Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (2024)


With over 50 different countries making up Africa, as you can imagine there is a vast array of different cultures, landscapes and wildlife to see. A visit can be very different from how you might imagine from what you may have read about Africa or seen in the news or the movies. One of my favourite corners of the continent is West Africa. The Gambia, in particular, is a popular holiday destination with the British thanks to its golden sandy beaches, year-round hot weather, colourful culture and friendly English-speaking locals. It’s in the same time zone as we are too which is handy! While some tourists rarely leave the beach or the poolside, there is no end of things to do in The Gambia, whatever your budget. In my mind, it would be a crime not to leave the resort areas and discover more about this fascinating country. It’s a fabulous place to explore.

Disclaimer: I have visited The Gambia many times over the last 18 years on holiday, volunteering and while working forThe Gambia Experience. I now work freelance but was delighted to be invited to return in December 2022 on a bloggers’ press trip funded by The Gambia Experience.

Table of Contents

Why go on holiday to The Gambia?

Long sandy beaches that are never overcrowded, a vibrant colourful culture, wonderful wildlife and friendly English-speaking locals; there’s no end of reasons why you should consider a Gambia holiday.

The Gambia in West Africa is a fascinating place, and with no rain between November to the middle of June virtually guaranteed. And temperatures in the 30s, it is a fantastic winter sun destination. The coast has many lovely, long sandy beaches which are never over-crowded, even in the height of the season. And you’ll find it much cheaper than many other popular winter sun locations such as the Caribbean. Plus it is less than 6 hours away and within the same time zone as the UK, so there is no need to worry about jet lag.

Some people also like visiting in the summer when it’s quieter. Rain tends to fall in short, sharp showers, often at night, but in the day it’s never long before the sun starts shining again. It is very humid, though, and it’s worth noting that many restaurants and some hotels shut down in the summer.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (1)

There’s an excellent range of accommodation, from great value budget guesthouses to luxurious boutique hotels and unique eco-resorts.

You might also want to read about Where to stay in The Gambia.

Gambia Fact Box

  • Where is The Gambia? In West Africa, with a coastline on the Atlantic Ocean. It’s surroundedby the much larger country of Senegal on three sides.
  • What language do they speak in The Gambia? There are several local languages, but the official language is English. The vast majority of peope you are likely to meet will speak it fluently.
  • What’s the weather like in The Gambia? Average temperature highs range between 29°C and 34°C with long hours of sunshine year-round. In the summer months, it is very humid with short but heavy rain showers. In the winter, there is low humidity and little to no rain, the perfect location for a winter sun holiday.
  • What’s the food like in The Gambia?The resort areas have a fabulous range of restaurants serving eveything from fish ‘n’ chips to cuisines from around the world. Look out for local dishes too which are usually quite spicy and served with rice, such as the peanut-based domoda, fish benachin or chicken yassa.
  • What’s the currency in The Gambia?TheDalasi (GMD). The current exchange rate is about 70 dalasi to the pound (December 2022).
  • Where to stay in The Gambia? There is a great range of hotels in The Gambia from basic yet comfortable hotels to luxurious spa hotels, remote eco-lodges to lively family resorts.Read about the different resort areas and the best hotels in The Gambia, here.

Things to do in The Gambia on a budget

Many holidaymakers from Europe head here to relax by the sea or pool but it would be a crime for any visitor to stay in their hotel and not get out and about, meet the locals, discover the culture and see some of the beautiful wildlife. Gambians are incredibly friendly, some might say too friendly, but even the most persistent ‘bumster’, as the local boys who hang around the tourist areas are known, mean you no harm and just hope to make a little money by being your guide, friend or boyfriend. There are some great organised excursions, but these can be expensive so here are my top tips for things to do in The Gambia on a budget, many of which are entirely free.

1. Craft markets

There are several colourful craft markets in the tourist areas of the Gambia, all great places to practice your haggling skills. Whatever the stallholder asks for, offer far less and hopefully end up meeting in the middle. The trick is to think before you start. Do I really want this and what price am I willing to pay? I’m hopeless at mental arithmetic, so I keep a credit card size conversion table (that I’ve made myself to match the current exchange rate) in my purse which I can glance at as needed. Some stallholders can be a little pushy but smile, stick to your guns, take your time and go with the flow.

You can pick up some real bargains including stunning dresses, beautiful jewellery and traditional wood carvings. Be aware, though, that any musical instruments you are likely to find in a tourist craft market will likely be of low quality and meant for display purposes rather than for playing.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (2)

Visiting local markets

Beyond the tourist-aimed craft markets in the resort areas, the best-known markets are at Serrekunda, the largest town in The Gambia, and the Royal Albert Market in the capital, Banjul. Both of these towns have large markets selling everything under the sun and are fascinating to explore.

Taking photographs at markets

While people are usually happy to have their photograph taken in the tourist craft markets, in the parts of the markets aimed at locals, many people do not like it or will expect to be paid. And some of the stallholders, especially the older generation, will not speak English. Even so, it is easy to ask people if they mind having their photographs taken by gesturing to your camera but please don’t be offended if people say no.

You might also enjoy Exploring Albert Market in Banjul.

2. Tanji Fishing Village

There are fish markets at Bakau, Tanji and Sanyang. These are colourful, vibrant places where you can watch the pirogues (fishing boats) come in and unload the day’s catch. Men and women wade into the water and bring back buckets on their heads full of fish. Women buy and sell the fish while the seagulls squawk overhead ever hopeful of a few scraps. Any keen photographers will love all the colour and action but keep in mind that, as with the local markets, many people don’t like to be photographed. While you’ll have to pay for a taxi or hire a bicycle to get there once there, it is free to watch all the action.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (3)

Discover more about Tanji Fishing Village

3. Wrestling at Sanyang Beach

There are many lovely sandy beaches in The Gambia, none of which ever get overcrowded and some with not another soul in sight. Sanyang, also known as Paradise Beach, is many people’s favourite. It has a small bar, café and a few craft stalls. A short walk away you’ll see rows of colourful pirogues and behind that the fish is being prepared, dried and smoked. On Sundays throughout the main tourist season organised traditional wrestling matches are very entertaining.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (4)

4. Drink Julbrew

Although a predominantly Muslim country, where most citizens don’t drink alcohol, The Gambia is very moderate and tolerant of other religions and cultures. So much so that they even have their own brewery, Julbrew. While I’m not a huge larger fan, I do enjoy a cool Julbrew by the beach, preferably watching the sunset. My favourite places to drink it are the beachside restaurant at Cape Point called, Calypso and at the Baracuda Bar in the Kombo Beach Hotel in Kotu (pictured below).

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (5)

5. Kachikally Sacred Crocodile Pool

This sacred pool is in Bakau but there are quite a few throughout The Gambia, some with and some without the crocodiles. The waters are said to have magical powers, in particular, they are said to aid fertility and women come long distances to be bathed in the waters. A taxi driver once told me about an English couple he had taken there. They had been trying for years to have children, so they visited the pool and not long after returning home emailed him that they were expecting a baby.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (6)

It only costs D50 (about £1 GBP) to enter, and there is a small but interesting museum there too. The crocodiles have become so used to visitors that you can walk right up to them and stroke them but strictly only on the advice of the guides. However, I would in no way encourage you to touch any animals in The Gambia. I firmly believe that wild animals should remain just that, wild, and I do not advocate taking selfies with any wild animal.

6. The monkeys at Bijilo Forest Park

There is a lovely walk through the trees and a huge population of green vervet monkeys which are great fun to watch. You may also see a Western Red Colobus monkey (look up into the trees). This is an endangered species, and they are struggling to survive here because of the number of vervet monkeys. The vervets are doing so well because the tourists feed them and have become humanised so that they no longer fear us but instead see us a food sauce. Not only can monkeys carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans, once they lose their natural fear of us, but they can also become problematic to local people, invading their homes and causing a significant nuisance.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (7)

Bijilo Monkey Park is even cheaper to enter than Kachikally (and free if you enter away from the main entrance, I believe). While you don’t need a guide, they are very good at spotting and identifying birds that you might otherwise miss. If you are told that it is OK to feed the monkeys, please don’t. I understand it can be very tempting to want to get a photograph of a monkey taking a peanut out of your hand BUT Monkeys can carry diseases that can be passed on to humans. Also, once they have been fed by people, they then see humans as a source of food, lose their natural fear of us and can become a right pain in the backside for locals, entering their homes and stealing food. PLEASE don’t buy the peanuts and don’t feed the monkeys. IT IS NOT OK! (sorry, did I raise my voice there!)

7. Birdwatching

The Gambia is famous for birdwatching and is a favourite location of BBC wildlife presenter and birdwatching expert, Chris Packham because there are so many different birds found here – some 540 species. The best way to go birdwatching is to hire an official guide. However, many of the hotels have lovely grounds where a variety of birds can be seen, and it is worth asking if they have a bird guidebook you can borrow and even some binoculars. The guides have an office by Kotu Bridge.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (8)

If you are staying in the Kololi/Senegambia area than Bijilo Forest is within walking distance. While it may not be my first choice for birdwatching, it isn’t bad at all and saves you the cost of hiring a taxi. If you are staying in Kotu then a walk along Kotu creek, starting at the bridge is a great option.

Read my guide to birdwatching in The Gambia.


8. Traditional Drumming and Dance Show

Many hotels and some restaurants lay on entertainment. This can vary in quality and style, but there are a few superb traditional groups that play the circuit of hotels, and you can watch them while eating or over a drink. Please do tip them as some of the hotels pay them very little.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (9)

Above: Tamala Africa Cultural Troupe (the best drumming troupe I’ve ever seen) act out a scene from a traditional West African folktale

9. A walk along the beach at sunset

The sunsets in The Gambia can be spectacular. Being so near the equator the sun goes down very quickly around 7 pm (give or take half an hour). If someone comes over to chat to you, but you’d rather be alone take off your shoes and walk in the water. The local young men who try to befriend tourists in the hope of making a little money, known as bumsters, do not like getting their shoes wet. While their attention can, at times be annoying, in my experience, it is never threatening. I’ve visited the Gambia alone for work several times and never felt unsafe there.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (10)

10. Have a drumming lesson

Sitting under a palm tree on the beach, enjoying a drumming lesson is a great way to spend an hour or two while learning about the local culture. The lessons I’ve had have all been organised through the Kombo Beach Hotel but wherever you’re staying, I’m sure your hotel (or one of the performers you can see in many of the hotels and bars) will be able to put you in touch with a teacher. And they charge very little compared to what you might pay for a music lesson in the UK.

11. Feed the vultures

The sky is thick with vultures, swooping and squawking, eager to grab their share of the feast. Watching vultures being fed is an incredible sight.

You can see them every morning in the gardens of the Senegambia Hotel in Kololi at around 11 am or by Kotu Bridge on the road leading to Kotu. It’s completely free, but a donation to the organisers is appreciated. While I wouldn’t normally condone feeding wild animals, in this case, I’m prepared to make an exception. While vultures are common in the Gambia, worldwide, the hooded vulture is an endangered species. And with so few work opportunities for Gambians, I have to applaud these initiatives, particularly in Kotu where the vulture feeding promotes the services of numerous bird-watching guides.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (11)

12. Visit a luxury hotel for a massage

I know! That doesn’t sound like something to do on a budget. However, it will cost you a fraction of the price that it would at home. I once treated myself to two and a half hours of total self-indulgence with a hammam, followed by a hot stone massage and ending with an Asian foot massage at the most luxurious hotel in The Gambia, the Coco Ocean Resort and Spa. It currently costs D2,200 (around £40 GBP). In England, that would probably cost you a couple of hundred pounds in a five-star hotel. Even if you can’t afford to stay in one of the luxury or boutique hotels in The Gambia, there are some lovely ‘value for money’ hotels, and there’s no reason why you can’t visit one of the top hotels for a treat, be it in their restaurant or their spa.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (12)

Want to know more about The Gambia? Then check out my Gambia travel blog from this wonderful little country.

Dealing with bumsters in The Gambia

The Gambia is known as the smiling coast of Africa with good reason, as the people here are among the friendliest you could hope to meet anywhere in the world. Sadly, however, The Gambia has acquired a bit of a name for itself as a destination where middle-aged European women go in search of toy boys while on holiday in The Gambia. With little work or prospects, many young men fall into this trap. In the tourist resorts, you will find these ‘bumsters’, as they are known, hanging around, looking out for the latest arrivals and hoping to make some money, whether by offering their services as a guide or escort or by trying to sell you something. This should not put you off, though. I have visited the country many times, as a solo traveller as well as in a group, and while the bumsters can be annoying at times, I have never felt unsafe. A firm but polite, “No, thank you!” usually does the trick. Never say, “Maybe later”, as they will only hear the later and not the maybe and will come looking for you!

Top tip: If people are annying you as you walk along the beach, take off your shoes and walk in the water. The bumsters won’t follow you as they wouldn’t want to get their trainers wet.

How to get around in The Gambia | A guide to local transport

Bush Taxis

The cheapest form of public transport is the bush taxi. These are white minibuses that travel set routes between towns and cram the passengers in, but they are incredibly cheap and have a fixed price of around 10 Dalasi (£0.16 GBP). Journey’s do tend to take a very long time though, especially if you need to change buses.

Yellow Taxis

The yellow taxis, with a green stripe down the side, cost about the same as the minibuses, charging per person at a fixed rate and they are likely to pick up further passengers along the way. These are not allowed to drive into the main resort areas, so if you are staying in a hotel, you will have to walk to the main road to pick one up. Always check the price before getting in and make it clear that you are happy to share otherwise they will assume you want a private taxi (called a town trip) and you will be expected to pay at least 50 Dalasi. It’s worth keeping in mind that The Gambia is a developing country and safety standards are not as high as they are in many other countries.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (13)

Tourist Taxis

The tourist taxis are green, and it is these that you will find outside the hotels. They are very much more expensive but are usually in better condition and reputedly have better insurance. The drivers are happy to act as guides which can be very useful, and they are happy to wait for you for a few hours while you are in a restaurant for example, rather than lose the return fare. There will be boards displaying a fixed price, but if you are good at bargaining, you may be able to get this down a little. You can also hire them for half days or whole days, and they will take you around the local sights. This will generally be cheaper than going on an organised excursion. Do make sure that everything is agreed beforehand regarding costs and time.

Car Hire

You can hire a car in The Gambia, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Driving is chaotic, there are few road signs, and many roads don’t even have names. At night, all drivers keep their headlights on full beam so that no one can see a thing!

Bicycle hire

Hiring a bicycle can be a cheap option but please don’t cycle at night on the roads, when drivers have their headlights on full beam and probably won’t see you. Other than that, a bicycle is a great way to get around, and if someone does start to be a nuisance, you can hop on your bike and cycle off.


There aren’t any trains in The Gambia.


The Gambia is a thin slither of land following the line of the River Gambia which effectively cuts the country in half. All the tourist resorts, most hotels and the airport or on the south bank. There are no bridges spanning the river, so if you want to get to the north bank you have to go by boat. The Main ferry crossing is at Banjul and is an experience in itself. Head up to the top deck and sit at the front where you can watch what’s going on below.

Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (14)

Four things you must pack when visiting The Gambia

I lost count of the number of times I’ve visited The Gambia a long time ago. I’ve stayed in a variety of hotels, travelled there with friends, on my own, with my husband, for work, on holiday and as a volunteer. Here are the four things I never travel to The Gambia without.

1. Anti-malaria tablets

It’s perfectly safe to travel to The Gambia as long as you take the necessary precautions. Thousands of holidaymakers go there and have a fabulous time, but malaria can kill and but is not worth taking the risk. You can buy anti-malaria tablets online, via a pharmacy, or from your GP. For more information, I highly recommend you check out the NHS website Fit for Travel well in advance.

2. Mosquito repellent

Even though you are taking anti-malaria pills, it’s safer still if you don’t get bitten. Mosquito bites can also be unsightly, as well as uncomfortable, so a reliable mosquito repellent is invaluable. Rohan offers a great range of insect repellents as well as first aid kits, blister kits, sunblock and mosquito

3. Mosquito-repellent clothing

When I first heard about mosquito repellent clothing I was a little dubious but, having tried it for myself, I can verify that it works. My favourite item is this sarong, but there’s a good range of shirts, hats and trousers available with mosquito repellent impregnated with mosquito repellent. I can also recommend the Rohan range of anti-insect clothing for men and women.

4. Plug converter

The hotels in The Gambia use a variety of electrical sockets. Many fit English-style three-pin plugs, while others fit European two-pin plugs. Make sure you take the right converter so you can’t get caught out. Worldwide travel adaptors are perfect no matter where you are travelling from or to. Buy this one from the US or this one from the UKTop 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (15). It’s pretty much the only one you’ll ever need.

Don’t forget your travel insurance!

My travel insurance company of choice is World Nomads. It’s designed for adventurous travellers with cover for overseas medical, evacuation, baggage and a range ofadventure sports and activitiesfromair guitartospelunking! Many of the sports and activities that are covered as standard are not commonly included in other insurance policies. You canbuy and claim online, even after you’ve left home. Travel insurance from is available to people from over 130 countries.


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  1. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (16)

    Rob on April 1, 2023 at 6:29 pm

    Super article and really enjoyed the Gambia! Special culture and nice people!

    I really advise people to take a local guide: much more personal attention, you support the locals and you are not in a van with 60 people haha. Private driver all day for almost nothing. Tip, we arranged it with Abdul, super nice guy! (


  2. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (17)

    Liam Spence on January 9, 2023 at 11:22 am

    Afternoon Kathryn,

    Hope you are well. Great post!

    Me and my partner are travelling to The Gambia at the end of the month. I am reading some very conflicting reports on whether or not I will need a yellow fever jab to enter the country as a British National.

    Can you please advise?

    Kind regards,



    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (18)

      Kathryn Burrington on January 10, 2023 at 8:43 am

      Hi Liam, I do hope you found my post useful. As far as I am aware, you do not need a yellow fever jab (although it is recommended) to visit The Gambia from the UK, however, I believe you do need one if you wish to enter Senegal. The only exception may be is if you have recently visited another country where yellow fever is present.

      You can find out more here, and here


  3. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (19)

    Abdoulie on November 12, 2017 at 7:04 pm

    Hi everyone am Abdoulie a Gambia,
    Just want to add on the top 10 places to visit.
    The Reptile Farm; located at Kartong, a very nice place to visit and I assure you, you will have lot’s of good photos. I visit the place on a excursion with tourist from Holland last year December they really love the it.


  4. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (20)

    Charlotte on June 27, 2015 at 12:37 pm

    Thanks for the speedy reply. Is there a particular reason you choose the winter to travel there or is it just the best time for you?


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (21)

      Kathryn Burrington on June 27, 2015 at 2:55 pm

      The weather. Between December and April it is not so humid, although I’ve been in May and June and still loved it.


      • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (22)

        Karlijn on September 30, 2017 at 3:46 pm

        Just been there in july, rainy season perfect less tourists and green everywhere. Dont feed these monkeys! One of them jumped on my back hé was upset i didnt feed him and hé scratched me.. Had to run for rabiës shots..


        • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (23)

          Kathryn Burrington on September 30, 2017 at 4:15 pm

          Oh dear! I’ve never heard of that happening before but it is an inevitable consequence. It sounds as if it didn’t spoil your holiday though, which I’m pleased to hear. I hope it doesn’t put you off going back again.


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (24)

      Glen on February 29, 2016 at 2:05 am

      Hi Charlotte, see my earlier message below, I posted in wrong place


  5. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (25)

    chris on March 7, 2015 at 8:57 am

    Went to the Gambiia, first time, solo, last November 2014. Can’t wait to return….


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (26)

      Kathryn Burrington on March 7, 2015 at 9:08 am

      It’s been too long now since I’ve been and I’m missing it! Hope you get to go back very soon. The tourism industry has taken a terrible knock this yea,r as people are staying away because of Ebola – even though there hasn’t been a single case in The Gambia. They really need our support.


      • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (27)

        Charlotte on June 27, 2015 at 5:08 am

        Thinking of going to the Gambia next year. When are you planning on going again. I would love to go with someone who’s been before.


        • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (28)

          Kathryn Burrington on June 27, 2015 at 9:06 am

          I’m hoping to go at some point this comig winter but I really don’t know when. I have found that The Gambia is a safe place to visit on your own as long as you are staying in a reputable hotel. You are likely to get a lot of unwanted attention though. I’ve never found this threatening just annoying.


        • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (29)

          Glen on February 29, 2016 at 12:20 am

          Hi charlotte . ive been twice and am going out again for 10days 2nd week in March 2016. If you haven’t gone already then let me know if you need some company or advise for places to go although Kathryns guide is very good.


  6. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (30)

    lesley on November 5, 2014 at 7:17 pm

    Hi, I am off to the Gambia in 19 days (and counting). I found all the advice very interesting, hopefully I can do a spot of fishing whilst there. I am getting very excited x


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (31)

      Kathryn Burrington on November 5, 2014 at 8:03 pm

      There is some great fishing I’m told both out to sea and on the River Gambia. I hope you have a fabulous time – I’m sure you will 🙂


  7. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (32)

    Z on October 17, 2014 at 9:13 pm

    Hi there- staying in The Gambia for three months and require accommodation in Banjul near the hospital, any suggestions?


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (33)

      Kathryn Burrington on October 17, 2014 at 9:18 pm

      I’m afraid not. I’ve never stayed in that area but I’ll ask around and let you know if I can find anything out.


  8. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (34)

    Olufunke on July 15, 2014 at 8:03 pm

    Hi Kat,
    please what hotel did you stay boyfriend and I are planning a trip to the Gambia and we have no idea of where exactly to stay. I want a place with a beautiful scenery. I live in Nigeria, but I want somewhere that doesn’t look very similar to my country plus not too expensive.


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (35)

      Kathryn Burrington on July 15, 2014 at 9:58 pm

      Hi Olufunke, I’ve stayed in many hotels in The Gambia over the years. You can read about all my favourite ones in this post/audio podcast Guide to The Gambia – Where to stay? Have a look through and if you have any further questions please just ask. Kat


  9. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (36)

    Harry on April 6, 2014 at 12:23 pm

    Hi Kat,

    Just got back from Gambia, what an amazing friendly place.

    We did most of the things in your top ten list. I feel Lamin Lodge should also be in that list as the place is truly amazing. Unfortunately we only had time for lunch but it was so special.

    I would also recommend a visit to Bakau Guest House at around 4pm, where at the back you can have a couple of drinks and have a birds eye view of the fishermen coming in with their boats.


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (37)

      Kathryn Burrington on April 6, 2014 at 12:30 pm

      Thanks Harry. Great tips!

      I don’t know that guest house but, after getting rather hot walking a fair way into Bakau, I did once sit in a restaurant on their terrace out the back, overlooking the fish market on the beach, with a cool drink. I really enjoyed watching the goings on from there and it’s no doubt on the same road as this guest house.


  10. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (38)

    Lisa on January 13, 2014 at 8:58 pm

    Hi Kat

    I’m going to The Gambia next Wednesday, I’ve never been to that part of Africa before and I’m very very excited. Would you recommend getting my Dalasi out there (is the exchange rate better) or in the UK. I really want to tip well, but not insult or seam ostentatious, what’s the general rule for each area of work ie in restaurants, cab drivers, for photos, the entertainers and bell boys, pool staff (if there are such staff) I really love and respect nature, are there any other does and don’ts regarding wild, stray, or domestic animals etc, you suggested NOT feeding the monkeys for example.

    Many thanks, Lisa 🙂


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (39)

      Kathryn Burrington on January 13, 2014 at 9:25 pm

      Hi Lisa,
      I would suggest getting your Dalasi there from the small bureaux de change shops you’ll find in the main resorts. You’ll get a worse rate of exchange in the hotels.
      There are a few stray dogs that wander around the beach and most hotels have a number of cats. I would suggest you didn’t feed or even touch any of them though. If you notice cats with one ear clipped at the top, don’t worry, that simply means that they have been neutered by a local cat charity to help reduce the numbers.
      Tipping – In my experience taxi (cab) drivers wouldn’t expect a tip. 50 Dalasi is a fairly widely used tip for bell boys etc, although I think a much smaller tip is plenty for carrying your bags to your room. It’s a good idea to try and get hold of some small change (5, 10s and 25s) as soon as you can so you can tip people as and when you wish too, without breaking the bank or seeming ostentaious. Hotels often have a general pot for tipping so I would check with them to see whether they have one and then check who is and isn’t included in this. For example, it may just be for behind the scenes staff. 200 Dalasi is the standard tipping for your maid (or so the hotels I’ve stayed in have suggested) for one week. Keep in mind though that this is a lot of money in The Gambia and more than a days wage to many, if not most people.
      If you’d like anymore advice, please just ask. I have loads of posts on my site about The Gambia so do have a look around if you haven’t already.
      And have a really, really fabulous time!!


  11. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (40)

    Tamala on December 14, 2013 at 8:20 pm

    Thanks for writing about traditional drumming and dancing in the Gambia! The name of the group in the photo is Tamala Africa Cultural Troupe and the names of the dancers from right to left are Mohamed Sylla, Sekou Conte and Fiston Bangoura.


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (41)

      Kathryn Burrington on December 14, 2013 at 8:46 pm

      I thought I recognised the head scarves! I’ll amend the caption. Your performance last week was outstanding. I’ve seen many drumming groups over the years but that was by far the best I’ve ever seen.


  12. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (42)

    Tim H on September 18, 2013 at 12:56 pm

    Oh, touching the back of croc. I think I will pass on that (even if it is cheap). I just got back from a lake infested with crocodiles and after having a few of them surprise me; I’m in no hurry to touch one. Brave move.


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (43)

      Kathryn Burrington on September 19, 2013 at 5:19 pm

      Brave or stupid?! A matter of opinion 😉


  13. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (44)

    Lucy on June 10, 2013 at 10:56 am

    Gorgeous beach sunset photo, and that massage sounds perfect. Though after visiting the Monkey Forest in Ubud and getting menaced for food I’ve been well and truly put off monkeys for a while!


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (45)

      Kathryn Burrington on June 10, 2013 at 12:09 pm

      Thanks Lucy.
      I’m planning a return visit to Bijilo Forest this next trip as I can walk there from my hotel. Will make sure I have no food with me!


  14. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (46)

    Travelbunny on June 9, 2013 at 10:52 am

    So much to do and see on a budget. Must say the massage sounds wonderful!


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (47)

      Kathryn Burrington on June 10, 2013 at 12:06 pm

      Yes, I’m really looking forward to that – all in the name of research you understand! I’m thinking of doing a similar post about special things to do when you want to blow the budget! But most things are pretty cheap there so hard to think of ten things!


  15. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (48)

    Shalu Sharma on June 9, 2013 at 7:18 am

    Gambia looks like fun. One thing I can’t do is touch the crocodiles. I am too afraid to do that, other than that I can do most of the activities listed. Massage sounds interesting.


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (49)

      Kathryn Burrington on June 9, 2013 at 9:03 am

      I went to Kachikally thinking I wouldn’t touch the crocodiles but before I knew it I was! I’m really looking forward to going back later in the month and I’ll writing all about my adventures here and reviewing my visit to Coco Ocean on my other blog


  16. Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (50)

    Otto von Münchow on June 8, 2013 at 10:42 pm

    I have never been to Gambia, but looks like I should make an effort to go there. Thanks for the inspiration.


    • Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (51)

      Kathryn Burrington on June 9, 2013 at 9:00 am

      I’m sure you would find it a fascinating place Otto. Hope you make it there one day.



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Top 12 things to do in The Gambia on a budget | Travel With Kat (2024)


What do I need to know before going to Gambia? ›

  • Avoid large public gatherings as they may turn violent. ...
  • Theft from hotel rooms and vehicles happens. ...
  • Young men known as 'bumsters' may approach tourists, particularly on beaches. ...
  • Credit card fraud is a risk. ...
  • Online friendship, romance or business scams often start in West Africa, including The Gambia.

How many days should I spend in Gambia? ›

For a first time visitor, one week is just enough to explore The Gambia's incredible coastal areas, where you can spend your days lounging on the sand and swimming in the Atlantic. If you're interested in a more dynamic trip, there are plenty of activities convenient to the coast.

Is Gambia expensive to visit? ›

How much do things cost? Holidays in The Gambia are very competitively priced compared to other destinations. Sitting outside of the Eurozone, The Gambia is unaffected by any movements of sterling against the Euro. The Dalasi exchange rate is currently around D73/£1 (correct as of February 2023).

How much spending money for Gambia? ›

managed to spend around £300 for a week. Beer really cheap, lunch about £7-£8 for 2 of us, inc a beer for me! Dinner on the strip - African queen, Darboes, Chillis, Tao for around £12 inc drinks for 2 of us. Beer 50p to £1..

What is the best currency to take to Gambia? ›

Gambia remains a primarily cash-based economy, so it's worth bearing that in mind before you jet off. We advise changing your pounds for Dalasi before you leave to make sure you're getting a good rate. If you run out of time most hotels and local banks will be able to exchange your sterling.

What injections do I need to go to Gambia? ›

Courses or boosters usually advised: Hepatitis A; Tetanus; Yellow Fever. Other vaccines to consider: Hepatitis B; Meningococcal Meningitis; Rabies; Typhoid. Selectively advised vaccines - only for those individuals at highest risk: Cholera.

Is it safe for Americans to go to Gambia? ›

Exercise increased caution in The Gambia due to crime and inadequate health infrastructure. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire travel advisory. The southern border area adjacent to Senegal's Casamance region due to the potential presence of landmines and sporadic border skirmishes.

Which month is best for Gambia? ›

The weather is always warm, thanks to its position of the equator, but the best time to visit Gambia is the long dry season of mid-October to early June, when the roads will be passable, and the weather is good for wildlife visits and beaches.

What is the most popular food in Gambia? ›

The most common food served in a Gambian home is white rice with any one of a number of spicy sauces. Domoda is the most popular dish in my experience, in fact I was once offered it three times in one day.

How much is $100 US in Gambia? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates US Dollar / Gambian Dalasi
100 USD6,839.00000 GMD
250 USD17,097.50000 GMD
500 USD34,195.00000 GMD
1000 USD68,390.00000 GMD
8 more rows

Can I use US dollars in Gambia? ›

Currency: The dalasi is the official currency, though U.S. dollars, euros, and West African Francs (CFA) are accepted in some places. The Gambia is a cash economy; credit cards are accepted only at major hotels when the internet connection is working and a few restaurants.

How much is $20 US in Gambia? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates US Dollar / Gambian Dalasi
20 USD1,357.70000 GMD
50 USD3,394.25000 GMD
100 USD6,788.50000 GMD
250 USD16,971.25000 GMD
8 more rows

What are the requirements for traveling to Gambia? ›

Do I Need a Visa for Gambia? Yes, you do need a visa and a valid passport. There are different types of visa's offered depending on your purpose of visit. Most commons are business or tourism others include military visa, merchant seamen and crew members.

Do US citizens get visa on arrival in Gambia? ›

Alternatively, tourists can apply for a visa upon arrival in The Gambia. Tourists are typically granted a 30-day stay in The Gambia upon arrival. The fee for this visa on arrival is currently $108 but is subject to change. You must have at least one blank page in your passport for the stamp.

What is the dress code in Gambia? ›

The degree of conservative clothing standards may vary between regions or villages. The basic rule is that pants/skirts should cover your knees (both while standing and sitting), and shirts should have sleeves. The village women almost always wear skirts (usually a wrap skirt) or dresses.

What should I bring to Gambia? ›

Supplies to prevent illness or injury
  • Hand sanitizer or wipes.
  • See CDC recommendations: Water Disinfection.
  • Permethrin is insect repellent for clothing. It may be needed if you spend a lot of time outdoors. ...
  • (SPF 15 or greater) with UVA and UVB protection. See Sun Exposure.
  • Wear for additional sun protection.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.