Top 5 Factors that Make Financial Independence Easier to Achieve - Physician on FIRE (2024)

How easy or difficult will your quest to achieve financial independence be? The math doesn’t much vary from person to person. You’re going to want at least 25x your future expenses saved up or passive income that exceeds your spending.

If you don’t have either, or some combination of both capital and passive income, that can be expected to cover your future expenses indefinitely, you’d be hard-pressed to call yourself financially independent.

If you feel like financial independence is out of reach, perhaps you can tip the scales in your favor by understanding the factors that can make FI more easily attainable.

Some of these may be somewhat or completely out of your control, but there are likely changes you can make in several of these categories that will shave years off your of your time to FI.

1. A High Income

If you said, “Thank you, Dr. Obvious,” I say “You’re welcome.”

The most important factor in reaching financial independence is your savings rate, the difference between how much you earn and how much you save and invest.

It’s tough to have a high savings rate without a high income. What goes into having a high income?

Top 5 Factors that Make Financial Independence Easier to Achieve - Physician on FIRE (2)Top 5 Factors that Make Financial Independence Easier to Achieve - Physician on FIRE (3)A big part is your career choice, but your job title isn’t everything. Within each career, there is a broad range of salaries. Learning to negotiate effectively for yourself has a huge return on investment. Have you read Never Split the Difference? If not, you should.

Promotions and the raises that come with them go to people who go the extra mile, or at least they should. Office politics aside, the more indispensable you become or appear to be, the more likely you are to be rewarded with a job promotion and a bigger paycheck.

In medicine specifically, it’s no secret that some specialties pay better than others. The latest Medscape Compensation survey shows that orthopedic surgeons are making nearly $500,000 on average, whereas pediatricians, family medicine, and infectious disease specialists are at the other end of the spectrum with salaries just above $200,000.

As I implore in a post on How to Choose a Medical Specialty, money shouldn’t be the only factor, but it probably should be a factor. Interestingly, Infectious Disease doctors are also among the happiest, leading the specialties among those who would choose medicine again.

The salary range within a particular specialty is surprisingly broad. Some hospitals and groups can simply afford to pay quite a bit better than others. The difference between academic and private practice has become more narrow in terms of both job description and pay in recent years, but private practice still tends to pay better. The gap will vary by specialty and location, but be sure to look into that gap and what it means for your financial future when choosing a position.

Top 5 Factors that Make Financial Independence Easier to Achieve - Physician on FIRE (4)

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2. A Second Income

What’s better than one great income? More income! A second income can come from one of two main sources.

The first would be a “side hustle” or side gig that may or may not be related to your primary career.

The side hustle is the subject of numerous sites and forums. You can see what other physicians are doing in Facebook Groups like Passive Income Docs. Non-physicians have places like Nick Loper’s Side Hustle Nation and others.

I’ve published posts from Bryan’s Black Bag and Passive Income MD discussing med school side hustles, and there are plenty of options for established physicians, as well.

This website has become my source of a second income, but it’s not my first side hustle. I’ve worked extra shifts at my main jobs, spent vacations working for other organizations as a locum tenens physician, and I did nothing but loc*ms work for two years out of residency. If I added up every pay stub from my traveling work, the sum would likely have a second comma.

Top 5 Factors that Make Financial Independence Easier to Achieve - Physician on FIRE (6)

It helps to have a job that pays well (see #1 A High Income) but even in such cases, a second income can dwarf the first. My friend Dr. Jim Dahle has seen his income from The White Coat Investor easily surpass that of his clinical work as an emergency medicine physician.

Of course, not everyone has time for a second job or an interest in finding one. I’ve got good news! You don’t necessarily need a second job to have a second income. You would, however, need someone to do the work.

A second household income can simply come from a second household partner. In this millennium, dual-income households are more the norm than an outlier, but if you’re trying to figure out how to fast-track your path to FI and you’re doing it with one income in a two-person partnership, it’s not tough to see where some additional income could come from. Whether or not that solution makes sense in your circ*mstances depends on many factors, but it’s best not to overlook what may be low-hanging fruit.

3. A Low Cost of Living Area

I’ve spent most of my life in relatively low-cost of living areas, at least in terms of the cost of housing and everyday items. In terms of state income taxes, I’ve spent most of my life in one of the most expensive places for a physician to live.

While a 9.85% marginal state income tax in Minnesota makes a damaging dent in the takehome pay, having affordable housing and neighbors who aren’t big spenders can be even more important in terms of building wealth.

In a lower cost of living area, the fact that you’ll pay less for a home, the things you put in it, the property taxes on it, and the gasoline for the car in the garage has obvious benefits. It’s also true that the car in the garage is less likely to be a luxury make because you just don’t see many around town and the temptation isn’t there. #stealthwealth

If you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, it would make sense that your spending habits are likely to be closer to the average of the spending habits of the people you spend the most time with.

I’ve chosen to live in rural areas because my wife and I both grew up in small towns and wanted a similar experience when raising our own family. We weren’t trying to hasten our FI timeline, but that has been a wonderful side effect of our choices.

There’s plenty to love about the city and the coasts, too. I get that. I’ve spent at least a little time in most major cities in the U.S. and we’re adding to the list of international cities we’ve visited, as well. We love exploring new places, visiting museums, parks, libraries, and restaurants.

I feel we’ve had the best of both worlds. I’ve had a career working in places where rush hour doesn’t exist, parking is free and easy, and locking home and car doors is optional. What may be lacking in local culture can be made up for with frequent trips around the country and throughout the world.

There’s also this awesome phenomenon for people who are happy to live in “flyover country” — we get paid more. Geographic arbitrage is real and somewhat unique to medicine. Not only does Middle America cost less, but it also tends to come with better physician salaries, on average.

4. A Low Cost of Living Lifestyle

Small pond living won’t get you very far in terms of growing wealth if you’re only there because you want to be the biggest fish. I’ve definitely met others who also prefer small-town life but for a different reason than me. They find it much easier to stand out.

I’ll admit to being afflicted when I landed my first permanent job. We built a big, beautiful, blue behemoth of a house that was surrounded by more modest ranch homes. I was a young doctor, I stood out, and that was just fine by me.

I no longer feel any need to scratch that itch. We spent less than half on our next home compared to that first one, and our current home was another intentional downgrade, at least in terms of size and price, from both that first home and subsequent homes.

It’s not that I don’t know what I’m missing. I’ve sampled luxury. I’ve used travel rewards points, CME money, and even my own dough to stay in some really nice places. I’ve sipped ridiculously expensive wine and champagne. I’ve spent big bucks on a good steak dinner or three.

To me, the value just usually isn’t there. Yes, a 5-Star resort is nicer than your average Hyatt or Hilton, and Manny’s can prepare a fine filet mignon. But I can sear a scrumptious sirloin on the grill, and all I really want at the end of the day is a comfortable bed. I’m equally as comfortable, if not more so, at a 3-star or 4-star hotel.

A good way to find your sweet spot for spending is to cut out all but the necessities, figure out what you miss the most, and add conveniences and subscriptions back one at a time as you see fit. See the Frugalwoods for a more detailed explanation of the approach.

5. Minimal Debt

Any debt, whether it’s consumer debt, student loan debt, or mortgage debt, will count against you in the net worth department.

The smaller your debts, the easier it will be to achieve financial independence. It’s best if you understand this before you accumulate crippling debt levels, but it’s never too late to make progress. Every dollar you use to pay off debt improves your net worth by a dollar and it’s one dollar you’ll never pay interest on again.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” -Ben Franklin

If you’re going to use credit cards, use them responsibly and always pay off the balance in full every month. Try not to take out loans for vehicles and other depreciating assets. If you can’t pay cash for a boat, RV, or donorcycle motorcycle, you should probably wait until you can afford it outright.

Regarding student loans, prevention means applying for copious amounts of scholarship money and considering in-state public schools. No matter your anticipated future profession, live like a student when you are a student. The same goes for medical trainees. Live like a resident as a trainee and afterward so you can quickly pay down that balance.

If you’re not pursuing loan forgiveness and have high-interest loans, you should refinance them yesterday. [Update: This is NOT true for federal loans in the time of COVID, as student loan payments have been suspended in 2020. It remains true for those who have private loans and/or have refinanced with a private lender previously.]

Refi rates can be under 2% if you meet all the right criteria and most people with halfway decent credit can currently refinance to around 5% or less. There’s no excuse to be paying 6.8% or more on any of your loans if you’re not planning on PSLF.

In terms of mortgage debt, the best thing you can do is avoid a huge mortgage. I like a 15-year mortgage as it forces you to make larger payments and typically comes with a lower interest rate. It also pairs well with the live on half challenge. In about the time it takes to go from broke to financially independent, you could also own your home completely.

In some locations, it’s impossible to avoid high housing costs whether you’re buying or renting. Think long and hard before choosing to make such a place your home.

Should you pay off a mortgage early? The math usually favors investing more while keeping the mortgage, but that depends on investment returns, of course. I chose the sure thing and opted to be debt free by forty. We’re preparing to purchase our next home with cash. Doing so also keeps your budget reasonable.

How I Achieved FI More Easily

I benefitted from most of these. I reached FI at age 39 largely because I had a high income in low cost of living areas, working that geoarbitrage.

I also had a relatively low cost of living lifestyle for a physician, although I will admit to living a bit larger than the average American.

In terms of debt, I once took out a $500,000 construction loan (and spent every last penny), but I was able to overcome that choice, eventually selling that home to become debt-free about eight years later.

I had manageable student loan debt at a level 30% to 40% lower than the average graduating medical student at the time that I finished in 2002. A combination of family help, generous scholarships, in-state tuition, and eight years of college apartment living kept that balance in check.

The one that I cannot claim is #2. At least 99.9% of our household income came from one source: my clinical work as an anesthesiologist. I can now claim a second source of income, but I didn’t think to start a blog until after we were comfortably FI.

Finally, I must acknowledge the privilege I had growing up in a two-parent household that valued education and respected money. As a white male, I’ve been given opportunities and the benefit of the doubt that others might not get so easily. I don’t apologize for these things, but I do recognize the role they can play in giving one a sizable head start.

Top 5 Factors that Make Financial Independence Easier to Achieve - Physician on FIRE (9)

My 5 Current and 3 Future Passive Income Streams

They’re Paying 0% to 1% Interest on Private Student Loans After Variable Rate Refinancing

Investing Basics for Professionals With Little Time or Experience

Which of these factors has been the biggest factor in your path to financial independence? In what areas do you think you could improve?

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Top 5 Factors that Make Financial Independence Easier to Achieve - Physician on FIRE (2024)


What are the factors of financial independence? ›

Being financially independent means having sufficient income, savings, or investments to live comfortably for life and meet all of one's obligations without relying on a paycheck. That is the ultimate goal of a long-term financial plan.

What is the fire financial independence plan? ›

So, What Is the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) Movement? In a nutshell, the goal of the FIRE movement (sometimes written as fi/re) is to save and invest aggressively—somewhere between 50–75% of your income—so you can retire sometime in your 30s or 40s.

What are the 7 steps to financial freedom? ›

You can too!
  • Save $1,000 for Your Starter Emergency Fund.
  • Pay Off All Debt (Except the House) Using the Debt Snowball.
  • Save 3–6 Months of Expenses in a Fully Funded Emergency Fund.
  • Invest 15% of Your Household Income in Retirement.
  • Save for Your Children's College Fund.
  • Pay Off Your Home Early.
  • Build Wealth and Give.

What does achieving fire require in relation to personal finance? ›

FIRE strategies typically combine aggressive savings and moderate- to high-yield investments. The FIRE method suggests that once you save and invest a certain amount of money — approximately 25 times your annual expenses — you'll be ready to leave the workplace behind.

What is the 4 rule for financial independence? ›

The 4% rule says people should withdraw 4% of their retirement funds in the first year after retiring and take that dollar amount, adjusted for inflation, every year after. The rule seeks to establish a steady and safe income stream that will meet a retiree's current and future financial needs.

What 4 factors may influence financial decisions? ›

Personal circ*mstances that influence financial thinking include family structure, health, career choice, and age. Family structure and health affect income needs and risk tolerance. Career choice affects income and wealth or asset accumulation.

What are the different types of FIRE financial independence? ›

FIRE is a way to gain financial freedom and possibly early retirement by saving, investing and cutting expenses. As the movement has grown, various types of the approaches have developed. Lean FIRE, Coast FIRE, Fat FIRE and Barista FIRE are just four flavors of the FIRE movement.

What is FIRE number financial independence? ›

It states that you should multiply your anticipated annual expenses in retirement by 25 to arrive at your target savings goal. For example, if you anticipate needing $40,000 per year to cover your living expenses in retirement, your FIRE number would be $1 million ($40,000 x 25).

How to do FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early? ›

People who use FIRE to retire early do so by drastically reducing their expenses, looking for ways to increase their income, and investing the money they save in a mix of tax-advantaged accounts as well as regular brokerage accounts. But FIRE retirement does come at a cost that not everyone can afford.

What are the 5 pillars of financial freedom? ›

The five pillars of financial planning—investments, income planning, insurance, tax planning, and estate planning— are a simple but comprehensive approach to financial planning.

What are the three main ideas of financial freedom? ›

Imaging the freedom you could have!
  • No credit card debt.
  • Savings and investments happen automatically.
  • Spending is clear.

What are the keys to financial freedom? ›

Defining goals and practicing responsible financial habits can help you work toward financial freedom. Learning the basics about budgeting, spending, saving, investing, credit and debt might help along the way.

What is the FIRE rule of 25? ›

In fact, the 25x rule is one of the original tenets of the financial independence, retire early (FIRE) movement, Vodi said. "For example, if your living costs are $75,000 a year, multiply that by 25, and you have your retirement number, otherwise known as the number where you fire your boss," he said.

How to achieve FIRE in 10 years? ›

How can one achieve FIRE?
  1. Saving aggressively i.e., around 70 percent of monthly income in order to save at a faster pace. ...
  2. Spending in a frugal way: During the earning years, followers of the FIRE movement refrain from overspending even if they can afford to.
Nov 6, 2023

What is the basic FIRE strategy? ›

A Fire Strategy Plan is a document that details all measures taken with fire safety in mind. Means of warning, such as smoke detectors, and means of escape for anyone inside the building are obvious elements.

What are the three financial factors? ›

The Three Factor Model consists of three distinct factors:
  • The Market Factor (equities v fixed income in the portfolio)
  • The Size Factor (large company stocks v small company stocks in the portfolio)
  • The Value Factor (value v growth stocks in the portfolio)

What are 10 steps to financial freedom? ›

10 Steps to Financial Success
  • Establish goals. What do you want to do with your money? ...
  • Evaluate your current financial situation. ...
  • Create a spending and savings plan. ...
  • Establish an emergency savings fund. ...
  • Seek advice and do research. ...
  • Make sure you're covered. ...
  • Establish a good credit history. ...
  • Delete your debt.

What are the financial factors? ›

Financial factors consist of financial policies, financial positions and capital structure. It is an important internal factor which has a substantial impact on business functioning and performance. Financial facilities are required to start and operate the organization.

What are the three types of financial factors? ›

Financial Factors <B></b>
  • Income -- Includes all the income generated by the business and its sources.
  • Cost of goods -- Includes all the costs related to the sale of products in inventory.
  • Gross profit margin -- The difference between revenue and cost of goods.
May 21, 2001

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.