TIPS and Inflation: What to Know Now (2024)

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May 29, 2024 Collin Martin

Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or TIPS, can help buffer a portfolio against inflation. However, it's important to understand their unique characteristics and complex nature.

TIPS and Inflation: What to Know Now (1)

Worried about inflation? Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or TIPS, can help protect against inflation since their principal values are indexed to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). When considering TIPS, however, it's important to understand their unique characteristics and complex nature.

TIPS explained

TIPS are a type of Treasury security whose principal value is indexed to inflation. When inflation rises, the TIPS' principal value is adjusted up. If there's deflation, then the principal value is adjusted lower. Like traditional Treasuries, TIPS are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

The coupon payments are based on a percent of the adjusted principal, so investors can benefit from higher income payments when inflation is rising, as well.

At maturity, however, a TIPS investor would receive either the adjusted principal or the original principal value at issuance. In other words, TIPS never pay back less than their initial principal value at maturity, barring default.

The table below illustrates how the principal value and coupon payments would rise if inflation averaged 3% every year for a hypothetical five-year TIPS. While the initial principal value is $1,000, after one year that principal value would grow to $1,030. The investor would still earn a coupon payment based on the 2.125% coupon rate, but since the principal value would have risen, the coupon payment would be $21.89 at the end of year one. By maturity, the principal value would rise to $1,159 if inflation continued to average 3% per year.

Principal adjustment and coupon payments for a hypothetical five-year TIPS

TIPS and Inflation: What to Know Now (2)

Source: Schwab Center for Financial Research.

The initial hypothetical TIPS principal value is $1,000. For simplicity, this example shows an annual coupon rate, but TIPS make semiannual interest payments. The annual coupon payment equals the fixed coupon rate multiplied by the adjusted principal value. The example is hypothetical and provided for illustrative purposes only. It is not intended to represent a specific investment product.

Here are three considerations for those considering TIPS today:

1. Relatively high yields. Like most bond yields, TIPS yields have risen sharply over the last few years and are still near the high end of their 20-year range. More importantly, TIPS yields are positive, meaning investors who hold individual TIPS can earn a positive inflation-adjusted yield regardless of the inflation rate.

TIPS yields are "real" yields, already accounting for inflation. The annual rate of inflation over the life of a TIPS ultimately would be added to the stated yield when held to maturity to come up with the annualized return. If inflation averages 3% for the next five years, for example, that 3% inflation rate would get added to the roughly 2.1% "real" yield that a five-year TIPS offers today, resulting in a nominal return of 5.1% annually. The higher (or lower) inflation comes in, the higher (or lower) that nominal total return would be.

Here's another way to think about TIPS yields: If held to maturity, TIPS should outperform inflation on an annualized basis by a magnitude of that yield. That can be an important concept for investors who are worried that inflation will remain very elevated for a while.

TIPS yields are at the high end of their 20-year range

TIPS and Inflation: What to Know Now (3)

Source: Bloomberg, using weekly data as of 5/23/2024.

US Generic Govt TII 5 Yr (USGGT05Y Index). Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

"Real" yields have generally risen lately as the Fed tries to cool inflation. High real interest rates make it more attractive for consumers to save than spend, and more difficult for businesses to borrow, hire, and invest. But high real yields can present investors an opportunity to beat inflation going forward.

2. Breakeven rates. The difference between TIPS yields and yields offered by traditional Treasuries is important to consider when evaluating TIPS. That difference is known as the "breakeven inflation rate." It's the rate that inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), would need to average over the life of the TIPS for it to outperform a traditional Treasury security. If the CPI averaged more than that breakeven rate, investors would have been better off in a TIPS; if it were below, a traditional Treasury would have made more sense.

The five-year breakeven rate is shown in the chart below. At 2.3%, inflation would need to average 2.3% or more over the next five years for a five-year TIPS to outperform a nominal Treasury. That's still below the current rate of inflation, and the recent disinflationary trend in the headline CPI appears to have stalled as the year/year change in headline CPI has fluctuated in the 3.1% and 4% area over the last 12 months. Although the 2.3% breakeven rate is at the high end of the 14-year range, it's below the current inflation rate by a relatively large margin.

Five-year TIPS breakeven rate

TIPS and Inflation: What to Know Now (4)

Source: Bloomberg, using weekly data as of 5/23/2024.

US Generic Govt TII 5 Yr (USGGBE05 Index). Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

3.Principal values have adjusted higher, despite negative total returns. TIPS total returns—when measured by TIPS indexes—generally have been negative over the last few years, despite multi-decade high levels of inflation.

TIPS, despite their unique characteristics, are still bonds and subject to the inverse relationship between their prices and yields. When yields rise, prices fall, and vice versa. Over the last few years, the prices of many TIPS have fallen more than the principal value has adjusted higher, resulting in negative total returns. From December 31, 2021 through May 23, 2024, the Bloomberg US TIPS Index has lost 8.9%. The large price declines more than offset the rise in principal values due to the inflation adjustments.

Those negative returns aren't indicative of the whole TIPS market, especially individual TIPS. Price fluctuations in the secondary market are temporary as long as you hold to maturity. TIPS prices have generally fallen over the last two years, but the principal values have risen. Consider this TIPS that was issued in October 2020, maturing in October 2025: Its inflation-adjusted value has risen to over $1,200 since it was issued, or a 20% increase.

The inflation-adjusted principal value of TIPS has risen lately

TIPS and Inflation: What to Know Now (5)

Source: Bloomberg, using daily data as of May 23, 2024.

Treasury Inflation Protected Security, 0.125% coupon rate, October 15, 2025 maturity date Govt) and US Inflation Indexed CPI Ratio 5-Year Bonds Issued October 2020. The line in the chart represents the inflation-adjusted principal value, using the CPI index ratio for this TIPS multiplied by its starting value of $1,000. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. The investment strategies mentioned here may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision. Image, values, and calculations are for illustrative purposes only.

Looking at the secondary market price doesn't tell the whole story, because it doesn't include the inflation adjustment. The chart below illustrates this phenomenon. The blue line represents the price of this TIPS in the secondary market; the red line multiplies that price by the TIPS's inflation index ratio. Initially prices had declined more than the inflation adjustment. Since late 2022, the average price of this TIPS has held relatively steady, allowing the inflation-adjusted price to rise.

TIPS secondary market prices compared to its inflation-adjusted price

TIPS and Inflation: What to Know Now (6)

Source: Bloomberg, using daily data as of May 23, 2024.

Treasury Inflation Protected Security, 0.125% coupon rate, October 15, 2025 maturity date Govt) and US Inflation Indexed CPI Ratio 5-Year Bonds Issued October 2020. The blue line represents the secondary market price of the TIPS, while the red line multiplies that by the inflation adjustment. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. The investment strategies mentioned here may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision. Image, values, and calculations are for illustrative purposes only.

There are pros and cons to both holding individual TIPS or investing through a fund. One benefit that individual bonds offer—when holding bonds to maturity—is the ability to "look through" price declines in the secondary market, knowing the bonds will mature at their par value.

Consider once again the TIPS example shown above—it was issued in October 2020 and its inflation-adjusted price is up over 8% since it was issued, and that doesn't consider the semiannual interest payments. Over the same time frame, the Bloomberg US TIPS Index is down 1%.

What to consider now

Consider TIPS if you're looking for long-term inflation protection. With real yields well above zero, investors can finally earn higher income with TIPS while also helping protect against inflation over the long run.

For individual TIPS holders, any potential price declines might not matter if they're held to maturity. For investors who invest in TIPS through exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or mutual funds, the value of the funds can fluctuate, but that doesn't mean you need to abandon your holdings. If yields rise further and the funds rebalance, investors may be rewarded with higher income payments to help offset potential price declines, while additional inflation increases would result in positive principal adjustments to the underlying holdings.

Find bonds that are right for you.

TIPS and Inflation: What to Know Now (7)

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TIPS and Inflation: What to Know Now (9)

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Investors should consider carefully information contained in the prospectus, or if available, the summary prospectus, including investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. You can request a prospectus by calling 800-435-4000. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.

The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. The investment strategies mentioned here may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice in reaction to shifting market conditions. Data contained herein from third-party providers is obtained from what are considered reliable sources. However, its accuracy, completeness, or reliability cannot be guaranteed. Examples provided are for illustrative purposes only and not intended to be reflective of results you can expect to achieve.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and the opinions presented cannot be viewed as an indicator of future performance.

Investing involves risk, including loss of principal.

Fixed income securities are subject to increased loss of principal during periods of rising interest rates. Fixed income investments are subject to various other risks including changes in credit quality, market valuations, liquidity, prepayments, early redemption, corporate events, tax ramifications, and other factors. Lower rated securities are subject to greater credit risk, default risk, and liquidity risk.

Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) are inflation-linked securities issued by the US Government whose principal value is adjusted periodically in accordance with the rise and fall in the inflation rate. Thus, the dividend amount payable is also impacted by variations in the inflation rate, as it is based upon the principal value of the bond. It may fluctuate up or down. Repayment at maturity is guaranteed by the US Government and may be adjusted for inflation to become the greater of the original face amount at issuance or that face amount plus an adjustment for inflation. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities are guaranteed by the US Government, but inflation-protected bond funds do not provide such a guarantee.

Rebalancing does not protect against losses or guarantee that an investor's goal will be met. Rebalancing may cause investors to incur transaction costs and, when a non-retirement account is rebalanced, taxable events may be created that may affect your tax liability.

Indexes are unmanaged, do not incur management fees, costs, and expenses and cannot be invested in directly. For more information on indexes, please see

Consumer Price Index (CPI): An index that measures the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services, weighted according to their importance.

All names and market data shown above are for illustrative purposes only and are not a recommendation, offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security.

Supporting documentation for any claims or statistical information is available upon request.

The information and content provided herein is general in nature and is for informational purposes only. It is not intended, and should not be construed, as a specific recommendation, individualized tax, legal, or investment advice. Tax laws are subject to change, either prospectively or retroactively. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, individuals should contact their own professional tax and investment advisors or other professionals (CPA, Financial Planner, Investment Manager) to help answer questions about specific situations or needs prior to taking any action based upon this information.

The Schwab Center for Financial Research is a division of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

TIPS and Inflation: What to Know Now (2024)


TIPS and Inflation: What to Know Now? ›

If inflation averages 3% for the next five years, for example, that 3% inflation rate would get added to the roughly 2.1% "real" yield that a five-year TIPS offers today, resulting in a nominal return of 5.1% annually. The higher (or lower) inflation comes in, the higher (or lower) that nominal total return would be.

Are tips good during inflation? ›

TIPS are meant to keep up with inflation, not beat inflation. Therefore, you can have a nominal yield on TIPS that is positive but a real yield that is effectively zero. Note that while the yield on TIPS may be negative, their principal value will increase with inflation, which can generate capital gains.

Should I buy tips in 2024? ›

TIPS are more attractive if the real yield is higher than the fixed rate component on I Bonds. As of November 2024, TIPS are more attractive than I bonds because the real yield on TIPS for maturities between 5 and 17 years is 2.3% or higher. In comparison, the fixed rate component of I Bonds is only 1.3%.

Where should I put my money during inflation? ›

Keep the money you set aside for the future in a savings account that earns dividends so that your balance gradually increases over time. This can be an effective way to combat inflation. If you have some money you won't need to access immediately, consider share certificates.

What are tips saying about inflation? ›

How TIPS protects you against inflation. The principal (called par value or face value) of a TIPS goes up with inflation and down with deflation. When a TIPS matures, you get either the increased (inflation-adjusted) price or the original principal, whichever is greater. You never get less than the original principal.

Why are my tips falling when inflation is so high? ›

And just like conventional Treasury bonds, TIPS are impacted by movements in the interest rate marketplace. If Treasury yields increase because of rising inflation, TIPS are hedged. But if yields increase because of rising real yields, as we have right now, TIPS are susceptible to losses.

Do tips go down in a recession? ›

TIPS allows you to park your cash during a recession and help preserve its value. The face value of TIPS goes up or down with inflation or deflation. During a non-inflationary time, your investment earns the interest rate offered when purchased.

Where is your money safest during inflation? ›

6 Inflation Investments for the Future
  • Equities. Equities generally offer a reliable haven during inflationary times. ...
  • Real Estate. Real estate is another tried-and-true inflationary hedge. ...
  • Commodities (Non-Gold) ...
  • Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) ...
  • Savings Bonds. ...
  • Gold.
Mar 1, 2024

Should you hold cash during inflation? ›

Any money that you plan to deploy for a short-term goal — one happening in the next one or two years — is best kept in cash, Benz notes. Because there is no chance of a decline in value, “cash is the best option, even if inflation is a risk factor,” she says.

What are the worst investments during inflation? ›

What Are the Worst Things to Invest in During Inflation? Some of the worst investments during high inflation are retail, technology, and durable goods because spending in these areas tends to drop.

Are tips worth buying now? ›

The best time to buy TIPS, he says, is when an investor expects inflation to increase, as this would increase the principal and interest payments over that period. "Since interest rates are high and the Fed is currently intent on lowering inflation, it's probably not the best time to invest in TIPS," he says.

How often are tips adjusted for inflation? ›

The principal of your TIPS goes up and down with inflation and deflation. While the interest rate is fixed, the amount of interest you get every six months may vary based on any change in the principal. Those changes are tied to the Consumer Price Index from the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

What is the 5 year tips rate? ›

5 Year TIPS/Treasury Breakeven Rate is at 1.93%, compared to 1.90% the previous market day and 2.28% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 1.93%.

How does inflation affect tipping? ›

In addition, inflation has caused prices to rise across many industries. 3 Because tipping is usually based on a certain percentage of the total cost of a product or service, the cost of a tip naturally increases when the price of that good or service goes up.

What happens to tips if inflation goes down? ›

TIPS are a type of Treasury security whose principal value is indexed to inflation. When inflation rises, the TIPS' principal value is adjusted up. If there's deflation, then the principal value is adjusted lower. Like traditional Treasuries, TIPS are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Do tips do well in rising interest rates? ›

TIPS are expected to perform better in a rising interest rate environment than conventional U.S Treasury bonds because their inflation adjustments provide potential price support, but only when rates are rising because of increasing inflation.

What should you not do during inflation? ›

Don't pile on the credit card debt

It's a lot easier to reach for your credit card when prices soar. It hurts less than seeing your checking account balance erode. But racking up credit card debt during periods of high inflation is a double-whammy.

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