Top 20 Programming Languages to Learn in 2024: A Complete List for Developers (2024)

Table of Contents
History and Evolution of Programming Languages Importance of Programming Languages in Modern Software Development Explanation of the Criteria Used for Ranking Programming Languages Brief Overview of Data Sources What are the Different Types of Programming Languages 1. Procedural Programming 2. Object-Oriented Programming 3. Functional Programming 4. Logic Programming 5. Scripting Languages Top 20 Programming Languages to Learn in 2024: A Complete List for Developers 1. Python 2. JavaScript 3. Java 4. C# 5. C++ 6. PHP 7. Ruby 8. Swift 9. R 10. SQL 11. Kotlin 12. TypeScript 13. Go 14. Rust 15. Scala 16. Dart 17. Perl 18. MATLAB 19. VBA 20. Shell Scripting Top Programming Languages for Specific Domains Best Programming Languages for Web Development Best Programming Languages for Data Science Best Programming Languages for Mobile Development Best Programming Languages for Game Development Top Programming Languages: Comparison Table Factors Influencing Language Rankings of Top Programming Languages Conclusion Also Read: Top Programming Languages – FAQs What are the top programming languages to learn in 2024? How do you determine the best programming languages for 2024? Why is Python considered one of the best programming languages in 2024? What makes JavaScript essential for web development in 2024? How does learning Java benefit developers in 2024? What are the benefits of learning multiple programming languages? How does the job market demand affect the popularity of programming languages? How do future trends impact the relevance of programming languages? Why is community support important when choosing a programming language? What are the advantages of using C# for game development? Why is C++ preferred for performance-critical applications? Please Login to comment...

Are you wondering which programming languages will dominate the tech world in 2024? Curious about which skills will be most in demand by employers? Or perhaps you’re trying to figure out which programming language is the best fit for your career growth? The answers to these questions are more critical now than ever, as the right choice can shape the success of your projects and open doors to exciting job opportunities.

Choosing the right programming language can make all the difference in the success of your projects and getting job opportunities. With new programming languages and technologies constantly emerging, knowing which top programming languages in 2024 to focus on is crucial. Whether you’re an experienced developer looking to enhance your skills or a beginner eager to dive into coding, understanding the best programming languages will help you stay ahead of the curve.

Basically, Programming has never been that dynamic—nothing drives home more the point that the languages which developers pick can make or break a project in terms of performance and scalability, sometimes even team productivity and future maintainability. But how do you know which language is right for your needs?

To answer that question, we used data from the 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey with over 70,000 responses from developers across the globe. On top of this, we add some perspective from the GitHub Octoverse Report 2024, which traced contributions and trends across millions of repositories, cross-referenced these findings against the TIOBE Index, and estimated language popularity based on search engine queries.

Job market demand was also studied, according to data supplied by sources such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn, in a move that brought to light which languages are most in demand among hiring companies.

Table of Content

  • History and Evolution of Programming Languages
  • Importance of Programming Languages in Modern Software Development
  • Explanation of the Criteria Used for Ranking Programming Languages
  • What are the Different Types of Programming Languages
  • Top 20 Programming Languages to Learn in 2024: A Complete List for Developers
    • 1. Python
    • 2. JavaScript
    • 3. Java
    • 4. C#
    • 5. C++
    • 6. PHP
    • 7. Ruby
    • 8. Swift
    • 9. R
    • 10. SQL
    • 11. Kotlin
    • 12. TypeScript
    • 13. Go
    • 14. Rust
    • 15. Scala
    • 16. Dart
    • 17. Perl
    • 18. MATLAB
    • 19. VBA
    • 20. Shell Scripting
  • Top Programming Languages for Specific Domains
    • Best Programming Languages for Web Development
    • Best Programming Languages for Data Science
    • Best Programming Languages for Mobile Development
    • Best Programming Languages for Game Development
  • Top Programming Languages: Comparison Table
  • Factors Influencing Language Rankings of Top Programming Languages

The article has targeted making an informed choice by breaking down the top 20 programming languages of 2024 based on popularity, job demand, versatility, community support, and future trends. Whether you’re a seasoned developer looking to extend your skill set or only starting out in this field, there’s something in it for everyone.

History and Evolution of Programming Languages

Programming languages have undergone considerable evolution since the invention of computing. In the initial stages, low-level assembly languages dominated the scene, in which a programmer is required to write intricate and detailed instructions. As computing applications began to rise, higher-level languages like Fortran and COBOL were developed in the 1950s and 1960s with easier syntax to be more human-readable.

These were developed in the 1970s and 1980s; structured programming languages like C and Pascal focused on better organization of code and its modularity. In the 1980s, object-oriented programming was introduced with languages such as C++ and later Java, supporting code reuse and encapsulation and revolutionizing software development.

In past years, dynamic and interpreted languages—like Python, JavaScript, and Ruby—are getting really fast and becoming popular due to their simplicity and flexibility that enabled vast libraries. It suits modern development needsweb development, data science, or automation.

Importance of Programming Languages in Modern Software Development

Programming languages are the backbone of software development, the tools and frameworks for building applications that will change the way innovation propels complex problem-solving. A programming language picked may influence several features of a project: from fast development speed with high performance to scalability and maintainability.

For instance, in data science and machine learning, the lead belongs to Python with its successive list of libraries, including TensorFlow and Pandas. JavaScript dominates web development and gives interactivity to websites and applications due to frameworks like React and Angular. Conversely, Java and C# are simply irreplaceable within the enterprise environment because of their robust performance and security features.

Explanation of the Criteria Used for Ranking Programming Languages

For ranking, we took into account several key factors when ranking the top programming languages out in 2024:

  • Popularity: This aspect relates to how much a language is adopted and used across industries. As metrics for popularity, we used the developer survey on Stack Overflow and data available from different repositories on GitHub.
  • Job Demand: Reflects the existence and future demand for language professionals. This factor was analyzed using job boards and industry reports.
  • Versatility: Versatility means the breadth of application Use Cases a language would be able to cover. Versatility was assessed according to how the language did in domains such as web development, mobile development, data science, and many more.
  • Community Support: The community support behind a given language in terms of available resources, developer communities, or support forums. Community support was examined by the number of tutorials, documentation, and active users involved in contributing to the ecosystem around the language.
  • Future Trends: Given rising technologies and trends in the industry that indicate the language’s future growth in relevance by 2025.

Brief Overview of Data Sources

Our data sources include:

  • Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2024: The yearly survey encompasses individual tastes of developers, language use, and trends of the latter. In 2024, over 70,000 developers responded to the survey from all over the globe, so it turns out to be an exceptional source of data to know the most used and emergent programming languages.
  • GitHub Octoverse Report 2024: A report by GitHub containing statistics about contributions to the repositories, the most popular programming languages, and the trends. In just how assortments of that information show adoption rates and growth in different languages.
  • TIOBE Index: TIOBE Index is an indicator of the programming languages’ popularity according to the number of search queries. It’s updated on a monthly basis and shows the long-term situation with language usage.
  • Job Boards (Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn): Job postings, salary trends, and demand for a certain programming language could be found on job boards. From the analysis of job posts, it becomes an easy identification among the languages that could be high on demand at a specific time.

What are the Different Types of Programming Languages

1. Procedural Programming

Procedural programming, in general, focuses more on structured procedure calls in the shape of structured programming. The basic application of these languages is in education for the teaching of basic programming. Such languages work according to a properly defined procedure or a sequential set of steps, which is very understandable for the initial stage.

2. Object-Oriented Programming

OOP( Object-Oriented Programming ) focuses on objects with associated data, rather than procedures and algorithm logic. OOP languages are popular for their ability to model real-world scenarios and facilitate the reuse of code. They abstract the instances and the procedures acting on the instances, leading to the modularity and reusability of the code.

3. Functional Programming

The growth in popularity of functional programming is due to the fact that it is underpinned by a focus on mathematical functions and immutability—a really nice way to easily perform complex computations and parallel processing. Functional languages make it clear that functions are pure and there isn’t any shared state, which helps in the predictability of code when writing bug-free code.

4. Logic Programming

Logic programming is based on specifying rules and facts. Mostly, this could be applied in artificial intelligence and computational linguistics. A logic language lays a stress on “what” more than “how”; as a mark of resolution it can adequately be used only for solving the very complex problem which has a set of very clear and definite rules.

5. Scripting Languages

As being represented, uses of scripting languages will include automation, web development, and rapid prototyping. This was speedy development; thus, easy to learn and use and are usually interpreted — what prompted them to be extremely flexible and powerful in respect to many tasks.

Top 20 Programming Languages to Learn in 2024: A Complete List for Developers

Learning the popular programming languages can open doors to high-paying job opportunities and versatile career paths. Lets explore the best programming languages for beginners and advanced developers. We have provided information about the top programming languages to learn, as well as those offering the highest salaries.

1. Python

Python is a high-level, interpreted language with the primary principle of ease of readability. It caters to a number of programming paradigms: procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. Its large extent of the standard library and vigorous community turn Python into an applicable choice for a whole variety of aspects—from web development to data science.

  • Strengths: Versatile, extensive libraries, strong community support available, easy to learn. Python is particularly noted for its role in data science and machine learning, thanks to libraries like TensorFlow and Pandas.
  • Weaknesses: A little slower than compiled languages—may come in the way of performance-critical applications.
  • Use Cases: Data Science, Machine Learning, development of web applications, and Automation. Python is the language of choice among data scientists and dominates academia.
  • Popularity: It always appears nearly at the top of surveys among developers and in job postings. According to the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, Python is both the most wanted and the second most loved programming language.
  • Libraries/Frameworks: TensorFlow, Django, Flask, Pandas.
Learning CurveEasy
Average Salary$120,000 per year
LevelBeginner to Advanced
Key SkillsData Science, Machine Learning, Web Development
Companies UsingGoogle, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify
Community SizeLarge and active
Ecosystem MaturityMature and well-supported

Learn Python:Python Programming Foundation -Self Paced

2. JavaScript

JavaScript is a high-level language, mostly applied in web development. It gives the competing power of dynamic content on websites and is supported by all modern web browsers. Then, with Node.js, JavaScript started to be in wide usage for server-side development; therefore, it became one of the most critical languages in full-stack development.

  • Strengths: It is highly used in web development, it has a large ecosystem, it supports asynchronous operations. Modern web development cannot be facilitated without JavaScript, which gets enormous boosts by its frameworks and libraries.
  • Weaknesses: Difficult with large uses of codebases, browser inconsistencies. One of the main challenges in developing JavaScript code is the difficulty it causes due to its dynamic nature and inconsistencies across different browsers, which makes it very hard to debug or even maintain.
  • Use Cases: Front-end development and Back-end development – Node.js, Full-stack development. All in all, with the backbone of interactive web applications, JavaScript becomes very critical for any web developer.
  • Popularity: Required by web developers, very in-demand. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023, JavaScript has remained the most used programming language for the 10th year running.
  • Frameworks: React, Angular, Vue.js.
Learning CurveModerate
Average Salary$110,000 per year
PlatformsWeb, Cross-platform
LevelBeginner to Advanced
Key SkillsFront-end Development, Full-stack Development
Companies UsingGoogle, Facebook, Microsoft, Uber
Community SizeVery large and active
Ecosystem MaturityHighly mature with extensive tools and frameworks

Learn JavaScript:Master JavaScript – Complete Beginner to Advanced

3. Java

Java is an object-oriented, class-based language with as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is known for its system independence, because of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Nowadays, it is heavily applied everywhere in enterprise environments and in the development of Android apps and large-scale systems.

  • Strengths: Platform-independent, performance, maturity. That Java offers “write once, run anywhere” in itself is something of enormous significance to cross-platform apps.
  • Weaknesses: Verbose syntax, slower startup times. The verbosity of Java could make any code lengthier to maintain and write.
  • Use Cases: Enterprise applications, Android development, big data. Java finds extensive applications in enterprises and is one of the languages at the core of Android application development.
  • Popularity: Widely used in large companies and Android development. According to the TIOBE Index 2023, Java is forever entering the top 5 programming languages.
  • Frameworks: Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Vaadin.
Learning CurveModerate
Average Salary$105,000 per year
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
Key SkillsEnterprise Development, Android Development
Companies UsingGoogle, Amazon, LinkedIn, Netflix
Community SizeLarge and supportive
Ecosystem MaturityHighly mature with extensive libraries and tools

Learn Java Programming:Master Java Programming – Complete Beginner to Advanced

4. C#

C# is a modern, high-level object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It represents an element of the .NET ecosystem and literally means being simple, robust, and in a position to empower a developer for creating any form of application, whether on the desktop, the web, or even in a mobile environment.

  • Strengths: Integration with the .NET ecosystem, robust, and easy to use. C# offers high capability on Windows application development and supports modern programming paradigms very well.
  • Weaknesses: Strongly linked to Microsoft platforms; even though the situation improved with .NET Core, C# is most decidedly used in the Microsoft ecosystem.
  • Use Cases: Game development using Unity, Enterprise Applications. C# is used as the primary language for developing games in Unity and is also heavily used within enterprise software.
  • Popularity: Robust in the enterprise environment and game development. C# remains a favorite for every developer working in a Microsoft environment.
  • Frameworks: .NET Core, ASP.NET.
Learning CurveModerate
Average Salary$100,000 per year
PlatformsCross-platform (via .NET Core)
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
Key SkillsGame Development, Enterprise Applications
Companies UsingMicrosoft, Stack Overflow, Intuit, Alibaba
Community SizeLarge and active
Ecosystem MaturityHighly mature with strong tool support

5. C++

C++ is certainly a rather powerful extension of standard C, which adds to it the power of object-oriented features. It also boasts features such as high performance and efficiency, making it quite fit for system programming, game development, and even applications that need real-time processing.

  • Strengths: High performance and low-level memory manipulation. Due to the fact that C++ offers granular control of system resources, making it an excellent choice for high-performance applications, C++ finds broad usage in system programming.
  • Weaknesses: Complex syntax, steeper learning curve. The complexities of C++ may be overpowering for a new initiate, and its comprehensive feature set takes deep understanding to use effectively.
  • Use Cases: System programming, game engines, and performance-critical applications. C++ is one of the biggest languages used in the development of operating systems, game engines, and real-time simulation systems.
  • Popularity: Used for any system-level programming and high-performance application. C++ is usually at the top according to the TIOBE Index.
  • Frameworks: Qt, Boost.
Learning CurveSteep
Average Salary$115,000 per year
Key SkillsSystem Programming, Game Development
Companies UsingAdobe, Microsoft, Oracle, IBM
Community SizeLarge and active
Ecosystem MaturityMature with extensive libraries and tools

Learn C++ Programming: C++ Programming Foundation – Self Paced

6. PHP

PHP is a server-side scripting language for development on the Internet, though it has also been used as a general programming language. It finds its major applications in the creation of dynamic websites and Content Management Systems (CMS).

  • Strengths: Easy to learn, large community providing support, excellent for web development. Another area in which PHP stands above the rest is in the ease of deployment and, in particular, very strong integration with databases like MySQL.
  • Weaknesses: Security vulnerabilities, large-scale performance problems. The dynamic nature of PHP exposes it to security risks, while the speed is not as good as many new languages.
  • Use Cases: Web Development, Content Management Systems. Much of today’s popular websites and content management systems, including WordPress, are powered by PHP.
  • Popularity: It is highly utilized for web development, having about 75% of the current market share regarding CMSs like WordPress. PHP continues to be a huge deal in Web Development.
  • Frameworks: Laravel, Symfony.
Learning CurveEasy
Average Salary$90,000 per year
LevelBeginner to Intermediate
Key SkillsWeb Development, CMS Development
Companies UsingFacebook, WordPress, Wikipedia, Slack
Community SizeLarge and active
Ecosystem MaturityMature with a rich set of tools and frameworks

7. Ruby

Ruby is an open-sourced, dynamic language designed with ease of use and productivity in mind. It has a very clean syntax that’s easy to read and write.

  • Strengths: High readability, simplicity of syntax, productivity, and a robust web development framework in the form of Ruby on Rails. Ruby is known for being friendly to the developer and its quick development speed.
  • Weaknesses: Slower runtime performance; less common in enterprise environments. Ruby may be slower compared to other languages and can present problems for performance-critical applications.
  • Use Cases: Web development, scripting. Ruby gained a lot of attention, especially with its Rails framework for building web applications in record time.
  • Popularity: Popularized by Ruby on Rails, it remains a favorite for startups and web development.
  • Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Sinatra.
Learning CurveEasy
Average Salary$95,000 per year
LevelBeginner to Intermediate
Key SkillsWeb Development, Rapid Prototyping
Companies UsingAirbnb, Shopify, GitHub, Bloomberg
Community SizeLarge and supportive
Ecosystem MaturityMature with a strong focus on web development

8. Swift

Swift is a powerful, intuitive programming language for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Developing in Swift is interactive and fun; its syntax is concise yet expressive, and Swift includes modern features developers love.

  • Strengths: Modern syntax, safety features, and performance. Swift is designed to be safe by design, eliminating common coding errors and optimized for performance.
  • Weaknesses: Limited to Apple’s ecosystem; its community is smaller than that of other languages. While Swift itself is fast-growing, a lot of its usages are still within Apple’s ecosystem.
  • Use Cases: Development of iOS and macOS applications. Swift is a language given to the development of Apple platform applications.
  • Popularity: Very exponential, increasing fast; necessary for mobile development on iOS. Swift will only continue to increase in popularity among mobile developers.
  • Frameworks: SwiftUI, Vapor.
Learning CurveModerate
Average Salary$120,000 per year
PlatformsApple ecosystems
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
Key SkillsiOS Development, macOS Development
Companies UsingApple, Uber, Slack, Lyft
Community SizeGrowing
Ecosystem MaturityRapidly maturing with strong support from Apple

Learn Swift:iOS Development for Beginners: Master Swift & App Building for Free

9. R

R is a statistical computing and graphics language and environment. It is very much extensible and has a large collection of abilities and techniques in its niche, thus being a favorite choice for doing data analysis and academic research.

  • Strengths: Specifically tailored to perform statistical computing and data visualization, with large libraries for statistical analysis. R is a mature environment that excels at data manipulation, calculation, and graphical display.
  • Weaknesses: Slower performance for tasks of a general nature, steeper learning curve for those without a statistical background. R is less suited to tasks outside its statistical niche.
  • Applications: Data analysis, statistics, academic research. R is a language chosen by statisticians and data analysts.
  • Popularity: Very much in use within the field of academia and the data science community. R is a benchmark for any research study or data analysis you do.
  • Libraries: ggplot2, dplyr, Shiny.
Learning CurveModerate to steep
Average Salary$105,000 per year
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
Key SkillsData Analysis, Statistics, Visualization
Companies UsingGoogle, Facebook, Twitter, Airbnb
Community SizeLarge and active
Ecosystem MaturityMature with extensive statistical libraries

10. SQL

SQL is the language standard of relational database management and manipulation. It is, hence, a quite important tool in querying and managing databases applied to various aspects.

  • Strengths: Very necessary in database management; optimized for manipulation. SQL is one of the important tools in handling and manipulating structured data.
  • Weaknesses: A language limited to doing things with data; it is not a general-purpose programming language. SQL is highly specialized and can’t be used for applications that don’t use a database.
  • Use Cases: Enables the retrieval of data, the administration of databases, and data warehousing. SQL is critical to any role that revolves around data.
  • Popularity: Everywhere in data-centric roles and industries. SQL is one of the must-know languages by anyone dealing with databases.
  • Integration: Supports different types of programming languages and database systems.
Learning CurveEasy
Average Salary$90,000 per year
LevelBeginner to Advanced
Key SkillsDatabase Management, Data Analysis
Companies UsingMicrosoft, Oracle, Amazon, Google
Community SizeVery large and active
Ecosystem MaturityHighly mature with robust tools and frameworks

11. Kotlin

Kotlin is a new statically typed programming language, meaning it’s interoperable with Java. It aims at improving productivity and safety, with gradual penetration into Android development.

  • Strengths: Interoperable with Java, modern syntax, and null-safety. It reduces the boilerplate code and, moreover, refines security with features related to null-safety.
  • Weaknesses: Smaller ecosystem compared to Java, and being quite new, there is a requirement for stronger libraries. The Kotlin ecosystem is weaker than its counterpart, which has been growing over the years.
  • Use Cases: Android development, server-side applications. Kotlin is becoming the darling of Android developers at an accelerated speed.
  • Popularity: It has gained a lot of popularity in Android development very quickly. Kotlin is supported by Google as a primary language for Android development.
  • Frameworks: Ktor, Spring Boot Kotlin
Learning CurveModerate
Average Salary$110,000 per year
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
Key SkillsAndroid Development, Server-side Development
Companies UsingGoogle, Pinterest, Uber, Trello
Community SizeGrowing
Ecosystem MaturityRapidly maturing with strong support from Google

12. TypeScript

TypeScript is a strongly typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It adds static types to the language, which can improve code quality and maintainability.

  • Strengths: Enhances JavaScript with static typing, better tooling support. TypeScript helps catch errors at compile time, making the code more reliable and easier to maintain.
  • Weaknesses: Steeper learning curve compared to JavaScript, additional setup required. The need to learn and set up TypeScript can be a barrier for some developers.
  • Use Cases: Large-scale JavaScript applications, front-end development. TypeScript is especially beneficial for large codebases and projects where maintainability is crucial.
  • Popularity: Increasingly popular in enterprise environments. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey, TypeScript is among the fastest-growing languages.
  • Frameworks: Angular, NestJS.
Learning CurveModerate
Average Salary$105,000 per year
PlatformsWeb, Cross-platform
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
Key SkillsFront-end Development, Full-stack Development
Companies UsingMicrosoft, Google, Asana, Slack
Community SizeGrowing
Ecosystem MaturityMature with extensive tools and frameworks

13. Go

Go, also known as Golang, is a statically typed, compiled language designed by Google. It is known for its simplicity and efficiency, particularly in building scalable and concurrent applications.

  • Strengths: Simplicity, strong concurrency support, fast compilation. Go is designed for simplicity and speed, making it ideal for cloud services and microservices.
  • Weaknesses: Limited library ecosystem compared to older languages. Go’s relative youth means it has fewer libraries and frameworks than some other languages.
  • Use Cases: Cloud services, system programming, microservices. Go is widely used in cloud infrastructure and backend systems.
  • Popularity: Favored for modern cloud-based applications. Go is popular in the DevOps and cloud computing communities.
  • Frameworks: Gin, Echo.
Learning CurveEasy to Moderate
Average Salary$115,000 per year
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
Key SkillsCloud Computing, System Programming
Companies UsingGoogle, Uber, Dropbox, Docker
Community SizeGrowing
Ecosystem MaturityRapidly maturing with strong support from Google

14. Rust

Rust is a systems programming language focused on safety, speed, and concurrency. It is designed to prevent common bugs and ensure memory safety without needing a garbage collector.

  • Strengths: Memory safety, performance, concurrency. Rust is known for its ability to write safe code without sacrificing performance, making it ideal for system-level programming.
  • Weaknesses: Steep learning curve, smaller ecosystem. The complexity of Rust can make it challenging to learn, and its ecosystem is still growing.
  • Use Cases: System programming, web assembly, performance-critical applications. Rust is used for applications where safety and performance are paramount.
  • Popularity: Growing rapidly, especially in system-level programming. Rust is highly regarded for its performance and safety features.
  • Frameworks: Actix, Rocket.
Learning CurveSteep
Average Salary$120,000 per year
Key SkillsSystem Programming, Concurrency
Companies UsingMozilla, Dropbox, Coursera, Cloudflare
Community SizeGrowing
Ecosystem MaturityRapidly maturing with strong safety features

15. Scala

Scala is a high-level language that combines object-oriented and functional programming. It is designed to be concise and to offer a powerful type system.

  • Strengths: Combines object-oriented and functional paradigms, concise syntax. Scala allows for the expression of complex ideas in a concise and readable manner.
  • Weaknesses: Steep learning curve, slower compilation times. Scala’s complexity can be a barrier for new developers, and its compilation times can be long.
  • Use Cases: Data processing, distributed systems, web development. Scala is particularly popular in big data processing and functional programming.
  • Popularity: Popular in data-intensive and scalable system development. Scala is widely used in the data science and functional programming communities.
  • Frameworks: Play, Akka.
Learning CurveSteep
Average Salary$115,000 per year
PlatformsJVM, Cross-platform
Key SkillsFunctional Programming, Data Processing
Companies UsingTwitter, LinkedIn, Netflix, Airbnb
Community SizeLarge and supportive
Ecosystem MaturityMature with extensive libraries and tools

16. Dart

Dart is a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform. It is designed for building mobile, desktop, server, and web applications.

  • Strengths: Optimized for UI, fast development cycles with hot reload. Dart is particularly known for its performance and ease of use in UI development.
  • Weaknesses: Smaller community, less mature ecosystem. Dart is still growing and has a smaller ecosystem compared to some older languages.
  • Use Cases: Mobile app development (Flutter), web development. Dart is the language behind Flutter, a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile apps.
  • Popularity: Growing rapidly with the popularity of Flutter. Dart is increasingly popular among mobile developers.
  • Frameworks: Flutter.
Learning CurveEasy to Moderate
Average Salary$100,000 per year
LevelBeginner to Intermediate
Key SkillsMobile Development, Web Development
Companies UsingGoogle, Alibaba, Tencent, eBay
Community SizeGrowing
Ecosystem MaturityRapidly maturing with strong support from Google

17. Perl

Perl is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted language known for its text-processing capabilities. It is often used for system administration, web development, and network programming.

  • Strengths: Excellent text processing, flexible, strong CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) library. Perl is known for its powerful text manipulation capabilities and extensive library of modules.
  • Weaknesses: Complex syntax, declining popularity. Perl’s syntax can be difficult to read and write, and its usage has declined with the rise of newer languages.
  • Use Cases: System administration, web development, network programming. Perl remains useful for scripting and automating system tasks.
  • Popularity: Declining but still used in legacy systems. Perl’s usage has decreased, but it remains important in certain domains.
  • Libraries: CPAN.
Learning CurveModerate to Steep
Average Salary$95,000 per year
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
Key SkillsText Processing, System Administration
Companies, BBC, Craigslist, DuckDuckGo
Community SizeModerate
Ecosystem MaturityMature with extensive libraries and tools


MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing. It integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment.

  • Strengths: Excellent for mathematical modeling, extensive toolboxes for different applications. MATLAB excels in numerical computing and has powerful built-in functions for mathematical operations.
  • Weaknesses: Expensive licensing, not ideal for general-purpose programming. The cost of MATLAB can be prohibitive, and it is less suited for general-purpose programming tasks.
  • Use Cases: Mathematical modeling, simulation, data analysis. MATLAB is widely used in academia and industry for research and development.
  • Popularity: Popular in engineering and scientific research. MATLAB is a staple in many engineering and scientific fields.
  • Toolboxes: Simulink, Image Processing Toolbox.
Learning CurveModerate
Average Salary$110,000 per year
LevelIntermediate to Advanced
Key SkillsNumerical Computing, Data Analysis
Companies UsingNASA, Boeing, Ford, Intel
Community SizeLarge and supportive
Ecosystem MaturityHighly mature with extensive toolboxes

19. VBA

(Visual Basic for Applications) VBA is an event-driven programming language from Microsoft, primarily used for automating tasks in Microsoft Office applications.

  • Strengths: Easy to learn for non-programmers, excellent for automating repetitive tasks in Office applications. VBA allows users to automate tasks and extend the functionality of Office applications.
  • Weaknesses: Limited to Microsoft Office environment, not suitable for large-scale applications. VBA’s usage is restricted to the Office suite and is not ideal for building complex applications.
  • Use Cases: Office automation, custom functions in Excel and Access. VBA is widely used for creating macros and custom functions in Office applications.
  • Popularity: Popular among business users and professionals who work extensively with Microsoft Office. VBA remains widely used in business environments.
  • Integration: Works seamlessly with Microsoft Office.
Learning CurveEasy
Average Salary$85,000 per year
PlatformsMicrosoft Office
LevelBeginner to Intermediate
Key SkillsOffice Automation, Custom Macros
Companies UsingMicrosoft, Deloitte, PwC, EY
Community SizeLarge and supportive
Ecosystem MaturityHighly mature within the Office environment

Also Read: Is it Better to Learn VBA, R Programming, or SQL

20. Shell Scripting

Shell scripting is used for writing small programs that automate tasks in Unix-like operating systems.

  • Strengths: Excellent for automation, easy to write and understand for simple tasks. Shell scripts are very powerful for automating routine tasks in Unix-like environments.
  • Weaknesses: Limited to Unix-like systems, not suitable for complex applications. Shell scripting is primarily used for system administration and is not ideal for developing complex software.
  • Use Cases: System administration, automation of repetitive tasks. Shell scripting is essential for system administrators and DevOps engineers.
  • Popularity: Widely used in Unix-like environments. Shell scripting remains a fundamental skill for system administrators.
  • Shells: Bash, Zsh, Ksh.
Learning CurveEasy to Moderate
Average Salary$90,000 per year
PlatformsUnix-like systems
LevelBeginner to Intermediate
Key SkillsSystem Administration, Automation
Companies UsingIBM, Red Hat, Oracle, Canonical
Community SizeLarge and active
Ecosystem MaturityHighly mature with extensive tools and scripts

Top Programming Languages for Specific Domains

Best Programming Languages for Web Development

  • JavaScript: Essential for front-end development with frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js. Also used in back-end development with Node.js.
  • Python: Popular for web development due to frameworks like Django and Flask. Known for its simplicity and scalability.
  • PHP: Widely used for server-side development. Powers CMS platforms like WordPress and Joomla.

Check Out: 7 Best Web Development Languages to Learn in 2024

Best Programming Languages for Data Science

  • Python: Dominates data science with libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and TensorFlow. Ideal for data analysis and machine learning.
  • R: Specialized for statistical computing and data visualization. Preferred in academia and research.

Check Out: Best Programming Languages for Data Science in 2024

Best Programming Languages for Mobile Development

  • Swift: The go-to language for iOS and macOS development. Known for its performance and safety features.
  • Kotlin: Endorsed by Google for Android development. Offers modern syntax and full interoperability with Java.
  • Dart: Used with the Flutter framework for cross-platform mobile app development. Known for fast development cycles.

Check Out: Top Programming Languages for Android App Development

Best Programming Languages for Game Development

  • C#: Widely used with the Unity game engine. Ideal for creating 2D and 3D games.
  • C++: Preferred for high-performance game engines like Unreal Engine. Offers fine-grained control over system resources

Check Out: 10 Best Programming Languages for Game Development in 2024

Top Programming Languages: Comparison Table

Here’s a comprehensive comparison table that highlights the key strengths, emerging technology relevance, and example applications for each of the best programming languages:

Programming LanguagesEmerging TechnologyKey StrengthsExample Applications
PythonArtificial Intelligence (AI)– Extensive libraries (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras)
– Easy syntax
– Strong community support
Machine learning models
Natural language processing (NLP)
JavaScript Internet of Things (IoT)Event-driven architecture
Non-blocking I/O
– Cross-platform support
– Smart home systems
– Real-time data processing
JavaCloud Computing– Platform independence (JVM)
– Strong performance
– Robust ecosystem
– Enterprise applications
– Android apps
C#Game Development (AR/VR)– Integration with .NET
– Robust
– Easy-to-use for Windows apps
– Unity game development
– AR/VR applications
C++Real-Time Systems– High performance
– Low-level memory manipulation
– Widely used in system programming
– Operating systems
– Game engines (e.g., Unreal Engine)
PHPWeb Development– Easy to learn
– Extensive community support
– Strong integration with databases
– Dynamic websites
– Content management systems (CMS)
RubyRapid Prototyping– Simple and readable syntax
– Productive
– Strong web framework (Ruby on Rails)
– Web applications
– Startups and MVP development
SwiftMobile Development (iOS)– Modern syntax
– Safety features
– Optimized for performance
– iOS apps
– macOS applications
RData Science– Specialized for statistics
– Extensive libraries for data analysis
– Statistical computing
– Data visualization
SQLData Management– Optimized for data manipulation
– Essential for database management
– Data retrieval
– Database administration
KotlinAndroid Development– Interoperable with Java
– Modern syntax
– Null safety
– Android apps
– Server-side applications
TypeScriptWeb Development– Static typing
– Better tooling support
– Enhances JavaScript
– Large-scale web apps
– Front-end frameworks (e.g., Angular)
Go (Golang)Cloud Services– Simplicity
– Strong concurrency support
– Fast compilation
– Microservices
– Cloud infrastructure
RustBlockchain– Memory safety
– High performance
– Concurrency
– Blockchain networks
– Decentralized applications (dApps)
ScalaBig Data Processing– Combines OOP and functional programming
– Concise syntax
– Distributed systems
– Data processing (e.g., Apache Spark)
DartCross-Platform Mobile Apps– Optimized for UI
– Fast development cycles with hot reload
– Mobile apps with Flutter
– Web apps
PerlSystem Administration– Powerful text processing
– Flexible
– Strong CPAN library
– Scripting
– Network programming
MATLABEngineering Simulations– Excellent for mathematical modeling
– Extensive toolboxes
– Simulations
– Data analysis
VBAOffice Automation– Easy for non-programmers
– Excellent for automating Office tasks
– Excel macros
– Custom Office functions
Shell ScriptingAutomation– Excellent for task automation
– Simple and effective for Unix-like systems
– System administration
– Automating repetitive tasks

This table provides a concise yet comprehensive overview, helping readers quickly identify the top and best programming language for their specific needs, especially when working with emerging technologies.

Factors Influencing Language Rankings of Top Programming Languages

  • Job Market Demand: Based on the number of job postings and required skills in the industry.
  • Community Size: Measured by the number of active developers and contributions to open-source projects.
  • Ecosystem Maturity: The availability of libraries, frameworks, and tools.
  • Performance: Execution speed and resource efficiency.
  • Ease of Learning: Accessibility for new developers and learning resources available.


In 2024, the programming landscape offers diverse choices to match project needs and career goals. Understanding the strengths and use cases of each programming language is crucial for successful software development. Staying updated with the best programming languages and trends is essential for making strategic decisions that enhance your career and projects. Whether it’s Python for data science, JavaScript for web development, or Java for enterprise solutions, each language has unique advantages.

Continuous learning is key for every developer. Invest time in learning new programming languages and improving your coding skills. Use online courses, documentation, and community forums to stay current. By keeping up with programming trends and technologies, you ensure your skills remain competitive. Start exploring these top programming languages today. Dive into tutorials, join communities, and participate in coding challenges to enhance your proficiency and tackle any coding challenge that comes your way.

Also Read:

  • 10 Most Popular Programming Languages in India[2024]
  • Top Highest Paying Programming Languages in 2024
  • Top 10 Programming Languages For 2025

Top Programming Languages – FAQs

What are the top programming languages to learn in 2024?

The top programming languages to learn in 2024 include Python, JavaScript, Java, C#, C++, PHP, Ruby, Swift, R, and SQL. These languages are ranked based on popularity, job demand, versatility, and community support.

How do you determine the best programming languages for 2024?

The best programming languages are determined based on factors such as popularity, job demand, versatility, community support, and future trends. Data is collected from sources like the Stack Overflow Developer Survey, GitHub Octoverse Report, TIOBE Index, and job boards.

Why is Python considered one of the best programming languages in 2024?

Python is valued for its versatility, ease of learning, extensive libraries, and strong community support. It is widely used in data science, machine learning, and web development.

What makes JavaScript essential for web development in 2024?

JavaScript is essential for web development because it powers dynamic content on websites and is supported by all modern web browsers. Frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js enhance its functionality.

How does learning Java benefit developers in 2024?

Java offers robust performance, platform independence, and a mature ecosystem. It is widely used in enterprise applications and Android development.

What are the benefits of learning multiple programming languages?

Learning multiple programming languages enhances your versatility, problem-solving skills, and employability. It allows you to choose the best language for a specific task and increases your adaptability in a dynamic job market.

How does the job market demand affect the popularity of programming languages?

Job market demand greatly influences the popularity of programming languages. Languages that are in high demand by employers offer better job prospects and higher salaries, making them more popular among developers.

How do future trends impact the relevance of programming languages?

Future trends impact the relevance of programming languages by driving the adoption of new technologies and methodologies. Staying aware of these trends helps you choose languages that will remain relevant and in demand.

Why is community support important when choosing a programming language?

Community support is important because it provides access to resources, tutorials, forums, and expert advice. A strong community can help you troubleshoot issues, learn best practices, and stay updated with the latest developments.

What are the advantages of using C# for game development?

C# is preferred for game development due to its integration with the .NET ecosystem and the Unity game engine, offering simplicity and robust performance.

Why is C++ preferred for performance-critical applications?

C++ is chosen for its high performance and low-level memory manipulation, making it ideal for system programming and game development.


Top 20 Programming Languages to Learn in 2024: A Complete List for Developers (3)


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10 Best Programming Languages for Game Development in 2024

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Top 20 Programming Languages to Learn in 2024: A Complete List for Developers (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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