Tips on How You Can Pass Your Capstone Project - DigiParadise (2024)

Tips on How You Can Pass Your Capstone Project - DigiParadise (1)

A thesis or Capstone is something you can’t escape from as an IT student. There are a lot of things you need to sacrifice; sleep, weekends, money, and so on. I passed my capstone project with flying colors but it wasn’t an easy feat. I was even hospitalized at one point because of the stress that it caused me. From choosing a title that you’re hoping the panelists would approve to presenting your prototype hoping you would pass the midterm defense with ease, the journey was one hell of a ride.

The experience was hard, but I consider it one of the major highlights of my life. Well in fact, If I’m going to be given a chance to go back in time when my stress was only caused by doing our research, I’ll gladly grab it.

I may sound like an idiot for saying that, but I learned a lot with the journey, not only on the academic side but also with some aspects of life. I made new friends and learned valuable life lessons.

The journey was demanding and challenging, but it was very fulfilling.

Here are some tips that can help you pass your capstone project during college with ease:

1. Pick the right people

Tips on How You Can Pass Your Capstone Project - DigiParadise (2)

It may sound selfish but just because you’re friends with someone doesn’t automatically mean that you should be group mates. I myself experienced it firsthand, and it was probably one of the worst mistakes that I’ve committed in my college life. There won’t be adjustments for sure, because you already know each other to the bone. But how does it become a predicament? The tendency of having your close buddies as your group mates is they tend to be complacent. If they know you as someone who is capable, then they will be relying on you to do the rest of the job to death.

2. If you can’t get rid of your so-called friends, then be an effective leader

As much as I hate to admit it, I’m also partly responsible for the nightmarish experience I mentioned in my first tip. Since they’d chosen me as a leader, everyone expected me to be having complete control over them, but it was exactly the opposite. Since they are my friends, I’m too timid enough, to be honest about how they are performing as a groupmate. I’m not sure at first why but I came to my realization that I’m just too scared to lose them as friends. Too dumb, right? But I was young back then, and I’m not really aware of the things that matter most.

But if you’re the friend that I’m trying to describe as irresponsible, “Mahiya ka naman!”

3. Choosing your title for your research(Capstone Project)

Tips on How You Can Pass Your Capstone Project - DigiParadise (3)

This is probably easier said than done. Completing your research is one hell of a job, but the big uncertainty is when and how can/will you start. I’ve seen many students cry even before they start their research just because their title isn’t good enough. When I say not good enough, it means:

1. The title has been done so many times. They say doing research these days is so easy because of the internet.

But it only means that you need to use the internet wisely. You’re given easy access to millions of information and there’s no way that you can’t use it to formulate something new.

2. Too EASY. Yes, some panelists reject your title just because it’s too easy.

3. Not prepared. I’ve seen so many groups who have been blessed with a good title but weren’t successful just becausethey’re not prepared enough. I mean, you’re very lucky enough to have a good title, just do your part and present well.

4. Time Management

You’ve probably read this many times on many blogs giving tips about your thesis but why won’t I include it if it’s proven to be really effective? Just because your thesis adviser hasn’t given you the go signal to do something, doesn’t mean that you have free time. If you’ve already done with Chapter 1, then there’s no reason for you to stop. You can start preparing drafts or begin researching for Chapter 2 so you can have a multitude of time for revisions in the future. Remember, there’s no such thing as free time when doing your research.

5. Set Goals

Just because you’ve managed your time right doesn’t automatically mean you’re setting your group for success. It is important that your goals should be in line with the time allotted.

6. It’s ok to say NO

Tips on How You Can Pass Your Capstone Project - DigiParadise (4)

Most of my perks told me to just enjoy college and I totally agree with it. But some of us tend to overwork enjoyment and forget our responsibilities. Completing your research with flying colors means having to sacrifice some of your precious time with your friends. They may find it absurd, but you should remember that what you’re doing right now is for your future and you’ll reap the fruits of it in time. Don’t succumb to peer pressure because it won’t help you get your diploma or land a good job in the future.

7. Savor every moment of it

It’s all about the journey, not the destination. When you’re already working in a company and all you do is stress out on your tasks that your boss is repeatedly returning to you for revision, you’ll be missing those times when you’re just busy doing your capstone project.

Tips on How You Can Pass Your Capstone Project - DigiParadise (2024)


How do you come up with a good capstone project? ›

For a capstone or thesis topic consider:
  1. Issues that are relevant to your workplace, classroom experience, or career goals.
  2. A topic that has caught your eye in your textbook, a journal article, or an issue that you explored for previous classwork or projects and would like to pursue further.

What makes a good capstone project? ›

The best Capstone proposals are important but not urgent; achievable within the academic time frame and with the resources available; provide a clear definition of the problem or issue to be addressed; have a realistic scope; and specify tangible deliverables for the Capstone team to provide.

What are the common questions in capstone project? ›

Capstone Projects FAQ
  • What is the Capstone Project/Course? ...
  • What are some of the advantages for students? ...
  • How big are the project teams? ...
  • Where do projects come from? ...
  • What background will the students bring to the Capstone Project? ...
  • What is the process for getting a project submitted as a potential Capstone Project?

Can I fail capstone? ›

Can you fail a capstone course? Yes, you can fail a capstone course. However, failing a capstone course at some universities could disqualify you from graduating from that particular major or program. Other schools could require you to revise your capstone project until it's approved or you receive a passing grade.

Is capstone project hard? ›

“Capstones are too easy.”

Rather, they are rigorous, well-rounded academic undertakings. Capstones require research, community input, analysis, experimentation, public speaking and a formal presentation. Many educators compare the project to a National Science Fair presentation—or better yet, a Master's dissertation.

How long should a capstone take? ›

How Long Does a Capstone Project Usually Take to Complete? This will vary from program to program and can be as few as 10 weeks to as many as two semesters depending on the requirements of the program. It is most common for graduate programs to require a capstone project course that lasts for one semester.

What are the 4 capstone project elements? ›

Capstone Resources
  • Parts of a Scientific & Scholarly Paper.
  • Title.
  • Abstract.
  • Introduction.
  • Methods.
  • Results.
  • Discussion.
Jun 20, 2023

Which is harder capstone or thesis? ›

Thesis and capstone projects synthesize your overall learning, taking the knowledge you've gained throughout your program and applying it to your own research. A thesis, which often requires more intensive research than a capstone, may span multiple years depending on the level of the psychology program.

What skills are required for capstone project? ›

Capstone projects are generally designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems, and develop skills such as oral communication, public speaking, research skills, media literacy, teamwork, planning, self-sufficiency, or goal setting—i.e., skills that will help prepare them for college, ...

What is the main goal of capstone project? ›

The capstone project is designed to consolidate final-year students' learning with valuable hands-on experience to help develop them into well-prepared and well-rounded graduates.

How long should a capstone presentation be? ›

1. Time: The presentation should be 5 to 7 minutes in length. 2. Multimedia: A PowerPoint or Prezi may be used to help structure the Capstone Experience Oral Presentation.

What are the 5 questions for a project? ›

The five W questions are important because they help establish the framework of any project. Once you have established the answers to the 'who, what, when, where and why', you'll then have a clear picture of the tasks in front of you. With all the basic information you need, you can tackle the project successfully.

What to say if you don t know the answer in a defense? ›

“Can I connect you with someone who might be better able to answer your question?” “I don't know, but I'd be happy to look into that and get back to you with an answer.”

Do colleges look at capstone projects? ›

Still, if you take Capstone, aspects of the program—especially the long research paper—will likely look desirable to most colleges. The independent research AP Capstone requires could be the topic of a college essay or at least something substantial to talk about in an interview.

What is a passing grade for capstone? ›

To pass the Capstone Exam course and earn a certificate, you need to achieve a total score of at least 50%.

How many people fail capstone? ›

Fail rate: 87.03%.

How is capstone project graded? ›

Capstone Project grading

Other Capstone Projects are automatically graded or graded by experts. In some Specializations, you will be evaluated only on your final project submission. In other Specializations, you will get separate grades for each section of the project.

How many hours is a capstone? ›

HOW MANY HOURS ARE REQUIRED FOR THE CAPSTONE EXPERIENCE? The Accreditation Council of Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) requires the length of the doctoral capstone experience to be a minimum of 14 weeks (560 hours).

How long is the average capstone? ›

In most cases, the capstone project will be an interdisciplinary study of approximately 25-35 pages in length that demonstrates graduate level research and writing skills.

How long is the capstone test? ›

Duration of capstone assessment includes:

one full working day to complete, with the practical component representing about 70% of the whole test, e.g. written test 2-3 hours and practical test 4-6 hours.

What happens if you don't pass capstone? ›

If you have failed your capstone course, or a combination of a comprehensive exam and a capstone course attempt, you are no longer eligible for degree conferral.

How many pages is a capstone? ›

A capstone paper may be 25 pages, where a thesis could be 100 or more, and is a more demanding research paper. If an undergraduate student chooses to further their education and enter into a doctoral program, the capstone project could be an invaluable tool in preparing for a thesis.

Does everyone do a capstone project? ›

No, not all colleges require capstone research projects. Additionally, some schools and programs may only make them mandatory in certain instances, such as specific degree levels or majors. Generally, a thesis or similar research experience is more common for graduate degrees than undergraduate degrees.

What is capstone format? ›

Everyone's capstone paper should contain the following elements: a title page, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference list. Click on the link below to open and make a copy of the capstone paper template.

How do you write a conclusion in capstone? ›

In your conclusion you must do two things:
  1. Clearly restate your thesis and answer to the essay question.
  2. Summarise the arguments you've made throughout your essay, especially the main ideas in each paragraph. Remind the reader about the connection between these ideas and the thesis or essay question.
Mar 9, 2018

Why is it called a capstone project? ›

The term derives from the final decorative coping or "cap-stone" used to complete a building or monument. In higher education, the term has been in common use in the USA since the mid-twentieth century, although there is evidence that it was in use as early as the late 1800s.

What is an example of a doctoral capstone project? ›

Examples of doctoral capstone projects may include but are not limited to proposed curriculum plans, education technology solutions for the classroom, community education initiatives, published research papers, or a proposed teacher training plan.

What is an example of a capstone project? ›

Capstone project examples

Analyze soil samples from different areas or over time; study the population of a local animal; experiment with plants and seeding; run a summer camp for children to encourage science and outdoor exploration; found a community garden.

What is the best title for capstone project? ›

Management Capstone Project Ideas
  • Evaluation of free clinic process.
  • The role of project management in effective political campaigns.
  • The practice of ethical thinking in administration.
  • Modern strategies for rate of return and capital investment.
  • The importance of conflict administration for big companies.

What should students do before they start their capstone? ›

Before you start working on your project, it is essential to do your research. This will help you better understand the problem you are trying to solve and give you direction on how to solve it. Not doing your research can lead to wasted time and effort spent on something that may not even be possible to solve.

What is a capstone project in simple words? ›

Capstone Project​ Definition. A Capstone Project ​is a multifaceted body of work that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience for students.

What are capstone deliverables? ›

Your capstone requires execution of a project in which the final product is a potential deliverable for a work- place audience accompanied by a rationale report. Example deliverables include a training manual, a set of public relations materials, a website (design and content), or a usability assessment.

What is a capstone essay? ›

Capstone is a culminating piece of academic writing. It's usually encountered in their final year of school or college. It requires additional intellectual and analytical skills. It is never the same and can encompass any subject. It can be presented as a multimedia project.

What should I include in my capstone presentation? ›

Introduce yourself ▪ Discuss your post-graduation goals – your plans for after high school and possible future options. Describe your Capstone journey – goal, focus question, action plan and outcome: what you learned about your topic, yourself and about goal setting.

How many slides should a capstone presentation have? ›

Slides should follow a logical progression, with each building upon the other. Page 2 Guidelines for Creating and Presenting Capstone POWERPOINT Presentations o Use brevity: Your presentation should contain no more than 12 slides. In general, using a few powerful slides is the aim. paying attention to you.

What are the 7 essential questions? ›

The seven essential questions are: (1) The Kickstart Question; (2) The AWE Question; (3) The Focus Question; (4) The Foundation Question; (5) The Lazy Question; (6) The Strategic Question; and (7) The Learning Question. I have adapted them for the purposes of conflict coaching.

What are the 3 critical questions? ›

Answering your customer's three critical questions
  • Why should they change?
  • Why should they choose you?
  • Why should they act now?
Jul 1, 2020

What 2 questions should be asked before a project is implemented? ›

Questions to ask before starting a project
  • What are the primary objectives and goals for this specific project? ...
  • Who are the key influencers or stakeholders? ...
  • What are the main timelines, dates and milestones? ...
  • What are the most critical obstacles or constraints, and what happens if the project isn't successful?
Jun 24, 2022

How do you introduce yourself in project Defence? ›

Use an appropriate language register (avoid informal language), but be approachable and natural. "Welcome to the thesis defense on [the title of your thesis]". Next, introduce yourself with your name and give a short description of your background and occupation. Don't forget to say “thank you for attending!”

What is the most question in defense? ›

17 Thesis Defense Questions and How to Answer Them
  • What is your topic, and why did you choose it? ...
  • How does your topic contribute to the existing literature? ...
  • What are the key findings of your study? ...
  • What type of background research did you do for your study? ...
  • What was your hypothesis, and how did you form it?
Jan 10, 2023

How do you answer a question you don't know in a presentation? ›

Tell them you don't know. It's not ideal to admit that you don't have the answer to hand but it's better than making up the answer. In this scenario it's imperative that you acknowledge the question so that you still come across as confident and in control rather than nervous and on the back foot.

How good is the capstone diploma? ›

AP Capstone is a powerful indicator of college readiness on a student's transcript and helps students stand out to colleges in the application process. Research has found that students who take AP Capstone courses are more likely to persist in college and earn higher first-year college GPAs.

How long should a capstone project take? ›

How Long Does a Capstone Project Usually Take to Complete? This will vary from program to program and can be as few as 10 weeks to as many as two semesters depending on the requirements of the program. It is most common for graduate programs to require a capstone project course that lasts for one semester.

What makes a good capstone presentation? ›

A student's capstone presentation should demonstrate his ability to synthesize and apply the knowledge and skills acquired during his academic career to real-world issues. With proper preparation, you will not only earn high marks, but you'll gain invaluable knowledge and skills in doing so.

How long should a capstone paper be? ›

A capstone paper may be 25 pages, where a thesis could be 100 or more, and is a more demanding research paper. If an undergraduate student chooses to further their education and enter into a doctoral program, the capstone project could be an invaluable tool in preparing for a thesis.

What is required in a capstone project? ›

A Capstone Project Proposal should contain the following: 1) Introduction – Explains the interest in the topic and situates the project in a scholarly and/or practical context. 2) Goals and Process – Describes the goals and purpose of the project.

Is capstone project graded? ›

Capstone Project grading

Other Capstone Projects are automatically graded or graded by experts. In some Specializations, you will be evaluated only on your final project submission. In other Specializations, you will get separate grades for each section of the project.

Do colleges care about capstone diploma? ›

The AP Capstone Diploma is increasingly recognized in admissions by higher education institutions around the world. Many colleges and universities offer credit and/or placement for a qualifying score in AP Seminar, AP Research, or both.

Is capstone harder than thesis? ›

Thesis and capstone projects synthesize your overall learning, taking the knowledge you've gained throughout your program and applying it to your own research. A thesis, which often requires more intensive research than a capstone, may span multiple years depending on the level of the psychology program.

What are the 3 P's of presentation in research? ›

Effective presentations are sometimes created around a three-step process, sometimes called the 3-P Approach: Plan, Prepare, and Present.

What are 3 keys to a successful presentation and why? ›

They are Audience, Preparation, and Practice. That's it. I call them the “Three Magic Keys to a Successful Presentation.” Work on these three areas, and you'll go from bullet point boring to picture perfect presentations.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.