Timmy (2024)

Timothy “Timmy" McDoodle[2][3] is one of the main characters in 60 Seconds! He is the son of Ted and Dolores and is Mary Jane's younger brother.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Timmy's Deaths/Kidnapping
    • 3.1 By Dehydratation:
    • 3.2 By Starvation:
    • 3.3 By Sickness:
    • 3.4 By Injuries:
    • 3.5 By Insanity:
    • 3.6 Kidnapped Inside The Shelter:
    • 3.7 Lost During An Expedition:
    • 3.8 Kidnapped During An Expedition:
  • 4 Timmy's Events
    • 4.1 Call of the Wild:
      • 4.1.1 Say Yes:
      • 4.1.2 Say No:
    • 4.2 Cosmonaut Propaganda:
      • 4.2.1 Say Yes:
      • 4.2.2 Say No:
    • 4.3 Family Ties (Timmy):
      • 4.3.1 Say Yes:
      • 4.3.2 Say No:
    • 4.4 Happy Birthday Timmy!:
      • 4.4.1 Use Checkerboard:
      • 4.4.2 Use Boy Scout Handbook:
      • 4.4.3 Use Medkit:
      • 4.4.4 Use Nothing:
    • 4.5 Please Respond:
      • 4.5.1 Use Radio/Harmonica/Flashlight:
      • 4.5.2 Use Nothing:
    • 4.6 Scout's Honour:
      • 4.6.1 Say Yes:
      • 4.6.2 Say No:
    • 4.7 Shelter Schooling:
      • 4.7.1 Use Checkerboard:
      • 4.7.2 Use Bug Spray:
      • 4.7.3 Use Boy Scout Handbook:
      • 4.7.4 Use Nothing:
    • 4.8 Stargazing:
      • 4.8.1 Say Yes:
      • 4.8.2 Say No:
    • 4.9 The Signal:
      • 4.9.1 Use Boy Scout Handbook:
      • 4.9.2 Use Nothing:
    • 4.10 Timmy's Wound:
      • 4.10.1 Use Axe:
      • 4.10.2 Use Medkit:
      • 4.10.3 Use Nothing:
  • 5 Timmy And Ted's Events
    • 5.1 Charades:
      • 5.1.1 Say Yes:
      • 5.1.2 Say No:
    • 5.2 Loud Snoring:
      • 5.2.1 Use Medkit:
      • 5.2.2 Use Checkerboard:
      • 5.2.3 Use Suitcase:
      • 5.2.4 Use Nothing:
  • 6 Timmy And Dolores's Events
    • 6.1 Atomic Ant Farm:
      • 6.1.1 Choose Timmy:
      • 6.1.2 Choose Dolores:
      • 6.1.3 Choose Nobody:
    • 6.2 Chores:
      • 6.2.1 Say Yes:
      • 6.2.2 Say No:
    • 6.3 Reading Competition:
      • 6.3.1 Use Boy Scout Handbook:
      • 6.3.2 Use Nothing:
  • 7 Timmy And Mary Jane's Events
    • 7.1 Boogers:
      • 7.1.1 Choose Timmy:
      • 7.1.2 Choose Mary Jane:
      • 7.1.3 Choose Nobody:
    • 7.2 Bread And Circuses:
      • 7.2.1 Say Yes:
      • 7.2.2 Say No:
    • 7.3 Duck-Tective:
      • 7.3.1 Use RANDOM:
      • 7.3.2 Use Nothing:
    • 7.4 Tag, you're it:
      • 7.4.1 Say Yes:
      • 7.4.2 Say No:
  • 8 Gallery
    • 8.1 Game Screenshots:
    • 8.2 Official art
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 Sources
  • 11 See Also


Timmy appears to be around 10 or 11. The player can see two photos of a younger Timmy in the scavenging part of the game.

Timmy was an elementary school student and a boy scout before the apocalypse. He is physically active and enjoys drawing.


Timmy (1)

Timmy is a short and skinny boy with puffy and curly ginger hair and a spaced out face. He wears grey suspenders, brown shorts, and white socks with grey slippers.

He looks strikingly like his mother, Dolores; in contrast, his sister, Mary Jane, has almost all of their father's features.

Timmy's Deaths/Kidnapping[]

By Dehydratation:[]

  • Lack of water drove Timmy insane. He opened the shelter door and ran away without looking back. He's not likely to return... (Timmy died)

By Starvation:[]

  • Hunger drove Timmy insane. When he realised we won't be able to provide for him, he snuck out and never returned. (Timmy died)

By Sickness:[]

  • Timmy was very sick and there was nothing we could done to make it better. He understood it and he probably decided he's better off far away from such irresponsable parents... he left and never came back. (Timmy died)

By Injuries:[]

  • We couldn't do anything about Timmy's wounds. They got worse and worse until, eventually, he got fed up and left. All that remains of him is a note explaining that we are lousy parents and that he will be back when he become the warlord of the wasteland. (Timmy died)

By Insanity:[]

  • Oh, Timmy... We thought it was just a normal, childish behaviour, but it seems he has completely lost his mind this time. This morning we found him on the doorstep of our bunker ready to leave, wearing a makeshift cape made out of toilet paper. He proclaimed himself "the hero the wasteland needs", and said it was his true calling all along. He wished us luck, turned around and left with a skip in his step. We regret not being able to help him... we don't think we're going to see him again. (Timmy died)

Kidnapped Inside The Shelter:[]

  • We watched helplessy as those cruel thugs took Timmy out of the shelter. We hope we'll see him again someday... (Timmy gets captured)

Lost During An Expedition:[]

  • Timmy should've returned by now. We need to face the worst possible scenario - he might not be coming back. (Timmy died)

Kidnapped During An Expedition:[]

  • Timmy can sneak like a secret agent, but that isn't enough to avoid the group of bandits camped near our shelter. We can probably assume he isn't coming back. (Timmy gets captured)

Timmy's Events[]

To have these events, Timmy must be in the shelter

Call of the Wild:[]

1. Timmy has always enjoyed running around like crazy and riding his bike. A compact shelter has little to offer for a boy with legs that are way too long for it. He's been asking and asking for a chance to get outside. Should we risk his life and send him for a short walk? That's what a responsible parent would do, right?

2. Oh, Timmy. He was always a wild one. A shelter is not the best environment for a boy who's hell bent on running around until he can barely breathe. He really misses that. He asked if he could go out to the surface, even for a short while, this sound highly dangerous and irresponsible. Should we agree?

Timmy (2)

Say Yes:[]

  • When we consented, Timmy almost hit his head on the ceiling. We figured that if he doesn't encounter any savages, mutated beast or killer mimes, he should be fine and back soon enough +Increases Timmy's sanity +Timmy left the shelter for 2 days

Say No:[]

  • We had to say no. What else could we do? It's dangerous and Timmy's sad puppy eyes aren't enough to convince us. And no, chewing your own foot is not a convincing argument either! +Decreases Timmy's sanity

Cosmonaut Propaganda:[]

Traitor alert! Timmy's salvaged comic books are mostly harmless science fiction pulp. However, some of them don't feature the brave Astro-Citizen Program astronauts, but... COSMONAUTS! That boy is eating up Soviet propaganda! What a disgrace. Should we banish Timmy to the wasteland for his traitorous ways and dispose of the blasphemous comics?

Timmy (3)

Say Yes:[]

  • The deed is done. The traitor Timothy has been deal with. To think that the enemies tried to whisper poisonous lies into our ears through the mouth of our family! Timmy took the comic books with him. It's clear where is loyalties lie. (Timmy leaves the shelter)

Say No:[]

  • We graciously allowed Timmy to stay in the shelter, despite his actions. We believe in the power of rehabilitation and second chances. Also, we're running out of toilet paper and these old propaganda books will do nicely.

Family Ties (Timmy):[]

Timmy has been sitting there, staring into space. Is something wrong? Maybe it would be good to have a little chat with him...

Timmy (4)

Say Yes:[]

  1. Even a word or two may be enough to brighten someone's mood. Timmy seems to be better now. +Increases Timmy's sanity
  2. (If someone else is crazy) A word of advice - crazy talk in a tiny atomic shelter may actually turn others insane +Timmy become crazy

Say No:[]

  1. Timmy started opening up. It's a good sign. +Increase Timmy's sanity
  2. Apparently, yelling "Get better!" doesn't actually help anyone to get better. Weird. +Decreases Timmy's sanity
  3. Ignoring problems usually leads to more problems, and exeptions are rare. Timmy is even more agitated than he was before. +Timmy becomes crazy

Happy Birthday Timmy!:[]

1. It's difficult to keep track of time down here, but at least we remembered it's Timmy's birthday today! He's growing so fast. We should get him something ever boy want for his... which birthday is this again?

2. We tried to keep track of dates, but they just don't add up. Luckily, Timmy remembered it's his birthday today! We should get him a present. Or a cake. Or both. So it's settled, we're making a soup cake, but what about the gift?

Timmy (5)

Use Checkerboard:[]

  • When we were taking cover in the shelter, we barely had time to grab anything, so the checkers set is missing half its pieces. It seems you can still play with one half, since Timmy has been enjoying himself. +Increases Timmy's sanity

Use Boy Scout Handbook:[]

  • We don't know if Timmy is ever going to be a boy scout after the apocalypse, but the Scout Handbook is a deadly spider-killing weapon in his capable hands. He's having fun. +Increases Timmy's sanity

Use Medkit:[]

  • A bottle of unlabelled pills sounded like a great idea for a gift. Timmy seemes to enjoy them. He's actually looking better now. +Increases Timmy's sanity +Can cure Timmy's sickness

Use Nothing:[]

  • Time to grow up, Timmy. This ain't Kansas anymore and Santa doesn't exist. +Decreases Timmy's sanity

Please Respond:[]

(If "The Signal" event has been done before) Timmy prepared a short message to be transmitted tonight. There are a few options on how it could be done, so let's try to pick the best one. Or just back out completely - it's not too late to give up on this idea.

Timmy (6)

Use Radio/Harmonica/Flashlight:[]

  • Timmy went outside and climbed the highest point he could find, which in our situation turned out to be a fallen over truck with two more cars stacked on the top of it. Probably not the safest place to be, but he managed to transmit the message successfully and return safely. Now... we wait.

Use Nothing:[]

  • We decided against this plan at the last moment. If we transmit this signal, we will reveal our position to every one around us. Scouts aren't the only ones around the wasteland with their ears and eyes open...

Scout's Honour:[]

(If something was used on the event "Please Respond"):

1. We were about to go to sleep when we heard someone knocking at the door. Who could it be at this hour? Who could it be in this part of the wasteland? How in the hell did they survive the nuke?! Should we open up?

2. There is nothing more surprising than a knock on a fallout shelter door. Who could it be?! Should we investigate and risk our very lives? That sounds like a good idea! Shall we open the door?

Timmy (7)

Say Yes:[]

  • Timmy was right! The signal did come from his scout friends. They managed to track us down thanks to the transmission Timmy sent out a few days ago... and they came bearing gifts! Timmy was happy to reunite with his friends, if only for a day. All in all, that was a good day for us. +RANDOM +Increases Timmy's sanity

Say No:[]

  • ???

Shelter Schooling:[]

1. If we care about the future of our kids, we need to start home schooling Timmy. Or maybe shelter schooling is the right choice of words these days. We need to provide him with some reading material as soon as possible!

2. Our family has been stuck down here for a while now and we are very worried this might have an adverse effect on Timmy's education. Can he even read anymore? Up there he at least consumed a comic book or two a week. Now nothing! We need to give him something to read.

Timmy (8)

Use Checkerboard:[]

  • Good things we have those checkers! They contain an instruction sheet. Perfect reading material for a young boy like Timmy. Who would've anticipated that reading those three sentences too many times over would fry his brain a little bit. Poor Timmy... +Timmy gets tired

Use Bug Spray:[]

  • All we have is the anti-bug spray. It has a few lable's that Timmy can read. Who would've thought he would be curious enough to spray himself in the face... that was... unfortunate +Timmy gets sick

Use Boy Scout Handbook:[]

  • The only book we have with us is the Scout Handbook, but it's more than enough to get Timmy reading. He might learn a thing or two along the way. Perfect! +Increases Timmy's sanity

Use Nothing:[]

  • We don't need no education! It's the new world and schooling won't make any difference! It's all about who owns the most cans now! One can, two cans, five cans! +Decreases Timmy's sanity


(If Timmy was sent on an expedition) Timmy noticed his old telescope in a pile of rubble on the other side of the street. He got really excited about stargazing again. After all, the sky night is one of the very few things that still look about same after the blast. Should we let Timmy go out and stare pointlessly at the sky?

Timmy (9)

Say Yes:[]

  1. Timmy returned in the morning, tired but very happy. He says he saw a spaceship flying by, one American flag on it! Surely that can't be true? He's probably making things up. Time to grow up, Timmy. +Increases Timmy's sanity
  2. Timmy came back claiming he saw a moustached man on the moon. What nonsense is this? It was probably just a smudge on the lens.

Say No:[]

  • Going out on to the wasteland after darkfall? No way, that sounds too risky! The telescope is probably broken anyway. Come on, Timmy, stop sulking already. There is other entertainment to be had around here. Just don't ask us what. +Decreases Timmy's sanity

The Signal:[]

(If you sent out at least 1 successful expedition) We saw something strange on our way back from the expedition. A chain of lights on the horizon, pulsing and flashing in a chaotic manner. It didn't make much sens to us at the time, but when we discussed it in the shelter, Timmy said it might be a secret scout signal. He would need to check out the signal by himself and decode it using a Scoutbook.

Timmy (10)

Use Boy Scout Handbook:[]

  • We haven't seen Timmy this excited in a long time! He decoded the flashing lights as a scout signal indeed, which means some of his friends are still around and kicking. Unless a few bandits found a Scoutbook laying around and their now trying to lure innocent kids into a trap... Timmy wants to prepare a coded message and try to transmit it soon.

Use Nothing:[]

  • We have doubt about it being a legitimate signal from real scouts. We're not risking walking into a bandit trap. Better just forget we saw anything.

Timmy's Wound:[]

([Sometimes] If Timmy was sent on an expedition without Medkit):

1. Timmy got back to the shelter from his expedition and looked fine, but it turned out he has hurt his hand on a piece of rusty metal and the wound was infected. It doesn't look like it's healing up. We have to patch it.

2. Timmy didn't say a word about it, but when he was outside, he scratched his hand on a wire or some other rusty piece of metal. His wound is not looking pretty and we need to do something about it.

Timmy (11)

Use Axe:[]

  • Timmy was very brave about the idea of cleaning up his wound with a heated axe blade. It was a bit painful, but it was soon over. The axe is in no shape to be used again, but Timmy seems much better! -Axe +Cure Timmy's sickness
    • (Sometimes) Ouch! The axe slipped just a bit, but that must've hurt... +Timmy gets hurt

Use Medkit:[]

  • Using our first aid supplies was the obvious choice for getting Timmy back in shape. He's young and strong, so we have no doubt he'll recover soon. -Medkit +Cure Timmy's sickness

Use Nothing:[]

  • The best medicine for any sickness or injury is to clench your teeth and ignore it. That was our grandma always said. Of course, she's dead now and has been for a while, ever since she got that nasty frog bite at the fine age of 25. +Timmy can gets sick

Timmy And Ted's Events[]

To have these events, Timmy and Ted must be in the shelter


Timmy is bored out of his mind, and he won't leave Ted alone. First, he wanted to play tag... now it's hide and seek, which are both terrible ideas for a small shelter like this. Ted is in a bad mood and just wants to be left alone, but Timmy isn't giving up. How about charades?

Timmy (12)

Say Yes:[]

  1. This really wasn't the best match-up. One moment, Ted and Timmy were calmly writing down riddles, the next, they were screaming at each other, accusing the other of cheating. How do you even cheat at this game?! +Decreases Ted and Timmy's sanity
  2. Charades is serious business, but we never suspected the game could be this violent. Ted could not guess any of Timmy's comic book character names, which just caused Timmy to mime and gesture more and more wildly. His flailing arms knocked a few things off the shelves before he finally gave up. -RANDOM

Say No:[]

  1. Ted couldn't be convinced to play anything, so Timmy decided to train his hide and seek skills by himself. Looking for the best place to hide, he stumbled upon some misplaced supplies! +RANDOM
  2. (If Mary Jane is in the shelter) Timmy looked hurt when Ted refused to play with him. He moped around until Mary Jane agreed to play with him for a while. That finally cheered him up. +Increases Timmy's sanity
  3. Ted refused to play anything. Enraged, Timmy dramatically tried to storm out the shelter, but the hatch got stuck halfway. By time we managed to finally close it, everyone had breathed in a bunch of stinky, radioactive air. Nice one, Timmy. How do you mime "radiation poisoning"? +Some characters can get sick

Loud Snoring:[]

Timmy claimed he couldn't sleep last night due to Ted's loud, incessant snoring. Ted angrily retaliated by marking quips about size of Timmy's ears, which enraged Timmy even more. He desperate for a solution. What can be done about this? +Timmy gets tired

Timmy (13)

Use Medkit:[]

  • Wild-eyed, Timmy grabbed a bunch of bandages from the first aid to stuff his ears with.
    1. He claimed the gauze stopped most of the noise. Enough to get some un-disturbing sleep, at least. Timmy is feeling better this morning +Timmy rested
    2. The thin layer of gauze was no match for Ted's snoring. Frenzied, Timmy tossed all the contents of the first aid kit on the floor in a mad hunt for sleeping pills. These finally did the trick. Timmy feels better now, but our first aid kit is a mess. -Medkit +Timmy rested

Use Checkerboard:[]

  • Timmy eventually settled for jamming checker pieces into his ears. Not what the doctor would order, but it did the trick. He slept well, although one of the pieces is missing this morning. Is it still stuck in his ear? And more importantly, cen we still play checkers without it? -Checkerboard(Sometimes) +Timmy rested

Use Suitcase:[]

  • Little Timmy squeezed almost perfectly into our small suitcase, where he dozen off. Whatever noises Ted might have been making, the sturdy suitcase proved almost sound proof, and Timmy finally got a good night's sleep. +Timmy rested +Increases Timmy's sanity
    • (Sometimes) Despite sleeping relatively well, Timmy is a bit sore. Might have something to do with the suicase's content that Timmy slept on. Could have at least emptied it first. +RANDOM

Use Nothing:[]

  1. Timmy woke up surprisingly well-rested today. Turns out, all he had to do was roll Ted on his side, and the snoring ceased. Timmy is feeling noticeably better, and Ted promise to sleep on his side in the future. +Timmy rested
  2. Timmy was even more miserable this morning, after another sleepless night due to Ted's snoring. The bags under his eyes speak for themselves. Ted is unwilling to comment, and he still won't even admit he snores. +Decreases Timmy's sanity
  3. (If Gas Mask is in the shelter) In a drastic turn of events, Timmy tied to put the gas mask on Ted's sleeping face to stop the relentless snoring.
    1. Somehow, it helped. Ted stopped snoring long enough for Timmy to finally doze off and get some rest. +Timmy rested
    2. Ted awoke with a scream, tore the mask off his face, and threw it against the wall. He accused Timmy of trying to assassinate him. They fought all night, and neither of them got much sleep. -Gas Mask +Decreases Ted and Timmy's sanity +Ted gets tired

Timmy And Dolores's Events[]

To have these events, Timmy and Dolores must be in the shelter

Atomic Ant Farm:[]

What's that glowing in your pocket, Timmy? Oh, no... mutated ANTS! Their terrifying little mandibles almost gave Dolores a heart attack. She want them OUT, but Timmy says it's the beginning of an atomic ant farm. One of them has to have it their way. But who?

Timmy (14)

Choose Timmy:[]

  1. (With at least 1 Soup) Timmy was allowed to keep his "atomic ant farm", to the detriment of our supply stash. The little mutants scattered, devoured a whole can of soup, and escape under the cover of night. We're relieved. They could have eaten us instead. -1 Soup
  2. (With less than 1 Soup) Due to a lack of any proper equipment, Timmy gave up on the atomic ant farm idea and tried to create an atomic ant circus instead. Most of the insects scattered, but he managed to teach one to do a salt before he got bored. Even Dolores appreciated the show. +Increases everyone's sanity

Choose Dolores:[]

  1. On the topic of atomic ants farm, Dolores put her foot down. Several times. She swatted and stomped furiously, with a look of glee on her face, until all the insects were dealt with it. Timmy was mortified. +Decreases Timmy's sanity +Increases Dolores' sanity
  2. Timmy reluctantly agreed to get rid of the insects, but once they escaped his pocket, they proved rather hostile. One even bit his finger! Let's keep our distance in case Timmy decides to mutate and grow a mandible overnight. +Decreases Timmy's sanity +Timmy can gets sick

Choose Nobody:[]

  • Timmy reluctantly agreed to get rid of the insects, but once they escaped his pocket, they proved rather hostile. One even bit his finger! Let's keep our distance in case Timmy decides to mutate and grow a mandible overnight. +Decreases Timmy's sanity +Timmy can gets sick


(If mutant roaches are in the shelter) Timmy was performing "experiments" on mutated roaches, and left one of them cut open on the table! Glowing intestines and all. We eat here, you little savage! Dolores is fuming, and she says it's hard time Timmy learns to clean up after himself. Is this the right time to discipline him?

Timmy (15)

Say Yes:[]

  1. Timmy tried coming up with different excuses, but Dolores saw through them all. She spent the afternoon ordering Timmy around, while he dusted the shelves, polished the cans, picked up all the dead insects off the floor. He even found some long lost supplies in the process! +RANDOM
  2. Timmy knew that avoiding Dolores means avoiding chores. Since you can't hide in a shelter this small, he decided to sneak outside for a bit. He didn't last long, and back feeling very nauseous. Serves him right, according to Dolores. +Timmy gets sick

Say No:[]

  1. Dolores cleaned while mumbling about the "complete lack of discipline" and "disgusting, radioactive mess". Remorseful, Timmy eventually did most of his chores without being asked, which satisfied Dolores. They both look energized after this physical exercise. +???
  2. Timmy pretended to be asleep when Dolores asked him to clean, so she just rolled her eyes and decided to clean up by herself. She tripped and fell when dusting the top of the cupboard. Chores really are the worst. +Dolores gets injured

Reading Competition:[]

(If the Boy Scout Handbook is in the shelter) Dolores and Timmy both love to read. They are also both craving some fun and challenge that doesn't include radioactive agony or being eaten by a mutant racoon. They decided to hold a competition on who can read the Scoutbook faster. Insane. Should we let them?

Timmy (16)

Use Boy Scout Handbook:[]

  • Oh dear, they basically tore the book apart... and it's impossible to say who won. Both Dolores and Timmy seems really content, though. Maybe one book is a small price to pay for their temporary happiness. -Boy Scout Handbook +Increases Dolores and Timmy's sanity

Use Nothing:[]

  • Like mother, like son. You can truly see the resemblance when they're angry - both Dolores and Timmy make the same frowny face. It's unfortunate the face expression they're both wearing is so hilarious, the rest of us can't stop laughing... which only make them frown ever more. Let's hope we get out of this loop by tomorrow. +Decreases Dolores and Timmy's sanity

Timmy And Mary Jane's Events[]

To have these events, Timmy and Mary Jane must be in the shelter


Mary Jane is pulling Timmy's hair and calling him a "radioactive poopy butt" while Timmy is furiously kicking her shins, insisting she is a "mutant booger". Madness! Nobody knows what set this fight off, but one of the kids must be in the right... right? But, which one?

Timmy (17)

Choose Timmy:[]

  1. Mary Jane is older, and should know better. She was pacified, althought not without a fight. Guilt-ridden Timmy admited they fought because he stole his sister's harmonica. He returned it, and things are quiet once again. For now +Harmonica
  2. Mary Jane was deemed a bigger threat, especially when she whipped out an axe and started chasing Timmy around the table. Where did she get that?! The weapon was confiscated. And, you are grounded, young lady! At least until the next expedition. +Axe
  3. Turns out they were fighting over a spare can of soup! Despicable. Both of them are apologetic now, and claimed they would have shared it with everyone eventually, but why should they be believed? The can was confiscated. +1 Soup
  4. Before anyone could jump in, the kids suddently made up, and everything ended as fast as it began. Nobody rememberes what caused the fight in the first place.

Choose Mary Jane:[]

  1. When confrontated, Timmy started shrieking like a banshee. Surprised, Mary Jane started wailing as well. Suddenly, everyone was screaming, and both children were bawling. Now, hours later, everyone's ears are still ringing, but we feel way calmer than before. +Increases everyone's sanity
  2. As a proud scout, Timmy should set a better example with his behaviour. He was swiftly reprimanded while Mary Jane giggled. Timmy went red-faced in the corner, but Mary Jane's mood brightened. Truth be told, we do prefer to stay on her good side. +Decreases Timmy's sanity +Increases Mary Jane's sanity
  3. Turns out they were fighting over a spare can of soup! Despicable. Both of them are apologetic now, and claimed they would have shared it with everyone eventually, but why should they be believed? The can was confiscated. +1 Soup
  4. Before anyone could jump in, the kids suddently made up, and everything ended as fast as it began. Nobody rememberes what caused the fight in the first place.

Choose Nobody:[]

  1. Turns out they were fighting over a spare can of soup! Despicable. Both of them are apologetic now, and claimed they would have shared it with everyone eventually, but why should they be believed? The can was confiscated. +1 Soup
  2. Before anyone could jump in, the kids suddently made up, and everything ended as fast as it began. Nobody rememberes what caused the fight in the first place.

Bread And Circuses:[]

(If the "Food Supply" becomes low):

1. We were down to just a few scrap of food this morning. Timmy and Mary Jane were really hungry, and started fighting over in what remained in one of the soup cans. We were debating whether to intervene. Or just let kids be kids. Besides Mary Jane looks really hungry, we're not sure if it's a good idea to stand between her and her food. Should we intervene?

2. Both Mary Jane and Timmy are eyeing one of the remaining soup cans in a very, very disturbing way. Now it looks like they are going to duel over it using forks they found in the shelter. This may get bloody. Shall we stop them?

3. Food has been scarce and the kid are not used to it. Mary Jane and Timmy jumped at each other's throats, fighting over the contents of one of the soup cans. Or first instinct was to separate them, but it feels like toying with the natural food chain. Shall we intervene?

Timmy (18)

Say Yes:[]

  • Timmy got his fair share of the can. mary Jane was watching his every move. | We had to step in and put everything in order. Some fair rationing is what this shelter needs if we're going to survive. | Mary Jane devoured her soup. The can even had little bite marks on the metal casing. -1 Soup

Say No:[]

  • We decided to watch and enjoy what sick entertainment it was. The can soon found its way to the ground and was spilled all over the floor. Kids didn't look too happy about it. -1 Soup +Timmy and Mary Jane get tired +Decreases Mary Jane and Timmy's sanity


(The Items To Choose Are Random In This Event)

The children are unruly today. They're whispering to each other and pointing at some of our supplies. Seems they need a few objects for a game they're playing. What can they be trusted with?

Timmy (19)


  • Mary Jane hid some supplies around the shelter, and gave Timmy hints on how to find them. The game went on for so long even Mary Jane forgot where she put half of the stuff, and everyone had to join the hunt. Pretty entertaining, although some items might have been lost for good. -RANDOM(Choosen) +Increases everyone's sanity

Use Nothing:[]

  • ???

Tag, you're it:[]

1. Timmy and Mary Jane are in need of some physical exercise. Letting them run outside in the wasteland seems a bit too adventurous, but they could play tag inside the shelter. It's not like we have any expensive vases or antique dishes down here to be broken. Should we let the kids play?

2. The kids have been all fidgety lately. They miss running around and playing games with each other in their rooms. Even though the shelter is way smaller than their bedrooms, there's some space in front of the table that seems perfect to wildy sprinting around and playing tag. Should we let them play?

Timmy (20)

Say Yes:[]

  1. The kids were ecstastic! Watching them play was a real treat, they looked so happy. When Mary Jane pushed Timmy around, he fell face first on an unopened soup can that was hiding in the corner of the shelter behind some empty bottles! What a lucky day for us. And we're sure Timmy's face will be just fine. +1 Soup +Increases Mary Jane and Timmy's sanity
  2. As soon as they got permission, Timmy and Mary Jane immediately started running around, laughing. Or at least spinning around, since there's not much space in this tiny shelter. During they playtime, they noticed a single bottle of water tucked in the corner behind some empty cans. Lucky find! +1 Water +Increases Mary Jane's and Timmy's sanity
  3. We should have seen it coming - Mary Jane and Timmy ran around way too fast and before we could stop them, they crashed into each other and fell to the ground, causing our supplies to fly in every direction. And they don't look guilty at all! They seems... more cheerful. Good for them, but now someone has to clean up this mess... +Increases Mary Jane and Timmy's sanity +Mary Jane/Timmy can gets hurt /-RANDOM
  4. Once again we have proven to be irresponsible parents. Letting children run around in such small spaces cannot end well. We're not sure who pushed who, and what exactly caused it, but the kids managed to shove some items off the shelf... truth be told, the kids seems a bit happier so maybe it's not the end of the world. Wait... it actually is... +Increase Mary Jane and Timmy's sanity +Mary Jane/Timmy can gets hurt /-RANDOM

Say No:[]

  • Playing tag? What a ridiculous idea! This is the apocalypse! It's a cruel world, your every step is a matter of life or death, this is neither the time, not the place for sily games! How about playing something useful, like "Hunt the roach". +Decrease Mary Jane and Timmy's sanity
  • There's simply not enough space around here for any activities. We can barely stretch without putting elbows in each others eyes! The kids weren't exactly happy about it, but it's about time they got used to this situation and understood the rules of the shelter. No running! +Decrease Mary Jane and Timmy's sanity


Game Screenshots:[]


Timmy (21)

Timmy In The Shelter - Normal

Timmy (22)

Timmy In The Shelter - Sick

Timmy (23)

Timmy In The Shelter - Hurt

Timmy (24)

Timmy In The Shelter - Crazy

Timmy (25)

Timmy In The Shelter - Tired

Timmy (26)

Timmy In The Shelter - Fatigued (X)

Timmy (27)

Timmy In The Shelter - Sick And Hurt

Timmy (28)

Timmy In The Shelter - Sick And Crazy

Timmy (29)

Timmy In The Shelter - Sick And Tired
Timmy In The Shelter - Sick And Fatigued (X)

Timmy (30)

Timmy In The Shelter - Hurt And Crazy
Timmy In The Shelter - Hurt And Tired (X)
Timmy In The Shelter - Hurt And Fatigued (X)

Timmy (31)

Timmy In The Shelter - Crazy And Tired

Timmy (32)

Timmy In The Shelter - Crazy And Fatigued

Timmy (33)

Timmy In The Shelter - Tired And Fatigued
Timmy In The Shelter - Sick, Hurt And Crazy (X)
Timmy In The Shelter - Sick, Hurt And Tired (X)
Timmy In The Shelter - Sick, Hurt And Fatigued (X)
Timmy In The Shelter - Sick, Crazy And Tired (X)

Timmy (34)

Timmy In The Shelter - Sick, Crazy And Fatigued

Timmy (35)

Timmy In The Shelter - Sick, Tired And Fatigued
Timmy In The Shelter - Hurt, Crazy And Tired (X)
Timmy In The Shelter - Hurt, Crazy And Fatigued (X)

Timmy (36)

Timmy In The Shelter - Hurt, Tired And Fatigued

Timmy (37)

Timmy In The Shelter - Crazy, Tired And Fatigued
Timmy In The Shelter - Sick, Hurt, Crazy And Tired (X)
Timmy In The Shelter - Sick, Hurt, Crazy And Fatigued (X)

Timmy (38)

Timmy In The Shelter - Sick, Hurt, Tired And Fatigued

Timmy (39)

Timmy In The Shelter - Sick, Crazy, Tired And Fatigued
Timmy In The Shelter - Hurt, Crazy, Tired, And Fatigued (X)

Timmy (40)

Timmy In The Shelter - Sick, Hurt, Crazy, Tired And Fatigued

Timmy (41)

Timmy In Scavenge Mode (X)

Timmy (42)

Timmy In-Game Sprites

Timmy (43)

A photo of Timmy in his scout hat. Also a picture of the book showing Timmy healing Ted of his wounds.

Official art[]

Timmy (44)

Timmy and Ted packing supplies in a suitcase in the 60 Seconds! DLC countdown (6).

Timmy (45)

Timmy exploring the wasteland in the DLC "What's in the Suitcase?" (5).

Timmy (46)

Timmy hiding from bandits in the 60 Seconds! DLC countdown (4).

Timmy (47)

Timmy and a group of survivors arriving at the shelter in the 60 Seconds! DLC countdown (2)

Timmy (48)

Timmy’s concept art.

Timmy (49)

Timmy building the Android mascot out of various items.

Timmy (50)

Timmy playing in concept art of the bunker.

Timmy (51)

Timmy taking a picture with his family and the cast of 60 Parsecs!

Timmy (52)

Timmy on Mutant Mary Jane’s back.

Timmy (53)

Timmy preforming an experiment

Timmy (54)

Timmy being held by his sister.

Timmy (55)

Timmy with a bucket on his head in promo art for Reatomized.

Timmy (56)

Timmy watching the blast in the distance.

Timmy (57)

Timmy holding Pancake on a leash.

Timmy (58)

Timmy riding a whale.

Timmy (59)

Timmy’s steam trading card.

Timmy (60)

Timmy in Shelter Alone promo.

Timmy (61)

Timmy sitting on the back tire of the icecream truck

Timmy (62)

Timmy at the tail of the dragon

Timmy (63)

Timmy as a vampire

Timmy (64)

Timmy on a bench with Mary Jane

Timmy (65)

Timmy with his family in their car

Timmy (66)

Timmy on his phone (android release Promo)

Timmy (67)

Timmy violently petting his bear.

Timmy (68)

Timmy somehow balancing 10 hoola hoops.

Timmy (69)

Timmy with his bear on a bus.

Timmy (70)

Timmy watching crates come down.

Timmy (71)

Timmy talking with a mutant.

Timmy (72)

Timmy running around.

Timmy (74)

Timmy in Mary Jane’s 2023 birthday animation.

Timmy (75)


  • If Timmy is insane for too long he will leave the shelter considering himself as the hero that the wasteland needs (see Insanity or Journal to see this event).
  • Timmy is one of the four characters to age in original version of the game, evidenced by a birthday event. Ted and Mary Jane also age; Dolores only ages in the ReAtomized version of the game.
  • According to a Journal entry that shows when he is thirsty, Timmy likes apple juice.
  • If you don't pick up Timmy at the scavenging part, like every family member in the game he can come back if you open the door in early days. In the journal it will display this dialogue: "We were not prepared for what, or rather whowas standing outside the shelter door. It was Timmy! He was able to survive on his own. He was a bit jumpy and kept saying something about the power of the conch, but he is safe with us, now!" (a reference to the William Golding novel Lord of the Flies).
  • In the Shelter/Home Alone Challenge, there is a chance he will go insane on day 2. There is also a chance he won't go insane at all, unless it is day 30, in which case he will.
  • He can throw paper airplanes if he is insane and you have the scout handbook.
  • Timmy likes drawing and will draw pictures on the side of the shelter.
  • Timmy can grow his hair in the Reatomized version of 60 Seconds!
  • Timmy can heal the injuries of a family member.
  • Timmy was made fun of by his family before the apocalypse for taking boy scout survival classes.
  • Timmy, like his mother, likes solving codes and strange messages. [4]
  • Timmy was once encountered a “mutant killer clown.”[5]
  • Timmy has the talent of drawing "perfectly straight lines."


  1. "Mary Jane is around 14-15 years old, Timmy is about 10 years old, Dolores and Ted are just adults. They don't have precise ages:)"Robot Gentleman. 4:00 AM · Jan 20, 2018. https://twitter.com/robotgentleman/status/954639778569388032
  2. Robot Gentleman, search results for "McDoodle" on X https://twitter.com/search?q=%23McDoodleFamily,%20OR%20%23McDoodle,%20OR%20%23TedMcDoodle,%20OR%20%23DoloresMcDoodle,%20OR%20%23TimmyMcDoodle,%20OR%20%23MaryJaneMcDoodle%20from:robotgentleman&src=typd
  3. "[M]ore stories and crazy interactions between the McDoodle family members!" — Steam page for 60 Seconds! Reatomized. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1012880/60_Seconds_Reatomized/
  4. https://steamcommunity.com/games/368360/announcements/detail/38633413239135361
  5. https://steamcommunity.com/games/368360/announcements/detail/38633528823229917

See Also[]

Family Members

Timmy (76)


Timmy (79)


Timmy (2024)
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