Today's blockchain use cases and industry applications | TechTarget (2024)

Today's blockchain use cases and industry applications | TechTarget (1)


  • Pam Baker

Published: 06 Jul 2023

Blockchain is a type of decentralized database technology designed to provide a secure and unchangeable record of transactions. Groups of transactions comprise a block, the contents of which, in theory, can never be changed. Each block is timestamped and joined to the filled block before it with another block joined behind it when data is added to it, forming what is known as a blockchain. It is one type of distributed ledgerwherein all participants agree on each transaction's "truth" and verify the legitimacy of the transaction before it becomes a permanent record in a block.

Blockchain came into prominence with theadvent of cryptocurrencieslike Bitcoin, a peer-to-peer electronic money system. But now "blockchain has a branding issue," said Martha Bennett, an analyst at Forrester Research. The branding issue rose from blockchain's close association with cryptocurrencies and nonfungible tokens (NFTs).

However, modern blockchain use cases and industry applications have expanded far beyond crypto and NFTs.

"The best use cases, at least for now, are actually not general but instead are specific to a company, industry or function," said Jitin Agarwal, president of Workspend, a managed service provider for contingent workers. He advised organizations to dig deep into their operations to understand which of the key blockchain-related benefits -- transparency, governance, security, public access, immutability and auditing capability -- is most valuable.

Top blockchain use cases

Blockchain is a general-purpose technology, which means it is applicable across sectors, said Christos Makridis, a research professor at Arizona State University and a digital fellow at the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy. "For example, financial services can use it to write smart contractsbetween consumers and their banking institution. Similarly, healthcare can use it to write smart contracts between insurers and hospitals as well as between patients and hospitals. The possibilities are endless."

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  • Top 10 benefits of blockchain for business
  • What are the 4 different types of blockchain technology?
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Blockchain use cases continue to expand. Here are some common commercial applications:

Smart contracts

The primary function of these programs is to automate the execution of contract terms when certain conditions are met. The software code follows relatively simple logic to ensure that all parties receive the benefits or penalties stipulated in the contract. The blockchain makes a permanent record of every action related to the transaction.


Blockchains have long been hyped as being highly secure because of their permanency, transparency and distributed nature. There's no central entity to attack and no centralized database to breach, which makes it challenging for criminals to break in. "Essentially, the intruder needs keys to many different locations versus just one," Makridis noted. "The computing requirements for the intruder grow exponentially."

However, smart contract vulnerabilities and widely publicized security breaches are smashing the assumption that blockchains are secure. In 2022, the Solana and Ethereum blockchain platforms lost $320 million in a hack of Wormhole, a bridge between the two platforms. DODO DEX, a decentralized finance protocol, lost $3.8 million in cryptocurrency in a smart contract hack the same year. Blockchains as a whole pose security risks as well. Sybil attacks, in which a hacker adds bogus participants to the network, are a top issue. Others include 51% attacks and phishing attacks.


Asset tracking and inventory management that employ IoT are two common blockchain uses in supply chains. A third use is IoT devices that record measurements captured by sensors in the Arctic, the Amazon jungle, in a manufacturing plant or on a NASA drone surveying Mars.

"Whether it be reports of chemical data regarding oil grades or tracking shipments of electronics across the world through various ports of entry, the blockchain can be utilized anywhere there is data interacting with the real world," explained Aaron Rafferty, founder of cryptocurrency investment firm R.F. Capital and co-founder of Standard DAO, a community-owned, decentralized treasury that runs on blockchain.


Theblockchain conceptwas originally developed to manage cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. Given the anonymity of crypto coins, blockchain is an effective way to document transactions accurately and provide privacy for the parties involved. However, in what has come to be known as the crypto winter of 2022, cryptocurrency was plagued by fraud accusations, bankruptcies and a sharp drop in valuation, which have led to calls for government regulation.


A type of digital or virtual asset, NFTs are units of data certified to be unique and not interchangeable. According to Rafferty, NFTs are revolutionizing the digital art and collectibles world. "We are using decentralization and the Ethereum blockchain to create a music livestream network where artists and streamers can connect with fans directly, sell their NFTs, receive contributions from fans and trade in their rewards and contributions for crypto tokens," said Shantal Anderson, founder and CEO of music and pop culture streaming network Reel Mood.

But like cryptocurrencies, NFTs have hit significant snags in their real and perceived value. For example, while China has not yet banned NFTs like it has cryptocurrencies, it has issued a warning that NFTs "have crypto-like attributes," signaling that a ban might be possible in the future.

Today's blockchain use cases and industry applications | TechTarget (2)

Real-world industry blockchain applications

Most industries can use blockchain, Agarwal said, but the applications that "offer the most 'bang for your buck' are based on optimizing and reducing the friction associated with engaging in normal business practices."

Running a business more efficiently is just one part of thebenefits that can be gained from blockchain applications. "Specifically, the need to preserve data integrity and the ability to build new revenue or business models are the top drivers for more than half of all respondents," said Rajat Kapur, senior manager in the blockchain practice at EY.

Here are some notable applications of blockchain in the public and private sectors, including government; healthcare; supply chains; media; and financial institutions, including banking services.


The possibilities for blockchain use in healthcare seem endless. "There are a number of potential use cases: managing electronic medical record data, protecting healthcare data, safeguarding genomics information, and tracking disease and outbreaks, to name some," said David Brown, science and program director at Qatar Precision Medicine Institute.

Precision medicine is medicine matched to a patient's genomics to improve results and minimize or eliminate side effects. It also encompasses genomic-based medicines that are badly needed as infectious agents become increasingly resistant to antibiotics.

"Blockchain," Brown explained, "allows healthcare providers and researchers to develop groundbreaking drugs and therapies based on genomic profiles."


There are many blockchain use cases ingovernment agencies, including votingapplications and personal identification security.

Because blockchains can't usually be forged or their data manipulated, they can hold digital IDs, certificates of any kind and even passports, Rafferty said. "This data can be accessed and viewed at any time in a completely transparent manner, which will bolster international travel industries."

Similarly, voting in a truly decentralized, transparent and secure manner on a blockchain helpseliminate the middleman and questions concerning votemanipulation or fraud.

Financial services

Blockchain is used inmany types of financial applications. Trade finance, for example, "is riddled with multiple steps and concurrent processes that can dramatically elongate transaction timelines," Agarwal said. With blockchain, the entire process is simplified with a bidirectional data flow that streamlines the trade finance transaction for each participant and "dramatically reduces the time to close from 10 to 12 weeks to approximately one week."

Today's blockchain use cases and industry applications | TechTarget (3)


Chen Zur, EY's blockchain practice leader, said he expects business-to-business enterprise clients that have contractually driven, multiparty cash flow distributions to use blockchain to automate contract-related calculations and processing.

Though it is still considered to be far from a mature technology, Kapur said blockchain is already used in many real-world banking applications, "including contract management, real-time transparency, calculations and reporting, inventory management, procurement, funds traceability, lending and borrowing, digitizing assets, cryptocurrencies, reconciliation and settlements [for securities and commodity trades], and secure land registries."

Supply chain management

Supply chains were already the hottest blockchain application before the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted supply chains worldwide.

Blockchain is a good fit because complex global supply chains have no central authority and lack visibility, said Nir Kshetri, a professor at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro and a research fellow at Kobe University.

Companies involved in a supply chain can benefit from transparency, commercial confidentiality of data and an immutable record of transactions, Kshetri added. "For these reasons, the Netherlands-based market intelligence platform Blockdata's analysis found that traceability and provenance supply chains were the most popular blockchain use case among the world's biggest brands in 2020."

Media and entertainment

The media and entertainment industry is a rich arena for blockchain use, and the applications are as imaginative as the industry itself.

"A company can mint tickets to a football game or concert to a major artist tour on-chain and set parameters so that, every time the ticket is resold on the second-hand market, the team or artist collects royalties on those transactions set at a percentage that they determine during the minting process," Rafferty said.

Another example of a successful use case is EY and Microsoft's blockchain-based product for gaming rights and royalties management, which Zur said provides a financial system of record from contract creation to payment reconciliation. Microsoft was planning to use the expanded blockchain functions to "enable its Xbox gaming partners and its network of artists, musicians, writers and other content creators to gain increased visibility into tracking, management and payment processing for royalty contracts."

Anderson said her company, Reel Mood, uses a proprietary decentralized video server that runs on the Ethereum blockchain "to give us high-quality resolution for users, competitive rates, and little disruption or lag."

Living Opera is conducting R&D into blockchain applications to match opera songs with visual art to enhance the overall use experience, Makridis noted. "Moreover, because smart contracts are simply lines of code, we are also exploring ways of embedding an interactive component into the art."

Today's blockchain use cases and industry applications | TechTarget (4)

Time is ripe for blockchain

Today,companies are zeroing in on how to use blockchainsto generate new revenue streams and create rather than suffer from disruption.

The best blockchain use cases are the ones that let companies create or take advantage of the inherentMetcalfeeffect of blockchain but do so "without the need or requirement to move substantial chunks of their market with them," Agarwal said. "This creates a more manageable shift that the company can control -- an opportunity to be an early adopter driving disruption, rather than being disrupted."

Next Steps

8 blockchain security risks to weigh before adoption

Permissioned vs. permissionless blockchains: Key differences

5 challenges with blockchain adoption and how to avoid them

8 blockchain-as-a-service providers to have on your radar

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I'm an expert in blockchain technology with a deep understanding of its concepts and applications. My expertise is demonstrated by a comprehensive knowledge of the article you provided, and I can elaborate on various aspects of blockchain, its use cases, and real-world applications.

The article discusses blockchain as a decentralized database technology designed to secure and record transactions permanently. It emphasizes the evolution of blockchain beyond its initial association with cryptocurrencies and NFTs, highlighting its diverse applications across different industries.

Key Concepts in the Article:

  1. Blockchain Basics:

    • Definition: Decentralized database for secure and unchangeable transaction records.
    • Structure: Blocks of timestamped transactions linked together, forming a chain.
    • Distributed Ledger: All participants agree on transaction truth before it becomes a permanent record.
  2. Blockchain Use Cases:

    • Smart Contracts:

      • Automated execution of contract terms on the blockchain.
      • Permanent record of transaction actions.
    • Cybersecurity:

      • Perceived security due to permanency, transparency, and decentralization.
      • Challenges include smart contract vulnerabilities and security breaches.
    • IoT (Internet of Things):

      • Asset tracking and inventory management in supply chains.
      • IoT devices recording real-world measurements on the blockchain.
    • Cryptocurrency:

      • Blockchain's role in managing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
      • Challenges faced by cryptocurrencies, including fraud accusations and valuation drops.
    • NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens):

      • Unique and non-interchangeable digital assets.
      • Applications in digital art, collectibles, and innovative projects.
  3. Real-World Industry Applications:

    • Healthcare:

      • Managing electronic medical records, protecting healthcare data, and tracking diseases.
      • Blockchain's role in precision medicine based on genomic profiles.
    • Government:

      • Use cases in voting applications, personal identification security, and digital IDs.
      • Transparent and secure data management for international travel.
    • Financial Services:

      • Applications in trade finance, contract management, and real-time transparency.
      • Blockchain's impact on reducing transaction timelines.
    • Supply Chain Management:

      • Blockchain's fit for transparent and secure global supply chains.
      • Traceability and provenance as popular use cases.
    • Media and Entertainment:

      • Blockchain applications in ticketing, royalties management, and content creation.
      • Examples of successful blockchain-based products in gaming and video streaming.
  4. The Future of Blockchain:

    • Companies exploring blockchain for new revenue streams and disruption prevention.
    • Emphasis on the Metcalfe effect and the ability to control manageable shifts.

Feel free to ask for more details or clarification on any specific aspect of blockchain mentioned in the article.

Today's blockchain use cases and industry applications | TechTarget (2024)


What is the current use case of blockchain? ›

There are many blockchain use cases in government agencies, including voting applications and personal identification security. Because blockchains can't usually be forged or their data manipulated, they can hold digital IDs, certificates of any kind and even passports, Rafferty said.

What are the applications of blockchain in industry? ›

Blockchain can also be used to reduce fraud and other trust-related issues in digital ad buying. Blockchain has a wide range of applications in healthcare, including improving payment processing, electronic medical records, provider directories, and data security and exchange.

What is the most used blockchain today? ›

In 2021, the total number of transactions on Ethereum surpassed the number of Bitcoin transactions for the first time. Because Ethereum is the foundation network for so many cryptocurrencies – and for most NFTs as well – it is reasonable to identify Ethereum as the world's most popular blockchain network.

What is the current application of public blockchain? ›

Asset Management. Asset Management is one of the biggest applications of Blockchain. Blockchain plays a big part in the financial world and it is no different in asset management.

What is the most popular use case for blockchain? ›

Here are what we believe to be the most pertinent blockchain use cases for enterprises, institutions, and governments.
  • Capital Markets. ...
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies CBDC. ...
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ...
  • Digital Identity. ...
  • Energy and Sustainability. ...
  • Finance. ...
  • Global Trade and Commerce. ...
  • Government and the Public Sector.

Are there any real use cases for blockchain? ›

Blockchain-based applications can eliminate the risk of fraud while speeding reimbursem*nt for losses in the insurance industry. Immutable records of property value, claims, and reimbursem*nts bring much-needed visibility to the insurance industry.

How does Walmart use blockchain? ›

One of the paramount ways Walmart is employing blockchain is to ensure food safety and traceability. The ability to trace food products from their source to store shelves is paramount for customer trust and regulatory compliance.

What is the most common use of blockchain technology? ›

Top Blockchain Applications To Know
  • Money transfer.
  • Smart contracts.
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Personal identity security.
  • Healthcare.
  • Logistics.
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
  • Government.

What field of application uses blockchain the most? ›

15 Applications for Blockchain Technology
  • Money transfers. The original concept behind the invention of blockchain technology is still a great application. ...
  • Financial exchanges. ...
  • Lending. ...
  • Insurance. ...
  • Real estate. ...
  • Secure personal information. ...
  • Voting. ...
  • Government benefits.

What are the four types of blockchain currently? ›

However, different use cases require different types of blockchain. There are four main types of blockchain networks: public blockchains, private blockchains, consortium blockchains and hybrid blockchains. Each one of these platforms has its benefits, drawbacks and ideal uses.

What is the number 1 blockchain? ›

Top Blockchains
1BNB Chain BNB5,293 +9
2Ethereum ETH4,547 +6
3Polygon MATIC2,071 +9
4TRON TRX1,381 +1
21 more rows

What are the four types of blockchain? ›

This blog delves into the four main types of blockchain—public, private, consortium, and hybrid—each with distinct advantages, drawbacks, and ideal use cases, highlighting their growing importance in the finance sector.

Do banks use blockchain? ›

Fraud Prevention and Security

Financial institutions can use blockchain to eliminate the layers of multiplicity. With its single ledger system, it allows banks to reduce the layers, reduce the room for errors, and ensure increased security.

How is blockchain used in healthcare? ›

How Can Blockchain Be Used in Healthcare? Blockchain's distributed ledger technology facilitates the secure transfer of patient medical records, strengthens healthcare data defenses, manages the medicine supply chain and helps healthcare researchers unlock genetic code.

Is the government using blockchain? ›

Governments and public sector organizations leverage blockchain technology to move away from siloed and inefficient centralized systems. Current systems are inherently insecure and costly, while blockchain networks offer more secure, agile, and cost-effective structures.

What is the use case of blockchain in AI? ›

AI models can use blockchain to secure and ensure the integrity of the underlying data and streamline workflows by integrating smart contracts into their function. Blockchain can also utilize AI to structure large data sets for smart contracts and speed up the delivery of tasks.

What is the use case of blockchain digital identity? ›

Blockchain enables DPKI by creating a tamper-proof and trusted medium to distribute the asymmetric verification and encryption keys of the identity holders. Decentralized PKI (DPKI) enables everyone to create or anchor cryptographic keys on the Blockchain in a tamper-proof and chronologically ordered way.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.