Top Shift Manager Interview Questions with Example Answers [2020] (2024)

  • Question: What are you most proud of in your resume?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will be able to name something they are proud of in their resume. This can be a promotion, a good review or a special achievement. This question will show you their ability to be proud of their achievements and how they are able to use them as an advantage in your company.

    Sample Answer: I'm most proud of my promotion to shift manager because it was a big achievement for me. I worked hard to get this promotion, and I'm proud of my success.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Their achievements
    • - Confidence in their answer

  • Question: Q: why do you want to work with us?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will have a good reason for wanting to work with your company. They should be able to tell you why they want to work with your company and why they are the best candidate for the job.

    Sample Answer: I want to work with your company because I believe it is a great opportunity for me to grow as a shift manager. I am confident that I will be able to manage your team well and help them achieve their goals.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Good reason for wanting to work with your company
    • - Confident tone of voice
    • - Good explanation of why they are the best candidate for the job

  • Question: How would you define a leader?
  • Question Overview: A good shift manager should be a leader. They should be able to lead their team and motivate them to reach their goals. An ideal candidate should be able to define a leader.

    Sample Answer: A good leader is someone who can motivate their employees and lead them to reach their goals.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - A good leader is someone who is able to motivate their employees
    • - A good leader is someone who can lead a team
    • - A good leader is someone who can make decisions

  • Question: How do you react to rough situations?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate should be able to handle difficult situations with a positive attitude. They should be able to keep their cool and think clearly when faced with a difficult situation.

    Sample Answer: I have been in situations where I had to deal with a lot of stress and pressure. I have learned how to stay calm and think clearly. I have also learned how to keep my cool in a stressful situation.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Positive attitude
    • - Calmness
    • - Ability to think clearly in a difficult situation

  • Question: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will have a plan for their future. They should have a goal and be able to explain how they plan to achieve it.

    Sample Answer: In five years, I see myself as a store manager. I want to be in a position where I can make an impact on the company's performance.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Confidence in their answer
    • - Achievable goals

  • Question: Why do you want to be a shift leader?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will have a good reason for wanting to be a shift manager. They should be able to explain why they want to be a shift leader and why they are the right person for the job.

    Sample Answer: I want to be a shift leader because I enjoy working with people and I enjoy helping them reach their goals. I have experience in this position and I know I can do a good job.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Good reason for wanting to be a shift leader
    • - Confidence in their answer

  • Question: What do you expect from BoJangle's?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will have a clear idea of what they expect from your company. They should be able to tell you what they expect from your company and how they can contribute to your company.

    Sample Answer: I expect BoJangle's to be a fun and exciting place to work. I expect to be able to work with a great team that is dedicated to serving customers. I expect BoJangle's to be a place where I can grow and learn new things.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Good communication skills
    • - Confidence in their answer
    • - Detailed explanation of their expectations

  • Question: How do you handle working in a team?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will be able to work well in a team. They should be able to work with their team members and help them reach their goals. They should be able to work with their team members and help them reach their goals.

    Sample Answer: I have worked in a team for many years. I have learned how to work with my team members and help them reach their goals. I am confident that I can handle working in a team.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Teamwork skills
    • - Good communication skills
    • - Ability to lead a team

  • Question: What are some examples of how you've handled stressful or intense situations with others?
  • Question Overview: A shift manager will be required to handle stressful situations with employees, customers and other co-workers. An ideal candidate will name some of these situations and how they handled them. If they name a situation, they most likely handled it well. Choose someone who is aware of the important and ideal situations to handle.

    Sample Answer: I have handled stressful situations with my employees by listening to them and giving them a chance to explain their side of the story. I believe that communication is the key to solving any problem.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Confidence in their answer
    • - Detailed explanation of their approach

  • Question: How would you handle a situation if a customer complains?
  • Question Overview: A good shift manager will be able to handle a complaint from a customer. They should be able to listen to the customer and understand their point of view. They should be able to apologize on behalf of their employee and find a way to right this wrong for the customer.

    Sample Answer: If a customer complains to me about an employee, I would apologize on behalf of my employee and find a way to right this wrong for the customer. Then, I would also find this as an opportunity to train the employee.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Good communication skills
    • - Respect and politeness toward their colleagues even when they disagree
    • - Ability to handle a negative situation positively

  • Question: Do you have any prior experience in what it takes to be a shift manager?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will have experience in a shift management position. If they do not have any, they should have experience in a position that is similar to the one you are hiring for. For example, if you are hiring for a shift manager position, they should have experience in a management position.

    Sample Answer: I have worked as a shift manager before. I have managed employees and led them to reach their goals.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience in a shift management position
    • - Experience in a management position

  • Question: How will you benefit our company?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will be able to explain how they will benefit your company. They should be able to name some of the ways they will benefit your company. For example, they should be able to name some of the ways they will help your company reach its goals.

    Sample Answer: I will benefit your company by helping you reach your goals. I have experience in helping my previous company reach its goals.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Specific examples of how they will benefit your company
    • - Confidence in their answer

  • Question: What are your long term goals?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will have a plan for their future. They should be able to explain how they plan to reach their goals.

    Sample Answer: My long term goals are to be promoted to a higher position in the company. I plan to achieve this by working hard and being a good employee.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - A good answer will include a plan for their future
    • - Confidence in their answer

  • Question: How would you resolve a dispute between two co-workers during a rush?
  • Question Overview: A good shift manager will be able to resolve a dispute between two co-workers during a rush. They should be able to do it in a way that does not cause more problems. They should also be able to do it in a way that keeps the customers happy and satisfied.

    Sample Answer: If there is a dispute between two co-workers during a rush, I would try to resolve it quickly and in a way that keeps everyone happy.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to resolve the dispute quickly
    • - Ability to keep the customers happy
    • - Ability to keep the employees happy

  • Question: What do you know about the physical demands of this job?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will know the physical demands of this job. They should be able to describe the physical requirements of the job and how they will be able to perform the job.

    Sample Answer: I know that this job requires a lot of physical work. I'm confident that I can perform the physical requirements of this job.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Knowledge of the physical demands of the job
    • - Confidence in their answer

  • Question: How do you feel about working alone?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will be able to work alone and not need constant supervision. They should be able to work independently and not need constant guidance.

    Sample Answer: I have worked in a team environment before, but I am also comfortable working alone. I have proven this in my previous job as a shift manager.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Confidence in their answer
    • - Independent

  • Question: What would you do if you saw somebody stealing a snicker candy?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will have a plan to deal with this situation. They should be able to identify the problem and find a solution. A good shift manager will be able to handle a situation like this with respect and professionalism.

    Sample Answer: I would talk to the employee and find out why they stole the candy. I would try to understand their side of the story and try to help them.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Respectful tone of voice
    • - Good communication skills
    • - Calm and collected

  • Question: Why do you want to work for us?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will have researched your company and will have a good understanding of the company's goals and values. They should be able to explain why they want to work for your company and why they are a good fit for the position.

    Sample Answer: I have researched your company and I believe it is a great place to work. I am interested in working for a company that is known for its customer service and high standards.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Knowledge of your company
    • - Good communication skills

  • Question: How do you feel about managing a team of 7-12 people?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will be confident in their answer and will have experience managing a team similar to your company's team. They should know how to manage a team of this size and have experience doing so.

    Sample Answer: I have managed a team of 7-12 people in my previous jobs. I have managed stores that were recognized for their performance and stability.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Confidence in their answer
    • - Experience managing a team similar to your company's team
    • - Strong leadership skills

  • Question: How do you manage your team?
  • Question Overview: An ideal candidate will have a good answer to this question. They should be able to explain their management style and how they motivate their team. They should also be able to name the tools they use to manage their team.

    Sample Answer: I manage my team by being a good listener. I also try to motivate my team by giving them tasks that are challenging and rewarding. I also try to give them feedback on their performance.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Good communication skills
    • - Confident tone of voice
    • - Detailed explanation of their management style
Top Shift Manager Interview Questions with Example Answers [2020] (2024)


What is the first line of duty for a shift manager? ›

As a shift manager, one of your primary responsibilities is to effectively manage and oversee the staff under your supervision. This involves various tasks related to staff scheduling, allocation, training, and development.

How to ace a shift lead interview? ›

A great shift leader must have several qualities and skills to be successful. This includes industry knowledge, communication skills, leadership skills, problem-solving skills, customer service experience, and teamwork skills. Choose one or two that you feel are most important and explain your answer.

What appeals to you about the role of shift manager? ›

Sample Answer: I want to be a shift leader because I enjoy working with people and I enjoy helping them reach their goals. I have experience in this position and I know I can do a good job.

Why should we hire you as a shift leader? ›

When this question shows up, you need to show the interviewer why you would be a good fit for the role they are looking for and the leadership skills you possess. Show traits that make you a good team leader such as multitasking, being a team player, being understanding and considerate, leading by example, etc.

How can I be an effective shift manager? ›

Some key characteristics of a great shift manager are strong leadership skills, good communication, the ability to problem solve, time management, and great in a customer-facing role.

What is the difference between a shift leader and a shift manager? ›

Another difference is that a shift leader has less responsibility than a manager. A manager generally handles the overall inventory, budgets, and all other facets of the business, while a shift leader is only responsible for overseeing staff and ensuring high customer satisfaction rates.

Why would you be a good shift leader? ›

Shift Leaders need strong communication and interpersonal skills and leadership qualities like decision-making. These qualities are imperative for problem-solving in high-pressure situations where goals must be set daily by specific deadlines.

How do you answer leading by example in an interview? ›

Candidates who understand the importance of setting a positive tone through their own actions. Suggested answer: “I lead by example by demonstrating professionalism, integrity, and a strong work ethic. I actively encourage open communication and collaboration, which fosters a positive team spirit.”

What are the strengths of a shift supervisor? ›

A good Shift Supervisor has excellent communication skills. They should know how and when compromise can help the customer while still keeping them happy so they will come back for future visits. They will lead their employees with integrity and approachability.

What is the objective of shift manager? ›

A Shift Manager, or Shift Lead, is responsible for overseeing business operations, delegating tasks to team members and resolving problems that occur on their shift. Their duties include stocking inventory, balancing the cash register and coordinating employee responsibilities to improve efficiency or customer service.

What is a good answer for what is your weakness? ›

So, instead of giving vague answers like "I'm not good at everything," pinpoint a particular area where you need improvement. For example, you might say, "I sometimes struggle with delegating tasks because I'm a perfectionist and I want to make sure I do everything correctly."

What is the best answer for "Tell me about yourself"? ›

Provide a Brief Highlight-Summary of Your Experience

The best way to answer "Tell me about yourself" is with a brief highlight-summary of your experience, your education, the value you bring to an employer, and the reason you're looking forward to learning more about this next job and the opportunity to work with them.

What are the duties of a shift manager? ›

A Shift Manager, or Shift Lead, is responsible for overseeing business operations, delegating tasks to team members and resolving problems that occur on their shift. Their duties include stocking inventory, balancing the cash register and coordinating employee responsibilities to improve efficiency or customer service.

What is the first rule of being a manager? ›

1. Be consistent. Consistency is key. Being consistent means rewarding the same good behaviours, discouraging the same bad behaviours and treating each member of your team equally.

What is the manager on duty's first responsibility? ›

A manager on duty's role is to oversee operations in a store or a particular department, ensuring efficient workflow and workforce performance. They mainly evaluate and delegate tasks among employees, arrange schedules, set goals and budget, handle issues and concerns, and impose disciplinary actions.

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.