and laid it on the bandsaw. She slipped the sneakers she was wearing off her feet and placed them next to the machine. Then she unzipped her jeans, slid them down, and stepped out of the pants. She put the pants with the T-shirt. That was all she had on, because she had already noticed that no one in the WG wore underwear. Siggi came back and brought a whip that had a handle about a meter long with a single leather strap. She handed the whip to Trixie so she could get a good look at it. Meanwhile, she operated the controls of a crane that spanned her workshop. She lowered the crane to the center and then lowered the rope to a height of one and a half feet. From a corner of the workshop, she retrieved a beam that had an eye in the middle and hooks on both ends. From a drawer in one of the workbenches she then retrieved leather cuffs, which she handed to Trixie.
Trixie took the cuffs and put them around her wrists. Siggi checked the cuffs again and pulled them a little tighter. There were rings on the cuffs and Siggi now hooked them to the hooks on the beam. Then she let the hook go back up. Trixie stood with her arms raised, but Siggi kept the hook going up until Trixie lost her footing under her feet.
"Are you ready?" Siggi asked.
"Go ahead," replied Trixie who was already hurting from the pull on her arms. She hadn't quite finished speaking when the strap landed on her shoulder. She cried out loudly in shock. Siggi did not take her time. She knew this would make it easier for Trixie. The next four strokes landed on Trixie's back in less than half a minute.
"That's it," Siggi announced. "Or would you like some more?"
For a moment, Trixie hung in the rope in shock. Then she asked Siggi to lower her.
"I mean, you could hang there for a few minutes. How about you enjoy the view, and I'll go get us some quick baked goods at the bakery." Before Trixie could answer, Siggi had actually disappeared out the door. Trixie didn't even know what happened to her. She would have loved to scream out loud or cry. But after a few minutes, Siggi came back with a paper bag that was obviously from a baker....
"I've changed my mind. It's too early for a reward. I'll let you down now, then you'll get chains on. After that, you can move that pile of wood over there to the other corner."
Siggi fetched a box containing iron chains and first fished out a heavy chain with two leg irons, which she put on Trixie while she was still hanging in the air. Only then did she lower Trixie all the way down and detach the beam from the rope. While Siggi maneuvered the crane back onto its side, Trixie let her hands hang down with the beam. Siggi undid the cuffs and put a chain with two handcuffs on her. Then she gave her a push towards the wood pile and ordered her to move it to the other side of the workshop.
It took Trixie almost two hours to clear the huge pile of wood to the other corner. When she was done, she was wet with sweat and quite dirty from the dust and dirt on the wood. Meanwhile, Siggi continued working on the stairs. When the pile was finally on the other side, Trixie had to sweep clean where it had been before.
Siggi took the bag of particles she had picked up earlier from the workbench and offered Trixie a doughnut. They ate their doughnuts in silence. Siggi meanwhile looked at Trixie and then said "Hmm. Actually, I thought it was much better when the wood was still in the old place. Why don't you be a good girl and clean it back up?"
Trixie looked at her in disbelief. "Go ahead," Siggi commanded.
This time it took Trixie much longer because she was already so exhausted. After almost three hours, the job was finally done. The dust had mixed with her sweat and she looked completely filthy.
"That was quite a bit of work," Siggi remarked. "You were sweating like crazy. Now you need a drink first." With that, she handed Trixie a bottle of water. "I want you to drink the bottle in one go now."
Trixie had trouble drinking that much water in one go, but she made an effort and actually got three-quarters of the bottle down. Her body reacted to the sudden intake of water after the hard work by breaking out in another sweat. Trixie felt as if she was sweating out many times what she had drunk before.
Siggi reached for the chain between the handcuffs and led Trixie into the next room. There she screwed a link of the chain into a vise and ordered her to wait for her here. Then she went back to her carpentry shop and worked on the stairs for another hour. Only then did she release Trixie from her chains. She then let Trixie get dressed as well. Then they went back to Siggi's van, where Siggi pulled open the side door. Without any hesitation, Trixie crawled back into the small closet and Siggi locked it again. Then Siggi got in the van and drove off.
"Well, how was that?" asked Siggi loud enough for Trixie to hear clearly.
"It was intense. But I think I understood what you were trying to make me understand," Trixie called out from her tiny closet.
"And are you mad at me now?" Siggi asked.
"No. I think that was a lesson I needed."
"I hope I haven't scared you so much now that you've dropped any thought of joining us."
"No. I know now that I can take that kind of thing, too. And I know I'm pretty persistent."
When they got back to their apartment, they found Beate in the living room. Siggi walked Trixie over to her, then turned Trixie around by the shoulders so that her back was to Beate and lifted Trixie's T-shirt up. Beate stood up, turned Trixie around until she was looking at her again, then she hugged Trixie. She then hurried to her room where she had set up a pharmacy. She got an ointment with which she anointed Trixie's welts. Beate sent Trixie to her room so she could undress and shower and then asked her to come into the living room naked as usual. When Trixie was back, Siggi was also already in the living room after she had undressed as well. Beate let Trixie tell her everything in detail. She thought it was good that Trixie had found her own way to calm her fears.
Then Antje and Karin also came out of the store. When Karin saw Trixie's back with the welts, she cheered, ran to her and hugged her. While doing so, she gently stroked her back with her hand. Trixie winced a little when Karin touched the sensitive welts, but she made no sound.
"We should drink to that," Antje announced. Beate ran into the kitchen and returned shortly with a tray with a bottle of champagne and some glasses on it. She opened the bottle and poured four glasses. She had a glass of orange juice for herself, because she still had to go to her night shift.

Chapter 4: At the Hairdresser's
The next morning Trixie woke up when someone sat down next to her on the bed. Sleepily she opened her eyes and saw Siggi in front of her, who had come to her, naked of course.
"Hello little apprentice carpenter," Siggi said. "How are you today?"
Trixie straightened up a bit and propped herself up with her elbows. Still sleepy, she looked Siggi in the face. The short, black hair framed a slender face with black eyes, a straight nose and a wide mouth. Trixie could see the very short, fine hairs on her upper lip and cheeks. Then her gaze slid further down over the slender but muscular neck, the strong arms to the small pendulous breasts with the heavy rings running through the base of the nipples, then further down to the slender rib-cage and belly button. She could just make out the top edge of Siggi's pubic hair. She thought this body was wonderful. Siggi was a little taller than herself, but that was no wonder, with Trixie measuring only five foot sixty. She was also much stronger and Trixie estimated that she weighed 55-60 kilos, but there was no fat there, only muscle. Trixie herself normally weighed only 45 kilos, but had lost some weight in prison and now weighed only 42 kilos. Even her mother had sometimes called her "her little starveling."
"I'm doing okay, but my back does hurt a little. And I have quite a sore muscle."
Siggi laughed, "After all that time in prison, you're probably not used to anything anymore. But I'm sure that's no wonder. If you join us here, you'll soon be in pretty good shape. The best thing is to ask Beate if she can give you an ointment for it."
Siggi stroked Trixie's mini-breasts and gently twirled her nipple, which to Trixie's amazement was already rock hard. Then Siggi's hand moved down her body to her hips and thighs. "Turn over on your stomach," Siggi requested.
Trixie immediately complied with the request. She turned onto her stomach and rested her head on her arms stretched forward and crossed. She felt Siggi's hand slowly run over her back, and she twitched ever so slightly as the hand touched the welts on her back. Then Siggi slowly ran her pointer and middle finger down her bony spine to her butt crack. She also stroked Trixie's sides where her ribs could be felt under the skin. Finally, she bent down and kissed Trixie's back on one of the welts and stood up with a jerk. Trixie turned on her side and looked at her new friend. Her eyes wandered to the locks that closed Siggi's labia and lingered at last on the cl*t ring.
"What's that ring you have through your cl*t for?" Trixie asked.
Siggi reached out and lifted the ring a bit and played with it. "It doesn't go right through there at all, it just goes through the foreskin. Sometimes we attach a leash there to lead me around. But you can also attach weights to it, or if a second slave also has such a ring, you can chain the two of them together there very well. Especially at night this is a lot of fun. You can imagine how it feels when one of the two then moves even a little bit. We've also put bells on there before. But if we put anything there at all, it's more likely to be on the labia. They can be stretched quite a bit. At the moment the locks are in my outer labia. That's why you can't see that my labia minora also have holes where we then hang weights or the like. But the ring also keeps touching the actual cl*t and excites it."
"That sounds pretty hard, hanging weights on it. Doesn't that hurt?"
"Of course it hurts at first, but you get used to it very quickly. Only when the weights are very heavy does it hurt. Then when we go into town, with a short skirt and of course without anything underneath, the guys and also some girls get to see quite a nice sight." At this Siggi grinned from ear to ear.
"So I have to go now. I guess yesterday was enough for you right now. But we can do it again sometime soon if you like. You should take a shower now and then go to the kitchen, then you can have breakfast with Beate when she gets off duty. Antje and Karin will be up soon, too, but they usually sleep a little longer than the rest of us."
Trixie lay there for a moment and watched Siggi disappear through the door into the bathroom. The sight of Siggi's tanned butt made her want to bite into it, even though she couldn't, of course. Then she got up herself and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
When she came into the kitchen afterwards, she was alone at first. She looked for the coffee and the coffee filter and turned on the machine. Then she set the table for four people and also got bread, butter and sausage from the icebox. In another cupboard she found jam and honey. Shortly after, Beate arrived, having finished her night shift. She brought a large bag of rolls and poured them into a basket. Since the coffee had gone through by now, they were able to sit right down at the table. Beate said that they should not wait for Antje and Karin.
Beate also inquired how Trixie had survived the night. She announced that she was going to put cream on Trixie's back again after breakfast. She would also give Trixie something for the sore muscles.
"Siggi didn't hit very hard yesterday," Beate explained. "The welts aren't very red and I'm sure they'll be gone in a few days. Siggi told me that you seem to have a big problem when it comes to whipping."
"That's true," Trixie replied. "But to some extent, I understand that now. I can now imagine that there can even be a certain pleasure in being whipped. Every time Siggi struck, it was like an electric shock that went through the whole body. Especially all the way between the legs. And I suspect that might be similar with the other things Siggi had mentioned when it comes to pain. Of course, I'm not quite sure yet, I just don't have the experience."
"Then the action has served its purpose. Are there any other areas you have questions about? I'm sure you have hundreds of questions, but many of them will be answered by themselves when you join us. I can tell you right now, though, that the way you behave here has gone over very well with me and the others. You don't seem to have any prejudices and you're very easy-going about everything."
"I also think that the questions will only come with time. At the moment I'm still a bit overwhelmed. I can't think of much off the top of my head. At most a small thing. Except for Antje, we are actually all naked most of the time. Apart from the chastity belt and chastity bra that Karin wears. But I think you can also call her naked. Only Antje is always dressed. Is that because she adds the most to your budget?"
"Not in the least," Beate replied. "It's entirely because she's the mistress at the moment. One of our rules says that the mistress should be dressed if possible, to make us slave girls aware that we are under her. I already told you that every week a different one is the mistress. We take turns on Sunday evening or Monday morning. Next week I will be the mistress. Then Antje will also walk around naked in the apartment most of the time. Unless I think of something nice for her. But you can bet your life that it will happen. That's just part of it then, and that's why we do it."
Beate drank some coffee, then grabbed a notepad from a shelf and a pen. "There's something else I wanted to ask you. I can guess that of course you're more or less broke after being in prison. I'd like to know if you can say roughly what your financial situation is. Gaby told me that you must have embezzled some money from your old company to support your boyfriend. Presumably the company wants the money back, right?"
"Yeah, the son of a bitch took off with all the money and I got to take the fall. My old company gets almost a quarter of a million euros from me. And there's the interest on top of that. I don't have the slightest idea how I'll ever pay that. You know, of course, I don't have a job. And I don't even know, if I move in here, whether then the social security office will give me anything. And also my lawyer has only gotten part of his bill paid. But it's not quite that much, it's only just under €2000."
Beate pushed the notepad towards her and asked her to write down the addresses of her old company and the lawyer. Trixie asked why, and Beate told her that they could try and see if they could maybe work out a deal with the company Trixie used to work for. She also said that she wanted to look around to see if there might be a job for Trixie. She didn't want to get her hopes up there, though, because it was clear to both of them that Trixie's past wouldn't make that very easy.
"In the meantime, have you looked into the stuff in the second closet," Beate asked.
Trixie confessed that she had looked at the stuff in the closet once.
"And did you play with it a bit, too," Beate probed. Trixie blushed. Then she confessed that she had once handcuffed herself with hand and leg cuffs.
"And what about the dild*s?" followed the next question.
Trixie turned even redder, but didn't say a word. Beate laughed. "Oh come on, it's not all that bad. We all do it, at least when we can." With that, she reached between her legs and to the locks hanging there.
"You know," Beate said, sitting down next to Trixie and putting her hand on her bare shoulder, "in a way, the whole WG could be described as a self-restraint and masturbation facility. We don't do it ourselves, usually one of us satisfies the other or ties her up, but that's all completely in our favor. And you don't have to be ashamed at all if you give yourself a hand."
Trixie didn't answer and Beate realized that Trixie was probably still too uptight to talk so freely and openly about such topics. So Beate simply changed the subject.
"What are you up to today," Beate inquired.
"I thought I might go to the hairdresser. In prison, we usually only cut each other's hair and only under strict supervision, because then of course we fiddled around with scissors, and of course we weren't allowed to just take such dangerous things into the cell with us. I think my hair needs a professional cut. I just need to see where I can get it without having to check in for a week first."
"No problem. I'll call my hairdresser right now, I'm sure she can fit you in. You might as well get your fingernails done, maybe your toenails too. My hairdresser has a very good team for that. But don't get your hair cut too much." Then Beate reached for the phone and spoke briefly with someone. After hanging up, she said, "OK, she'll take you in between. I told her you'll be right there. You go about 400 yards down the street to the right. At the store it says "Mona's Hair Studio." Do you want to wear regular clothes or something risqué?"
"Something daring sounds like fun. Did Antje leave an instruction?
"No, but I can come up with something nice."
"Why not, but please don't go too overboard," Trixie agreed, although she suspected there was something coming.
Beate went to her room and came back after a few minutes. She had several leather straps in her hand, all covered with sharp spikes five centimeters long. "How about these," Beate asked. "These go on your hands, arms, and around your neck."
Trixie looked them over, then nodded. Beate helped her put on the leather straps and secured each with a small lock. She placed the keys to them on a shelf on the wall.
Trixie went to her room and put on short jeans and a belly shirt, then stepped into her sneakers. After 5 minutes she stepped out of the elevator first into the small hallway and then stepped out into the street. She went right down the street and sure enough, after a short distance, she arrived at the hair studio.
When she entered the hair studio, a young woman immediately approached her. "Are you Trixie?" she asked, "Beate has already announced you. Let's see then."
She escorted Trixie to a chair, and over the next few hours she washed Trixie's hair, blow-dried it and brought it into shape. At some point, a second woman joined in, too, and took care of Trixie's fingernails. When she wanted to take off her shoes to do her toenails as well, Trixie resisted at first, but after a little coaxing, she agreed.
Then the first woman came back to Trixie. "Shall we have a go at the hair on your puss* too?" she asked. Again, Trixie immediately blushed, even more than she had before.
"How," she stammered. She would have preferred to sink into the floor. There were two other customers in the store and Trixie was sure they had heard everything. But the hairdresser didn't let up.
She pressed a lever, whereupon the backrest went back and Trixie lay almost horizontal. Then she opened Trixie's shorts and pulled them down a bit.
"Well, you see, we'd have to trim those a bit, too. The best thing to do is to bring them into shape a bit, and there's some hair that goes down to the crotch fold. And also the hairs on the labia and from there to the butt hole we might want to get rid of. There aren't many, but I know that Beate in particular doesn't like hair on her tongue." Trixie closed her eyes and wanted to hide. She felt the looks of the other customers on her. When the hairdresser first trimmed her pubic hair with scissors and then soaped her puss* and carefully worked on it with a razor, she suffered agony. But these intimate touches also made her wet, which was mega embarrassing to her.
"That wasn't so hard," the hairdresser said, smiling at her. Then she pulled Trixie's pants back up and Trixie hurried to zip them back up. Trixie heard one of the customers whispering with one of the other hairdressers, but she couldn't understand what they were saying.
As she walked to the register, she quietly asked the hairdresser what the customer had said. "She wanted to know how much such an intimate shave costs. I told her it cost two hundred euros."
"Oh dear. I didn't expect that much at all."
"Don't worry, Trixie. With Beate and her friends, we do things like that for free. Beate took very good care of my husband last year when he had a heart attack. So we can do such little things here for free. You only pay for the hair care, the pedicure and the manicure. Makes a total of 78 €."
Trixie almost fled the store, so embarrassed had it all become for her. When she was back on the street, she looked around and thought about what else she could do with the afternoon that had started. She strolled down the street a bit, and when she passed a movie theater, she looked at the posters. Deciding on the spur of the moment, she bought a ticket and went to see a comedy. When she finally got back home, Siggi was already there, too.
"Hello Trixie," Siggi greeted her, "Say, could you do me a big favor?"
"Of course, what is it?"
"I noticed that the hair on my arms and on my upper body has grown a little again. It doesn't look pretty. Maybe we could get in the shower and you could shave me from top to bottom."
Again, this lack of concern when it came to the most intimate things. And that after this visit to the hairdresser. But Siggi smiled at her and Trixie remembered how they had already showered together the first day. So she agreed and they went together to her bathroom, which was between the two rooms.
Siggi gave Trixie a large can of shaving cream in the shower and let her lather her up from top to bottom. Then she handed Trixie a handful of disposable razors. "Here. You're not going to get by with one razor there. I'd prefer it if you shaved me from neck to ankles. Only the hair on the puss* should remain as it is now. It looks nice doesn't it?"
Trixie shaved her back first, then her upper body and arms. Then she had Siggi put her hands on her neck so she could shave her armpits too. She saw that the hair there must have been 2 inches long. It surprised her a little.
"No, not in the armpits. Beate finds it incredibly horny when I sweat heavily there and also the hair sticks to the skin with the sweat. And next week Beate is our mistress. I want to make her a pleasure there."
Trixie almost fell from faith, but slowly she got used to the fact that in this WG everything was different than elsewhere.
When the procedure was finished, they dried off and went to the kitchen for dinner.

Chapter 5: A day in bed
The next day also started like the previous one. Siggi was out of the house early to work in her workshop, Beate and Trixie were sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast, while Antje and Karin slept a little longer.
"You, Beate, I have my question. You said yesterday that you also often satisfy yourselves and tie yourselves up, but that it's usually done by one of the others. A few days ago I tied myself up in the evening and laid in bed like this. But I didn't really feel the big thrill of it."
"And now you're wondering if bondage gives you anything at all?"
"Well somehow I found it a bit tepid. Not very satisfying," Trixie laughed, winking at Beate.
"You know, there's one really big problem with self-bondage. Actually, several. First, the bondages are often not tight enough. Somehow one hesitates to put on the ropes or the chains very tightly. But in the end, that's up to you. Secondly, you always need some way to free yourself. Imagine you would tie yourself up like that, without any possibility to free yourself and something happens. Then you are screwed. If you are lucky someone will find you or you can notify someone. Of course, it's better if you let someone know beforehand or ask them to come to you under some pretext, just as a backup. But the situation will be extremely embarrassing in any case. If you are unlucky, well, you can imagine it yourself. And thirdly, you are also limited in the possibilities of self-bondage. You have only two arms and two hands but with which hand do you want to tie them up? Especially if you want the bondage to be a bit more refined and harder."
"And that's why self-bondage isn't as much fun as real ones?"
"That's right," Beate said. "Have you ever been really tied up at all?"
"Maybe as a kid when we played cowboys and Indians. Other than that, no more. Even in prison, we didn't even get handcuffed as long as we didn't do anything wrong."
"Well, none of that counts," Beate judged. "Do you want to try it out? What are you up to today?"
Trixie shook her head "Nothing special, really."
"Well, why not." Beate thought for a moment then grinned for a moment. "Look, I'll get everything ready." She grinned and placed a large bottle of water in front of Trixie and told her "drink this. If I tie you up, you're going to lose a whole lot of fluid. After all, if we're going to do this, I want it to be real. I'd say I'll tie you up all day. Then you'll also realize how exhausting such bondage can be."
Beate went to Trixie's room and made the necessary preparations. After fifteen minutes she came back to the kitchen, but Trixie had only drunk a glass of water by then. Now Beate urged her to drink faster. After two more glasses, however, Trixie refused to drink any more. Beate was content with that, though. She took Trixie to her room where she had laid out some ropes and cuffs of leather and a few other pieces.
First she gave Trixie two leather cuffs and asked her to put them around her wrists. Although Trixie tightened the straps all the way, Beate found that they were still quite loose. She made a mental note that they probably needed tighter leather cuffs. Karin was able to make those quickly. Then Trixie had to put cuffs back on above her elbows and lastly on her ankles.
"Spread your legs and bend all the way forward," Beate ordered. As Trixie leaned forward, Beate asked, "have you ever had a plug in your bottom?"
"Never. Doesn't it hurt?"
"It's not that bad" Beate reassured her, "I have a very small, thin one here. You put Vaseline on it and then it slips in all by itself. Trixie felt Beate fiddling with something on her butt hole. Then she felt a very slight pain, but it really wasn't bad, as Beate increased the pressure and pushed the plug through the sphincter. Then she was allowed to stand up again.
Beate took one of the ropes, which were about finger thick, and looped it tightly around Trixie's waist above her protruding hip bones. She knotted it just below her belly button, then pulled the two ends between Trixie's legs and slipped them loosely under the rope at the back. She then took a red ball that had a series of holes in it and was attached to a leather strap. She held it in front of Trixie's mouth and she opened her mouth obediently as well. Beate slipped the ball between her teeth, then stepped behind her and pulled the strap pretty tight so that it pulled the corners of her mouth back as well.
"The ball is plastic. It's better than latex because some people don't like the taste of latex and it makes them nauseous. Also, this ball has a lot of holes in it so you can breathe through it and should you vomit there is also no danger of you choking as quickly as you would with a solid ball," she explained. "I'm still going to check on you every few minutes though because it's your first time. If you have any trouble, just shake your head wildly and I'll free you right up, okay?"
Next came a thick blindfold, which she slipped over Trixie's eyes and secured behind her head as well.
She grabbed Trixie's arms and led her to her bed. There she had Trixie lie down on the bed face down. She took another rope, doubled it and passed the double rope from behind between Trixie's back and her left arm first then pulled it over her shoulder to her neck to her right arm, back between her body and arm and knotted the rope in the back. She first passed the two long ends through the rings on the cuffs on her upper arms and knotted them there, pulling Trixie's arms tightly together and pushing her upper body forward. Trixie moaned ever so slightly. Then she continued with the rope to her wrists where she finally knotted the ends. Another slightly shorter rope she first passed through the rings on the cuffs at her feet, knotted it there again and pulled the rope to Trixie's wrists. She wrapped her legs and pulled the rope tight until Trixie's legs were pressed completely flat against her thighs and her arms were lifted slightly.
Now Beate took the two ends of the rope that she had previously pulled through the back under the waist rope, spread them a bit so that they passed Trixie's leg gap far out and didn't run through her puss*. She saved that for later. She continued the rope ends and then tied the two rope ends to the cuffs at her ankles. For now that should be enough but she planned to tighten the bondage a bit during the day. Beate left the room, but left the door open and also left the door to her own room open so she could listen for Trixie's noises. Over the next few hours, Beate checked on Trixie every 5 to 10 minutes. She moaned a little in between, but at some point she even fell asleep a little, which Beate could tell by her quiet breathing.
In the early afternoon Beate thought it was time to tighten the bondage a bit. She came into Trixie's room and turned Trixie in her bed from her stomach to her left side. Then she took another rope and attached it to the waist rope just at the knot below her belly button. She had picked out a relatively small but very modern vibrator from her stash. This one conveniently had an eyelet at the bottom end through which Beate pulled the rope. She spread Trixie's labia and noticed that Trixie was quite wet. For a moment, her own lust took over. She inserted two fingers into Trixie's puss* and explored the wet grotto. Then she withdrew her fingers and licked them with relish. But then Beate concentrated on her task again. Very carefully she pushed the vibrator into Trixie's puss*. She turned the vibrator on, then pulled the rope tight all the way back to the waist rope and knotted it to secure the vibrator in place. She then flipped Trixie back over onto her stomach. She considered putting little bells with alligator clips on Trixie's nipples, but left it alone.
The vibrator that Beate had inserted into Trixie had several settings. It was a relatively modern piece and offered several programs to choose from. One could either turn the device on permanently at a certain strength or set some kind of interval mode. But Beate had chosen the last setting, where the vibrator selected the duration of the vibration, the length of the pause between two vibration phases and the intensity completely randomly.
When she was back in her room, Beate noticed that now the sounds from Trixie's room became much louder and more intense. The volume fluctuated, sometimes it was just a soft moan, and then again a sharp squeal. Beate could vividly imagine how Trixie was feeling now. An hour later, she went back to Trixie's room and freed Trixie from the restraints. She noted that Trixie had apparently probably lost control of her bladder at some point. She was not surprised, because that had been the purpose of all the water Trixie had had to drink before she was tied up.
Trixie was incredibly embarrassed that she had wet the bed and also had to lie in her own urine for a while. Beate just laughed, though, and showed her that she had taken the precaution of pulling a plastic sheet under the sheet when she had prepared the bondage. She sent Trixie to the shower and then waited for Trixie in the living room with coffee and cake for them both.
Trixie took a long, long shower, enjoying the hot water on her body. Her bones were quite stiff from being tied up and she washed her urine off very thoroughly twice.
"Whew," she grumbled as she came into the living room where Beate was already waiting for her. "I didn't think it would be so severe. At first it went quite well but then I noticed how my legs cramped up a bit. And then this nasty vibrator, it put the crowning touch on the whole thing. When I came the second time, I couldn't control my bladder either. That's never happened to me before."
"There are two principles with bondage like this," Beate explained. "First, if it's not tight, it's not bondage. And two, whenever you think it can't get any worse, it gets worse. That's actually true for almost all of our games. You noticed that when Siggi whipped you. When she took you down, you were of the opinion that you would have preferred to sit down somewhere and let the pain slowly subside. But instead you had to move the wood to the other corner. And then when that was finally done, you had to move the stuff back again. And earlier I was just thinking about putting some clamps on your nipples. But I figured that was enough for now."
"I see what you mean. Right now, something like that can be pretty hard. But still, yeah, I kind of like it."
They ate their cake and drank coffee with it. Trixie was very quiet and hardly said a word.
"You, Beate, there is something," Trixie began a little hesitantly. "I don't know how to say this, or what to do. But I think I want to join your WG."
Beate put her hand on Trixie's bare thigh. "I'm glad to hear that. Honestly. But are you sure about that yet? You know you can take another week to get to know us better. Us and our lifestyle. Wouldn't you rather wait?"
"I've thought it over very carefully. After all, I've had plenty of time to do it all day. I'm a little scared about it, but that's normal when you start something new. If you take me into your WG, it's a whole new phase in my life. It will also be a clear break from my past. But of course I also know that there are a lot of problems. Especially that I am unemployed and have practically no money. That is at least one problem. But I can promise you that I will of course try to find a new job very quickly."
"So you don't have to worry about the money," Beate reassured her. "And we'll manage the job somehow. For us, it's much more important whether you can cope with our lifestyle. Not just getting along, but whether you want that to be your lifestyle, too."
"Yes, that's where I've made up my mind. It's a delightful oversight. Of course, I don't know where it will lead and how long I'll be able to keep it up. But definitely a couple of years, because I'm pretty stubborn and I don't give up easily. But I don't know how to apply for membership in your WG now, or whatever you can call it."
"I don't know that either," Beate confessed. "We've never had to think about how to accept someone new into our home. But it's actually a good fit today because we always get together on Friday nights when we're all there and discuss what's going on for the next week. We usually sit down in the kitchen and the respective mistress, at the moment Antje, chairs the meeting. You are there, of course, and we always talk very openly here. So you have to listen to what the rest of us think about it, where there are still questions on our part, or objections or anything else. That can be embarrassing and the questions are asked without any consideration. But I think the others will agree with you very much. You certainly have my vote."

Chapter 6: Recording
When everyone was home that evening, they sat down together in the kitchen after dinner. Antje sat at the head of the table, Beate and Trixie sat on one side, and Siggi and Karin sat across from them. Except for Antje, everyone was naked, even Karin had taken off her chastity belt and chains.
"Before we begin, Trixie has something important to tell us all," Beate began. "Trixie, please."
"I don't know how to phrase this right now, but I want to join your WG. It is clear that this is not very easy. In fact, I can't put it past you to take me in at this time because I don't have any money or a job."
"I already told you that money is not such a big issue with us," Beate said.
"Yes, you've told me that twice," said Trixie. "But I'm not a freeloader either. And that's how I'd feel if I couldn't contribute to the general upkeep. Maybe I can help Siggi in the carpentry store or help out at Antje's store. And of course I can also clean the WG here. Anything you want."
"That can be arranged somehow with a job," Antje now explained. "And right now you should take a vacation from prison, we think that's more important. You had already told Beate that, and she gave us a heads up that you wanted to be accepted into our home, so we could start thinking about it. I think we should now each say their opinion and what concerns each has, or if they see even a possible problem somewhere. Will you start, please, Beate?"
"I don't really see any major problems. Of course, I understand that Trixie is a little worried about the financial issue. But I think that's just a short-term problem that can be solved somehow. She's only been here a few days and can't gauge our financial situation in the slightest. I might have thought it better if Trixie had taken more time before asking us. On the other hand, she gives the impression that she has thought this through quite a bit. She's obviously someone who's willing to let things come to her, even accept things that sometimes aren't entirely comfortable. I already said to Trixie at noon today that she would definitely get my vote. I was also sure that she would fit in with us before I even knew her, because in my conversations with Gaby, an image had taken root in my mind of a young woman looking for a different life."
Then it was Siggi's turn. "So the very big problem, I don't see either. I agree with you that the financial question is completely beside the point. It doesn't cost us anything at all to take Trixie in here, with what little this little person eats. But we also have to keep in mind that our lifestyle is something completely new to her. While I think it's the right lifestyle for Trixie, especially when I think about how she behaved in my workshop on Wednesday. But I don't know how she'll react in a few weeks when she's the mistress for the first time. According to our usual rhythm, that would be in four weeks at the latest. Will she be ready to dominate the rest of us and act as mistress here by then?"
Now Trixie spoke up. "You're absolutely right about that. I've already thought about that, too. I lack much more experience there than when it comes to taking on the slave role here like the rest of you. Therefore, I have a suggestion: How about if I don't get into this rhythm right away, but limit myself to the slave role for the first three months? Then I'll have plenty of time to observe the rest of you and know much better what I can expect of you and where my inclinations lie."
"That's a pretty great suggestion," Antje said enthusiastically. "I mean, we can live with that. In fact, I think we could put it in our rulebook that way. Do you guys agree with that?" She looked around and everyone nodded. Antje then stood up and took out a notebook from one of the kitchen cabinets.
"I write: new WG members must limit themselves to the slave role for the first three months. Only after that are they allowed to become mistresses."
Trixie asked what that was for a register and Beate explained that they wrote down the rules they gave themselves. Trixie would definitely have to look at the whole booklet in the next few days and read everything.
After that, Karin had to comment. "I would also have had some reservations if Trixie had become our mistress after only four weeks. But that subject is off the table. But I still have a problem that is related to this. I'm not sure if Trixie has the necessary toughness when it comes to being a mistress. After all, we wouldn't want a wimp for a mistress."
"And how is she supposed to prove that?" Siggi asked. "Do you want her to whip you on a trial basis?"
"That would be one possibility."
"That's typical, Karin," Siggi said now. "You think only of your own pleasure, don't you? And when should we do that? Now?"
"Why not? That would be a completely spontaneous action now. Without her having days to prepare for it."
"Are you okay with that, Trixie?" Antje asked. When Trixie nodded, she said "all right, then we'll break for half or three quarters of an hour. But I'll tell you one thing, Karin: I'll make it a little sharper. You take advantage of every opportunity to act out your masoch*stic urges. So don't complain."
They all got up and walked out of the kitchen through the hallway down the hall toward a door that Trixie had not yet walked through that week. What lay beyond it, she didn't know. Trixie whispered to Beate, "I don't know if I can do this."
Beate whispered back, "You can do it. Do it like you do when you drive a car: Close your eyes and get through it."
The room they now entered was huge. Trixie estimated it to be 12 by 10 meters. There were a number of wooden structures in the room, only some of which Trixie recognized. "Most of this was built by Siggi," Beate explained. Then she pointed to two ropes hanging down from the ceiling. Across some pulleys, they led to a winding device. The whole thing was driven by a motor.
Antje stepped up to one of several cabinets that stood in the room, opened it, and took out several leather cuffs similar to the ones Trixie had used earlier in the day. She handed the cuffs to Karin, who put them on her wrists and ankles, tightening the straps quite tightly. Meanwhile, Siggi got two spreader bars, which she tied to Karin's leather cuffs. Beate lowered the ropes and Siggi hooked the spreader bar to Karin's wrists on the ropes. Beate operated the motor again, and pulled the ropes up until Karin lost her footing. Antje signaled Beate, and she pulled Karin a little higher. Antje then went to another cabinet, and took two big iron balls from it. Trixie got big eyes. Antje dragged the two balls over to Karin and hung them on the D-rings on Karin's ankle cuffs. Siggi whispered to Trixie that each of the balls weighed ten kilos. Karin's body was now properly stretched and she began to sweat slightly.
Then Antje went to the closet once more and returned with a cowbell. She hung this on the ring on Karin's cl*t with a snap hook. The bell pulled the sensitive flesh long. "I hope you enjoy it," she said to Karin, who hung there grinning. Lastly, Antje opened another cabinet, searched around briefly, and came up to Trixie with a leather whip. She handed the whip to Trixie. "This is a nine-tailed cat. You've probably seen something like this in some feature films."
Trixie first admired Karin's body. She was stronger than the others, also a bit larger with very firm breasts that Trixie estimated to be a size B to C. Her entire body was lightly tanned with no bikini stripes showing. Her pubic hair was trimmed into a neat triangle and a thin trickle of her sweat was already running from her chest into that triangle. Trixie walked around Karin and saw the strong back. Only now did she see that it had a few small scars. These were elongated and very narrow and Trixie guessed that they were from previous whippings. The young woman's slightly sweaty body looked incredibly sensual.
Then she hesitantly stood behind Karin until Antje signaled and nodded to her. "Just go ahead. Karin had wanted it that way. You don't need to have a guilty conscience about it, it's Karin's way. I mean, twelve strokes should be enough. But you have to make an effort. Otherwise Karin will be the first to grumble, I can guarantee you that."
Still, Trixie continued to stand there with the whip but finally Karin called out, "Go ahead. Show me. Show that you can be a tough mistress. You do want to join our WG."
Trixie closed her eyes for a moment, concentrated for a moment, and when she opened her eyes again she lashed out and whipped Karin on the back.
"Harder," Karin demanded from above. Concentrating again, Trixie lashed out again and hit Karin a second time. "Surely you can do it harder," Karin complained.
Beate came over to Trixie and briefly put her arm on her shoulder. "I don't know if I can go through with this," Trixie whispered. But Beate patted Trixie on the shoulders and whispered back, "You can do it. Hit it as hard as you can. Karin really wants this. You don't have to worry about that. Just close your eyes and go for it."
Trixie took a deep breath, then cracked the whip across Karin's back. Now followed blow after blow, while Siggi counted along loudly. With each stroke, the bell on Karin's cl*t rang softly. When Karin had collected twelve strokes, Siggi called out "that was the twelfth. Done."
Trixie dropped the whip. Beate grabbed her by the shoulder and took her to her room while the others freed Karin. There they sat Trixie on her bed and comforted the sobbing Trixie. After Trixie calmed down, Beate sent her to the bathroom. When Trixie returned, they went together to the kitchen where the others were already waiting for them.
Karin reached across the table for Trixie's hand and patted it. "For a first time, it wasn't so bad. It was perfectly clear to me that it was a lot to ask of you, but you got through it. It was a real challenge. The last two strokes actually twinged a little bit. I want to go on record as saying that my concerns have been addressed. Trixie still has to get used to this sort of thing, of course, but I think she'll get there."
Now Antje took the floor. "I don't really have any objections either. I really liked how openly Trixie looked at everything and how bravely she tried out some things. Of course, it's all still new to her, and she has a lot to learn in the near future. With that, I think we have all spoken positively about Trixie's desire to come to our WG. Just for the sake of form, I would like to hold a short vote. Who is for it? Please raise your hand."
All hands went up and Antje noted that Trixie was thus unanimously accepted into the WG. Beate kissed Trixie on the forehead, then stood up and left the room. While she was gone the others congratulated Trixie, they hugged her and gave her a kiss too. After a few minutes, Beate came back. She held a large syringe in her hand.
"Dear Trixie," Beate announced solemnly, holding up the syringe, "this is the syringe with the transponder that will allow you to open the doors here in the WG. As a sign that you now belong, I will now implant the transponder under your skin. You see, it is only about 2 mm thick and about 1 centimeter long. It will hurt for a moment, but it will pass very quickly and afterwards it will not bother you anymore. This is the key, so to speak, to our WG, which I hereby solemnly present to you."
Trixie placed her arm palm up on the table and watched as Beate disinfected it just above the wrist. As Beate pushed the needle through her skin, she briefly closed her eyes and clenched her teeth but made no sound, no sound of pain coming through her lips. When it was done, Beate pulled Trixie up and walked her to the front door, where she showed where to put her hand. As Trixie put her hand to the reader, a low hum sounded and the door opened.
Siggi showed Trixie a board in the hallway. The top part was green, and there hung a small sign with 'Antje' under the heading HERRIN. Below that hung similar signs with the other names under the heading SKLAVINNEN. Siggi conjured up a sign from somewhere with Trixie's name on it and gave it to Trixie. She hung it under the other names.
When they came back into the kitchen, Antje announced that they should end today's meeting if there was nothing more urgent. She would announce her instructions the next morning. Then they all went together to the living room.
There Siggi insisted that Trixie lie down on the living room table, face up. Siggi ran into the kitchen and after a few seconds returned with an ice-cold bottle of champagne in an ice cooler and five glasses. She placed the ice cooler on Trixie's flat stomach whereupon she shivered and got goosebumps. Siggi opened the bottle and poured five glasses. She placed the glasses on Trixie's chest where they stood a bit wobbly, but quickly they all took a glass. Siggi also took Trixie's glass, then they all toasted. Siggi took Trixie's part as well. Everyone took a sip, then Siggi brought the glass to Trixie's lips and poured some of the champagne into her mouth.
Trixie would have liked to get up, but the others told her to lie there like that. Trixie heard some whispering, the others laughed briefly, then Beate fished some ice cubes out of the cooler, reached between Trixie's legs to her puss*, opened it with two fingers and stuffed two ice cubes into her warm grotto. Trixie cried out and almost jumped up, but the others gently pushed her shoulders down on the table before she could rise. Trixie knew she had lost and somehow she enjoyed lying there like that. She understood that her new friends were just teasing her. She stayed like that for quite a while, then the others allowed her to get up. The party lasted until after midnight when they all tiredly went to their beds.

Chapter 7: Roermond
In the morning, everyone was woken up by Antje. They gathered for breakfast naked in the kitchen as usual.
"Today is cleaning day like every Saturday. Beate, you take care of the kitchen. Karin, the bedrooms. Siggi, living room hallway and hallway. Trixie, the bathrooms. I ask myself that everything is spotless afterwards. I will check. You all have until 9:30. After that, Karin and I have to go to the store. Trixie for you info, on Saturdays the store is open from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. That's not as long as the other days, but it's usually very busy. When you are done cleaning, you should do your weekend shopping. The best way is to go to Roermond. Maybe you can go to the outlet center then too and buy Trixie a few things."
Trixie asked Siggi what was in Roermond. But Antje intervened. "You're not supposed to chatter here. Now it's cleaning time. Beate, can you please get a gag for Trixie?"
Beate went into her room and came back after a few moments with the red ball gag that she had worn the day before. She held it in front of Trixie's face and she obediently opened her mouth. Beate pushed it between her teeth and pulled the straps tight. "She wears this until you pull into the parking lot in Roermond," Antje determined.
Siggi then pressed a bucket, cleaning rag and brush into Trixie's hand and sent her off towards the bathroom before going to the living room herself with the vacuum cleaner. Trixie found this treatment delightful. After a good hour, Antje came into the bathroom that Trixie was cleaning. She ran her finger over various spots and then held the dusty finger under Trixie's nose. "Come with me," she commanded. One by one, they also went to the other two bathrooms, where Antje repeated the check. Again, her finger became dusty during the check.
"I guess that was nothing," Antje remarked. "You'll do that all over again. But you deserve punishment now. Spread your legs and bend over." She pulled a plug out of her pocket and pushed it first into Trixie's already wet puss* again to moisten it and then into her bottom. "It'll stay in there until evening," she determined, "Now hurry up. I don't want the others to have to wait for you."
Trixie had no choice but to obey, but she actually liked this harsh approach. She would have loved to clean in chains. She was actually finished around 9:30, but she was wet with sweat.
Antje and Karin then went to the store, while Beate sent Trixie to her bedroom to get dressed. She had laid out a very short jerk and a sleeveless t-shirt with a huge sleeve neckline for her. Trixie put the clothes on and looked at herself briefly in the mirror. She noticed that you could see deep into her t-shirt down to her small breasts. She took some more sneakers and put them on, but when Beate saw the sneakers, Trixie had to take them off again. Beate and Siggi were dressed similarly, they were also barefoot. They then took the elevator to the garage where they boarded Siggi's van. Trixie had to get back into the small closet.
When they arrived at their destination after 1 hour, Trixie was finally allowed to get out, and only then did Beate take the gag out of her mouth. Trixie first had to move her lower jaw back and forth a few times to get it to move again. They stood in the parking lot of a shopping center and Siggi got a shopping cart. Together they then entered the store. Beate had a list of things they needed for the following week. Siggi and Beate knew their way around the store and they showed Trixie the many ready prepared dishes and also the appetizingly prepared vegetables. Trixie immediately went into raptures. She told Beate how much she had missed the fresh fruits and vegetables in prison. Most of the time, there hadn't exactly been fresh produce there. Beate then told her that she should draw from the full and be allowed to pick out what she wanted.
Can you cook?" Siggi asked.
"It works," Trixie said. "For home use, that is. But mostly I just cooked for myself, so you don't do that much."
"How about it, do you feel like cooking something for us tonight? You can pick out whatever you need for it here."
Trixie didn't need to be told twice and put together a menu in her head with salmon as the main course, an appetizer and dessert. The shopping cart was filled to the brim when they finally went to the checkout. They loaded Siggi's cart, then Beate said that they still wanted to go to the outlet center.
Trixie of course didn't know that yet and they drove about 2 km further and then to a big parking lot. There was already hell going on, but they still found a good parking opportunity at the edge of the parking lot. It seemed strange to Trixie to walk so scantily clad across the parking lot, but that was still nothing compared to the crowds that rolled through the outlet center. She saw a myriad of stores of well-known brands, some of which she would never have dared to enter.
After they passed a few store windows, Beate pointed to a mannequin wearing a turquoise pantsuit. "That would fit you really well, especially if you ever have a job interview. I bet you'd look really hot in one of those."
Trixie saw the price tag and blanched. "I can never afford something like that."
Beate didn't let that stand and they entered the store together. Immediately, a saleswoman approached them and asked how they could help you. "That turquoise pant-suit they have in the window. Do you have it in her size?" she asked, pointing to Trixie. The saleswoman confirmed that she did, and Beate wanted Trixie to try it on. "Do you mind that my friend here doesn't wear underwear?" she asked the saleswoman. Trixie would have liked to sink into the floor and the saleswoman turned red in the face. The saleswoman stuttered an 'agreed' and directed the three of them to the back of the store. When she arrived with the pantsuit in Trixie's size, however, she was not allowed into a changing room, but Beate ordered her to undress right there and then and try on the pantsuit. Beate asked for a matching blouse and the saleswoman quickly brought two blouses to choose from. Trixie had to try those on as well, then Beate decided that they would buy both the pantsuit and the two blouses.
Trixie had to take off the suit and the blouse again and when she was standing naked in front of her friends and the saleswoman, Beate ordered her to kiss the saleswoman's shoes as a sign of her gratitude. The saleswoman would have loved to run away when Trixie complied with this order. Only then was Trixie allowed to put on her old clothes again. Beate went to the cash register with the saleswoman and paid for everything with a credit card. She also gave the saleswoman a tip. The saleswoman asked Beate what this performance meant and Beate explained to her that they were all three slaves and that they had orders to do so. When they left the store, the saleswoman first went to the back of the store and poured herself a coffee.
Next, they entered a shoe store together. There Trixie had to sit down on a chair and Beate picked out several shoes, most of them without heels, but also a pair with heels about 6 centimeters high. A very young saleswoman, she couldn't have been much older than 18, picked up the boxes for the shoes she had chosen and wanted to help Trixie put them on. As she leaned down and looked at Trixie, she got a clear view under Trixie's skirt and uncovered puss*. With her head up, she helped Trixie put them on. Trixie tried several of the shoes without heels, then Beate decided on three of them. In addition, she also took the pair with the 6 centimeter heels. Again, Beate paid with her credit card. In the meantime, Siggi had also picked out a pair of shoes and tried them on. She also paid for her shoes with a credit card.
"We really need to go to the bank next week so you can get a credit card as soon as possible, too. Our cards all go to the same account, and they're always funded. You don't have to worry about that. And now please don't start again with the fact that you don't have any money." By now it was almost 1:00 and they went to a snack stand where they got kibbles and drinks.
They sat down on a bench and ate their lunch. Trixie didn't think anything more of it, but suddenly she noticed that there were some young men standing about 15 meters away who kept looking over at them. Apparently they had noticed that none of them were wearing anything under their skirts.
The three of them first took the previous purchases to Siggi's cart, then went back to the outlet center and continued shopping. Trixie got several more pairs of jeans, some t-shirts and a couple of blouses. Plus a leather jacket and a rain jacket. But Beate and Siggi also bought jeans for themselves, Siggi also bought a windbreaker and Beate hit another shoe store where she bought shoes with 12 centimeter high heels. However, they always had all their shoes repacked and continued to go barefoot. Lastly, they visited the branch of a sports manufacturer and picked out sports clothes for Trixie. Both gym shorts and sneakers and a couple of sweatshirts went with their purchases.
As they walked back toward the car, Trixie saw that it was already 4 o'clock. Trixie estimated that they had spent at least 4 to 5000 euros in the past hours, although all the things they bought were discounted 30, 40 and sometimes even 70% in this outlet center.
On the return trip, Trixie was allowed to sit between Siggi and Beate, but Siggi had insisted that she take off her clothes before getting into the car. During the ride, Trixie sat naked like this next to Siggi, who usually only drove with her left hand, while her right hand was on Trixie's thigh, stroking it, and also venturing up to Trixie's puss* from time to time.
When they arrived back home, Trixie had to take all of her groceries up the stairs one by one. However, she had to make the trip from the third low floor all the way up to her apartment several times. Accordingly, she was once again all sweaty when she finally finished. Above all things, the plug in her butt had made her quite uncomfortable while climbing the stairs. She was very happy when she was finally allowed to take it out.
Antje immediately sent her to the kitchen so that she could prepare dinner. For the appetizer, Trixie scooped out some tomatoes and stuffed crabs in them that she had dressed with mayonnaise. For the main course, she peeled potatoes and chopped various vegetables. She put everything together on a baking tray, put the salmon on it and poured a vegetable broth over the whole thing. Then she put the baking tray into the oven. She also prepared the dessert, using some ready-made pancakes that she had found in the Dutch store. Beate and Siggi had tried to dissuade her, but Trixie had prevailed. She spread jam on the pancakes and rolled them up. She put them on a plate that she had already deposited in the microwave.
Half an hour later, she called the others to dinner. Already the appetizer went down very well with her friends but they were completely thrilled with the main course. As they neared the end of the main course, Trixie turned on the microwave. After 5 minutes, it turned off again. Trixie took out the plate and sprinkled the rolled up pancakes with powdered sugar and placed them on the table. The others eyed them suspiciously at first, then each took one of the rolls. No sooner had they tasted them than they demanded that Trixie prepare another portion. Trixie was pleased to see how good it had tasted to her friends and she was proud of her cooking skills.
Beate took over the clearing up. Later they met in the living room where Trixie had to tell Antje and Karin in detail about her experiences at the outlet center. She also had to show off the pantsuit and they all thought it was made for her. When Trixie went to bed later, she fell asleep tired and satisfied.

Last edited by friedet 1 month ago, edited 1 time in total.


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Trixie or the WG (F/F+ fict. bond. fet) (2)
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Re: Trixie or the WG

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Postby friedet »

Trixie or the WG
by T.A.Friedet
© Copyright 2016 - T.A.Friedet -
Storycodes: F/f+; bond; chastity; buttpl*g; cuffs; chain; naked; piercing; public; exhib; collar; strip; latex; shop; sweat; forniphilia; enclosed; transported; whip; blindfold; gag; rope; urine; cons; XX
Part 2

Chapter 8 At the Gravel Works
The next morning they were again awakened very early by Antje. Antje told them to eat a hearty breakfast because the day was going to be quite busy. Then she gave them all simple T-shirts that barely reached their buttocks. After breakfast, they drove down to the underground garage together.
Karin once again climbed into the trunk of Antje's car after taking off her T-shirt. But Antje then suggested that Trixie keep her company there. Trixie also took off her t-shirt and tried to get into the trunk. It was extremely tight, but eventually she made it. The other three then boarded the car and they drove off. Trixie, of course, didn't know where they were going or how long the drive would take. The air in the trunk soon became quite warm and stuffy. She finally realized that the car must have gone off the main road and something like a dirt road before. The car then stopped, but then quickly moved on and finally stopped. Trixie and Karin were relieved when it finally opened the trunk and got out. Trixie realized they were in a gravel pit.
"What are we doing here," she asked, "Are we even allowed in here? This is some company property, isn't it?"
Antje reassured her. "Don't worry about it. I know the owner." Siggi whispered to Trixie "Of course she knows the owner. It's because she is herself."
"She owns that gravel pit?" asked Trixie in amazement, but Siggi just laughed.
Antje retrieved a suitcase from the back seat of the car, opened it, and handed out a row of leather corsets. The corsets for Beate, Siggi and Karin were all custom made, only Trixie had an off-the-rack corset. All corsets were extremely heavy and stiff and had a myriad of D-rings. They were closed in the back with straps and some of the straps were secured with small locks. Each of the corsets reached from the wearer's neck to below her belly button. From the bottom of the corsets, a leather triangle that merged into a strap then led between the legs through to the back, where the strap was reattached to the corset. Antje pulled all the straps tight so they spread the buttocks. Then all the slave girls were given leather cuffs for their hands, upper arms and feet.
Antje grabbed the leather triangle of Beate's corset and pulled hard. A Velcro fastener gave way, exposing two straps underneath, to which the triangle had previously been attached, and which now ran through the crotch. They framed Beate's blonde pubic hair. Antje repeated this to the others as well.
"I quite like you like this already." Antje commented. Then she slipped an iron bridle between the teeth of each of the four and secured it with a strap behind their heads. She also secured this strap with a small lock. Finally, she connected the leather cuffs on the hands and the upper arms with D-rings on the corset and she connected the cuffs on the feet with chains that were just 40 centimeters long. All of this was secured with more locks. Already sweating from getting dressed and the other preparations, the sun was burning down on the black corsets.
The four then followed her to a shed. It was all new to Trixie, but the others already knew it. Antje opened the shed and pulled out a four-wheeled horse cart. There were harnesses on the back of the horse cart, and she harnessed the group like horses. Beate and Karin represented the front pair, Trixie and Siggi the rear. Then she took a whip, which had also been on the horse cart, climbed onto the seat and shouted "Come on you lazy pack!"
The four of them had to work pretty hard to get the cart moving. It was especially hard at first, but once it got rolling, it was easier. Anke directed them over the paths in the gravel pit and if it didn't go fast enough for her, Siggi and Trixie in particular got an encouragement on the butt with the whip. After a few minutes, it was covered with welts. They quickly fell into a light trot. While the others were in pretty good shape, that was not true of Trixie. She soon realized that she was having trouble keeping up the pace. It didn't help, though, and she was determined to fight through it. The rocks under her bare feet also made it more strenuous and somewhat painful.
So they went around the whole area twice and when they finally stopped, Trixie fell to the ground exhausted. But Antje hadn't had enough yet. In the shed there was still a kind of sulky, like the ones used in trotting races. Antje unhitched everyone from the horse-drawn cart, but then immediately hitched Siggi to the sulky. While Antje and Siggi were on their way, Trixie complained to Karin about her aching feet.
"I know they hurt. We all feel that way," Karin explained. We also have shoes that look like hooves and sometimes we wear ballerina high heels with our pony dress. But here in the pit, you'd probably just break your knuckles in them. And honestly, I really like walking around barefoot outside, especially in the woods or through the mud.
Siggi had to pull the sulky around the terrain three times, then she was replaced by Beate. Then it was Karin's turn, who held out longer than the other two. After five rounds, she too was exhausted. In the meantime, Trixie had recovered a bit and she had to take the place at the sulky. But Antje was merciful with her and let her run only one round.
In the meantime it had become noon and Antje got a picnic basket out of the wagon. The slave girls had to keep their corsets on, but Antje took their bridles off. They ate together on the shore of the lake that belonged to the gravel works while the sun continued to heat up the black corsets. Only after the meal were they all allowed to take off their corsets, but they had to keep the cuffs on their hands and feet. Karin and Siggi got some pegs and a heavy hammer from a corner. Siggi then had to hammer in the pegs and Antje tied up her friends with their arms and legs spread wide. Siggi was then the last to be tied to the pegs. Antje, however, fetched sunscreen from the picnic basket and thoroughly creamed everyone. Especially Trixie was even creamed twice because she had such pale skin and was not used to the strong sunlight after the years in prison. So they all had to lie there and roast in the sun. Only after that were they all allowed to take off the other shackles.
Later, they all went swimming together naked in the cold water of the quarry pond. They enjoyed the water and the cooling. Afterwards, they laid in the sun again for a bit, but this time, without being tied up. As evening approached, they headed back again. This time, however, Trixie didn't have to climb into the trunk; she was allowed to sit next to Siggi in the back seat.
"I didn't know Antje owned a gravel pit," Trixie said.
"Not just a gravel pit," Siggi replied. "You wouldn't believe all the things she owns." As they passed a horse farm on their way into town, Siggi pointed his finger in the direction of the farm and said only, "Antje." Trixie got wide-eyed. Shortly after, they passed a chemical plant. Again, Siggi pointed his finger and said "Antje." Trixie couldn't believe it at all.
"She only had all that before," Trixie asked in amazement.
"She inherited quite a bit," Siggi said. "But she also invested very well. She only visits most of the businesses and other properties three or four times a year. She has an incredible talent for picking capable managers and she has them do it. What you saw today is only part of what she owns. But that's not why she's gone crazy or taken off. Starting tomorrow, Beate will be our master for a week, and you will see that Antje is completely subordinate, obeys every order, and is absolutely on the same level with the rest of us. If our WG can afford many things, then of course we owe it to Antje. Our salaries don't really play such a big role, it's more symbolic. That's why it doesn't matter if you already have a job or not. But I can tell you that Antje has told me in confidence how happy she is that you are now with us. She thinks you are a great addition to our group. She has fully accepted your decision to be only a slave for three months for now, but she is also excited to see what you will do with us when you become our masters for the first time. That goes for me, by the way, and the other two as well."
Then Siggi pointed out the window to a hotel they were passing and said "Antje too, of course."
They let the evening wind down, and around 10:00 p.m. Antje said, "so, the day is done. Time for the changing of the guard. Beate, please take over." Then Antje got up, undressed and crawled into one of the cages that were in the living room.

Chapter 9 Mistress Beate
In the morning, Trixie was awakened by Beate. "Come on, get up, you slacker. Put on some sports clothes and sneakers. We're going jogging."
Sleepily, Trixie looked at her alarm clock and couldn't believe her eyes. It was just about 5:00 a.m. Was this a bad joke? Nevertheless, she got up and got dressed as Beate requested. By the time she got to the hallway, the others were all there, too, all in their required sports attire.
"It's about time. This week we'll go jogging for an hour every day. You saw yesterday how that little bit of running wore you out. And just so you know, I'm on early duty starting tomorrow. That means I have to leave the house at 5:30 in the morning at the latest. If I want to shower and get dressed before then, we have to be done with the morning run by 5:00 already. So starting tomorrow, we all get up at 4:00."
Trixie groaned briefly, but said nothing, and the others also took note of Beate's announcement without any complaints. They walked down the stairwell to the street, then left the house and Beate led the group through several side streets. Then they came to a city park, where they followed the winding but at least well-lit paths. Beate slowly increased the pace and Trixie again struggled to keep up. But she was not the only one who had problems that morning. For a while Antje ran beside her and Trixie saw how her breasts swung back and forth under her T-shirt. Trixie had already seen in the evening that Antje had very nice, full but slightly sagging breasts whose shape resembled pears. She had wondered if that was a B or C cup size, but then remembered that it would probably be neither, since neither of them wore a bra.
Realizing that they were slowly heading back towards home, Trixie was relieved. Shortly before they arrived home, Beate gave Karin a sign. She left the group and ran in a different direction at the next intersection. Finally the group arrived back home and Trixie had hoped for the elevator for a moment, but Beate immediately headed for the stairwell.
Once at the top, Trixie asked Beate, "what about Karin?"
"What about you, she went to get rolls."
They all undressed and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Karin had also arrived in the meantime with the fresh rolls. This time only Beate was lightly dressed as a sign that she was the mistress this week. She had taken off her shoes, but still wore her gym shorts and the totally sweaty T-shirt. She handed each of her slaves a stainless steel choker. The chokers were secured at the nape of the neck with locks and a large ring hung down from the front. On the hoop was written in large letters SKLAVIN and the respective name, separated in the middle by the ring. "You'll wear these all week," Beate determined.
The choker Trixie was wearing was a little narrower and thinner than the others', but Siggi explained to her that the others' were custom-made ones that she had made herself and that she would soon be making her own choker for Trixie in her workshop. Trixie asked Siggi if she could be there when it was made, because she was interested to see how it was done. Later she remembered that she wondered if Siggi would be naked during the forging and how her body would look shiny with sweat in the glow of the furnace. She imagined it, smiling with relish.
"Trixie has a few things to do today," Beate explained. "First and foremost, she has to register at the registration office. I don't want her to get in trouble there. I've also already filled out a certificate that she lives here with us. I'll also write down some things for her to get afterwards."
"Siggi, Antje and Karin, you are going to the workshop and the store in a few minutes or around ten. I still have to prepare some things here for the next few days and will probably be busy here."
Trixie looked at the list of things to buy. At the top of the list were two cases of sparkling water. Beate described to her where the drink store was. When Trixie asked if they had a shopping cart or something similar, Beate smiled a little slyly and said "Sorry, dear, but I'm afraid you'll have to carry those two cases."
Trixie waited a while longer until about 8:30, then took the subway to the registration office. To her relief, things went relatively quickly there, and on the way back she went right by the beverage store and bought the two water crates. She lugged them home. When she got upstairs to her apartment, she felt like her arms went all the way to the floor. Beate then gave her the list with the rest of the purchases and also put the empties down for her, which of course she hadn't had with her before.
Afterwards they both worked out in the fitness center of the WG. In the afternoon, Trixie had to go with Beate to their bank branch, where they reported to the counter. Beate asked to speak to her account manager. He arrived immediately and escorted them to a meeting room. Beate handed him a letter from Antje. The account manager read it through, trying all the while not to take note of Trixie's choker with the inscription SKLAVIN. Both had to sign a number of papers, then the man explained that the papers would be delivered by a messenger in a few days.
The rest of the day passed without any particular incident. Trixie helped Beate prepare dinner. Later, when they were all sitting together, Antje asked Beate if she could help out in Antje's store the next day after her early shift. She also asked Trixie if she had time and could go to the store with Karin in the morning so she wouldn't be alone there. When Beate asked why, Antje only briefly said she had something urgent to do. Beate agreed to everything and since she was the mistress at the moment, Karin and Trixie didn't need to be asked any more about it. However, Beate said that Karin and Trixie should take care of something first. She announced to give Karin the appropriate instructions the next morning.
The wake-up call the next morning actually took place at 4:00 am. It was still dark when the five set out on their run. After the jog, Beate got ready for duty, but also gave Karin the previously announced instructions beforehand. After Beate left for duty, the others had another short lie down, but at 7:00 everyone got up again and had breakfast first. Siggi and also Antje then said goodbye directly after breakfast.
Karin then told Trixie to get dressed and they would have to go somewhere together. A few minutes after eight they were standing in front of an Apple store. It was still closed, of course, and Trixie pointed to the sign with the opening hours. But Karin said that it didn't matter. She knocked several times on the glass door and sure enough, it was opened for them. A man let them in and greeted them with a friendly "hello".
Karin closed the door behind her, turned to the man and snapped at him, "How dare you, you worm? Is that any way to greet a mistress? Have you forgotten everything?"
The man dropped to the floor like a stone. He knelt down in front of Karin and kissed her shoes. "Excuse me, mistress. This will never happen again. Please punish me."
Trixie was completely surprised by Karin's statement and the man's reaction. She had never experienced anything like this before. The man addressed Karin as 'Mistress', which Trixie thought was kind of totally crazy considering the chokers they both wore that had 'SKLAVIN' written on them in large letters.
"That's more like it," Karin yelled at the man. "If that happens again, you won't be able to sit for two weeks. Now show us the computers. My slave here needs a laptop for her work. But not some cheap thing for beginners, but something for professionals. And hurry up." Karin turned to Trixie as the man led her to the exhibits. "The guy's name is Rainer, actually quite a nice guy. Married, two kids, but sometimes he comes to Antje's store with his dominatrix. He'd probably like to jerk off after we leave the store. But he can't."
"And why not," Trixie asked cluelessly.
"He wears a chastity cage around his best part," Karin grinned. "He can't get to it at all, the thing is locked and only his dominatrix has the key. He'll be lucky if he can touch that thing once a month. I haven't the faintest idea what he says to his wife in that regard, though, and whether the kids know about it."
"I don't think so," escaped Trixie.
"Worm, come here. Now."
Rainer immediately joined the two and knelt on the floor in front of Karin.
"My slave here has never seen a man wearing a chastity cage. Pull down your pants right now. If you're wearing underpants, those too. But I would be surprised if your mistress would allow you to do such a thing."
Rainer obeyed immediately and Trixie got big eyes when she saw the chastity cage. Then Karin allowed the man to pull his pants back up.
Rainer showed them several laptops and Karin asked Trixie if she liked any of them. When Trixie replied that actually all of them would do for her, she asked Rainer which one performed the best. He pointed to the second most expensive model and Karin immediately said "alright". "Trixie, does that thing also have enough RAM or whatever it's called and a decent hard drive? And I'm sure you'll need programs to go with it."
Now Rainer said that he could add additional RAM in a few minutes and also a larger hard drive. None of that would be a problem, he said. The computer could use both the Apple operating system and the Microsoft operating system. Karin wanted both, plus the Office package for both versions and some software for video and image editing. Rainer also added an antivirus program.
"Listen you worm, how is my slave supposed to transport this thing? We also need a bag. Do you have anything fancy?"
Rainer then showed them some bags, and Karin chose one that could be used as both a briefcase and a backpack. Karin was pleased that it could all be done so quickly, paid with her credit card, and after barely half an hour they left the store again, this time heavily packed. Rainer asked Karin to say hello to Mistress Antje. Karin turned to him and snapped at him again: "How dare you, you worm. Are you allowed to greet a mistress as if she were anyone?"
At home, they took everything to Trixie's room and set it up on her desk. Then they got ready to go to the store.
Once there, Trixie had to undress immediately. Karin also took off her clothes and let Trixie put her in shackles. However, Trixie did not chain Karin in the shop so that she could come into the store at any time. Before they opened the store, Karin picked out a few things for Trixie. She wanted Trixie to be dressed appropriately when she was served. Trixie quickly realized that Karin had her own ideas of 'dressed appropriately'. She was given a full body suit made of transparent latex. This suit covered the whole body from head to feet and had a zipper only at the back. When Trixie looked at herself in the mirror, she thought, then she could actually stay naked directly. But Karin reassured her that she was unconventional but still dressed, and what she offered customers as a sight was very nice after all.
Over the next few hours, several customers did indeed arrive. As she served Trixie in her transparent outfit, they could hardly get enough of it. Trixie made every effort to serve the customers as quickly as she could and was very friendly to all of them. Karin came forward a few times to help her because there were an unusually large number of customers that day. Karin asked one of the customers if he knew why so many people were coming today. He then said that he had been called by an acquaintance who had been in the store before. Apparently, word of Trixie's appearance there had spread quickly. When Beate came into the store around 3:00, they had already made considerably more sales than Antje and Karin usually made all day. Trixie, however, had not allowed anyone to touch her. The looks that the men, but also the women, gave her intimidated her a bit, and she was aware that most of the customers would have liked to go to bed with her or start something else with her.
Beate asked whose idea it had been to dress Trixie like that. Karin confessed that it had been her and Beate announced, shaking her head, that she would tell Antje about it. Karin, however, took it quite lightly, after all, they had made extremely good sales. On Beate's order, Trixie then at least put on a black latex slip and bra to at least keep some decency.
In fact, Antje came around 5:30, but without telling what she had done during the day. Beate told her about Trixie's original appearance but Antje thought that it had been very daring but she also thought that Trixie was getting more and more used to the WG. She asked if anyone had complained, which was not the case. Trixie told them both about her performance at the Apple store and Antje confirmed that she knew Rainer and his dominatrix well. She was looking forward to Rainer stopping by her store again soon. She announced that she would treat him especially harshly because he was into such treatment.
As they sat at dinner in the evening, Antje mentioned that she had been in Frankfurt that morning. "What were you doing there," Siggi asked.
"Business," Antje replied.
"What kind of business," Siggi probed further.
Antje grinned. "I made an offer to a certain company that had a claim of €250,000 against a former employee. As the Godfather said, an offer they couldn't refuse. After a bit of negotiation, they agreed to assign this claim to me in exchange for an immediate payment of €100,000. I had told them they could wait a very long time for this €250,000. But they could get the €100,000 on the same day. They were not overly pleased, but then they realized that a bird in the hand was better than a pigeon on the roof. And with that, dear Trixie, you are rid of your debt to them," she turned to Trixie.
"But in return, I now owe you €100,000," Trixie replied.
"Oh nonsense. Just take it as a little present for moving in. I had fun negotiating with the company. My collar has caused plenty of confusion there and the rumor mill in the company is certainly running at full speed. I had a great time doing it. By the way, they told me in confidence what a pity it was that you committed this stupidity. I guess you always did a first-class job there, and your successor can't touch you."
"Isn't there some way I can repay you?"
"Okay, if you really want to. How about you work in my store as a mannequin or something for the next four Saturdays? You can guess what kind of dress you'll be wearing then."
"Four Saturdays," Trixie asked in amazement, "what you did for me there, I'd have to serve you as a mannequin for four years for that."
"Four Saturdays is enough already. Believe me, you wouldn't need to do this at all, but if it makes you feel better…"
Trixie stood up and hugged Antje. When she thought about how much her new friends spoiled them, she started crying loudly. The others comforted her and hugged her. Then Beate sent the other three into the cages and locked them.
She put her arm around Trixie's shoulder and led her to her own bedroom. There she tied Trixie's arms behind her back and made her lie down in her bed. She also undressed herself and lay down with Trixie. She hugged her and snuggled up to the bound one and hugged her tightly. She caressed Trixie's lean body and explored it from top to bottom. Eventually the two fell asleep while their friends spent the night in the cages.
Only in the morning Beate let the three out of the cages. It was already 4:00 a.m. and it was time for their morning round.

Chapter 10 A Job
After their morning run, everyone except Beate wanted to get some rest, but Beate stopped Trixie. "Listen, before you get bored I have something for you to do today."
She had Trixie undress and then ordered her into the kitchen. There she handed her a doctor's gown. When Trixie put the gown on, she noticed that all the buttons were missing.
"Oh, they must have come off during washing," Beate said dryly. "But it doesn't matter. Come with me for now."
She drove down to the garage with Trixie and let her get into her car there. Together they then drove to the university clinic. Beate stopped at a bus stop near the entrance to the parking garage where she had rented a permanent parking space.
They both got out and Beate opened the trunk. She had Trixie take out a heavy cardboard box and put it down next to the bus stop. Beate handed Trixie a small device about the size of a cell phone. "This is a GPS locator with a built-in beeper. Inside the box are flyers for Antje's store. You're going to go to the subway stations and stops one by one and hand out the flyers at the exits and the stops. Don't stay more than 10 minutes at each station. In between you can always get supplies here. Via the GPS I can check if you are changing places. When I finish my service, or if anything else happens, I'll send you a message with the beeper. Got it?"
She got back into her car and drove a short distance before disappearing into the underground parking garage. Trixie remained standing there barefoot with only the smock with no buttons and her collar that said 'slave'. She was shocked for a moment and she looked after Beate's car. This had to be one of those chores that the mistresses gave the slaves. She grabbed a pack of flyers and looked around. In some distance she recognized a subway symbol and stomped there.
She then stood at the exit and began to distribute the flyers. As she did so, the wind went under her smock and tried to blow it away. The bottom hem was lifted up and there were repeated gusts of wind that drove into the neckline. Passersby got to see plenty of skin as a result. Some made silly remarks about Trixie and others even patted her bottom. Suddenly there was a noise and she looked at the small display of the beeper. "Change position" it said. On a clock at the exit she saw the time: 10 past 6. It would be a long day.
By 11 in the morning, she had distributed about half the flyers. How many hands had grabbed her by then, she couldn't have said. She had never been in such a situation before. But she could already imagine how her friends would react to her telling them in the evening. They had probably experienced something similar before. They would certainly have a great time. At least it was not cold, so that she did not freeze. She had also always dutifully changed her position, but over the hours she had been at some positions several times. At the subway stations, she had checked out all the exits over time.
The device made another sound and she thought it was again the request to change position. But to her great relief, she saw another instruction: "Come to the bus station."
When she arrived at the bus station a few minutes later, Beate was already waiting for her. They put the rest of the flyers back in the trunk, then Trixie was allowed to get on. Beate drove off without giving Trixie any explanation. Only when they drove into the underground garage at home, Trixie slowly became quiet. They drove upstairs and there Beate ordered her to put on the pantsuit and a blouse.
Barely 10 minutes after they arrived home, they drove away again.
"I had a long phone call today. That's why I took the afternoon off. You have a job interview right now. We're going to a tool factory where you'll talk to the owner, a Mr. Bergmann. Dieter, Mr. Bergmann to you, is a nice guy. He used to be a patient of mine. He asked me to come along as well. It's a little unusual, I'm not your mother after all, but Dieter is just really nice and I'm looking forward to seeing him again."
They drove almost to the other end of town until they stopped in a parking lot in front of a factory building. They went together into the administration building, which was next to the hall, and Beate asked for Mr. Bergmann. On this occasion she looked again at Trixie in her pantsuit and thought she looked really hot. She was still thinking about whether she should take off her collar, but then Dieter already came through the door and greeted them both.
"Hello Beate, nice to see you again. I hope you are doing well. When I still think about what they did for me, I don't even know how to make this good. And this is your friend Trixie?"
"Yes. She's a little shy, but believe me, she knows her job."
Dieter grabbed both women by the arms and gently pushed them toward a door. "I'd like to show you around the plant first, then it will be a little easier to explain what I'm about later."
They walked to the factory floor, where there were quite a number of huge machines. Dieter explained everything to them, but actually they didn't understand most of the things. He showed them the different machines, then pointed to one and said "That's going to Dubai next week." On another he named Japan as the destination, then one for Munich and others were destined for various corners of the world. Then they went back into the administration building, past warehouses, engineering departments and offices. Finally, Dieter took her to the anteroom of his office.
"Beate, may I ask you to wait here? I'd like to talk to Trixie alone then. I'm sure you understand." He gave his secretary instructions to get coffee for himself and his guests and then disappeared with Trixie into his office. There he pointed to a leather seating area, "Please have a seat."
As his secretary brought the coffee, he politely served Trixie before beginning. "You've seen our operation now, after all. It's clear that they haven't understood everything by a long shot; our machines are probably far too complicated for that. But they have certainly noticed the great effort it takes to manufacture such machines. As far as this type of machine is concerned, we are the world market leader. We introduced an SAP system here about ten years ago. It's a great system, and I'm sure you know how powerful it is. But still, I'm not happy with it. We keep hitting individual corners. I would like to have special evaluations that I don't get, or that my employees have to laboriously create first. That costs time unnecessarily. In other places, too, evaluations are missing or you have to trudge through several menus. Other parts are completely unnecessary. Many processes could run much more efficiently. That's why I've been dreaming for a few years now of separating ourselves from SAP again and building our very own, customized system. Of course, that's not something you can do in a few months, or even a year or two. But I will invest the time.
Two years ago I had a heart attack and Beate took great care of me. She took hours of her time for me and talked to me. And not just about everyday things, but even about this dream with my own data processing. She just listened and let me talk. A few days ago she called me to ask if I still had this dream. She then told me that she knew someone, namely you. And the question for me now is, do you dare to take on such a task?"
"Something like that is kind of a dream, of course, a huge challenge," Trixie replied. "But whether I can do something like that all by myself, I dare to doubt."
"All alone, you definitely don't stand a chance." Mr. Bergmann leaned back in his chair. "What I'm looking for is not so much a programmer, who will of course have to create the basics of the new system, but above all someone who will show the direction, plan the new system and develop it further. I will then hire some more programmers in due course."
"That's quite a task. And you're giving me a huge vote of confidence with it. But there are a few things you need to know from me."
"If you're going to tell me that you did time for computer fraud and that you live in Beate's weird WG, you’re not telling me anything new. I've done my homework, too. Beate told me the most important thing, it was a matter of mutual trust. The fact that you did time for computer fraud can even be a small advantage for you. It means that you can think outside the box. And I need someone like that." Then he confided in her; "I was even in Antje's store once. But it wasn't for me. But if that's what you like, that's OK with me, and I'm right behind you there, too."
"How will the other employees react when they hear I'm fresh out of prison," Trixie asked. "Not to mention the other one."
"I couldn't possibly say," Mr. Bergmann admitted. "Some might mob her. But I would never let anything like that happen. If it comes to something like that, I expect you to contact me. But maybe you should be proactive and take the wind out of their sails from the start."
"I'm sure that won't be easy," Trixie groaned.
Mr. Bergmann laughed. "After all, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Let's turn to the next problem. That's what many applicants shy away from. Their salary. The normal pay scale is not enough, of course. I was thinking 75,000, plus the usual benefits and allowances. 35-hour week and 6 weeks' vacation. By the way, I don't expect them to sit in the office from morning till night every day. I know that good IT people tick differently. It is enough for me if they are in the office from 8:30 to 12:00. The rest of the time you can work wherever you want. At the zoo or at the Früh-Bräu for all I care. If I know the IT people, you'll still be programming at night. By the way, depending on business, we also give bonuses once a year."
Trixie's chin almost dropped. "Seventy-five thousand?" she asked in amazement. She would have expected half that at most, maybe a little more, because she was Beate's friend and therefore certainly had a chip on her shoulder with Mr. Bergmann.
"All right, all right," Mr. Bergmann hurried on. "You could give it a try. How about 85,000?"
"Eighty-five thousand isn't bad," Trixie said, heart pounding.
"OK. But 90,000 is really the end of the line." At that, he made a hand gesture that ended the discussion.
Trixie stood up and extended her hand to him. "Agreed Mr. Director. When can I start with you?"
"When we are alone, Dieter will do. But in public, I'm sure you're right to say Herr Direktor or Herr Bergmann." At that, he shook Trixie's hand. "It's the 14th today. After your time in prison, I'm sure you need some rest. How about the next first?"
"That would be great. One request, may I tell Beate?"
Mr. Bergmann went to the door and called Beate in. When she saw Trixie's beaming face, she knew everything. She hugged her warmly. She whispered to Mr. Bergmann for another moment, but Trixie couldn't understand what was being said. Mr. Bergmann finally nodded and shook Beate's hand.
"We're about to have a department head meeting, may I introduce her already? Usually the meeting is on Fridays, but this week I'm on a business trip."
"Of course. I am fully at your disposal," Trixie said with her head held high.
Trixie and Mr. Bergmann stood up. Mr. Bergmann gestured for Beate to come with him. He led her out of the office to a meeting room next door. When they arrived no one was there yet and they sat down at the front where Mr. Bergmann had his usual seat. Trixie sat to his left while Beate took a chair against the wall behind him. The room filled up over the next 15 minutes and there was some whispering. Everyone wondered what the young woman next to Mr. Bergmann was about and who the woman sitting against the wall was.
Mr. Bergmann then tapped twice on a glass and when everyone fell silent, he began: "Dear employees, as you know, I have been dreaming for many years of giving our company its very own EDP. So far, I have searched in vain for someone who would take on this task. But now I have found a young visionary who is brave enough to tackle this task. Let me introduce you to the new head of the just-established EDP development department, Trixie Hansen. You will all get to know her over the next few months, and I hope and expect the utmost cooperation from all of you."
He sat down, then added, "Trixie, do you have anything to say?"
Trixie stood up sheepishly, knowing she was probably blushing. "Uhh, yes, dear future colleagues, this is all very surprising to me and I am looking forward to my work. I hope we can work together successfully in the coming years." She fell silent for a few moments, closed her eyes, and then continued, "I don't want there to be any inaccurate rumors here because of me. Therefore, I openly admit that I did something stupid a few years ago and served three years in prison because of it. I embezzled money from my former employer. That was a stupid thing to do and I have learned my lesson. That's why no one needs to lock their purse or wallet away in their desk because of me." She closed her eyes once more and took two deep breaths. Then she grabbed the collar and pulled it forward a bit with one thumb so everyone could see it clearly. She reached for Beate's hand and said with her head held high, "I also have a very idiosyncratic and exotic lifestyle and I hope you can accept that as well. However, you can count on me to help you in any way I can, whenever I can."
With that, she plopped down in her chair. There was dead silence in the room, with only Beate putting her hand on her shoulder from behind.
Then Mr. Bergmann stood up once again and put his hand on her other shoulder. "I thank Trixie for speaking so openly with us here. And I expect you, as my co-workers and employees, to show the necessary tolerance toward Trixie. I can assure you that I knew everything Trixie just explained before we even started the interview." With that, he sat back down and looked around the room.
It still remained silent in the room. No one said anything, hardly anyone even dared to breathe. But then an older department head stood up, pushed his chair back and came over to Trixie. He offered her his hand and said "Welcome to our company."
One by one, they now stood up and came to offer their hands to Trixie as well. She bit her lip or she would have cried out loud.
Trixie didn't get the slightest bit of the rest of the meeting. At some point it was finally over and everyone left the room. Mr. Bergmann stayed with Trixie and Beate for a moment. "That was damn brave. My respect. I wouldn't have thought you capable of it. I'm looking forward to our collaboration." With that, he shook Trixie's hand again and then left the room.
Beate then walked her out of the company to the car. When they were a few hundred yards from the company, Trixie let out a shriek of joy that made Beate cringe.
When they got back home, Trixie immediately undressed as usual. Beate put her wrist and ankle cuffs on and Trixie was already starting to get everything ready for dinner. When the doorbell rang, Beate went to the intercom and asked who was there.
Then she called Trixie over. "Trixie, there's the messenger from the bank bringing your credit card and some other papers. You'll have to sign for the receipt, though. Why don't you go downstairs and get it done?"
Trixie looked at Beate in disbelief. "I can do that, but I'll have to get dressed first."
"No, no time. The messenger wants to get off work, too. Just drive like you are." With that, she opened the door and pushed Trixie toward the elevator.
Once downstairs, the elevator door opened and she saw that Beate had apparently let the messenger into the hallway. Until then, she had hoped that she could just open the door a crack and receive the papers that way. Now the messenger, a young man of perhaps 20 in a suit, was suddenly standing in front of her and she was stark naked and in chains. Trixie and the messenger both ran bright red. With trembling hands, Trixie signed all the papers and the messenger took his leave as quickly as he could.
Back at the apartment, Trixie had to sit down and calm down.
In the evening they all sat together again in their living room. Trixie had to tell everything several times. She did not leave out the smallest detail. Antje admired her negotiating skills, although Trixie said that she hadn't really done anything, that it had all come about on its own. Karin and Beate were seriously impressed by the salary. "That's almost double what I make," Beate commented.
When Trixie then recounted the experience with the bank messenger, the laughter was naturally great.
When Trixie was finally in bed, she couldn't fall asleep because she was so wound up. She thought about how awful and humiliating the day had started and how it had now ended. At some point she found that what had been horrible and humiliating in the morning had nevertheless aroused her. And she had also finally survived the encounter with the bank messenger. However, she did not attach any importance to a repetition.

Chapter 11 Mannequin
The next Saturday began like the previous days. They started at four in the morning for their early run and Beate went on duty afterwards. She had left some instructions, however. They found the division for the cleaning districts in the kitchen. For once, they had all gotten up a little earlier than usual and were done cleaning by 9:00 am. This time it was Trixie's turn to clean the kitchen and Antje's turn to clean the bathrooms. When Trixie had already finished and had gone back to her room, she briefly looked into the bathroom and found Antje there, who was cleaning the toilet thoroughly with a scouring pad. Trixie thought it was great that Antje behaved like everyone else and took on even the most menial of chores without any complaining. There was no sense of Antje being so rich. Trixie stuck her head in the bathroom and asked "Do you want me to check you?"
Antje raised her head, looked over at her, and then said, "That might make sense."
Trixie cringed. "I was just kidding," she exclaimed.
"Why would it be? It's only fair that my work be checked, too. It's possible I'm overlooking something. You'd really be doing me a favor if you checked on me."
Trixie hesitantly entered the bathroom, then looked around. Everything she saw was really sparkling clean. She thought it was even cleaner than last week when she had wielded the cleaning rag herself. But then she thought about the controls in the prison and something occurred to her. A little joke should be allowed. She reached her finger under the washstand, where there were a few holes about the thickness of a thumb left over from the production, in places that were actually hard to get to and that no one ever saw. She wiped her finger once in such a hole and then showed Antje the actually negligible dirt.
Antje was impressed. She bent down under the washstand and cleaned those spots immediately, too. "I think now you have to punish me," Antje then said.
Now Trixie was trapped. Antje herself had said that she had to be punished. But how? Then she had an idea. She ordered Antje to stand wide-legged in the bathroom and bend over until she could grasp her ankles. Trixie quickly went into her room and fetched a riding crop from the cupboard with the toys that she had seen there. With this percussion instrument in her hand, she went back to the bathroom where Antje was waiting.
"After all, it was only a small procedure. I now expect an honest answer from you: are three on the bare bottom sufficient for this, according to your understanding?"
"You could argue about that," Antje replied. "It depends on who the mistress is and what mood she's in. Sometimes three would be fully sufficient, other times it might even be ten."
"I don't want to overdo it now," Trixie said. "You'll get five on the bare bottom. But I want you to count it and thank me after each stroke."
Trixie took some distance from Antje then struck. Promptly Antje replied "One - thank you Trixie!" Antje promptly answered the next blows as well. When she had received the fifth blow, she rubbed her aching bottom. Then she went to the other bathrooms and cleaned the vanities from the bottom there too.
After everyone was done with their cleaning, they met in the kitchen. Siggi said that she had gotten a shopping list from Beate that she was going to work off at the supermarket. After that, she would have to get various things on a second list from storage in her carpentry shop. Antje and Karin wanted to go to the store as soon as they could, and Trixie had to start her first Saturday shift there, too.
Karin went to the garage in her usual getup, that is, naked and in heavy chains, and Trixie followed her dressed only in a short T-shirt but without panties. Antje had explained that when driving, one would not see that she had nothing on underneath and for the few meters from the parking lot to the store, it was not necessary. Trixie disagreed, but kept this opinion to herself and said nothing.
When she arrived at the store, Antje let Trixie and Karin out and sent them towards the store. She herself, however, took her time going to the front door, especially since a mailman was just passing by on the other side of the street with his cart full of letters. The man almost ran in front of the next lamppost, because he was so rarely allowed to enjoy such a spectacle.
They then entered the store and Antje immediately locked the door again. She only gave Karin a sign, but she already knew from the day before what she had to do now. She had prepared a sheet in one of the shop windows, which she pulled up with two thin ropes until it blocked the view of what was in the shop window.
Antje handed Trixie a narrow, red and rather tight-fitting leather corset, of course with the inevitable holes for the breasts. But since Trixie was so skinny, there wasn't too much to see there. Antje, however, came with a pair of small bells attached to alligator clips. She placed the alligator clips on Trixie's now hard nipples. Trixie drew in her breath at the pain.
Karin attached a couple of leather straps to the bottom of the corset and ran them through Trixie's crotch, then reattached them to the back of the corset. This framed Trixie's sparse red pubic hair very nicely. Karin then gently bent Trixie's arms back and guided her towards the back of her neck. She put a pair of handcuffs on her and connected the handcuffs to a D-ring at the top of the corset. She explained to Trixie that this was a "reverse prayer". Then Trixie was allowed to sit down for a moment and Antje pulled out red ballerina high heels from a closet and put them on Trixie. Then on her feet came leg irons with chains that limited the stride length to barely 30 centimeters.
When Trixie stood up, she almost fell down immediately. Antje had to hold her down and Trixie walked through the store with unsteady steps. Then Antje led Trixie to the shop window. Karin had set up a treadmill there in the meantime. When Trixie saw it, she started to protest. "I can hardly stand in these shoes as it is. And walking is only possible if someone holds me. What are you standing in front of?"
"First walk slowly to the middle of the treadmill," Karin ordered. "We're not turning the treadmill on yet either."
When Trixie reached the required position, Karin pointed out two rings in the ceiling that she had placed there the night before. Ropes ran through the rings and she now tied them to D- rings on both shoulders of Trixie's corset. She took the other ends of the ropes and pulled them very tight. She attached the ends of the ropes to a hook on the wall. Trixie looked around a bit anxiously, but already Antje turned on the treadmill at low speed. Trixie took a few steps, then lost her footing. But because she was held by the ropes, she only kicked around a bit for a moment before she could get her feet back on the treadmill and take the next steps. A few moments later, the game repeated itself. She protested loudly against this treatment. Karin stopped the treadmill, but instead of freeing Trixie from this predicament, she put a ball gag between poor Trixie's teeth and fastened it with the strap behind her head. Then she turned the treadmill back on. Again the game started all over again, but gradually Trixie got the hang of it and could keep up on the treadmill longer and longer.
Karin now lowered the bed sheet to the floor in the display window, thus releasing the spectacle for this morning. Antje took a small film camera from her desk. With it she went outside and filmed Trixie's efforts on the treadmill for almost five minutes.
It didn't take long for some of the customers to come in and see the extraordinary spectacle that Trixie was putting on. Most of them then came in and watched from the inside for a while. Suddenly Karin had another idea. She fetched a low stand, then took a white sheet of paper and wrote on it with a thick felt-tip pen, "The bottom may be stroked!" After a moment's thought, she added with a slightly thinner felt-tip pen, "But only the bottom, please!" She attached the paper to the low stand and placed it next to Trixie. Of course, the customers didn't have to be told twice. Again and again during the morning men, but also women came and stroked Trixie's bare bottom for a while. All this was accompanied by the tinkling of the little bells on Trixie's nipples.
Shortly after two, Beate arrived and Siggi also appeared in the store shortly after. Both watched the spectacle and laughed. After 4 hours Trixie did not feel like laughing at all. When Karin freed her, she scolded terribly, but then she stopped, looked at her friends and laughed as well.
Then Beate asked Antje to close the store. She had a lot planned for this weekend. "Antje and I will pull up in Antje's car, and the others please follow us in Siggi's car. But let Trixie sit in the front so she can see something of the area here." Karin then actually had to crawl into the small closet in Siggi's car, and Siggi also locked this small closet. Trixie had meanwhile taken off the corset and the other clothes and sat down on the passenger seat in Siggi's car. Of course, she only had the short T-shirt in which she had already driven to the store in the morning, but by now she actually almost didn't mind showing herself like that.
Beate guided the two cars through Cologne until they eventually came to the highway in the direction of Olpe. They followed this for a few kilometers until they came to a sprawling forest area. They left the highway and changed first to a federal road and from there to an even smaller road. Finally, Beate guided Antje onto a narrow forest path, which they entered. After a slight curve, which the path described, they stopped.
They all got out and looked around. Karin in particular was glad to finally escape her little box. Beate had them all undress, which surprised none of them. All of them put their clothes in Siggi's VW bus. Even Beate kept only a pair of thin gym shorts on to show that she was the mistress at the moment. Beate gym shorts were so thin that they hardly hid anything, moreover Beate had also separated out the inner shorts. She also went barefoot. Karin already had her heavy hand and foot shackles on, but now Antje and Siggi also got similar shackles. Only with Trixie did Beate show some mercy, because she had already spent several hours in high heels. Therefore she got only relatively light hand and leg irons. Siggi then had to clear everything out of the car that Beate had written on her list. But the others helped her with it, of course.
The largest load consisted of quite a number of larger and smaller fence posts. The slave girls had to line up next to each other and Beate put a thick round fence post on each shoulder. She had the slave girls grab these from behind and hold them that way. They now stood with arms spread wide in front of their mistress. She then used short ropes to tie the slave girls' handcuffs to these fence posts. Each of the slavegirls also got a big red ball gag between their teeth to match.
Now Beate began to distribute the other cargo to her slave girls. Antje, who always liked it very heavy, got two 10 l canisters with water, which Beate tied to her fence post. Karin also got a very heavy load. She had to carry the rest of the fence posts that Beate had tied together in a bundle. However, Beate had added a heavy axe to it. Siggi's load consisted of a canvas bag, about the contents of which no one knew anything, and a bundle of chains. Trixie had to carry a whole bunch of ropes, but in addition there were two small canvas bags with unknown contents. Beate only took the 9-tailed cat, with which Trixie had whipped Karin a good week ago.
Beate signaled with her whip and the four of them walked bent down the path. They groaned a bit because most of the loads were so difficult to carry. They hadn't gone very far when Beate had their caravan stop.
"The moaning is bad," she scolded. "You know, don't complain, because it could get worse. Now it's getting worse." Beate went to a fir tree and plucked off a handful of branches. She cut them up again when she got to her slave girls, bent down and stuffed several of the small twigs into each of their wet grottoes in turn. They all shrieked because the pine needles pricked them. Then, as they started walking again, they realized that the pine needles were acting like barbs and the little twigs were working their way further and further up their puss*es. While they were walking like this, Beate let the straps of the whip slap their bare backs and bottoms. But she only hinted at these lashes because she didn't want to hurt her friends, but wanted to continue with these hinted lashes for a long time.
In the course of the afternoon it had become more and more sultry, and they saw threatening clouds appearing in the sky. Nevertheless, they kept walking. Finally, Beate had the group stop. They had reached a small clearing in a hollow, which was partly covered with thin grass. Mostly, however, the forest floor was exposed. Beate took the loads from her slaves, but they were not allowed to sit down. At least, however, they were given some water to drink from the canisters.
Then Beate grabbed a number of thinner fence posts, which were also not very long. At each corner of a quadrangle, she pounded two of these thin fence posts into the ground about 1 meter apart with the hatchet. One by one, the slave girls had to come to the corners, kneel down, and Beate tied their knees to the fence posts with ropes. Their lower legs and the backs of their feet now rested firmly on the ground. Then Beate took slightly longer fence posts and knocked two of each into the ground just behind her feet as well.
Next, Beate pushed the slave girls backwards one by one and tied the thick fence posts that they had been dragging around on their shoulders for hours to the fence posts that had just been pounded into the ground. The bodies of their friends were now taut arches. Beate took her time now. She stroked the taut bodies, twirled her fingers on the nipples and kneaded the breasts with pleasure. In between, she reached with her fingers into the wet grottoes, which had been exposed to the pine needles for hours. Long ago, all the body juices ran down the thighs. Beate licked through all the grottoes offered to her and compared the taste of each. In the process, however, she at least pulled out the pine needles from her slaves, which, however, was associated with additional pricking.
Meanwhile, the sky had become more and more threatening. As a few drops fell from the sky, Beate took out a small throw tent from the bag Siggi had been carrying. The tent could be set up in a few seconds and Beate climbed in. Then she heard the rain increasing and soon a heavy thundershower pelted down on the poor slave girls.
Beate had downloaded an ebook onto her cell phone and was now reading it while she sat dry in her little tent and outside her slave girls were being rained on wet. When the rain finally subsided, Beate came out of the tent again. In the meantime the sun had set and it was slowly getting dark. Beate looked at her slave girls and noticed that they were already very worn out. But she was still far from thinking about stopping.
The area on which Beate had tied her slaves had turned into mud in the meantime. Only the place where the tent stood was halfway dry. Beate went to Antje first and untied the large crossbar from the fence posts to which Beate had tied it earlier. Antje groaned when she was finally able to straighten her back. But Beate was far from finished. She also loosened the bondage at the knees, then with Beate's help Antje had to lie on her stomach in the same place where she had been tied before. Now Beate tied the heavy fence post to the short fence posts that had previously held the knees. With this, Antje's upper body was pressed firmly into the mud. To compensate, Beate now tied the ankles to the longer fence posts. She repeated this also with the others. She imagined already, how beautifully dirty the four would be on the next day, particularly if the mud dried.
When she was done with that, Beate retreated back into the tent and devoted herself to her e-book. In between, she looked outside and noticed that the sky had cleared and that the moon was shining down on them. She retrieved a sleeping bag that had been in one of Trixie's bags and spread it out in the small tent. When she noticed that it had already become cooler, she also took out of the sack four sheets of foil, like rescue services use, and spread them over the poor slaves so that they would not catch cold. She read some more in her ebook but eventually she lay down in the sleeping bag, curled up and was asleep in a few minutes.
Beate slept pretty long that morning. The sun had risen hours ago when she finally crawled out of the tent. The slave girls had been trying to wake Beate for a long time, but since they were gagged, they could only make a few sounds and they had not been enough to wake Beate. When the slave girls saw their mistress, they hoped that they would be redeemed soon. But Beate wanted to go one better.
This time she started with Trixie. She released her from her bondage, which had kept her chest pressed to the floor all night, and undid her feet as well. Then she turned Trixie on her back and tied her legs as far apart as she could. This time she repeated this step on her slaves as well. When she was done with that, she took out a jar of honey from one of Trixie's bags and showed it to everyone. She opened the jar and ran two fingers through the sticky mass. Then she knelt between Trixie's legs, grabbed her pubic area and opened it slightly. She stroked the fingers with the honey first through the wet grotto and then she spread the rest of the honey all around.
Beate was still treating Siggi like this last when Trixie let out a shrill scream. Some beetles and bees had landed on Trixie and were exploring the friendly honey offering. Within minutes, all four were screaming. Beate listened to the concert and watched the reactions of her slave girls. After a good hour, she did come to the conclusion that enough was enough.
"So, I think that's it for this weekend. What do you say I free you now except for your carrying beams and we head back towards our cars with our luggage?" As she looked around, all four nodded vigorously. Beate then also quickly untied them and let them stand up. Then she loaded them up again like the day before. They then immediately went on their way. For the four slave girls it was only important that they went home soon. Besides, they were hungry by now because dinner had been canceled the day before and there had been no breakfast either. And above all, they were glad not to have to endure any more pine needles. Siggi silently swore that there would be no Christmas tree this year.
Finally she came to the place where their cars were parked. Actually, it could only be around a corner or two. But they kept walking without arriving at the cars. Beate turned around and the others followed her with difficulty, then Beate stopped and looked in all directions at an intersection. She was quite sure that they had arrived back at the spot where they had parked the day before. When she took a closer look, she noticed traces of a heavier car.
Beate went to her slave girls and first took the gags out of their mouths. Then she also loosened the beams from their backs and helped them to put down the loads. Finally all of them were standing in front of her again, naked but without any load. "What about my wagon," Siggi asked. Now Beate became meek.
"I don't know. I think … Could it be that someone towed our cars?"
"Oh come on, what's the point? We're really done now. So what about the car?" Siggi asked.
"No, really now," Beate defended herself. "Just look at the tracks here. That looks like a tow truck or something was standing here and loaded up our cars."
Now the five looked at each other helplessly and confused. Antje sat down on the ground and the others followed her example. They all looked at each other, but at the moment knew no advice. "How are we supposed to get back to town now," Karin asked. "I'm used to walking around town naked for a short distance, but as dirty as we all are and with the huge distance, we'll never make it."
Beate was crestfallen. "After all, it wasn't just our clothes in the car, my money is gone too, and the car papers and whatnot."
"You have a cell phone," Trixie suggested. "Can't you call some kind of cab? I'm sure you have a cab driver or something in your acquaintances who can discreetly get us back to town. When the cars are towed away, they'll be in some police impound lot. We'll get them back tomorrow or the next day."
"Sure," Beate exclaimed with relief. She reached for her cell phone and turned it on. At least, that's what she tried to do. Empty. "Damn, I've been reading my e-book too long," she cursed, tossing the phone to the floor.
"That doesn't help us now," Antje said now. "And I certainly don't want to hear any accusations against Beate from anyone now. Nobody could have expected that, it just went stupid. Everyone think about what we can do now."
After a few minutes, Beate stood up dejectedly. "No matter how, it's definitely my fault. I was the mistress, or rather I still am. That means I have to spoon out the soup. I have no choice but to go down to the street and try to hail a cab. Or maybe the police. That would both be extremely embarrassing, but it's the only way I can at least keep you guys out of it. If I can find a cab, I'll have them take me to the apartment. I promise the driver a fat tip if he plays along. Once I'm in the apartment, I can call a colleague who partly knows about our games. He has a VW bus, so we can pick you up here. But you'll have to hide here for the next few hours. With the police, of course, it would be a little easier, but even then I can't just say that there are still four completely naked women sitting in the forest. If we are unlucky, it will take even longer. But I don't see any other way."
The others agreed to the plan. "I'll go with you, though," Trixie declared. "I'll hide near the road then and watch out so nothing happens to you. Then, if all of a sudden the driver gets on our tail, at least I can come to your rescue."
Everyone thought that was a good plan. Beate hugged Trixie. "I know if things get rough, I can count on you. You stood your ground in prison, after all."
Together, the two then close down to the street. They huddled between some bushes and watched the road for now. After a few minutes, a cab actually drove by. They saw it from a distance, but it wasn't until it got within 100 yards that Beate jumped up, ran to the street, and waved her arms. The cab did not stop, however, but drove past her, honking wildly. They had no more luck with the next cab either, this time from the opposite direction. Some private cars drove down the street, but that was too risky for Beate.
Then Trixie spotted a police car coming toward them some distance away. She called Beate's attention to it. Beate squeezed her arm, then got up and stood in the roadway. Beate hissed to Trixie to get out of the way and that she, Beate, would take care of the rest.
There were two police officers in the car, who got out, but kept their hands on their weapons. Apparently they feared an attack by terrorists or the like. They looked suspiciously into the woods, but Trixie pressed herself to the ground and escaped their gaze. Beate then began to tell you a story. It was about a bet she had lost, about friends who had drunk a bit too much, etc. … Because of this bet, she got out of the car almost naked. However, she was now embarrassed that she had gotten involved and would now ask the officers for help. The officers looked at her doubtfully, then looked at each other. The one officer shrugged his shoulder, then made a sign that meant this naked woman must be going a little crazy. However, they finally relented and gave Beate a ride home. Beate had promised to show you her papers at home and to prove to them that everything was above board. It had just been a party that had gotten a little out of hand.
Less than an hour later, they had actually arrived at the WG. Beate opened the doors with the transponder in her arm. The officers were amazed when they saw this technical solution. They had never seen anything like it before. When they came upstairs to the apartment, everything was clean and tidy and Beate was able to convince them that everything was really in order. She showed them her identity card to prove that she really lived there. The policemen noted down the address and asked half a dozen more times whether everything was really in order. Finally they left the apartment.
Beate quickly got dressed, then called her colleague to ask if he could lend her his VW bus for a change. But she preferred not to tell him what it was about, because she was a bit embarrassed. Instead, she told him that she wanted to go on a trip with her friends. In fact, he gave her the keys to the car and Beate drove back to her friends as fast as she could. But when she drove down the small country road, she couldn't find the place where her friends were waiting for her. She drove to the next place, then turned around and drove back again. After she had driven the whole distance three times, she was beginning to despair. Suddenly, naked Trixie jumped onto the road 30 meters in front of her. Beate got fully into the irons. The fact that at this moment a car was also passing on the opposite lane and the occupants saw the naked Trixie did not interest them in the slightest. Beate jumped out of the car and hugged Trixie, then they quickly got into the car and Trixie showed her where the small forest path led off.
They quickly packed everything up, but they left all the fence posts in the woods. There were also a few blankets in the van that they put over their shoulders because Beate hadn't thought to bring anything for her friends to wear. By the time they finally got home, it was late afternoon. Completely exhausted, they first visited the toilets, then, without having agreed beforehand, they met in the living room.
"I can imagine now," Beate began, "that you are pretty angry with me. You're right, too. I don't know how this could have happened, but it was my fault."
The five sat in silence in their living room for a long moment. Then Trixie, of all people, broke the silence, "Well, quite honestly, I thought it was great. We'll have to do something like that again."
Her friends looked at Trixie, then started laughing like crazy. They all felt relief, but Beate resolved to be a little more careful next time.

Chapter 12 The Bitch
The following morning they had to sit down and discuss how to get back to the cars. This time only Siggi was dressed, because she had replaced Beate as mistress
"Let's just go to the police and say they disappeared from the forest path," Trixie suggested.
"It's not that simple," Beate replied. "I told them something about a party that got out of hand. How are two missing cars going to fit in?"
"Especially if they open the cars and find all our clothes in there. Including papers and money," Siggi pointed out.
"Do you have the names of the two policemen," asked Trixie.
"Sure, they gave me their business cards."
"Then give them a call. If anyone answers, you tell them you dialed the wrong number. But with luck, one of them will pick up the phone," Trixie explained.
"And then what do I say?"
"Also that you've dialed the wrong number."
"That won't do any good," Antje said.
"Yes it does, then we know they're on duty now. Then we don't have to deal with other policemen who don't even know what was going on."
"And then?"
"The truth. No matter how long we deliberate here, we can't get around it. We explain that we went camping. We don't need to explain the details to them."
"We went camping. Good," Beate said, "and our clothes?"
"We're nudists. And we were so terribly ashamed when suddenly the cars were gone. And because we did want to camp naked, we couldn't go to any campgrounds."
"Yes, that's right," Siggi admitted. "The bottom line is that you're right, Trixie. We'll just have to adjust it a bit so they don't think we're totally batty. So, who's coming along? I'm definitely going, because it's my bus. And Beate, because she knows the cops. But we still have to have a female driver. Trixie, how about you. Do you even have a driver's license?"
"Sure I have. Why do you ask?"
"Because you've never taken a car to go anywhere. You've always taken the subway"
"Uhhh, how? As you may know, I don't have a car. And you need yours yourself, don't you?"
"You saw the other cars in our underground parking area, didn't you?"
"Yes, I have. I was wondering whose they were."
Antje looked at Trixie in amazement. "Officially, they belong to a rental car company that I own. But the ones in the garage are reserved just for us here. If you need a car, you take one of those. There are papers in the glove compartments, all cars are fully insured and the tank is at least three-quarters full. That's the only rule: when the fuel gauge drops below that, you fill up. Either at the gas station here on the cross street, or on the road with the fuel card. It's also in the glove compartment. Only fines have to be paid with your own money. If you want a certain car, you just have to say so. It's no problem."
"A Porsche, too," Trixie asked jokingly.
"We used to have one, but we all got a little grumpy in the box. That's why I turned it in, but if you can handle it, I'd be happy to request it again."
"Hey, I was just kidding," Trixie exclaimed.
"Not on me, you're not."
Now Beate interjected. "I thought I told you that. How else are you going to get to work starting next month?"
"I can just take one of those cars? Just like that? Even that bright red Mini?" Trixie's eyes got all wide.
"Of course. It doesn't matter. Only if you need Siggi's bus, you'll have to ask her, of course, because she needs it for work. But be careful with the Mini. It looks harmless, but the engine is tuned. So, you'll go with me then?"
"Sure. Antje and Karin have to go to the store, after all. Can I drive?"
"No problem. Then we should get dressed slowly and off we go. I'll just take some more cash with me, it might come in handy," Beate said.
"I also still have almost all of the 1000 euros I got from you," Trixie offered.
"You're supposed to spend that on yourself," Antje said. "We always have cash in reserve for emergencies. Probably no-one has told you that either?"
Trixie preferred not to say anything. But she consoled herself that she would be earning her own money starting next month and could then also contribute something to the upkeep.
Siggi called the police station as suggested, then quickly hung up after saying "Sorry, wrong number." She confirmed that at least one of the police officers from the day before was on duty.
When they got to the garage, Trixie asked if they could take the Mini. Beate wasn't exactly thrilled, but Siggi said it wasn't a problem after all. She could squeeze into the back seat. She had seen that Trixie's eyes lit up at the Mini.
The ride lasted almost an hour until they got out in front of the police station. Beate and Siggi congratulated themselves on having survived the drive, because Trixie had probably mistaken it for a Formula 1 race. But she had obeyed all speed limits.
They entered the police station and Beate immediately saw that one of the policemen who had brought them to Cologne the day before was sitting behind the counter. The policeman also recognized her immediately. A few moments later, the other policeman also came into the guard's office with a coffee mug in his hand. He grinned and nodded at Beate.
"Well, dressed today," the first policeman said. "And these are her friends who had let things get a little out of hand?"
"Something like that," Beate replied. "I didn't tell you everything there, and we need your help, too."
"We figured that wasn't everything. So out with it."
"Well, there was no celebration. We didn't drink anything either. I just didn't know what to tell you. So the three of us and two others are nudists. We wanted to go nude camping here in the woods one weekend. We parked our cars on a forest path. Well, it was nice, but the thunderstorm was not so great and when we wanted to go back home the next day, our cars were gone. With all our clothes and papers. The shorts I had on yesterday were the only piece of clothing that happened to be in our camping stuff."
"And now you need help getting back to the cars? I'm sure you know that camping in the woods is illegal. But let's not go there. Where exactly did you park? Can you show me on the map?" He took a topographical map out of the drawer and spread it out on the counter. Then he showed Beate the spot where they had picked her up.
"Right here next to the forest trail," Beate explained, following the trail with her finger.
The two policemen watched, then one said, "Forest Service?"
The other confirmed. "Yes, forest administration." He went to the phone and dialed a number. When someone answered, he said "Hello, police department. Did you tow two cars out of the forest yesterday?" Turning to the three, he asked "What kind?"
"A VW bus and a Passat, Cologne license plates."
"Did you hear?" he asked into the phone. "Yes, good. No, three ladies. Good. They wait here. Ten minutes or so? No problem. Thank you. See you soon."
"So, no problem at all," you explained. "The cars are in the yard of the Forest Service. One of the staff will be here in a few minutes. There might be a problem with the Forest Service, though. Towing isn't cheap, especially with that bus, and the Forest Service will probably also call in a warning fine for camping and trespassing on the forest road."
"Serves us right," Siggi declared. Won't happen again." She looked around and spotted a collection tin for the children's charity. She nudged Beate lightly with her elbow and nodded her head toward the collection box. Beate understood. She pulled out her wallet and took out a few bills, which she put into the box. The policemen took note of this sympathetically. They understood the gesture and said nothing more.
Shortly after, a man came into the police station. He greeted the policemen, then introduced himself as an employee of the forestry administration. "So, you own the two cars we found on Saturday. It's best if you come with us to our depot, we can sort everything out there. You are there with the car?"
Beate answered in the affirmative. They said goodbye to the policemen and drove behind the forestry officer to the depot. There he escorted them to a small office.
There, Beate repeated the explanations she had also used to the police. She declared that she would pay for everything, even if further damage appeared somewhere. She also said to him that something like this would not happen again.
"Well," the man was satisfied with the explanation, "then I won't scold you any further. I can imagine that this was a lesson for you. I'm sure it wasn't pleasant for you either. But tell me why you didn't just rent one of our forest cabins. It can't be because of money, you seem to have enough of that."
Now Beate was astonished. "We didn't know that you could rent cabins here. We certainly would have, and now that we know, we'll certainly do that sometime soon."
"You only get answers if you ask," the man said. He handed Beate a small brochure with details about renting forest cabins. "There they are completely undisturbed. We have five cabins. No matter how loud the music is, or if you want to walk around there naked, none of it bothers anyone. So, but to last weekend. Towing costs 130 euros for the Passat and 180 for the bus. In addition, another 150 euros for wild camping. Actually that would be 150 per car, but since you belong together and are reasonable we leave that at once. That makes all together 460 euro. Can you transfer that?"
Beate just pulled out her wallet and took out the money. She handed him the bills. 10 minutes later, everything was done. Siggi wanted to drive directly to her workshop while Beate and Trixie wanted to go home. On the way back, Trixie dutifully drove behind Beate.
"Say, Trixie," Beate began when they were back home and riding up in the elevator, "when we left, you drove like hell, but now on the way back like a little lamb? How does that fit?"
"At first, that's when I wanted to see what was in the box. But I don't always drive like that. Besides, it was fun to be behind the wheel for the first time in three years."
As they ate breakfast the next day, all naked except Mistress Siggi of course, Siggi asked Trixie if she had anything planned for the next few days, or if she could probably help her in the workshop until Friday. Trixie happily agreed. Siggi told her she didn't need to wear anything because she was supposed to ride in the closet on the bus.
Trixie didn't mind and she unsuspectingly went along to the garage. Everything went normally there too, Siggi locked her in the closet and didn't let her out until she reached the garage. Next to the garage door, Trixie saw a doghouse that she hadn't even noticed on her first visit.
"Did you ever have a dog?" she asked Siggi.
"I have a female dog," Siggi replied mysteriously. As they entered the workshop, Siggi took out an iron collar with a long chain from a box. She showed it to Trixie. The collar said "Trixie." Trixie thought it was great to finally have a custom collar, only the long chain surprised her a bit. Siggi put it on her and secured it with a heavy lock.
She took the chain and pulled Trixie behind her back outside. There, she attached the chain with a second lock to a ring that was mounted on the wall next to the doghouse.
"My dog's name is 'Trixie,'" Siggi explained. "She guards the workshop. And she greets the visitors."
Trixie laughed, then lowered herself to all fours. "Trixie is a good dog," she announced, laughing at the situation.
Siggi went into the workshop and soon Trixie heard the band saw. She sat down in front of the dog hats and enjoyed the sun. At some point, she fell asleep.
She woke up again when Siggi nudged her. "Hey, what a watchdog you are, just sleeping. Look, I brought you some water and food." With that she pointed to two dog bowls, one actually filled with water and the other with broken granola bars.
Siggi laughed, still finding the situation funny. "You, I have to go pee," she said.
"Wait a minute." Siggi disappeared into the workshop for a moment, then returned with a plastic bowl containing granules. "It's actually a litter box," Siggi explained. But I guess it'll do."
"And you want me to go on it?"
"Sure. Or do you mind that it's not a dog litter box?"
Trixie shrugged, then squatted over the litter box and let it go. She was beginning to think the joke Siggi was playing wasn't just funny anymore. Siggi disappeared back into the workshop and left Trixie alone.
Suddenly the gate to the street rang. Siggi came out and went to the gate. "Hey, you can't leave me sitting here like this," cried Trixie fearfully.
"Stop that barking, Trixie," Siggi scolded and opened the gate.
A young couple entered the yard. When they saw Trixie, they laughed, but didn't pay any further attention to her. "Can you pet her," the woman asked as they entered the workshop.
"No problem, she barks but she doesn't bite. But I better give you a treat, she'll be friendlier."
After a few moments, the woman actually came back out with a granola bar. She held it up in front of Trixie and said, "Roll over."
Trixie thought she should play along. Apparently, the visitors were used to this kind of situation. So she imitated a dog doing a roll over for a treat and even let her tongue hang out. "Good girl," the woman said, and gave her the bar directly into her mouth. Then she stroked her hair. "There, I have to go in. Siggi has to measure me, I'm supposed to get a cage," she said as she left.
Soon the couple left Siggi again and she got back to work. Slowly the day passed, actually quite uneventful.
At some point, Trixie had no watch, at Siggi from the workshop. She locked the door and sat down in the car. "Take good care of the workshop," she called to Trixie through the open car window. She opened the yard door, drove the car out and locked the gate again. Now Trixie suddenly didn't find the situation funny anymore. Was she supposed to stay here alone, naked? At least she wanted to have some cover for the time being and therefore crawled into the doghouse. In a moment Siggi would surely come back and pick her up.
But then it got dark and no Siggi. Slowly it dawned on her that she really should keep watch here like a dog. She stayed in the doghouse, snuggled in the back corner, and eventually even fell asleep.
In the meantime, Beate asked in the WG what was going on with Trixie. Siggi told her and Beate shook herself with laughter. When Antje and Karin came later, there was general laughter.
"And how long is this supposed to go on," Karin asked.
"I don't know yet," Siggi replied. "She doesn't always have to be pampered by us, she has to go through hardships sometimes. If she starts begging, I'll let her struggle some more, then release her in the evening."
"Trixie won't beg," Karin declared categorically, "she'll keep it up. All week if she has to."
"No way," Siggi retorts. "Tomorrow night she'll offer me something else if I just set her free." Now they started to discuss. Only Karin held the opinion that Trixie would hold out. "She's a tough bitch," she explained, "She hasn't even chickened out yet."
The four agreed they would call her bluff. Siggi promised not to tell Trixie anything, but to just go on as if it were normal. Only if Trixie started begging should they cut her loose. Friday afternoon was set as the extreme end.
In the meantime, Trixi was also having second thoughts. She hadn't done anything wrong after all. She came to the conclusion that Siggi and perhaps the others wanted to try out whether she could also cope with such a situation. She would show them that she belonged to the WG. And give in? Everyone but her. That was the image she had of herself.
In the morning, Siggi brought her breakfast, which Tixie ate like a dog on all fours. Siggi noticed that the toilet had been used and replaced the cat litter. But she didn't really talk to Trixie but only as if she were talking to a dog. "Good dog." "Good dog." "Sit!" "Down!"
Siggi expected a reaction from Trixie, but she took it all in stride. Once a delivery man came, but when Siggi ordered, "Get in the hut," Trixie disappeared there and didn't come out again until the delivery man was gone. And when Siggi went back home in the evening, she saw that Trixie disappeared into the doghouse and snuggled in.
She reported back to the WG that evening. Karin was beaming because she had been right and Siggi was no longer sure if Trixie would give up.
That's how Thursday and Friday passed, too. On Friday, Siggi came to Trixie around 4 o'clock. "Damn, I never thought you would keep this up." With that, she opened the two locks. Trixie stood up and stretched. "I brought you something to wear," Siggi commented.
"What for," Trixie inquired, playing the serene one and secretly glad it was finally over. "Don't I ride in the aisle?"
"Whatever you say," Siggi replied. Then she hugged Trixie and squeezed her tightly. "Damn stubborn," she commented.
When they arrived at the WG, Karin was also already home, which was unusual because she was usually always at the store with Antje. As soon as she saw Trixie, she ran to her, hugged her and picked her up. Then she led Trixie into the living room, where there was a huge package wrapped in wrapping paper.
"For me," Trixie asked.
"For the winner," Karin explained.
Trixie tore open the package. Inside was a pony dress, like the others had one, tailored and made of the finest leather that shone black. Also included was the head harness and boots that were modeled after horse hooves. All the rings, buckles and buttons shone. "Can I put this on?" Trixie asked.
"Sure. Come on, I'll help you with it."

Chapter 13 Awkward, Awkward
In the evening, they sat down in the kitchen as usual. Siggi was, of course, lightly dressed as the current mistress and Trixie wore her new outfit, which the others dutifully admired. It amused them to see the almost childlike enthusiasm Trixie displayed. At the same time, they were impressed by her performance.
Siggi opened the meeting: "First, I would like to clarify something organizational. We have to draw lots for who will plan our vacation this year. Trixie, I take it that we are not including you in this draw?"
"Yeah, no problem. Especially since I don't know what you're talking about."
Beate jumped in, "Every fall we take a two week vacation somewhere in the sun. Where and what we do is determined by the loser in this raffle."
"The loser?"
"Yes. Usually involves a lot of work and planning. You can also call her the winner because she gets to determine what we do. If you like, I'll show you pictures from last time later. We went to Florida."
"Yes, including a gentleman caller!" interjected Karin.
"Gentlemen callers?"
"Well, one time there was a giant crocodile in the backyard. The guy from Animal Control we called said two meters wasn't extreme, but it was enough for us."
"OK" Siggi spoke up again, "Let's get to the raffle. I've got four matches here, whoever draws the shortest one gets it." With that she held four matches in her fist. Everyone drew one, then Antje held up hers with a grin.
"That should be me then. No problem. Just one thing, Trixie, in case it's the US again or something like that, do you have a passport?"
"Yeah, no problem. It's still valid for five years."
"Good," Siggi declared. "Antje, you still have something?"
"Yes," said Antje, "I have to go to London for three days next week. I'm visiting two suppliers for the store and have a long meeting with my wealth advisors. You've all been there a few times, does anyone mind if I take Trixie with me? Assuming she's okay with the rain?"
"London," gasped Trixie, "I've never been there! What kind of rules? Never mind, I'm okay with it."
"Be careful," Karin cautioned. "First of all, Antje is your mistress on the trip, she decides everything, you are the slave who obeys every order. And you have to prove yourself worthy this weekend."
"What does that mean 'I must prove myself worthy' ?"
"Well, that brings us to the weekend," now Siggi explained. "I was going to play the lottery anyway, we haven't had that in almost three months. Everyone draws a lottery ticket. Trixie, to prove yourself worthy you have to play 'three plus one'. Karin, will you please get the tickets?"
Karin got up, left the room and came back two minutes later with a large salad bowl. Trixie saw that there were small capsules inside.
"It's very simple," Antje explained. "That's about 120 capsules, each one has a task in it. Mostly something nasty, of course. We did these a while back. Each of us came up with something like 30 tasks and described them very roughly. So, today we each draw one of the capsules and complete the task over the weekend."
"Yes," Beate continued. "And for special occasions, we came up with the game of three plus one. You draw three tasks first, then a wild card task. The first one is opened, just like ours, and you find out what it is. If it's too extreme for you, you can choose the wildcard task. When you complete the first task, the second capsule is opened, and so on."
"You have to remember, though, if you turn down a task, you only have one wild card. And what that is, that's your risk," Siggi interjected.
"And what are those tasks?" asked Trixie.
"They go from very easy tasks to hard ones." Explained Beate. "But assume that all tasks will challenge you quite a bit."
"I can imagine that," replied Trixie. "I wouldn't have expected anything else either. But as I said, I've never been to London. And not to mention, I belong here, and that means I'm in."
"Good, then that's settled," said Siggi. "Now please each take a capsule and you, Trixie, take three." Each of the "slave girls" took a capsule and placed it in front of them. Trixie followed suit and placed her three capsules in front of her as well. "So, now you take another capsule, which we'll keep separate. That's your wild card."
Trixie took another capsule and gave it to Siggi, who put it in a jar on the table. Then Siggi said, "Antje, you are first in the alphabet. Please read us your assignment."
Antje opened the small capsule and took out a piece of paper. "You will do the week's shopping, but on foot. For that, you'll wear a black latex outfit, but without a mask, but with ballerina heels."
Antje thought for a moment. "On foot! That's more than 2 km each way. That's going to be pretty intense, especially on the way back with all the shopping."
"I'm afraid it's going to be even harder," Beate interjected. "Because we need water, too. There's only one bottle left."
"Oh great," Antje replied. "Can I at least start from the store? It's a little closer than from here to the supermarket." When no one raised an objection she said, "Thank you very much. Then hand me the shopping list, please."
Next, Beate took her capsule and pulled out the note. "You are a lick slave this weekend. You will satisfy the others where and as often as they want." Beate grinned and licked her lips meaningfully. "I don't mind that at all. In fact, it'll be fun. So whenever you want, I'm here for you."
Now it was Karin's turn. "Tour de France. In the low mountains. You'll bike 80 km uphill downhill on the ergometer. Take the saddle with the two dild*s."
"That sounds exhausting." commented Trixie. "How long do you have to bike there?"
"On level ground, I'd do it in two and a half to three hours. Uphill downhill, I'm sure it would take me 4 hours. That's when the dild*s will challenge me quite a bit."
Trixie was all excited as she reached for the first capsule and opened it. She read what was on the note quietly at first, then read it out loud: "You're going to ride the pony for one hour."
"I don't understand that now," Trixie said. "I think we are the ponies."
Karin answered her, "You will sit on a frame for a while. Some say it is a horse, others call it a buck but we just say pony here. Actually, it's quite simple. Basically, it involves a thin plank that is rounded at the top and you sit on it. You are tied up and positioned so that you sit with your puss* right on the plank and it bears your entire weight. It all sounds easy, but trust me, for a beginner like you, one hour is quite a challenge."
"I see. I'll be curious," said Trixie. With that, she reached for her second capsule.
"Stop!" Siggi interjected. "The next capsule will not be opened until you have completed the first task. That will be tomorrow afternoon then, because you'll also have work to do in Antje's store tomorrow."
After the meeting was over, they went into the living room together. Beate called up the photos on the computer that they had taken on their last vacation in Florida. When Trixie saw the crocodile, she didn't want to believe it. But the others assured her that it was all real and that this crocodile was special to them too.
In the morning, they first did the usual cleaning, then Trixie went to the store with Antje and Karin.
Karin started preparing for the day while Antje took care of Trixie. Trixie had only worn a long t-shirt on the drive to the store, which she now had to take off as well. Instead, Antje handed her a white apron with lace, like those sometimes worn by waitresses in cafes. Then Antje showed Trixie the preparations Karin had made. On a cupboard were several bottles of champagne and orange juice, next to them the corresponding glasses and some bowls with pastries. Antje pressed a silver tray into Trixie's hand.
"So, now when the customers come, you offer them something to drink and pastries. It's best if you always prepare the drinks. So sparkling wine, straight or with orange juice, but some prefer straight orange juice because they still have to drive."
"Is that how you want me to serve the drinks?" asked Trixie, horrified.
Antje looked at her for a moment. "You're absolutely right." she said, and went to the cash register. She rummaged around in a drawer, then came back with a little crown for a server and put it in Trixie's hair. "That's perfect!"
Trixie looked at herself doubtfully in the mirror. From behind she was totally naked, and in front the apron did cover her breasts and reach very just below her puss*, but still, of course, the apron gave no real protection. Finally, she sighed in surrender and prepared her tray. It didn't take long for the first customers to arrive either. Trixie moved between the customers with her tray and offered the drinks. She tried not to let anything show and always smiled friendly. But every now and then someone grabbed her bottom and some customers even lifted their aprons a little. Then Trixie would have loved to sink into the ground.
"Could I have a glass of champagne with orange juice, please?" a male voice asked from behind Trixie. Trixie spun around and dropped the tray with the glasses right on Dieter Bergmann's shoes in shock. She had really not expected to see her new employer here and to present herself in such a way. She quickly bent down and began to pick up the tray and the broken pieces, but her boss also bent down and helped her. Karin came to the rescue with a dustpan.
Mr. Bergmann looked Trixie in the eye, then reached a finger under her chin and together they straightened up. He smiled at Trixie: "It's not that bad. I've already told you that I know about their way of life and that I tolerate it. So you don't have to be embarrassed at all to show yourself here like this. And I hope that you will not interpret this as sexual harassment. Besides, I'm here today as a normal customer. My niece is a bit, how shall I say, 'kinky' I guess you call it. For her 21st birthday, she secretly asked me for a latex slip with two inner dild*s. She said size S. Can you help me with that?"
Trixie was completely overwhelmed. She was standing almost naked in front of her boss, who took it all quite casually, while she herself had turned bright red. But Karin helped her out of this situation. She pressed the dustpan into Trixie's hand and sent her to the back to empty it. To do this, she took Mr. Bergmann to the appropriate shelves and showed him various models there.
Mr. Bergmann then selected a pair of briefs, and Karin walked with him to the checkout counter, where she wrapped the briefs in wrapping paper. "You know," Mr. Bergmann said, "Trixie is quite lovely. I also think her embarrassment is actually quite nice. Can you please tell her afterwards that this appearance here will definitely not have any negative consequences for her."
Trixie had sat down in Karin's workshop. She had her hands in front of her face and was close to tears. When Karin had finished serving Mr. Bergmann, she came into the workshop. She sat down next to Trixie and put her hand on her shoulder, comforting her.
"Listen, Trixie," she said softly, "your boss seems like a pretty cool guy. He told me to tell you that all this will be of no consequence to you. You're really lucky to have a boss like that."
"But I was practically naked when I stood in front of him," said Trixie. "How many of his employees do you think he's seen like that before?"
"I don't know. That's true. And if he has, I'm sure it's only a few with a build like yours. Since you've been with us, a lot of people have seen you more or less naked. Just think of that action where you distributed the brochures. Or last week here in the shop window."
"True enough. But still. He's my boss, even if he was here as a normal customer. I know I have to deal with that kind of thing. You seem to have fewer problems." Karin stroked her a little, then took a paper handkerchief and wiped a tear from Trixie's face.
"Come on. The show must go on!"
"Give me a moment" said Trixie, leaning back a bit and trying to breathe very calmly. She closed her eyes for a moment, then rose. She picked up her tray, wiped it clean, and went back into the sales-room. There she drank half a glass of champagne, then put a few glasses on her tray again, took a deep breath, turned around, and walked to the customers with the tray, smiling.

Chapter 14 Three plus one
Still, it was torture for Trixie. She kept looking at the door to see if anyone who knew her was entering the store. Accordingly, she was relieved when Antje closed the store at 2:00 in the afternoon. Trixie was allowed to put on her long T-shirt again and then drove back to the WG with Karin.
In the meantime, Antje had squeezed into a tight, black latex dress consisting of pants and top, just as her job had called for. The ballerina heels were a single agony for her. But that was so part of her life in the WG and she accepted it. She walked from the store to the supermarket, where she grabbed a shopping cart and then looked at the shopping list for the first time. When she saw the long list, it did startle her. Even the first items on the list showed her that there was no way she could carry this home all at once. Potatoes, onions, vegetables and fruit. She roughly added it all up in her head and came up with more than 11 kilograms. Antje suspected it would be a long day.
Meanwhile, Trixie and Karin were back in the WG. Trixie told Beate what had happened in the store. Beate tried to calm Trixie down. She knew that Dieter was really as relaxed as he acted. But to reassure Trixie, Beate promised her that she would call Dieter the following Monday.
Siggi came into the kitchen where Beate was sitting with Trixie and Karin and where they were all having a cup of coffee. She then said to Trixie, "What is it, shall we?"
Trixie nodded and rose. Together with Siggi, she left the kitchen and headed in the direction of the playroom. She could still hear Karin saying to Beate, "let's go to my room, I can use this now."
On the way to the playroom, Trixie took off her t-shirt and when she passed the door to her own room, she opened it briefly and threw the t-shirt on the bed. Naked, she then entered the playroom together with Siggi. Siggi handed her leather cuffs for her feet, her arms and also for her upper arms. When Trixie had put the cuffs on, Siggi tied her arms behind her body and also pulled her upper arms close together with a rope. Then she showed Trixie her instrument of torture. The pony, as Siggi called it, really looked like a saw log. Except that the beam was very thin in the middle and rounded at the top. The legs were extendable and Siggi adjusted them so that when Trixie climbed on the pony, she barely reached the ground.
When Trixie sat on the pony, she had to slide back and forth a bit, with Siggi pushing her labia apart with his fingers. Finally, to Siggi's satisfaction, Trixie took up the correct position and Siggi took two ropes which she attached to the pony's legs. She passed the ropes through the rings on the cuffs on Trixie's legs and used them to pull the legs apart a bit so that Trixie could no longer reach the ground even with her toes. There was a ring dowel embedded in the ceiling above the pony, through which a rope had already been passed. She attached this rope to the cuffs on Trixie's wrists and slowly pulled it tight. This forced Trixie to bend over further and really concentrate all the weight on her puss*.
"Well, how does that feel?" asked Siggi with a grin. Trixie could only screw up her face.
"There, now it's ten to three. At ten to four, I'll lower you down here. I suspect Beate will soon have satisfied Karin, then the two of them will surely come over here to visit you. We're not doing this to torture each other without any sense or reason, but we all want to get something out of it."
"Can anything happen to me?" asked Trixie, agonized.
Siggi stroked Trixie's cheeks, "Don't worry. Your puss* can take a lot more than you think. I'll just go to the kitchen for a minute and get something to drink. Then I'll be back. If you can't take it at all, you let me know. But knowing you now, you can handle it."
She left Trixie alone for a moment and then returned with a glass of orange juice. She also had a still camera and a video camera with a tripod. "This is a memorable moment," she explained, "We should capture it." Then she took a series of shots of Trixie, not only of the whole scene, but she also took some detail shots. Trixie contorted her face and grimaced. Siggi set up the movie camera and pointed it to record Trixie's performance.
She walked over to her friend, then grinned and ran her finger along her labia. "So at least it excites you," she stated and lifted her now wet finger to her nose. Then she held the finger under Trixie's nose as well and let her lick the finger afterwards. She ran her finger along Trixie's labia once more and this time licked the finger herself. "You taste good," she observed. "That makes Beate immediately envious when she gets to lick you. You should claim her right away when you come down here. It'll do your puss* a lot of good too, believe me."
It didn't take long at all for Beate and Karin to join Siggi. Karin asked Trixie how she felt now.
"It hurts like hell," Trixie explained. "But at the same time, I realize that it excites me. Siggi suggested to me earlier that I get it right away with Beate. I think I'll follow that advice."
Time passed slowly, but finally Trixie had made it. Siggi freed her from the bondage. Then she hugged her friend, patted her bottom and said "brave little warrior."
Beate took Trixie to her room and had her lie down on her bed. Then she carefully pushed her legs apart and sank her head into Trixie's lap. At the first touches of her tongue to Trixie's labia, Trixie twitched and moaned slightly, but the pain eased more and more and the pleasure increased. Slowly and patiently Beate licked the wet cleft until she noticed that Trixie first stiffened and then relaxed with a long exhale. Beate carefully withdrew, then left Trixie alone in her room so she could relax a bit. Sure enough, Trixie fell into a short but deep sleep.
When Trixie woke up, it was already a little after five in the afternoon. She got up, stretched a bit and rubbed her still somewhat sore puss*. But then she went into the living room, where her three friends were sitting in front of the TV.
"Have you heard anything from Antje," Trixie asked.
"Yes, she was here earlier with some groceries," Siggi explained. "But she hadn't been able to carry everything and went again."
"Does she really have to go get water too?" Asked Trixie.
"No, I took care of that this morning." Beate revealed. "But I haven't told her about it yet. I don't mind her thinking she's in for that, too."
"Shall we open your second capsule?" asked Siggi. "Or are you going to skip London and give up?"
"Out of the question," Trixie replied. "I wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this to come to London." She went into the kitchen and picked up the second capsule that was on the table. Then in the living room, she opened the capsule and took out the note. "You will get ten strokes with a thin whip on your bottom or back, then in braces: both if you wish, brace closed. In the evening you will go to a lesbian club in a short dress, backless. There you will stay at least 2 hours. The mistress will accompany you and watch over you. If the others want to come along, that is of course o. k." Trixie read out.
"So this task has been perfectly thought out by Karin. Especially the part about "both if you want" is quite typical," Beate explained.
"Guilty," said Karin.
"Still, I don't quite understand the task," said Trixie.
"The whip decorates your bottom and your back, respectively. You're supposed to see the straps clearly. That shows everyone that you're really serious about being a slave. If you show up like that at a lesbian club, everyone will pounce on you," Karin grinned. "I think we'll all go to the club with you tonight and not miss the spectacle."
"You guys have a good laugh," Trixie complained. "You can do it with me, after all. I only have one left leg." She grinned at the others.
Siggi stood up. "So, are you going to do it or do you want to pull the joker?"
"I'd rather save the joker for now. Is five on the butt and five on the back okay?"
"Fine by me," Siggi declared, looking at the other two who nodded in agreement. "No problem. Do you have any special requests as to who whips you?"
"Actually, I'm still afraid of the whip," Trixie agreed. "But I know I can take it. When you guys took me in here at the WG, I had to whip Karin to show that I could do it. I think this would be an opportunity for her to return the favor, don't you?"
"Trixie, Trixie, Trixie," Karin said. "You are just one of a kind. I promise not to hit you full force, either. But it must be so that the welts are then also well visible. Agreed?"
Trixie reached for Karin's hand and pulled her up. "Come on, then, let's get it over with. I suppose you two are coming along to watch, too?"
The four of them walked together into the playroom. There, Trixie first had to lie across the pony she had been sitting on before, and Karin got a thin crop out of one of the cupboards. Meanwhile, Siggi had set up the camera with the tripod again to record the whole thing, because Antje surely wanted to watch it, too. She posed behind Trixie, then took a swing and the crop landed on Trixie's bottom. Trixie cried out, but then she said, "One. Keep going."
Karin lashed out again and gave Trixie the next stroke. Before Trixie could say "two," the third stroke came, then the fourth and fifth. "Better to go through it quickly than to have to wait for the next one each time," Karin explained. "And how are we going to tie you down for the five on the back?"
Trixie straightened up from the pony and massaged her bottom. She turned to Karin and asked, "How about I just kneel down, put my arms on the back of my neck, and you whip me untied?"
"Do you think you can take that?" Karin asked in amazement. "It's not easy."
Trixie just knelt on the floor and put her arms on the back of her neck. "Go ahead. I can do it!" she demanded.
The three friends looked at each other in disbelief. Then Karin lashed out and gave Trixie a blow on the shoulder with the riding crop. The blow threw Trixie forward and she had to catch herself with her hands. "Sorry," Trixie said, resuming her previous position. "It was harder than I thought it would be. Now I'm prepared for it. Just keep doing it, but please do it in quick succession like before."
The five welts on Trixie's back were concentrated at about the level of her shoulder blades. As Trixie stood up to rub her back, Karin dropped the crop and hugged her friend. Meanwhile, Beate quickly went to her room and got some ointment, which she then applied to the welts on her back and butt.
They all went back to the living room together. On the way, Trixie whispered in Siggi's ear, "Honestly, when you whipped me in the workshop the other day, it hurt me more."
"After all, you fell forward after the first blow on your back."
"Yes, I did. I didn't expect so much momentum to be transferred to me. I had concentrated above all on blocking the pain."
A little later, Antje returned from her second shopping trip. She was pretty exhausted and you could tell she could barely walk. "These shoes are killing me," she said, "Now I just have to get the damn water."
"Sit down," demanded Beate. "I've taken care of the water. Come on, I'll take your shoes off."
Antje dropped onto an armchair and stretched all fours. "Whose damn job was that, anyway?"
"I think, my dear, that was your own snap idea." She knelt down in front of Antje and took off her boots then massaged her feet, whereupon Antje grunted with pleasure. Beate crawled closer to Antje and gently pushed her legs apart. Then she slowly pulled down her latex pants, while Antje slipped off a bit to support Beate. Beate pushed further and further between Antje's legs until she reached her puss* and started to spoil her girlfriend with her tongue.
When Antje slowly relaxed again afterwards, she asked how it had gone with Trixie in the meantime. Beate told her everything and then also showed her on the TV the film that Siggi had recorded.
All together they decided to leave around twenty-one o'clock and go to one of the lesbian bars they knew, so that Trixie could fulfill the second part of her task there. They were all anxious to see how Trixie would do there.
After dinner, Siggi showed how she imagined Trixie's performance in the pub. She had picked out a short nightgown that left her back almost completely uncovered and that also reached just barely over Trixie's bottom. To go with it, Trixie was to put on the collar with "slave" on it and some simple sandals. Trixie put the clothes on and everyone thought she was dressed appropriately for tonight.
They then set out as scheduled just before 9:00 in the evening. With two cars, they drove downtown. When they entered the pub, they split up. Antje, Beate and Karin sat down at a table against the wall while Siggi and Trixie went to the bar. Siggi ordered two non-alcoholic beers. While they waited for the beer, Siggi handed Trixie a cell phone. "Here on the cell phone I have the movies on it that I shot today. You can show them around, but even if you're asked, don't send them to anyone, got it?"
"Got it. Actually, I don't like beer," Trixie said.
"Here it's drink wine-stay alone. Drink beer-flirt with me." And that's the appeal of the task, after all." Siggi let her hand wander over Trixie's back further and further down past her bottom to her bare legs. Then she lifted her hand a little again, lifting the nightgown over Trixie's oozing bottom.
It wasn't long before a young woman stood next to Trixie. She smiled kindly at Trixie, her hand finding its way onto Trixie's bottom at the same time. Siggi excused herself and went to the other end of the bar. There she waved the barmaid over. "The little redhead is not getting any alcohol tonight" she explained to the barmaid, slipping her a small-folded €100 bill. The barmaid nodded and said that was no problem. Siggi then walked over to the others and sat down at the table as well.
The four then watched Trixie, who was surrounded by more and more women. They saw that the others seemed to want to buy Trixie some drinks, but the barmaid signaled to Siggi that everything was fine.
"Did you actually check to see what Trixie's latest assignment is?" Beate inquired of Siggi.
"Of course. I figured it was better to check than to look stupid later. Actually, she was supposed to work with the rowing machine for 2 hours."
"Two hours of rowing, that's not too hard," Karin judged. "She should actually be able to do that."
"Two hours with the clock," Siggi replied. The clock was an add-on to their rowing machine that checked to see if the rower was maintaining a predetermined speed. If she did not, the device sent an electric shock through a cable connected to the rower's puss*. At first a very mild one, but as it repeated, it became stronger and stronger.
"Ouch," Antje commented. "But you said she was supposed to row for two hours. I guess you replaced the task with something else."
Siggi nodded, "I figured she'd already done more than enough this week. First with me as a watchdog, then with you in the store and today the two tasks. I came up with something different, you'll all like it. And I would imagine even Trixie is enjoying it, at least a little bit."
Antje nodded in agreement, "you're absolutely right. But let's see how things progress here first. Oh, by the way, Beate, you're the lick slave this weekend. I could use it right now."
"Here?" asked Beate. When Antje nodded, Beate slid out of her chair under the table. There she knelt in front of Antje and quickly found her way to her puss*. Antje tried to stay very calm and postpone her org*sm as long as possible. When she came anyway, she said, "you are a magician. Do you also do magic with Karin and Siggi?" Beate had no choice but to devote herself first to Karin and then later to Siggi. In between, the waitress came to their table once with a round of drinks. She asked where Beate was. Siggi just pointed with his finger under the table, grinning. The waitress laughed and understood. She took Beate's glass and put it on the floor.
The girlfriends continued to watch the scene at the bar. Apparently Trixie was showing the videos, because everyone crowded even closer around her.
Finally, they decided enough was enough for the day. Siggi paid for her drinks, then walked over to the bar. Siggi gave the surrounded Trixie a quick tap on the shoulder, "OK, enough for today. Let's go home."
On Sunday, they all slept a little longer and didn't meet in the kitchen until about 9:00. While they were eating breakfast, Karin said, "I hope you enjoyed yesterday, Trixie. So what is your new job? I guess there's no way you're giving up."
Trixie grinned at her, "you're absolutely right." With that she took the last capsule, took a quick deep breath, opened it and pulled out the note. She read aloud, "get a complete pony dress from the store. Put it on, then the mistress will drive you to the main station where you will collect money for the mercy yard. The mistress will take care of you."
"You don't need to get a pony dress, you already have that here. I think we also have a collection box from the Gnadenhof here," Karin said. "Actually, you can change right now and then Siggi can drive you there. It's just a pity that you'll miss me pedaling off on my bike."
"That would be a real shame," Siggi commented. "How about you drive her to the station and take care of her. Then in 2 hours I'll relieve you and you can start here with your Tour de France. Then when Trixie is done collecting, at least she'll get to see your final sprint." Everyone thought that was a good solution.
"What's this mercy farm you want me to collect for?" asked Trixie.
"At the sanctuary, horses but also other animals get a chance at a quiet retirement. Many of the animals have been rescued from bad conditions. We've been supporting this for quite some time. If one of our games includes a collection campaign, we do it that way. We have already collected a few thousand euros. That's why we also have a couple of collection tins from the Gnadenhof, complete with a collection permit. In the box that we have here, there is also already some money in it, but not very much. You can use that today."
"Well, that sounds great," Trixie said enthusiastically. "I'll have to check that out when I get a chance."
"Well, if you get the can full, you can take it to the mercy farm tomorrow. I'm sure they'll be happy."
Siggi helped Trixie put on the pony outfit. Trixie especially needed help with the boots, which mimicked a horse's hoof. Siggi also put a head harness on her with an iron bridle. Trixie faltered a bit at first as she walked, but then she quickly got the hang of it.
Karin drove with Trixie to the main station. She parked her car in the underground garage there, then they walked together towards the main station. Some passers-by looked at them in surprise, but Trixie immediately held out the collection tin and before they even reached the main station, she had already collected the first donations. Karin then showed her which area to collect in while she sat down at a nearby café for a coffee.
Trixie kept walking up to passersby and holding out the collection box to them. When asked what it was for, he mumbled it behind the bridle "Gnadenhof". Pleasingly often the passers-by then reached for their wallets.
Siggi came as arranged 2 hours later to relieve Karin. "How is it going?" she asked Karin.
"If it continues like this, she'll soon have it made. At the sight of her, hardly anyone says no. There has been no trouble either. A patrolman from the railroad police approached Trixie and apparently checked the collection permit. But that was all." Karin then said goodbye and drove back to the WG, while Siggi took her place and also ordered a coffee.
In the early afternoon, Trixie joined Siggi at the café. "Well, there's nothing going into the can by any stretch of the imagination. I think it was worth it because a lot of people put not only coins in it, but also bills. Besides, my butt hurts. Many passersby, especially the women, gave the pony a pat on the butt."
Siggi paid her bill, then they went to her car, which Siggi had also parked in the underground garage, and drove it back to the WG. Trixie put the full collection tin on the living room table. Then Siggi helped her take off the pony dress. Trixie was especially happy to finally get rid of her boots. But then she immediately went to the fitness room to look at Karin, who was totally sweaty by now.
When she entered the fitness room, she found Beate standing next to Karin, holding a riding crop in her hand. "Glad you're here, Trixie," Beate said. "You can relieve me here. Karin really needs someone to push her. And you know Karin. It can get pretty violent." With that she put the riding crop in Trixie's hand.
Trixie made extensive use of the crop that afternoon. Karin's bottom was soon solid red. When the ergometer finally indicated that she had reached the finish line, Karin straightened up with relief. She got off the ergometer and rubbed her aching bottom. "Damn, you learned some things. Come on, let's go take a shower together, and then we'll sit in the living room and let Beate pamper us."

Chapter 15 The Flight to London
The following day, Trixie went to the sanctuary with the collection box. When she arrived there, she was initially received in a friendly but not particularly warm manner. That changed abruptly when she explained that she was the new member of the WG. She went into the office with a member of the Gnadenhof staff and together they opened the collection box and counted the money. Trixie was amazed that she had collected over 1000 Euros. When she also took out a check from her purse that Antje had given her, the employee beamed. Both together would once again secure the Gnadenhof for a month.
Trixie still took a close look at the grace yard. She let the employee show her around and she told her the story of many of the animals. She also showed her a part of the sanctuary, which should become a kind of retirement home for dogs. But there is still a long way to go until then, as the woman explained.
In the evening Antje came to Trixie's room with a suitcase. As mistress for the planned London visit, she wanted to pick out the clothes that Trixie should wear in London. Trixie had to pack the pantsuit, of course, plus a rather thin blouse and matching shoes. Antje also picked out a few t-shirts. It didn't surprise Trixie that she shouldn't pack underwear or stockings.
Antje also selected a pair of jeans and another T-shirt, along with sneakers and a jacket for Trixie to wear on the trip. Antje had a plastic bag with her, the contents of which she now showed Trixie. The first part was a stainless steel anal plug. Trixie took it relatively easy, because she had worn such a part many times in the past weeks. Much more exciting was the second part that Antje took out of the bag.
This part consisted of several twisted cables that ended at two stainless steel plates. The two plates could apparently be plugged together and secured with a lock. Above the lock, there was still a rather thick metal ring hanging down. There were several more spacers between the two end plates. Trixie looked dumbfounded at this construction for a moment, then realized it. She had seen something like this a few times while surfing the Internet. It was a neck corset. She took it as a corset and put it on herself. Antje helped her and closed it. Trixie went to her mirror and looked at herself in it, "This is awesome," she exclaimed, "Where did you get this?"
"It's from one of the suppliers we'll be visiting in London."
"Well, I think it's incredibly chic. It's crazy flashy, though, and I don't know if I could walk around in it here in Cologne, or even wear it to work. That would then perhaps be too much of a good thing. But still, it's just awesome!"
"Do you want to show it to the others?" inquired Antje. Trixie nodded and stormed out of the room. She found the others in the living room.
"Look what I'm supposed to wear in London. Isn't it crazy?"
The others agreed with her. They too liked the neck corset. Antje joined them, but then insisted on opening the neck corset. Trixie would be able to enjoy it long enough.
The next morning Antje and Trixie had to get up quite early. But Beate kept them company at breakfast. Trixie wore the neck corset again and Beate asked her if she also had the plug in her butt. Trixie confirmed that she did.
"Trixie is really a lovely and obedient slave," Antje commented.
Shortly before six, the doorbell rang. "That must be the car service to the airport," Antje guessed rightly. Trixie not only took her suitcase, but as a slave she also felt obliged to carry Antje's suitcase. Together they took the elevator downstairs, where the driver was already waiting for them.
They then drove to the airport, where the driver let them off right in front of the main entrance. Antje gave Trixie her boarding pass, then she took her suitcase and they walked briskly to passenger screening. Since they both had only relatively small suitcases, they were able to take them onto the plane. In addition, they both had only one small handbag each.
At the checkpoint, Antje already had her ID card and boarding pass handy and quickly walked through. Trixie fumbled around a bit and had to dig out her ID card from her handbag. Antje turned around again briefly and called out to her that they would meet in the Lufthansa Lounge. Then she walked through the checkpoint a few feet ahead of Trixie.
When Trixie went through the first sensor a minute later, the device beeped loudly and unpleasantly. One of the female officers at the security checkpoint immediately approached her. With a quick glance, she identified the problem. Apparently, the neck corset had set off the alarm.
"Would you mind taking that off?" the officer asked kindly.
Trixie suspected that Antje had played a trick on her. She was going to have to go through this alone. "I'm sorry, but as you can see the neck corset is secured with a lock. I am not allowed to take it off, my mistress has forbidden me to do so. Besides, I don't have the key to it. My mistress has it."
"And where is her mistress," inquired the officials.
"She's just through here. We're supposed to meet at the Lufthansa Lounge."
"Her mistress. And her?"
Trixie blushed, "I'm her slave."
"Then come over here to the side, you slave," the officer demanded, shaking her head. "Then I'll have to pat her down with the handheld device."
She looked at the neck corset very thoroughly and also called a colleague to help. Together they concluded that the neck corset was unusual, but probably posed no danger. Then the first officer drove a handheld device down Trixie from top to bottom. When she got to the level of Trixie's bottom with the handheld device, it beeped again.
"And what's there," she asked, a little annoyed.
Trixie had been blushing before, but now all she could do was open her mouth. Inwardly she cursed Antje for going so far. "That's my anal plug," she stammered.
The two female officers looked at her in amazement. Then they led Trixie to a cabin that was next to the checkpoint. Together they entered this cubicle. "This is extremely unusual what they are delivering to us here," the second female officer commented. "Do you do this kind of thing often? So if you think something like this is a joke, put yourself in our shoes. We have to control this now. Would you please unzip her pants and pull them down a bit?"
Trixie stammered several apologies. She was beyond embarrassed to be making such an entrance here. And she knew the next highlight would appear when she pushed her pants down. With trembling hands, she unzipped her pants and slowly slid them down.
"No underwear?" the officer announced in amazement.
Trixie tried to calm herself. She took several deep breaths, then gathered her courage, straightened up, and explained, "No, no underwear. I'm not allowed that."
The female officers asked Trixie to lean forward. They looked at her from behind and saw the bottom plate of the anal plug. "Sorry, but you're going to have to take that one out. Or did your mistress forbid you to do that too?" With that, she handed Trixie some paper towels.
Trixie took one of the paper towels, then grabbed her butt with it and carefully pulled the anal plug out of her hole. She quickly wiped off some traces with a second paper towel, then presented it to the two female officers, who stared at the plug in amazement. For a few seconds, none of the three women said a sound. Then one of the female officers caught herself. "Shove that damn thing up your slave ass, then zip up your pants and get out of here. But if you ever get me with that thing at the checkpoint here again, you can kiss your flight goodbye. Do you understand?" With that, the two female officers stormed out of the examination booth.
Trixie breathed a sigh of relief. Carefully, she slid the plug back into her butt, then pulled up her pants and zipped them up. She left the booth and went to get her suitcase, which had been checked in the meantime. When she looked around again, she saw that the two female officers were whispering with their colleagues and then they all looked behind her.
She saw a sign for the Lufthansa Lounge and followed it. As she was about to enter it, a stewardess asked for her boarding pass, as the lounge was only for first class and business class passengers. Now, for the first time, Trixie consciously looked at the boarding pass and realized that they were apparently flying first class. She thought to herself that she should have been able to guess.
Antje was already waiting for them in the lounge. She was sitting at a table and had a coffee in front of her. "Did you have some trouble," she asked with a grin.
"That was mean," Trixie pouted. But Antje stroked her hair, and so Trixie had no choice but to finally grin, too.
There were only four seats in first class on the plane, and the other two seats were left empty, so Antje and Trixie sat there alone.
"The way you're handling money, I'm almost surprised we're not flying to London on a private plane," Trixie joked. "How much money do you actually have? Or is that too indiscreet?"
"A private plane would suit my accountant just fine," Antje replied as she dug her cell phone out of her purse and began typing on it. "But I think a private plane is just ostentatious. My accountant has told me a couple of times that I need to show more expenses."
Apparently, she had found what she was looking for on her cell phone. Trixie saw Antje open a PDF document and then hold it up to her. Astonished, she caught sight of a statement of assets and liabilities. She scrolled down the document with her finger. There she saw a total: 4,354,618! "Over 4 million," she said in amazement. But Antje scrolled the document back up and pointed to the header. "In €1,000," it said.
"Four billion," she whispered questioningly.
Antje shrugged her shoulders. "But don't tell anyone," she demanded.
As they exited the customs area in London, Antje spotted a man in a chauffeur's uniform holding up a sign that read "LLL." She walked up to the man and set her suitcase down in front of him. "That's us," she said, pointing to herself and Trixie.
The man bowed slightly. "My name is Frank. I'll be your driver for the next three days. If you'll follow me, please." He grabbed the two suitcases and walked in front of Antje and Trixie.
Antje whispered softly to Trixie, "with the damn left-hand traffic I have my problems. I'd rather we let them drive us. It's much easier and safer that way."
As they sat in the car, a spacious sedan, Frank turned and asked where they were going.
"First a quick trip to our guesthouse," Antje replied. "And then after that we have to go downtown." She handed Frank two business cards, which he looked at briefly. Then he nodded and they drove off. Trixie looked out the window most of the time, trying to see as much of London as she could. The traffic was really extreme and she wondered if she herself could have handled driving on the left. Finally Frank turned off the main road, it went through two side streets and at last turned into a small street with a park on one side. It stopped in front of a Victorian-style house. Frank got out and hurried to hold the door open for Antje. Then he took the two suitcases out of the trunk and followed them up several steps into the small boarding house where Antje always descended.
The house had already looked quite dignified from the outside, but inside was pure luxury. A man in a dark suit awaited them: "Good day, Mrs. Antje. Everything is prepared for you. I hope you are well"
"Hello Hubert," Antje replied. "Thank you very much, and how are you? This here is Trixie, my slave. It's always nice to be here in London." Hubert had taken the two suitcases from Frank, whereupon Frank went back to his car while Hubert escorted them to their rooms. This was no simple room, however, but a complete apartment with two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a living area.
Antje and Trixie freshened up briefly, then went back to Frank's place. They boarded the limousine again and drove towards central London. Trixie was still amazed at the traffic. When they finally arrived at the address that had been on the second business card, it was almost noon. They entered a commercial building where they were welcomed on the first floor. Antje introduced herself and after a few minutes an employee in an elegant suit came to greet them.
They were led into a meeting room, and asked to wait a moment. The man offered them drinks, but then another man appeared, apparently his supervisor. They sat down on a set of seats and the man who had just joined them opened a folder he had brought with him to introduce the company's product line. "Perhaps you would like to take a look at our production facilities here at the company," he asked politely.
"I already know the workshops," Antje replied politely, "but I'm sure Trixie would like to take a look." Trixie rose and the man who had initially greeted her led her out of the room to the workshops. Antje stayed behind and flipped through the binder, marking various items and writing numbers next to each. Her interlocutor was delighted because a lucrative order was in the offing. The meeting lasted over 2 hours. When everything was settled, Antje asked where Trixie was. Her interlocutor grabbed a phone and relayed the question. "Miss Trixie is waiting for her at the reception desk," he then explained.
Sure enough, Trixie was waiting for Antje at the reception desk and they left the building. Outside they met Frank, who was already waiting for them. They sat down in the limousine and Antje asked Frank to take them back to the boarding house. When they had been on the road for a few minutes, Trixie fished something out of her pants pocket. She held a small bunch of keys with several keys on them in front of Antje's face. "Since you're my mistress on this trip, I guess these are yours."
Antje took the keys, looked first at her, then at Trixie, and asked, "What for?"
Instead of an answer, Trixie grabbed Antje's hand and guided it between her legs. Antje felt something hard under her jeans. "Did you get pierced," she whispered back. Trixie grinned and nodded slightly. "Hell of a guy," Antje commented.
When they were back at her boarding house, they went to her area, where Trixie immediately lowered her pants and a pair of simple cotton briefs. Antje knelt down in front of her and looked at the piercings and the locks. Trixie now had three holes in each of her inner labia. The bows of the locks had been put through the holes.
"Did it hurt a lot?" asked Antje.
"It went. They cooled the labia a bit first and disinfected them."
"And now?"
"The pain has subsided, but I can feel every movement. I'm supposed to always disinfect in between there, too. They gave me a spray for that. It stings, but it could be worse."
"I'm surprised you didn't get your cl*toral foreskin pierced too" said Antje.
"I was going to at first, but then I told them not to. Are you mad at me?"
"Angry? Why would you be? I just wouldn't have had it done on this trip if I were you. We have a bunch of appointments left and you want to see some of London, too, don't you? That means a lot of running around. But let me ask you this: what did you pay?"
It hadn't occurred to Trixie that they would be doing a lot of walking around. But it was too late for that now. "One hundred and fifty euros," she explained.
"All right," Ante declared. "And what does it look like? I was going to do a little shopping. Are you coming or do you want to rest? If you want to rest, Frank can come get you later and we'll meet for dinner."
"Out of the question," Trixie protested. "I'll go with you. Maybe I'll see something fancy. I've got the money with me that I got from you guys in the beginning.
Frank drove them to Knightsbridge, where he dropped them off at Harrods. Trixie, of course, had to wander through the most famous department store in the world. She looked at the luxury in amazement. "Is it true that even the royals shop here?" she asked.
Antje laughed. "Yes, they do. But you won't get to see them. When they shop here, it's outside the usual hours. Then the whole department store is just for them."
They left the department store and Antje showed her some boutiques nearby that offered really great stuff. Suddenly she stopped and pulled Trixie back a few feet. "Look at this leather jacket. Isn't it great? It should fit you."
Trixie looked at the leather jacket, which looked really great. But she also saw the price tag and knew she couldn't afford the jacket. But Antje pulled her into the store, where a saleswoman immediately took care of her. Antje smiled at the saleswoman, "Hello, my slave would like to try on this leather jacket you have in the window."
Trixie almost sank into the floor when Anje introduced her as her slave. But the saleswoman only raised an eyebrow briefly, then picked up the jacket. It fit like a glove and the leather was incredibly soft and delicate. Trixie looked at herself in the mirror, running her hand over the leather. Then she began to take the jacket off with regret. "Why don't you leave it on? I'm sure they can pack your jacket for you."
Trixie protested, but Antje didn't listen, instead rummaging through the racks. After a short search, she too found a leather jacket she liked. She went to the cash register and presented her credit card. At that moment, Frank entered the store. He picked up the shopping bags and disappeared again.
Trixie looked after him in wonder. "How did he know where we were?" she asked in amazement.
"That's the advantage here of working with a first-class chauffeur service. He followed us on foot and will continue to do so so we don't have to struggle with the bags here."
They continued walking, looking at the displays. Trixie saw a pair of sandals that she liked and were in her price range. She bought it and Frank reappeared to take the bag from her. Finally, Antje had had enough. She waved to Frank, and a few minutes later he was in front of them with the limousine.
"Do you know the Kalamaras Greek Taverna," Antje asked Frank.
"Of course. Bayswater, Inverness Mews." He drove them to a street heavily frequented by tourists and let them off at a street corner. Trixie followed Antje, who turned down a side street and then went down an even smaller alley. Trixie was beginning to wonder what they were doing in such an area, but Antje purposefully kept walking until they came to a lighted door. The place was rather small, and because it was still relatively early, only one table was occupied. The service was friendly and quick, the food simply wonderful. Trixie and Antje had not eaten since breakfast, so they chose not only a main course, but also an appetizer. When the waitress came with the menu for dessert, however, Antje looked at her watch and waved it off. "Sorry, but we have cards. Maybe next time."
By now, Trixie wasn't surprised to see Frank waiting for her on the street corner. "What kind of tickets," she wanted to know from Antje, though.
"Evita," Antje explained. Frank handed her an envelope in the car, from which Antje took two tickets for the musical. They then drove to the theater district in the West End.
When Frank let them off in front of the theater, Antje said, "Thank you very much. That's all for today. We'll take a cab from here later." Frank gave a quick bow and drove off.
Trixie knew the song "Don't cry for me, Argentina," of course, but she had never seen the whole musical. The song from the "New Argentina" especially grabbed her.
"I've seen it at least a dozen times," Antje revealed afterward. "But I just think it's great."

Last edited by friedet 1 month ago, edited 1 time in total.


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Trixie or the WG (F/F+ fict. bond. fet) (3)
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Re: Trixie or the WG

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Postby friedet »

Trixie or the WG
by T.A.Friedet
© Copyright 2016 - T.A.Friedet
Storycodes: F/f+; bond; chastity; buttpl*g; cuffs; chain; naked; piercing; public; exhib; collar; strip; latex; shop; sweat; forniphilia; enclosed; transported; whip; blindfold; gag; rope; urine; cons; XX
Part 3

Chapter 16 Natalie
The next day brought new challenges. When she saw the breakfast set up in front of them, she couldn't help but be amazed. Trixie made an effort to try everything at least once. The sausages and stewed tomatoes tasted very good to her, but when she was offered tippers, she went on strike.
"Today I have to spend most of my time talking to my asset managers about some things," Antje explained. "I've asked Frank to drive you around London a bit and show you the main sights. I can't say exactly how long that will take me, but when I'm done, I'll call Frank and you can pick me up."
Trixie was delighted with this opening. There were so many things she wanted to look at, and she knew there was no way she could do it. From the boarding house, they first took Antje to the meeting with her asset managers, then Frank began his sightseeing tour for Trixie. It turned out that Frank was an excellent tour guide. Somehow he always managed to park the car near the sights, too. They would then always get out and Frank would explain to her what she was going to see in detail. The huge Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens especially made a great impression on Trixie. Only Speakers Corner was a disappointment to her because there was nothing going on there during the week. Frank explained to her that it was only worth visiting there on Saturday mornings. At noon he took them to a pub where they ate turkey sandwiches.
Later, when she returned to the car after visiting Westminster Abbey, Frank's cell phone rang. Antje was calling, asking to be picked up.
"Well, how was it," Antje inquired of Trixie.
"London is really breathtaking," Trixie gushed. The many impressions she had gotten made her love the city. "Actually, we still wanted to go to St Paul Cathedral," she explained.
Antje looked at her watch, then said, "Why not? I haven't been there in a long time. We have plenty of time, but tonight we are invited to dinner at the home of one of my money managers. I hope you don't mind."
After touring this beautiful church, they drove back to the boarding house and got dressed up for the evening. Trixie put on her pantsuit, while Antje dressed in a fancy suit. Frank took them to the home of Antje's money manager in Kensington.
They were greeted at the door by a butler who then led them into the drawing room of the house. Antje's wealth advisor was a man in his mid-40s, whom Antje introduced as Mortimer. Shortly thereafter, his wife and daughter also entered the salon. Trixie had to look up at the young woman, whom she estimated to be at least 5 feet 85. She wore her black hair cut very short and close to her head. The daughter made a somewhat bored impression at first, but when she saw Trixie's neck corset, her eyes started to light up.
"That's totally awesome," she exclaimed softly. "You and Antje are ..."
"Mainly we're friends," Antje explained. "We live together in a WG with three other girlfriends. But here on this trip, Trixie is my slave and I am her mistress."
"See," Mortimer said, "I told you dinner would be interesting for you, too. You ought to listen to your old master once in a while, after all. I suppose you want to ask Trixie a hole in the belly now. Why don't you two go to the library sometime, you can talk to each other without being disturbed."
Natalie grabbed Trixie's hand and pulled her along. Trixie looked over at Antje, who just nodded at her. They then went into an adjacent room, which Natalie described as a library. The room really did fit the stereotype with bookshelves from floor to ceiling. There was a leather sofa in the middle of the room, and the two sat down on it.
"What's it like to be a woman's slave?" was the first thing Natalie wanted to know.
"Actually, I'm not her slave," Trixie replied. "As Antje said earlier, there are five of us and we take turns being mistress and slave. I've only moved into this WG quite recently, but I think I've found the right environment for me. At the moment I am just one of the slaves and here on this trip Antje is my mistress. But this is only an exception. Actually, another one of my friends, Karin, is my mistress this week. And she's also Antje's mistress, although, professionally, she's Antje's employee."
"And how does that express itself?" Natalie probed.
"Well, when we're at home, we're usually all naked, except for the mistress. I actually always wear a slave collar, even when I go out of the house. The mistress role is changed every week. But because I just joined, I am only a slave for the first three months. The mistress then always decides what I have to do or what I have to wear. Here in London, Antje decides what I have to wear."
"And what did you do before you moved into this WG? And what do you work at?"
"I was in prison for three years."
"In prison? What did you do?"
"I embezzled money from my employer for my boyfriend. Nice and stupid. I don't know how I could have been so stupid. When I was found out, he disappeared and I had to pay for everything alone. In prison, I met the sister of one of the WG."
"And that's how you ended up with them?"
"When I got out of there, the others took me in. They also helped me get a job, which I'll start next Monday. Actually, the others spoil me more than I deserve. Sometimes they play nasty tricks on me, but that's part of it. And I'm not the only target of these pranks either, it goes around." Then Trixie told Natalie about her experience at the airport.
"You showed up there with no underwear," Natalie asked in amazement.
"Yes, of course. I've gotten completely out of the habit of wearing underwear or stockings. Yesterday I had a piercing here at one of Antje's suppliers, and for once I wore panties afterwards. That was really unusual for me. But that was just yesterday, now everything is back to normal."
"You had yourself pierced? Where? And you're back to no underwear now too? I'll have to see that."
"You can't do that," Trixie protested. "I can't just take my clothes off, though!"
"Why not? We're alone here, aren't we? Dad and Mom already won't come here to the library. Besides, they both know me."
"And your butler?"
"James is a real butler. Part of his training is that he doesn't see anything he's not supposed to. He would never let anything he witnesses here get out. That being said, he's seen me naked more than once." With that, she began unbuttoning Trixie's blouse.
Trixie didn't feel comfortable doing that, but she could already see that Natalie wasn't giving her a choice. She undressed and then, spreading her legs slightly, stood in front of Natalie. Natalie ran her hand down her locks. Trixie twitched slightly at the touch because she was still very sensitive after all. But Natalie didn't let that stop her and stroked Trixie's pubic area. "You're pretty wet down there," Natalie commented. Trixie blushed once again, but said nothing in response.
"Well you see," Natalie said, "there's nothing wrong with taking your clothes off here. Do you think you might feel better if I took my clothes off too?"
Trixie nodded and Natalie literally tore off her clothes. She was wearing underwear and pantyhose, of course, but everything landed on the floor in a flash.
"Listen," Natalie then explained, "we have to show this to Dad and Mom right away. I want to get a piercing like that, too. Can you tell me the address where you got it done? I'm sure Mom especially would agree, knowing it's done properly and that I'm not going to some bungler in town." Natalie ran her index finger through the ring on Trixie's neck corset and pulled her along behind her. Trixie reluctantly followed her, but she didn't have many options.
"Dad, Mom," Natalie called out as they entered the salon, "look at that awesome piercing Trixie has. I want one of those, too. Don't you guys think that's awesome? Trixie also gave me the address where she got it done."
Mortimer and his wife stared at the two naked people, while Antje had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. She could vividly imagine what was going through Mortimer's and his wife's minds now. Only James didn't make a face. Instead, he filled two glasses and brought them to Trixie and Natalie.
Finally, Mortimer composed himself, "Listen, missy, you must be out of your mind. You may have just turned 21, and you can decide that for yourself. But I'm going to do what I can to prevent something like this from happening."
"Oh, Dad, calm down. After all, I'm still asking you and Mom. And if you both don't want it, I'll abide by it too. Even if I don't have to. But this has advantages for you, too!"
"It has advantages for us?" Mortimer's wife asked in amazement. "You'll have to explain that to us!"
"It's simple. You get the keys. And then when I go to the disco on weekends, you won't have to worry about much happening there."
Mortimer and his wife's jaws dropped. Antje couldn't keep it together and she laughed out loud. Even James couldn't help grinning.
"So, uhh," Mortimer began. "I… oh well. It's not like we have to decide that right here and now. I mean, you guys go back to the library and get dressed. And then we can have dinner."
It turned out to be a nice evening. Mortimer told about his travels and Antje also contributed her part. Only Natalie looked almost all the time at Trixie. She noticed that and she understood that Natalie would have liked to disappear with her in her bedroom. But she held back. It had been turbulent enough already. But she slipped Natalie a note with her phone number and address.
At breakfast the next morning, Antje gave Trixie back the keys and also the keys for the neck corset. Trixie had asked for a quiet return flight, which Antje understood. They drove from the guesthouse to Antje's second supplier, where Antje also placed a nice order. On the way to the airport, Antje had Frank stop at a fish & chips stand, because Trixie had heard a lot about this combination and wanted to try it.
By early afternoon, they were back at the WG. Antje went straight to her store, while Trixie lay down on her bed in her room and thought about the trip.

Chapter 17 Relaxing for a Change
The following Friday evening, they all met as usual in the kitchen for their weekly meeting. Trixie had given Karin, who was the mistress that week, the keys to their new locks.
"Well, dear slave girls," Karin then began, "the weekend is coming up. I've been thinking about it, of course, but I guess I'm the jerk this time. Somehow there are hardly any opportunities to do anything major."
"Why," Antje asked.
"Well, Beate is on duty in the afternoon and evening, so she's out. We'll both be at the store on Saturday, but after that we'll have a little more time."
"I'll be at the store, too," Trixie interjected.
"You, my dear, be very quiet," Karin replied. "I've been talking to Beate. I'm a little afraid for you, and Beate agrees with me."
"Why are you afraid for me?" Trixie wanted to know.
"Since you've been here, you've been moving in the fast lane. That doesn't go well in the long run. I know you're going to say, 'I can do this,' because that's become your motto here. And that's why we all love you so much. But still, you need some time off. Just remember that you have to be at Dieter's on Monday. He expects a rested new employee. And not an exhausted slave."
"Karin has a point," Siggi interjected. "We've been doing all this here for years, but not around the clock. Each of us takes a break, be it for a weekend or even three weeks. And you come here and you're from zero to a hundred in three seconds."
Beate hugged Trixie. "This isn't going against you. We still want so much from you. And there has to be time to rest. Besides, I think you've lost some weight. When was the last time you were on the scale? Two or three kilos more would do you good."
"Am I supposed to spend the weekend in bed?" Trixie now grumbled.
"No," Karin replied. "You shouldn't. "Tomorrow morning it's cleaning time. After that, you and Siggi will go to Roermond and buy groceries. Maybe you'll cook for us again sometime. If you want, you can also go to the outlet center again. Take your time."
Now Siggi spoke up. "Listen, I have another idea. The store in Roermond is also open on Sunday, it's not in Germany. How about Trixie and I go to the North Sea. Somewhere in a nice hotel for the two days. And Sunday we'll stop by Roermond on the way back and do some shopping then."
"And what are we doing in Holland?" Trixie asked doubtfully.
"Walks, chilling, cuddling," Beate replied with a grin. "Presumably Siggi will take some toys with her?"
"Could be. The main thing is that it goes quiet and relaxed. And don't do any fancy stuff. Maybe a hotel with a spa and massages. There was something like that about the height of Alkmaar, but by the sea."
"Yeah, I remember that. That was quite nice. But what it was called, I don't know." explained Antje.
"Well, agreed," Karin asked.
Trixie was a little disappointed, but she realized that her friends all wanted the best for her. "If that's what it's going to be," she mewed, still not enthusiastic.
"Well, that's settled then," Karin then said "what do you say we check in with the dungeon again?"
"What's the dungeon," asked Trixie.
"Siggi can explain it to you this weekend," replied Beate. "But I think in about three or four weeks, the dungeon would be a good idea. Agreed?" Everyone nodded.
The next morning, as they sat at breakfast and Karin was to announce the divisions for cleaning duty, she said, "Siggi and Trixie, you'd best leave right away. Antje and Beate can take over your cleaning areas." Antje and Beate nodded without any hesitation. Trixie still found this amazing when she thought about the numbers she had seen on Antje's cell phone and now she was cleaning for two without any grumbling.
Siggi and Trixie quickly packed their bags. Siggi had two bags with her, one of which was apparently a bit heavier. They rode the elevator to the garage and packed everything into the Mini. Trixie got behind the wheel and Siggi assured her she would show her the way.
Most of the way was on the Autobahn, but Siggi slowed Trixie down a bit and explained to her that speed limits were much stricter in Holland than in Germany. Beyond Amsterdam, the route took a very well-maintained country road to Alkmaar, then took smaller roads over to the coast. Siggi searched the areas off the roads with her eyes, then at some point she suddenly called "stop" and had Trixie turn around. They drove back a short distance and Siggi directed Trixie into a hotel driveway.
The hotel was large and modern and it was perfectly easy to get a very nice room with a view all the way to the sea. Siggi immediately approached the lady at the front desk and was able to book them both appointments for a massage. The hotel had several masseurs, so both appointments were at the same time. Siggi and Trixie first went to their room, but then they went to the hotel bar again, where they enjoyed a non-alcoholic co*cktail. But then it was already time for the massage.
When Trixie came to their shared room after the massage, Siggi was already in bed. She flipped back the covers and Trixie quickly took off the bathrobe she had borrowed from the hotel and slipped under the covers with her. She snuggled a little closer to her friend and was asleep in a few minutes. Siggi pulled her friend even closer and caressed the thin body. She wondered where Trixie got all that energy.
Trixie slept for over two hours, and only woke up when she wanted to roll over a bit, but couldn't. She opened her eyes very lightly, and then she started to move. She opened her eyes very slightly and saw Siggi's smiling face in front of her. She yawned, but when she wanted to close her mouth again, Siggi shoved a gag into her mouth in a flash. Now Trixie really woke up. She tried to grab her mouth but her hands were tied behind her back. Now she tried to stretch out her legs, but they were also tied and tightly bent. When she tried to move her legs with the as she felt a jerk on her wrists. Siggi had given her a hogtie in her sleep without her noticing.
"Well, sleep well?" asked the grinning Siggi. Trixie couldn't answer because of the gag. She felt that it was not a ball gag like she had worn many times at home. This gag reached far into her mouth and she saw that it obviously also had a part leading forward that resembled a penis.
"Well, my little hostage," Siggi grinned. "If you want to get out of being a hostage downstairs, you're going to have to do something about it." Trixie looked at Siggi questioningly. She piled some pillows at the head of the bed and pushed herself into a half-sitting position. The comforter landed on the floor and Siggi sat there with her legs spread. "The first thing you're going to do is give me a real treat," Siggi commanded.
In her bound position, Trixie had to roll around on the bed like a beached whale until she had Siggi's puss* in front of her with her penis gag. When she was finally able to penetrate her friend with it, she took pains to do so carefully and sensitively. She tossed her head back and forth and really strained. Siggi crossed her arms behind her head, closed her eyes and tried to stay as calm as possible and keep her arousal at a low level to delay the whole thing as long as possible. But Trixie was tireless as always and then gave her friend a slow and prolonged org*sm.
Siggi let her friend lie in her hogtie for a bit afterwards while she took a shower herself. After that she got dressed and went downstairs to the reception and from there to the restaurant, because she wanted to look around there first. She also met a waitress there and spoke briefly with her. In the process, a few bills changed hands. Then she went back to her room. She had already thought of something at home, which she now wanted to do.
First she loosened the handcuffs that connected Trixie's legs to the handcuffs on her wrists, and Trixie was glad to finally be able to stretch her legs out again. Siggi then replaced the leg cuffs on Trixie's legs with other leg cuffs that had a chain about 30 inches long between the legs. Now she put a chain around Trixie's slender waist, locked it in front and then guided the chain between Trixie's legs to the back, pulled it tight and also made it tight with a lock in the back. Only now she took off Trixie's handcuffs, which she had put on her above the elbows, and used this pair to fasten Trixie's left hand to the waist chain with this handcuff. Only then she released the handcuffs that connected the two wrists and pulled the right arm to the other side, where she also fastened the hand cell to the hip chain. Trixie now had to stand up and Siggi dug out a long sleeveless T-shirt from the bag where she had her toys, the seams of which were cut at the side between the sleeve hole and the hem. She pulled it over Trixie's head. Above and below the waist chain, she connected the front and back parts of the T-shirt with staples to keep the shape halfway.
Siggi now looked at her friend and realized that she had made a good guess. The T-shirt very barely covered Trixie's pubic area and bottom. Finally she took Trixie's gag out of her mouth and took a dog leash out of her bag. She hooked it into Trixie's slave collar. So she pulled her friend behind her towards the door.
"We can't leave the room like this," Trixie protested. But Siggi didn't let that irritate her. She pulled Trixie behind her to the elevator. They then rode it down into the hotel lobby and Siggi pulled Trixie behind her to the restaurant. Fortunately, there were very few guests, but those who were there watched the spectacle in amazement. At the restaurant, the waitress Siggi had spoken to earlier immediately approached them and led them to an alcove in the back of the restaurant. Immediately after, the waitress also brought them the menus.
"What would you like to eat?" Siggi asked. She had the menu open in front of Trixie and was slowly running her finger along the menu from top to bottom.
"Are you crazy?" Trixie asked in exasperation. "What are the other guests saying? Can't we go back to the room? Please please!"
"No, first of all, hardly anyone sees us back here, and second of all, I'm hungry. We haven't eaten since breakfast. You better take a look at the menu. I think the sole is right up my alley. And for you? How about the eel in cream sauce? And I'm thinking a nice rosé to go with it. Agreed?"
Trixie closed her eyes and tried to breathe calmly. Then she nodded. She could already imagine how Antje and Beate would laugh when she told them about it. The waitress came back to their table and Siggi placed the order. For the first time, Trixie looked the waitress in the eye and noticed that she was obviously enjoying herself. Even when the food was then on the table, Siggi did not free her friend from the handcuffs. She had to sit there with her hands cuffed to her waist chain. Instead, Siggi fed her friend and in between also gave her the glass to her lips so that she could drink some of the rosé. But Trixie then had to admit that at least the eel tasted excellent.
When they had finished eating, the waitress quickly brought the bill at Siggi's request before the table was cleared. Siggi paid everything and again gave the waitress a good tip. While clearing the table, the waitress dropped a fork from her plate onto the floor. She quickly put everything back on the table, then knelt down and suddenly disappeared. Before Trixie could react, she suddenly felt a hand on her thigh. The hand moved on to her naked puss* and penetrated it once very briefly then withdrew again and Trixie heard a soft "Mmmmmmm!" from under the table. Then the waitress reappeared with her head above the table and stood up. She smiled at them both, licking a hand as she did so.
Up in the room, Siggi finally freed Trixie from all her bonds. Trixie actually didn't know if she should be mad at her friend right now, or if she should just be embarrassed about her performance at the restaurant.
"Actually, I should spank you for that," Trixie scolded.
"Help yourself," Siggi replied with a laugh. She held out the bag of toys to Trixie, then set the bag on the floor and threw herself belly-down on the bed. Trixie hesitated for a moment, but then reached into the bag. She found Paddle, took one, and knelt on the bed next to Siggi. She smacked Siggi's bottom pretty hard with the paddle, but she just laughed. Siggi was still laughing even after Trixie had given her two dozen swats on the butt and leaned back, exhausted. Then, as Siggi rolled onto her back, she did moan briefly as her bottom made contact with the bed, but Trixie saw that her friend's juices were already running out of her puss*.
They slept closely that night. Then in the morning they took a shower together before heading to the restaurant where the breakfast buffet was set up.
"What are we going to do now," Trixie asked.
"How about a long walk on the beach? I was going to tell you about the dungeon, too."
At the beach, they took off their sandals and then walked slowly along the beach barefoot. Siggi explained, "So the dungeon. You've noticed by now that we all have our maso sides. Every now and then it does us quite good to be touched really very hard. Actually, we should whip each other hard from time to time or do other things to each other. But because we are girlfriends now, we feel too much pity for each other. Some time ago we discovered the dungeon. We go there and let ourselves be sold as slaves to other people for one night. Mostly these are men, but sometimes there are also women or couples. They often use us quite extensively. Some of it hurts quite a bit at the moment, but afterwards, when it's over, we feel somehow relieved. From time to time even a real co*ck has its advantages. There are a few rules in this dungeon to avoid serious injuries. Among other things, a so-called guard always monitors what the buyers do to us. If things get too rough, these guards step in."
"What kind of people are these guards?" inquired Trixie now.
"The guards are people like us. They are especially not just any people, but they are usually the ones who have been the slave girls the week before. So if we let ourselves be sold as slaves there in three weeks, we'll be back in the dungeon the following week, and then we'll act as guards. If you also want to participate, you are only a novice at first. That means that you can't be treated as harshly as we are. Only when you have been there three times as a novice will you be threatened with very harsh treatment. Of course, I don't know if you want to go along with it at all. You needn't have any qualms about telling us that it's out of the question for you."
"That sounds pretty severe, of course," Trixie replied. "I suppose the men are f*cking us though?"
Siggi nodded. "Not only that. Some of them piss on us, too, or demand that we drink their piss. But it is actually nowhere near as bad as it sounds. In addition to very tight bondage, we are sometimes paraded and some actions take place in front of an audience, so to speak."
"And how long does that last?" asked Trixie. "And you said we're sold? Who gets the money then or is it not about money at all?"
"Well we have to be on site at 3:00 on Saturday then. But that's not a problem, from the store it's twenty minutes by car at most. From three until shortly before four we are then visited. You can imagine for yourself that we are naked and in shackles. At four the auction takes place and afterwards we belong to the highest bidders until the next morning at eleven. There is real money at the auction, but it is donated to a good cause. Each slave can decide for herself where the money goes. You wouldn't believe what these guys will put on the table to get their hands on us for once. My highest bid is 8000 euros and Karin has even taken 9500 euros once. The buyers know how resilient she is. But the minimum bid is already 2000 Euro. In addition, most buyers still give us a good tip, but that is really for us, unlike the purchase price."
"So I can say, for example, that the money should be for the mercy yard?"
"Whatever you want. The mercy yard is ok, the Red Cross or SOS Children's Village. It doesn't matter. But trust me, it's hard earned money."
"Well, that's just your typical hammer. But I'm definitely going to participate. At least the first time. Whether I'll still join in after that, I can always decide then."
Siggi pulled Trixie close to him and hugged her tightly. "I didn't expect anything different from you. And knowing you, you'll have fun with it too. Maybe not right now, so when it's currently happening, but then when you think about it afterwards, you'll be glad you went along." Then she looked around, briefly glanced at her watch and said, "So, slowly we have to turn back. I said we'd check out around two. That will give us plenty of time to do our shopping in Roermond."

Chapter 18 New Beginning
On Sunday night, Trixie slept fitfully. She was nervous and wondered what the first day at her new employer would bring. She got up way too early and took a long shower first. She put on a pristine white t-shirt and jeans to go with it, as well as some comfortable sneakers. She also put on her slave collar and locked it with a padlock. She put the key in her purse. At 7 o'clock she went to the kitchen to have breakfast.
When Trixie opened the kitchen door, her friends were already waiting for her. "What are you guys doing here," Trixie asked.
"We figured you'd be up really early and all nervous," said Beate. "We at least want to make sure you have a sensible breakfast and then we all want to wish you the best for the day."
With that Beate led her to her seat, Karin came off the stove and served her some scrambled eggs while Antje poured her coffee. Trixie sat in front of her plate, choking back a tear. She ate quickly and finished the coffee as well, then stood up, hugged all her friends in turn, and left the kitchen for the elevator. As she reached the apartment door, she heard Siggi calling her, "Trixie!"
Trixie went back to the kitchen and asked, "what is it?"
"You forgot your briefcase," Siggi said, pointing to a leather briefcase sitting next to the icebox.
"You, sorry, that's not mine."
"It's got your name on it, though," Siggi replied.
Trixie picked up the briefcase and sure enough, "Trixie Hansen" was engraved above the handle. She turned to her friends, and saw their amused faces. She walked over to the breakfast table with the suitcase and placed it on top. She opened it and was completely surprised. In the left half of the suitcase was a leather-bound notebook with her name on it. Lifting it up she saw a folder underneath that said "Documents" and in the bottom corner was her name again. Next to it she saw a clear plastic box with business cards. Emblazoned in the middle was her name, but at the top it said "I can do this!". Trixie laughed and saw that below her name was her address, plus her email address and a cell phone number. "What kind of number is that," she asked. At that moment, the doorbell rang from the suitcase. Trixie looked and found a brand new iPhone in a compartment of the suitcase. Karin put her own cell phone on the side, which she had used to call Trixie's new phone.
"You guys are out of your minds," Trixie exclaimed through tears. Then she hugged her friends and gave them each a kiss.
"Did you at least bring money?" Beate inquired.
Trixie took her purse out of her small handbag and looked inside briefly. "About 15 euros," she said.
Beate went to the kitchen cabinet where the money was kept, took out some bills and handed them to Trixie. "There's no way this is enough. Here's 100 euros for now, and when they're gone, you'll take some more. You know where the money is. You can give it back to us next month or the month after when your salary is in the account."
Trixie then headed for the elevator, happily swinging her suitcase back and forth on the way. In the garage, she took the Mini as previously arranged and drove to her new job. When she got there, it was just before eight and she reported to the receptionist.
"Good morning, Mrs. Hansen," she greeted the receptionist. "Mr. Bergmann usually arrives around five past eight. He has already announced it and asks you to wait for him here."
Sure enough, Mr. Bergmann arrived barely three minutes later. He smiled at Trixie as he greeted her. He also had a briefcase with him, but he gave it to the receptionist and asked her to have it brought to his office.
"Hello Trixie," he greeted her, "come on, I'll show you her office." Together they rode the elevator to the third floor, where Mr. Bergmann then let her enter a room at the end of a corridor. "Actually, this used to be a meeting room, but we rarely need it, so I thought we could use it more wisely than your office. At first I had intended to assign you an office on the executive floor, but I don't want you to feel like you're being monitored."
Trixie looked around the room. On one side, two desks with corresponding swivel chairs stood head to head. On the other side was a single computer desk with a swivel chair, and next to it was a conference table with six chairs. Trixie looked out the window briefly and could see across the factory floors. "Who else is sitting in this room," she asked.
"No one at the moment. But I imagine we'll be hiring another programmer to assist you soon. But you will be his supervisor. I've already said that you're supposed to be the brains of the whole thing, first and foremost. During the development phase, I thought it would be best for you to set up a smaller server here. Hence the single computer desk. Once you know roughly what you need, contact Purchasing and they'll get the appropriate equipment for you." He then pointed to a single sheet of paper lying on one of the desks. "This is just for today, there's a lot of legwork and paperwork to do." He pointed to the first line on the sheet and said, "First on the list, of course, is Human Resources. That's one floor below us, but you'll find everything listed here. I'll be off then. But I'll see you at the department head meeting on Friday at the latest."
Trixie put her suitcase next to the table and sat down on the swivel chair. She took the slip of paper and read through it. Sure enough, Human Resources was listed as the first item. There was also a room listing on the slip, so she got up, took the elevator down one floor, and went to the Human Resources Department.
She was greeted very kindly in the HR department as well. In the next hour, she had to sign various documents, including her employment contract, a non-disclosure agreement and various other things. They took a picture of her which was immediately printed on a plastic card that would serve as her access card and also as an account card for the canteen from now on. In addition, there was a parking pass and various information brochures. Trixie had brought the slip from her office and showed it to the employee. "It says IT at 10:00. But there's no room listed. That's followed by Works Council at 11:30, also without a room, and then Company Physician at 2:00. Can you help me with that?"
"That's quite simple. If it doesn't say a room, it will take place in your office. Someone from the IT department will come there at 10 and bring your computer and help you connect to our system. As far as the works council is concerned, two or three works council members come and inform you about what you need to do. They will also go with you to the canteen for lunch. There is an initial amount of €20 on the account card, which is what all new employees get here as a small welcome gift. You can then top up further money at a machine in the canteen. The company doctor is not really a company doctor. You simply walk down the street for about 300 meters and you will come to a medical center. There is the practice of Dr. Müritz, who conducts an examination. But the company only finds out if you are able to work here at all. But if you don't have your head under your arms, that's no problem. Then you also go to our ophthalmologist, who is on the second floor in this medical center. After all, you'll be doing mostly computer screen work, and he'll take a quick look at your eyes. If further examinations are necessary, they will be performed today at short notice. But you really don't need to be afraid. Mr. Bergmann has agreed with the works council that all employees will have a thorough medical examination every three years. However, all results remain confidential between the doctors and the employees. Only if there is anything special to be considered for the future at work are we told. But that usually only concerns older employees, so they don't have to try too hard. But you're still young."
After everything was done in the HR department, Trixie went back to her office where a short time later an employee from the IT department came. He brought her a laptop and a printer. The laptop also included two large monitors with high resolution, which were easier on the eyes. On a separate sheet were passwords and access information for the company's own network. Trixie was more than pleased with the computer equipment. "Director Bergmann wanted me to tell you that if you need any other software, just let the IT department know and we'll get it for you. But there is also a collection of programs, you might want to take a look at them first."
Then, punctually at 11:30 a.m., two members of the works council, a man and a woman, showed up for a meeting. They, too, brought some information material with them, especially on retirement benefits but also on other topics. "Director Bergmann sent us some information about them in advance. Both he and the works council have no problems with your past or with your lifestyle. However, if anyone, whoever, should ever feel the need to call you stupid because of this, it is a strict instruction to you to report this immediately to Mr. Bergmann or the works council, or both. Here in this company, everyone gets their chances, and if they make a mistake, they should learn from it and become better. Only those who don't learn have no business here."
Then they invited Trixie to accompany them to the cafeteria for a welcome lunch. On the way to the elevator, the female store steward quickly showed Trixie the coffee kitchen and explained how to operate the coffee machine; she also pointed out the restrooms and escape routes. This was not part of her job description, but she was eager to help her new colleague. The food in the cafeteria was very tasty but a bit too rich for Trixie. Afterwards, Trixie went back to her office, sat down at her desk and closed her eyes for a moment. She thought about what she had heard and was happy.
But the feeling of happiness only lasted until the visit to the company doctor. She had not expected anything like this and, as was her habit, had not put on any underwear. When the company doctor then asked her to strip down to her underwear, she had to swallow. She confessed to the doctor that she never actually wore underwear. He then asked her to undress anyway. Of course, he had long since noticed her slave girl collar. Therefore, he was not overly surprised when Trixie made this confession to him. Trixie was then thoroughly examined, also measured and weighed. Even though it was a doctor in front of whom she was now standing naked, she was still a bit embarrassed.
The doctor took another blood sample, then she was allowed to get dressed again and sit on a chair. The doctor was supposed to fill out a form and handed it to her. "Here is the certificate from me that you are healthy enough to start your work. You'll get the results of the blood test in the mail in the next few days, but I don't expect anything special to show up there. After all, you are going upstairs to the eye doctor in a few minutes and I would also like you to stop by our orthopedic surgeon briefly. You will be sitting a lot and the wrong sitting position is often a problem. My office hours help announce you to the orthopedist right away."
The visit to the ophthalmologist went without major problems, then she went on to the orthopedist. There, too, after only a very short wait, it was her turn and the orthopedist wanted to have an X-ray taken of her. He therefore sent her to his employee who directed Trixie to a changing room and asked her once again to undress down to her underwear and to take off all metal objects such as watches. Trixie was glad she had put the key for her slave collar in her purse. Still, of course, she had a problem: "Uhh. Hello, I'm afraid I don't have any underwear on," she explained to the clerk. She raised her eyebrows, shook her head, and then went to a shelf where she pulled out a patient shirt and handed it to Trixie. With her head up and her backside bare, Trixie then let her take the shots.
By the time Trixie got out of the doctor's office, it was just before 5:00 in the afternoon. She went back to the company where her car was parked and drove home.

Chapter 19 Sulky
Over the next few days, Trixie began a routine at the office. She had been given a lot of leeway by her boss as far as her office hours were concerned, but especially now at the beginning, she wanted to do her normal office hours like any other employee. It also made her feel a little more like she was leaving prison behind and getting back to a normal life, even if what was happening in the WG couldn't be called normal.
On the second day of her employment, she went to the head of the IT department and asked him if one of his employees could explain to her the system that had been in place so far and the network that was connected to it. The head of the department did not mind and put one of his employees at her disposal. Over the next three days, she surfed through the entire system asking a myriad of questions. At one point, when she looked in one area and asked her new colleague what it was about, he explained that it was older projects. She tried to open one of the files in the appropriate folder, but was unsuccessful. Her colleague then explained to her that these files were from times when a different operating system had been used. After a system change, the files had been kept, but the necessary programs no longer ran on the new operating system. Trixie made a quick note and then turned her attention to the next area.
In the afternoon, she looked at her notes again. She frowned, then flipped through a computer magazine she had borrowed and found an emulator for the old operating system. She wrote a short e-mail with the request to get this emulator to the EDP department. There was another query, but just two days later she was able to download the appropriate software from the manufacturer's download page. She installed the software, followed by the programs for editing the files that she found on the company network. Lastly, she called up one of the files and tried to understand how the project was structured. She quickly realized, however, that she still lacked a lot of detailed knowledge about it. She looked at a second project with the same result. She resolved to look at the files again at a later date and immersed herself again in her studies of the entire system.
On Thursday afternoon, Director Bergmann came to see her briefly to ask how she was getting on and if she had any pressing requests. Trixie explained to him that she had begun to look at the system so far. Director Bergmann was very pleased with her approach. "Good, I'll see you tomorrow at the department head meeting."
"Do you really want me to come there," Trixie asked doubtfully. "After all, I'm brand new and don't really have a department, I'm just starting out. I don't want the other department heads to think I'm a megalomaniac."
Director Bergmann calmed her down, however, and told her not to worry about it. He would have explained to the other department heads what he was planning to do with Trixie, and they agreed with him that she belonged in that group.
So it came to pass that she joined this group the following day. Each department head briefly explained what the status of the work in progress was in his department. Questions were asked and Director Bergmann made some decisions. Trixie was the last to take her turn. She explained that she was learning the system and that she would like to visit each department in the near future to learn about the work practices and programs.
"Then they'd best start with the project department," Director Bergmann decided. "I guess they'll have to spend at least the next week in that department to understand how we do things there. Also, I'd like you to set up a smaller server for development in your office as soon as possible. Let Purchasing know what they need and that will be sourced."
In the evening of the same day, as every week, the meeting in the WG for the next weekend took place. After all, Trixie had two more weekends to help out in Antje's store. Antje asked Trixie to put on her new pony dress that Saturday and show it off in the store.
"Do you have a sulky in the store?" Trixie asked later, when they finished meeting and gathered in the living room.
"I'm afraid I can't help with that," Antje explained. "That would also take up too much space in the store."
Siggi took Trixie to her side. "You're up to something again," she whispered to Trixie. "What did you have in mind?"
"Well, I was thinking again of a campaign to benefit the Gnadenhof."
"The Gnadenhof seems to have grown on her," Siggi judged.
"Yes," Trixie confessed. "I think it's really great what's being done there. I like animals, especially dogs. They are planning a kind of retirement home there for dogs whose owners have to give up their dogs for health reasons. But they still lack the initial capital. They can't get enough donations. I've talked to some of the staff and almost all of them are working for free. But why do you ask?"
"There's a lightweight sulky in my workshop. You can take the wheels off with a few handles and then I can transport it with my bus."
"Can you do that? But please don't tell Antje about it yet, I want it to be a surprise."
"All right, but please promise me you won't do anything stupid."
On Saturday morning, Siggi hurried with her cleaning work and then disappeared under a pretext. She went to her workshop where she loaded the sulky and took it to Antje's store. She arrived there almost at the same time as Antje, Karin and Trixie. Antje made a silly face when she saw what Siggi was unloading.
Trixie had previously given Siggi a plastic bag, from which she now took out a cardboard sign: "Donate to the Gnadenhof," it said in big letters. Underneath it said, "for every donation over 20 euros, you get to ride around the block on the sulky."
Karin had to laugh out loud, while Antje shook her head with a grin. Siggi whispered to Trixie, "I told you not to do anything stupid. Do you think this is going to work out?"
"I hope so. Keep your fingers crossed for me, please."
Karin and Siggi harnessed Trixie into the reassembled sulky. Antje brought a table from the store and put one of the collection tins on it. Next to it she placed Trixie's sign and next to the table came another umbrella stand, in which Antje placed three light, long whips. Trixie looked questioningly at Antje. "If you're going to be dragging donors around for the mercy yard, they've got to be able to drive you. I can't wait to see what your butt will look like this afternoon." Trixie had to swallow.
Barely 10 minutes later, the first 50 Euro bill went into the collection box and a young woman got into the sulky, grabbed another of the whips and shouted "Go!". A small line quickly formed with Antje's customers, all eager to take advantage of the offer. Trixie ran the sulky to the next intersection, then turned left onto the cross street, then through a one-way street, and finally back to the store, where the next sulky driver was already waiting.
After a good half hour, a patrol car suddenly appeared. Two policemen got out and looked at the sign. They also read the text on the collection box, then quietly conferred before the one policeman came over to Antje. "It's all right about the collecting," the policeman explained. "But did you register this whole action here?"
Antje was a little embarrassed now. "Honestly, no. It was a spontaneous action by my acquaintances. Do we have to call it off?"
The policeman frowned, then went to his colleague. They talked again, then one of them went to the patrol car and spoke into the radio. After a short time, two more patrol cars appeared and four policemen got out.
"Oh damn, this looks like trouble," Siggi whispered to Karin.
The policeman who had been talking to Antje earlier came back to her. "So normally we'd have to call the whole thing off here. But so far no one has complained here and they are lucky that there is little going on today. However, it can't go on like this. If their colleague runs through the area with the sulky, it must be secured, otherwise another accident will happen. I will take turns with my colleagues and direct the traffic at the intersections for a few hours. But that's just an exception. The next time you plan to do something like this, please announce it properly. I can't say how long we can do it today either. If we have a mission, we have to leave and they have to promise me that they will then cancel the event."
Antje was quite taken aback and she hurried to assure the policeman that everything would be done the way he wanted it. She thanked him for his kind help. Two of the policemen stayed by the table in front of Antje's store while the others spread out to the intersections and started stopping traffic accordingly every time Trixie passed there.
After two hours Trixie was pretty exhausted and her butt was a single orgy of welts. Karin had put on her pony dress in the meantime and offered Trixie to relieve her for a while. In the meantime, Beate was also in the store, having been called by Siggi. She looked at the spectacle but could only watch in amazement. Around half past twelve, Antje even had to exchange the collection box for another one, because by no stretch of the imagination could anything fit into the first collection box.
Around two o'clock, they called it a day. They thanked the policemen for their help and had another cup of coffee with them in the store. One of the policemen looked at Trixie's bottom. "Whew," he commented, "I hope the result of their collecting was worth it. You're going to have trouble sitting down for the next few days."
Trixie felt her bottom. In fact, it really hurt and she thought that the policeman was probably right in his remark.
Together they then counted the money from the collection tins. This time, almost 3,000 euros had been collected. Trixie explained to Antje what had prompted her action. When she heard this, she took out her checkbook from her desk and wrote out a check for the same amount. "There, that makes it worthwhile twice over," she declared.
Trixie was delighted, but in her eagerness she had forgotten that Antje was the mistress that weekend and, as such, naturally wanted to have her fun. She hoped that Antje had nothing planned for her bottom. Antje locked up the store and the girlfriends drove back to the WG. When they got to their parking space in the underground garage, a dark van with black tinted windows blocked the entrance. A driver was nowhere in sight.
"What idiot has to park here of all places," Beate grumbled. Everyone got out and looked at the obstacle. But then Antje reached into her purse and pulled out a car key.
"This, dear fellow sufferers, is our new van. After our last debacle, where we had to borrow a bus, I've been thinking and I think we also need a way to be able to transport all of us in a single car and, if possible, have some luggage or other stuff with us. I also thought of some additional equipment that I would like to show you in a moment. And since I'm the mistress at the moment, if we try some of it out right away." Antje got into the van and drove it a bit away from the garage door, then they opened the door and they drove all the vans into their separate area. Antje parked the van so they could inspect it from all sides.
"For the inspection of our new van and our first test, you don't really need any clothes," Antje explained. The others looked at each other briefly, then quickly undressed. All the clothes ended up in a big pile.
Antje showed them the driver's seat first, and they immediately saw that the bus was obviously very well equipped. Not only was there a good radio system with all the trimmings, but they noticed above all that there was both air conditioning and a parking heater. Next to the driver's seat there was a bench for one or two passengers, and Antje showed them that you could raise a dark tinted window behind the front seats. Through this window, everything that happened in the back of the van would then be hidden from public view.
In the rear compartment there was seating for six passengers, there were drawers under the seats and there was also room for lots of luggage behind the seats. The girlfriends sat down on the seats and found them very pleasant and comfortable.
"Don't get too comfortable," Antje said. She then showed them that the seat cushions and backrests could be removed in a few easy steps. They placed the removed seat cushions in the luggage compartment. Underneath there were wooden boards that could be turned over. This is where Antje's imagination immediately kicked in. The turned-over wooden plates were studded with knobs, each no thicker than a little finger and maybe two centimeters long. These knobs would make sitting very uncomfortable. There were restraining straps attached to the backrests, and there were also eyelets everywhere so that restraints could be tied to them. Now the girlfriends had to sit down on the seats and Antje took out handcuffs and other restraints from the drawers under the seats. Within a few minutes the four "slave girls" were condemned to immobility.
Antje got behind the wheel of the bus, opened the garage door with the remote control and in a few moments they were on the street. "I can tell you what you're in for today," she called to the back. "One of my clients, Herbert - Karin, you know him - has been given a real stately residence by his father. So I would call this residence a castle. It was built in the second half of the nineteenth century. They're particularly proud of their water features there. And tomorrow night there will be a concert there, with these water features to be performed in the background. Now there is a catch: these water games are fed from a reservoir that is a few hundred meters away from this castle and which is unfortunately empty at the moment. Our task will be to fill the reservoir. But you need not fear now to run to the reservoir with buckets full of water from a small stream that flows by nearby. After all, we live in the century of technology and the builders of the castle have built a pumping station for the water. These are three large scoop wheels, each over 8 meters high. The lowest wheel scoops the water from the small stream into a trough a good 7 meters higher, then the second scoop wheel scoops the water from this trough into the next higher trough, and finally the last scoop wheel into the reservoir. And these scoop wheels are powered by someone running around in them like a hamster wheel. And that's us."
"So we're supposed to run around like hamsters in a wheel," Siggi asked. "And how long is that supposed to last?"
"Yes, that's what it boils down to," Antje explained. "How long it will take, I can't say exactly yet. But I've agreed with Herbert that we'll finish by 2:00 in the afternoon tomorrow at the latest. But there will be a few smaller points then, so that we also get our money's worth."
"So tomorrow at two is closing time," said Beate. "And when do we start? At 8:00 tomorrow morning or at ten? Why are we going there already? And what are the smaller points so we can get our money's worth?"
"Well, I guess we'll start at four o'clock today. Otherwise it's no fun. We should be there and prepared by then. Well-the smaller points are actually not that bad. Well, first of all, you don't have to run alone in the council, but of course I'll join in as well. We are naked, of course, and we get some shackles on. They make it harder to walk, but they also add some weight and that helps us turn the wheels again. We will set up some sort of shift work, always three of us are in the wheels and two are resting. After an hour, one of us will be relieved in the wheel and can then rest for two hours. And to make sure we don't get bored, Herbert has asked his wife to cheer us up with a whip and some other shenanigans the whole time."
"Oh, sh*t," Karin commented. Siggi just groaned loudly.
"Are you serious," Beate asked.
"You guys need to see this as an opportunity. Next week we'll be in the dungeon, and we could really use some training beforehand. Herbert's wife won't be pinned down like that, that's what I agreed with her. I know right now it seems pretty intense to you guys, and if one of you wants to get out, I understand. But of course that would mean that the others would have to push all the harder." Antje knew, of course, that none of the others would get out and leave her friends hanging. Nevertheless, it got very quiet in the car for a while.
As they approached their destination, it was just before 4:00 in the afternoon. They drove into the courtyard of the castle, which everyone could only gaze at in amazement. In the courtyard, Herbert and his wife were already waiting by their car. Herbert came briefly to Antje at the driver's window and asked her to follow him and his car. The last part of the way led them through a forest until they stopped at a building made of wood.
Antje stopped and opened the side door of the VW bus. She freed her friends from the shackles, with Herbert's wife, who called herself Rosi, helping her. Herbert first showed them the chains they were to wear for the next few hours. In the meantime, Antje had also undressed and was standing naked next to her friends. The necklace sets consisted of a neck ring that was secured at the back with a padlock. At the front, a chain hung down to about the hips, where a larger ring was embedded that ran around their tallies and to which handcuffs were attached at the sides. These handcuffs were also put on them and secured with locks. From there, the chain went even further to the feet, where it divided and ended in ankle cuffs. Each set weighed about four kilograms. They would only be able to take small steps that were not much longer than their feet. Trixie also had a heavy chain placed twice around her waist. When she asked what this was for, Herbert explained that she weighed much less than her friends and that the additional weight of the chains would be very helpful for the work.
Thus bound, the five entered the building and looked at the construction. Everything in the building looked quite old but still in good shape and sturdy. The three scoop wheels were huge, but Herbert showed them that they could still be turned relatively easily. Karin was sent to the first scoop wheel, Trixie came to the middle and Antje climbed the top scoop wheel without any grumbling. Siggi and Beate were temporarily chained to the wall at the bottom next to the first scoop wheel as a relief. However, these chains were relatively long and they could reach a table on which drinks, sandwiches and fruit were arranged.
Rosi then ordered Karin to get started. Karin took a few steps and sure enough, the wheel began to spin. After she had made a few rounds, there was also enough water in the first trough for Trixie to start her work and finally Antje could also get started in the top scooping wheel.
It was tedious but boring work and the chains hindered their walking. It took them a few minutes to get the hang of it and stop tripping over the chains. Rosi walked tirelessly from one floor to the other, cheering the slave girls on. They all got a few light blows on their backs, but they weren't very hard and didn't leave any welts. Nevertheless, the slave girls knew that even these light blows would hurt quite a bit after a while.
Rosi had looked at the clock when they started their work and after 1 hour she came with Siggi to Karin so that she could relieve her. Siggi was already wet with sweat when she joined Beate in the rest area. Beate looked at her friend briefly, then told her to drink as much of the water as possible and also to eat something because there was still a very long time waiting for her. Hour after hour passed and the slave girls noticed how it was getting darker outside. But even in the night there was no rest. Incessantly the scoop wheels turned and brought more and more water into the reservoir.
Rosi had also come up with a few additional jokes, which she gradually applied to all the slave girls. Tixie got some smaller weights hung on the holes in her labia at the beginning of her second shift. With each step the weights jerked a little and pulled the labia long. At the start of her third shift, Rosi slid a vibro-egg into her puss* for a change and locked the labia with small padlocks. The vibro-egg excited Trixie and soon her puss* juice was running down her thighs. She even got a slight org*sm that made her stumble. Fortunately Rosi was just with her and still caught her.
When the sun rose again, the slaves knew that they had served half of the agreed time. But they also noticed that they were getting slower and slower and more and more just dragging along. Rosi started not to come to the slaves with the whip, but to bring them something to drink and to give them a few pieces of glucose, so that they had more strength. She also shortened the times that the slave girls had to walk and now changed the slave girls every 40 minutes. Of course, this also shortened the rest times somewhat. Gradually, everyone lost their sense of time.
Suddenly a loud voice shouted "stop, end off". It was Herbert's voice and he looked at his watch. It was 2:00 in the afternoon. Antje, Karin and Beate, who had just been in the bikes, sank to the floor exhausted. Herbert untied Trixie and Siggi from their chains that bound them to the wall and took the other chains from them as well. Trixie had chafed a bit on the chains she wore around her waist, and she groaned. But then she pulled herself together and helped Herbert, along with Siggi and Rosi, get the others out of the scoop wheels and free them from the chains. They all went outside and sat down on a small patch of grass next to the building. Herbert went into the building once more and they heard what seemed to be a rather powerful electric motor suddenly start working.
When Herbert came out he smiled at them and said, "the reservoir is almost three quarters full already. My pump will do the rest in half an hour. I hope you enjoyed yourselves. If you want, we can do it again. Then you can also have a look at the water games, but I don't think you're in the right condition for that today."

Chapter 20 Auctioned
Everyone was happy when they arrived back home. As Antje drove into the underground garage, she had to wake the others. Still exhausted, they took the elevator upstairs and went to their rooms. Trixie showered again together with Siggi and afterwards they spent some time together in Siggi's bed.
Later they met again in the living room, but that evening neither of them felt the need for any more shenanigans. Antje guessed that there was no point in wanting to continue, so she handed the mistress role over to Beate.
On Monday morning, Trixie went to the project department, where she approached the department head, Mr. Hoffmeister. He was already expecting her and smiled at her when she joined him at his desk in the open-plan office. "Good morning Ms. Hansen," he greeted her.
"Please do call me Trixie," Trixie replied. "I always feel a little uncomfortable when I'm addressed so formally. Of course, that goes for her co-workers, too."
Mr. Hoffmeister was pleasantly surprised. He knew Trixie had a chip on her shoulder with his boss, but she was polite and obviously had no intention of emphasizing her status as department head in any way. "I thought it best to give you the same briefing we give our apprentices when they spend time with us in the department. It would be easiest for us that way, and of course you can always ask questions or ask for additional explanations. Initially, Mr. Nolan will supervise you for a day or two, and after that you should watch other colleagues for a while. Probably some things will seem like Bohemian villages to you at first, but we all feel that way when we get into a new area. You'll quickly find that my staff actually appreciates it when you ask more questions because it also gives them feedback, which in turn helps them brief you."
Mr. Nolan was a short, somewhat chubby 40-year-old man with a half bald head. He, too, greeted Trixie in a very friendly manner and offered her a chair. Over the next few hours, he gave her an initial general overview of the department's activities. Trixie had expected the work in this department to be very complex, but she had not anticipated this level of complexity.
Mr. Nolan selected a file from several folders that pertained to what he said was a smaller project.
"You call that a small project," Trixie said in amazement when she saw how many details this project included. "Then what does a big project look like?"
"If you want to see a big project, then you can be helped." Mr. Nolan selected another file and Trixie saw that this project was many times larger than the one Mr. Nolan had initially selected.
"I'll pull both projects onto a USB stick for you just in case. Then you can work with them later without having to access our data here. Of course, you have to promise me to keep everything strictly confidential. The smaller project, which we will start with anyway, I also have on another USB stick. There we can mess around and make changes without running the risk of any change happening to the original data."
Over the next few hours, he explained to her how the individual components in this project belonged together. Trixie, of course, had plenty of questions, which he answered patiently. Still, she had the impression of standing by a giant mountain. When told this, Mr. Nolan just laughed. "It's obvious. If you had to explain your project to me, I'd be standing in front of a mountain just like you are now. You're the expert in your field, and we here are just the experts in ours."
In the early afternoon, Trixie said goodbye to Mr. Nolan for the day and promised to be back the next morning with new questions. She took the USB stick with the two projects to her office, where she transferred the data to her computer and then tried to follow up on what she had heard.
It continued like that for the next few days, but gradually Trixie began to understand, at least roughly, the systematics of the bids and the projects. All the employees in the project department were always friendly and she felt really welcome. Even the fact that she wore her necklace with SKLAVIN on it was not addressed by anyone in any way. She spoke to all the staff during this time, only once when she came to a younger staff member, Mr. Hoffmeister called her over.
"Trixie, I told you that you could talk to all the staff here. That includes Mr. Vossen, of course, but to be perfectly honest, Mr. Vossen is not exactly a shining light. He started with us as an apprentice and barely made it through the apprenticeship. Mr. Bergmann gave him a temporary contract anyway, but it will expire in a few months. Mr. Vossen has been in several departments, but he has not excelled in any one area. I suspect that his contract will not be renewed either. While you're welcome to speak with him, it may be a bit of a waste of time."
Trixie thanked him for the advice. She walked past Mr. Vossen's desk and gave him a friendly nod, but then turned to one of his colleagues sitting at the next table. She promised herself, however, that she would talk to Mr. Vossen when the opportunity arose. This colleague also helped her and showed Trixie what she was busy with. When she left Trixie alone for a few minutes to do something, Mr. Vossen came to Trixie with some sheets of paper and asked her if she could perhaps give him some advice. Trixie looked at the sheets and was amazed to see that it was a function written in SQL, meant to query and compare different tables. She read through the whole function several times and although she herself worked in this computer language, it took her some time to understand the design. Then she asked Mr. Vossen what he intended and what the problem was. He explained it to her and when she looked through his design again, she could not find any mistake. But he explained that his computer worked extremely slowly when he called this function. Trixie asked him if she could take the sheets so she could analyze the problem and promised to bring him a possible solution in the next few days.
The staff member she had talked to earlier came back and continued her explanations. Trixie didn't get around to looking at the problem again until the evening. She jotted down a few suggestions for structuring the query differently and gave the sheets to Mr. Vossen the next day, who was pleased to thank her. After that, she continued to devote herself to studying the individual projects.
The week went by far too quickly, and when Trixie thanked Mr. Hoffmeister on Friday for his kind help, she told him she would probably get back to him. But she was also a bit inattentive that day, thinking about what awaited her and her friends on the upcoming weekend: the dungeon.
On Saturday morning, Trixie drove to the store with Antje and Karin. Once there, the two put Trixie in a skin-tight black latex costume. They had agreed that Trixie would do her last job in the store in this form, without any action, because in the afternoon the dungeon would be waiting for all members of the WG.
Beate and Siggi arrived at the store with the van shortly before 2:00 in the afternoon. Antje closed the store on time and the three also boarded the van. After a little over half an hour, they reached a water castle where, as Beate explained to Trixie, the dungeon would take place. They parked the van and walked across a bridge into the moated castle. Purposefully, Beate headed for an entrance and Trixie followed her along with the others. Beate knocked once on the door and immediately it was opened for her and a woman of about 35 years greeted her: "Hello, greetings. It's nice that you are here again. If you are here, it's almost a guarantee for a successful weekend. And this is your new girlfriend?"
"That's right, this is Trixie," Beate explained. "Trixie is, of course, with us for the first time today and I hope we have good keepers today. Is there anyone with us who has a little more experience with novices?"
"Yes, it would be best if Helga took care of Trixie. I'm sure she's done it six or eight times. Come along with me, you know the whole thing. Just go into the dressing room and get undressed already. I'll come with Helga to put you in chains. We still have a good 20 minutes before the tour begins."
Beate and Antje went ahead and soon they came into a relatively small room where there was a large dresser and where there were some clothes hooks on the wall. Everyone immediately started undressing and hanging their clothes on the hooks. Trixie followed the example of the others and in barely two minutes everyone was naked. "By the way Trixie, that was Simone just now," Antje explained. "She mainly has to do with the organization. In a pinch she also fills in as a guard, but mostly she manages to organize enough guards. Next week, the four of us will be here as guards in any case, you can spend a quiet weekend then, because you don't have enough experience for the job yet."
At that moment Simone and another woman, whom Simone introduced as Helga, came into the room. They opened the dresser and Trixie saw for the first time what she would be equipped with for the next few hours. The outfit was very reminiscent of the things they had also worn the previous weekend, only they were much heavier. First, each of them got a very heavy neck iron with lock put on. Heavy handcuffs dangled from short chains at the back of their necks. The two guards then guided the girlfriends' arms behind their backs and placed the heavy handcuffs around their wrists so that they were in a "reverse prayer" position. Lastly, the girlfriends were put on heavy leg irons, which were also equipped with locks.
Thus dressed, the two guards took the five to a small room where two similarly equipped slave girls were already waiting. In addition, six other women were already gathered in this room. The now seven slave women lined up and Simone came with a small bucket from which she pulled a ball for each of the slave women in turn. On these balls were numbers and they had to line up in that order. Only with Trixie an exception was made, she came to the end of the row.
The slave girls now had to stand on a pedestal. When they had taken their places the guards came and put a spreader bar between the leg irons on each of their feet, making them stand with their legs wide apart. This gave them a view of their pubic regions. Simone then clapped her hands once and called out, "The viewing can begin! Let the bidders come in!"
A door opened and a group consisting of men and women entered the room. They were the bidders, nine single men, three single women, and three couples. Trixie recognized some of the bidders because she had seen them before in Antje's store. All of them now began to walk back and forth between the slave girls, looking at them extensively. Meanwhile, the attendants were going around between the bidders with trays that had drinks and snacks on them. The slave girls had to turn back and forth, which was not easy with the spreader bars, they had to bend over and the bidders also grabbed their breasts or between their legs more than once. Each slave was commented on extensively. Trixie was not the only one of the slave girls who became quite wet already during the inspection.
After the bidders had had enough time to look at the slave girls, Simone said aloud, "then we can start the auction. As you know, the minimum bid is 2000 euros. We have a novice with us today who will be the last to be auctioned. Please note that, as always, there are restrictions on this novice in terms of use. We will start with number 1, our slave Siggi, whom some of you will surely remember fondly. Please make your bids!"
The bids came in quick succession, stopping only when the highest bid was 5500 euros. "Is there another bid?" Simone asked. When no further bid was made, she said, "Sold for 5500 euros! Siggi, where may I transfer the purchase price?"
Siggi grinned, because she and the other WG residents except Trixie had agreed: "The money goes to the Gnadenhof." Siggi's buyer, a man of about 40, came up to Simone and handed her his credit card. The transaction was completed swiftly while Trixie stood open-mouthed at the end of the line, looking over at Siggi.
The next slave to be auctioned was one of the other two who had arrived in the dungeon earlier. She was auctioned off for 4500 Euros, with the proceeds to be transferred to benefit the cancer charity. Then it was Karin's turn, who the bidders knew was very resilient. Therefore, no one was surprised that almost 8000 euros were bid on her. She also asked to transfer the money to the Gnadenhof. Beate was auctioned off for 6000 Euros, then it was the turn of the second slave who did not belong to the WG and who only achieved a relatively meager 4000 Euros. Finally it was the turn of Antje, who was sold for almost as much as Beate and who was knocked down for 5900 Euros. Both Beate and Antje had the sales proceeds transferred to the Gnadenhof as agreed. For all of them, the transactions were handled just as swiftly as the first one.
"Now we come to the auction of our novice," Simone announced. "I repeat again the notice that there are restrictions on her use. What are her bids?"
Trixie watched as the bids placed for her rolled over. They quickly rose to 4000, then to 6000 euros. Suddenly a voice from far in the back of the room said, "10,000 euros."
Immediately there was silence in the room. Simone said, "would you repeat that please?"
"I said 10,000 euros," said the man of a younger couple. At that, he came forward with the woman accompanying them, while the other bidders made room for him.
"Any more bids?" Simone asked. "No. Then sold for 10,000 euros. I may note, this is the highest bid we have achieved this year at the auction. And never before has a novice been auctioned for such an amount. Congratulations, Trixie!"
After the transaction ended, the bidders who didn't get to bid left the room and went to their cars disappointed. The winners of the auctions then picked up the slave girls they had bought at auction. The spreader bars between the leg irons were replaced with short chains and the neck irons were connected with lead ropes. Then the buyers took their slave girls to different rooms prepared for the following games. The guards followed the slave girls into these rooms.
When Trixie entered the room, she knew to look around first. In the room there was a big bed, a table with several chairs and several cupboards. Whips hung on the wall and various other implements stood on shelves or leaned against the wall. In one corner of the room was an armchair where Helga took a seat.
"I am Dieter, this is my wife and slave Doris. And you are Trixie, as we have heard. But you will address us as 'master' and 'mistress' and we will address you as 'slave' or 'bitch' or something like that. Do you understand?"
"Yes, master," Trixie replied with presence of mind. She hesitated for a moment, then got down on her knees before the master and bowed her head.
"I am impressed," the Lord announced. He walked to the wall and stripped down to his underpants. His wife followed his example, though she wore no underwear. The gentleman pulled his penis out of his underpants and returned to Trixie. "Are you looking forward to this," he asked.
Trixie could well imagine what her role was. She opened her mouth as far as it would go and stuck out her tongue. It wasn't the first time she had had a penis in her mouth, one of her friends had liked it. The gentleman put his penis, which was still half flaccid, in her mouth and Trixie immediately began to suck on it violently and press it with her tongue. It also did not take long until the now stiff member emptied into her. But the gentleman did not withdraw the penis, but waited, then he smiled and a warm liquid flowed into Trixie's throat. She realized that the man was pissing in her mouth. She found it disgusting, but she felt it could have been worse. Besides, she had already talked to Beate about this topic when she had just joined the WG and knew that such a thing was not uncommon in these circles and meant no danger.

Chapter 21 In the Dungeon
Then the mistress came to Trixie and led her to the bed. There Trixie had to lie down on her back, all fours stretched far from her. The master and mistress got ropes from one of the closets and tied Trixie in this position on the bed. The mistress put another pillow under Trixie's head and climbed onto the bed herself. She knelt over Trixie so that her pubic area was right in front of Trixie's mouth and Trixie could start to pleasure her with her tongue.
Then Trixie felt that the gentleman was getting to work on her as well. He first dealt with Trixie's left foot, which he licked and massaged and squeezed at the same time. He took her toes in his mouth and sucked them. He licked the soles of her feet, which tickled immensely. Finally, he switched to her right foot, where he repeated the treatment. The feeling was completely new to Trixie, no one had ever dealt with her feet like this before. It was erotic and she noticed she was getting wet in the crotch.
The gentleman worked his way up Trixie's right leg, licking it and feeling every inch. Finally, he approached Trixie's crotch, but before he reached it, he switched back to Trixie's left foot, this time beginning the ascent from there.
At the same time, Trixie worked her mistress' puss*. She found an incredibly wet cavity for her tongue to penetrate. She played with the labia, playfully biting them and sucking them down. The mistress cheered her on, demanding more and more as she herself played with Trixie's tiny breasts, pinching her nipples and massaging the slender torso. Finally, Trixie managed to give the mistress an org*sm. She felt the mistress stiffen and then slowly relax with a grunt of pleasure.
Both master and mistress let go of Trixie, the mistress got off the bed and the master went to talk to Helga. Helga made a short phone call, then they all waited a few minutes. Trixie was still tied up. She asked for something to drink and the mistress came with a champagne goblet and gave Trixie some of the champagne to drink. Actually, Trixie would have preferred pure water, but the champagne didn't taste bad either.
Then two young women dressed as maids entered the room. They brought several trays with them, which they first placed on the bed next to Trixie. Now they began to decorate Trixie's body with the food. They created a work of art of sausage and fish, salads, cream and ketchup. Trixie could only see it to a limited extent, because she couldn't lift her head high enough without destroying the whole thing. But Helga came with a hand mirror and showed Trixie the work of art. When it was finished, the mistress lay down on the bed to Trixie's right and the master on the other side. Between Trixie's legs was a small basket of bread and the two began their dinner directly from Trixie's body. Every now and then they also fed Trixie, who found this situation bizarre but not unpleasant.
Also during the meal, the mistresses palpated Trixie's body, which appeared even more slender than it already was due to being tied in the wide-spread position. The ribcage and hip bones protruded and each rib was clearly visible. The master let his fingers slide over the ribs again and again. For this, the mistress turned especially to the only slightly hairy mons veneris. She let her hand slide over it and then her fingers penetrated Trixie. However, they did not allow Trixie to come. Trixie's lust very slowly built up more and more. The maids had placed a portion of chicken salad directly on Trixie's navel and when it was eaten, the master licked Trixie's belly clean.
After dinner, the master and mistress disappeared and when Trixie, still tied up on the bed, inquired, Helga said that they must have been in the bathroom. Trixie would have liked to accompany them because she felt greasy. But Helga explained that the gentlemen wanted Trixie just the same.
Finally they came back and released Trixie from the situation. Trixie asked to be allowed to use the restroom, which she was granted. But to her horror, the master accompanied her. She was not allowed to sit on the toilet either, but had to stand over it with her legs wide apart, put her arms on the back of her neck and was supposed to empty herself that way. It was incredibly embarrassing for Trixie to be watched like this and it took her a while to relax and empty her bladder. However, the gentleman just laughed as he watched Trixie's embarrassment.
Then it was back to the room where the mistress had made other preparations in the meantime. Two ropes hung down from the ceiling, with leather handcuffs hanging from the ends. The mistress put the leather cuffs on Trixie, then the master pulled Trixie up with the ropes until she lost her grip under her feet. In addition, Trixie also got a spreader bar with leather cuffs between her legs. The mistress got small weights and hooks from a cupboard, which she attached to the holes of the piercings in Trixie's labia. Trixie's body was tense, every bone was clearly visible and she soon started to sweat as well.
The mistress retrieved a whip from one of the cupboards and showed it to Trixie. Trixie recognized a cat o' nine tails, like the one she had used in the WG before. Finally the mistress stepped behind Trixie and a few moments later the first blow landed on Trixie's skinny back. Trixie cried out and the blow went through her whole body, which it threw forward. The small weights tugged at her labia. The pain was severe, but after the third blow Trixie perceived something else besides the pain. It was a feeling she could not have described at first, a mixture of electric shock, but soothing and spreading pleasure like a massage. Trixie noticed that she was getting wetter and wetter, that her pubis was answering every stroke with a spasm.
Then Helga intervened. "That's fifteen strokes now. Trixie is a novice, that's enough."
But Trixie hadn't had enough yet. "Don't stop!" she clenched between her teeth, "I need more! Please!"
Helge hesitated, but finally nodded to the mistress. She continued to strike firmly, but took more time between each stroke. After the 23rd stroke, Trixie yanked wildly on the ropes, screamed loudly, and an org*sm like she had never experienced before drove through her. After that, she hung in the ropes exhausted, wet with sweat and happy.
Together the gentlemen took Trixie down and the gentleman carried her in his arms to bed. They both lay down with Trixie, who lay there as if in a sandwich. The mistress stroked the welts she had caused while the master again let his hands glide over Trixie's body. It didn't take long and all three had fallen asleep. Helga also leaned back in her chair and fell asleep.
When they woke up the next morning, Helga led them to another room one floor below where there was a hot tub that they got into together. They enjoyed the hot water and Trixie especially found it pleasant to be really clean again. Afterwards, they had breakfast together, with Helga participating this time.
Helga also brought a cream, which the mistress massaged into Trixie's back. The master watched the two of them do this while half lying in an armchair. When the mistress clapped her hands on Trixie's shoulders with a "Done!" She stood up and walked over to the master. She knelt in front of him and he spread his legs. Trixie slid between his legs and reached for his member, which was not yet fully erect. She took it in her mouth and in no time it was hard as iron. Trixie gave her best, sucked and massaged the member until the gentleman discharged into her.
Finally, the three lay down on the bed again and cuddled together until Helga announced that the time was soon over. The gentlemen got dressed and then said goodbye to Trixie. They emphasized how pleased they were with this night and Trixie replied that she had enjoyed it too and thanked them for the new experience.
Helga took Trixie to the changing room where Karin was already waiting. She asked Trixie how it was and was pleased that she had enjoyed it.
"And how was it for you," Trixie inquired.
"Also very, very satisfying. But Beate is going to scold again," Karin commented.
"Why," asked Trixie.
Karin turned around and showed Trixie her back. Trixie was startled. Karin's back was covered with welts from her neck to her butt, some of them had popped open too. "Beate always gets way too excited. All right, she'll stitch up a few spots, but it's how I feel that counts. And I'm happy all around. Every now and then I just need that."
Little by little, the others arrived. As Karin had already suspected, Beate scolded, then she fetched some bandages from her handbag, because she had already reckoned that she would need them for Karin. Trixie learned that the others were also satisfied with the night, although none told what exactly had happened. Everyone got dressed and when they said goodbye, Simone gave Antje five envelopes.
When they were back in the car, Antje handed out the envelopes with their names on them. "What's this," Trixie inquired.
"That's our tip," Siggi explained. "The proceeds from the auction go directly to the places we indicated. So the Gnadenhof gets over 34 thousand euros these days, always noting how much from whom. But the tip is for us, each of us treats herself to something nice from it." She opened her envelope and took out 500 euros. "Hmmm. That should be enough for my new boots."
Karin even found 750 euros in her envelope,which she planned to put into a Tens machine. Beate explained to Trixie that she wanted to add your 500 euros to a fund that was meant for Gaby when she got out of prison. Beate opened Antje's envelope because she was driving and pulled out 600 euros.
"With this I will invite my friends to the musical. To the..."
"Starlight Express, Starlight Express," rang out a four-part chorus. Everyone laughed, only Trixie wondered.
"Doesn't ring a bell," she opined.
"A musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber, has been running in Bochum for a thousand years. Totally crazy. All the actors on roller skates, great music. We must have been there five or six times. You'll love it."
Trixie held her envelope in her hands. Then she gave it to Beate and asked her to open it for her. She herself closed her eyes and put her hands in front of her face. She heard Beate tear open the envelope, then there was a strange silence in the car. Then Siggi just said, "Wow!"
Trixie peered through her fingers. "That's two thousand euros," Beate whispered. She counted through again, then confirmed, "Two thousand. No one has ever collected that much from us before."
She handed the money to Trixie, who stared at it in amazement. "Congratulations," Karin commented. "What are you going to do with it?"
Trixie had to swallow. She thought, then a grin crossed her face. "I'm going to be honest with this. My lawyer will still get just under 1,900 euros, and with the rest I'll invite my best friends over for a giant ice cream!"

Last edited by friedet 1 month ago, edited 1 time in total.


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Trixie or the WG (F/F+ fict. bond. fet) (4)
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Re: Trixie or the WG

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Postby friedet »

Trixie or the WG
by T.A.Friedet
© Copyright 2016 - T.A.Friedet
Storycodes: F/f+; bond; chastity; buttpl*g; cuffs; chain; naked; piercing; public; exhib; collar; strip; latex; shop; sweat; forniphilia; enclosed; transported; whip; blindfold; gag; rope; urine; cons; XX

Part 4
Chapter 22 The Gear
Although Trixie's back was hurting quite a bit, that was of course no excuse for not going to work the following morning, for instance. Beate had, however, smeared her back again that morning with an ointment and given her a painkiller. She had also given Trixie another tablet to take around noon.
That morning, she reported to the head of the department, a Mr. Schmidt, in the design department, who was already expecting her. He introduced her to the staff of his department and finally handed her over to one of his employees, Mr. Steffen, who was to explain the first basic features to her. Trixie had already seen in the previous week how complex the systems were that were produced in this company. But now she was surprised by the fact that the individual components of these systems were each much more complex than she had expected. Devices that were added to a project in the project department with just a few mouse clicks often consisted of countless, sometimes tiny individual parts.
Mr. Steffen showed her this with various examples, bringing the design drawings to life in individual simulations. Trixie could have watched these simulations for hours.
Shortly before the lunch break, Trixie received a call from Mr. Häfner, the head of purchasing. "Hello Ms. Hansen, yes, I know, so hello Trixie. Our director said at the last department head meeting that they need a server for an Oracle system. I had a visit from our computer vendor this morning and mentioned in passing that we would be requesting such a system from him soon. Now he just called me back with a great offer. Apparently their testing department has implemented a feasibility study that was about just such a system. It seems that it's quite a power piece. Just saying, two Xenon 2679 processors, 128 gigabytes twice, a Raid-5 system with SSDs, and a few other odds and ends. Even an Oracle version for 99 users is already installed. We can get the system for at least one year for testing purposes. Won't cost us a dime, the vendor just wants a few evaluations each month to gauge performance."
To Trixie, the whole thing sounded very tempting. Therefore, she then said "I wouldn't mind. Don't we have to ask Director Bergmann about it?"
"No, we don't have to pay anything for it. But we should at least mention it in the next department head meeting."
"And what's the delivery time," Trixie inquired.
Trixie heard a giggle from the receiver. "That's the best part. What do you think about the day after tomorrow?"
Trixie was excited. She hadn't expected it to happen so soon. She agreed that she would be notified immediately when the device arrived. Mr. Häfner also mentioned that a technician would probably come along to supervise the installation. Then Trixie turned her attention back to getting to know the construction department.
At about the same time, a customer entered Antje's store. Antje greeted her with a smile, "Hello Doris. How was your weekend?"
"Absolutely amazing. Your Trixie is a stunner. I mean, the way she hung there, you could see and feel every bone in her body. And then her willpower. I hit her full force a couple of times, but if you think she ever begged for mercy, no way. With every blow you could see it go through her whole body. Even when Helga said enough was enough, she didn't care and asked for more. If she's going at it so intensely now after barely two months that she's been with you, I don't want to know what's going to be going on in a year or two. I think then she will even outshine Karin, albeit in a slightly different way. I mean, less focused on pain, but she's going full on into the lifestyle."
"I'm glad you liked it so much," Antje replied. She pulled a thick envelope out of her purse and handed it to Doris. She pocketed it without looking inside. Then Doris picked out another whip before paying and leaving the store again.
"Say, what was that all about," asked Karin, who came from her workshop to the front of the store. "What was in that envelope you gave Doris?"
Antje turned around. She grinned at Karin. "You know we're here in Cologne? Pretty far in the west of Germany?"
Now Karin stumbled. "And what's that about?"
"In the West, it's never good for one to know too much," Antje said, leaving her friend dumbfounded.
Meanwhile, Trixie continued to occupy herself in the design department. She had various programs shown to her and was seriously impressed by the dexterity of her colleagues.
Two days later, she was called to her office in the morning, where a technician from the computer supplier was waiting for her with the new server. He showed her the configuration and explained in particular the elaborate security features. The system was even equipped with a fingerprint scanner, without which various functions, for example the delete function, could not be used. Trixie then went back to the engineering department, but later in the day she took some time to look at the server.
It excited her to try out how fast it was. Looking at the clock, she realized that in fifteen minutes it would be closing time in most departments. On the spur of the moment, she typed in a few commands, started a monitoring program, and ordered the computer to copy the entire contents of the company's main server to its own raid system. She expected it to take at least all night, but since hardly anyone would still be in the house, the internal network would easily be able to handle the load.
In fact, the next morning she found that the new server had completed the task in just under 4 hours and that the new raid system was just 40% busy. She briefly considered deleting everything immediately, but then decided to wait. She was also in a bit of a hurry because Mr. Steffen had promised to explain one of the design programs to her in more detail.
She spent the next few hours designing a gear in this design program with Mr. Steffen's help. Before this moment, she would never have thought that even the construction of a gear could be so complicated. But Mr. Steffen was very patient and showed her every step. Gradually she understood everything and when they were finished with the gear, she was really happy about it.
Mr. Steffen just briefly looked at his watch, "So now it's just before eleven." He pressed a button and the construction disappeared from the screen. "You now have until say one o'clock in the afternoon. You start from the beginning now and by one you should be done. If you can do it, there's an ice cream truck out there around 1:30," he pointed to the window facing the street, "I'll buy you a giant ice cream. If you don't make it, you pay."
Trixie laughed. She loved a challenge like that. She threw herself into the task with alacrity, but after only half an hour she guessed she would have little chance. She tried again and again to recall the individual steps she had previously performed under Mr. Steffen's guidance. But in many cases she needed several attempts before anything worked.
When Mr. Steffen actually came at one o'clock to see how far she had come, the gear was just halfway done. He then sat down with her and helped her with the next steps. Suddenly everything worked like clockwork. When a bell rang from outside shortly after 1:30, signaling the arrival of the ice cream truck, the gear was ready. Trixie picked up her purse and got two large portions from the ice cream truck for Mr. Steffen and for herself.
"I never thought it would still be this hard," she explained as she spooned her ice cream.
"Well, if it were that easy, I could look for a new job next week," Mr. Steffen replied. He didn't mention that most of the apprentices he had taken the same test with had taken much longer. Then he showed her more tricks with this construction program during the afternoon. Just before closing time, a worker in green coveralls came into the office and placed a small brown cardboard box on the table in front of Trixie. Trixie looked at him, puzzled, but the man just said "You're welcome" and left the office again.
Trixie looked questioningly at Mr. Steffen, who asked her to open the cardboard box. When she did, there before her was a stainless steel gear, shiny and flawless. "Is this, by any chance, the gear I constructed with your help this afternoon?"
"I added one more tiny thing when you got the ice cream," Mr. Steffen explained. As he did so, he pointed to a spot on the gear. Trixie had to look closely to see it. There was engraved, "Trixie" and today's date.
"This gets a place of honor in my office," Trixie declared. She hugged Mr. Steffen and thanked him for his patience. In the evening, however, she took the gear home first, where she would show it to her friends.
In the WG, she was once again bubbling over with enthusiasm. Beate and Siggi, who were already at home, let it pass. Beate locked Siggi and Trixie naked and in chains in the cages in the living room, while she herself sat on the sofa and watched the news. Together they waited for Antje and Karin to come out of the store as well.
When the doorbell rang, Beate went to the door opener and saw a young woman on the screen. Beate asked her what she wanted and talked to her for a short moment. Then she came into the living room. "You, Trixie, there's someone at the door. A ‘Natalie’, she wants to see you. Do you know her?"
Trixie thought for a moment, then answered in the negative. "Did she say what she wanted from me?"
"No, she didn't. She's a little strange and has a heavy accent. Apparently a foreigner, I'd say from England."
Now Trixie shouted loudly, "Natalie! That's Mortimer's daughter. You know, Antje's investment advisor from London. Quick, let me out!"
Beate opened Trixie's cage and she rushed to the door, still naked and in chains. She looked at the screen and sure enough, there stood Natalie, whom she had met in London. Trixie pushed the door opener with her nose and a moment later Natalie was standing in the hallway of the WG. She hugged Trixie, and Trixie would have liked to return the hug as well, but the chains that bound her arms behind her back wouldn't allow it.
"What are you doing here," Trixie asked.
Natalie first greeted Beate, then said, "I just wanted to visit and see how you were doing. Also, I need some time to think about some things and could use a friend to talk to about everything."
Beate took her small suitcase from her, and put it in the hallway. Then she and Trixie took Natalie into the living room. Natalie thought this was great that Trixie was actually walking around her home naked and in chains. Trixie had told her that, but Natalie didn't quite believe it. When she saw the naked Siggi in the cage, she stood there with her mouth open and looked at the picture that presented itself to her.
Without a moment's hesitation, she tore her clothes from her body and knelt on the floor. She crossed her hands behind her back and lowered her eyes.

Chapter 23 Visit
About half an hour later, Antje and Karin came out of the store. Karin was once again naked except for some chains and Antje had transported her like that in the trunk of her car.
When they got to the apartment, they immediately saw Natalie's suitcase still in the hallway. Beate came out of the living room. "Hello you two. How was your day?"
Antje replied "As usual. And with you?" With that, she pointed to the suitcase and looked questioningly at Beate.
"We have a visitor," Beate explained, "And I'm not sure you'll be thrilled about it."
Together they went into the living room, where by now all three cages were occupied by naked young women. Antje's eyes widened when she recognized Natalie. "Hello Natalie, what are you doing here?"
Beate explained, "As I understand it, she escaped from home. She must have had a lot of stress with her parents. But what exactly it's about, I haven't really understood yet."
"Mistress Antje, I didn't run away," Natalie exclaimed. "I'm over twenty-one! There I can come and go as I please."
"That's true, of course," Antje agreed. "But as far as I know, you still live at home and go to law school in London. Of course, you can come and go as you please. But still, your parents do worry about you. And your father is one of my most important confidants. That being said, I'm not a mistress. At the moment, Beate is the mistress and I am a slave."
"But in London, you were Trixie's mistress," Natalie objected.
Now Trixie interfered. "I explained to you that the role of Mistress rotates. But we had special appointments last weekend and also the next, so everything got shifted a bit there."
Beate had to put her foot down now. "I think you're all coming out of the cages now. Antje, you can go undress and freshen up. Natalie, Trixie will show you to the guest room. Then we'll meet back here in ten minutes and Natalie will explain everything from the beginning and very calmly."
When everyone was back in the living room, all naked except for Beate, they sat down around the table. "First things first, Natalie. We are all on first name terms here, even the respective mistress is on first name terms. So no formalities. Now explain to us what's going on."
Natalie cleared her throat, then began, "Well, it's true, of course, that I still live at home. I also get an allowance from my parents while I'm still not earning anything. For more than two years now, I've been going to law school to be trained as a lawyer. But that's not really what I want to do. Yes, I admit, in the beginning that was my wish, but that has changed. Just sitting over files all day is not for me. I want to deal with people, and I want to help those people. I thought about whether it would be better for me to train as a nurse instead. Or a social worker. Mother is against it, though. Father has asked me if I might want to be a doctor, but with my grades it's not easy to get a place at university. I could study abroad, in Austria or Hungary. But that would also take too long for me. I can't discuss this with my friends in England, they just roll their eyes. They're so....."
"And so you thought you'd come here and talk to us, especially Trixie?" asked Antje.
"I guess I'm not such a good counselor," Trixie interjected. "Look at what my expertise got me: three years in jail."
"But you learned from your mistakes," Natalie chimed in. "My father has tremendous respect for you. He says when someone learns from their mistakes and starts a whole new life, you can learn from it."
"After all, that's why we like Trixie. And because she's so determined to overcome any challenge," Beate explained. "Trixie doesn't let anything get her down. If you want to talk to her at length, maybe you couldn't have picked a better weekend because the rest of us have an appointment to keep this weekend, while Trixie is actually off. But I think we should at least call your dad and let him know you're okay."
"I think so, too," Karin said. "It's best if Antje talks to him."
"Please don't," Natalie pleaded. "If he hears I'm here, he'll be on the next plane to here, and then he'll show up here!"
Now Antje became thoughtful. Of course, this was a perfectly normal reaction. "I'm going to talk to him. We need to tell him you're here and that you need some time. I think he'll object at first, but he's reasonable enough to see what's best."
Hesitantly, Natalie gave in. Antje picked up her cell phone and called London. Mortimer was on the line immediately. The others listened to Antje. She was very quiet as usual, yet she had to repeat herself often. But slowly Mortimer relaxed a little and promised to stay at home for the time being.
"Good, then that's settled," Beate said after the phone call was over. "But how do we go on now? We should welcome Natalie as a guest for now. Trixie and the rest of us have to go to work tomorrow. Would you like to visit Cologne or what do you think about going to the store tomorrow with Antje and Karin? You can help with the sales or even serve as a model. And Trixie can think about what you two are going to do on the weekend, so that you don't just sit around here and get lost in an endless discussion. Maybe you could go somewhere, relax, and then you'll find a solution sooner. And you can count on us to support you as best we can."
"You guys are really nice," Natalie agreed.
They all went to the kitchen together for dinner. As they did so, they discussed the day's events as usual. Trixie showed them the gear, which everyone dutifully admired, of course.
Afterwards, they treated themselves to a few more drinks in the living room until they went to bed one by one. At last, only Trixie and Natalie remained. Trixie also wanted to go to bed then. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Natalie asked.
Trixie hesitated for a moment, but she realized that Natalie needed her closeness. So she agreed and they went to Trixie's room together. There Natalie snuggled up to Trixie in bed and they slept close together.
At the meeting on the following Friday, Natalie sat at the table, but of course only listened. Of course, it was also about the appointment in the dungeon, where they were to perform as guards that weekend. Natalie asked what that was about, but Trixie promised to explain that to her the next day as well.
"I think I'm going to go to the mercy farm with Natalie," Trixie explained. "And after that, I was thinking of visiting the Burgers Zoo in Arnhem sometime. I hear it's really neat, and we'll have plenty of time to talk on the way there."
"Good idea," Siggi agreed. "But why don't you stay there overnight and come back on Sunday afternoon. Why don't you go to a nice hotel, eat something tasty, or go to a disco? You've got your credit card, Trixie, you're welcome to use that to pay for it."
Trixie was still hesitant, but the others encouraged her. Finally, she looked questioningly at Natalie, who smiled brightly and nodded at her. Later, Antje went online and booked a room in a good hotel, because she was afraid that Trixie would not dare to check into a more expensive hotel.
On Saturday morning, the usual cleaning service began again. Natalie was gobsmacked that Antje joined in like everyone else because her father had told her she was so rich. But Antje only waved her off and finally shooed Trixie and Natalie out of the apartment.
First, they drove to the mercy farm. On the way, Trixie told them what the dungeon was all about and that they had arranged another nice donation that way. "Weren't you scared then when you were auctioned off," Natalie wanted to know from Trixie.
"Of course I was nervous. And how. But the others have done it before and I trusted them not to let me do anything stupid. And in the end, it was really awesome. I never thought I could come just by being whipped violently in the process. That was totally new to me."
At the mercy yard, they were greeted in a very friendly manner. Trixie showed Natalie around and showed her the stalls and pastures. Then she had another long talk with the manager of the sanctuary. The conversation lasted quite long, but finally Trixie was satisfied with the result. After that they drove off in the direction of Arnhem.
Now Natalie had the opportunity to explain the problem to her friend. Natalie's parents, like all parents, wanted the best for her, and Natalie understood that. But a career as a star lawyer or a wealth manager like her father was simply not what she wanted. And marrying a wealthy man, as her mother had in mind, was out of the question altogether.
Trixie then asked about Natalie's ideas. But she realized at some point that Natalie knew rather what she didn't want and little about what she herself wanted. It became apparent, however, that what she wanted most was contact with other people, and that she wanted to do something to help the underprivileged, as she called them.
They talked about it for hours, even as they walked through the zoo later and even in the evening. Over dessert, Trixie had ordered crepes Suzette for them both, Trixie had an idea.
"Tell me, have you ever thought the other way around," she asked Natalie.
"What do you mean, the other way around?"
"Yeah, Well, what if you did what your parents wanted you to do first and finished college?"
"And then?"
"Well, when I think back to the time in prison, we often sat together and talked about many things. But what I noticed was that although there were many offers of help for prisoners and their families, or even for welfare recipients, they were rarely taken up. Either because people didn't know about it, or because they were too proud, and sometimes because they gave up at the first resistance from the authorities. Surely there are organizations in your country that support such people and that also help them with legal advice. Couldn't something like that be an option for you?"
Now Natalie began to ponder. "I'm sure we have something like that. I hadn't even thought of that possibility. That might be satisfying, too. But I'll have to think about it. I can't say anything about it so quickly. Mom would probably be thrilled, she would walk around with a halo." They both had to laugh now.
"And your father," Trixie asked?
"He might like it, too. He gets excited every time he can somehow squeeze a subsidy out of the bigwigs. Or squeeze the tax. Comes out the same."
They talked for a while longer, then went up to their room. Trixie got a pair of handcuffs out of her travel bag and showed them to Natalie. She grinned and they both undressed completely first, Trixie noticing that her friend had also dispensed with underwear. They lay down on the bed together and embraced. At the same time they put on the handcuffs and thus fixed themselves in the embrace. This is how they spent that night.
In the morning, Trixie unlocked the handcuffs and after breakfast they went to the hotel's wellness area. They first went to the sauna, then they had a massage. Natalie was much more relaxed by now and Trixie was sure that her friend had found a way for her future.
In the early afternoon they drove back to Cologne, where the others were already waiting for them in the WG. Natalie told them how she imagined her future. Even though there were no concrete plans yet, she still had a good feeling. She called her father and promised him to come back to London the following Monday. Mortimer had Antje give it to him again and thanked her for her help and patience. Karin offered Natalie a ride to the airport in the morning.
Natalie still had something on her mind, though. "I was looking at how harmoniously you live together here. Do you think it's possible for me to come back to you now and then, even for longer, maybe three or four weeks. Maybe during the semester break. And of course only as a slave. I will then also obey all orders of the respective mistress. And if you play tricks on me like you did with Trixie, that's OK too."
The five looked at each other without speaking a word. Each nodded barely noticeably, then Trixie announced, "Of course you are welcome to join us. That's no problem. After all, the guest room is usually free, otherwise we'll find another option. We can also put you up here in one of the cages. And maybe one of us will visit you in London. I would definitely like to see more of the city. Then you can show me the real London, not just the one for the tourists."
The rest of the day went by much too quickly for everyone. At some point Karin went to her room in between and came back after a few minutes. She had an iron collar with her, which she put around Natalie's neck. "This is supposed to be a sign to you that you are welcome here," she explained, securing the collar with a lock. She put the key in a padded envelope and had Antje write Natalie's address on it. She held up the envelope, "So, you'll get this by mail in the next few days. I don't know how long a letter takes to get from here to England, though."
Natalie looked at the envelope in amazement. "And how am I supposed to get through the checkpoint at the airport then?"
"I don't know," Karin said. And Trixie added, "If you want, I also have a spare plug in my room."
Beate said, "And Caesar said, let the games begin!"

Chapter 24 Sometimes you have to be lucky
The following work week brought new experiences for Trixie. But she also began to settle into her actual work. She had taken a closer look at the program the project department was working with and decided to use it at her place. In the afternoons, she worked for two hours at a time on planning the new program. The end wall where the new server was located was already half covered with printouts of a program schematic. In the coming weeks and months, she would continue to flesh out these plans.
Meanwhile, Siggi was the mistress for the week and she had come up with a little mean thing for Trixie to do. Every morning she would shove a small vibro-egg into Trixie's puss* and lock it at the piercings of her labia with small locks. The vibro-egg did not work continuously, but it was equipped with a random generator that freely chose the frequency, duration and intensity of the active phase. Trixie wore very dark jeans during the time, as she was afraid that otherwise a wet spot might be seen in her crotch.
On Thursday morning, she sat next to a milling machine and once again watched in fascination as the machine transformed a stainless steel blank into a fixture for a complicated mechanism. An older worker in a blue overalls was supervising the machine and had to stop himself from laughing out loud at Trixie's almost reverent attention.
"Haven't you tried machining something for yourself yet," he asked her.
"For myself? I don't understand that. The engineering department had a gear made for me that I designed with their help."
"Well, that's rather a simple part. But we have a somewhat older milling machine back there in the adjoining room for the apprentice workshop that is rarely used. Most of the time, the apprentices work with the latest equipment, too, so it makes more sense. But you can do a lot with the old machine. The director has allowed this and even provides the material for it. He says it trains and develops our skills. I have already built three metal car models on the old machine. I made them myself, right down to the working engine. I can bring you one tomorrow sometime if that interests you."
Trixie asked what the model was and the man explained. Suddenly, the phone at his work desk went off. He answered it, listened for a moment, then handed the receiver to Trixie.
"Hello Trixie, this is Hoffmeister from the project team. Could you come over here real quick, please? We really need your help." Trixie told him she wanted to come right away. She washed her hands briefly in the restroom, looked in the mirror, then went to the project department. When she entered the office, she immediately saw that everyone was sitting excitedly and frantically at their devices. All of the IT employees were also present.
Mr. Hoffmeister called her over. "Trixie, we are up to our necks in trouble. We have to submit a bid tonight for some equipment to go to Japan. It's a huge project and extremely important. Two plants, together over 60 million contract value. Actually, Mr. Nierlich is responsible for that, you met him the other day."
Trixie thought. She remembered him, a short, usually surly man in his late 40s. "What about him," she inquired.
"He called in sick yesterday. That sort of thing happens, it's quite normal. So Mr. Nolan was supposed to take a quick look over the files this morning and then send them out. But we can't open the files. We have tried everything. Even the IT guys are stumped. I tried calling Mr. Nierlich, but he's not picking up the phone. That's why I sent Mr. Vossen out. He came back with very disturbing news. A neighbor of Mr. Nierlich told him that he had moved out yesterday. A furniture truck picked up all the things and Mr. Nierlich left last with the movers. I don't understand that. But for now, it's about our project. Can you please see if you can get to the files or open them?"
Trixie sat down at one of the computers and tried. When it didn't work, she tried various alternatives, but to no avail. "What about the backup," she asked one of the IT staff. He showed her the backup files but again the files would not open. She tried opening some other projects. All but two of the files could be opened. Mr. Hoffmeister watched. For the other two files that would not open, he explained that Mr. Nierlich had worked on those as well. Trixie switched programs and took a closer look at the backups. Then she asked the head of IT to join her. She pointed to the files. "Look, the encrypted timestamp isn't right here. It's been tampered with."
She had to explain to Mr. Hoffmeister that the system not only backed up the actual date of the files, but also encrypted and saved another date when the backup had happened. In her head, she recalculated the new time stamps. She stood up and announced "I need to go to my office for a minute and check on something. I have an idea, but I'm not quite sure. I'm sure it won't take long." Mr. Hoffmeister looked frantically at his watch, which showed almost eleven o'clock in the morning.
Trixie went into her office and sat down at her notebook. With it, she called up the files from the complete copy she had pulled last week to test out the server that no one knew about. Sure enough, she was able to find the project files and open them without any problems. She copied the files of the three projects to a USB stick, still flipping through the current project to see if it was complete or if something was missing. Suddenly, she frowned. She had seen this part of the plan before, but it had looked a little different. Of course, she was no expert. She thought for a moment and decided that it could only have been one of the two files she had called when she had tried the emulator for the old operating system. She looked at the two files and quickly found what she was looking for. She printed that file as a PDF document onto a second USB flash drive and walked into the project department with the two sticks.
"I have a readable copy of the project here," she explained to Mr. Hoffmeister, handing him the first stick. "But I have one more question."
Mr. Hoffmeister nearly snatched the stick out of her hand and handed it to Mr. Nolan, who immediately got to work. "You saved our lives," Mr. Hoffmeister exaggerated. "If I'd had to report that to the boss, he would have freaked. And rightfully so. What do you want to know?"
"I saw something there that I had seen somewhere else, but where it looked different. In the other version, between components D47 and C13, there was another device labeled K14. According to the list, a "sub-transporter." What that is, however, I don't know."
Mr. Hoffmeister went to Mr. Nolan and had him show him the location. He and Mr. Nolan looked at everything carefully. "Trixie is right. It doesn't work that way. But we haven't built a sub-transporter like that in ages. We don't have that in our library," Mr. Hoffmeister judged. "Can you make it work, Nolan?"
He shook his head. "Not a chance. It'll take me two or three days."
Now Trixie pulled out the second USB flash drive. "Here I have a PDF copy of the old project. Could that help?"
Mr. Nolan took the flash drive and opened the file. "Great. There are a few designations that need to be changed, but it's easily done in two hours. Then we can still get the bid in on time."
Mr. Hoffmeister thanked Trixie several times. Since it was now lunchtime, she went to the cafeteria and then back to the shop floor after lunch.
At the department heads' meeting the next day, Mr. Hoffmeister praised Trixie highly in front of the other department heads. Mr. Bergmann was also very pleased. After the meeting, Trixie went to her office to continue working on the plans when Mr. Bergmann came to her. He looked at the plans and noticed with satisfaction that the project of a new software was slowly taking its first steps.
"You really delivered a masterpiece there yesterday," he commented. "Mr. Hoffmeister can hardly get his head around it."
Trixie insisted that it was just a fluke, but Mr. Bergmann explained that sometimes you just had to get lucky. "You'll have to see the personnel department in the next week. Tell them to put out an ad for a programmer to support them."
"Isn't that a little too soon?" Trixie objected.
"No. I'm sure it'll take quite a while to find someone. Just think, it took me years to find you."
"Director, I can think of someone," Trixie said hesitantly.
"And who?"
"Mr. Vossen from the project department. From what I've heard, his contract is not to be renewed and he'll be leaving. I once saw something he programmed for himself at home, and it was really good."
"Mr. Vossen? Are you serious? Nobody wanted him. He's a nice guy, but is he really any good? Or are you doing this out of pity?"
"No," Trixie now agreed. "It was really good. OK, he's going to need some more training, but then he'll be great. And he'll know the whole operation inside and out, too. We'll even save time there."
Mr. Bergmann reached for the phone and called Mr. Hoffmeister. When he told him Trixie's wish, he had absolutely nothing against it. After he had left, Trixie said, "But there is something else. Mr. Vossen is tariff G7. He would like to have his own apartment, but with G7 it is not possible. Could he maybe start with G8 with me?"
Mr. Bergmann laughed. "You seem to have a real crush on him. Is he really worth it?" Trixie nodded. Mr. Bergmann thought for a moment, then picked up the phone again and called Mr. Hoffmeister again. "Mr. Hoffmeister, could you please send Mr. Vossen over to Trixie's office?"
After a few minutes, there was a knock at the door and Mr. Vossen entered the office. Mr. Bergmann had sat down next to Trixie and pointed to a chair that was in front of the desk. Mr. Vossen sat down.
"Mr. Vossen, you know that your contract ends at the end of next month and we don't see any way to renew it," Mr. Bergmann began. Mr. Vossen nodded and looked sadly to the floor. "Our Mrs. Hansen, who everyone wants to call Trixie, has now told me that she really wants you to join her department as a programmer. Would that be in your interest?"
Mr. Vossen was totally surprised. He stammered that this was his dream. He could hardly contain himself and a few tears came to his eyes.
Finally, Mr. Bergmann interrupted his flow of words. "All right, then, this is official. You'll get a call from HR next week to sign the contract. But you can count on it." Trixie cleared her throat. "Yes, yes," Mr. Bergmann said, "Take it easy. Mr. Vossen, Trixie told me that you wanted your own apartment but couldn't afford it with G7. That's why she convinced me to upgrade you to G8 starting next month. I think that's in your best interest?"
Mr. Vossen looked incredulously at Trixie, who smiled at him. Mr. Bergmann rose and left the office. On his way out, he smiled again at Trixie and winked.
In the evening, as usual, Trixie told about her experiences. The others thought it was great that she had stood up for Mr. Vossen. Karin said, "Well, now our slave girl has a slave of her own. Not sexually but he will be eternally grateful to you, you can count on it."
On Saturday Siggi waited with the van in front of Antje's store until it was closed. Then she invited her friends. In the luggage compartment of the van, under a few blankets, were some bags and other parts that this week's slave girls had not yet been allowed to see. They drove the van to the gravel pit where they had been a few weeks ago. This time, however, Siggi drove to a more secluded part of the pit where there was a small grove.
Siggi took two bags out of the car while the slave girls undressed. In the bags they found iron hand and leg irons. They helped each other put them on. Meanwhile, Siggi got four spades from the van and distributed them among the trees. "So, my dears, Now you each dig a hole right where the spades are now. The holes must be deep enough for your heads to just peek out."
It took over an hour to finish the 4 holes. Except for Trixie, who still couldn't see through them, everyone had a queasy feeling. When they were done, Siggi tied the friends' feet together first on the leg irons and then their hands behind their backs. She then helped them climb into the holes. When finally each was in her hole, Siggi grabbed a spade and shoveled most of the previously dug earth back into the holes. Now the four were trapped and could not move. Only the heads looked out as requested. Siggi then took another bag out of the car. In it were ball gags and eye masks. Each got a gag shoved into her mouth and a mask over her eyes.
Siggi got another air mattress from the wagon and a portable TV set. For hours the slaves heard the sounds of the TV, but at least they could estimate the time. From time to time Siggi came to the prisoners, took the gag out of their mouths and gave them something to drink.
Later, Siggi turned off the TV, put the air mattress in the van, and lay down in it to sleep while her friends were trapped in the holes in the ground.
Trixie found this uncomfortable, but she suspected it would get worse. Gradually, she realized that she was squeezing the bladder. The desire grew stronger and stronger until she finally gave in. She felt her urine mixing with the soil and she was stuck in the damp earth.
Early in the morning, a short shower fell over them and all they wanted to do was get out of their holes. But Siggi knew no mercy. She kept on giving them something to drink and they all wet themselves. It wasn't until the afternoon that Siggi began to dig out her friends. She started with Karin, who immediately joined in the digging until finally everyone was freed.

Chapter 25 Dog Happiness
When they got back home, they all went to the shower first to wash off the dirt of the day. Trixie took a shower with Siggi, as she often did, and they took their time. Afterwards, Trixie went to her room and lay on the bed for a moment. She closed her eyes and thought about how her life had changed.
Suddenly the door to the hallway opened and Beate stuck her head through the door. "I wanted to see how you were doing," she explained. Without waiting for an answer, she tossed Trixie a long T-shirt and said, "Please put this on and come into the living room."
Trixie thought this was strange, but she complied with the request. When she got to the living room, the others were already there, all kneeling naked on the floor, torsos erect and hands clasped at the back of their necks.
"What are you doing," Trixie inquired.
"Trixie, sunshine," Beate began. "When you applied to join our WG, you yourself suggested that at first you should only play the role of slave and that you could become mistress for the first time after three months at the earliest. But in the meantime almost two months have passed and we all have observed your development. And we are of the opinion that you have long since matured enough to fill the role of mistress. Therefore, the four of us have decided that not Karin will be our mistress next week, as planned, but you. Karin will then be the mistress the week after. But now Siggi is passing the scepter on to you, so to speak. Please be gracious to your slave girls and surprise us next weekend with challenging tasks, whatever you can think of."
Trixie looked at her friends in amazement. She had not expected this. It was an important, responsible task and she wasn't sure she was up to it. She went to Beate first, hugged and kissed her, then the others took their turn. Then she sat down on the couch while the others remained in their positions.
"Okay, you don't have to kneel there like pillars of salt," Trixie said now. "Just make yourselves comfortable. But not on the furniture. Slave girls stay on the floor." They talked for a long time, then watched a movie on TV before going to bed. The slave girls stayed on the floor the whole time.
When Trixie came into the kitchen the next morning, Siggi had already prepared everything. However, there was only one place setting on the table, while the other place settings were on the floor.
"What's this all about?" Trixie inquired.
"Mistress, you said yesterday that the slave girls were to stay on the floor. And the order still stands."
"I thought that was just for the evening," Trixie opined.
"Oh, we didn't understand it that way. Why don't you go into the others' rooms and take a look?"
Trixie then immediately walked out of the kitchen to the rooms. When she opened Beate's room, she found her lying on the floor in front of her bed, covered up. Trixie quickly checked Antje's and Karin's rooms as well. They were also lying on the floor. Finally, she looked in Siggi's room and saw that the bedding was also on the floor. Trixie went back to the kitchen.
"That was a lesson to me," she explained, "Please come to the table. The others are still asleep, but when they wake up, they can move around here normally again. If we're gone by then, I'll put a note in for them." She resolved to be more careful in the future about how she worded her orders.
Later, in the office, she made a phone call to the manager of the sanctuary and asked if the agreement she had recently made with him was still valid and if she could bring everything forward a little. He confirmed everything to her.
She then went to Mr. Hoffmeister from the project department and agreed with him that Mr. Vossen should first finish his current tasks and then come to her from the following week.
In the afternoon there was a knock at the door and when Trixie called "Come in", Mr. Vossen entered the office. He had a slim folder with him. He told Trixie that he had just come from the personnel department, where he had signed a new, permanent employment contract, which also included the announced wage increase. He was on the verge of tears, thanking Trixie over and over again for going to such lengths for him. It was almost uncomfortable for Trixie to hear him shower her with gratitude and she made an effort to steer the conversation in a different direction. Finally she succeeded and was able to explain the rough scheme of the planned program to Mr. Vossen, who asked her to call him by his first name "Herbert" after all. She also showed him the previous drafts and they agreed that together they would only start working on the plan from the following week.
As the week progressed, her friends would occasionally ask Trixie if she already had plans for the weekend and if she needed help, if she didn't already. But Trixie acted secretive and said she was still thinking. On Saturday morning, after cleaning, she sent Antje and Karin to the store while Siggi and Beate did the shopping.
When she was alone, she retrieved from her friends' rooms their fitted hand and leg irons, as well as the chains and the neck irons. She packed everything into the trunk of the van. After Siggi and Beate were back from shopping, she sent them to the store as well and announced that she would pick them all up at closing time. Only then did she pack herself another cooler and a second basket of food and load everything into the van.
Then, just in time for closing time, she was in front of the store with the van. She shooed everyone into the passenger compartment and gave them dark blindfolds so they couldn't see where they were going. Half an hour later, they arrived at the mercy yard, where the manager was already waiting for them. Trixie asked him to get in, but put her index finger to her lips and then pointed to her passengers. He grinned and didn't say a word. Together they then drove to the area of the sanctuary that was designated for the dogs.
The area was already separated by a fence and there were some dog houses on the side. At the edge of this area but still inside the fence was a barn where straw and hay for the horses was stored. A few dogs were also already running around freely there, playing in a huge meadow. Next to the fence were a lot of tools and some wheelbarrows. In addition, a large, folded plastic tarp and a thick hose lay next to it. The manager of the grace yard said goodbye to Trixie. "Well, I hope you have a good time. You can be sure that you will be undisturbed here this weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing how far you get," he said as a farewell.
Only now Trixie opened the door to the passenger compartment and had everyone remove their bandages. As they exited the car, they blinked and had to look around. But they then recognized where they were. "So what now," Karin inquired.
"Well, you know that the sanctuary is to be expanded to include a section for older dogs. The fencing is also already finished, which was done by some of our donations. As you can see, the first inmates have already moved in. The barn will be rebuilt later. This is still in the planning stage, but the financing is already partly in place. Here in the middle of the meadow a small pool is to be built, in which the dogs can also let off steam. But as you can see, there is a meadow and no hole. And that is our task for the weekend. We're going to dig the pool, the outside dimensions are already marked with stakes."
They walked together to some pegs that were on the meadow. Siggi looked around and started calculating in his head. "And how deep is this going to be?" she inquired.
"In the final state about one meter, in the middle a little more, because that's where the drain should go. In addition, we have to dig a little deeper because a layer of gravel is to be put over the plastic film first to protect it. There are shovels and wheelbarrows by the fence, the excavation comes to the right," she pointed there, "there is a small hill. That's going to be covered with the sod that we're going to lift off the lake first."
Everyone then went to the tools, but then Trixie called out, "Stop." She ordered them all to strip completely and got the chains and irons out of the van. The girlfriends laughed and after they undressed, they helped each other put everything on. Trixie also took off her clothes and would fully participate in the work.
Very soon they all noticed that this work was not a sweet job. By evening, they had piled up the sod from the lake and also from the area of the future mound off to the side and started digging the hole. The dogs watched them do this, but were not disturbed in their rest. Finally, Trixie finished the work for the day and led everyone into the barn.
She got the food supplies out of the van. The manager of the sanctuary had had everything prepared in one part of the barn and had an area of straw made into a sitting and sleeping area. Exhausted, they dropped onto the straw and rested for a while. After some time, they had their dinner, with the dogs joining them and taking part in the meal as well.
Later they lay down on the straw to spend the night. The straw was comfortable, but it stung their skin and the chains hindered them further. They would have liked to take a shower, but Trixie had not planned for that. So they lay dirty and sweaty in the straw, with which they also covered themselves. The dogs lay down all around the group and obviously enjoyed the company as well.
In the morning Trixie woke up very early. It was just before six in the morning. She got up and prepared breakfast. When she was done, she woke up her friends. Beate and Antje groaned because their muscles were sore, but they were happy to have something to eat. The manager of the grace yard also came by and brought a big pot of coffee. The sight of the naked women in chains worried him a bit, but it also excited him. Not wanting to show it, he quickly made landfall again.
Then Trixie announced that the work should continue. But since everyone was already a bit tired, she determined that first Siggi should drive them all with the whip for an hour. Then Karin would relieve her, followed by Beate, Antje and lastly Trixie. Everyone was soon covered in sweat again, but gradually the outline of the pool could be made out. Around noon, Trixie found that the hole was big enough. She had gotten a folding rule and was sighting the depth of the hole over the edge. She then got her cell phone out of the van and called the mercy yard manager to get his OK. While waiting for him, they also had their lunch, with the dogs happily keeping them company and dusting off a good portion of the rations.
Finally, the manager of the sanctuary arrived. He looked at the hole and was very pleased. Next to the plastic tarp there had been a very rigid hose, for which Siggi and Karin dug a trench. Then they connected the end of the hose with some angle pieces. Beate, Antje and Trixie meanwhile fetched the very heavy and stiff pond liner and spread it out halfway. Then they all pulled the multi-layered foil into position together. The foil already had a connection for the drain in the middle and Siggi connected it to the hose. Then they spread the foil out completely.
When that was done, the leader drove away but soon returned with a large truck filled with coarse gravel. He drove up to the edge of the pool and then operated the truck's dumping device. This caused several cubic meters of gravel to pour into the pool. Siggi and Karin then began to spread the gravel in a layer over the liner, while Beate and Antje covered the new mound with sod. Trixie started covering the edge of the liner with more sod at the same time. The leader left again to get a second load of gravel so that the whole bottom of the pool could be protected. It was quite late when all the work was finished. Now the leader went to get another fire hose and connected it to a water line nearby.
As the water poured into the pool, the five took the opportunity to wash off their sweat. Soon the bottom of the pool was covered and not only the five friends, but also the dogs were playing in the freezing water. Finally, they climbed out of the pool and sat on the edge. While they ate one last meal, they watched the dogs enjoying themselves in the pool.
Antje took Trixie aside and gave her a big hug. "You really are a great mistress. How did you arrange all this so quickly? But anyway. Now let's see the dogs and how they have fun."
Then Antje went to the manager of the grace yard. "I see you like what you see," she said, letting her eyes slide over the man's pants. He was a little embarrassed, but Antje continued with a laugh, "don't mind it. It excites us, too. It's natural, given the sight." Then she asked him how much more was needed for the expansion. He made an estimate. Antje thought about it for a moment, rounded up the amount and announced a transfer in the next few days.
Finally, everyone had recovered enough to take off their chains and put their clothes back on. The leader thanked them all and gave Trixie a special hug. The slave girls were also very pleased with Trixie's first mistress role and did not spare praise.
Then they set off on their return trip. But when they arrived home, everyone disappeared into their rooms and it was very quiet as they all soon fell asleep from exhaustion.

Chapter 26 Great Views
The following Monday Trixie spent mostly in her own office. She helped Mr. Vossen set up his workstation. She also asked Human Resources to pick out some programming courses for him. She would then work with him to decide on a course that was right for him.
She also worked with Mr. Vossen over the next few days, and she quickly realized that he actually knew every department in the company. In that respect, he was clearly superior even to Trixie, but she was not particularly surprised. After all, she had only been here for little more than a month, while he had been employed here for five years.
On Friday, she sat with the other department heads in the usual meeting room. Mr. Bergmann was a little late, which had never happened before. When he entered the room five minutes later, he was grinning from ear to ear.
"Dear employees," he began, "Please excuse my tardiness. I had to quickly take care of several things. But I bring pleasant news. Our offer for the facilities in Japan has been well received and we have been asked to come to Tokyo with a delegation to negotiate the final terms of the contract and to give a few more explanations about the machines. However, it will not be two machines as we offered."
There was silence for a moment, then Mr. Hoffmeister said, "Well, one machine will do. Doesn't make that much of a difference, but it's still a good start. Over thirty million is money, too."
Trixie looked over at her boss, who was still grinning. "True," he agreed. "A machine wouldn't be bad either" Then he paused. "But three is awesome!" With that, he stretched three fingers in the air.
Everyone looked at him dumbfounded, then they all talked in confusion. It took time for the mood to calm down. Everyone in the room could figure out the importance of the order for the company.
When calm finally returned, Mr. Bergmann continued, "So, we're flying out of Düsseldorf next Friday. 8 p.m. with All Nippon, non-stop to Tokyo. Arrival Saturday at half past two in the afternoon because of the time difference. A 12-hour flight, but you can survive it in business class. We will stay in the guest house of our Japanese business partner. Mr. Takamura is taking care of everything. We will use the rest of Saturday and Sunday to get used to the time difference. Monday to Wednesday are scheduled for negotiations, contract signing then on Thursday. After that probably every evening karaoke or dinner with geishas or something like that. Friday we will go back at 11 o'clock in the morning and be back in Düsseldorf in time for closing time on Friday at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Delegation members please prepare everything by Wednesday. I would like everyone not to come to the company on Friday, but to have some rest at home. And also, the participants in the trip should know two or three hit songs so that we don't embarrass ourselves in the evening. Folk songs would be good, too."
"And who is going to Japan? I suppose you are leading the delegation?" asked Mr. Hoffmeister.
"Of course I'm going," said Mr. Bergmann. "There's no way I'm going to miss this. We'll be joined by Hoffmeister and Nolan from Project, Schmidt and Steffen from Design, Driesch, Heinemann and Köhn from Production, and Hansen from IT Development."
Now Trixie's head snapped around. Had her name just come up? There had to be a mistake. She looked at her boss and raised her hand. Mr. Bergmann looked at her, then made a reassuring downward motion with his hand. "Trixie, please join me in my office immediately afterwards."
The meeting went on for over an hour, with countless questions to be answered. As always, all department heads had to report on the status of work in the departments, but that all happened somewhat abbreviated on this day.
When the meeting was over, Mr. Bergmann went to the door and asked Trixie to follow him. They went into his office, where he sat down at his desk and Trixie took a seat in a chair in front of it. "Herr Direktor," Trixie began, "I can't do anything..."
Herr Bergmann cut her off. "Trixie, I think you still don't know what you've done for the company. You didn't just save this one job. This is just the first order of a whole series. We will be selling dozens more of these machines throughout Southeast Asia in the months and years to come. This order is a signpost. It is all the more important for us. Just to give you an example: In the next few months, we will hire 100, maybe 120 additional people. You can take credit for that. Not all of it, of course, I know that. But you were lucky, and luck is sometimes worth its weight in gold. And if they come along now, that's more of a reward. You can't really do much in the negotiations. That's a man's domain, and especially in the evening, when the important decisions are made over sake or whiskey and karaoke, you as a woman have no part in it. It's a pity, maybe you would impress Mr. Takamura, but it's a different culture. He doesn't know what he's missing. He wants you to see Tokyo. Sightseeing. Mr. Takamura has promised me firmly, he will provide a first-class guide. Just enjoy it. And please don't take it amiss if Mr. Takamura or the guide think you're my mistress or something. It's just the way it is."
Trixie was totally taken aback. She made a few more objections, but in the end it was a wonderful offer. Looking at Tokyo was really no punishment after all.
That evening, she had to suppress the grin with difficulty when she got to the WG. She didn't want to come out with it until the weekly meeting. Steffi noticed that something was going on, but Trixie didn't reveal anything. Even at the evening meeting, Trixie waited until the most important points had been covered. Only then did she say in an emphatically calm tone, but it was only an act: "By the way, next weekend you'll have to do without me for a change."
"Why," asked Antje, "do you want to spend a weekend by yourself and go away?"
"Almost," said Trixie. Then she yelled, "I'm flying to Tokyo!"
The others looked at her in total surprise. Then it bubbled out of Trixie. She told everything, about the department head meeting and also about her conversation with Director Bergmann. The four of them could hardly believe it, but each of them begrudged Trixie.
Finally, Beate grabbed her head: "I can't believe it. First London, now Tokyo. Who knows which city will shake under you next!"
"Dubai," Antje said very quietly.
"What?" Karin said in response.
"Beate asked which city would be next to quake under Trixie, and I said Dubai."
"Are you saying we're going to Dubai for our annual vacation?" Siggi now inquired enthusiastically.
"Not only, but also. OK, I can let the cat out of the bag. After all, I won the organization of the trip," Antje reminded the friends. "And I've really gotten into it. We're flying from Düsseldorf to Dubai on Wednesdays at the end of November on the Emirates Airbus 380. I've always wanted to take a shower on the plane. You can do that in first class. We arrive in Dubai on Thursday. Then we go to the hotel "Fairmont The Palm" for 10 days. Saturday and Sunday, however, we're going to a sporting event in Abu Dhabi."
"Sports," Beate asked. "Camel racing?"
"Not quite, but close. More specifically, the Formula 1 finals on Yas Island. Beate, you need to get ear muffs for all of us. Because that's really loud. Otherwise, there are a few highlights interspersed throughout the week. Desert trip, helicopter tour, Burj Al Khalifa, the souqs, especially the Goldsouq, of course the Dubai Mall with its tiny twelve hundred stores. Well, you can imagine that for sure. Then we fly for 4 days further to Muscat in Oman and look around there. It should also be very interesting. But it has nothing to do with the nuts. Then back to Dubai, where unfortunately the hotel was full. We'll have to switch to another hotel."
"Surely that doesn't matter. There are supposed to be plenty of first-class hotels there," Karin said. "Where did you book us?"
"To the Burj al Arab."
"Is that the hotel with the sail?" asked Trixie, her eyes shining.
"That's right. The hotel with the seven stars. In a pinch, that'll work. There we have six two-bedroom apartments, each with a butler. That's about it. In the first 10 days in Dubai and then in Muscat we have a van, which Trixie should drive, in the Burj al Arab we get a limo with chauffeur from the hotel. Oh yes, by the way, I've arranged for your credit card limits to be raised and I demand that you use them to the last euro."
"What's the point," Beate objected. "As far as I know, all of us except you have a limit of ten thousand. And I don't think I've ever needed more than five or six thousand."
"True. But with 1200 stores in the mall, that's not enough. That still leaves 50,000 very close. But in a pinch, mine is almost unlimited. Pick out something nice. Especially Trixie needs more clothes. But that goes for the rest of you, too. And there are these souvenir stores near the Burj al Arab, I want to take a look."
What kind of souvenir stores," Siggi promptly fell for Antje's trap.
"Maserati, Bentley and such. Maybe I'll find something suitable for my turquoise scarf."
Siggi shook his head. That was typical Antje. Money meant nothing to her and she enjoyed spending it on her friends.
"Wait a minute," Trixie then objected. "You said, '"the six of us will have two apartments"'."
Now the others also looked questioningly at Antje.
"I thought Trixie got along very well with Natalie, so with Mortimer's agreement, I invited her over for a sleepover of sorts. I hope you don't mind."
"Now you just have to explain one thing to me," Beate agreed. "How is Trixie supposed to fall asleep tonight with news like this? She's going to need a sledgehammer anesthetic."

Chapter 27 Tokyo
The next morning Karin, who was currently mistress, sent Beate and Trixie to Roermond. She felt that Trixie could not possibly go on such a trip with only a chicken dress. Also Siggi and Antje were of the same opinion and said that this was true. Trixie protested, but finally Karin put it into an order. She explained to Trixie that she was obligated to carry out an order from her mistress on duty.
Beate and Trixie returned around three in the afternoon and presented the purchases. Trixie had also finally realized that she needed more choice in her clothing. They also took this opportunity to purchase a suitcase set that they would surely need for their trip to Dubai. Trixie wanted a black set, but Beate chose a set in a bright purple. Trixie didn't find it that appealing, but Beate explained to her why it was better.
"It doesn't really matter what it looks like. But with that color, it's much easier to spot at the airport on the baggage carousel than a black set. There are dozens of them."
Karin then led her friends to the playroom, where she pushed them pretty hard over the next few hours. By early evening, all of them had their backs and bottoms full of welts and needed to rest first. But Karin gave them little time. At nine o'clock they drove into town in their van and visited a disco there. Karin had made sure when choosing their clothes that they all wore something backless. In addition, they all had their collars and leg irons, but these without chains, on. They received a lot of astonished looks and also heard corresponding whispering behind their backs. Some of the other visitors would have liked to flirt with them, but that was out of the question for the five.
They stayed until half past two in the morning and were glad when they could finally fall into their beds. But Karin was not satisfied with that yet. Already at five she woke up her friends. The first thing on the agenda was a morning run. The weather was very bad and it was drizzling all the time. Therefore, they were soaking wet when they came back. They didn't have breakfast that day, so they had to work out in the gym for a couple of hours. But around noon the slaves went on strike. Karin had mercy and allowed them to rest for two hours first and then have lunch.
But she had one last challenge up her sleeve: after lunch they went to a public sauna. There, too, the oozing bodies caused quite a stir. Only after that was it enough for Karin also.
On the following Friday, Beate took Trixie to the Düsseldorf airport, where the delegation had arranged to meet for the flight to Tokyo. Mr. Bergmann greeted all the employees. When he saw Trixie, he noticed that, unlike usual, she was not wearing a choker.
"I figured it wasn't appropriate on a trip like this," Trixie explained. But she mentioned that she had her choker in her purse. However, she concealed the fact that there was also a plug in there.
Mr. Bergmann thought it was very considerate of Trixie. "But if you prefer to wear the choker while traveling as well, that's fine. You have your lifestyle and we all respect that. So if you change your mind, that's fine with me. And our Japanese business friends will get used to it. I'm sure they'll come to visit us sometime, and I'm sure you'll wear the hoop there."
Trixie thanked him for his understanding and took out her choker from her handbag. When she opened the lock that went with it, Mr. Bergmann took it from her and then helped her put it on. In this way, he showed her quite clearly how he felt about it.
Trixie was the only woman in the group and therefore had a free choice of seat next to Mr. Bergmann. She chose a window seat. The flight was taking off into the night, but she wanted to watch the sunrise later. The All Nippon Dreamliner had no first class but only business and economy, but the seats in business class were very spacious and Trixie could stretch out completely. She marveled at the extremely friendly in-flight service and the meal served was a revelation. There were comfortable blankets and even light slippers were thought of.
Trixie couldn't fall asleep from excitement, however, and watched quite a few movies about life and highlights in Tokyo. Eventually, though, she did fall asleep and when she woke up, she had promptly slept through the sunrise. Then about an hour before landing, she freshened up in the restroom and also took off the support stockings she had worn on the flight on Beate's orders.
At Narita Airport, you were met by a young man and a petite young Japanese woman. The man introduced himself as Seichi Takamura and was the technical director and eldest son of the client. Mr. Bergmann was pleasantly surprised by this high-level reception. Mr. Takamura introduced the young Japanese woman as Michiko and explained that she would act as a tour guide. He led the group to a bus, which took them all to the guesthouse. On the way, Michiko, who spoke very good German, explained that she had arranged a dinner for the early evening and that they were going to a sumo tournament afterwards. Since they would only be in Tokyo for such a short time, that would be the only opportunity for it. There would be a city tour the next day and negotiations would begin on Monday.
Michiko approached Trixie and told her that she was available to guide them for the remaining days as well. She inquired if Trixie had any special requests. "I've heard a lot about the fish market, I hear it's pretty great. And if there's any way I can, I'd also like to go to Fuji. Other than that, though, I don't have any specific plans. We will surely see most of the sights tomorrow during the city tour. So I'm relying on you there. Oh yes, I have a little shopping list, if that's feasible."
When they arrived at the guesthouse, Mr. Takamura showed them inside, but then said goodbye until the following Monday. Michiko went to the front desk and asked for the room keys. She turned around and came to Trixie, "Trixie-san, you Mistress of what Lord?"
Trixie was not too surprised because Mr. Bergmann had given her a heads up and explained to Michiko that she was not a Mistress of anyone. Michiko couldn't understand that. She pointed to Trixie's choker and told her that there was no shame in her being the Mistress of Bergmann-San or any of the others, after all.
Eventually it became apparent what the problem was: only eight rooms had been prepared, as her host had assumed that Trixie would be sleeping with one of the other delegation members, probably Mr. Bergmann. There was a brief confusion, but then Mr. Hoffmeister spoke up, "It's no problem. I've already discussed this with Mr. Nolan and the two of us can share a room. Trixie saved our necks with this offer, so we can return the favor a little."
After they all freshened up, they met a little later at the bar next to the reception, where Michiko was already waiting for them with welcome co*cktails. They took the bus to an old restaurant located in a small park, where Michiko had reserved a room for them. As always, the service was very friendly. No sooner did someone ask for something than one of the waitresses stood behind them with what they wanted and handed it over with a polite bow. The food was prepared before her eyes by a cook in a kimono at the table and served sizzling hot. Michiko sat between Mr. Bergmann and Trixie and explained the individual courses. She also recommended the appropriate drinks, only with the hot sake Trixie did not follow the recommendation, because she drank alcohol rather rarely.
Afterwards, they continued by bus to a sports arena, where a sumo tournament was held that evening. Michiko explained to them that this was not a very significant tournament, but it was the only one taking place that weekend. She escorted the group to a box from where they could watch the matches. Again, Michiko explained the rules, but some of the fights were over in moments. When there was a break in between, three of the fighters appeared in the box and were introduced to the guests. Trixie was photographed next to the rather giant fighters and rightly felt very small.
The next morning, everyone gathered in the breakfast room of the company mansion. The night had done them good and so the effects of the time difference were kept within bounds. Nevertheless, they were glad that the negotiations had not yet started that day. Besides, they wanted to see as much of Tokyo as possible. After all, it would be the only visit to this metropolis for most of them.
Michiko arrived by bus around half past eight and they began an extensive tour of the city. Although it was Sunday, there was plenty of traffic and besides, the Japanese were driving on the wrong side. They stopped in front of the huge grounds of the Imperial Palace. Antje had given Trixie her camera and Trixie took one picture after another. They would have liked to visit the palace, but Michiko told them that only some of the gardens could be visited and that the actual palace was not part of it. They continued on to Ginza, the main shopping street, and then headed for the other destinations.
Michiko pointed out the red and white Tokyo Tower. "You see, perfectly fine again after being destroyed."
"What was it destroyed by," Mr. Hoffmeister asked. "An earthquake?"
Michiko looked at him with a deadpan face. "No. Godzilla. For the second time already. That villain!"
Silence remained on the bus for a moment, then thunderous laughter rang out.
At lunchtime, Michiko took them to a vending machine restaurant, where food passed diners on an assembly line. Everyone took what they wanted from the conveyor belt and the plates were collected. Mr. Nolan, who was an amateur photographer, asked Trixie to take a look at her camera. She handed it to him across the table. He looked it over thoroughly, also took a quick shot of Trixie with her stack of plates, and then handed the camera back.
"It's a beautiful piece," he commented.
My friend lent it to me. The camera is a little heavy, but it handles well. The zoom is great."
"Your girlfriend must have a lot of confidence in you. The camera costs more than a mid-range car."
Trixie stared at Mr. Nolan, then glanced at the camera. She had handled it carefully before, too, but after that statement she became even more careful.
Finally, with Trixie's help, Mr. Bergmann took the plates to the cashier and paid there. The payment was made according to the number and color of the plates.
The tour lasted the whole afternoon and ended with a robot cabaret. All participants thought it was a successful day and were eager to see how the negotiations would go the next day.
Trixie and Michiko had arranged to meet the next morning. After breakfast, Mr. Bergmann wished Trixie an interesting day and she went to the subway together with Michiko. They had agreed to ride it because the traffic was otherwise very extreme on weekdays. But the subway was also packed in parts. Trixie thought that was wonderful. They first went to the Tsukiji Fish Market, which Trixie had heard a lot about. Some of the stalls offered specialties, which Trixie tried. But Michiko also showed her various spices and other ingredients. She explained what they were for and Trixie was allowed to try some of those as well.
Trixie had been given a short shopping list by the WG. To her surprise, a set of knives had been at the top and when she showed Michiko the list, she explained that they would find what they were looking for here at the fish market. Beate had warned Trixie that a good set was very expensive, but Antje had waved that argument off the table in her usual manner. Therefore, Trixie had no qualms about spending the equivalent of over 2,000 euros for an excellent set.
Michiko also looked over the rest of the shopping list. In a department store, they found the pens they wanted, which could be erased, and in a small store nearby, Trixie ordered Hanko stamps for herself and her friends. The shopkeeper promised to deliver the stamps to the company mansion on Wednesday. Then the last item was kimonos. This time Michiko warned that this was quite an expensive treat if you bought real kimonos and not the tourist version. But again, Antje had given Trixie her instructions. Antje had insisted on real silk. Michiko led them to an appropriate store and when they left it two hours later, Michiko had been amazed to see that Trixie's credit card had been charged over 30,000 euros without any problem.
"How can you afford that," Michiko asked. Trixie then explained to her that she lived in a very special WG. Michiko had trouble understanding it all and she kept asking Trixie more and more questions. In between, Trixie bought another large cloth bag that she would need for her purchases for the day on the flight back.
In the late afternoon they drove back to the villa, where the other delegation members had arrived in the meantime. Mr. Bergmann explained to Trixie that the day was not yet over for the men and that there was still a karaoke evening on the agenda. Mr. Nolan told Trixie in between that their contractors had been heckling them especially regarding the sub-transporter, which had only been included in the bid at the last moment after Trixie had pointed it out. Michiko and Trixie took the subway to Ueno Park and walked along the lighted paths. Finally, Michiko showed Trixie a smaller shopping street away from the glamour of the Ginza, where ordinary Japanese shopped. They then had dinner there at one of the many street restaurants.
The next morning, Michiko told Trixie that the weather was unusually good and that they should take the opportunity to go to Mount Fuji. Trixie agreed and was amazed that Michiko had already arranged for a chauffeured car. The chauffeur bowed to the two women as they got in. Trixie noticed that he addressed Michiko extremely politely and bowed after every comment Michiko made.
On the ride, they had time to talk about anything and everything. Michiko asked Trixie about the WG in particular, which seemed to intrigue her. Trixie asked Michiko if she had heard how the negotiations were going. She didn't actually expect an answer, but to her amazement, Michiko knew very well. "Your Bergman-San is obviously trying very hard to adapt to our customs. He does make mistakes, but that's not bad. He shows respect and tries hard. In that way he is much better than the other man."
"What other man?" Trixie asked.
"Two weeks ago, there was another man here from Germany. From a place called Mun Chen. He was very arrogant. I took him out one night, but he wanted more from me than was proper. Not respectful. He urged Takamura-San to buy from his machines. Said design was from Germany but production from China. Therefore, cheaper than Bergmann-San's machines."
"Then why didn't Takamura-San buy from him?" Trixie inquired.
"Takamura-San says ‘Made in Germany’ is best quality. Better than China. Besides, he didn't like that the man doesn't show respect. Takamura-San wants to give him lesson. That's why not only two machines should be bought, but three."
"And where did this man come from? I didn't understand."
"From Mun Chen. Must be big city in Germany."
"You mean Munich," Trixie said now.
"Yes, that's right. Mun Chen."
"Tell me, did the man's name happen to be Nierlich?"
"Yes," Michiko replied in amazement. "You know the man?"
"I think so, yes. Do you happen to have a picture of him?"
"No," Michiko replied. "But there are pictures of all the visitors from other companies on the homepage of Takamura-San's company. I can tell you the address tomorrow."
Trixie was really curious now. "Tell me, Michiko, how do you know all this?"
Takamura-San told me at breakfast," Michiko replied.
"And why are you having breakfast with Takamura-san?"
"It's just normal. The whole family eats breakfast together every day," Michiko explained.
"Are you saying that you are related to Takamura-san?"
"I'm his youngest daughter. Takamura-san has three sons and two daughters. My brothers all in company. I study tourism and do tours and excursions for my father's guests on the side."
Trixie's jaw dropped. It took her a moment to digest that.
"And how do you know this man," Michiko now inquired in her turn.
"Actually, he's the reason I'm here now," Trixie explained. Then she told Michiko the whole story about the unreadable files and the sudden disappearance of Mr. Nierlich.
This time Michiko was also horrified. "Traitor. No honor," she groaned.
The drive to Mount Fuji was beautiful. The mountain shone in the sun. But the first snow had already fallen, so they couldn't go too far up. Then they continued on to Lake Hakone. But Trixie was a little distracted. She wondered what Mr. Bergmann would say when she told him about what she had heard.
Lastly, they drove to a train station, because Trixie wanted to ride the Shinkanzen sometime. She had read about the "bullet trains." As they stood on the platform waiting for the train, they talked. Suddenly there was a roar, almost a bang, and then one of the bullet trains sped through the station 10 yards away from Trixie at 300 speeds. Before Trixie could react properly, the white train had disappeared again.
The train that was supposed to take her back to Tokyo pulled into the station right on time. Michiko explained to Trixie that it was a shame for the train driver if there was a delay. The train was very comfortable, the seats reminiscent of an airplane. In just under half an hour, they were back in Tokyo.
When they got back to the company villa, Mr. Bergmann and his companion had not yet returned. Trixie was waiting for him near the reception desk, and when he arrived, she told Mr. Bergmann that she needed to talk to him for a moment. Mr. Bergmann freshened up first, however, and prepared for another evening with their host.
"What is it, Trixie," he said as he finished getting ready. Trixie told him what she had come across. When he heard that, he had to sit down first. When the others came in, Trixie had to repeat everything again. Everyone was equally shocked. But Mr. Bergmann explained that they should not let on. Everyone should save face.
On Wednesday, there were the final negotiations. Michiko and Trixie drove to the suburbs of Tokyo, where Michiko showed Trixie more of the normal Japanese daily life outside the big metropolis. They were again traveling by car and chauffeur. Suddenly Michiko started talking to the chauffeur in Japanese. It went on for over 10 minutes, finally the chauffeur apparently gave in. "What was it," Trixie inquired.
"A surprise," Michiko said. A little later they came to a small house where all three got out. The chauffeur opened the doors of the house and led them inside. "I wanted to show you once how a normal Japanese lives. Kenjazu, that's our chauffeur's name, lives here with his wife and son."
Trixie knew that being a foreigner in a Japanese household was a rarity. Kenjazu's wife was at home, just preparing lunch for herself and her son. Trixie looked at everything very carefully and tried not to appear intrusive in any way. She bowed to the woman and also paid her respects to the chauffeur. Soon the ice was broken. Kenjazu's wife, whose name Trixie never learned, showed Trixie how to prepare various Japanese dishes. In between, she went shopping with Trixie and Michiko, with Michiko paying for the groceries, then she showed Trixie how to make sushi and tempura. It was a wonderful day for Trixie that she would probably never forget.
At breakfast the next day, Mr. Bergmann asked her to join the delegation for the day. Trixie gladly did him this favor. In the late morning, the ceremonial signing of the contracts took place. This time, the company owner, Mr. Takamura Senior, was also present. Mr. Bergmann had already revealed to Trixie that the deal had gone much more favorably than he had expected.
In the afternoon, to Mr. Bergmann's astonishment, there was another meeting with some businessmen he had not known until then. It turned out after some time that about half of these businessmen were from all over Asia. Most of them were interested in machines similar to the ones Mr. Takamura had bought. But the Japanese businessmen were also interested in other products that Mr. Bergmann had on offer. In the course of three hours, Mr. Bergmann and Mr. Hoffmeister had noted down two dozen addresses and inquiries that they would respond to over the next few weeks.
Mr. Bergmann was aware that Mr. Takamura was advocating for him in an unusual way. He would have liked to inquire why, but he couldn't. But he suspected it was related to what Trixie had told Michiko. In the evening, there was another big dinner to be attended by the whole delegation and a number of high-ranking employees of Mr. Takamura. This time, Mr. Takamura Senior insisted that Trixie sit between him and Mr. Bergmann and that Michiko sit on Mr. Bergmann's other side. Seichi Takamura, who had been conducting the negotiations for the past three days, then sat next to her.
This dinner was again delicious and various toasts were made. Even Trixie, who usually hardly drank alcohol, couldn't get past the hot sake this time. Later, things got a little more relaxed. Mr. Takamura was very polite and explained to Trixie that his daughter had told him a lot of interesting things. Seichi Takamura then opened a series of karaoke performances, for which the members of the delegation reciprocated in kind. Even Mr. Bergmann performed a German folk song. Then Mr. Takamura asked Trixie if she too could perform something. Mr. Bergmann looked at Trixie. He guessed that she was reluctant to be in the spotlight and he sensed her embarrassment. But then Trixie nodded and spoke to the disc jockey. He nodded and Trixie went on stage. She gathered herself and when the music started, she performed a version of "One moment in time." Mr. Bergmann and the others were totally stunned, but the Japanese participants at the dinner drummed enthusiastically on the tables. When Trixie sat back down, Mr. Bergmann gave her a kiss on the cheek and Mr. Takamura bowed deeply to her.
In the morning, they drove to the airport, where Michiko and Seichi Takamura said goodbye. Michiko slipped Trixie two USB flash drives, winking her eye.
Trixie had a window seat on the return flight as well. But this time she got out her laptop first and looked to see what was on the first stick. The first file was a JPG file and when she opened it, she saw a picture of Mr. Nierlich. The second file was a PDF file. Trixie opened it and found a quote for the machines that the trip had been about. But when she looked closer, she realized it was the quote from her competitor company. She scrolled through it to where the sub-transporter was described, but there was nothing. Then she called up the website of Mr. Takamura's company, whose link was saved on the flash drive. After a brief search, she found the image she was looking for. Mr. Nierlich shook hands with Seichi Takamura.
Trixie asked Mr. Bergmann to take a look. "Where did you get this," he inquired. Trixie explained to him that Michiko had slipped her the files. "Delete everything," he ordered. Trixie looked at him in amazement, but he just nodded. Trixie formatted the flash drive.
"We now know what happened because of this," Mr. Bergmann explained. "But we don't stoop to that level. The trip was a complete success. And you played a decisive role in that. Besides, Takamura-San and I will publicly announce our contract on Wednesday. I would have to be very wrong if Mr. Nierlich still has a job the next day. And he won't get a job at another engineering company either, word gets around much too quickly about what he did with us. We don't need to say anything about it, it will happen all by itself. No, Mr. Nierlich's mechanical engineering future will probably not happen."
On the second flash drive, she found pictures of the trips she had taken with Michiko.
When they arrived in Düsseldorf, Trixie headed for customs. Antje had impressed upon her to declare everything properly. At last count, she had to pay over 6,000 euros in customs, but she had expected that and Antje had told her so. Mr. Bergmann wished all the delegation members a relaxing weekend and gave them all Monday off to rest as well.

Chapter 28 Good News
At the exit of the arrivals area, Karin was waiting for Trixie. Trixie had loaded her suitcase and bag onto a trolley and they drove it to the parking garage where Karin had parked.
At home, Beate was also already waiting for them. Trixie was completely psyched and she would have loved to tell all her experiences at once. But Beate slowed her down a bit and made her wait with her stories until the evening, when Antje and Siggi would also be home. Trixie placed a gift-wrapped kimono and a small jewelry box with the Hanko stamp on each of her friends' seats at the kitchen table. She also unwrapped the knife set and placed the knives in the appropriate drawer. For Antje, she put the bills for the kimonos and the knives in an envelope. Beate checked the knives and was highly satisfied with the quality.
The Friday meeting was a little late that evening, as everyone unpacked the kimonos first and then promptly put them on. For Trixie, it was the first time that everyone attended the meeting dressed. Antje took a quick look at the bills, "Say, where's the bill for the hankos?" she asked.
"There aren't any," Trixie replied. "They're a little present from me."
Antje hugged Trixie. "That's sweet of you, but I think you'd better spend your little money on yourself."
"Let me have the pleasure," Trixie begged. "You're always showering me, and I'm even happier when I can give you a treat once in a while."
Then the usual discussion began. On the weekend Antje would still be the mistress, then from the following Monday it would be Beate's turn. Antje announced that they would probably all spend a large part of the weekend in the playroom. Since the weather had gotten worse, that came in handy for the others.
"I have one more thing to announce," Beate said when all the evening's topics were through. "As you know, I was in Frankfurt yesterday. There is wonderful news: On the occasion of the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, there is a small amnesty, which also affects Gaby. Her remaining time will be suspended and she will be released early. I hope she will decide to move in here with us. She'll be released on Thursday and I'll drive down to pick her up."
Everyone was excited and rejoicing with Beate. Only Trixie was a little quiet.
"What do you have?" Karin asked.
"If Gaby is to move in here, there's still a room missing. The guest room is too small in the long run. That means I'll have to move out, since I was the last one to arrive. But I understand."
Now everyone was quiet. Then Beate jumped up. She propped her hands on the table and leaned toward Trixie. "Tell me, Fraulein, who sh*t in your brain to make you say such nonsense?" Beate had become quite loud, which almost never happened with her.
Trixie cringed at this violent reaction. "I'm just saying, I don't know ..."
"First of all, my dear, already when you moved in here I explained to you that we still have plenty of room on our floor. Siggi has had the plans in her drawer for a long time, and she can start remodeling at any time. Secondly, it's not at all certain that Gaby will even move into the WG. We don't even know if she's going to and we're going to. And third, I'd rather sleep on a mattress in the supply room than kick you out of here. In case you still don't get it, we all love you and don't want to do without you!" Now Beate plopped back down on her chair.
Trixie's tears came to her eyes. The others agreed with Beate and Siggi bent over to Trixie and hugged her fiercely. Slowly, Trixie calmed down. Antje went to the icebox and got Trixie an ice-cold vodka, which she drank in one go on her instructions. But then Trixie had to cough violently, because she was not used to such a thing.
"Well, now that Trixie has said this nonsense, we can talk seriously about what needs to be done," Antje said. "Siggi and I started thinking about this some time ago. We all knew that at some point more members would move into the WG. I would like to prepare three new rooms for the time being. And a few other changes as well."
"And what are you thinking about," Beate asked.
"Well, so far we've been using the room next to yours as a storage room. The passage from the bathroom is already there. I think we should build two smaller new rooms behind the playroom as a supply room. Siggi can set them up in a day or two, just pull the walls and then we can put them in. Not much needs to be done in the supply rooms. In the old supply room, the floor needs to be replaced. The old carpet out and a new one in. And then we can put up the usual furniture. Siggi has already built them in stock and stored them as individual parts in his workshop."
Now Siggi took over. "Our fitness area will then go into the free space behind the supply rooms. There is enough space and we can also build a few other things there to a real wellness area. I'm converting the old fitness area into two more rooms with the bathroom in between. Even though we don't know when we'll need the rooms yet, but once it's my turn, I can do it right."
"What do you mean by things going into the wellness area," Karin wanted to know.
Siggi grinned, "A sauna for starters. That would really appeal to me. Then a whirlpool and also two tanning beds."
"No swimming pool," Karin asked mockingly.
"No. We would have liked to have had one," Antje replied. "But it just doesn't fit in because of the height. The pool would have to be about 1.30 meters high, and then there's not enough room up to the ceiling."
"And if we…" Trixie began and immediately fell silent again.
"And if we what?" Antje probed. "Come on, spit it out, maybe you have a better idea about that than the one about moving out."
"I don't know," Trixie said, "But what if we rip out the ceiling over the pool? There's only the roof over there, and we don't need a floor there, do we? Then maybe the height thing would work out."
Siggi looked at Trixie thoughtfully. "Hmm, could work. Trixie is right about that. But I can't calculate that. Such a thing would have to be planned by a real architect. We might also need the appropriate building permit. And I can't build it either, we need a company to do it."
"I have a company on hand. They are also building in the chemical company. And the architect is also no problem. I'll have to sleep on it," Antje explained.
"And in the roof we could have a few large windows installed," Karin said. "A sliding roof would be better, of course." Everyone laughed at the idea.
"Won't that be way too expensive all together," Beate asked.
"Don't worry about that," replied Antje, "This year has been extremely successful so far. In fact, in all my businesses, even in the store. After the first 9 months, sales and profit targets have already been exceeded everywhere. Especially in the chemical plant. But also in the store, thanks to the help of a new attraction. At the moment, all employees will probably get the maximum bonus. That goes for you, too," turning to Karin.
"Twenty percent," Karin asked. Antje nodded. Karin beamed like a honey-cake horse.
They then finished the meeting and went into the living room. Trixie showed them the pictures she had taken.
Then on Saturday, after Antje and Karin got home from the store, they went to the playroom. Over the next few hours, Antje tied up her friends in a variety of positions. For Trixie, some of the positions were completely new. At first she thought some of them were actually rather good to take when she saw them on her friends. But when it was her own turn, her opinion changed. Antje pulled all the ropes very tight and when they could barely move, any posture quickly became uncomfortable. Antje applied alligator clips to Trixie's small breasts a few times, which Trixie soon learned to hate. Nevertheless, just like the others, Trixie persevered according to her motto, "I can do it."
After Antje had challenged her friends quite a bit on Sunday as well, Trixie could have spent a quiet Monday at home, since Mr. Bergmann had given them the day off. But Trixie went to the office anyway. Mr. Vossen had been working on the program structure and Trixie looked over his changes with him.
Around half past eleven, the door opened and Mr. Bergmann came in. "What are you doing here," he asked. "I gave you the day off after all."
"Well, you're here, and I'd like to take a day off on Thursday instead."
"You didn't have to come today for that," Mr. Bergmann explained. "But that's fine with this in any case." Mr. Bergmann looked at the sheets on the wall some more, then left the office satisfied.
Trixie had asked Beate to go with her to Frankfurt to pick up Gaby. Beate had agreed, suspecting that her conversation with Gaby would not be easy. They left around 6 a.m. because dismissals were always at 9.
As they pulled onto the highway, Trixie suddenly started laughing. Beate looked at her in amazement because she couldn't explain Trixie's outburst. "Remember when you picked me up that time? You told me you had a plug in your butt and your puss* was locked with locks. And now, a few months later, we come back here and this time we both have a plug in our butts and our puss*es locked."
Beate laughed, then became more serious. "Gaby doesn't even suspect what the WG is all about yet. She knows that I live in a WG, but she thinks it's a normal WG. She doesn't know anything about our games and the other stuff. I've never had the heart to tell her about it."
"Oh, this is going to be interesting. Better get behind the wheel on the way back, then?"
"Might be better," Beate agreed.
"You, Beate, I've got an assassination plot against you."
"What is it," Beate wanted to know.
"I had my labia pierced in London, didn't I? But I feel like it's not complete yet."
"Not complete?"
"Well, for one thing, there's a ring missing through the cl*toral hood, and for another, I'd like to have my breasts pierced. But I'm a little unsure about that. It's not like they're very big."
"It doesn't matter that much," Beate reassured her friend. "Do you want your piercing on your breasts further forward in the nipples?"
"No. I envision it more at the base. I want it to be sturdy and resilient."
"And do you want it to be a ring? Like, welded?"
"I was thinking of something interchangeable. In the office, I could wear more of a stick, that wouldn't be so provocative. And downstairs, I was going to ask Siggi if she could forge me a ring that's seamless."
"You mean permanently? Siggi would have to forge that together if you have it in. I wouldn't recommend that. Better if she welds it. Because of the heat."
Trixie thought for a moment, then agreed.
"Do you need an address where you can get your piercings done? I have someone."
"That's the thing: I want you to do it for me."
"Yes. You know about these things, don't you? And you know where nerves or veins run. And I have more confidence in you than in anyone else."
Beate hesitated, then exhaled slowly. She knew Trixie well enough that she knew there was no point in arguing.
"And when do you want this to take place?" Beate asked.
"My preference would be tomorrow, when I get off work. Then it has time over the weekend for the pain to subside. And I'd rather go through with it quickly, otherwise I'll just get more scared."
"Phew. Typical of you. Close your eyes and get through it."
"Yeah, just like driving a car."
They both laughed. Then Beate continued seriously, "Agreed. On one condition. On weekends, you opt out of our games. Maybe you can do something with Gaby. That will also distract you from the pain. And you take all the pills I give you. I'll make sure there aren't too many, but pain doesn't make any sense."
They were still talking about the contemplated conversions, but then Trixie got quieter and quieter.
"What do you have?" Beate asked.
"The prison," Trixie explained. "Actually, I never wanted to go there again."
"Calm down," said Beate, putting her hand on her thigh, "It's just to pick up Gaby. Then we'll be out of here in a minute."
"Still," Trixie agreed.
Shortly before nine, they arrived at the parking lot of the correctional facility. Beate got out and stretched her legs, but Trixie stayed in the car and slid into the driver's seat. "Don't you even want to get out of the car?" Beate asked.
Trixie shook her head and looked toward the road, away from the building. Beate considered, then stuck her head into the car. "Are you a coward? Face your past. You can do it!"
Trixie shook her head. Beate leaned her back against the car and looked toward the door of the correctional facility. After a few minutes, Beate heard the car door open. Then Trixie came to her and stood next to Beate. Beate reached for Trixie's hand and squeezed it tightly.
As Gaby stepped through the door, the sisters walked toward each other. For a moment they stood wordlessly facing each other, then they embraced. Trixie still held back to appreciate the moment. She saw that both sisters had tears in their eyes. After a small eternity, the two released their embrace and Gaby came to Trixie.
She hugged her friend. "My little fire alarm," Gaby said. "It was so lonely in there without you."
They packed Gaby's bag in the trunk and quickly got in. Gaby and Beate sat in the back. Trixie drove off quickly to get away from the correctional facility.
"How are you doing, Trixie," Gaby wanted to know.
"Believe it or not, Trixie is the new star at her employer. Last week, she even got to travel with a delegation and then went on to make Tokyo unsafe," Beate explained.
"Really, Tokyo? That's amazing!" Gaby was truly amazed. "And she's living in your WG now?"
"Yes. She's the star at our place, too. But about our WG, I have to give you some explanations." Then Beate began to tell her sister about the WG. Again and again Gaby looked incredulously at her sister and at Trixie.
"There's the parking lot coming up ahead," Trixie said suddenly.
"What parking lot," Beate asked.
"You know, where we stopped the first time."
"And you mean ....?"
Instead of an answer, Trixie pulled the car into the parking lot. She turned off the engine and got out. The two sisters followed her into the bushes. Gabby didn't understand what that was all about. But then Beate and Trixie stopped, looked around again, and pushed their pants down. In disbelief, Gaby stood in front of them and looked at them. She noticed the lack of underwear, saw the locks that locked the puss*es and when the two turned and leaned forward she saw the plugs, one green, the other dark blue.
When they were back in the car, Gaby had to calm down first. Somehow she thought she was in the wrong movie. She hardly said a word the rest of the way. And when they finally arrived at the WG, things didn't get much better for her.
First, Beate showed her the guest room, where she was supposed to move in for the time being. But Beate explained to her that if she stayed, she would get a room like the others. It might take a little while, but for now it should go like this. Beate sat down with Gaby in the living room while Trixie went to change. Karin, who was currently mistress, had put out a chain set for her. Chains went from a heavy neck iron to equally heavy hand and ankle rings. Trixie could move relatively well in these chains, however, because it was not the first time she had worn the set. Otherwise, she was naked as usual.
She went to the kitchen and put champagne, orange juice and some glasses on a tray and brought everything into the living room as a welcome drink for Gaby. She poured and then they drank with Gaby to her release. As Trixie sat down in an armchair, Beate got up, excused herself and went into her room to change her outfit as well. She found a dark brown leather corset on her bed, which she put on. There were also leather cuffs for the hands and feet, all fastened to the leather corset with chains. The leather corset itself, not unexpectedly, had holes in the most important strategic places. Coming back into the living room like this, Gaby choked and had to cough violently.
Later, Antje, Karin and Siggi came home. They all greeted Gaby warmly and told her that they were glad she was there and that they hoped Gaby would join them. Siggi and Antje found themselves naked in the cages in the living room shortly after. Nevertheless, they celebrated Gaby's arrival. However, they all had to go back to work the next day except Beate, so the celebration didn't last too long. Karin also left Antje and Siggi locked in the cages overnight.

Chapter 29 Gaby
The following day, Trixie came home after work, as usual, around half past four in the afternoon. She found Beate in the kitchen.
"How are things going with Gaby?" Trixie asked.
"Not very well. Maybe what we put her through was a little too intense after all. I feel like she's withdrawing more and more."
"If it's too much for you, we can happily postpone my piercings," Trixie offered.
"Out of the question," Beate said. "Gaby is at Mona's right now getting her hair done. We still have a good hour. The best thing to do is this. This is the only high table we have. Go get undressed and I'll get the piercing paraphernalia from my room."
A few minutes later, Trixie was indeed on the kitchen table. She was nervous, of course, and the situation excited her. When she realized that her crotch was totally wet, she felt a little ashamed, but Beate didn't mind.
Beate first cleaned her cl*t foreskin and disinfected it. "I thought about cooling your skin with some ice cubes first, but I don't think that's necessary. You're tough, aren't you?"
She tightened the skin a bit with her left hand, then placed the piercing needle. When she found the right spot, she stabbed briefly. She immediately pierced through both sides. Trixie squeaked loudly, but then she caught herself again. Beate pulled the needle out again and pushed a short aseptic stick into the holes instead. "Siggi is welcome to put the ring in when this is all healed, but for now it's best this way."
"Whatever you say," Trixie pressed through her teeth.
"You'd best be wearing panties for the weekend. And probably a bra, too," Beate explained as she cleaned the area of blood. But the bleeding was only minor. Then Beate turned her attention to Trixie's nipples. They were rock hard by now. "Last chance," Beate warned as she disinfected them.
"Go ahead. I can do it," Trixie said defiantly.
Beate first gave her a light local anesthetic this time, then used a curved needle to poke the ducts through the base of her nipples. She kept looking at Trixie's face to see if it would be too hard. Trixie had gone pale, but she gritted her teeth and held her breath. When Beate pulled out the needles, Trixie let out her breath with a hiss. Again, Beate inserted aseptic rods into the ducts for now, then cleaned everything.
In the meantime, the bleeding at the cl*t had stopped. Beate cleaned the area again and then put a bandage on Trixie, which she tightened with adhesive tape. She also took care of the breasts afterwards.
"Go to your room for now. There is a pack of painkillers on the nightstand. You take two of them now and then one every four hours. Put on some light briefs and your sports bra and get into bed. I'll wake you when we start the meeting."
Trixie struggled to get up, then slowly walked to her room. The piercing had taken more out of her than she had thought. But she didn't want to show any weakness. Meanwhile, Beate cleaned up the kitchen and, most importantly, disinfected the table. She put the needles, syringes and bloody bandages in a small box that she would dispose of at the clinic next week.
Trixie lay down on her bed after taking the pills. She wondered what made Beate think she could fall asleep, the piercings hurt so much. She closed her eyes for a moment and thought about Gaby. What would she say about these piercings? She was sure that the others would approve of her decision.
Suddenly, Beate shook Trixie by the shoulder. "Hey, wake up," Beate said. Trixie looked at the clock and saw to her amazement that more than three hours had passed and that she was sound asleep. She felt a little winded, but overall she was fine.
When she entered the kitchen in her panties and bra, her friends were already sitting at the table. Siggi hugged her and Karin squeezed her hand. "Well, you Swiss cheese, how are you?" asked Antje.
"Why Swiss cheese?" Trixie was indignant.
"Well, because of all the holes." Antje grinned at her.
Gaby sat at the table with them and looked disapprovingly around.
Antje had various things to announce. "First of all, a few changes regarding our vacation. It starts in just under three weeks. I talked to Natalie because I couldn't get another seat on the plane from Düsseldorf. Natalie is therefore flying directly to Dubai with British Airways and we will meet her there at the airport. Her plane lands just twenty minutes later than ours, so it's no problem. For her, it's even better because she saves changing planes in Düsseldorf. I rebooked her seat in Gaby's name. In the Burj al Arab, I booked one triple and two double suites instead of two triple suites, in the other hotels I simply booked one room each. I hope that's okay with you, Gaby?"
"I'm not sure yet if I want to join you here," Gaby interjected.
"You should think about it very carefully, too," Antje replied. "But a two-week vacation in a warm place will certainly do you good. Especially after the long time in prison. And you should have enough time to think about what to do with yourself. Please don't rush it, I know our way of life is unusual. Maybe we shouldn't have ambushed you like that, but that's the way it went."
"You're not obligated to do anything here," Siggi interjected. "Of course we want to seduce you, so to speak, but in a friendly way."
"Exactly," Beate added. "We will of course accept your decision, whatever it may be. And you can count on our help either way."
"And the help is great," Trixie added. "The four of them have showered me. Not just financially, but mostly with love."
"Good," Antje continued. "First, on to the other issues. I have remodeling plans here. My architect has really worked miracles. I explained to him that the remodeling should take place while we are on vacation. It's going to be tight on time, but I promised him and the contractor a bonus if they get it done. I suggest we go over there so I can show you guys around."
"How are we going to get there," Trixie asked. Do we have to go down and then up through the other entrance? I've never seen a door to that back area."
Siggi laughed. "Sure you've never seen the door. In the playroom, there's that tall cabinet with the whips in front of it. We just need to move it to the side."
They went into the playroom together, where Siggi and Beate pushed a large cabinet a good three feet to the side. Behind it, a door actually appeared. There was even a key in the lock of the door. As they walked through, Trixie saw for the first time how much space was left.
"Let's see the plans, then," Beate demanded. Antje spread out a blueprint on the floor.
"So, thanks to Trixie's suggestion, we can actually fulfill Karin's dream. Moving our fitness area is no problem, we can do that ourselves in one morning after our vacation. After that, Siggi can convert the old area into two more rooms. Behind the game room on each side there will be two smaller, narrow rooms. On one side two storage rooms with shelves and so on. This is also where the washer and dryer go, they take up too much space for me here in the kitchen. So here we also get a little more space. I think it would be good to have a second stove here. On the other side, Beate gets her own little treatment room and storage for medical supplies. After all, I don't want such operations to be repeated on the kitchen table. Beate can order the necessary equipment in the next few weeks."
"A real treatment room is great, of course," Siggi thought. "We could really use that."
Antje stood with her back against the wall to the playroom and measured 8 paces from there. "That's about as far as we can go."
"So, then to the new wellness area. So, the highlight will be a swimming pool, 9 meters long, 3 meters wide and 1 meter 50 deep. The pool will have a counter-current system. Above the pool and a good 5 meters further on, at the request of a single lady, the roof can be pushed to the side. The previous roof will be replaced by large windows. Since some roof work is required on this occasion, we directly install a solar system on the roof. Then we have the sauna, the whirlpool, two sunbeds and right next to the pool there is still space for a few deck chairs.
"Can they really do this in two weeks," Siggi wondered.
"That's the deal," Antje agreed. "If they want the bonus, they'll have to work hard."
"And how do you pay for it," asked Gaby, who still had no idea about Antje's fortune.
"That's not a problem," Antje replied. "The whole thing doesn't cost much more than the vacation. And you can believe me, it's more for petty cash. I'm having more trouble finding new, good investments for this year's profit. I'll have Mortimer give me some suggestions."
"Don't you want to wait until you know if I'm going to move in here? Otherwise you might be doing all this work for nothing."
"No," Beate agreed. "You're right, though, that you haven't decided yet. And the renovations and the vacation shouldn't influence your decision either. But the remodeling would be due at some point either way. If the construction company can do it during our vacation, we'll be spared the noise and the mess. So, I'm all for it."
"And the rest of you," Antje wanted to know. Siggi, Karin and Trixie nodded.
"Good, then I'll put that in order."
They left the area and went back to the kitchen.
"After that's settled, we'll get to the weekend," said Karin, who was the mistress that weekend. "Trixie is out, after all, but I can promise her that we will make up for everything with her. The best thing is for Trixie to go into town with Gaby. Maybe they can do the shopping. And otherwise, I'm sure Trixie will think of something. Probably take Gaby to the mercy yard?"
"The Gnadenhof is Trixie's favorite project," Siggi explained for Gaby, who had once again looked questioningly.
"Probably," Trixie said. "Let's see what else we do. What do you guys have in mind?"
"I think we're going to hit the gravel pit," Karin explained.
As planned, Trixie went shopping with Gaby the next day. Gaby was amazed that Trixie already had a car, and such a stylish one at that. But Trixie then explained to her that the car belonged to Antje's car rental company. She also told Gaby that she could take one of the cars anytime she wanted. Gradually it dawned on Gaby that money was no object in this WG.
The two of them went to a large supermarket to buy the groceries that were on the list. Then they brought everything home first and then drove downtown. Trixie parked in the underground garage at the cathedral and they then walked from there to the old town. They strolled for hours through the shopping street and Trixie bought some jeans and blouse for Gaby as well as a warm jacket for the winter. In between, they stopped at a brewpub and had lunch.
"Didn't you have a hard time settling into the WG," Gaby asked. "After all, it's mainly about sex. And not exactly the usual kind. So I can't really imagine that."
"I felt the same way at first," Trixie replied. "Some of the practices really scared me. Especially the idea of being whipped sent shivers down my spine. But I ended up trying it out and then found that some things sound worse than they feel. Of course it hurts like crazy when you get whipped, but let's be honest: We were there once in a castle, they call it the dungeon, I was whipped and when I was hanging there and the whip landed on my back, a crazy feeling went through my whole body with every blow and I had the most violent org*sm of my life. I still can't imagine what that must have looked like today."
"And you willingly let that happen to you," Gaby wondered.
"I was unsure too, believe me. But I trusted that the others would never put me in a situation that would overwhelm me or where I would suffer serious harm."
"But you did suffer some harm. The welts and so on."
"They'll heal in a few days or weeks. I'm certainly not going to take it to the extreme that Karin did. If you look at her back, you'll find some scars where the skin had burst open. But Karin is really the only one of us who goes that far. The rest of us stop before that."
"And the piercings yesterday," Gaby wanted to know. "Did the others say you should get them done?"
"They never would. It would never be an option. I decided freely for all the piercings. Of course, the ones from yesterday still hurt, even now. But it's working. I guess on Monday I won't need the panties and bra either. I am now totally unaccustomed to wearing something like that. It will be a real challenge for our Dubai vacation to walk around with it for two weeks, but Antje told us that it will probably be necessary. Dubai is very tolerant, but then there are still limits."
"That's what I wanted to ask you anyway: Antje throws money around like that, is she really that rich or is she just pretending?"
"No, she is so rich. If you want to know exactly, you'll have to ask her yourself. But you saw this morning that she did her share of the cleaning just like the rest of us. She doesn't mind being treated like that. In fact, she probably enjoys being treated like everyone else and not as someone special."
On Sunday, Trixie drove to the sanctuary with Gaby. She had bought a big bag of dog treats from her own purse at the supermarket the day before. She showed Gaby around the whole facility and when they got to the new dog section, they greeted the dogs. Trixie gave Gaby some of the snacks and together they fed the dogs. Trixie also showed Gaby the pond she and her friends had dug and told her exactly how that had gone.
"It's wonderful here," Gaby said, looking around, "so peaceful and friendly. When I think of the prison there, .... And the vastness. No walls. I can see why you love being here."
The manager of the sanctuary came to them and handed Trixie an envelope. She opened it to find an invitation for the WG to attend the official opening of the dog section. Trixie looked at the date and realized it was the first Saturday after her Dubai vacation. So that should work out.
"Your friend here has really done a great job with this area," the man explained. "Without her, we wouldn't be able to celebrate an opening for a long time."
They stayed at the grace yard for quite a long time and didn't drive back until about three in the afternoon. On the way, at Gaby's request, they had to stop at a McDonalds, where she treated herself to a Big Mac and fries that she had missed for so long.

Last edited by friedet 1 month ago, edited 1 time in total.


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Trixie or the WG (F/F+ fict. bond. fet) (5)
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Re: Trixie or the WG

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Postby friedet »

Trixie or the WG
by T.A.Friedet
© Copyright 2016 - T.A.Friedet -
Storycodes: F/f+; bond; chastity; buttpl*g; cuffs; chain; naked; piercing; public; exhib; collar; strip; latex; shop; sweat; forniphilia; enclosed; transported; whip; blindfold; gag; rope; urine; cons; XX
Part 5

Chapter 30
The following week was also rather quiet. Trixie continued to work with Mr. Vossen on her project and it slowly took shape. She made an appointment with Mr. Bergmann for the following week, during which she wanted to explain her planning to him and hear his opinion. For Mr. Vossen, she arranged a two-week programming course to take place during her Dubai vacation.
At the HR department, she asked if she could get twelve days of vacation. The employee did some quick math and told her that would fit. She also said that there was a note from Director Bergmann that he had promised Trixie this leave as part of the hiring process. Trixie wondered, but when she asked Beate about it, Beate explained that she had arranged it that way at the interview.
When they met for their weekly meeting on Friday as usual, Beate came in with red eyes. Everyone wondered, but Gaby immediately took the floor. "Dear ones, you have really made me feel welcome here and you have made me some really great offers. The offer to move in here permanently, especially, was probably the best offer I've ever been made. But, as sorry as I am, I cannot and will not accept it. You have a way of life here that I can't get along with. That is not up to you, that is up to me. And that's why I ask you for your understanding if I refuse the offer and that also applies to the great vacation. It would be wrong for me to go along with it."
"I've thought of something like that," Antje said. "Sure, it's a low blow for Beate. She was looking forward to staying here with you. And she wants to protect you. We'd like to help her with that, too."
"That's sweet of you," Gaby said, "but I have to find a job and an apartment first. Maybe I can stay here for a few more days, that would be a big help."
"Of course you can stay here for now," Siggi said and the others nodded.
"I would also know a job for you," Antje added. "Nothing great, but at least a start. But not here in Cologne, but in Porz. That wouldn't be so far away and you and Beate could then see each other from time to time or you could visit us here."
"That would be great," Gaby said in surprise. "What would that be?"
"There's an opening at the branch of my car rental company at the airport. It means shift work, but if you could get comfortable with that ..."
"I wouldn't want me to get any preferential treatment now, though," Gaby interjected.
"No, but you're not being treated any worse either. By the way, in the car rental business, we change cars every one or two years, depending on the type. That's why you can get a used one that you can pay off with small money. And an apartment is no problem either. The HR department in my chemical company has contacts with various real estate agents. We need that when we hire skilled workers. I had already guessed your decision and there would be an apartment. Two rooms, kitchen, hall, bathroom and garage. Five minutes to the airport and three quarters of an hour to our place. Well, how about it?"
Beate gave Antje a grateful look. At least this way Gaby would stay close by. Gaby's tears were coming now, too. The sisters hugged each other. Then Gaby got up and went to her room. She had nothing more to do with the meeting.
After the meeting, Trixie went to Gaby's room. She found Gaby lying on the bed.
"You think I'm pretty ungrateful now?" Gaby asked.
"No. I had thought it wouldn't fit, too. When I first came here I doubted too, but after only two days my doubts were gone. I just want to tell you that we all understand you. Sure, Beate is sad, of course, but she will get through this. And if you really visit us from time to time, that will help her, too. But I want to tell you, whenever you need help, call me. No matter what it's about. OK?"
Later that evening, Beate knocked on Antje's door. When Antje answered, she entered. Antje was lying in bed and looked at her. "I wanted to thank you for what you are doing for Gaby. I don't know how to make it all up to you."
Antje flipped the covers up and Beate slid under the covers with her friend. "Silly, I'm happy to do this for you. You're my best friend after all."
The last days before the vacation passed uneventfully. On Sunday, everyone packed their suitcases and got everything ready for departure on Wednesday. Antje asked her friends to pack only the medium-sized suitcases of the sets they owned and then put them in the large suitcases. That way, each of the WG would have a large suitcase for their purchases for the return flight. Antje also ordered a large van for the five of them from a chauffeur service, which took them to the Düsseldorf airport the following Wednesday.
This time there were no problems at the checkpoint either. Trixie had feared that one of the others would play a trick on her, but they were all looking forward to the vacation too much to get any stupid ideas. They passed the time waiting in the Emirates lounge, but then, at Trixie's urging, they soon went to the gate after all. Trixie went to the window in front of which was the huge Airbus 380. She saw the plane and stood motionless. The others noticed this and looked at her with amusem*nt for a moment. But when she still hadn't moved after ten minutes, Beate came to her. "What's wrong," she wanted to know.
The plane," Trixie replied, "It's talking to me."
"The plane is talking to you," Beate asked incredulously. "And what is it saying?"
"It wants to fly. It wants to take people to other places. It's talking about the joy it has at altitude, flying over lands and seas. It says ‘come, get on board.’"
Beate went to her friends. "Trixie says the airplane is talking to her," she shared, "It's telling her it wants to fly. Trixie is totally blown away."
"I can understand that," Antje countered. "When I had to get off at an airfield some time ago and not at the terminal, I stood in front of the plane, too. Those jet engines are incredibly big. And there I also had the impression that the thing just wants to fly."
Fortunately, the boarding call came just before Beate finally lost her composure. When the friends boarded the plane, they were all extremely impressed. Each was assigned her own private area. The service was friendly beyond measure and the stewardesses anticipated their every wish.
After takeoff, they met at the first class bar and shared a glass of champagne, toasting their upcoming vacation. They were looking forward to seeing Natalie again soon and Beate had also calmed down enough to enjoy the vacation because she knew that Antje would take care of Gaby. The flight passed them actually almost too fast and they landed in Dubai in the early morning. Neither of them had slept much, so they were looking forward to the time ahead.
Behind the passport and customs control the first surprise was waiting. Antje was in fact running a small office in Abu Dhabi as part of her chemical factory, only three employees, and the office manager was waiting for them at the exit. Antje greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "May I introduce Tessa, the manager of my field office in Abu Dhabi. Tessa will take care of us during our vacation and show us around."
Tessa smiled kindly at them, "Welcome to Dubai, the craziest city in all of Arabia. I hope you will enjoy your time here. I am available to answer any questions you may have. Which one of you is Trixie?"
Trixie stepped forward, a bit puzzled. Tessa grabbed her by the arm. "Please wait here for your friend from London, she has to come out here in a few minutes too. In the meantime, Trixie and I will go to the car rental agency, take care of the formalities." Obviously, Tessa was a bundle of energy and she was instantly likable to everyone.
Sure enough, after barely 5 minutes, Trixie was holding the keys to a van. They went back to the others and sure enough, Natalie was now waiting. Natalie and Trixie hugged but held back a bit so as not to offend anyone. After all, Dubai remained an Arab country.
Together they then walked to the exit of the airport where the van was already waiting for them. They quickly loaded the luggage, then they were off. Tessa sat down next to Trixie and would show her the way to the hotel. "Don't be intimidated by the traffic," Tessa advised Trixie before they left. "It's chaotic and there will be honking from time to time. But they'll quickly realize that people give them enough room anyway, and no one likes an accident. Watch out for pedestrians, they're actually allowed to cross the street here. There's consideration there, too."
In fact, the traffic was extreme. The roads were wide and 4 or 6 lanes but still barely enough. Trixie stayed in the right lane until Tessa told her they needed to turn left in two hundred yards. To her great amazement, what Tessa had said was really true and she was in the far left lane in no time with no problems.
By the time they arrived at the hotel, Trixie felt as if she had never driven anywhere else. Trixie pulled up at the main entrance and let the others out because she wanted to pull the car into the parking lot. To her surprise, a bellhop came and politely knocked on the door of the car and opened it. "May I have the key please, I'll park the car for you. Here is your receipt. If you need the car, just leave the receipt at the entrance and I'll bring it right away. Such a service is perfectly normal in such hotels, but for Trixie it was new. The luggage was also already taken care of.
Antje was already at the reception desk and picked up the keycards for all of them. A bellhop rolled ahead of them to the elevator with a luggage cart. On the 12th floor the elevator stopped and they found themselves in front of their rooms. Since Antje had originally booked a room for Gaby as well, she had come up with the idea of offering Tessa the spare room. The rooms were all next to each other and had connecting doors. Only the connecting door to Tessa's room remained closed, as Antje didn't want her to feel bothered by the WG's casual lifestyle.
When Trixie entered her room, she was totally surprised. There was no simple hotel room, but there was also a living room. The bedroom and living room were both much larger than the rooms in the WG. The bathroom was super equipped and Trixie wondered if she should really dare to wash herself in such a room. When she came out of the bathroom, Siggi had come into her living room. "Isn't this amazing," Siggi asked excitedly. "I've never seen anything like it. And they don't even have to be the most fancy suites."
They freshened up a bit first, then met as they had arranged at the hotel bar, where Tessa was already waiting. "So, what do we want to start with," Tessa asked.
"The best thing to do is to take a tour of the city. Then we'll get a first impression. Tomorrow we want to make the Dubai Mall unsafe and of course on the Burj Khalifa. The day after tomorrow and Sunday are then Abu Dhabi and the Formula 1." Antje had taken over as trip organizer.
"Let's get going then," Tessa said. We can stop for lunch in Deira later. This is one of the liveliest neighborhoods in Dubai. In fact, I end up there all the time."
They drove around the city for the next few hours while Tessa explained everything. Trixie, of course, had to focus mostly on the traffic. Finally, Tessa asked Trixie to park the car so they could have lunch. Tessa led them to their favorite restaurant, where they were already expected. "To get you in the mood, I took the liberty of ordering in advance so you could get a taste."
They sat on the restaurant's terrace, the heavy pedestrian traffic passing them by. Waiters brought flat plates of a paste and fresh, hot flatbread. "This is hummus, a paste made from chickpeas, with olive oil and pine nuts. Dig in."
The mixture looked strange, but tasted good to them. "For the main course, we have lamb," Tessa announced. "Only the best for my guests, fresh lamb eyes. They'll love it!" The six got bites stuck in their mouths. "No," laughed Tessa, "I was joking. But this place has the best lamb chops in the world."
Tessa leaned over to Antje. "Say, the others in the office are politely inquiring if you'd like to come into the office sometime. They'd love to meet the big boss sometime, of course."
"Not really," Antje replied, "This is a private vacation, after all."
"Never mind," Karin interjected. "We understand, don't we? How about we all meet somewhere nice for lunch. Would be okay, don't you think?"
The others agreed with Karin and Antje conceded defeat. "What would you recommend," she asked Tessa. Tessa whispered in her ear, then Antje grinned. "Organize it, please. We'll be at the mall tomorrow anyway."
"And as for you guys," Antje said, "I'll do you well. I don't like to mix business and pleasure, except with LLL. I already know what I'm doing with you guys."
After a delicious lunch, they decided to return to the hotel and relax by the pool. The overnight flight had been a bit tiring after all.
The next morning they drove to the Dubai Mall, which is the largest mall in the world with 1200 stores. But even before that, there was a highlight for Trixie as she drove the van along the highway in Dubai's skyscraper canyon. She was intimidated and almost hit the brakes full on. Tessa quickly guided them into one of the side lanes where they stopped and took in the sight.
After a few minutes they moved on and came to the mall and the Burj Khalifa standing right next to it. "We're going up there around 5 o'clock and we're going to watch the sunset and the water games there. Until then, we'll go shopping first and if we split up, we'll meet at the aquarium at 2 o'clock, at the bottom part on the 1st floor. Natalie, I have a credit card for you too so you can strike. You probably want to go with Trixie?"
Natalie hadn't expected this at all; her father had provided her with generous pocket money that she would surely find a use for. But Karin offered to accompany Trixie and Natalie. She suspected that both would otherwise be too shy to shop sensibly. Siggi and Beate left together and Tessa went with Antje in another direction. On the way, Tessa told them about the preparations she had made and with which Antje was very pleased.
It wasn't long before they found a store that specialized in pantsuits. Karin had tried to talk Trixie into a fancy mini, but Trixie thought her legs looked like stilts in something like that. So she opted for pantsuits when it came to something more formal. They found plenty in the store and when they left it after a good hour, Trixie had acquired three complete suits and some matching blouses that she could mix and match. Karin was reasonably pleased with the selection. They didn't have to bother with bags, since everything would be delivered directly to the hotel. Over the next few hours, Karin and Natalie also found some things they liked. But also with swimsuits and fashionable sportswear the selection was really excellent.
At some point Karin pointed to the clock and said that they should slowly go to the aquarium. Until then, Trixie had only seen the indication on the signposts. When they got to the huge aquarium, they were more than impressed. The front of the aquarium is over 30 meters wide and 8 meters high. The biggest fish, sharks, are over 2 meters long and a display board explained that 33000 fish were swimming there. They couldn't get enough of it. Trixie especially liked the rays that were swimming in their lanes.
Soon Antje and Tessa joined them. They waited a little longer, which was not difficult for them with this sight, then Siggi and Beate also came. They all explained that they had made plenty of loot in the mall and that everything would be delivered to the hotel.
Tessa then said that her colleagues would be waiting for them at 'Joe's Crab Shack' on the 2nd floor. They went to the next floor and then saw the restaurant. Siggi and Beate were a bit surprised, because they had expected something very fancy, but it looked rather simple. Would Antje feed her employees in a cheap snack? That was not like her. Tessa headed for a large table where a man and a woman were seated. The two rose to greet her and everyone was introduced.
Beate took Antje aside. "Say, isn't this a little easy," she asked quietly.
But Antje only answered quietly, "Wait and see."
They sat down and immediately the waitress brought a tray of fruit co*cktails. Afterwards she came again and brought plastic aprons for all of them, which they tied around the astonished guests. They had to wait a moment more, then two waiters brought small buckets with huge crab legs sticking out of them.
"My dears," Antje had stood up, "and I also welcome you, my employees, you surely remember that documentary on TV with the crab fishermen in Alaska. The Toughest Job in Alaska or something like that. Well, these are the king crabs caught there. Well, bon appétit."
They still needed some instruction from the waiters, but then it really became a feast. And they quickly understood why they were wearing plastic aprons. The shrimp in garlic butter with potatoes on the side tasted delicious, and the portions were so large they could barely manage them. Karin's employees repeatedly emphasized how great it was to be invited to this restaurant, which was so unassuming from the outside. They talked about their encounters with the locals and the sometimes annoying sheikhs. Trixie was amazed to learn that they were very well off as ex-pats and wanted to stay in Abu Dhabi as long as possible, they all had family with them and all mentioned that they had 2 or 3 Indian maids. Antje explained that this was so common here. With the Indians jobs with ex-pats were particularly popular, because the wages were better there.
After Antje's employees had said goodbye, not without thanking her again for the visit and the invitation, they strolled together to the elevator of the Burj Khalifa. There they first went to the level "At the Top" and looked around. But unlike the name says, it goes even further up to the "Sky" level. The view from 555 meters was breathtaking and they enjoyed the sunset with some co*cktails. In addition, they could admire the unique water games deep below them, which were over much too quickly.
The evening ended with a small snack at the hotel. The next day, Abu Dhabi and Formula 1 were on the agenda.

Chapter 31
The next morning, after breakfast, they left for Abu Dhabi. They were not dressed quite as casually as the day before. Trixie had put on one of the new pantsuits while Natalie, Beate and Karin arrived in minis. Antje and Siggi had opted for designer jeans.
From the hotel, they first hit the expressway. When they reached the canyon of houses with the skyscrapers on both sides, Trixie said "Well, I could fall in love with this sight. How wide do you think the road is here?"
"Let's take a rough guess," said Siggi, who had the best sense of proportion. "So there would be 6 lanes, then comes this little green strip. Then the parking bays, the local road and the sidewalk. All that times two plus the median. If we assume four and a half feet per lane, I'm coming up with 90 to 100 feet."
"And I suspect," Karin interjected, "That some architects have had to listen to reproaches from their clients as to why they put such puny buildings here. Some of them are barely a hundred meters high, and I don't think any of them are much more than 300 meters."
"It's quite a stretch," added Beate, who was also impressed. "How far do you think it goes?"
"Not very far anymore," Tessa replied. "After a few kilometers, the expressway narrows and then between Dubai and Abu Dhabi it has only 4 lanes. In each direction, of course. But trucks are only allowed to use the right lane."
"Very gratifying," Trixie agreed. "Hopefully there won't be any traffic jams then."
Tessa noticed the sarcasm in Trixie's statement. "If you think there would be no traffic jams on an 8 lane highway, you need to take a look at what's going on in the morning on the highway from Shardsha. There, 2 hours of traffic jam is quite normal."
After a good hour, they reached Abu Dhabi. Tessa guided them through the city and pointed out some buildings. The new mosque was especially worth seeing. There, everything had been decorated with real gold, using over 120 kg of gold leaf. At some point, she pointed out a rather ordinary skyscraper. "That's where we have our office on the 38th floor. If you want to visit it, I'll be happy to show you, but it's nothing special. They then drove to one of the shopping malls. But they soon realized that Abu Dhabi was nowhere near as bustling as Dubai.
After a coffee break, it was time to go to Yas Island. Trixie and Siggi especially wanted to ride the roller coaster at Ferrariworld. The entrance tickets also included access to this. They were directed to a parking lot and from there by a feeder bus to Ferrariworld. First they got red fan shirts and caps and many other small things, then they went to the roller coaster. Antje, Beate and Tessa only took one look at the part, then they said they wanted to do without. "If I ride it, I can enjoy the delicious King Crabs from yesterday again, but I'll pass anyway," Beate said.
The other four grabbed the front row seats. Especially Trixie screamed her head off. She and Siggi immediately got back in line to ride a second time.
After that, they finally went to the race track. Antje had booked a whole box, as was to be expected from her. But when they looked around a bit downstairs first, Trixie then stopped in amazement.
"What is it," Antje asked.
"We're in an Islamic country here, after all, where you're not allowed to drink alcohol in public. But over there I see people drinking beer and wine."
Tessa laughed. "That's a matter of interpretation. There are some partitions around that area, right? That makes it a segregated 'private area' and you're allowed there."
"Hello Tessa," suddenly said a man behind Tessa. Everyone looked at him, apparently a sheik or something like that was standing there in a white robe.
Tessa wheeled around. "Hello your highness," she said, "May I introduce you to my companions? This is my boss here with your girlfriends. Ladies, Sheikh Ahmed bin Hafez al Maktoum."
"Pleased to meet you," Antje said.
The sheikh bowed slightly. "Is this your first time in our country? Do you like it?"
"It's very exciting here," said Antje, who had to do the talking as the boss.
"Tessa," the sheik said, "you should have told me you were having such a distinguished visitor. We should have arranged something."
"Forgive me, Your Highness," Antje objected, "But this was supposed to be a private vacation. My companions are not employees, but we live together in a residential community."
"Oh, indeed? Very interesting." Antje and the Sheikh chatted some more, then he took his leave.
"Who was that exactly," Antje asked Tessa.
"Sheikh Ahmed belongs to the ruling family, as the name suggests. Al Maktoum. A cousin or something like that with connections to the ruling family in Abu Dhabi. I negotiated the last two shipments of crude oil with him. Nice guy, but tough as nails when it comes to business."
"Then I should take him up on it," Antje said, "but not this time. Maybe I'll come back here again when I get a chance."
They then went to their box to watch the qualifying. Fortunately, Beate had gotten the hearing protectors. The screeching sound of the engines went through their spines.
After the qualifying was over, they enjoyed the concert that followed until they headed back to their hotel around midnight. Trixie was tired, but she still drove home highly concentrated.
The following day they left a little later. Trixie had spent the night in bed with Natalie and was unslept. Therefore, Tessa volunteered to drive the van. Trixie and Natalie were cuddling in the back seat, which caused Tessa to frown.
"Are they involved," she asked Antje, who was sitting next to her.
Antje decided to come clean. "No, per se, Natalie is more of a friend. But the rest of us, you could say we're all involved with each other. There are no exact ties or rules, everything is very loose."
Tessa thought about it. "Is that why the door between my room and yours is locked?"
"Yes, we didn't want to embarrass you. With us, you never know who's sleeping in which bed."
"Oops," was Tessa's only comment.
Tessa parked near the new mosque. It was truly a magnificent building that impressed them all. Especially the huge carpet that covered the whole floor was incredible. After visiting the mosque, they drove to the coast and spent a few hours there until it was time to go to the race track again.
This time they took the opportunity to walk through the pit lane. They found it exciting to see the famous race drivers from a short distance, as well as other celebrities. After that, they took their seats in the box again. Shortly before the start, there was a knock at the door. A messenger brought a letter addressed to Tessa. She opened it and read through it.
"You will remember Sheikh Ahmed, whom we saw yesterday. He is inviting us all for the day after tomorrow. He has a small desert camp in a remote corner of the desert. There he would like to receive us and show us among other things the hunt with falcons. So if you are interested in something like that, this is a rare opportunity. His hunting falcons are famous and he pays tens of thousands for their care.
Antje looked at the others. It was a stupid situation. But this time it was Siggi who saved her. "Why not. Hawking is supposed to be very exciting."
Antje took it upon herself to really compensate her friends for these interruptions. The messenger had been waiting for a reply, and Tessa told him they were glad to be invited. The messenger took out a second letter and handed it over. When Tessa opened it, she found directions, which she desperately needed for the trip.
Then the race started. The start was incredibly loud. Soon the favorite, Hamilton, prevailed. But actually none of them were Formula 1 fans. They found it interesting, but that was it. The concert afterwards was great again, but since they were all still tired from the day before, they left before it was over.
The next morning brought more sightseeing. Antje had asked Tessa that they visit the spice souk. Trixie, however, following Tessa's instructions, parked the car on the other side of the creek that almost divided Dubai. From their parking spot, Tessa took them to the ferry boats that connected the two halves of the city. The crossing was a great experience, with Beate and Trixie sitting right up front and screaming at the top of their lungs at the wild ride of the boat.
It was only a few steps from the dock to the spice bazaar. From one of the vendors, Tessa purchased something that she showed to her friends. It looked like colorful little stones, shiny, white and light blue. All possible shades of color. "Have a taste," Tessa demanded and put a little stone in her mouth. Everyone followed suit. When the mass melted in their mouths, they were amazed. Chocolate.
"This is chocolate made from camel's milk," Tessa explained. The tour continued, and suddenly Beate had disappeared. When Antje looked around, she noticed that Siggi was gone, too. They looked around to see where the two of them were. Then Beate came out of a small store with a paper bag. "Saffron," she said, grinning broadly. A minute later, Siggi was back, too. She too had a bag in her hand. "I bought us some saffron for the kitchen," she explained. Everyone looked at each other, puzzled, then laughed. Only Siggi understood later why they were laughing.
Antje led them a little further down a street and they were already where Antje wanted them to be: In a shop window was a huge ring made of gold. According to the description next to it, it was the biggest gold ring in the world. The whole shop window was hung with gold jewelry. Also the windows beside it showed enormous amounts of gold. Wherever they looked, everywhere jewelry: gold, diamonds, watches, pearls. It was clear they were in the gold souq. Amazed, they walked from one window to the other. As they stood at a store that displayed watches, Antje pointed to one of them. "Look Beate, wouldn't that be something for you?"
Beate looked at the watch. "Looks good, but way too expensive."
Antje didn't seem to be listening. "And there on the left are the watches. Wouldn't that be something for Trixie? Did you see the cheap watch she's wearing? I bet she's into a high-tech watch like that." Antje turned around, "Come on, let's go in there."
Inside the store, they were greeted by a man who must have been the owner. Antje explained her wishes to him and he brought out watch after watch. Antje urged her friends to try them on. She herself also picked out a watch. Antje didn't stop until everyone, even Tessa, had chosen a watch. Then Antje looked around, grabbed the man by the arm and walked with him into his small office.
"Poor sock," Beate commented.
"I know," Tessa commented, "It's going to be expensive. One can feel sorry for Antje."
"Who's talking about Antje," Beate laughed. "I feel sorry for the guy. By the time Antje is done with him, he'll be lucky if he can afford another coffee."
Sure enough, it took Antje half an hour to emerge from the office grinning. She handed the owner her credit card and entered her pin. Beate saw the amount for a second: $42,000. But for Antje, that was beside the point. The main thing was that she could give her friends a present.
They spent the afternoon and most of the following day at the hotel's swimming pool. Trixie fiddled enthusiastically with her new watch and tried out what it could do. Meanwhile, Beate wondered if her patients would appreciate her taking their pulse with an $8,000 watch.
In between, Trixie and Natalie disappeared into her room. After 10 minutes, Trixie rejoined the others. Only Natalie stayed away from the group.
"What about Natalie," Karin asked as they were ordering some snacks for lunch, "Isn't she hungry?"
"No," replied Trixie, "She's watching a riveting movie right now."
Beate looked over at Trixie, shaking her head but grinning as she did so. Except for Tessa, everyone knew what was going on.
They arranged their trip to the desert camp so that they arrived there just before four in the afternoon. The sheik was already waiting for them. He showed them his birds and they loved petting such magnificent creatures. Then the sheikh sent one of the birds hunting. Although everyone felt sorry for the hare that the bird killed, it was an impressive display.
In the meantime, servants of the sheikh had made a bonfire and were roasting mutton there. Shortly after 6 o'clock it became night, only the campfire gave off some brightness. At Karin's request, however, this was also extinguished and they all lay down in the sand and looked at an unforgettable starry sky.
The days went by much too fast. They spent a lot of time at the pool, but also made some trips to the Indian Ocean, where they all jumped in, and they visited the Dubai Mall and a few other shopping centers several times. Still, none of them could even come close to meeting Antje's requirement of maxing out their credit cards. After a week, Tessa said goodbye to them as they were to leave for Musquat the next day.
The flight to Musquat took them to another world, far from the glitz of Dubai. They saw the prosperity there too, but the hustle and bustle of Dubai was missing. But even that had its charm. Everything was very clean and tidy. Trixie was amazed to be handed some car wash vouchers at the car rental agency and asked to drive through the car wash once a day. The employee explained to her that the ruler of the country did not tolerate dirty cars on the roads.
Finally, the last highlight of the trip was upon them: When they landed back in Dubai, Antje led her friends to another area of the airport. There, to their surprise, was a helicopter with its rotor running. Antje shooed her friends into the cabin and they were flown to the Burj al Arab, where they landed on the platform.
This hotel topped the vacation. They had already indulged in luxury at the first hotel, and now it went even further. Antje had ordered three suites that were next to each other and connected by doors. Two of the friends moved into each of the suites, Siggi moved in with Antje, Karin with Beate and Trixie of course with Natalie. Each suite had its own butler to take care of them. They toured the hotel from top to bottom. Gold and the finest wood everywhere. The restaurants were incredibly good, but they couldn't do more than eat. Karin in particular snacked extensively on the confectionery that was in the rooms, but the supply never ran out.
Nevertheless, the time passed. Soon, everyday life would have them back. But they did not regret it. It was a memory they would think back on for a long time.
Nevertheless, there was still a surprise that no one, not even Antje, had expected. The night before last, Mortimer, Natalie's father, called and talked to Antje for over half an hour. The others followed the conversation and saw that Antje eventually gave in. But she said nothing when the conversation ended.
They spent their last evening at the Burj in Antje's and Siggi's room, where the three butlers put on one last feast menu.
The next morning they were picked up by a limousine, a Rolls of course. Their luggage followed in a second car. They joked about how they would be received with all the excess luggage. But after barely three minutes, Trixie realized something was wrong. They should have turned left onto the expressway toward the airport, but instead the limo turned right. Trixie had acquired enough local knowledge from her driving to notice immediately.
"Hey, where are they taking us," she exclaimed in alarm.
"That's all right," Antje explained. "You remember that conversation with Mortimer the day before yesterday? He's always on my case that I need to cause more operating costs. His favorite thing would be for me to acquire a private plane. What for? To fly from the WG to the store? Complete nonsense. But he talked to an aircraft company. In a nutshell: For advertising purposes, they fly us home in a private jet. The latest model of Learjet."
Silence spread in the limousine, then suddenly everyone spoke in confusion. None of them had expected anything like this.
"To be perfectly clear," Antje said when the others had calmed down a bit, "I'm not buying this plane, no matter what Mortimer says. We have our life and we want to keep it that way. The vacation was really cool, I agree with you. But on Monday Karin is back in her workshop, Beate is in the hospital, Trixie is with her Mr. Vossen, Siggi is a carpenter again and I open the store at 11 o'clock sharp. Only Natalie doesn't fly back home until Monday."
Everyone agreed with her. They wanted to go on living as before. And then Karin reminded them that the remodeled WG was still waiting for them. No one had remembered that there was still something waiting for them.

Chapter 32
Antje had arranged everything with the chauffeur service, and so not only was a limousine waiting for them at the airport, but also a VW Bulli for their now really extensive luggage. Each had one or two bags of clothes in addition to their two suitcases. Also waiting for them was an employee of Antje's chemical factory, who was there to take care of any customs matters. He got a mountain of receipts from the girlfriends for their purchases. Trixie had entered all the receipts into her laptop during the flight and gave him the list on a USB stick. He would then take care of the proper processing.
When they arrived back in Cologne, they were of course curious to see what their apartment looked like now. Antje had not told them all the details. She simply enjoyed surprising her friends. They unloaded the suitcases from the van on the street level and got everything into the elevator. Antje and Siggi took the first tour upstairs and put the suitcases in the hallway. Then, one by one, the other suitcases came upstairs and finally the girlfriends came up.
None of them wanted to go to their room first, but they let Antje go first. Siggi had quickly fetched a tray of champagne and glasses from the kitchen at Antje's request, and so they walked together to the door to the back area in her playroom. There, Antje awkwardly opened the champagne and calmly poured the glasses. She loved to keep her friends in suspense like this.
"Now come on," Karin urged.
"Take it easy," Antje replied. "First, a toast to the wonderful vacation and to the dedication of the new part of the apartment."
They clinked glasses, but Antje realized she really couldn't stop the others now. She opened the door and walked slowly. The first part was a hallway like the one at the front of their bedrooms. On the right and on the left there were two doors. Antje opened the first door on the left and entered the room, followed by the others. On the left now stood the washing machine and the dryer, in addition a large table, at the window side an ironing board. On the right side were shelves.
"Here we can store mainly the suitcases and larger parts," Antje explained. The others followed her into the second room. Here there were two rows of shelves and at the front were two large new freezers.
Then they went into the first room on the right. Beate was thrilled. Here was a real couch for the treatment, which could also be electrically moved down or up. On the side were cabinets and shelves.
"How did you manage that in such a short time," Beate marveled. Antje just smiled and everyone understood that it was just a matter of bonus. >From this room we went to a small storage room, which was already filled with various medical supplies. However, this room was not accessible from the hallway. Prescription drugs were not available, of course, but everything else was, up to a defibrillator and an ECG.
The second door on the right led into a tiny room filled with electronics. "This is the control center for our solar power system. We can use the electricity ourselves or store it up to a certain amount as well. The rest then goes into the public grid," Antje explained. Trixie was especially interested in the technical side.
After that, we went to an open area that was still completely empty. "This is where our fitness area goes," Antje explained. "I didn't want the workers to go into our apartment, there would have been STUPID questions. Only the architect has been with us with two of his employees and has made a few minor changes. This means that we have to move the fitness equipment ourselves in the next few days. This also applies to the old supply room. Siggi can then convert the rooms into more bedrooms. But she already knows that."
Attached to the fitness area was another large sauna complete with plunge pool and shower. Behind it was a new door. When Antje opened it, everyone was stunned. The ceiling to the roof had been removed and the old roof had been replaced by huge glass elements. "The roof elements can be pushed into each other," Antje explained. "Then we have a kind of penthouse here."
There were several normal loungers but also two solariums. Opposite, a whirlpool had been built in, into which they all fit, and then came the highlight. Across the entire width of the room there was a swimming pool, a good 10 meters long and 4 meters wide in total, with a rim about a meter wide all around as a running surface. Some steps led up from the normal level to this edge.
They stood there stunned for a moment, then Siggi literally tore off his clothes and ran to the pool. Without a second's hesitation she jumped in and after a few moments came splashing back to the surface at the other end. "It's wonderful," she exclaimed enthusiastically. Two minutes later, everyone was with her in the pool.
Antje also had the roof raised once, but now in December it was actually too cold for that. Beate went to the front again and got another bottle of champagne and the glasses and they then had another drink in the pool. Everyone thanked Antje, not only for the remodeling but also for the great vacation, which was rather unpleasant for her.
They spent the rest of the weekend unpacking their suitcases. They soon realized, however, that Siggi would probably have to build additional cabinets. In between they visited the pool again and again and Siggi tried out the sauna together with Karin and Antje.
Nevertheless, this weekend also came to an end at some point. On Monday morning Beate had early duty and also Siggi and Trixie went to their work. Antje and Karin, who didn't open the store until noon, took Natalie to the airport beforehand.
Trixie was already in the office shortly before eight o'clock. Mr. Vossen arrived just a few minutes later. He told her about his SQL course. He had been excited about the course and was now bubbling over with ideas on how to improve the future program. Trixie listened patiently and took notes. Some of the ideas really weren't bad.
When she got home in the evening, she met Beate in the underground parking garage. Beate had done some more shopping and Trixie helped her carry it upstairs. In the kitchen they found a note from Karin, who was the mistress this week. She ordered them to undress and put on heavy chains. This order also applied to Siggi, if she would come later. Of course they obeyed this order immediately, even before they put away the groceries. This was also a sign that everything should go as usual.
They were still busy putting away the groceries when they heard the apartment door open. Actually, it was still a little too early for Siggi, but then they heard her calling for them: "Beate, Trixie, are you there already? Please come here quickly, I need help urgently!"

Chapter 33
Beate and Trixie could already tell from Siggi's tone that it was really an emergency. They ran as fast as their chains would allow into the hallway. There they found Siggi with a woman dressed in rags. Siggi had to support the woman because she was apparently too weak to hold herself up. Trixie helped Siggi hold the woman.
"Into the treatment room," Siggi asked.
Beate looked at the woman for two seconds. "No, better to the outside room. I don't see any obvious injuries. What happened? Who is this and where did she come from?"
"I'll explain in a minute," Siggi gasped. "First I need to catch my breath and the woman had best be on a bed."
Together with Trixie, Siggi took the woman to the stranger's room and laid her on the bed there. Only now Trixie and Beate could see her face, because before the long hair had covered it. They estimated her to be about 30 years old. She was pale and had sunken cheeks and dark circles around her eyes.
Beate began to carefully undress the woman. She resisted quite easily, but even with chains Beate had no trouble getting her way. In the meantime, Siggi went to the kitchen and got the keys to the girlfriends' chains. The woman said something, but it was unintelligible.
"I think she's asking why we're naked," Trixie guessed. "That apparently scares her."
"There's nothing we can do about that right now," Beate explained. By now, the woman was also naked except for a pair of panties she had apparently been wearing for some time. She had not worn a bra. Beate noticed that the woman was shivering. She concluded that she was slightly hypothermic, since the thermometer had been hovering around freezing for the last few days. In addition, they all now saw that the woman was emaciated. Her body had a multitude of fading bruises. "Obviously she's been abused."
Beate sent Siggi to the kitchen, where she was to heat up a chicken soup they had recently frozen. "Not too hot, it won't do any good if she burns her mouth. Just stick a finger in to see if it's not too hot."
Trixie was sent to Beate's room where she was to retrieve her cell phone. When she brought it, Beate quickly picked out a contact and called, "Hello Doctor Kiefer, Beate here. I need a favor from you. Can you please come over to my apartment real quick, there's something I need you to look at. But please don't say anything to anyone. I don't know much either, but it would be good if you came quickly."
"Do you want me to get us something to wear," asked Trixie, who was worried about someone stranger seeing them all running around here naked in the apartment.
"You can get us robes, but it's not really necessary. He's already seen you naked and he's even f*cked you. You know Dr. Kiefer as Dieter."
"The one from the dungeon, perhaps?"
"That's the one."
Still, Trixie quickly went to her room. Without further ado, she put on a pair of gym shorts and a T-shirt, and then went to get a bathrobe for Beate. When the doorbell rang shortly afterwards, Trixie opened it after checking the monitor to make sure that it was really Dieter, who had bought her at the auction in the dungeon and then, together with his wife, had given her quite a beating.
When Dr. Kiefer entered the apartment, Trixie was red-faced. But he only gave her a fleeting kiss and a light pat on the buttocks. "Well, where's the fire?"
Trixie led him into the stranger's room, where Siggi was meanwhile pouring the woman some soup. "Hello Dieter," Siggi greeted him, since she also knew him from the dungeon.
Beate was a bit more professional, which seemed appropriate to her, and greeted him "Hello Dr. Kiefer. This is Tatiana, she is from Murmansk, Russia. But that's all we know so far. Take a look at her body, please."
Dr. Kiefer took a stethoscope from his doctor's bag and examined Tatiana very carefully. "Severe abuse. And she must have been starving recently. I should also examine her genitals, but I guess that would only frighten her. Even so, I know she's been raped."
"What should we do with her," Beate inquired, though she knew the answers.
"To the hospital is probably out of the question," Dr. Kiefer guessed.
"Better not. It's a gut feeling," Beate agreed.
"Well, you should build her up slowly then. Washing, clean clothes, light food at first but as often as possible, but only a little at a time. The stomach must first get used to the food again. What worries me is that she's from Murmansk."
"Why?" asked Trixie.
"That's where the Red Fleet is, and that's where they're scrapping her. That means a lot of radioactivity because they don't care that much about environmental protection. I need to take some blood samples for the lab. Vitamin shots and bed rest. Maybe it would be better if you took the blood samples, Beate. She might be less afraid with a woman. I'll take the samples to the lab later and call you tomorrow at the station. OK?"
Dr. Kiefer then said goodbye to take the blood samples to the lab. Beate decided to let Tatiana rest a bit more first. Siggi brought a second plate of the chicken soup. This time Tatiana tried to use the spoon herself, but she was still shaking and then let herself be fed. Siggi then wanted to explain where Tatiana came from, but Beate said that Siggi should wait a little longer, since Antje and Karin would be coming soon and then Siggi wouldn't have to tell everything twice.
Tatiana ate about half of the soup, then sank exhausted into the pillows and fell asleep. Beate gave Trixie and Siggi a sign, then they left the room after turning out the light.
When Antje and Karin came home, they sat down in the kitchen and Siggi then told them what had happened: "You remember the doghouse that Trixie lived in a few months ago. The hut is still outside the workshop on the left side. Everything was normal today, but around 3:30 a.m. a delivery man came and brought me the wood I need for the new cabinets. As we were unloading the stuff, I noticed more out of the corner of my eye a movement in the doghouse. Then when the guy was gone, I went to check it out. I was pretty startled at first. But somehow I had the impression that it wasn't some bum who had taken up residence there, but that something else was behind it. What exactly, I still don't know."
"Didn't she say anything," Karin asked.
"It was totally incoherent. She may have escaped somewhere and she's terrified of being hit. She doesn't want to be taken back, but where, I don't know. Then she said something about men, but that was incoherent too."
"I have a very dim idea," Beate agreed. "But I want to try to get more out of her first."
"Say it, even if you're completely off the mark," Siggi now demanded.
"Well," Beate said, "she's from Russia, has been beaten and probably raped and held captive. That fits a forced prostitute. I've heard of cases like that. Young women are either kidnapped or recruited under false pretenses and then end up in some brothels."
"That's disgusting," Trixie agreed. "Do you think something like that was done to her?"
Beate shrugged. "Would fit, but like I said, we need to know more first."
"In any case, one of us should stay home and take care of her for the next few days," Antje said. "The store opens around 11, Karin might be a little later. What time does your shift end, Beate?"
"Around four."
"I could leave from about one or half past two at the company this week," Trixie offered, "I don't have set hours, except on Friday."
"Okay, let's do it that way then," Antje said. "Karin and I will then put her in the shower together tomorrow, two of us should be able to do that."
Beate checked on her guest periodically that evening, but Tatiana seemed to be fast asleep. Siggi cooked semolina porridge and put the bowl with a spoon on her bedside table so that she would have something to eat at night. They also put another bottle of fruit juice next to her bed.
When Beate went on duty the next morning, Tatiana was still asleep, but when Siggi got up a short time later and checked on her, she was awake. She was anxious and asked where she was. But Siggi calmed her down and sat on her bed. Shortly after, Trixie also came to check on her. They both talked to Tatiana, but something seemed to irritate the young woman. But from their conversation it came out that Beate had apparently been right with her guess. Then Karin also joined them. She was wearing a bathrobe for once, which apparently calmed Tatiana down a bit. It dawned on Trixie that it worried Tatiana that she and Siggi were naked as usual. Apparently Tatiana feared that she had ended up in a brothel again, where everyone had to be naked. Trixie whispered to Siggi that they should get dressed first and then they could come back. Maybe that would calm Tatiana down.
In fact, Tatiana calmed down a bit when Siggi and Trixie sat next to her in their everyday clothes. Antje then joined them, she too in her bathrobe. Trixie prepared breakfast for Tatiana with toast and scrambled eggs, plus coffee and orange juice. Tatiana was still very weak, but managed to eat it all. Siggi and Trixie then went to have breakfast themselves and then left the apartment while Antje and Karin continued to take care of Tatiana.
They learned that Tatiana had been an accountant in a small business near Murmansk. On the weekends, she often went to one of the discos that had been opened there in the meantime. One day she had been drinking with a nice young man and suddenly fainted. When she woke up again, she was tied up in a cellar.
In this cellar she had been raped by the man and his friends and later sold to another man. She had been smuggled in a truck to the West, where she was passed onto the next man. This man ran a brothel. All his women had been subdued by him by force. Tatiana had been beaten and whipped several times until she finally did what he wanted. After a few weeks, one of this man's customers had been careless and she had escaped. She didn't know where to go, though. She didn't want to turn to the police, since they tended to work with the mafia in Russia. By chance, she had found the doghouse at Siggi's workshop and then hid there for over a week.
Antje and Karin assured her that she was safe in the WG. Tatiana was unsure, however, because she had seen some of them walking around naked. She still feared that she had ended up in a brothel again.
"Please, you have this completely wrong," Antje explained. "We are just friends living here together. We've all had bad experiences but we've developed our own way of life from them. We just like to have sex, and we all have a preference for quite rough sex. But it's all voluntary."
"I thought you were something like slaves," Tatiana replied.
Now Karin had to laugh. "You're right about that. We are slaves. At least temporarily. This week I am the mistress here and the others are my slaves. Until next Sunday evening. Then after that, Trixie will be the mistress. That's the little redhead. Then I will be a slave again. And after that Beate, the blonde is the mistress. But no one will be forced to do anything."
"That's crazy," Tatiana agreed.
"Maybe, but we like it," said Antje. "We all have normal jobs, at least more or less. I have a store where I sell fetish clothes. Karin is my employee there. But now, this week, she's my mistress and I follow her orders."
Tatiana shook her head. "I don't understand that yet. But something else: Can I go to the bathroom?"
"Of course. We'll prop you up until then. And how about a hot shower afterwards? You smell pretty bad."
Tatiana agreed. Karin then joined her in the shower as well. Afterwards they gave her clean underwear and a bathrobe and slippers. Then it was also time for Antje to go to the store. Karin sat down with Tatiana in the living room.
"It's all very nice here and so clean," Tatiana commented.
"Shall I show you the whole apartment," Karin offered, "We just had a lot of things remodeled, and we're not quite finished yet. But you'll make eyes."
Together they first went to the kitchen, which Tatiana was thrilled to see. Then Karin showed Tatiana her room and let her look around thoroughly. After that, she opened the others' rooms, but said that since these were their rooms, she was only allowed a quick look inside, which Tatiana understood. Since the five had already moved the fitness equipment over the weekend, this room was empty and Karin explained what was to be done there.
When they entered the playroom, Karin wanted to quickly usher Tatiana through, but she looked at the equipment there. "What is this?" she wanted to know.
"Antje told you earlier that we're into some pretty rough sex. Well, that's what's taking place here."
Tatiana looked at her doubtfully, but then looked at the next devices. Karin also opened a few cabinets and showed her chains, whips and more.
"And all voluntary?" Tatiana asked.
"One hundred percent. Nobody is forced to do anything. Everyone has their own limits, for me the others are usually a little too soft. But we get it done."
Then she showed Tatiana the treatment room and the supply rooms. But when they got to the spa area with the whirlpool and swimming pool and sauna, it was almost beyond Tatiana's comprehension. "This is all just for you guys?" she asked.
"Yes. Actually, it's all Antje's, she's crazy rich. But she's sharing it with us."
"Is she part of the mafia?" Tatiana wanted to know.
Karin started laughing out loud. She couldn't contain herself at all. "No," she said when she had calmed down a bit, "Antje and Mafia, that doesn't work at all. Antje is the most honest person you can imagine. She won't even file a false receipt with the IRS."
Tatiana looked at the swimming pool. "Are we allowed in there, or do we have to ask permission?"
Karin ripped off her clothes. "Come with me," she called. Tatiana also quickly undressed and followed Karin.
After swimming, Karin made lunch for them both. Tatiana laid down for a bit afterwards and soon fell asleep. When Trixie came to relieve Karin, she first looked into the stranger's room only briefly and then went to the kitchen.
That evening they all sat together with Tatiana in the living room and she repeated her story. She also told about her past, about growing up in an orphanage and about her dreams. She wanted to travel and see the world and she wished for a more beautiful life than the one she had led so far. She knew that this was not possible without work, but she was ready for anything, except to work as a prostitute. However, she had no illusions that she would have an easy time in the West with her education.
That Tatiana had been kept as a forced prostitute gnawed at them all. "We'll have to do something about that," Siggi said.
"Are there other women in your situation," Antje inquired.
"Yes, there were eight of us," Tatiana replied.
"Who can we turn to?" Antje asked, looking at Beate.
"Police," was the answer. Tatiana was frightened and everyone saw it on her face. "You don't have to be afraid here," Siggi said, "We will turn to whom we can trust one hundred percent. The police here are not corrupt. And we can protect you."
Suddenly Karin said, "Antje, there used to be this guy, a senior prosecutor or something, who ordered this see-through latex costume. Minte or something like that."
"I know who you mean," Antje said after a moment's thought. "Mintlein. Yeah, he'd be good. He can also make sure Tatiana is protected. I know where his office is. I'll pay him a visit tomorrow."
They had to persist longer with Tatiana, who was very frightened. But she realized that if possible she had to help her fellow sufferers.
The next morning, Antje set out around nine to visit Mr. Mintlein. He was a little confused and embarrassed when he recognized Antje, but after she explained what it was all about, he immediately composed himself. He picked up the phone and called the responsible police station. Within half an hour, four high-ranking police officers were in his office listening to Antje's report. Tatiana had fortunately remembered the address of the house from which she had run away. Before noon, an inconspicuous observation was set up.
Antje promised Mr. Mintlein to talk to Tatiana so that she would testify to him and also in court. In return, however, she demanded a new identity and passport for Tatiana. In addition, she would testify in court only in disguise. Mr. Mintlein agreed to the conditions.
Antje drove back to the apartment. She sent Karin to the store and then discussed everything with Tatiana. It took her quite a long time to convince her that she could trust Mr. Mintlein and the police. Antje didn't go to the store until Trixie came to relieve her.
Trixie and Tatiana talked all afternoon. Trixie also told Tatiana her own story. That Trixie had been in prison until a few months ago stunned Tatiana. And her experiences since then were almost more than she could believe.
Finally, Tatiana asked very carefully and sheepishly, "Tell me, there in that playroom, there was a device like that. Karin called it a pony. May I try it out?"
"Of course you're welcome to try it out. But I can only warn you. It hurts like hell. I sat on it for an hour once and it was really hard."
"But did it excite you? Did you have an org*sm?"
"Yeah, I did. But to start with something like that right away, I think that's wrong."
"It's not like I'm going to start with it," Tatiana said.
"I don't understand," said Trixie.
"At home, in Murmansk, in my room, I sometimes tied ropes around my belly and then between my legs from front to back," Tatiana confessed with her head high.
Trixie looked at Tatiana with her mouth open. Then she recovered from the shock. "Then let's go."

Chapter 34 Liberation
When Beate came home from work, she went to the guest room to check on Tatiana. Not finding her there, she thought Trixie was safely at the pool with Tatiana and headed there. But when she got to the playroom, she found the two of them already there. The sight took her breath away.
Tatiana was sitting on the pony, her arms tied behind her back and pulled up to the ceiling with a rope, so that she had to bend her upper body far forward and thus sit right with her pubic on the crossbar. Trixie had also clamped alligator clips with weights to her nipples.
"Are you crazy?" Beate asked in horror. Tatiana's body showed countless marks of the abuse she had endured before she had run away.
"I wanted that," Tatiana said somewhat wearily. "It really appealed to me."
"How long has she been sitting there like that?" Beate wanted to know.
"Longer than I'd like," Trixie confessed. "But she won't give up."
"That's enough," Beate put her foot down. "You're coming down from there now. You're nowhere near ready to play games like this."
Together, Trixie and Beate lifted Tatiana off the pony. Tatiana struggled slightly as she stood back on her own two feet. Nevertheless, she smiled at Beate and thanked Trixie for her help as well.
Beate shooed Tatiana into her treatment room and had her lie down on the couch there. Then she began to massage Tatiana. She started at the back of her neck and gently worked her way down. She felt that Tatiana was severely emaciated and the bones were much too close under the skin. When she was done with the massage, she handed Tatiana a bathrobe.
"Can't I stay naked instead?" Tatiana asked. "You all usually walk around here naked, too. Trixie confirmed that to me, too. In the last few days you've put on some clothes out of consideration for me, but I don't want to inconvenience you."
"You're not inconveniencing us," Beate replied, "But if you really don't mind, then we can go back to walking around like we always do. But if you get cold, at least put a blanket on, promise?"
They then walked together into the living room, where Trixie was already waiting for them. Beate shooed Trixie into one of the cages. Immediately, Tatiana also got down on her knees and crawled to the cage that was next to Trixie's. Beate opened the cage for her and let her crawl inside. They then talked and Tatiana described her self-bondage efforts in her small apartment in Murmansk. Later, Siggi joined them, and finally Antje and Karin. When Karin saw the scene in the living room, she went to her room and came back shortly in her iron chastity belt and heavy chains.
"I am the mistress this week," she explained, "But I missed that for a while. You couldn't do that in Dubai, after all, and here we did almost nothing for the week. I need that now."
Everyone thought it was good that they could walk around naked again as usual. Later, the doorbell rang. Beate went to look, then let Dr. Kiefer in. He came into the living room. "This is kind of what I imagined this place would be like," he said as he looked around. "A dream, even if I only get to look and not touch."
Tatiana was let out of the cage. She stood in front of Dr. Kiefer, who looked her over thoroughly. He saw the fresh bruises on her breasts and pubic area. When he raised his eyebrows, Tatiana hastened to assure him that everything was fine and that these were just insignificant marks from a game.
"I see," he said with a grin. "I don't know if Trixie told you what my wife did to her a few months ago. Anyway, I'm not shocked by this, but I'm asking that you really back off a bit. At least until you put on a little, say, five pounds. But other than that, I can give you the all-clear. You only got bruises from your tormentors but no venereal disease. But there are still a few minor problems, but they are really manageable: First of all, you need vitamins. Besides lots of fruits and vegetables, you also need a vitamin supplement. I brought you some. And I would suggest that your family doctor give you a complete set of vaccinations: measles, mumps and all the childhood diseases. I tend to be a little leery of Russian vaccinations. In itself, however, I was more concerned about how you mentally cope with the past months. But if you join the games here, I don't have to worry so much about that. I'm sure Beate will keep an eye on things. If something happens, she can talk to me or a colleague."
Then Dr. Kiefer wanted to leave again, but Karin stopped him for a moment. "Dieter, can I talk to you again in private for a moment?"
Dr. Kiefer nodded and Karin left the living room with him. About a quarter of an hour later, the others heard Karin say goodbye to Dr. Kiefer at the door and thank him. Even before Karin came back into the living room, Siggi said, "Tatiana, don't be alarmed. Karin is just a bit extreme." Tatiana but also Trixie looked questioningly at Siggi, while Beate got up and walked towards the door. "I'll be right back with everything."
Karin entered the living room. Antje walked over to her, grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around so Tatiana and Trixie could see her back. It was covered with welts, a whole row bleeding.
"Now was that necessary?" Antje asked.
"Yes, slave," Karin replied. "How dare you question your mistress' actions?"
Beate also came back. She had disinfecting materials and band-aids with her. "Twenty?" she asked.
"Thirty," Karin replied with a grin.
Then on Friday evening, as usual, they sat in the kitchen for their weekly meeting. Tatiana was also there, of course. Karin, as mistress on duty, presided. "So, tomorrow it's first cleaning as usual. Later, we'll go to the store. We'll all meet there at two o'clock. If we close on time, we can easily make it to the grace yard by three. That's where the inauguration of the dog area will take place. Beate, can you buy some clothes for Tatiana in the morning? And on Sunday Siggi and Tatiana can go to Roermond. And do some shopping there."
"I don't need anything," Tatiana protested, "and I don't have any money."
"Not this discussion again," Antje groaned. "We've already had it with Trixie. Trixie, you should explain to Tatiana how this works."
"Can I go with you to Roermond on Sunday," asked Trixie.
"Sure," Karin agreed. "Anyone else? You guys can take the van."
"What are we going to do in Roermond," asked Tatiana.
"Shopping," said Siggi.
"I thought the stores were closed here on Sunday," said Tatiana, uncertainly.
"Roermond is in Holland," Trixie explained, "Different rules apply there."
Then on Saturday, everyone started cleaning. It was Trixie and Tatiana's turn to do the hallway and the wellness area. Tatiana went to the kitchen once in between to get another pick-up. When she returned, she was confused. "You, Trixie, When I was just in the kitchen, Antje was kneeling on the floor mopping it up."
"Yeah, so? Does she do it thoroughly or were there spots she left out?"
"You said she was so rich," Tatiana agreed.
"It doesn't matter. When it's her turn to do the bathrooms, she even cleans the toilets. There's no extra sausage for her. But I know what you mean. I checked her once when she was cleaning, and because I found something that wasn't a hundred percent, I had to give her a couple with the cane."
"You hit her with a cane," Tatiana asked.
Later, Trixie still asked Tatiana to help her in the garage. They rode the elevator down together, both naked, although Tatiana was very self-conscious. The red Mini was loaded to the driver's seat with packages. Trixie explained that the packages had to be transferred to the van. "What's all this," Tatiana asked.
"We're going to the sanctuary later. I put a call for donations on the bulletin board at the company on Monday, asking for in-kind donations. Most of it is the result of that. But on the way home yesterday, I stopped at a dog food store and did some shopping."
"What's the mercy yard? You guys keep talking about it, but I don't even know what it's about."
Trixie now explained to Tatiana what the mercy yard was all about. "You do that for animals?" Tatiana asked in amazement. Trixie then went on to tell her about the various actions she and the others had done for this good cause.
When they were back in the apartment, Beate was also back with some clothes. Tatiana looked at the things. "I never had clothes this good at home," she enthused. Beate had gotten two pairs of jeans, a couple of sweaters, warm boots with fur inserts, and a thick parka. The clothes were just right for that day because it was sunny but quite cold.
They later drove to the store to pick up Antje and Karin. Tatiana visited Antje's store in amazement. Some of the items there attracted her like magic, which the others noted with amusem*nt.
Then they went on to the farm. There was a real hustle and bustle going on. Hundreds of visitors were present. The director of the farm greeted them enthusiastically. They unloaded their gifts at the office, but Trixie took a big bag with treats for the dogs but also carrots and apples for the other animals. Antje inconspicuously slipped the manager an envelope. When he looked inside, he gave Antje a big hug and a kiss.
Then they walked around the farm. They handed out treats to the animals and enjoyed the day. Trixie noticed that quite a few of her colleagues were there too, which was probably a result of her posting. Even Director Bergmann had come and Trixie greeted him. She showed him the pond that she and her friends had dug, and she even told him the specifics. Mr. Bergmann looked at her and said, "I would have liked to have watched. But for the life of me, I can't rule out the possibility that I would have remembered seeing it."
As it was getting dark, the friends headed back toward the WG. But at Beate's suggestion, they stopped at a restaurant and ended the day there.
On Sunday, they all slept a little longer. After breakfast, Trixie approached Siggi about leaving. To her surprise, however, there was a slight change of plans. Instead of Siggi, Karin drove with them to Roermond. Siggi explained somewhat unclearly that she had something important to do.
In Roermond, once again, all hell broke loose. Already on the approach to the outlet center there was a traffic jam. When they finally parked, it was already after eleven o'clock. Tatiana was amazed at how many people were here on a Sunday. They visited various stores. It was really fun for Trixie and Karin to buy something for Tatiana, as she was happy like a little child about every item. One jacket they bought she immediately put on and strutted around in it. During the break they took in a restaurant, Tatiana didn't even want to take the jacket off, even though it was well heated there.
Later, as usual, they went to the supermarket, which was about two kilometers away from the outlet. After they had finished their shopping list there and were just returning the shopping cart to the market, Trixie's gaze fell on the electronics market, which was located in the same complex. She nudged Karin and briefly pointed her head in that direction. Karin understood and so the two of them pulled Tatiana into the electronics market. An hour later, an iPod with headphones and a cell phone were in the basket. Tatiana also had to drag a package with a laptop to the checkout. When she burst into tears, Trixie and Karin took her in the middle and hugged her warmly. Tatiana felt like she was in seventh heaven. But neither Trixie nor Tatiana had any idea of the surprise that awaited Tatiana in the WG. Only Karin was in on it.
Back in Cologne, Trixie and Tatiana headed for the stranger's room. To their surprise, however, the door was locked. Tatiana was helpless and didn't know what that meant. She feared that she would have to leave the WG. When Trixie went to the kitchen, she found the others looking worn out. A little tired, they rose.
Siggi grabbed Tatiana's arm and led her to the former supply room next to Beate's room. "We are of the opinion that you will stay here with us for quite some time. Whether permanently or not, we can't say, of course. But until then, we think the little guest room is not for you. It's much too small and the furniture is really old."
Tatiana protested. "But this room is so great. It's much bigger and nicer than my room was in Murmansk."
"Maybe," Antje interjected, "But still. The storeroom was going to be remodeled into a WG room anyway. Most of it was already prepared. And Siggi had already stored the furniture in her workshop for some time. So we got all the stuff and built it up. We only needed to buy a new carpet." She opened the door and pushed Tatiana into her new room. They saw the large room, the new furniture and the generous decor that rivaled that of the other rooms. With tears in her eyes, she turned to her friends and hugged them in turn.
On Monday, however, Tatiana's past caught up with her again. Trixie and Siggi had already left for work and Beate was also slowly getting ready when Mr. Mintlein, the prosecutor, called. He asked to be allowed to speak to Tatiana together with a detective. Antje and Karin could gladly be there. With a heavy heart, Tatiana agreed.
Shortly thereafter, Mr. Mintlein and the commissioner arrived at the WG. They reported that the observation of the address mentioned by Tatiana had already provided important information. They explained that they wanted to strike that very day. But they asked Tatiana to help them. She should sit in one of the observation vehicles and add her knowledge. It was important that all the perpetrators were gathered there. Tatiana was terrified that she should go there. She was incredibly scared, but Antje and Karin talked her down. Finally, Antje made a compromise proposal, which Tatiana very reluctantly accepted.
At Antje's suggestion, they drove the WG's van to the vicinity of the address. Karin stayed behind the wheel the whole time and the key was in the ignition. Antje sat with Tatiana, Mr. Mintlein and the commissioner in the darkened part of the van. On the way, two armed policemen joined the group in the car. They also brought bulletproof vests for everyone and several handheld radios. Karin parked the van about a hundred meters from the entrance on the opposite side of the street. It was agreed that they should leave the scene ten minutes before the planned action.
All day they watched the entrance with binoculars. Tatiana identified several men and a woman who left and later re-entered the house. Mr. Mintlein had stayed with them and spoke over the radio with the SEK squad that would storm the house. Finally, he instructed Karin to start the car and drive back to the WG.
But Tatiana suddenly said, "Stop."
Astonished, everyone looked back at her. "What is it," Karin asked.
"I want to see," said Tatiana.
Karin looked at her. She could tell Tatiana was having a hard time saying it, but she could also see her determination. She nodded to Mr. Mintlein and he gave the command.
Suddenly, two VW buses pulled up in front of the house and a dozen men jumped out. Within seconds, the front door was smashed in with a battering ram and the men stormed the building. A few minutes later, the message came from the radio that everything was secured and that the victims of the criminals were being brought out. Some ambulances came and stopped in front of the house. Karin counted nine women who were taken out of the house and put into the ambulances.
"Didn't you say there were eight of you?" Karin asked. Tatiana nodded.
"What's going on?" asked Mr. Mintlein over the radio. "It's not all clear yet, we have to investigate thoroughly first. The nine women were chained in a room there. From what we've learned on the fly, two more women joined them last week."
"What happens to them now," Tatiana asked.
"They're going to the hospital first, and later to a rehab clinic. They need to be taken care of medically and also psychologically. We will offer them all that they can either go home or get a residence permit for Germany. Probably they can also get a German passport. I will treat this very generously, trust me."
"And the criminals?"
They'll end up in jail. It will take two or three months until the trial. They'll probably get eight to twelve years. Unless we find out more, like murders or something. I don't want to rule that out, with this scum. And after the verdict, we'll make them an offer."
"What kind of offer?" Tatiana wanted to know.
"If they talk, they can serve their sentence here. If not, they'll go to Russia. There are arrangements with the authorities. Compared to Russia, a stay in a German prison is like a stay in a health resort. With luck, we can break up the whole organization."
"And what about me?" wanted to know Tatiana.
"Well, you'll stay in the WG for now until the trial, that's what we agreed. You'll also get a kind of salary until then. And after that we'll see, but don't worry, we'll find something suitable," said Mr. Mintlein.
"And we're still here," said Karin, stroking Tatiana's hair.

Chapter 35 The Mistress Again
This week was the second time Trixie was the mistress. She gave her friends a series of rather innocuous instructions, taking care not to give instructions that lasted longer than the following day, as she had the first time. Tatiana had asked to receive such instructions as well, but especially with her Trixie was careful not to be too strict. On Tuesday, she put heavy hand and foot cuffs on her and ordered her to clean the spa area thoroughly. She told her, however, that she was only allowed to work for a maximum of one hour at a time and then take a break for an hour. Siggi overheard the orders and whispered to Trixie that this was very appropriate for Tatiana. However, Trixie was definitely not to do anything with cleaning or the like on the other days so that Tatiana would not feel exploited as a cleaning lady.
When Trixie came home after work, Beate was already there. She asked Trixie if she could talk to her in the kitchen. Since Christmas was coming soon, she wanted to talk slowly about the preparations. Trixie had time, but she suggested that Tatiana also join the conversation. That would involve her more in the WG and she would also see that they placed great value on her opinion as well. So the three of them then sat down at the kitchen table.
"Well," Beate began, "we always put up a Christmas tree with a root ball in the hallway. Then, on the days before Christmas, we decorate it. We have a nursery that delivers us a great tree every year with a very large root ball, so that it also grows safely later. It will go to the small forest on Antje's gravel pit at the beginning of January, where we have already played a few times. We'll have to see who participates in decorating the tree.
"Can I join in on that?" Tatiana asked. "It's not like I have anything to do, and that would be really fun for me."
"If you like, it's no problem. We have the decorations in a couple of boxes in the garage," said Beate. "About the presents. That's mostly for you, Trixie. With us there are no gifts at all. What could we give Antje, for example, she has everything. And the rest of us always buy what we need. That's why we said right at the beginning of the WG that we would avoid this stress. But what we do have is first-class food. And plenty of it. But most of the time none of us really wants to cook. I'll do some on the holidays, but I have a double shift on the 24th."
"Why is that," Trixie asked. "Of all days."
"It's perfect in reality," Beate explained. I start at six in the morning and finish at nine in the evening. The people with kids then have a chance to celebrate at home with their loved ones. The hospital discharges as many patients as possible anyway, and there are no scheduled surgeries or anything. Only if there is an emergency. To make up for it, I have the following two days off, and on New Year's Eve I'm off from one in the afternoon and we can celebrate into the New Year."
"That sounds really reasonable, so everyone is served," Trixie said.
"Trixie, I've noticed you're a pretty good cook. Would you be interested in cooking some things for Christmas? Nothing too elaborate, though. High quality, but time saving, if you know what I mean."
"Sure, I'd enjoy that. How about a turkey and potato casserole to go with it. That'll leave something for a second day that's tasty, too. And it's not a lot of work."
"What's a turkey," Tatiana asked.
"A turkey is kind of like a big version of a chicken," Trixie explained. "A very big version."
"A turkey? That's a lot of work, isn't it?" said Beate, "Would be relatively lean meat without much fat, of course. But isn't it dry? And potato casserole? Sounds good, too. But there, too, I'm afraid you'll make too much work for yourself."
"Let me worry about that. I've got a perfect recipe that takes no more than half an hour for the turkey to be in the oven. Of course, without the shopping. Do you know a farmer that raises turkeys around here? And the potato casserole isn't much more work either. I need jacket potatoes for it, though. Maybe Tatiana can help me peel them there?"
"Absolutely," Tatiana said enthusiastically. "I can't wait to see how you do it."
"And that's supposed to be ready around 9:30? Since we have the second oven now, where the washing machine used to be, it's easy to prepare it in parallel. Before, I would have had to prepare the casserole in the microwave, which also has convection."
"Yes, when I get off work, I come as quickly as I can. But the others are sure to be hungry by then.
"Well," Beate said, still a bit skeptical. "What else do we have to think about? Antje will definitely take care of the drinks, for both parties. I don't need to tell you that you can expect quite a bit there."
"How about homemade cookies," Trixie suggested.
"Do you have a flash recipe for that, too," Beate asked.
"Something like that. But it's going to take two or three evenings."
"I know a recipe, too," Tatiana interjected. "If we can buy the ingredients together, I'll have another day to do it."
"This is working out better than I would have thought," Beate said. "And on New Year's Eve, we traditionally have fondue. There'll be seven of us, so we can make a fat fondue and a cooking fondue at the same time."
"Seven of us? Is Gaby coming?" asked Trixie.
"No, I asked her, but she doesn't want to. Not yet. Too bad, but she needs some more time. But Natalie is coming."
"What, Natalie? Great!" Trixie was looking forward to it.
The next day, Trixie came home from work at the same time as usual. She said nothing to Beate, who was also already home, but locked her and Tatiana in the cages in the living room. The two thought nothing of it. Once they were in the cages, Trixie took the elevator to the garage and got a rather large but flat package from her car and hid it in her room under the bed. She planned to have fun with her friends in the playroom on the weekend and prepared a surprise for Karin, who could never have a hard enough time.
She also secretly went into Karin's room once and opened her closet where she kept her toys. She found the TENS device that Karin had bought after the visit to the dungeon. Trixi opened the case that contained the device and stole the instruction manual, which she studied that evening. She made some notes to take with her the next day when she visited an electronics store.
On Saturday, everything started as usual. However, Trixie ordered everyone to do the cleaning in heavy chains. Since Beate had been on night shift, Trixie had Tatiana help her with her precinct. The others thought that it would probably be relatively easy on Trixie that weekend. They whispered a bit among themselves about it. After cleaning, Trixie sent Antje and Karin to the store while the other three did the shopping. Trixie used the time to get everything ready. She got the package out from under her bed and brought it into the playroom. She opened it and took out a collapsible cage.
When the shoppers came back, Trixie took Siggi aside and brought her into the playroom. There, Siggi had to lean her back against a bar, squatting down. Trixie tied Siggi's arms behind the pole. Also, Trixie tied Siggi's lower legs to her thighs. Lastly, Trixie shoved a rather large dild* into her friend's puss*.
Then Trixi brought Tatiana into the playroom. With her, Trixie wanted to go a little easier. She felt that Tatiana needed some more sparing. Therefore Trixie got a big box from a corner. There Tatiana had to lie down on her stomach and Trixie gave her a tight hogtie. When she was done with that, however, she at least closed the box, leaving Tatiana in the dark.
Trixie looked at the clock. It was only half past two and she expected Antje and Karin to be out of the store for another hour. Therefore, she sat down in the living room with Beate and talked with her until they finally arrived. She then asked Karin to wait for her in the living room and went with Beate and Antje to the playroom. There she tied their arms on their backs and also put a spreader bar on each of their ankles. Then they both got ball gags in their mouths. These balls had some holes in the surface so that the wearer could also breathe with her mouth and, if they vomited, spit it all out. Through two of these holes Trixie threaded thin ropes, which the two did not understand. Now she helped them to lie down. When they were lying on the floor like that, they each got a vibro egg in their puss*es and a dild* in their butts. She then locked the puss*es with padlocks. Trixie had chosen vibrators that were connected to the controller via a cable. First she set the vibrators to deliver only 10 minutes on medium and then paused for 10 minutes. The dild*s in the butt would then start working during that break. But then Trixie pushed Antje close to Beate, but in such a way that one's mouth was right up against the other's puss*. Now Trixie threaded the thin ropes from the ball gags through the locks in the puss*es. Both were already very slightly excited by the vibro-eggs and the scent rose to the girlfriend's nose. Gladly now would have liked to lick their girlfriend, but the gags and the locks prevented that. Both realized that they would have to lie there for hours, aroused on a low level, unable to satisfy their desires.
Only now Trixie went into the living room where Karin was still waiting. Trixie gave her a latex suit that had holes and a zipper, respectively, in the strategic places, i.e. the breasts and the crotch. So Trixie took her to the playroom. There she first tied her arms behind her back as well. Then she took out her purchases from the electronics store. When Karin saw very strong alligator clips in a small plastic bag, she suspected that today would be harder than she had believed. But first Trixie put a leather hood over her head, which didn't let any light through. Trixie then put the clamps on her nipples, cl*t and labia. With each clamp Karin pulled in the air sharply between her teeth. Then Karin had to crawl into the wire cage. There Trixie tied her feet spread as wide as possible to the bottom of the cage. Then she pushed a bar under Karin's belly through the cage. Then Karin had to bend over until her head touched the floor. Trixie now pushed another bar over her neck. So Karin was already completely unable to move. But that was not enough for Trixie. She got the TENS device from Karin's room and put it on the cage. She connected the cables of the TENS device to the alligator clips and then let the device run on high. Alternately, a light current now flowed through her breasts and pubic area, which was slightly uncomfortable at this strength. But Karin guessed that Trixie would let her stew like this for hours. But at the same time, she liked it. Trixie added one more detail to the ensemble. She put a switch in Karin's hand that was connected to a bell.
"Like this, you decide for yourself how long you're going to hold out. When you can't take any more, all you have to do is press the switch. But there's a little problem with that: if you press it, I won't come right away, but an hour later."
With that, she left Karin alone. She went to Beate and Antje and changed the setting on the remote control for the vibrators. She also went to Siggi and hung some weights on her nipples. Then she went into the living room and watched a movie. Every now and then she got up and went to the playroom to check on her friends and change the bondage a bit. She saw that especially Antje and Beate were soaking wet by now. She also knocked on Tatiana's box once and asked how she was doing.
Only after the movie was over, she released Tatiana first. In the meantime Siggi was moaning heavily, because the squatting position was very exhausting. In addition, Trixie had also hung small weights on her labia. But Trixie decided to wait a little longer. But finally Trixie released Siggi as well. Siggi first had to lie down on the floor for a bit because her legs were hurting quite a bit.
Finally, Trixie decided that it was time to free Beate and Antje as well. The two had spent more than three hours in their position and Trixie was sure that both were now extremely horny. Tatiana helped her to untie them. As soon as the two were freed, Beate grabbed Antje's hand and disappeared with her into her room. There they made up for what had been denied them before. Trixie called out to them that they were forbidden to shower.
Together with Tatiana and Siggi, Trixi waited in the living room until Beate and Antje had had a good romp. The sight of the two sweaty bodies also excited the girlfriends. Both Antje's and Beate's juices had flowed down their thighs and they smelled very strong.
"When are you going to release Karin?" Beate asked. "I've seen the position she has to kneel in there. That's going to be pretty hard in the long run."
"I've set midnight as the extreme limit for me," replied Trixie. "But Karin can stop any time before that. That's why she got some kind of alarm button. But I told her if she pressed that, she'd have to wait another hour. But I just want her to believe that, I'm definitely not going to make her wait more than 15 minutes."
"You're a beast sometimes," Antje remarked. "But that actually serves Karin right. After all, she always wants it harder than the rest of us."
"All right, get some more rest for now. I'll go into the kitchen with Tatiana and prepare dinner." With that, she grabbed Tatiana's hand and disappeared through the door.
After half an hour, Trixie then called the others to dinner. When they entered the kitchen, they did have to laugh. Trixie had tied Tatiana on the kitchen table and then prepared dinner on her body. It looked so much like Trixie had done in the dungeon at the time. Tatiana had been thrilled with the idea and of course had gone along with it. On her belly a big salad was arranged and her breasts were the cheese platter. Her puss* had been filled with chicken salad and the sausage had been spread out on Trixie's legs.
The four sat down at the table and enjoyed the supper, but of course they kept feeding the helpless Tatiana and also gave her something to drink.
Shortly after 8 p.m., however, the alarm sounded from the playroom. Apparently Karin had finally had enough. Beate and Antje had just asked whether they should free Tatiana, but since it just fit well, Trixie said that Tatiana should hold out a little longer, to which Tatiana laughingly agreed. So Karin would also be able to enjoy the evening buffet. But first they cleaned up the kitchen, because they wanted to let Karin stew a little longer.
Only then did they go into the playroom together: Siggi had fetched the video camera because she wanted to have a recording of what it looked like when Karin was finally done. Trixie first pulled the bars out of the cage that had forced Karin into this uncomfortable position. Then she loosened the other restraints that held Karin in the cage. Only now was Karin allowed to crawl out of the cage. However, her arms were still tied and she still had the mask on. When she stood up, she swayed slightly and Antje preferred to hold her by the arm. Trixie loosened her alligator clips one by one, which Karin answered with a groan.
Finally she was able to free herself from the suit and also pull the mask off her head. Beate handed her a bottle with a mineral drink, which Karin emptied in one go. "How long was I in there," Karin wanted to know.
"About five hours," Trixie said.
"Only five hours?" Karin asked. "That seemed like two days. I came so many times, it was really exhausting."
How many times?" Siggi wanted to know.
"I don't know, after the eighth time I stopped counting."
Now everyone had to laugh. "Where is Tatiana," asked Karin, who was surprised that she was missing.
"She's watching dinner," Trixie said, which earned her a questioning look from Karin.
"Come with me and you'll understand," Antje said, leading Karin into the kitchen. When Karin saw Tatiana tied up, she had to laugh out loud. "I hope you took a picture of the buffet before it looked so chewed up."

Chapter 36 Christmas
In the week leading up to Christmas, things were starting to get a little festive in the WG, too. Already on Monday, as promised, the nursery brought a wonderful fir tree in a Big Tub and placed it in the hallway. Tatiana got the ornaments from the garage and decorated the tree. When the WG residents came home that evening, they could admire the tree.
Trixie had gotten a shopping list from Tatiana and brought everything in the evening. She had also bought the ingredients for her own Christmas cookies. She asked Tatiana to help, which she gladly did, and they baked a big mountain of butter cookies that evening. Of course, her friends came and snacked, first on the raw dough and later in the living room a plateful of the evening's produce. Tatiana promised to bake her cookies the next day, too.
Also on Thursday, Trixie was busy shopping after work. Beate had found her the address of a poultry farm where Trixie had ordered a large turkey. When she picked it up, she also saw the other offer in the store belonging to it and bought bacon there, and she also found the potatoes of the variety she particularly liked to eat.
The following day there was a Christmas party at the company and Mr. Director Bergmann gave small gifts to all his employees. When Trixie opened her present, she had to laugh. In a small box was a "Ring of O." Director Bergmann looked at her and she smiled at him and put the ring on her right ring finger.
On Saturday morning, everyone set about cleaning the WG as usual. Only Beate had left for the hospital before six for that day's double shift. During breakfast, Tatiana asked Antje why she wanted to open the store that day, too.
"That's just the way it is here," Karin explained with her mouth half full. "Christmas comes as such a surprise to some people that they still desperately need a present. You wouldn't believe the ideas some people have. They want a custom-made dress to go right away. But for that, many people buy really expensive things. And then half of it gets exchanged before New Year's Eve."
The cleaning was done quickly that day, because Tatiana had already cleaned most of the rooms on the previous days, despite protests from the others against it. She had always argued against it, that otherwise she would get bored. She had even baked bread herself the day before. Although she was not yet fully familiar with the stove, the bread simply tasted too good.
Siggi went to the supermarket again to buy a few last things, mainly fruit, and she picked up a large package at a fish store that Antje had ordered. When she returned around half past twelve, Trixie and Tatiana were sitting in the living room drinking coffee.
"Well, you guys are cozy," Siggi commented. "Do you have everything ready and in the oven?"
"Why," asked Trixie, "we still have plenty of time. The bird won't be in the oven until five, and the potato casserole even later."
"What about our appointment at two? Did you forget?"
Trixie and Tatiana looked at Siggi in wonder. "What appointment? We don't know anything about anything."
"Oh, crap. Didn't Beate tell you guys? We have to be at the hospital by two. Trixie, the ovens do have a timer. Please get everything ready quickly and then we'll program the ovens. I'd be happy to help you, though."
Trixie stormed into the kitchen followed by the other two. Fortunately, Trixie had already cooked the jacket potatoes that morning and they were in a large pot of water on the kitchen counter to cool better. By now they were also well cooled. Trixie asked Siggi and Tatiana to peel the potatoes. The two sat down at the table with the potatoes and immediately got to work, but watching Trixie.
Trixie got a deep baking sheet and a rack from the one stove and put everything on the kitchen counter. Then she took aluminum foil and placed it across, with the foil still very much overhanging the sheet. Where the sheet was under the foil, she then covered the foil with slices of bacon. Then she went into the pantry and got the turkey she had bought the day before from the spare icebox. The giblets that went with it were in a plastic bag.
When Tatiana saw the turkey, she could hardly believe it. "I thought you said a turkey was something like a big chicken."
"Yes, it is. This chicken just weighs almost six pounds."
Tatiana looked at the turkey and continued with the peeling, but at the same time watched closely what Trixie was doing. She washed the turkey thoroughly, then salted and peppered it and put some marjoram inside. She then laid it on top of the bacon slices.
Now she took several cans of fruit salad out of the cupboard, opened them and poured the contents into a sieve. She caught the juice in a plastic bowl. With the fruit she first filled the turkey and what fruit was left she poured all around the turkey on the bacon. Then she took more bacon slices and covered the top of the turkey with them. She also placed the giblets next to the turkey. Then she folded the aluminum foil over the turkey and sealed everything as best she could. She opened the oven and put the turkey in along with the baking sheet. She programmed the oven so the turkey would cook at 180 degrees for about four hours.
"That was fast," Siggi commented. "That was barely 15 minutes. And that's going to work?"
"Certainly. How far along are you with the potatoes?"
Trixie looked at the potatoes, then got two large casserole dishes and from a drawer two egg slicers. She stood in front of the one dish, took the egg slicer and put a potato in it. She fanned the cut potato slightly and placed it in the mold. Siggi and Tatiana understood this, found the use of the egg cutter for it funny but practical and did it after her. Quickly both molds were filled with the cut potatoes in a very decorative way. Then Trixie got started. She first salted everything, then pepper, some nutmeg and fresh herbs of Provence came over it. Tatiana peeled some garlic cloves and these were sprinkled on top as well. From the icebox, Trixie first got bacon cubes, which followed the spices, and then some cheese pieces.
She took her electric cheese grater and pushed several pieces of Emmental, Dutch and Parmesan through the grater, one after the other. She gathered everything uin a bowl and mixed it up. This mixture was then sprinkled thickly over her potato. Now Trixie got several cups of whipped cream from the freezer and poured 3 cups of the liquid cream over each cheese. Finally, some aluminum foil went over each dish and both went into the Second Oven, which Trixie set to convection and programmed so that the casseroles would cook for a good hour.
"Done," Trixie commented, looking at the clock. It was just a quarter past one and they had plenty of time to get dressed and then head to the hospital. But Trixie and Tatiana still didn't know what that was all about and Siggi didn't give anything away but just grinned.
In fact, shortly after two o'clock, all the WG members met in the hall of the university hospital. "What are we doing here," Trixie wanted to know.
"We're playing Christkind," Antje said. She pointed to several wheeled carts standing next to the reception area, filled with gift boxes.
"The hospital has sent patients home as much as possible. But still, many patients have to stay here over the holidays. And they get a surprise. Trixie, Tatiana, you put on the angel costumes that are on the left two carts. Then you take these carts and go to the children's clinic. Each client gets three presents. On the packages there is always an age indication and the packages that are more for girls have pink ribbons, the ones for boys have blue ribbons. If something doesn't fit, just give the person another package. There are enough packages, and what is left over, the nurses get for their children. The rest of us take care of the patients here in the bed tower."
"Where did the gifts come from," Tatiana wanted to know.
"I ordered them and the apprentices in my company packed the packages the previous week," Antje explained.
On the way to the children's clinic, Tatiana asked Trixie, "Tell me, this costs quite a bit of money, doesn't it?"
"That's typical Antje. Money doesn't mean much to her. But if she can make us or others like now here the patients a joy, then she enjoys it."
On one of the trolleys there was a small music system with a CD player and when Trixie turned on the system, Christmas carols were playing. The two felt a little strange in their costumes, but when they arrived at the pediatric ward, they were greeted joyfully. Seeing the children in their hospital beds almost brought tears to their eyes, but then they saw their joy. They spent several hours going through all the rooms and found it simply wonderful. The nurses and caregivers helped them and many parents were there. They often sang a few Christmas carols and watched as the children excitedly opened their packages and for a short time forgot their illness.
It was already after eight o'clock when they were all back home again except Beate. The smell of food already filled the apartment. Trixie looked after the food and then later took the foil off the casseroles and also opened the packaging of the turkey. Antje and Karin stayed in the kitchen and prepared appetizer plates with salmon, oysters and lobster.
Beate also returned shortly after nine. She quickly undressed, then everyone sat down to Christmas dinner, naked as usual. When Trixie served the turkey, everyone was amazed at how well Trixie had once again managed to conjure up a delicious meal with relatively little effort. For dessert, they had a tiramisu that Antje had brought from a pizzeria near the store.
When everyone was really stuffed and the table was cleared, Antje rose.
"My dears, first I want to thank Trixie for this delicious meal. We will still have enough of it tomorrow, so we won't have to stand in the kitchen for long. But now something else. We don't give presents, it's been our custom since we started living together. But today there is an exception, for one of us." She pointed at Tatiana. Antje reached for a briefcase that was under the table and put it on the table. She opened it.
"For me?" asked Tatiana, her eyes wide. "But you gave me such a gift."
Antje took a small flat envelope from the case and handed it to Tatiana. "This is not from Us, we are just delivering it."
When Tatiana opened the envelope, she found a small red book inside. She looked inside: her German passport. She looked at it, stunned, then pressed it to her chest with both hands and tears came.
"There's more," Antje said, handing Tatiana a leather cover. When Tatiana looked inside, she found her new ID card, a health insurance card and an account card. Then Antje gave Tatiana a thin folder in which she found a naturalization certificate, a confirmation from the pension fund for deposits from her 18th birthday and an authorization for a monthly payment for the next few months. Tatiana looked at everything and passed the things to the others so they could look at them too.
Then there are a few more things coming from us," Antje said. "So, if you're interested, this is a job offer in the chemical company. In the accounting department, you are supposed to take care of the customers in Eastern Europe and Russia starting January 16." She handed Tatiana a letter to that effect. "And then, since you have to get into the company somehow, but you don't have a driver's license, here's a voucher for the driving school down the road a bit. After a phone call between the DA and the DMV, you'll be allowed to take your test on January 12 or 13." Again, Tatiana received a letter.
"You can take a car from the pool down in the garage then, Trixie will explain it to you. But since you'll need gas and other things, here's your credit card."
Tatiana sat in front of a small mountain of documents, hardly knowing what hit her. There before her was a whole new life, even better than she had ever dreamed. She began to cry unrestrainedly with joy. She came to her new friends and hugged them all and kissed them. Then she sat down again and wiped her tears of joy.
They then went into the living room and had another drink. Tatiana held her new passport tightly the whole time. At some point Karin went *into the kitchen to get another bottle of champagne. But she then returned additionally with the casserole dish in which a remnant of the potato casserole had remained. "You have to try this, it tastes so awesome," she exclaimed, handing out a few forks. Indeed, the only lukewarm casserole was a delicacy.
"Now you know why I made two molds of it. One was enough for tonight, the other will be there tomorrow."
The next two days were also very peaceful. On the second holiday, Natalie arrived from London and would stay in Cologne until New Year's Day. Tatiana and she got along very well right away. Mr. Bergmann's tool factory had always been closed between Christmas and New Year's Day for many years, so Trixie had time to do some things with Natalie. Tatiana even got her first driving lessons during this time. But she still had time to join Trixie and Natalie.
But Trixie and Natalie also spent a very nice afternoon tied tightly together in the playroom, where Tatiana had shown them what she knew about bondage. Tatiana had tied the two of them really tightly together and they were glad when they were freed again. Afterwards, the three of them went to the sauna together, where they enjoyed not only the outside heat.
Two days before New Year's Eve, the public prosecutor, Mr. Mintlein, accompanied by a commissioner, came to the WG for a meeting. Tatiana had asked that her friends be allowed to attend. "The interrogations with those arrested went very well," the commissioner explained. "They are all singing quite vigorously and some additional things have come to light."
"Why are they singing?" Tatiana asked, confused. "What's that?"
Antje had to reassure her. "When a criminal confesses, it's called 'singing,'" she said. Now Tatiana understood.
"We have a whole new set of findings. What I'm about to tell you must not become known under any circ*mstances: We have spoken with our colleagues here in Germany, and also in Belgium and Holland, and have arranged an action. On New Year's morning, we will appear very suddenly in various brothels in our countries and we hope to be able to free more victims there. We have chosen this date because on New Year's Eve all brothels are in full swing and in the morning everyone is still very tired and probably still half drunk. And then we want to distribute lots of our fashionable bangles, like the ones you sell in your store."
"How many more victims do they expect you to be able to free?" Antje wanted to know.
"We can't say that exactly, but it could well be twenty. Besides, other crimes have come to light. Mainly narcotics trafficking and also two or three murders. Plus, of course, the rest of the small stuff like assault, extortion, and so on."
"I think that's very good," Antje agreed. You know what? I'm going to set aside a small fund at my bank for all the victims, so that rehab measures can be guaranteed and a small compensation or other help can also be paid for the victims. Business in my chemical company has been so extremely good this year, I can do something like that."
The prosecutor and also the commissioner were totally surprised and delighted. They thanked Antje in advance. Tatiana also gave her a grateful look, not only because she had taken care of her, but because Antje also wanted to take care of her fellow prisoners.
The last two days of the year were spent mostly in Antje's store by Trixie, Natalie and Tatiana. Tatiana only left a couple of times in between to take more driving lessons. Trixie wore her pony costume, while Natalie usually went around in a more or less transparent latex suit. Tatiana also wore a latex suit, but it was darker in color because the last bruises were still visible. However, several fresh welts were also clearly visible on the others. All three friends were constantly carrying collection tins for the mercy yard, which were rapidly gaining weight.

Chapter 37 (Year) End
On New Year's Eve, Antje closed the store shortly after 2 o'clock and they all drove home together. Siggi and Beate had done the last of their shopping and it would be a relaxed afternoon. They went to their new wellness area and swam a bit and also went to the sauna. In between, two or even three would say goodbye for some time and retire to one of the rooms.
At seven o'clock in the evening they all met again in the kitchen. Beate had prepared everything for a feast. In addition to a fat fondue, there was also a fondue bourguignon. Both were something completely new for Tatiana, but Trixie also knew only the fat fondue.
For dessert, Beate put a chocolate fountain on the table, which spit out partly white and partly brown chocolate. But actually all were already so full that only relatively little of it was taken.
Afterwards they watched the inevitable 'Dinner for One' together on TV, which Tatiana in particular found stunning.
Around half past eleven Karin disappeared, but none of the friends thought anything of it. They assumed that she must have had to go to the bathroom. About 10 minutes before midnight, Karin reappeared.
"Dear ones, may I ask you to follow me very discreetly?" She turned and left the living room again. The others rose and followed her. They wondered what Karin had to show them that was so important right now. Karin led them to the spa area where she had placed dozens of candles and tea lights. There Karin asked them all to join her in the whirlpool. Next to the whirlpool, champagne was ready on a table and the water was preheated to a very pleasant temperature. Karin had the roof moved to the side and they had a clear view of the night sky. They all lay in the pool and each got a champagne glass in her hand. As the last minutes of the year passed.
"Dear friends," Karin began, "A year ago there were four of us and we spent the New Year in front of the TV. That was really nice, too. But the past year, especially the second half, really had it all, and now there are seven of us. Trixie, the whirlwind, has really stirred us up. She then also pulled Natalie ashore across the channel. We have experienced a lot and just before Christmas we got a kind of Christ Child in the form of Tatiana. If this continues, I don't know how the next year will end. But I'm sure we're all satisfied with this year. So let's have a toast and welcome the New Year."
Everyone leaned forward and toasted as the first fireworks rockets rose into the sky above them. In their pool, they all relaxed and each one also indulged her thoughts a bit.
Trixie, in particular, had to think about how much her life had changed. She had left prison behind, made new friends she loved. Plus a whole new lifestyle. She had a new job that was fun and challenging at the same time. She thought of Director Bergmann and Mr. Vossen, who was a really nice guy. She had gotten to know new cities that she would never have dared to dream of.
Trixie closed her eyes and submerged herself so far that her nose was just above the water. Her friends were talking quietly and rockets were popping high above.
There was a strange feeling inside her that she couldn't really interpret at first. Then she realized it: SHE WAS HAPPY!

Last edited by friedet 1 month ago, edited 2 times in total.


Trixie or the WG (F/F+ fict. bond. fet) (7)
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Re: Trixie or the WG

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Postby Solarbeast »

Please don't forget to gender-tag the actual title of this story. It would also help to give a bit of space between the paragraphs of this story as it's hard to read in its current form and keep track of what you have already read.


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Trixie or the WG (F/F+ fict. bond. fet) (8)
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Re: Trixie or the WG (F/f fict. bond. fet)

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Postby friedet »

Modified as good as i could. I dont get how to apply bold to text. sorry. added space lines for the chapters.


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Trixie or the WG (F/F+ fict. bond. fet) (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.