Trade and Travel: How To Day Trade and Invest with Teri Ijeoma (2024)

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

Trade and Travel by Teri Ijeoma, teaching people, both amateurs and advanced, how to trade stocks and invest in the stock market.

After getting denied vacation time for the third time and having a friend pass away abruptly, Teri Ijeoma decided that life was too short to not pursue her dreams. After lots of practice and taking classes learning how to trade in the stock market, Teri quit her job when she made enough money to replace her full-time income.

Teri Ijeoma is an entrepreneur and professional day trader. She went from earning $60,000 as an assistant principal to earning six-figures per month teaching others how to trade stocks in her Trade and Travel course. With Trade and Travel learn the strategies Teri has used to become a successful day trader, earn a full-time income, and reach financial independence.

In this podcast episode with Teri Ijeoma we cover:

  • How Teri got started investing
  • Tips for first time investors
  • How to build the confidence to trade
  • Challenges new investors face
  • What is a stock?
  • What is a brokerage account?
  • How Teri transitioned from working full-time tomaking over $1,000 a daytrading and traveling
  • Ways to talk to your boss about pursuing professional development opportunities

Listen to the podcast episode here.

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Teri Ijeoma: When I realized life is too short. What am I passionate about? I'm passionate about trading stocks. I'm passionate about traveling. Let me figure out how to make profit out of the things I'm passionate about.

Danielle Desir Corbett: Welcome to the Thought card, a podcast about travel and money where planning saving and creativity leads to affording travel, building wealth and paying off debt. We are financially savvy travelers. Hi everyone, we're here at Rincon 2018 in order Lando and I wanted to say thank you so much to Ali Bank for sponsoring the live podcasting at Lincoln 2018. And when it comes to money and everything you've been working for, do it right with Ally Bank and I've been a customer of Ally Bank for a very, very long time. So today I have a very very special guest. Her name is terry and she's really incredible because she's an investor and she invests in ministry stocks and real estate. Hey terry, welcome to the show today. Hello, thank you so much for having me Danielle. Excellent. So what made you come to think on this year? My biggest thing in Fin Con is I have a of course that teaches people how to trade online and I wanted to be better for my students. So Fin Con is all about helping teachers to just really target their audience and make sure that we're the best that we can be and I wanted to make sure I could do that. Excellent. So tell us how you got started in investing. You know what I actually have been familiar with investing for a long time. I went to M. I. T. And most of my friends coming out went to either investment banks or consulting. That was like the whole track for business school graduates. So I was familiar with it but I didn't know how to do it for myself. So when the stock market crashed and there was a housing crash I remember things oh I'm going to go invest in some houses. But my realtor kept talking about how well he was doing in stocks. So I decided that I'd go out and find my own personal account. And with the personal account I actually started doing well enough to quit my job and go full time this year, wow that is super super amazing. So pretty much you're at M. I. T. You hear a lot of your friends talking about stocks and investing and when the crash, your realtors talking about stocks and investing. So what made you take the action and how did you get started with investing? So the first thing you have to do and I will tell you the truth in my community. No one ever talked about stocks. That's one of the downfalls. Like other communities, they have an uncle or someone that has told them about investing since they were young. Or maybe they even got stocks for their second birthday. No one in my family knew how to do anything with investing. So I was kind of on my own I just researched and then I found that you can open a stock brokerage account and that's actually step one. If anybody wants to start investing. The first thing you have to do is open a brokerage account where you can actually invest stocks and then that way when the opportunity comes along, you'll be able to pick good companies and place the trade.

Danielle Desir Corbett: So can you tell us what is a brokerage account? Perfect question. So a brokerage account is just like a bank account, but instead of having your money in there and just letting it sit, you're actually able to invest in companies and the broker brokerage account will allow you to invest in companies. What would you recommend for someone who's looking for a brokerage? Like where would they go to start off?

Teri Ijeoma: Great question. So I think it depends how much money they're actually trading if they're starting with a small amount, I'd recommend that they look at some brokerages that have low fees, so like a Robin Hood or something else that has like zero fees for small trades. But once they're really wanting to make some like regular income or see some gains in their accounts, I think they need, excuse me, a more robust platform. So they need something where they can read charts and and look at research. So maybe like an E trade or Merrill lynch or Fidelity or Vanguard even. And then if they really want to become like a master trader, there's other brokers that are even more sophisticated than that.

Danielle Desir Corbett: Right. Right. So let's kind of step back a little bit and talk about like what is a stock really for those who don't know what a stock is.

Teri Ijeoma: Great question. So when a company is building, so say let's talk about Uber because they're about to have an I. P. O. Soon and I'll tell you what that is. So when a company is first building, usually they raise funds and capital in order to build. So they go maybe to an angel investor and say, hey you know I have this great idea, I wanna drive people around in cars and will you invest in us? They get that first round of investing. But as they grow they figure out that they need more money. So what happens is they decide to go into the they call it like a stock exchange, they decide to have a public offering where they can divide the company into stocks and give those stocks out to everybody and get money that way. I actually went to business school. So I understand, I just want to make sure everyone understands, he's listening understands what stock is. Yes, they break up the company into shares and then they actually allow the public to buy those shares and that's how they raise money to expand and think of stocks as like little pieces of ownership within the company. So you're actually an owner and you have mistake in what that company does and that company's earnings and I know a lot of times a lot of companies provide dividends which is your return in a quarterly annual basis. So can you tell us a little bit about what kind of earnings can you make with stocks? Sure. So this is like one of the most exciting parts for me because I'm an active trader. So there's value investing and value investing is like you put your money into a stock and you just buy and hold my strategy. I want to make daily income. So when I quit my job as an assistant principal, I knew that in order to supplement my income I needed to make at least $300 a day. So that was my original goal. So you're able to invest like invest the money that you have in your savings and actually make daily income. Now I've grown to $1000 a day.

Danielle Desir Corbett: Wow. And when you say active investing, are you really like making trades? You're buying and selling every day? Is that how you're making the income?

Teri Ijeoma: Yes, so I do day and swing training so I can make a trade today. So say for example, um we had square Square is doing really well right now. Um I could make a trade today and then decide at the end of the day to sell it because it's gone up $2 or I may decide to hold a stock for maybe a week or two. So let's say Visa, I decided you know what, I'm going to get into this one and then I'll sell it in a couple of weeks. But I have a plan and I can teach you guys more about it of course. But I have like a plan and strategy of when to sell to be able to make $1000 a day. Excellent. So what do you tell someone who says, you know what, This is very complicated. I don't think this is for me, What do you say to someone who is a little bit skeptical about actually investing in the stock market? I say one take a class. So that was one of the big things people kept asking me to teach them. So I decided to put a online class together so they can definitely take that course. It's called Trade and Travel Course because that's what I do and they can go to invest with terry dot com. But then I would also encourage them. It's not that hard start with the basics and you can also trade with fake money if you're a little afraid to trade with real money. So open your brokerage account, let me teach you how to pick good companies, Let me teach you how to place to trade and protect yourself because there are ways to protect yourself from losing money, but it's not that hard, just just take a class, you can do it right?

Danielle Desir Corbett: And I really like the class idea Because reading something online maybe a different feeling than actually interacting with someone who has experience and you said you started from $300 as a goal to making over $1,000 now. So that's I think it's really valuable to kind of learn with someone who has been in the game for a long time now. What are some of the hot stocks that you're like I either want to get my hands on or I have my hands on and I really like this stock right now. Now let me put a little disclaimer, I'm not a broker. So these are what I trade not recommendations. Um but I actually really like the cannabis field so it's something that is growing. We know that Canada is actually making it legal soon. We know that the U. S. Is considering making it legal. So like one that I've done well with recently is Till Ray. Um I also like the financial space, so square Paypal Visa Mastercard. Those have all been doing really well and of course I will always be true to technology that's just the age we grew up in. So you have your they call them fang stocks, you have like the facebook netflix facebook hasn't been doing too well lately but that's the best time to buy when it's lower. So I like I like checking everything. Excellent. Excellent. So remember guys, if you do, you have more questions and you are interested in learning more about stock trading, definitely go to terry's classes and we'll have all the links and all her resources in the show notes to provide for that. So now we're going to switch gears a little bit because we like to travel exactly and we want to know how to do transition from working full time to traveling full time and trading. So the truth of the matter is I got tired of working, like I had one of the craziest bosses and if anyone else has, um, ever had the experience where you went to an ivy league, you put all your effort into it and now you've gotten into your job, but you're feeling dissatisfied and you're feeling like either you're getting bored or your skills aren't being used or maybe you feel like you're not getting paid enough. That was me. I was at that breaking point and then I had a friend passed away and he was my age. I was 32 at the time and it was like, man, life is just too short to be in a job where you're not being satisfied. And so that was the the turning point for me when I realized life is too short. What am I passionate about? I'm passionate about trading stocks. I'm passionate about traveling. Let me figure out how to make a profit out of the things I'm passionate about. So that's how I did the transition. I decided to, well, I studied trading that whole last year of working so that I could get really good and make sure that I was consistent and then I quit my job and I went on a, it's kind of like remote year, but I went in a program called We roam where we'll lived in a different country every a month at a time. Excellent. And what kind of countries did you guys visit at the time? I went to Thailand Vietnam, we stayed a month in Korea. South Korea is beautiful. Like I didn't think it would be that amazing, but it's beautiful. Um, I did Australia Fiji just everywhere. How did you convince your boss at the time to say, hey, I want to take this year to travel and work remotely, but I still want to be on your payroll and work with you and I'm committed to tell you the truth. My boss was not on board, which is one of the reasons why I had to leave. He, um actually, when I told him that I was taking the stock market classes, he refused to let me go on vacation and in order to take the course for, for my courses, they were in person in a week at a time. So like he actually prevented me from taking the courses because he thought that would keep me at my job. That's when, that's another thing. When I knew, okay, I want to have freedom to be in control of my own. I need to learn how to trade really well so that no one else can be in control of telling me when I can leave and not leave. It's like a motivating factor. It's like you have this big roadblock who should be your biggest supporter, you know, because you're going to still learn skills that you can transfer to your work, your work life balance. I'm sure like analytical skills, different kind of reports and things like that. So after this roadblock, what happened next? Well and let me just make a comment on that. That is so true. You can I could have stayed at my job and still traded stocks at the same time. Like for the longest time I had been doing it as a side hustle. So if he had just supported me, I would have been even more fulfilled at work. I would have been excited to come. I was already giving 100 and 10% at work. He would have had this great employee, but he didn't support the vision and and trading stocks is something that it doesn't take a lot of time. So I could easily have just checked at my lunch break or you know when we had a meeting at the end of the day, just checked my phone. But he didn't support. So you said what happened next? What happened next was I looked into the computer found that course that trade that travels asked them can I come and they were like, we have one seat Left. I think it was a God thing which has your name on it. Yes. And yeah, it was a big leap of faith. I had to sell all my stuff and that's like so hard when you've collected things over 10 years, it's hard to let it all go but sold all my stuff and then just took that leap and it was the best thing I've ever done. I also have to say that, you know, sometimes we have perceptions of our bosses and fears of actually asking them for things that we want. So can you give us some tips on how we can talk to our bosses and let them know like, hey, I want to do this, I want to pursue this and maybe this is not going to conflict with what I'm doing right now, but please support me. Sure. If I did it again, I would approach it differently. So a couple things that I would have done is when I first decided to take the class, I would have figured out what skills it was building and I would have framed it as professional development. So I may not have said, oh, I'm going to take the stock market class because their first thought was, oh, you're trying to leave us and they got scared. But I would say, you know what, I'm going to this professional development class so that I can learn how to think strategically so that I could learn how to make better decisions so that I can learn how to um and these are things that you learn when you're trading stocks, how to analyze a company, you could maybe say how to analyze the situation or grow a business. That's the thing. That's the things you're looking at, when you're looking at stocks and research. I want to be able to to just become a better, a better worker for you all. Would you mind if I go to this professional development and I think he would have been like, oh sure. Um so it's all in how you, how you make it look, how do you make it look good for the company. Exactly. So when you decided to do the remote work program, how did you talk to your boss about like, okay, I'm going to be leaving that he agreed to leave or did you quit or how did that work at that time I quit. So they asked me to come on again for the next school year and I had to say, you know, but I'm going to leave and go full time and trading. So because it's a school, um you have to have to be in the building. So I just said, you know what, let me just make the best decision for the students, I won't put one ft in one ft out, this is my chance to actually go and live my dreams. Okay, so you quit your job now, you say okay, I'm full time trading and you go on to this remote year. So my question is, what did your family say, what did your friends say about making this decision, which kind of sounds like irrational, crazy or whatever. Um what did they say and what did you counter that with? My mom was the most scared person. And then when I told her, oh Korea, she's like Korea, why are you going to Korea? They're like at the time we were supposed to be in war with Korea. So my mom and dad were like no, um but what I came back with is you gotta, you gotta take an adventure sometime, like you have to take a risk, this is the best time for me, I don't have kids, I'm not married, so like when else this is the perfect time to take that leap and you've been planning the whole prior year, you've been working, you've been studying, you've been learning, you had goals that you, you wanted to to set and you wanted to accomplish. So I feel like that is how does that feel for you when you spend a long time preparing for something and now you can actually do it and take the leap of faith and go, it feels so satisfying. I will admit it was scary at times and I think any entrepreneurial will tell you like when you first make that leap now, all the bills are coming on, you, you don't have like a new income coming in. So now you, you have to support yourself. So it is a little scary at first, but at the same time you feel so free, so invigorated and when I'm traveling, I just feel like the whole world opens up like new ideas come my mind is going, it makes me a better person. So that outweighs the cons and after that one year of traveling with that program, what have you done since? So when I came back while I was traveling, people kept asking me to teach them about investing. And so when I came back, my friends were all like, I know you're gonna teach us now, you can't just teach in Vietnam and Thailand. So I've been putting together of course, I've had some live classes in Dallas and online webinars, so that's my focus. I still trade, my goal is $1000 a day. I recently had a five day challenge and I was able to show them that hey, I actually made $3000 a day. This week I was able to make 14,000 I think was like $14,600.05 days, like that's some pretty good money. Um so show then what you can actually do and now I'm teaching them how to do it.

Danielle Desir Corbett: That is amazing. And I definitely signed up for your course for thursday. So I want to make $1,000 a day and I know that my listeners want to make $1000 a day as a well. But can you tell us a little bit of the challenges that you face as an investor? What are some of the things that like, you know just for us to be mindful of when you're investing?

Teri Ijeoma: One challenge and this is like one challenge I think many new investors have so you have to make sure that you have a plan, a risk management plan in place. So what I mean is there's a lot of people that when they first get into investing they think of what companies do I like. So oh I go to chapel, I'm gonna invest in chapel. But then when um they invest they invested the highs. So one thing you have to know is protect yourself. Like you can put in a stop loss, make sure that you actually look when a stop look at good companies. But when they go down um look at companies that are they're good stocks to trade. Sometimes a company can be a good company but not a good stock to trade. So that's a couple of things I would say when you're first getting started like watch out for the mistakes and then manage your risk, protect yourself. There's a order type called a stop loss. That means if the money is going down or the trades going in the wrong direction it can stop you from losing any more money. Always trade with one of those. So yeah I would just say one risk is people fear losing money but you can have a management plan, a risk management plan to protect you from that. But I also say like even when you put your money in a bank and your bank is not even giving you 1% interest you're losing money because inflation is hitting you at 34% you know so if you do have some extra funds, I do think it's important to invest and you can invest not only in stocks but you can invest in E. T. S. You can invest in real estate which I know that you're also focused in doing that. And um there's so many other ways that you can invest your money. So it's not only about stocks but I love that. We talked about stocks today since you're an expert at that. So talk to us a little bit about real estate before we head out. Sure real estate is a very good stable investment that can bring regular monthly income. So you can do it through rental or even I've seen Airbnb actually make more money than rental. So one of the things I would definitely say look for really good locations and make sure that you get the people that's renting your place to make sure they take care of your property. And I also say because I have, I have a home and I'm renting it out for room, so I have two roommates right now, so my home, which is my my primary residence, I know it's a good rental property because I've been renting it out for room and I can hop on craigslist and I know I can find another tenant so at any time it's nice to have a home that you can just say, you know what, if I decided to travel the world or if I decide you know to do different things that I can just kind of rent out my space and I think that's really really nice while I was traveling most recently like this summer I posted my place on Airbnb and the host actually paid for all of my travel like hotels. So it's something where anytime you can take advantage of renting out of space, do it exactly now. What are some of the place that you've been to in the past year and whatever place that you want to go to next year. So this year I went to Greece Italy Israel oh man, tell Aviv blew my mind, I don't know what I was assuming that it would look like, but it's like a mix between Chicago and Miami, it's like beautiful. The sea is there all these high rises. Oh beautiful. My next place I wanted to go is South Africa. I would love to spend a month there and I hear Cape Town is gorgeous, so I can't wait to go there.

Danielle Desir Corbett: Hop over to Kenya while you're out there, the safaris and there's amazing, amazing things happening. Well this was so much fun and I really learned a lot and I will take that course because I think it's important for us to know how to get started with investing in stocks. So tell us how we can connect with you definitely on instagram.

Teri Ijeoma: You will see all my travel pictures and you'll see information about trading. So my instagram is I'm an investor so I am a n investor on facebook, I'm Teri Ijeoma. "Ijeoma" means a good journey. So can you believe that it's Nigerian, I'm living out my name on the path. You're on the path. Teri Ijeoma and website is invested with terry dot com. Excellent. This was so much fun guys and I cannot wait to head back home and bring all the things I learned from Fin con back to you guys soon. Thanks again guys already.

Danielle Desir Corbett: There's a lot of reasons why I feel like millennials aren't investing right now and I know for a fact that that stopped in a crash and that recession really had a big impact because for me personally at the time my mom lost two of her rental properties and a couple of years later we lost our primary residence and we had to move into a very small studio and change our lives. So I think that is, you know, seeing that transition going from, you know, going from a place of abundance to really like struggling and losing all these things. So I feel that a lot of people have this scarcity mindset because they're scared and they're in fear. But what do you think about that fear is one of the biggest emotions that will stop people from trading. And it's something that it's something that it's very hard to get over but that we have to just just push through. There's a lot of people right now that do think that the next stock market crashes coming, we just made new all time high. So that's just like the fear that everyone's like, oh it's coming, it's coming, that there's a bubble, it's coming. But actually invest for today, have a risk management plan and you'll be okay

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From Burnout To Full-Time Day Trader

Table of Contents

  • From Burnout To Full-Time Day Trader
    • Gaining momentum learning how to trade
    • How to get started trading
      • What is a brokerage account?
    • What is a stock?
    • What is a day trader?
    • How to build the confidence to trade
  • 7 Tips For Beginning Investors
    • 1. Don’t be greedy
    • 2. You will make mistakes
    • 3. Size matters
    • 4. Pivot quickly
    • 5. Never pay full price
    • 6. Learning how to trade is a lifelong skill
    • 7. Create a trading plan
    • Resources Mentioned
    • Memorable Quotes From Teri Ijeoma
    • Connect with Teri Ijeoma
    • Other Episodes You’ll Enjoy

Before teaching people how to trade and live out their dreams of financial independence, Teri Ijeoma worked as an assistant principal of an elementary school.

As a graduate of MIT, she was familiar with the stock market but hadn’t invested herself until her realtor encouraged her to look into it.

Teri Ijeoma: I actually have been familiar with investing for a long time. I went to MIT and most of my friends coming out went to either investment banks or consulting. That was like the whole track for business school graduates. So I was familiar with it but I didn’t know how to do it for myself.

So when the stock market crashed and there was a housing crash, I was going to invest in houses, but my realtor kept talking about how well he was doing in stocks. So I decided I’d go out and open my own personal account. With a brokerage account I started doing well enough to quit my job and go full-time.

No one ever talked about stocks around me. That’s one of the downfalls. Other communities, have an uncle or someone that has told them about investing since they were young. Or maybe they even got stocks for their second birthday. No one in my family knew how to do anything with investing. I was on my own.

Gaining momentum learning how to trade

After reading books and taking investing courses, Teri decided to use trading as a side hustle to supplement her income. However, after suffering from burnout and a close friend passing away suddenly, she realized that life was too short. Now was the time to pursue her dreams of traveling the world.

Based on her annual income, she set a goal of making $300 a day by trading in the stock market. By late 2017 she reached her goal, quit her job, and enrolled in a remote work program traveling to South Korea and many more destinations.

During that trip, Teri started teaching classes to travelers curious about investing in the stock market. Combining her passion for teaching and trading, Teri launched Trade and Travel teaching investing basics and more advanced trading topics like options.

In addition to investing, Teri has over ten years of experience in operations, logistics, staff development, nonprofits, and education. Teri graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a Bachelor of Management Science and a Master of Media and Communications from Dallas Theology Seminary.

Teri shows us that if we put our fears aside, we can potentially add stock trading to our portfolio as a viable income source.

Want to learn how to invest with Teri? Sign up for Teri’sTrade and Travel coursean investing course for people looking to save for travel, pay down debt, or replace their income using the stock market.

How to get started trading

Teri Ijeoma: If anybody wants to start investing. The first thing you have to do is open a brokerage account where you can purchase stocks. Then when the opportunity comes along, you’ll be able to pick good companies and place trades.

What is a brokerage account?

A brokerage account is an account used to buy and sell stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs.

Put as much money into your brokerage as you want.

Although you cannot use a checking or saving account to invest, a brokerage account allows you to invest beyond traditional retirement accounts like a 401(k) or Roth IRA. Unlike traditional retirement accounts, brokerage accounts do not charge any penalties if you decide to access your money earlier than retirement age.

Beware that with a brokerage account, you are responsible for paying taxes on any capital gains made from selling investments.

Here’s how to start investing in the stock market:

  1. Teri recommends opening a brokerage account.
  2. Look for brokerages with low fees or no minimums, likeRobinhood.
  3. Learn how to trade by starting with fake money (use a simulator account).
  4. Take a stock trading class and learn from an expert trader.

Listen to this podcast episode next: Best Stock Research Tools and Websites – Episode 99

Want to learn how to invest with Teri? Sign up for Teri’s Trade and Travel course. She has helped 30,000 students learn how to trade in the stock market. Also, here are the answers to the top questions about the course.

Teri Ijeoma: If you are starting with a small amount, I’d recommend looking at some brokerages that have low fees, like a Robinhood or something else that has zero fees for small trades. Other things to look out for include good customer service, reliability, robust investing tools, and educational resources.

But once you want to make regular income, you will need a more robust platform. You need something where you can read charts and look at the research, like E* Trade, Fidelity, or Vanguard, even.

And then, if you want to become a master trader, other brokers are even more sophisticated than that.

Update December 2022: Also, brick-and-mortar banks like Bank of America and Chase now offer brokerage accounts to their customers.

What is a stock?

Teri Ijeoma: When a company is building, usually, they raise funds. They may go to an angel investor and say, hey, you know I have this great idea. Will you invest in us?

They get that first round of funding. But as they grow, they figure out they need more money, so they go public.

With a public offering they can divide the company into stocks and get funding that way.

Think of stocks as little pieces of ownership of a company.

What is a day trader?

Aday trader buys and sells stocks or options within the same day. While a day trader invests for daily income, a swing trader holds onto a stock overnight. Swing traders typically hold stocks for up to one year while a long term investor holds onto their assets for one or more years.

As an active investor you are trying to make a percentage of your cash account. Teri suggests starting with $2,000.

Teri Ijeoma: I’m an active trader. I focus on swing trading and day trading, where I make daily income from the stock market. But there’s also value investing, where you buy a stock and hold it long-term.

How to build the confidence to trade

Teri recommends trading with fake money if you’re afraid to trade with real money.

Prioritize picking good companies and protecting yourself by following a risk management plan so you don’t lose money.

Teri Ijeoma: There are a lot of people that when they first get into investing, they think of what companies do I like. But then, when they invest, they invest at the highs.

When trading, you have to know how to protect yourself. Put in a stop loss. That means if a stock is going down or the trade is going in the wrong direction, a stop loss can stop you from losing any more money. Always trade with one of those.

Also, sometimes a company can be a good company but not a good stock to trade.

7 Tips For Beginning Investors

Are you investing for the first time? Here are some valuable lessons and tips I’ve learned from Teri Ijeoma over the last few years.

1. Don’t be greedy

Wanting to make more money in the stock market can sometimes put your portfolio at risk. Teri cautions us to be aware of the emotional side of trading. She advises not to chase plays — buying high because you don’t want to miss out on the upward momentum.

To combat FOMO (fear of missing out), she recommends remembering that there will be more opportunities in the future. There are opportunities to make money in the stock market every day. The sooner you can control your emotions, the fewer mistakes you’ll make and the better trader you’ll become.

2. You will make mistakes

As a new investor, making mistakes is inevitable. However, what matters most is to make a note of your shortcomings, brush yourself off, get back up and try again. The goal is to stack up small and consistent wins while keeping your losses at a minimum.

3. Size matters

Consider taking smaller positions, especially during economic uncertainty like a recession. As new investors, aim to make small but consistent income.

Listen Next: 15 Ways to Prepare For a Recession

4. Pivot quickly

While trading, if your position goes against you, don’t be afraid to pull the plug.

Exit the trade and get back in at a better price point later.

5. Never pay full price

You never want to pay full price for a stock. That means do your research. Gather information and wait for a stock to go on sale. Remember the stock market is a true marketplace where buyers and sellers are negotiating on price. Do not feel pressured to trade a stock because you don’t want to miss out on either a buying or selling opportunity.

6. Learning how to trade is a lifelong skill

My dad tells me this all the time, but learning how to trade is a skill set that you will have for the rest of your life. Putting in the time and energy to master the craft will help you generate income, and you can pass down this skill to future generations.

While you can learn on your own, why not limit your mistakes by learning from an experienced trader by taking a class like Trade and Trade.

7. Create a trading plan

Lastly, Teri encourages us to create a trading plan — a set of rules that will lead you to success. The hardest part will be having the discipline to stick to it.

Your trading plan should incorporate the following:

  • What are your financial goals?
  • How long are you willing to hold a stock?
  • When are you going to make time to trade?
  • How will you mitigate risk?

Overall, it’s possible to generate regular income from the stock market.

Not only has trading afforded Teri the ability to quit her job and travel the world, but she recently retired her mom.

Through Teri Ijeoma’s Trade and Travel, she has helped over 1,000 of her students make $1,000 a day trading stocks. Her students have used the income they’ve generated from trading to pay bills, pay off debt, quit their part-time or full-time jobs, save for trips, retire early, and more.

While the stats say that 95% of active traders lose money, she’s proof that traders can beat the odds.

Resources Mentioned

Trade and Travel: How To Day Trade and Invest with Teri Ijeoma (1)

Sign up for Teri’s investment stock market class, where you learn how she makes $1,000 a day and the secrets that lead to Teri’s investing success.

In Trade and Travel, learn how to:

  • Pick the right companies to invest in.
  • Ways to protect your investment portfolio.
  • How to read charts and conduct technical analysis.
  • How to price a trade.
  • Strategies to earn consistently and more!

While it took Teri 12 years to master trading, follow her proven trading strategies to have $1,000 days in a lot less time.

In 2019, Teri competed against other course creators and becamethe Grand Champion of Teachable’s 2019 Creator Challenge.

Memorable Quotes From Teri Ijeoma

  • You have to take an adventure sometime.
  • People fear losing money in the stock market, but you can protect yourself.
  • Fear is one of the biggest emotions that stop people from trading.
  • Invest for today, have a risk management plan, and you’ll be okay.

Connect with Teri Ijeoma

Teri Ijeoma YouTube: @TradeAndTravel

Instagram: @teriijeoma and @tradeandtravel

Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify.

Other Episodes You’ll Enjoy

Are You a Short-term or Long-term Investor? – Episode 97

How To Pick Good Companies to Invest In – Episode 98

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Trade and Travel: How To Day Trade and Invest with Teri Ijeoma (2)

Danielle Desir Corbett

Danielle Desir Corbettpaid off $63,000 of student loan debt in 4 years, bought a house at 27, and has traveled to 27 countries, including her favorites, Iceland, China, and Bermuda. Go here to learn Danielle’s incredible story, from struggling financially and in debt to finding creative ways to earn more and live on her terms. Listen to The Thought Card Podcast, where Danielle shares how you can creatively travel more and build wealth regardless of your current financial situation. Reach out to Danielle by contacting: thethoughtcard (at) gmail (dot) com.

Trade and Travel: How To Day Trade and Invest with Teri Ijeoma (2024)


What happened to Teri Ijeoma? ›

However, she was so successful with this side hustle that in 2017, she decided to quit her job, travel the world, and begin trading full-time. While traveling, Teri was constantly asked to show others how she was successfully trading in the stock market.

How do you day trade while traveling? ›

Use Mobile Trading Apps: Many brokers offer mobile trading apps that you can use to monitor and manage your trades. These apps can be very useful when you're on the go. Use a Travel Adapter: Different countries have different power outlets. Make sure to bring a universal travel adapter to keep your devices charged.

How much money do you need in your trading account to day trade? ›

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) requires at least $25,000 in your brokerage account to allow day trading. Otherwise, the broker will restrict your trading ability. You may need more capital depending on how many trades you plan on making. Skills and knowledge.

What is a 3% daily profit investment? ›

Embarking on a journey of 3% daily profit investment requires a solid understanding of its fundamentals. Basics of 3% Daily Profit Investment: It involves investing in opportunities that promise a daily profit of 3%, compounding over time to yield substantial returns.

How to invest in day trading? ›

This strategy involves profiting from a stock's daily volatility. You attempt to buy at the low of the day and sell at the high of the day. Here, the price target is simply at the next sign of a reversal. This strategy usually involves trading on news releases or finding strong trending moves supported by high volume.

How much does day trading make? ›

As of Jul 15, 2024, the average annual pay for a Day Trader in the United States is $96,774 a year.

What is the 3-5-7 rule in trading? ›

The 3–5–7 rule in trading is a risk management principle that suggests allocating a certain percentage of your trading capital to different trades based on their risk levels. Here's how it typically works: 3% Rule: This suggests risking no more than 3% of your trading capital on any single trade.

Can you make $100 a day trading stocks? ›

You're really probably going to need closer to 4,000 or $5,000 in order to make that $100 a day consistently. And ultimately it's going to be a couple of trades a week where you total $500 a week, so it's going to take a little bit more work.

Can you make $200 a day day trading? ›

A common approach for new day traders is to start with a goal of $200 per day and work up to $800-$1000 over time. Small winners are better than home runs because it forces you to stay on your plan and use discipline. Sure, you'll hit a big winner every now and then, but consistency is the real key to day trading.

What is the 10 5 3 rule of investment? ›

The 10,5,3 rule will assist you in determining your investment's average rate of return. Though mutual funds offer no guarantees, according to this law, long-term equity investments should yield 10% returns, whereas debt instruments should yield 5%. And the average rate of return on savings bank accounts is around 3%.

How to turn $1,000 into profit? ›

Here's how to invest $1,000 and start growing your money today.
  1. Buy an S&P 500 index fund. ...
  2. Buy partial shares in 5 stocks. ...
  3. Put it in an IRA. ...
  4. Get a match in your 401(k) ...
  5. Have a robo-advisor invest for you. ...
  6. Pay down your credit card or other loan. ...
  7. Go super safe with a high-yield savings account. ...
  8. Build up a passive business.
Apr 15, 2024

How much money do I need to invest to make $3000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

Do day traders still exist? ›

Some people day-trade without sufficient knowledge. But there are day traders who make a successful living despite—or perhaps because of—the risks. Many professional money managers and financial advisors shy away from day trading. They argue that, in most cases, the reward does not justify the risk.

Is Teri Ijeoma Nigerian? ›

Teri: My dad is from Nigeria, and I have 40 aunts and uncles.

How many day traders lose money? ›

Studies have shown that more than 97% of day traders lose money over time, and less than 1% of day traders are actually profitable. One percent! But of course, nobody thinks they will be the one losing out.

Who is the CEO of trade and travel? ›

Teri Ijeoma - Trade and Travel | LinkedIn.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.