Top Energy Saving Ways for Your Home | GreenMatch (2024)

Top Energy Saving Ways for Your Home | GreenMatch (1)

Written by

Valli Vishnubhotla

Last updated

5 September 2024

Have you ever wondered how small changes in each home can significantly impact the environment?

There are numerous tips on home energy conservation, from small daily habits to big investments that help the environment and reduce your energy bills. So, what are some simple tips to reduce energy consumption at home?

This article is based on the opinions of 20 green enthusiasts who share amazing tips and opinions on living a sustainable life by consuming less and transitioning towards renewable energy sources.

Here’s what you can read about

  • How to save energy at home?
  • Top alternative energy sources for homes
  • Individual homes can make a difference to the environment
  • Tips to improve the energy rating of your home
Top Energy Saving Ways for Your Home | GreenMatch (2)

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We asked 20 professionals in the clean energy niche to tell us their tips and opinions on how we can save energy at home, either by switching to renewable energy sources or energy-efficient appliances.

From turning off lights when leaving a room to investing in solar panels, here’s what they have to say about moving towards energy-efficient home improvements.

How to Save Energy at Home?

1. Turning off the lights when leaving a room

A basic habit to develop and foster is to make sure that you always turn off the lights when leaving a room. Make a reminder to do so until you get into a habit of doing so subconsciously. You can save a good chunk of your monthly electricity costs by doing something as simple as this regularly.

2. Use LED lights

Many homes are moving towards smart LED lights as they not only look stylish and affordable but are also way more efficient than halogen bulbs. Morevove, replacing traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs can significantly reduce your electricity usage. LED bulbs consume up to 90% less energy and last much longer.

3. Switching to efficient appliances

Dryers and refrigerators are two of the most energy-intensive appliances in a home and replacing these with better efficient models can cut the electricity usage by half, thereby reducing your electricity bills. Installing an air source heat pump in the UK is another idea to reduce electricity consumption. In general, maintaining and replacing appliances every few years will make them have less burden on your electricity usage. You only need to consider the heat pump costs.

4. Unplug devices

Needless to say how important it is to unplug devices when not in use. Do not leave devices on standby but rather unplug them and save your electricity bill, and the planet. Even when not in use, devices like TVs, computers, and chargers consume standby power, known as "vampire energy." Unplugging these devices when not in use can save up to £80 (£108) per year on your electricity bill.

5. Lessen water usage

Some easy fixes to reduce your water consumption could be taking quick showers, using just the required amount of water while cooking and turning off running taps when unused even for seconds.

6. Keep the thermostat at a lower temperature

Aim to keep your thermostat at a lower temperature around 17 degrees, this can make a big difference and save your energy costs. Each degree of adjustment can save around 3% on your heating and cooling cost. This means that, lowering your thermostat by just 1°C during winter and raising it by 1°C during summer can save up to £80 per year on heating and cooling cost. Using a programmable smart thermostat is even better.

7. Use smart automated devices

Smart automated devices can lower your energy bills even when you forget to. Smart automation systems will detect when you’re no longer using a device and turn off the power supply. Programmable thermostats automatically adjust temperatures based on your schedule, ensuring efficient heating and cooling when needed, saving up to £150 annualy.

8. Use double glazing door

Double glazing doors and windows are a perfect solution for a modern home as they can significantly reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases from heating and cooling thereby reducing your carbon footprint and also lowering your energy bills.

9. Cook with the lid on

This is a super simple hack in everyday life to save energy consumption, by cooking with the lid you are making sure to lessen the cooking time and water usage significantly.

10. Using smart meter

A smart meter is a great way to see how much power you’re consuming, this will help you keep a track of your consumption in real-time, and where you can reduce it.

11. Washing at low temp

Wash clothes at a cooler temperature and with a full load, you will be saving a lot of water and electricity.

12. Solar-powered devices

These days you can find a solar-powered version of almost any electronic you use in your home. Making small shifts and using more solar-powered electronics can go a long way and can also lower your maintenance and replacement costs of such electronics.

13. Seal air leaks

Drafts from windows, doors, and other openings can cause your heating and cooling systems to work harder, increasing energy consumption. Sealing these air leaks with caulk or weatherstripping can improve energy efficiency, reduce your bills and save up to £100 annually.

14. Insulate your home

Proper insulation in walls, attics, and crawl spaces can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 30%, resulting in significant savings on energy bills. Also, insulating water heaters can reduce heat loss and save up to £40 per year on energy costs.

15. Conduct an energy audit

Hiring a professional to conduct an energy audit can identify areas of energy waste and provide recommendations for improving efficiency, potentially saving hundreds of pounds on energy bills.

Top Alternative Sources of Energy for Homes

Solar Panels

Solar panels top the list of the most popular alternative sources of energy that can be used in a home. Considering that you can power your house with a few panels if you’re looking for a small jump in energy efficiency, the most efficient solar panels are a good way to start moving off the grid and consuming a better source of electricity. There are many advances in solar photovoltaic technology and tax incentives to attract more homeowners.

Costs of solar panels in the UK have halved in the past decade, so many people are considering opting for solar panels on their roofs to generate their own clean and renewable electricity.

Wind Turbine

Using wind turbines to generate electricity will greatly depend on where you live. Installing small wind turbines in your home is a great eco-friendly option for those living in places with good wind speeds.

Geothermal Power

Using geothermal power to heat and cool your home is a much more efficient way of investing in energy efficiency. Ground source heat pumps provide consistent heating and cooling throughout your house and are durable and efficient, letting you reap their benefits for decades.

Individual Homes Can Make a Difference to the Environment

Emitting Fewer Pollutants and GHG

Energy efficiency means using less energy, requiring less electricity generation and emitting less CO2 and other pollutants. Regardless of the methods homeowners use to make their homes more efficient, any reduction in energy consumed directly reduces a home's energy-related carbon emissions. This correlates to a reduction in greenhouse gasses released into our atmosphere and an overall improvement in human health and our environment.

Tips to Improve the Energy Rating of Your Home

Living in energy-efficient houses puts individuals into a more favourable position by having lower heating and electricity bills, staying more comfortable and safe during unexpected blackouts, increasing the house's resale value, and ultimately bringing benefits to one’s health. Not only are these types of homes beneficial for their owners but also for the environment. From the viewpoint of the energy system, energy-efficient houses can actively help the power system by demanding less electricity from the grid in times of shortage and supplying this valuable commodity into the system, thus helping it once it is needed.

Consume Less Energy from the Grid

Get an energy assessment done for your house to see where you can cut down on your consumption and build up your energy score. There are numerous ways to save energy and consume less from the grid. Moreover, using smart power strips automatically cuts power to devices not in use, eliminating phantom power consumption and saving up to £45 per year.

Replace Windows with Modern, Efficient Double Glazing

Another way to increase your score is by investing in solid double glazing for your windows and doors that are more modern and efficient.

Energy Smart Landscaping

Smart landscaping design can make your home energy efficient in terms of heating and cooling, increasing your energy score, making your home look great, and adding beauty.

Wall Insulation

Both loft insulation and wall insulation can reduce your energy bills and help lower your consumption, especially in the case of older homes that are not constructed in an energy-efficient manner. This is a good way to boost your score and renew your home to be more energy-efficient. Proper insulation in walls, attics, and crawl spaces can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 30%, resulting in significant savings on energy bills.

Smart Devices

Every modern home buyer is looking for smart homes that ease their lives and reduce their carbon footprint. Smart devices detect power usage and turn them when not in use. Humans may forget, but they don’t, and who doesn’t want them in their house? A smart home will only increase in demand and is a good way to increase your home value.

We would like to thank all the following experts, eco-friendly enthusiasts and green bloggers for their opinions and contributions.

Tim De Chant

John Goodman

Aaron Hardy

Mike Bumgardner


Justin Dring

Alex Fraind

Nicholas Failla

Adeel Shabir

Louis Watton

George Riley

Glenn Wiseman

Cassy Aoyagi

Ryyan Murphy

Jesse Hitchco*ck

Ian Wright

Vladimir Miskovsky

Cisco DeVries

Adam Justice

Brenda Cuby
Top Energy Saving Ways for Your Home | GreenMatch (2024)


What are 10 ways to conserve energy? ›

Our top 10 energy saving tips
  • Switch off lights and electrical appliances when not using them. ...
  • Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. ...
  • Shut doors and close curtains. ...
  • Understand and improve your home's energy use. ...
  • Manage your heating and cooling. ...
  • Get the best energy deal. ...
  • Insulate your roof. ...
  • Save money with solar energy.
Nov 17, 2023

Which is the most energy efficient option used at homes? ›

The two main choices for energy-efficient lighting in your home are light emitting diode (LED) and compact fluorescent lights (CFL).

What you do in your home to save energy? ›

Turn things off.

You should also make sure your television, computer, video game consoles, cable boxes, and digital video recorders are switched off when you're not actively using them—or unplugged completely, if they light up or otherwise use energy even when powered down.

What uses most electricity in a home? ›

Air conditioning uses the most electricity in a home in every region of the US and accounts for 15-23% of the average household consumption. At around 12.5%, space heating has the second largest share of consumption in every region except the South.

What saves the most electricity? ›

Tips for Saving on Your Electric Bill. Turn Down Your Thermostat. It's one of the most effective ways to cut your energy usage. You can save as much as 3% for each degree that you turn your thermostat down during the winter.

Does unplugging appliances save electricity? ›

When your devices are plugged in but not in use, they consume electricity, known as the phantom effect. As a result, unplugging those devices can save electricity. Do not worry about unplugging every gadget; simply plug what you can into a power strip so you can unplug less.

What takes the most energy in your house? ›

Here's what uses the most energy in your home:
  • Cooling and heating: 47% of energy use.
  • Water heater: 14% of energy use.
  • Washer and dryer: 13% of energy use.
  • Lighting: 12% of energy use.
  • Refrigerator: 4% of energy use.
  • Electric oven: 3-4% of energy use.
  • TV, DVD, cable box: 3% of energy use.
  • Dishwasher: 2% of energy use.
May 1, 2020

How can I reduce my always on electricity usage? ›

Unplug devices like these that are either no longer used or are used very rarely:
  1. TV and DVR in guest bedroom(s)
  2. Second fridge (when not in use)
  3. Toaster or coffee maker used only on weekends.
  4. Battery chargers for lawn tools (in the winter)
  5. Power adapter (after disconnecting laptop or mobile device)

What runs your electric bill up the most? ›

Heating and cooling are by far the greatest energy users in the home, making up around 40% of your electric bill. Other big users are washers, dryers, ovens, and stoves.

What uses more electricity, TV or lights? ›

So, the clear winner here is the lightbulb…at least until you multiply that by how many lights you have in your house. Plus, if you still use incandescent bulbs (switch to LEDs ASAP if you do), 2-3 will use more electricity than most TVs over the course of the year.

Do LED lights save money? ›

Lighting accounts for around 15% of an average home's electricity use, and the average household saves about $225 in energy costs per year by using LED lighting.

What is the best first step for reducing energy consumption? ›

The first step to reduce your energy consumption and emissions is to measure and analyze how much energy your plant uses and where it goes. You can conduct an energy audit to identify the sources of energy waste, such as leaks, losses, inefficiencies, or outdated equipment.

How to save energy with AC? ›

Keep Your Cooling System Running Efficiently
  1. For maximum energy affordability, schedule regular maintenance for your cooling equipment. ...
  2. Avoid placing lamps or TV sets near your room air-conditioning thermostat. ...
  3. Vacuum your air intake vents regularly to remove any dust buildup.

Which method is the best to save energy? ›

How to Save Energy at Home?
  1. Turning off the lights when leaving a room. ...
  2. Use LED lights. ...
  3. Switching to efficient appliances. ...
  4. Unplug devices. ...
  5. Lessen water usage. ...
  6. Keep the thermostat at a lower temperature. ...
  7. Use smart automated devices. ...
  8. Use double glazing door.

What are 10 examples of conservation of energy? ›

  • A pendulum: As the pendulum swings down: ...
  • A ball tossed up in the air: During the throw: ...
  • A skier slides down a hill: gravitational potential energy of the skier → ...
  • A compressed spring launches a ball in a pinball game: Elastic potential energy of the spring → ...
  • Inside of a nuclear power plant:
Oct 5, 2015

What is science 10 conservation of energy? ›

The law of conservation of energy can be stated as follows: Total energy is constant in any process. It may change in form or be transferred from one system to another, but the total remains the same. We have explored some forms of energy and some ways it can be transferred from one system to another.

What are 4 ways to store energy? ›

Compressed air, superconducting magnets, underground pumped storage, and hydrogen storage are all forms of emerging energy storage that are in different stages of development.

What are 5 ways energy can be stored? ›

Energy can be stored in a variety of ways, including:
  • Pumped hydroelectric. Electricity is used to pump water up to a reservoir. ...
  • Compressed air. Electricity is used to compress air at up to 1,000 pounds per square inch and store it, often in underground caverns. ...
  • Flywheels. ...
  • Batteries. ...
  • Thermal energy storage.
Oct 11, 2023

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.