Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (2024)

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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Cheats For Xbox

  1. Costume Change

    If you wish to have a riflemen clad in the sniper suit of the color you are on follow these steps.

    Select the ak-74 and accept it. Go back to the soldier selection. Scroll down to the sniper class. If you see a M24 and M9 pistol then you have done it right so far.

    Accept it and ready up.

    If you check anything other than Server info you will be reset with the m24.

    You must repeat after every proceed.

    Change the ak-74 with any gun and the sniper class with demo expert for your gun and a demo expert uniform.

    Contributed by: Fatty Bears Fun Pack

  2. Get M98 in Support Uniform

    To get the M98 in support uniform do this.

    Select the M98.
    Go back to the soldier select and go up 1 to the female support.
    Then Ready up and PLAY!

    Contributed by: XxenYcexX

  3. Unlockable Maps

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the Campign once on Elite. Map MP09 Wilderness
    Complete the Campign once on Recruit. Map MP07 Stronghold
    Complete the Campign once on Veteran. Map MP08 Creekbed

    Contributed by: lilobaggins

  4. Unlockable Weapons

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete Special Objective in M10 Vilnius in Veteran during Mission Mode. 5.56 Carbine for Susan Grey
    Complete Special Objective in M8 Battlefield in a Quick Mission in Mission Mode 7.62 AR for Lindy Cohen
    Complete Special Objective in M1 Caves in Veteran during Mission Mode. 7.62 Carbine for W. Jacobs
    Complete Special Objective in M9 Swamp in Veteran during Mission Mode. 7.62 Sniper for A. Galinsky
    Complete Special Objective in M6 Castle in Elite during Mission Mode. A-91 for Klaus Henkel
    Complete Special Objective in M5 Embassy in Recruit. AK-74 for Henry Ramirez
    Complete Special Objective in M4 Village in Elite during Mission Mode. AN-94 for Buzz Gordon
    Complete Special Objective in M2 Farm in recruit during Mission Mode. Bizon 9mm for Nigel Tunney
    Complete Special Objective in M11 POW Camp in Elite during Mission Mode. M60 for D. Munz
    Complete Special Objective in M12 Docks in Veteran during Mission Mode. M98 for Scott Ibrahim
    Complete Special Objective in M7 River, in Veteran during Mission Mode. PKM for Guram Osadze
    Complete Special Objective in M3 RR Bridge in Elite during a Quick Mission in Mission Mode. Silenced Sniper for Jack Stone

    Contributed by: lilobaggins

  5. Unlockable Charaters

    Unlockable Unlockable
    complete Special Objective in M9 Blue Storm A. Galinsky
    complete Special Objective in M4 Black Needle B. Gordon
    complete Special Objective in M11 Dream Knife D. Munz
    complete Special Objective in M7 Paper Angel under G. Osadze
    complete Special Objective in M5 Gold Mountain H. Ramirez
    complete Special Objective in M3 Stone Bell J. Stone
    complete Special Objective in M6 Witch Fire K. Henkel
    complete Special Objective in M8 Zebra Straw L. Cohen
    complete Special Objective in M2 Eager Smoke N. Tunney
    complete Special Objective in M10 Fever Claw S. Grey
    complete Special Objective in M12 Ivory Horn S. Ibrahim
    complete Special Objective in M1 Iron Dragon W. Jacobs

    Contributed by: lilobaggins

  6. Cheat Codes

    Press the Back button during the game, then enter the following codes:

    Effect Effect
    A, X, B, Y, A Big Heads
    X, X, Y, A, B Chicken Expolsives/Bombs
    X, A, Y, B, X High Pitched Voices
    X, X, A, B, A Individual god mode
    Y, Y, B, X, A Slow Mo Mode
    B, A, Y, Y, A, B, X, X, X Team God Mode
    B, A, X, Y, A Two Dimensional Mode - when you look at the other soldiers on your team, they will be two dimensional

    Contributed by: BLACKnBLUE, nado, shanghaixman, bballmaniac15, Man of 1004 Holds

  7. Unlockables

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Get 15 kills Bronze Star
    Complete M06 Castle in Firefight on Elite, using only a sniper Cat and Mouse Game
    Get 30 kills Congressional Medal Of Honor
    Get 25 kills Distinguished Service Cross
    Complete M15 Red Square in Firefight on Elite, using only a sniper Domination Game Type
    Complete M13 Airbase in Firefight on Elite with a full team, and not losing a soldier Helium Mode
    Complete M15 Red Square in Recon on Elite using only a sniper with the M24 and frags kit Paper Mode
    Get wounded during a mission Purple Heart
    Complete M05 Embassy in Firefight on Elite, using only a sniper Siege Game Type
    Get 20 kills Silver Star

    Contributed by: BLACKnBLUE, bballmaniac15

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Masamune2 164K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by bballmaniac15 47K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Jedi Writer 124K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by scurty 137K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by PeaceNLove 108K
In-Depth FAQs Unlockables FAQ by bballmaniac15 9K
In-Depth FAQs Weapons/Equipment FAQ by Masamune2 18K

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Cheats For PC

  1. Unlock all missions!

    In the main Ghost Recon Directory there is a XML document named unlocked_missions.xml and inside this file it lists all the missions you have unlocked. All you have to do is open the source code, erase everything and enter the following text:


    Save this file as the original file name (unlocked_missions.xml) in the same directory and THERE! You can now access all the unlocked missions!

    Contributed by: D.Stevens

  2. Unlock all Specialists

    In the main Ghost Recon directory, there is a file called ''unlocked_heroes.xml''. Open this file with an editing program and replace the existing text. Save the file, and you should have access to all the specialists.


    Contributed by: NTsui

  3. No reloading each shot for bolt action rifles

    When using a rifle that is bolt action(that is, you must eject the shot after every shot), a neat trick to avoiding that delay time is to lean left or right. When leaning left or right and shooting a bolt-action rifle, the delay time is non-existent, allowing you to shoot again right away. This can be useful early on if you like being a sniper, but the only rifle available to you is the M24.

    Interesting note, while there is no delay time, you can hear the noises of you ejecting the shell.

    Contributed by: Mr_Sociopath

  4. Cheats

    Press the NUMBERPAD ENTER (the one in the bottom-right corner of the keyboard) to bring up the Console Window. Type the following cheats in and press ENTER to turn on the desired cheat.

    Effect Effect
    refill All Items
    rock Capture Enemy Base
    kit <kit file> Change your kit to specified file
    chickenrun Chicken Grenades
    god Commit Suicide
    rumbleoff Disable constant shaky screen
    rumbleon Enable constant shaky screen
    superman God Mode
    hidecorpse Hide corpse names
    gogetem Hunt down enemies
    ammo Infinite Ammo
    shadow Invisibility
    autolose Lose current mission
    mark Mark location on map for teleport
    mark2 Mark location on map for teleport
    run Move Faster
    extremepaintball Paintball Mode
    loc Report current location
    boom Screen shakes
    setgama <0.0-1.0> Set gamma; default is 0.5
    names Show object names
    eviltwin Show range of enemies and your team members in meters
    showtextureprops Show texture properties for objects
    squirrelkite Squirrel Launcher
    teamsuperman Team God Mode
    teamshadow Team Invisibility
    teleport Teleport
    spawn Teleport to preset locations
    unlockhero Unlock Specialist
    perf View debug counters
    autowin Win Mission

    Contributed by: NTsui, Undergrads2003, Squall1779994

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Masamune2 164K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by wisher21 58K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Jedi Writer 124K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by scurty 137K
In-Depth FAQs Hacking Guide by matt_the_sheep 30K
In-Depth FAQs Igor Editor FAQ by CMartin 33K
In-Depth FAQs Multiplayer Guide by nivnivniv 54K
In-Depth FAQs Weapons/Items FAQ by Radiant Silverlighter 25K

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Cheats For GameCube

  1. Unlockables

    Complete the methods listed below to obtain the desired unlockable:

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the first 12 missions in Campaign mode under any difficulty to unlock 12 new soldiers as plalyable characters. 12 new soldiers as plalyable characters
    Get 15 kills Bronze Star
    Get 30 kills Congressional Medal Of Honor
    Get 25 kills Distinguished Service Cross
    Get wounded or killed in action Purple Heart
    Get 20 kills Silver Star

    Contributed by: M1 Garand 101st, tiamold

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Masamune2 164K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by scurty 137K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Jedi Writer 124K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by bballmaniac15 47K
In-Depth FAQs Weapons/Equipment FAQ by Masamune2 18K

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Invincibilty

    Pause during game, and press L1, R2, L2, R1, Select

    Contributed by: Zink_91

  2. Unlockable Weapons

    Complet the special objective in the indicated mission and difficulty to unlock the corresponding weapon for the indicated bonus character. Sometimes it may require you to complete the special objective in the Quick Mission game mode to unlock the corresponding weapon for the indicated character.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Mission 10 (Vilnius) under Veteran difficulty. 5.56 Carbine for Susan Grey
    Mission 8 (Battlefield) under the Quick Mission game mode. 7.62 AR for Lindy Cohen
    Mission 1 (Caves) under the Veteran difficulty. 7.62 Carbine for Will Jacobs
    Mission 9 (Swamp) under the Veteran difficulty. 7.62 Sniper Rifle for Astra Galinsky
    Mission 6 (Castle) under the Elite difficulty. A-91 for Klaus Henkai
    Mission 5 (Embassy) under the Recruit difficulty. AK-74 for Henry Ramirez
    Mission 4 (Village) under the Elite difficulty. AN-94 for Buzz Gordon
    Mission 2 (Farm) under the Recruit difficulty. Bizon 9MM for Nigel Tunney
    Mission 11 (POW Camp) under the Elite difficulty. M60 for Dieter Munz
    Mission 12 (Docks) under the Veteran difficulty. M98 for Scott Ibrahim
    Mission 7 (River) under the Veteran difficulty. PKM for Guram Osadze
    Mission 3 (RR Bridge) under the Elite difficulty. Silenced Sniper Rifle for Jack Stone

    Contributed by: lilobaggins

  3. All Missions

    At title screen, Press

    Effect Effect
    X, L2, triangle, R2, Select All Missions
    L1, L2, R1, R2, X, Select All Special Features

    Contributed by: Zink_91

  4. Unlockable Characters

    Complete the special objective in the indicated mission to unlock the corresponding bonus character.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete Mission 9 Blue Storm Astra Galinsky
    Complete Mission 4 Black Needle Buzz Gordon
    Complete Mission 11 Dream Knife Dieter Munz
    Complete Mission 7 Paper Angel under Guram Osadze
    Complete Mission 5 Gold Mountain Henry Ramirez
    Complete Mission 3 Stone Bell Jack Stone
    Complete Mission 6 Witch Fire Klaus Henkel
    Complete Mission 8 Zebra Straw Lindy Cohen
    Complete Mission 2 Eager Smoke Nigel Tunney
    Complete Mission 12 Ivory Horn Scott Ibrahim
    Complete Mission 10 Fever Claw Susan Grey
    Complete Mission 1 Iron Dragon Will Jacobs

    Contributed by: lilobaggins

  5. Unlock modes

    Completing missions wth certain conditions will unlock different modes

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete Mission 06 in Firefight on Elite using only one rifleman with the M16/M203 kit. Chicken mode
    Complete Mission 13 in Firefight on Elite with a full team, and do not lose a soldier. Helium mode
    Complete Mission 01 in Firefight on Elite, using only one demolitions expert with the M4 and M136 kit. MegaNoggin mode
    Complete Mission 15 in Recon on Elite using only sniper with the M24 and frags kit. Paper mode
    Complete Mission 07 in Recon on Elite using only one rifleman with M16/M203 kit Slow mo mode

    Contributed by: Ocketan

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Masamune2 164K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by bballmaniac15 47K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Jedi Writer 124K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by scurty 137K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by redskinStu 28K
In-Depth FAQs Weapons/Equipment FAQ by Masamune2 18K

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Console Codes

    Enter these codes on the console:

    Effect Effect
    refill All inventory items
    kit <file name> Change your kit to the name file
    chickenrun Chicken grenades
    cisco Complete objective
    loc Current location
    names Display object names
    quit Exit game
    autolose Fail current mission
    run Faster movement
    superman God Mode
    hidecorpse Hide corpse names
    shadow Invisibility
    mark2 Mark 2nd location on map for teleport
    mark Mark location on map for teleport
    extremepaintball Paintball mode
    setgama <# between 0.0 - 1.0> Set gamma value
    boom Shake screen
    showtextureprops Show texture properties
    rumbleoff Turn shaking screen off
    rumbleon Turn shaking screen on

    Contributed by: Starky27

  2. Console Codes

    Enter these on the console:

    Effect Effect
    testpath Dog growl
    cover Exit game
    eviltwin Gives everyone a beard and rosy cheeks
    gogetem Go after enemies
    journalplaystart Play current recording
    range Show range of other characters
    journalrecordstart Start recording
    journalplaystop Stop playing current recording
    journalrecordstop Stop recording
    ammo Unlimited ammunition
    unlockheros Unlock Hero characters
    perf View debug counters
    autowin Win current mission

    Contributed by: Starky27

  3. Console Codes

    Enter these on the console:

    Effect Effect
    squirrelkite Squirrel Launcher
    god Suicide
    rock Take over enemy bases
    teamsuperman Team God mode
    teamshadow Team Invisibility
    teleport Teleport
    spawn Teleport to spawn points
    toggleshowactorstats Toggle actor stats
    toggleai Toggle ai
    toggleshoweffectsstats Toggle effect stats
    toggleshowframerate Toggle framerate display
    togglemovetrees Toggle freezing trees
    toggleshowinterfacestats Toggle interface stats
    toggleshowlevelstats Toggle level stats
    toggleshowperfcounters Toggle performance counters
    toggleshowsystemmemorystats Toggle system memory stats
    toggleshowtexturememorystats Toggle texture memory stats
    toggleshowtotalstats Toggle total stats
    tracers Toggle tracer display
    toggleui Toggle user interface

    Contributed by: Starky27

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by scurty 137K

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Desert Siege Cheats For PC

  1. Console Codes

    Press NUMBERPAD ENTER (the one in the bottom-right corner of the keyboard) to bring up the Console Window. Type the following cheats in and press ENTER to turn on the desired cheat.

    Effect Effect
    chickenrun Chicken grenades
    god Commit suicide
    superman god mode
    ammo Infinite Ammo
    shadow Invisibility
    extremepaintball Paintball Mode
    refill Refill inventory
    run run faster
    unlockhero Specialist
    unlockheros Specialist(s)
    squirrelkite Squirrel Launcher
    teamsuperman team god mode
    teamshadow Team Invisibility
    autowin/autolose Win or lose current mission.

    Contributed by: NTsui

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Masamune2 164K
General FAQs Walkthrough by Jedi Writer 70K

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Island Thunder Cheats For PC

  1. Cheat List

    During gameplay, press ENTER, type in one of the cheats , then press ENTER again to make it work.

    Effect Effect
    cisco Achieve objectives
    refill All inventory items
    shadow Become invisible
    kit (kit file) Change your kit to specified file
    chickenrun Chicken grenades
    rumbleoff Disable shaky screen
    hidecorpse Don't show corpse names
    rumbleon Enable shaky screen
    quit Exit game
    superman God mode
    autolose Lose Current Mission
    autolose Lose mission
    mark Mark location on map for teleport
    mark2 Mark location on map for teleport
    extremepaintball Paintball mode
    loc Report current location
    run Run
    boom Screen shakes
    setgama (0.0-1.0) Set gamma
    names Show object names
    showtextureprops Show texture properties for objects
    squirrelkite Squirrel launcher
    god Suicide
    rock Take over enemy bases
    teamsuperman Team God mode
    teamshadow Team invisibility
    teleport Teleport
    spawn Teleport to preset locations
    toggleai Toggle AI
    tracers Toggle display of tracers
    toggleshoweffectsstats Toggle effect stats
    toggleshowframerate Toggle framerate display
    togglemovetrees Toggle freezing trees
    toggleshowinterfacestats Toggle interface stats
    toggleshowlevelstats Toggle level stats
    toggleshowperfcounters Toggle performance counters
    toggleshowsystemmemorystats Toggle system memory stats
    toggleshowtexturememorystats Toggle texture memory stats
    toggleshowtotalstats Toggle total stats
    toggleui Toggle user interface
    ammo Unlimited ammunition
    unlockheros Unlock Hero characters
    perf View debug counters
    autowin Win current mission

    Contributed by: Jobu Dudley, NTsui

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Masamune2 164K

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Island Thunder Cheats For Xbox

  1. Unlockable characters

    Complete the following to unlock the characters:-

    One unlockable character was missing from the original list: L.Cohen.

    It appears that if the particular Quick Mission has two unlockable characters on first completion you only unlock one at a time if either have the "any difficulty" criteria and the other requires a specific difficulty setting.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 1 on Recruit during a Quick Mission in Mission Mode A. Galinsky
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 6 on any difficulty B. Gordon
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 2 on Veteran during a Quick Mission in Mission Mode D. Munz
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 5 on Veteran during a Quick Mission in Mission Mode G. Osadze
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 2 on any difficulty H. Ramirez
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 4 on any difficulty J. Stone
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 3 on any difficulty K. Henkel
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 4 on Recruit during Quick Mission in Mission Mode L. Cohen
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 3 on Elite during a Quick Mission in Mission Mode N. Tunny
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 5 on any difficulty S. Grey
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 6 on Elite during a Quick Mission in Mission Mode S. Ibrahim
    Complete Special Objective in Campaign Mission 1 on any difficulty W. Jacobs

    Contributed by: Tayrybro, greybeard

  2. Cheat Codes

    Effect Effect
    A, X, B, Y, A Big Heads
    BBYXXA Body size increases
    X, X, Y, A, B Chicken Explosives
    X, X, A, B, A God Mode(Self)
    X, A, Y, B, X Helium Mode
    B, A, X, Y, A Paper Mode
    A, A, X, B, Y Run Fast Mode
    Y, Y, B, X, A Slow Mo Mode
    BAYYABAXXX Team God Mode

    Contributed by: luburulz, MightyMumbler, latias1, Kingcodez

  3. Unlockable modes

    Complete the following to unlock these modes

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete Campaign Mission 8 in Firefight Mode on Veteran. You must use a full team and none of your teammates may die. Chicken Mode
    Complete Campaign Mission 4 in Defend Mode on Veteran using only one soldier. Helium Mode
    Complete Campaign Mission 7 in Defend Mode on Recruit. You must use a full team and none of your teammates may die. Meganoggin Mode
    Complete Campaign Mission 6 in Firefight Mode on Veteran using only one support soldier. Paper Mode
    Complete Campaign Mission 1 in Recon Mode on Elite using a full team Run Fast Mode
    Complete Campaign Mission 5 in Recon Mode on Elite. You may only use one soldier. Slo-Mo Mode

    Contributed by: Tayrybro

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by scurty 414K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Masamune2 164K
In-Depth Guides Weapons FAQ by qwertyuiopasd 15K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Masamune2 164K
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.