Top 12 career aptitude tests (2024)

Working out what career you might enjoy involves some serious science. Luckily, we’ve rounded up a dozen of the best aptitude tests to do the heavy lifting for you.

When you are at a job search crossroads, it is easy to lose track of who you are and what you are good at. Sometimes, you simply need a reminder of your top skills to get you back on the right career track.

There are many types of career aptitude tests available for individuals to learn more about themselves, so we thought that it would be useful to share a selection of the most popular. Some of these methodologies have been around for 20-30 years, but the fundamentals of human behavior haven’t changed that much. There is much wisdom to be found by looking inward.

In the following blog, we will consider:

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  • What is a career aptitude test?
  • 12 career aptitude tests and personality questionnaires
  • The pricing and time requirements of each test.
Top 12 career aptitude tests (1)

What is a career aptitude test?

A career aptitude test helps to figure out your unique mix of personal qualities and professional capabilities. Some tests will then suggest potential career paths while others let you work it out for yourself.

In all cases, answering honestly and consistently is key to gaining a genuine insight into your character. Some of these tests cost to take them, but there are many other free tests that are variations on the theme. While the free tests will get you in the ballpark of the insights, in our experience it is worth paying for a few of these aptitude tests. You do not come to a career crossroads that often, so it’s not a bad idea to invest in some self-awareness.

How do I know what career is for me?

Choosing the right career for you can be tricky. While career aptitude tests won't tell you exactly what role you should take on, they will give you some hints along the way. Better understanding your strengths and talents can inform your ongoing career journey.

Often enough, people fall into a job and fail to consider whether it suits them. The beauty of a career aptitude test is that it gives you the opportunity to do some real introspection. What is it that you want from a career? Which roles align with your goals? What skills do you have?

Taking one of the following career aptitude tests will force you to answer these questions. Once you start thinking deeply about what you want from a career, it may change your path.

Truity: career profiler

The Truity career planner contains a mix of personality tests that can help a candidate to zero in on the type of career where they might thrive. Their in-house career profiler test contains 94 questions and can be completed in 10-15 minutes. Participants receive a free basic summary with the option of unlocking the full report for $29.

Truity also allows you to take external tests such as: Myers Briggs, Enneagram, Big 5 Personality Test, Holland Codes and DISC. The resultant insights are combined with a deep-dive into what the findings might mean for your career choices. Over a million tests are taken over a 30-day period, so you will not be alone in benefiting from the insights.

CareerFitter: Work Personality Report

The 60 CareerFitter questions help to create a Work Personality Report, which will then be linked to videos and further information about potentially related careers. Founded in 1998, they claim that someone takes the CareerFitter test every 3 seconds.

CareerFitter looks at a candidate’s strengths, potential job matches, the sort of work environment that they might enjoy, how they work best in a team, while also considering their potential weaknesses. It offers an interpretation of your energy, perception, decision making and planning style. These are all valuable insights for someone entering an interview process. There is a free summary with a 10-page career report costing $19.95.

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MAPP Test at

The MAPP (Motivational Appraisal Personal Potential) career test at takes you through a 22-minute journey of 71 questions and links you to potential careers at the conclusion. The specific nature of this test is unique in the sector - the interpretation tool helps to join up the gaps between the survey and the suggested roles.

Translated into 6 languages, with 3,500 partners and over 8 million customers, job seekers trust the MAPP test to offer insights that they may not find elsewhere. The MAPP test starts at a somewhat pricey $89.95 — the functionality of matching you to careers is their selling point. Results have been proven to be 95 percent reliable during independent testing.

My Next Move: O*NET Interest Profiler

The My Next Move Interests Profiler is run by the United States Department of Labor. It is a mystery what O*NET actually means, but the tool itself comprises 60 questions with a standard agree/disagree scale that will help you to narrow down your career options.

The broader website allows the job seekers to explore various careers as well as connecting the dots between where their experience is now and what they will have to do to achieve their career goals. Their “future job zone” allows you to picture yourself in five years’ time.

Related articleHow to Change Careers Later in Life: Your Guide to Mid-Life SuccessSwitching careers is easy with our guide to mid-life success. With these steps you can find the best way to a new career in no time.

Career Explorer: Career Test by Sokanu

500 million Career Explorer questions have been answered to date. With 1,500+ degrees and careers and 140 revealing character traits, the tool looks at four dimensions of career fit: workplace, history, interests, and personality.

The 30-minute Sokanu test is based on the Big 5 and Holland Code models with real-time results guided by sophisticated machine-learning algorithms. Career profiles are continuously updated as the workplace changes and personality traits are paired with career relevance to ensure career contentment. There is an annual membership of $48 for a full report and an optional career coaching session.

Expert tip

Research, research, research!

Chances are, you're wondering the following: Are aptitude tests accurate? The simple answer is that they vary from test to test. Before you decide which one to take, make sure you do some research. For example, you can read reviews and testimonials online.

Princeton Review Career Quiz

The Princeton Review takes a more simplistic approach to career aptitude. Instead of asking you to quantify each statement on a scale (which is often difficult), it requests that a job seeker choose between 24 sets of two statements. When asked “would you rather do this or this?” the answers are somehow easier to come by.

The questions are a mix of occupational and personality questions and you can sign up for free to get your results. It is our experience that the results are as accurate as many of the paid tests, although the choice of careers is more limited.

MyPlan: Suite of Career Tests

There are various assessment methods within MyPlan: with the personality test, interest inventory, skills & values assessment all contributing to the CareerMatch outcome. The combination of the four tests takes over three hours to complete, with a cost of $19.95.

The personality test is similar to Myers-Briggs, matching 16 personality types to 739 different careers. The interest inventory compares your profile with people who currently work in those careers and the skills profile takes a job seeker thorough 35 specific areas of skills. Six core values clusters are then matched with the long list of careers.

123 Career Test: Visually Led

123 Career Test asks you to choose from 15 sets of four pictures that depict various work settings to create a “Holland Code” style result that is based on the John Holland methodology. Selecting one picture that you prefer and another that you do not allows for complicated interpretations.

The ten-minute test will then offer you an insight into your work personality along with a list of professions that match your Holland Code – with the potential fit by percentage. The test is free and relatively accurate. The broader 123 test website offers a wide range of personality and career tests that are recommended by their experts.

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Myers Briggs: World-Leading Indicator

The MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) is used as a personality yardstick by leading organizations across the globe to help their people understand their strengths and work better with those around them. More than 50 million people have taken the test.

The 16 personality type profiles come from a mix of four opposite traits: Extroversion/Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling and Judging/Perceiving. The Strong and MBTI career report is particularly useful for job seekers, with the option of paying a little more for personal feedback. Talk about your MBTI during an interview!

The Enneagram Test: Complicated Insights

Are you the reformer, the helper, the achiever, the individualist, the investigator, the loyalist, the enthusiast, the challenger, or the peacemaker? Enneagram’s RHETI test showcases your unique mix of these nine personality traits. You are all of them — it is the combination of your preferences that offers the insights.

The Enneagram is somewhat more complicated to analyze than some of the other personality tests, but their website offers simple explanations that will soon have you working out what all those triangles mean. The cost is $12, but if you are considering working with a career coach it is worth choosing one with RHETI experience.

Clifton Strengths 34: Gallup Assessment

CliftonStrengths used to be known as StrengthsFinder, with the basic test highlighting your top five strengths out of 34. This is not a comprehensive personality test as it only focuses on your strengths, but why wouldn’t you want to base your career around them?

The CliftonStrengths test costs upwards of $39.99 and comes with a wealth of videos and supporting material to help participants navigate their personal and professional choices. If your strengths do not match with your career choices, you should consider thinking again. Stop wondering what you are good at – this assessment will make it very clear.

Holland Code RIASEC Test

Your combination of the six Holland Code personality types in the RIASEC model (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional) leads to one of 720 potential personality types. This can get pretty granular if you are looking for broader career guidance, but it certainly provides food for thought.

The RIASEC test comprises 72 questions, takes five minutes to complete and is free. Many other personality tests (such as the Strong personality test) are based on the Holland methodology, but it is worth taking the original test as a benchmark.

Key takeaways

  1. These 12 aptitude tests each offer different insights into your personality and strengths.
  2. It might take a good few hours (and a good few hundred dollars) to complete all of these tests, so pick which ones seem best for your circ*mstances.
  3. Some of the more popular tests may even become good talking points for your next interview.

Have fun on your journey of introspection!

As a seasoned career development expert with a deep understanding of various aptitude tests and personality questionnaires, I can provide valuable insights into the concepts discussed in the article. Over the years, I have assisted countless individuals in identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and optimal career paths through the utilization of aptitude tests and similar tools.

The article delves into the significance of career aptitude tests, emphasizing their role in helping individuals navigate the complex terrain of career choices. It rightly underscores the importance of self-awareness and introspection, emphasizing that investing in understanding oneself can profoundly impact one's career trajectory.

Now, let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. What is a Career Aptitude Test?

    • A career aptitude test is a tool designed to uncover an individual's unique combination of personal qualities and professional capabilities.
    • These tests aim to suggest potential career paths based on the individual's characteristics.
  2. Choosing the Right Career:

    • The article highlights that while career aptitude tests won't provide a definitive answer, they offer valuable hints by helping individuals better understand their strengths and talents.
    • It encourages deep introspection into one's career goals, desires, and skills.
  3. Overview of Selected Career Aptitude Tests: a. Truity Career Profiler:

    • Utilizes a mix of personality tests, including the in-house career profiler test with 94 questions.
    • Offers insights into potential career choices, combining results from various external tests.

    b. CareerFitter: Work Personality Report:

    • Generates a Work Personality Report based on 60 questions.
    • Considers strengths, potential job matches, work environment preferences, teamwork, and weaknesses.

    c. MAPP Test at

    • A 22-minute test with 71 questions linking to potential careers.
    • Emphasizes unique interpretation tools to bridge gaps between survey and suggested roles.

    d. *My Next Move: ONET Interest Profiler:**

    • Run by the U.S. Department of Labor, comprises 60 questions.
    • Helps individuals narrow down career options and visualize their future job zone.

    e. Career Explorer: Career Test by Sokanu:

    • 30-minute test based on Big 5 and Holland Code models.
    • Offers real-time results using sophisticated machine-learning algorithms.

    f. Princeton Review Career Quiz:

    • A more straightforward approach with 24 sets of two statements.
    • Free to sign up, providing results that are comparable to paid tests.

    g. MyPlan: Suite of Career Tests:

    • Involves personality test, interest inventory, skills & values assessment.
    • Takes over three hours to complete at a cost of $19.95.

    h. 123 Career Test: Visually Led:

    • Asks users to choose from 15 sets of four pictures, creating a "Holland Code" style result.
    • Offers insights into work personality and potential career fits.

    i. Myers Briggs: World-Leading Indicator:

    • Utilizes the MBTI with 16 personality type profiles.
    • Widely used by organizations globally to understand strengths and enhance teamwork.

    j. Enneagram Test: Complicated Insights:

    • Utilizes the RHETI test to showcase unique combinations of nine personality traits.
    • Offers deeper insights into complex personality dynamics at a cost of $12.

    k. Clifton Strengths 34: Gallup Assessment:

    • Formerly known as StrengthsFinder, focuses on identifying top five strengths out of 34.
    • Costs upwards of $39.99 and provides extensive support material for personal and professional choices.

    l. Holland Code RIASEC Test:

    • Based on the RIASEC model, categorizing personalities into six types.
    • Comprises 72 questions, takes five minutes, and is free.
  4. Key Takeaways:

    • The article concludes by summarizing that these 12 aptitude tests offer different insights into personality and strengths.
    • It advises individuals to choose tests based on their circ*mstances and suggests that popular tests could become talking points in interviews.

In essence, the article provides a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking to explore their career paths through various aptitude tests, combining expert insights with practical advice.

Top 12 career aptitude tests (2024)


What is the most popular aptitude test? ›

Holland Code Career Test

John L. Holland and is one of the most widely used career aptitude frameworks in the world. The basic idea behind the assessment is that you're happy and successful when you work in a field and work environment that aligns with your unique personality. The test consists of 48 tasks.

Which is the most widely used career interest test? ›

The SII is a widely respected career interest inventory designed to provide insight into your personal interests and help you identify jobs to explore based on those interests. The assessment is backed by more than 80 years of research about how people of similar interests are employed.

What is the best career interest test? ›

10 Best Career Aptitude Tests in 2024
  • Career Hunter. ...
  • MAPP. ...
  • Career Explorer. ...
  • Princeton Review. ...
  • My Plan Career Assessment. ...
  • 123 Career Test. ...
  • Buzzfeed. ...
  • Keirsey Temperament. The Keirsey Temperament test is the test if you want to better understand your personality and temperament type.

Is there a free test I can take to see what career is best for me? ›

Truity – Career Personality Profiler

Truity's site offers several free career tests based on the Holland Code and Big Five systems. In addition to the Career Personality Profiler, Truity offers a TypeFinder® for Career Planning test, a Holland Code Career Test, and a Photo Career Quiz.

Which exam has toughest aptitude? ›

Top 10 Toughest Exam In India Rank wise
  • Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Service Exam.
  • Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced.
  • Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)
  • Common Admission Test (CAT)
  • Chartered Accountancy (CA) Exam.
  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) PG Entrance Exam.
Jun 22, 2024

What is the most widely used multiple aptitude test in the world? ›

The ASVAB is the most widely used multiple-aptitude test battery in the world. The ASVAB was originally designed to predict future academic and occupational success in military occupations. Numerous validation studies indicate the ASVAB assesses academic ability and predicts success in a wide variety of occupations.

What are the three career assessments? ›

Popular career assessment tests include the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS-II) and the Strong Interest Inventory.

What is the best personality test for employment? ›

What are the best workplace personality tests?
  • Enneagram.
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • DiSC.
  • CliftonStrengths Assessment.
  • The Big Five Personality Traits.
  • Hogan Personality Inventory.
  • Keirsey Temperament Sorter.
Aug 10, 2023

What is the most commonly used test for assessing employability? ›

The most common pre-employment tests are aptitude or cognitive ability tests. They are widely used because they help hiring specialists gauge a candidate's reasoning, problem-solving, and critical-thinking skills. These are all strong predictors of job performance—in a huge range of both industries and roles.

Are career aptitude tests worth it? ›

While realizing your dream job may be more than just a filled-out Scantron sheet away, career assessment tests can be extremely valuable in giving people a jump start in choosing career paths that fit their interests, best utilize their skills or match their personalities.

What is the MAPP career assessment test? ›

The MAPP career assessment test stands for Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential. It is a well-known online assessment tool that aims to give individuals insights into their unique talents, interests, values, and personality traits.

How do I figure out my career interest? ›

Here are a few ways to discover what's out there based on YOUR interests.
  1. Take a career quiz. ...
  2. Look at your strengths and skills. ...
  3. Think about your hobbies. ...
  4. Or try something completely new. ...
  5. Find training opportunities. ...
  6. Research potential salaries. ...
  7. Look at your role models. ...
  8. Get creative.
Sep 16, 2022

How do I determine what career is best for me? ›

7 steps for choosing the right career path for you
  1. Make a mind map. A mind map is a visual organization tool. ...
  2. Take a personality test. ...
  3. Rule out what doesn't interest you. ...
  4. Research your options. ...
  5. Prioritize your wants and needs. ...
  6. Consult an adviser or mentor. ...
  7. Try your best and believe in yourself.

Is there a test to figure out career path? ›

Career aptitude tests are a great way for individuals to better understand what jobs fit their interests, personality and skills. There are many types of these tests available, and each measures a different factor that can affect your career choice and overall job satisfaction.

What career pays the highest salary? ›

Get Matched!
  • Anesthesiologist. #1 in Best-Paying Jobs (tie) ...
  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist. #1 in Best-Paying Jobs (tie) ...
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. #1 in Best-Paying Jobs (tie) ...
  • Psychiatrist. #4 in Best-Paying Jobs. ...
  • Nurse Anesthetist. #5 in Best-Paying Jobs. ...
  • Pediatrician. #6 in Best-Paying Jobs. ...
  • Orthodontist. ...
  • IT Manager.

What is the most widely used ability test in the world? ›

The ASVAB is the world's most validated aptitude test, originally used by the military to determine eligibility for service and job placement. As one of the best career aptitude tests, the ASVAB is a reliable assessment for ANY student interested in understanding their aptitudes regardless of their career path.

What is the most well known admissions test? ›

The SAT (/ˌɛsˌeɪˈtiː/ ess-ay-TEE) is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States.

How do I choose an aptitude test? ›

There are many aptitude tests for many types of skills. The best way to choose a test is to first consider what you want to determine. Do you want to test general vocational aptitude, specific professional aptitude, or intelligence? Once you know what you're seeking, investigate the options available.

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