Tools: The Reorder Point (R, Q) Model (2024)

The basic economic order quantity (EOQ) model is a simple but effective tool to illustrate and optimize the tradeoff between ordering and holding costs. We call it simple because we assume away all demand and lead time uncertainty. In the EOQ model, we don't even consider stockout costs. The good news: We can build on the EOQ model to incorporate uncertainty and its influence on cost and inventory decisions. Let's do that now by learning about what is widely known as the reorder point model (see Figure 9-4). It is also referred to as the R, Q model because it is defined by the reorder point (R) and the order quantity (Q). The reorder point model helps you decide when replenishment orders should be placed (reorder point) and how large such orders should be (order quantity). Table 9-1 highlights the key similarities and differences between the basic EOQ and reorder point models.

Figure 9-4: Different Inventory Models: Optimal Reorder Point Model Highlighted

Table 9-1

Comparison of the EOQ and Reorder Point Models

EOQ model Reorder point model


  • Constant, known demand

  • Zero lead times

  • Random demand

  • Random lead times

Costs Considered

  • Cycle stock holding costs

  • Order placement costs

  • Cycle stock holding costs

  • Safety stock holding costs

  • Order placement costs

  • Stockout costs

Decision variables

  • Order quantity

  • Order quantity

  • Reorder point

A Conceptual Overview of the Reorder Point Model

Figure 9-5 illustrates how the reorder point model works. Inventory levels are plotted on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. Let's return to the example where you were a textile merchant ordering skirts from a supplier. Look at the left-hand side of the graph. To begin with, you hold a certain number of skirts in inventory, which you sell to customers over time. Demand is random, so, your inventory decreases in a non-linear fashion (i.e., the line is not straight). Since you have an order fulfillment lead time, you can't simply wait to place your order until all of your inventory is depleted. If you did wait, you would suffer stockouts—making your customers mad. You need to place your replenishment orders well before you run out of inventory. The inventory level at which you place your order is called the reorder point ( R).

Figure 9-5: The Reorder Point Model

Again, look at the left-hand side of the graph. Let's break the reorder point into its two components: average lead time demand and safety stock. Now, imagine you decide not to carry any safety stock (i.e., safety stock is zero). You would place replenishment orders when there is just enough inventory left to cover average demand during the average lead time. What is the probability you would stock out in this scenario? You can see this by looking at the flipped distribution of lead time demand shown on the right-hand side of the graph. The dotted line hits the distribution at the midpoint. In other words, the likelihood of stocking out is 50%.

Clearly, you don't want to stock out in half of all order cycles. After all, you wouldn't shop at a store that was out of the products you came in to buy 50% of the time? So, if you want to reduce the stockout probability (highlighted in red in Figure 9-5) and achieve greater customer service levels, you need to carry safety stock. Adding safety stock increases three things:

  1. Your reorder point.

  2. Your total inventory levels.

  3. Your carrying costs.

You need to choose a safety stock level that balances inventory holding and stockout costs. Finally, when building your reorder point model, you need to include order placements costs—just like in the basic EOQ model.

Determining Optimal Reorder Points and Order Quantities

The first step in identifying optimal inventory decisions is to set up the total cost function. What do you think this cost function looks like? Think back to Figure 9-6. Your total costs vary as a function of your order quantity Q and your safety stock, which is a component of the reorder point R. You can picture this cost function as approximately bowl-shaped as illustrated in Figure 9-4. The lowest total cost solution is obtained when you simultaneously choose the optimal order quantity Q* and the optimal reorder point R*.

Figure 9-6: Total Cost Function for R, Q Inventory Model

To develop the formula needed to calculate the optimal (i.e., lowest) costs, you need to build and then optimize your total cost function. The total cost function will include the following four cost categories:

  • Cycle stock holding costs (h in $ per year)

  • Safety stock holding costs (h in $ per year)

  • Order placement costs (K in $)

  • Stockout costs (p in $ per unit)

The math for this total cost function is shown below. In this function, D is annual demand (in units), Q represents the order quantity (in units), SS stands for safety stock (in units), and n(R) is the stockout quantity per order cycle.

Your total costs are the sum of the following:

  • Total inventory holding costs, which are calculated as the sum of cycle stock (Q/2) and safety stock (SS) multiplied by the holding cost per unit per year (h).

  • Order placement costs are the total number of orders placed per year ( D/Q) multiplied by the cost of placing a single order ( K).

  • Annual stockout costs are obtained by multiplying the unit stockout cost ( p) with the number of units out-of-stock per cycle [n(R)] and then multiplying this product by the number of cycles per year ( D/Q).

When you optimize the above cost function and solve for order quantity and reorder point, you get the following formulas:

Q = 2 D ( K + p n ( R ) ) h a n d F ( R ) = 1 Q h p D

Notice that the optimal order quantity is similar to the basic EOQ. The only difference is that stockout costs per cycle are added as part of your tradeoff considerations. F(R*), in turn, identifies the optimal in-stock probability, which reflects the balance between holding and stockout costs. This in-stock probability defines the optimal level of safety stock and the reorder point as illustrated in Figure 9-7. Now, let's make one point clear: The two equations (Q* and F(R*)) are interdependent. In other words, the equation for Q* includes R and the equation for R* contains Q. This means you can't solve the equations independently. You need to use an iterative approach—a trick that is hard to do by calculator, but easily handled by a spreadsheet.

Figure 9-7: From The In-Stock Probability To The Reorder Point

Now, what would make you want to hold more safety stock? One reason: Your risk as measured by the standard deviation of lead time demand ( sLD) is high. Another possibility: Your cost structure suggests a higher optimal in-stock probability,F(R*). Simply put, some mix of your exposure to risk and the optimal service level influences how much safety stock you should hold. Let's express this in a formula: SS=z∙sLD, where z is a mathematical function of the optimal service level. Your reorder point is the combination of average lead time demand ( LTD) and safety stock ( SS). The formula is:

R = L T D + S S o r R = L T D + z s L D

We admit that all these distributions and formulas may be a bit intimidating at first but the good news: Microsoft Excel can do the math for you. Now, let's practice. Imagine you are the inventory manager for OrGranola, a manufacturer of high-end, all-natural granola bars. OrGranola distributes its top-selling product, "Taste of Heaven" through its own DC to stores in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. You obtain the following information from the DC:

Parameter Value Units
D 1,500 units/year
sD 300 units/year
L 0.1 years
sL 0.05 years
K $240 per order
h $2.50 per unit per year
p $4 per unit

Given this information, what are the DC's optimal reorder point and order quantity? What are the total annual inventory-related costs? Watch the video to see exactly how this works.

The Reorder Points Model for Unknown Stockout Costs

One drawback to using the optimal reorder point model is that many managers have no idea what a stockout actually costs. After all, stockout costs are hard to calculate. You need to know how all of your different customers really respond to stockout situations. Some simply switch SKUs (buying a larger or smaller package size) or switch brands. Others postpone the buying decision. A few customers may be so ticked off that they never buy from you again. The data you need to calculate the cost of a stockout is very, very difficult to get. As a result, only a small percent of companies have accurate stockout costs. 1 So, as a bright, talented replenishment manager who wants to help your company better manage inventory by defining optimal order quantities and optimal reorder points, what do you do? You can't use the R,Q model because it requires stockout costs.

Figure 9-8: Different Inventory Models: Managerial Reorder Point Model Highlighted

If you find yourself in a situation where you don't know stockout costs, the best you can do is use the basic EOQ and managerially define an in-stock target. This is called a "managerial" reorder point model:

In practice, you'll find that firms often set in-stock targets, often ranging somewhere between 90% and 99%. Unfortunately, if you don't know the stockout costs, you really cannot ascertain whether such targets are optimal or even near optimal. Implementing a managerial reorder point policy is fairly straightforward. Let's work through an example: Once again, imagine you are the inventory manager for OrGranola and use the same scenario—except without stockout costs. If you target a 96% in-stock rate, what is your optimal order quantity and reorder point? At this point, just plug the numbers from the table into your two equations (Q, R). If you want to see how to do this in an Excel spreadsheet, watch the video:

Parameter Value Units
D 1,500 units/year
sD 300 units/year
L 0.1 years
sL 0.05 years
K $240 per order
h $2.50 per unit per year
F(R) 96%

Global Issues: Manufacturing Makes A Comeback In The U.S. 2

For years, manufacturers in high-wage countries like Germany, Japan, and the U.S. have outsourced manufacturing to lower-cost countries like China, Mexico, and Poland. Indeed, between 2001 and 2013, about 2.4 million manufacturing jobs were moved from the US to China.3 Is this still the "smart" way to do business? Maybe not! A survey by the Boston Consulting Group argues that more than one in five U.S. firms are now thinking about bringing manufacturing operations back to the U.S.

Why, you ask? Labor costs in China have increased, shrinking its cost advantage vis-à-vis the U.S. to about 4%. With the manufacturing-cost gap evaporating, what factors would motivate you to rethink manufacturing in the U.S.? Whirlpool Corp. cited shorter shipping lead times as one of the reasons for moving the assembly of small kitchen appliances from China back into the U.S. In addition to transportation cost savings, shorter lead times reduce risk, lower inventory requirements, and increase customer responsiveness.

So why wouldn't all U.S. manufacturers re-shore production? Some say that the lack of skilled labor is a major impediment. A survey by consulting firm Accenture concluded that 80% of all U.S., manufacturing jobs require an associate's degree or extensive training. As a result, it may not be surprising that 60% of all executives reported severe shortages of skilled workers.

The bottom line: You need to consider complex tradeoffs across your entire organization when making decision like where to build your next production facility.

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Tools: The Reorder Point (R, Q) Model (2024)


How do you calculate EOQ reorder point? ›

How do you calculate reorder point? With a definition and importance laid out, it's time to review step-by-step how to get accurate reorder points. Again, the reorder point formula is: Reorder point (ROP) = Average sales per day x Lead time + Safety stock.

What does the Q represent in the QR inventory management model? ›

It is also referred to as the R, Q model because it is defined by the reorder point (R) and the order quantity (Q). The reorder point model helps you decide when replenishment orders should be placed (reorder point) and how large such orders should be (order quantity).

What is the formula for the reorder point model? ›

The reorder point formula is ROP = (lead time x demand rate) + safety stock level.

What is the reorder point R? ›

The reorder point formula is as follows: Reorder Point (ROP) = Demand during lead time + safety stock. When the reorder point is reached, a new order of product is necessary to avoid stockouts, depending on seasonality and forecast demand.

What is the formula for ROQ? ›

The ROQ formula is expressed as ROQ = √(2 x D x S / H) , where ROQ stands for reorder quantity, D is annual demand, S is fixed order cost, and H is holding cost per unit per year. To calculate the ROQ, you need to estimate the annual demand for your product, based on sales history, market trends, and forecasts.

How do you calculate EOQ step by step? ›

EOQ formula
  1. Determine the demand in units.
  2. Determine the order cost (incremental cost to process and order)
  3. Determine the holding cost (incremental cost to hold one unit in inventory)
  4. Multiply the demand by 2, then multiply the result by the order cost.
  5. Divide the result by the holding cost.
Nov 13, 2019

What is Q in EOQ? ›

EOQ stands for Economic Order Quantity. It is a measurement used in the field of Operations, Logistics, and Supply Management. In essence, EOQ is a tool used to determine the volume and frequency of orders required to satisfy a given level of demand while minimizing the cost per order.

What is Q and R in QR code? ›

Well, the QR – which stands for “quick response” – code is basically a barcode on steroids. While the barcode holds information horizontally, the QR code does so both horizontally and vertically. This enables the QR code to hold over a hundred times more information.

What is Q in inventory? ›

Q system is a Fixed Order Quantity System, the P system is a Fixed Order Period System. To clarify, the Q system orders the same amount each time but manages inventory irregularly, and the P system manages inventory regularly but orders a different amount each time.

What is an EOQ calculator? ›

Economic order quantity (EOQ) is a formula that allows inventory managers to calculate their ideal order size. By comparing the cost of holding and selling goods with annual demand, businesses can determine the quantity they should order their materials in, and how frequently they should do this each year.

What is an example of a reorder point? ›

Putting these three factors together will give a reorder point for an item using the reorder point formula. For example, let's say safety stock for an item is 50 and your average daily sales are 10 units and your lead time is 5 days. This means you need to replenish your inventory when you reach 100 units.

How to calculate reorder quantity? ›

Reorder quantity formula: calculate reorder quantity in 3 steps. The reorder quantity formula is simple: just Average Daily Usage x Average Lead Time.

What does the reorder point tell us? ›

What is a reorder point? A reorder point (ROP) is a specific level at which your stock needs to be replenished. In other words, it tells you when to place an order so you won't run out of stock.

How to set a reorder point? ›

To calculate a reorder point with safety stock, multiply the daily average usage by the lead time and add the amount of safety stock you keep.

What is the correct formula of EOQ? ›

Another way express the economic order quantity formula is: EOQ = The square root (√) of 2x (annual demand in units, multiplied by order cost per purchase order), divided by annual holding cost per unit.

What is the formula for EOQ cost per order? ›

EOQ = √[(2 x annual demand x cost per order) / (carrying cost per unit)]When a business wants to determine the number of necessary products they need from vendors, manufacturers or suppliers, the economic order quantity is a value it can measure to understand how much inventory to order.

What is the ROP in the EOQ model? ›

EOQ = √(2DS/H)

On the other hand, the reorder point (ROP) is the inventory level at which a new order should be placed for a particular item or product. This calculation takes into account the average usage rate, lead time, and safety stock.

Is EOQ and reorder quantity the same? ›

The re-order quantity is calculated using various inventory management models, with the economic order quantity (EOQ) being a commonly used approach. The EOQ formula takes into account the demand rate, setup costs, holding costs, and ordering costs to determine the optimal quantity that minimizes total inventory costs.

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