TikTok Ads Best Practices and Ad Examples (2024)

If you're wondering what A+ ad creatives look like, you're about to find out.

Before we dive into the tactics, let's clarify what type of content performs best.

Guide Contents

This is chapter 2 of our TikTok ads guide. This chapter teaches you how to make high-converting TikTok ads. We share creative best practices, swipeable formulas, and plenty of examples to inspire your own campaigns.

Start with chapter 1 to learn the fundamentals and find out if TikTok is right for your business.

Chapter 1Intro to TikTok ads
Chapter 2Creative best practices
Chapter 3How to find influencers
Chapter 4Strategies for new campaigns
Chapter 5Launch a campaign

The answer is user-generated content (UGC)

Consumers are more media-literate and aware of digital marketing now than they used to be.

So it's no wonder that TikTok users expect to see something more authentic in your ads—something that doesn't immediately feel like a typical ad.

The natural solution is user-generated content (UGC).

What is user-generated content?

We say "user-generated" content, but that's a bit misleading.

What we're referring to with “UGC” is working with TikTok content creators to make product-focused content that doesn't feel like advertising.

In other words, you're working with actors, not customers—big difference.

The type of UGC that works best on TikTok doesn't come from big name influencers or celebrities, but lesser-known creators who know how to engage an audience.

Why is it best for TikTok ads?

UGC-style creative works because featuring 'people-like-me' in your ads makes them feel more organic and less promotional—like a recommendation from a friend.

To no great surprise, consumer research backs this up:

As a TikTok advertiser, your goal is to bring your messaging to the viewer's attention in an appealing way, without distracting from the overall user experience.

You want the experience to feel seamless.

If your ad fits naturally into viewers’ feeds, they’ll be less inclined to dismiss it as an ad. They’ll be more likely to retain its core message—and take action.

By fully adapting to TikTok user behavior and baking your promotion into TikTok content, you can make attention-grabbing ads that hardly look like ads at all. They'll convert better with TikTok's user base.

How do I get UGC for my ads?

We'll show you how to source content creators for your TikTok marketing strategy in the next chapter, but before we do, it will be helpful for you to learn best practices, see a few formulas to copy, and understand what good TikTok ads look like in the first place.

That way, you'll be able to manage your creative partnerships more effectively and end up with results you're happy with.

Need help running TikTok ads?We've created the ads agency for startups.

Follow these 8 TikTok creative best practices

1. Lead with a hook

TikTok ads can last up to 60 seconds, but most people decide whether to swipe or watch an ad based on the first video frame alone, and only 25% of users watch beyond the first five seconds. (Average watch time is five to six seconds.)

The "hook" refers to the content you use in the first few seconds to grab the viewer's attention and entice them to watch. Here are a few examples of effective hooks:

  • Open your video with action and exciting audio to maximize engagement
  • Display an enticing headline (e.g., "This app will change your life! 🤯" )
  • Show an unusual or provocative visual to create intrigue

TikTok Ads Best Practices and Ad Examples (1)

Nobody will see your ad without a thumb-stopping hook, so plan on testing a variety of angles, headlines, and video openers to find out what works best.

2. Sell with stories

TikTok videos are performative by nature, but it's obvious when the person on camera is acting out a script or phoning it in—how most ads come across.

Stories work because they create an cohesive narrative around your product—one the viewer can imagine themselves stepping into.

They work even better when you have an earnest performance or an honest emotional reaction to your product.

Authenticity is what resonates. People buy on TikTok when you tell them a believable story that sells the lifestyle benefits your product provides in a relevant and relatable context.

If you struggle to come up with a story to tell about your product, think about the problems it's meant to solve. What are the steps your ideal customer needs to take to go from problem to solution? Show those steps in your ad.

3. Keep your ads short, fast, and lean

Roughly 60% of videos with the highest clickthrough rates get their message across in the first three seconds and keep their ad length within a 30-second sweet spot.

To increase watch time, consider stitching together multiple one to two-second video "quick cuts" with different camera angles and speeds.

Trim unnecessary pauses and lulls as much as possible.

4. Enrich content using TikTok's built-in publishing tools

Quality TikTok ads have two defining attributes:

  1. A believable on-camera performance
  2. Sharp, strategic editing

TikTok videos typically include several different effects made with TikTok's native publishing tools. Your ads will blend in more if you do the same.

Audiovisual variety is inherently stimulating. It adds a sense of novelty that keeps people engaged.

Integrate as many audiovisual effects into your creative as possible, to help make your ads look more native. Think:

  • Greenscreen
  • Transition effects
  • Subtitles
  • Time warps
  • Video reversals
  • Background music
  • Robot voice narration
  • And so on

5. Emphasize discounts and special offers

If you're offering a deal, feature it prominently in a colorful price bubble and your headline copy.

Buyer intent is low on TikTok, but discounts are a reliable tactic to improve conversion rates. If you're offering a TikTok-exclusive promotion, make sure to say so (e.g., include an offer code with a creator's name or the word “TikTok” in it, such as “TIKTOK15”).

6. Choose a CTA that matches your goal

TikTok ads should entertain, inform, and include a call-to-action button (CTA) that tells viewers what to do next.

Make sure your CTA matches what you're promoting.

  • If you're driving traffic to a product page,“Shop Now” is a good choice.
  • If you're driving app installs, select "Download" or "Play game"
  • If you're driving email signups or free trials, choose the "Sign up" CTA

TikTok Ads Best Practices and Ad Examples (2)

Even though TikTok recommends advertisers use the "Learn more" CTA, we generally advise against it. "Learn more" is vague and doesn't tell the user what to expect after clicking the ad.

Be specific and pick a CTA that best aligns with your advertising goal.

7. Take big swings, then iterate on what works

If you're starting with a new ad account, test a high volume of wildly different “big swing” ad creatives to find what resonates with your audience.

Once you have some data back, scrap the obvious losers. Focus on the few ad concepts showing the clearest signs of traction.

Next, tweak and iterate the selected few to realize their full potential and improve campaign performance.

We walk through a simple creative testing methodology in chapter 4.

8. Comments-on

TikTok users are vocal and use the comments section of ads to share their thoughts, leave feedback (good and bad), and ask questions about your product.

Make sure to leave the comments setting on since engagement can help propel your ads in the auction, thus increasing exposure to broader audiences.

Furthermore, positive comments are social proof for potential customers. And if you start seeing negative comments, you can always use negative keyword filters to block them.

TikTok ad specs

Always design your ads for TikTok's mobile, full-screen vertical video format, and be mindful of safe zones—parts of the screen you want to avoid covering with your content.

TikTok Ads Best Practices and Ad Examples (3)

Keep in-feed ad content well-framed with your product in clear view. Ensure that captioning elements don't overlap with your CTA, your body copy, or the engagement buttons on the right side of the screen.

TikTok video ads should always be vertically oriented and uploaded in the highest resolution. Ideally, they should be shot with an iPhone.

Rather than regurgitating more technical ad spec information here, we recommend visiting TikTok's Business Help Center for upload formats, aspect ratios, and more specs. You'll find specifics for different ads, including:

  • In-Feed video ads
  • Spark ads
  • TopView ad specs
  • Branded Hashtag Challenge ad specs
  • Branded Effects

Now let's explore UGC creative in detail. We’ll look at some ad formulas you can use as inspiration for your TikTok campaigns.

TikTok ad examples (copy these 8 formulas)

Your TikTok ads need to come across as authentic and entertaining, while also doing their job to convert users and move them down your sales funnel.

The primary way to do this is by literally demonstrating your product in action.

Need help running TikTok ads?We've created the ads agency for startups.

1. Model functionality

For visual products, sometimes it's enough just to show the use case—how your product works.

  • Product companies: Use tutorials and how-to videos to demonstrate your product in action.
  • Apps: Demo walkthroughs and product features. Record the most relevant and unique features with a screen recording, or record your computer screen with an iPhone. Reveal real-life reactions to in-app dynamics.

Example: Jones Road

Jones Road sells clean, high-grade beauty products.

They use makeup tutorials and seemingly authentic UGC testimonials to show viewers how to use their product to generate awareness, interest, and desire.

Why it works:

  • Recognizable hook: "The one [blank] you didn't know you needed" is a great hook and popular headline template in organic posts. Because it's so familiar to TikTok users, it works well in ads.
  • Let the product do the talking: Beauty products perform well on social media because they are inherently visual. Notice how the monotone voiceover isn't the star of the ad—the up-close textures and warm colors of the product are. This is a solid example of "show, don't tell" in action.

2. "TikTok made me buy it"

On TikTok, users organically share product finds with hashtags and headlines like, "TikTok made me buy this" or "things TikTok made me buy."

Brands can replicate this simple formula in their ads to tap into TikTok's word of mouth paradigm.

Here's the formula:

  1. Include "TikTok Made Me Buy This" in your hook as a text overlay.
  2. Introduce the product.
  3. Call out benefits and features with video and text.
  4. Close with a CTA.

Example: Felicity

Felicity sells direct-to-consumer (DTC) personalized jewelry products. In this particular ad, they’re promoting a custom necklace with a photo inside.

Why it works:

  • Model the product: This is a good example of a kitschy, visual product that essentially sells itself. Notice the genuine reactions on people's faces as they peer into the necklace—this helps arouse emotions to build intrigue and desire.
  • Impulse buy: The novelty factor and low price point (under $50) make this product an excellent fit for TikTok ads.

3. Reply to a comment

TikTok has a built-in feature that lets you select a comment and overlay it onto your ad creative (or organic TikTok post).

This approach works because it mimics organic user behavior.

To make it work, create a video response to a user comment or question. The comment can be authentic or one you create yourself.

In the hook, use a screenshot of the TikTok response bubble. Try to make it look as native as possible. Then create your video in response to the prompt.

TikTok Ads Best Practices and Ad Examples (4)

Here’s the formula:

  1. Use the "TikTok reply" bubble as an overlay in your hook. Test several angles in the copy (e.g., different value props, benefits, unique features, etc.). Treat them like headlines. Emojis also work well.
  2. Approach the content as if you were a down-to-earth influencer casually responding to a comment on TikTok. Be helpful, not salesy, like you're giving your audience some valuable advice.
  3. Feature a product testimonial.
  4. If it makes sense to, show product variations, and model the product in action.
  5. Feature another strong testimonial that speaks to the desired benefit.
  6. Close with a CTA.

Example: The Farmer's Dog

The Farmer's Dog sells fresh, healthy dog food directly to consumers. They partnered with a creator to produce this Spark ad, which targets adults 25 and older in the US who are interested in pets.

Why it works:

  • Believable voice-over: Notice how the voice-over sounds relaxed and unscripted, instead of rehearsed and salesy.
  • Clear value props, simple story structure, enticing offer: In just 20 seconds, this raw-looking ad uses simple voice-over and engaging visuals to convey the product's value props, call out problems with competing products, and depict the contextual environment, wrapping it all up with an enticing 60% off discount.
  • Reply to a comment format: From the viewer's perspective, this ad is a video response to an actual user comment. This is a simple crowdsourcing tactic that any brand can use repeatedly in their campaigns. If people leave you comments, run with them as fresh content ideas.

4. Unboxing and assembly experiences

Unboxing videos are always popular. People watch them to experience the moment vicariously.

To increase watch time, start your video by picking up a package from your front door, bringing it inside, cutting it open, picking through the contents, putting it together, and showing off the final product.

People want to see how the product will look when it arrives and experience the moment of reveal—the most exciting part.

Example: Nathan James


Why it works:

  • Problem > solution narrative structure: The video opens with a problem statement, "I wanted a bookshelf in my bedroom… but didn't want to spend a fortune." This also works as an intriguing hook.
  • Unbox, assemble, and style: Notice how, in just 20 seconds, the video walks you through the experience of unboxing, assembling, and showing off the finished product.
  • Value prop captions: Captions don't need to match your narration perfectly. Write captions communicating your main value props, overlaid the product in use / in action / being assembled.

Here's the formula:

  1. Problem (seconds 0-1)
  2. Top objection (seconds 2-3)
  3. Introduce Product + Brand Name (seconds 4-5)
  4. Top Value Prop (seconds 5-8)
  5. Secondary Value Prop (seconds 8-10)
  6. Product In Use (seconds 10-16)
  7. CTA (seconds 17-20)

Here's another ad promoting the same product (different color). This time, an unboxing experience showing viewers how easy and fast the bookshelf is to assemble.

Source: @social_savannah

5. Before and after

Especially for fashion, skincare, or cosmetic brands, people want to see the complete look, the enhanced "after," or the full routine from start to finish.

  • Skincare products: You can show someone applying the product to their face and capture an authentic reaction.
  • Fashion and apparel: You can show how much better someone looks after a wardrobe upgrade.

Here's the formula:

  1. Include an attention-grabbing headline and accompanying visual (the before).
  2. Introduce the product and a human element.
  3. Highlight benefits, and model the product in action within a relevant context.
  4. Show the after. Share a testimonial that speaks to the benefits being highlighted.
  5. Close with a CTA.

Example: Jones Road

Here's another ad example from Jones Road, this time demonstrating a before-and-after makeup routine.

Why it works:

  • Unusual hook: "Let me share the easiest 5-minute no-makeup makeup routine" is an unexpected hook. Makeup routines are commonplace on TikTok, but what is a “no makeup makeup routine”? You'll have to watch to find out.
  • Brief andvaried: Notice how there’s zero fluff—every frame is included for a reason. Within 20 seconds, you learn about several different products, how to use them, and how to learn more (take a personalized quiz). Visual variety is key to increasing watch time.
  • Product demonstration: Beauty products are inherently visual. Showing clear visuals of someone applying the product to their skin—combined with the points above—is a tactic you can repeat over and over again in your ads.

Now let's look at a before-and-after example from a men's apparel brand.

Example: True Classic

True Classic sells premium fitted T-shirts for men of all body types.

Why it works:

  • Before-and-after testimonials: Product testimonials are a staple ad format across social ad channels—they make people trust your brand.
  • Generous discount: Discounts reliably help improve conversion rates. If your offer is a key selling point, feature it prominently at the beginning of your ad.
  • Smooth app-to-landing page experience: The main elements in the ad are also featured front and center on the landing page you’re taken to after clicking the CTA. That makes the transition feel seamless, reducing friction and barriers to purchase. Many brands neglect this low-hanging fruit opportunity—not you!

TikTok Ads Best Practices and Ad Examples (5)

6. "3 reasons why"

There are many different hook trends content creators use in their organic posts. "3 reasons why" is one example that works especially well in ads.

TikTok Ads Best Practices and Ad Examples (6)

This format is straightforward: Include the headline "3 reasons why…" in your hook using native subtitles, create a video explaining your three reasons, and relate each one back to your product.

Here's the formula:

1. Start with "3 reasons why…"

There are all kinds of variations to test:

  1. 3 reasons why you should or shouldn't do [BLANK]
  2. 3 reasons why you'll love or hate [BLANK]
  3. 3 reasons why I stopped or started [BLANK]

2. Follow up with 3 reasons that relate to your product or the context it’s used in.

3. Close with a CTA.

Hopper, the popular travel app, iterated on this formula with the headline, "3 mistakes most people make when booking a rental car."

Example: Hopper

Why it works:

  • Catchy hook: Hopper does a nice job here with a Buzzfeed-style headline template and fun visual opener.
  • Educational content: Hopper uses a problem-solution format throughout the ad to educate viewers about inferior alternatives, in the process positioning themselves as the superior car rental product.
  • Visual variety: Hopper incorporates real-world video and screen recording to add visual variety. The visuals, along with the strange robot voice-over that TikTok seems to love, add some novelty to help increase interest and watch time.

If your product requires more explanation, you might drop the number altogether and open with a provocative "why" statement, then create a benefits-led video in response to that statement. Here's how DTC wine brand Maker does it.

Example: Maker

Maker sells award-winning canned wine directly to consumers. They use their organic account to build brand awareness with product education and behind-the-scenes content. And they use Spark ads with content creators to acquire new customers.

Why it works:

  • Shot-by-shot storyboard: Every shot exists to advance the story and communicate a specific, relevant detail. Unlike the previous two examples, the editing in this ad is incredibly deliberate, you see only what the advertiser wants you to see. This is an example off clean editing—no fluff, nothing extra.
  • Clever hook: Maker uses the catchy hook, "Why I stopped buying grocery store wine…and do this instead," inviting viewers to stick around and find out about this intriguing alternative. Buzzfeed-esque hooks using the basic captioning tool work well to get people’s attention on TikTok.
  • Appropriate audio choice: Notice how the audio track doesn't in any way distract from the core content. The music hums along in the background, letting the visuals and captions do all the heavy lifting. Most companies don't give audio enough thought. Music should complement or enhance your content—but never distract from or interrupt your message.

Here's one more example from Vuori Clothing. It's technically an organic post, but it could work just as easily as an ad.

Example: Vuori Clothing

7. Sketches and comedy

There’s no specific formula for this one, but the following ad examples do a great job of building the promotion into a high-quality piece of entertainment—the holy grail of TikTok ad success.

Example: Pair Eyewear

Pair Eyewear takes a novel approach to DTC eyewear. Customers select a base frame, then choose from hundreds of “tops” to customize the style without having to pay for an entirely new frame.

Why it works:

  • Show, don't tell: This simple skit is fun and entertaining. It showcases the novelty of the product without having to promote it explicitly. Pair does a nice job of expressing what makes their product compelling in a performative video that feels natural for the platform.
  • Special promotion: A custom coupon code makes this offer feel more exclusive, even scarce, which can help drive conversions.
  • 80% content, 20% promotion: Pair gets their promotional messaging out of the way within the first 5 seconds (brand name and value props), then devotes the remaining 25 seconds to the core content.
  • Expressed as a percentage, that comes out to 20% promotion and 80% content. The specific numbers aren't important. The point is, most of the effort in this type of ad should go into creating great content versus promoting your product.

Example: The Farmer's Dog

Here's one more example from The Farmer's Dog, a brand we looked at earlier.

Why it works:

  • Impeccable editing: An incredible amount of time and energy went into crafting this ad. This video is highly entertaining and quite funny. Generally speaking, if you're going to attempt something like this yourself, you need to find a talented creator who specializes in creating this type of content for brands.
  • High-energy creative: This is the first ad we've looked at that really captures the spirit of TikTok. It’s high energy and has nearly overwhelming stimulation. To fully command the viewer's attention with a skit, you need to focus on action, action, action and edit out as much excess as possible. This ad doesn't let you take a breath until it's over.
  • Authentic performance: The performance in this Spark ad is earnest—you can tell the creator really went for it, using the fullest of their creative abilities.

In this next example, Invisalign takes a more meta approach with their Spark ad.

Example: Invisalign

Why it works:

  • Sense of humor: This ad nails the playful, fun quality that many TikTok videos share, while still very obviously being a promotion for Invisalign.
  • Meta: Invisalign doesn't take itself too seriously here, which is crucial on TikTok. This ad pokes fun at the contrived, scripted aspect of most ads (i.e., what not to do). Their approach brings the viewer in on the joke, building goodwill. It's clear they gave their creative partners a lot of flexibility to create something entertaining, while also articulating the core brand message.

Example: Morning Brew

Morning Brew, a media company we introduced in the previous chapter of this guide, is a daily newsletter that makes business, finance, and tech news more digestible for busy people.

Why it works:

  • Lead generation: Morning Brew’s ad is a good example of how businesses can leverage TikTok ads for lead generation. So long as you have a way to monetize leads once they enter your funnel, and depending on your customer acquisition cos (CAC), you can create entertaining TikTok ads that capture attention, then direct users to an email capture form.
  • Education and entertainment: Most TikTok content falls into the education or entertainment category. MB does an excellent job of combining both into their skit, aligning perfectly with their edu-tainment newsletter product.

8. Testimonials

Product testimonials are a staple ad format across social ad channels—they make people trust your brand. You can use them in your TikTok ads to let other people promote your products on your behalf.

Example: Momentary Ink

Momentary Ink sells temporary tattoos DTC. Their ads feature instructional clips and video testimonials that capture the genuine reactions of people seeing the tattoos being applied to their skin.

Why it works:

  • Visually appealing impulse buy: Most people have thought about getting a tattoo at some point in their lives (if only what it would be like). Momentary Ink lets consumers indulge in the fantasy of getting a tattoo without the long-term commitment.
  • Genuine reactions: Effective video testimonials (organic UGC or otherwise) capture believable emotional responses.
  • Product demonstration: Notice how there’s no voice-over or captioning with instructions on how the product works—it's all visual. Again, show, don't tell.

Want more TikTok content ideas?

To see more examples of top-performing ads, check out these four resources:

1. Get ideas from TikTok’s ad library

Visit TikTok’s Creative Center for some great campaign examples.

2. Browse content on TikTok

Download TikTok and spend some time interacting with the app like a user would. Pay close attention to your For You Page. The algorithm can take a few days to start personalizing videos, but eventually, you should start seeing ads every 3 to 4 swipes. You can also use the Discover feature to see trending hashtags.

3. Explore trending content in TikTok's Business Creative Hub

When you set up a business profile in the TikTok app, you'll be able to access the Business Creative Hub. Here, you'll find current trending content from top business accounts.

  • First, set up a business profile in the TikTok app.
  • Next, navigate to Profile > Settings > Business Suite > Business Creative Hub.
  • Spend some time browsing trending content from other businesses on TikTok.

4. Enable Ad Experience Specialist Mode

After switching to a business account, you can access an ad-only feed to see what types of TikTok video ads other brands are testing.

TikTok Ads Best Practices and Ad Examples (7)

What’s next: How do you find TikTok influencers?

Unless you have the resources to produce a high volume of quality content in-house, you'll need to find talented creators who can do this work for you.

Thankfully, hiring talented creators costs a lot less than you might think.

And you're more likely to get better results from lesser-known creators than big-name influencers.

In the next chapter, we'll walk you through a straightforward process for finding the right content creators for your campaigns. We'll also teach you how to train them to position your product in a way that entices viewers to take action.

TikTok Ads Best Practices and Ad Examples (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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