This Day, July 23, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)

July 23

501: A violentearthquake hit Eretz Yisrael during which the town of Akko was totallydestroyed.

636: Followingthe Battle of Yarmuk Arabs took control of most of Eretz Yisrael from theByzantine Empire.

1253: The Jewswere expelled from Vienne, France by order of Pope Innocent III

1263: The“Barcelona Disputation” – a debate between Pablo Christiani, “a converted Jew”and Moses ben Nachman ordered by King James of Aragon continued for a thirdday.

1298(13th ofAv): Massacre of the Jews of Wurzburg, Germany.

1312: KingFrederick II order today that in Palermo Jews must live outside the city wallin a ghetto; and although they were soon afterward allowed to come into thecity, they were still compelled to live in one quarter.

1401: In SanMiniato, Tuscany, the condottiero Muzio Sforza and Lucia da Torsano gave birthto Francisco Sforza of Milan, the founder of the Sforza dynasty who in 1452“defied Pope Pious II’s order to tax the Jews of the duchy one-fifth of thevalue of their possessions in order to finance the crusade against the Turks.”

1588: TheEnglish fleet foiled the attempt of the Armada to establish a base off the IsleWight from which the Spanish could invade the British Isles.

1626:Birthdate (on the secular calendar) of Sabbatai Zevi, the most famous of theJewish false messiahs. He died in 1676 after converting to Islam and becoming alow-level official in the Turkish government.

1649:Birthdate of Giovanni Francesco Albani, the future Clement XI who in1704 issueda bull that “dealt with the education of potential converts, encouraged forcedpreaching to Jews, and emphasized the importance of providing financialassistance to Jews who converted” and “asserted that new converts were to befully accepted into the Catholic community.”

1666(os):Francis Willoughby, 5th Baron Willoughby of Parham, under whose leadership agroup of Sephardic Jews migrated to Suriname in 1652 and “settled in theJodensavanne area” passed away today. (Editor’s Note – I have not been able tofind out why this English Lord helped the Jews find safe haven but hopefullysomebody else has and will share his with me)

1679: Las Excelencias y Calunias de los Hebreos in which Isaac(Fernando) Cardoso a Jewish physician, philosopher, and polemic writer defendedhis co-religionist appeared in Amsterdam.

1713: RabbiTzvi Hirsch ben Yaakov Ashkenazi placed Nehemiah Chiya Chayun under the ban,because the investigating committee appointed by the Sephardic directorate hadnot yet made its report. In consequence of this measure, both Ashkenazi andMoses Chagiz were subjected to street attacks, more particularly at the handsof the Portuguese, who threatened to kill them. In the midst of the constantlyincreasing bitterness and animosity, the report of the committee, which hadbeen prepared by Solomon Ayllon, Chacham of the Portuguese congregation, alone,was publicly announced. It was to the effect that the writings of Chayuncontained nothing which could be construed as offensive to Judaism. It waspublicly announced in the synagogue that Chayun was to be exonerated from everysuspicion of heresy.

1729:Middlesex, England born Captain Mordecai Abraham married Sarah Levy today inLondo after which they gave birth to “at least 3 sons and 4 daughters.”

1741: Potashmanufacturer and candle maker Moses Lopez, the Portuguese born son of DiegoJose Lopez and he husband of Rebecca Rivera who had been naturalized in NewYork City in 1740 “was made a freeman” today.

1763: IsaacElizer, a Newport, RI merchant and the husband of Richa Isaacs “was naturalizedtoday in New York City.

1768(9thof Av, 5528): Shabbat Chatzon; erev Tish’a B’Av

1768(9th ofAv): Rabbi Isaac Spitz, author of Birkat Yizhak passed away.

1769: Today, Berlinborn Ezekiel Solomon, who “helped raise funds for Shearith Israel Congregationin Montreal and who was the brother ofEsther (Solomon) Hart married ElizabethDubois today in Montreal after which they had five children - “Samuel Solomon, Joseph Solomon, EzekielSolomon Jr, Guillaume Solomon and Elizabeth (Solomon) Davenport.”

1774(15thof Av, 5534): Parashat Vaetchanan; Shabbat Nachamu; Tu B’Av observered for thelast time before the first meeting of the First Continental Congress and forthe last time before the 13 Colonies rebelled against the British.

1784: TodayGeorge Washington wrote to William Fitzhugh introducing him to “Mark Prager,Sr., a member of the Jewish mercantile family that came to Philadelphia shortlyafter the Revolution”

1787: The Jewsof Austria were required to take family names.

1792: InSurinam, Eleazar Lyons and his wife gave give birth to Catherine Lyons the wifeof Philadelphian Jacob Moss.

1784: Today,George Washington wrote to William Fitzhugh introducing him “Mark Prager, Sr. amember of the Jewish mercantile family who came to Philadelphia shortly afterthe Revolution” recommending Prager to him as “a Gentleman who is veryextensively engaged in Trade, & a partner in several very capital Houses inEurope.”

1792:Birthdate of Surinam native Mordecai Lyons, the son of Eleazar Lyons andhusband of May Bausman.

1803(15thof Av, 5564): Tu B’A

1803:Birthdate of Benzion Judah Ben Eliahu Berkowitz, the Russian author whose textsdealt with the “Targum Onkelos’ (the Aramaic translation of the TaNaCh)

1806(11thof Av, 5566): Parasaht Vaetchanan; Shabbat Nachamu

1806:Birthdate of Colonel Charles Stoddard, the British Diplomat whom Joseph Wolff,the son of a Rabbi and convert to Christianity was sent to rescue from Emir inBukhara in 1843 – a mission doomed to failure since unbeknownst to the English,Stoddard had already been murdered in 1842.

1806:Following the issuance of a decree i by Napoleon, a special assembly of Jewishleaders and Rabbis from all of the different French departments, today met inParis to discuss all outstanding matters including answering questions dealingwith accusations against the Jews made by the anti-Semites and which would fulfill the Emperor’s desire “to make Jews equal citizens in France, have aconciliation between their religion and their responsibilities in becomingFrench, and to answer all the accusations made against them” since hewanted “all people living in France tobe equal citizens and benefit from our laws."

1806: In Lorraine, France, Baruch Guggenheim,the son of Sara and Jacob Wolff Guggenheim and his wife “Rosel Rosette RoseleGuggenheim” gave birth to Jacob Guggenheim

1809(10th of Av, 5569): Tish’aB’Av observed as the British under Wellington prepare to face the French Armyin Spain during the Peninsula Campaign.

1810: Gershom Seixas wrote a letter today toHannah Adams,of the in which he answered some of queries of the Jews whichappear to have been part of her researchfor her 1812 work The History of the Jews from the Destruction of theTemple to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century

1812: Mordecai Lyons, the Surinam born son ofEleazar Lyons, married May Bausman today in Baltimore on his twentiethbirthday.

1811(2ndof Av, 5571): Abraham Abrahamson, medalist and “the master of the Prussianmint” whose medals included one he created commemorating the Enfranchisem*nt ofthe Jews in Westphalia passed away today.

1823(15thof Av, 5583): Tu B’Av, “the Jewish day of love” observed ironically on the birthdateof Coventry Patmore, the author of The Angel in the House, “a narrativepoem about the Victorian ideal of a happy marriage.”

1825(8thof Av, 5585): Parashat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon; Erev Tish’a B’Av

1825:Birthdate of Daniel Osiris, the Bordeaux native known as a philanthropist andpatron of the arts who “has had reproduced in bronze the colossal statue of"Moses" by Michelangelo; and he is the possessor of the originaldrawing for the well-known etching "Jews at the Wailing Place," byAlphonse Masson.”

1825: InBonfeld, Germany, Judith Jacobs and Samuel Ottenheimer gave birth to JetteOttenheimer, the wife of Simo Marx and the mother of Elias and Lazarus Marx.

1826(18thof Tammuz, 5586): Tzom Tammuz

1826: One dayafter she had passed away, Julia Salomons, the three year old daughter ofBarent and Rose Salomons was laid to rest today in the United Kingdom.

1830: In theHague, Leonardus Levy Abraham Verver, the Amster born son of Abraham Salomon /Shabtay Cohen Kloot and Marretje / Mata Mozes Tokie and his wife Caroline Elkangave birth to Eva Verveer

1832:Birthdate of violinist Adolph Pollitzer the native of Budapest who “becameleader at Her Majesty's Theatre under Sir Michael Costa and also led the newPhilharmonic Orchestra and the Royal Choral Society.”

1833(7thof Av, 5593): Rechli Lwow the wife of David ha-Levi Spitz passed away today.

1834:Frederick David Goldsmid married Caroline Samuel in the Great Synagogue today.

1837(20thof Tammuz, 5597): Eighty-three-year-old Acher Ascher, a native of Minsk who wasthe husband of Gitlé Loëw passed away in Karlsruhe.

1839:Birthdate of Simon Sterne, the Philadelphia born New York lawyer whose clientsincluded the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad Company and whose civicendeavors included taking a leading role in overthrowing the “Tweed Ring.”

1843: InBavaria, future Bostonian Therese Weil, the daughter of Moses Bruell and Hanna(Hannka) Bruell and her husband Jacob Weil gave birth to future Brooklynresident Maximillian “Max” Weil the husband of Gertrude Weill and the “fatherof Hilda Irma Taussig; Mabel Williams Goldberg and Emma Cone.:

1846: “TheMontefiore Baronetcy, of East Cliff Lodge in the Isle of Thanet and County ofKent, was created in the Baronetage of the United Kingdom today for the bankerand philosopher Moses Montefiore in recognition of his services to humanitariancauses on behalf of the Jewish people. He was childless and the title becameextinct on his death in 1885.”

1846: RabbiIsaac Meyer Wise arrives in New York from Europe.

1847: PrussianJews were granted equality.

1852: InPhiladelphia, Judith Simha Cohen, the Wilmington, DE born daughter of Charityand Jacob da Silva Solis and her husband Myer David Cohen gave birth to ZitellaEsther Cohen.

1854(27th ofTammuz, 5614): Engraver and artist Leopold Dick who was “appointed professor ofthe art of engraving at the Royal District Industrial School of Kaiserslauternin the Palatinate” in 1848 passed away today.

1855(8thof 5615): Erev Tish’a B’Av observed as the Allies prepared for their sixth andfinal bombardment of Sevastopol during the Crimean War.

1856: InNorwich England, dance teacher Adelaide (née Soman) Klein and Herman Klein,Latvian born Jew who “became a professor of foreign languages at the KingEdward VI Grammar School” gave birth to “English music critic, author andteacher Herman Klein, the brother of Charles and Manuel Klein and the father of“writer Denise Robins.”

1857: Theresignation of Baron Rothschild was announced today and a new writ waspublished in London calling for an election to choose his successor. In London,the electors responded by holding a public meeting in which they pledged toreturn Rothschild to Parliament as their representative. They also passed a resolution calling thegovernment to do everything in its power to immediately settle the Jewishquestion

1858: Passageof the Oaths and Jewish Relief Acts in Great Britain. The act allowed eachHouse to decide the wording for the oath of office. It allowed Jewish office holders not to haverecited the words, “I make this declaration upon the true Faith of a Christian.For the full text of the oath see:

1860: A reviewof Life in the Desert; or Recollections of Travel in Asia and Africa byColonel L. Du Couret, entitled “Asiatic Exploration.; The Journey of Du Couretthrough the Arabian Desert” reports that “in the heart of Arabia, our travelerfound a considerable number of Jews, whose social condition seems to have beeneven worse than their political state, which, in itself, is bad enough. MoreJews are found at Doan, a populous place, some leagues further on the route tothe eastward. "Many of these Jews," says Du Couret,, "arebrokers, and some of them make a living by the manufacture of buskins and palmleaf mats. They also lend out money at usurious interest to merchants tradingto Sana, the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf; but they carefully avoid anydisplay of wealth, to save themselves from the extortion of the Mussulmans, whoexact tribute from them. Such, under the rod of the Islam, are the moderndescendants of the prophet Isaiah and of King Solomon." There is somethingunpleasantly suggestive in the following passage from our author's narrative:"Doan, which is, in all probability, the Dan spoken of by Ezekiel, is, atthe present day, one of the largest and most important towns in Hadramaut,ranking next after Schibam and Terim.”

1861: LouisManly Emanuel, the London born son of Manly and Hannah Emanuel who graduatedfrom the University of Pennsylvania as a Medical Doctor in 1860 began servingas the Eighty-Second Regiment of the Union Army during the Civil War.

1862: Jacoband Amalia Nathansohn Freud gave birth to Pauline Regine (Pauli), a sister ofSigmund Freud who was deported to Treblinka in 1942.

1862: "Escapeof Mr. W.H. Hurlbert from Richmond" published today described theyear-long Southern sojourn of Charleston born author William Hurlbert, a Unionsympathizer who claimed that he visited the Richmond at the invitation of JudahP. Benjamin, “the eminent Jew” with whom he found himself in totaldisagreement. Hurlbert then visitedCharleston where he was seized by a mob that refused Secretary Benjamin’s orderto set him free. Hurlbert was thenimprisoned in Richmond over the objections of Secretary Benjamin where helanguished for almost a year before escaping.[Editor’s note - For those trying to figure how much credence to giveHurlbert’s account consider the following.He was in Richmond during the Peninsula Campaign and later reported thatthe Confederate forcesnumbered between 80,000 and 90,000 (wildly exaggerated) most of whomwere facing Union General Fitz JonPorter (accurate) which means that had General McClellan pushed forward he would haveRichmond virtually unoccupied (accurate)]

1863: Duringthe Civil War Edward Tausig entered the U.S. Naval Academy.

1864(19thof Tammuz, 5624): Parashat Tammuz observed on the same that the Confederatesdefeated the Union forces at Kernstown, VA opening the way for the final Rebelforay north of the Potomac River which would end at Fort Stephens at the edgeof Washington, D.C.

1869(15thof Av, 5629): Tu B’Av observed for the first time during the Presidency of U.S.Grant.

1870:Birthdate of David Alter, the native of Austria and “publisher of Jewish weeklymagazines in Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Youngstown and Toledo” who passed away inPittsburgh, PA.

1871: InBaltimore, MD, “Meyer and Rosa (Meyer) Hollander gave birth Jacob HarryHollander who became a “full professor” at his at alma mater Johns Hopkins andwho was the husband of “Theresa Gutman Hutzler” with he had three children –Rosamund, David and Berthat.

1872: W.P.Wood and a Jew from Baltimore named Blumenberg are scheduled to arrive inRaleigh, North Carolina tonight. The twomen have reportedly been sent to North Carolina by the Liberal RepublicanCommittee in an attempt to carry out a Tammany style ballot box stuffing. Wood has been given $9,000 for his part inthe scheme. Blumenberg, who has servedtwo years in the State Prison for Perjury was given $7,000.

1872: E.A.Rosenbluth wrote a letter to the New YorkTimes in which he declared that he “and all my Jewish acquaintances” “willvote for” General Grant.

1873: Fivedays after he had passed away, seventy-five year Sir David Salomons, the son ofLevy Salomons and Matilda de Metz and “first Jewish Sherriff of the City ofLondon who also served as Lord Mayor of London was buried today at the West HamJewish Cemetery.

1873:Australian native Martha May (Levy) Cohen and Louis Samuel Cohen gave birth toHarold Leopold Wolfe Cohen

1873:Birthdate of Russian born NYU Law School graduate Alice Petluck, “the firstwoman lawyer to practice in the Federal District Court in the Southern Districtof New York and the first of her sex to argue a case in the Appellate Division,First Department who co-founded the Bronx Women’s Bar Association after theBronx Bar Associated rejected her “because she was a woman and who was thehusband of Dr. Joseph Petluck with whom she had three children – Charles, Annand Robert – all of whom became lawyers.

1874: It wasreported today that as soon as $160,000 can be raised for a new HebrewTheological College will be built in Cincinnati. The late Emanuel Deutsch was the leadingcandidate to head the school but since his demise, Dr. Wise has renewed hisefforts to obtain the services of the best available scholar to lead theeffort. The school is to be so amplyendowed that students will not have to pay tuition or fees. Henry Mack has been elected to serve asPresident of the Board of Governors.

1874: MelissaRogers Pinner and Moritz Pinner gave birth to Rogers Adolphe Pinner, a seniorpartner of the Mutual Electric Company

1874(9th ofAv, 5634):Tish'a B'Av

1875: InMoscow, Anna Brook and Samuel Danielson gave birth to pianist Jacques Danielsonwho in 1892 came to the United States where he pursued his career, taught atthe New York College of Music and married Fannie Hurst in 1915.

1876: Areported published today described the scene witnessed by a group of “Cookpilgrims” when they visited the “The Wailing Place of the Jews on the west sideof the Temple enclosure” in Jerusalem. The Jews come to the Wall where they cantouch the stones (which the writer erroneously believed were from the times ofKing Solomon) and read from Lamentations and Psalms “in a wailing voice.” TheJews “occasionally cry aloud in a chorus of lamentation, weeping. Blowing theirlongs notes with blue cotton handkerchiefs” while “kissing the stones” wornsmooth “owing to centuries of osculation.”

1877: Threedays after she had passed away, Ann Isaacs, the widow of Samuel Isaacs wasburied today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1877: InManchester, England, “James David and Amelia Marsden Glass” gave birth NYUtrained attorney Montague Marsden Glass, the husband of the former CarolinePatterson and the father of James and Elizabeth Mary Glass who was the “creatorof ‘Potash and Perlmutter’ and author of many other Jewish characters andscenes.”

1879: InVitebsk, which was then part of Russia, Israel Mordecai Strunsky and PearlSchweistein gave birth to Simeon Strunsky, the graduate of Horace Mann HighSchool and Columbia College who served as a contributor in history to the EncyclopediaAmericana and “editor on the staff of the New International Encyclopediabefore joining the New York Timeswhere his most notable contributions were his editorial-page essays titled"Topics of the Times."

1879: Mr.Austin Corbin told a TIMES reporter today that he had received numerous lettersfrom "nice people" approving the course he had taken in relation tothe Jews and urging him to persevere. He refused to permit copies to be takenfor publication, on the plea that the matter had had enough notoriety, and hewished to let it die out.

1879:Birthdate of German archaeologist Ernest Herzfeld who contended that structurecurrently identified as Queen Esther’s tomb “may actually belong to ShushanDokht, the Jewish queen of King Yazdagerd I (ca. 399-420 CE), who is creditedwith securing permission for Jews to live in Hamadan.

1879: It wasreported today that “A Berlin dispatch to the Pall Mall Gazette says: ‘Germanyhas declined to entertain any proposals from the Roumania for the modificationof the provisions of the treaty of Berlin relative to the emancipation of theJews.’”

1879: InVitebsk, Israel Mordecai Strunsky and Pearly Schweistein gave birth to SimeonStrunsky who came to the United States in 1887 and graduated from Columbia in1900 after which he became an instructor in history and English for theEducational League and the contributor to and/or editor of several publicationsincluding the New International Encyclopedia and the Encyclopedia Americana.

1880(15thof Av, 5640): Tu B’Av celebrated for the last time during the Presidency ofRutherford B. Hayes.

1881: InLoeben, Austria, Haim and Golda (Jassy) Alter gave birth to University ofPittsburgh trained Chemical Engineer David Alter, the husband of SadieSilberstein, who was the “owner and publisher of the Jewish Criterion and theowner and publisher of Jewish Times of Baltimore, MD and Washington, D.C. andthe Jewish Times of Florida.

1882(7thof Av, 5642): Elizabeth Cohen, the Leiden born daughter of Emanuel LevieGoldsmith and Alijda Joseph Joel Goldsmith and the wife of Moses S. Cohenpassed away today in New York city.

1882: “TheJews and Wagner” published today expressed bewilderment at the Germancomposer’s expression of disdain for Jews.According to the author, it was an un-named Jew who gave him his firstpiano. And Giacomo Meyerbeer, theGerman-Jewish composer, was the “first men who helped him.” Wagner claims thatthe Jews of Vienna have conspired to harm his career, but his three most notedcritics –Hanslick, Scheel and Speidl- are Viennese Catholics.

1883: Today twenty-nine Jews of Trinidad,Colorado met in the home of Sol Jaffe to organize a synagogue. They adopted thename of Congregation Aaron in honor of the Jaffe brothers’ (Sol, Henry, andSamuel) father. Samuel Jaffe, who became Trinidad’s first mayor, was chosenvice-president. In 1889, Rabbi Leopold Freudenthal, became the congregation’ssecond rabbi and served until his death in 1916. He gradually introducedmoderate Reform Judaism. In addition to Jews from Trinidad,...

1884(1stof Ave, 5644): Rosh Chodesh Av

1884:In Poland, Pearl Leah Eichelbaum and shoemaker Benjamin Wonskolaser gave birthto Abraham Wonskolaser who gained fame as Abraham “Albert” Warner who alongwith his brothers Harry, Sam and Jack founded Warner Brothers ProductionCompany.

1884: RobertPinkerton, whose detectives had arrested Mrs. Fredericka Mandelbaum yesterday,described what he said was her 25-year career as the “most successful…receiverof stolen goods – silks, diamonds” and other “swag” from burglars” that hadbrought her to the attention of law enforcement officers throughout the UnitedStates. (Mandelbaum was Jewish; Pinkerton was not)

1885: Sixty-three-year-oldPresident U.S. Grant and the General who saved the Union passed away today.While some brand hi an anti-Semite for issuing General Order 11, such was notthe case. Grant had many prominentJewish supporters including the Seligmans. The vast majority of Jews voted forGrant when he ran for President and while President he contributed to AdasIsrael and attended the dedication of the congregation’s new sanctuary. For a complete, highly readable descriptionof Grant’s relationship with the Jewish people see When General GrantExpelled the Jews by Jonathan Sarna

1885: InCleveland OH, Herman and Sarah Fox Bubis gave birth to Ohio Wesleyan trainedgynecologist and obstetrician Jacob Louis Bubis, the husband of Etta A. FinkeBubis.

1886 In NewYork City, Rachel “Ray” Lipsietz Haddas and Max Feidelson, the son of YaakovFeidelson gave birth to University ofGeorge trained attorney Charles N. Fieldseon, the special assistant at theDepartment of Labor and William and Mary faculty member who was the husband ofAdeline Brady Falk and the father of Charles and David Feidelson

1887(2ndof Av, 5647): Parashat Matot-Masei

1887(2ndof Av, 5647): Russian born Hebraist David Moses Mitzkun the author of Kinnor David” passed away todayin Wilna.

1888(15thof Av, 5648):Tu B’Av observed for the last time during the first presidency ofGrover Cleveland. (Editor’s note – Cleveland was the only President two servetwo non-consecutive terms in the White House.)

1889(24thof Tammuz, 5649): Miss Openheimer, an 18-year-old Jewess who was the daughterof well-known Pittsburgh clothing merchant, died today at Harmony, PA when ahorse-drawn wagon in which she was riding collided with a train. Miss Oppenheimer was vacationing in Butler Country. Her brothers and father who were in AtlanticCity have not heard about the tragedy.

1890: Plansfor the upcoming festival intended to raise funds for the Home for Aged andInfirm Hebrews sponsored by the B’nai Brith were published today.

1890: In memory of Mrs. Stern, Isaac Stern ispaying all of the expenses related to today’s excursion sponsored by theSanitarium for Hebrew Children for enjoyment of impoverished Jewish youngstersand their mothers.

1890: “TheCloakmakers’ Strike” published today described the violent labor confrontationbetween manufacturers and the workers who were led by Joseph Barondess

1891:Birthdate of movie mogul Harry Cohn, the son of Russian Jewish tailor, who quitschool and found work in vaudeville. He began working in the infant motionpicture industry in 1913. He founded Columbia Pictures where, as a producer hewon an Academy Award in 1934 for It Happened One Night. Cohn was noted for hisvulgarism and bizarre quotes. One of his most famous was, "Give me twoyears and I will make her an overnight success." Cohn was one of severalJews who dominated the film industry in its early years. The interesting thingis that they did not make Jewish movies or movies about Jews. They gainedsuccess by giving the audiences slices of Americana. The created, or at leastnurtured a vision of America that Middle America wanted to see. He passed awayin 1958.

1891: InPhiladelphia, PA, the Jewish Alliance of American presented its plan of actionfor dealing with the immigration of Russian Jews.

1892: “Reacting to claims that Jews don'treally murder Christians to get their blood, L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican's official newspaper, carries anarticle stating: ‘Unfortunately, although they tried to deny that the Talmud'sfollowers commit such an atrocious act, one cannot reasonably deny itsexistence.’"

1892: Birthdate of New Yorknative and toy manufacturer Charles S. Raizen, the founder and chairman of theboard of Transogram Company, the co-treasurer of the world Union forProgressive Judaism, and founder of the Charles S. Raizen Foundation and the husbandthe former Patricia Folk with whom he had two children – Roy and Patricia.

1892: During the Homestead Steel Strike anarchist AlexanderBerkman failed in his attempt to assassinate steel magnate Henry Clay Frick.


1892: The “first terrorist act in America,” as its perpetratordescribed it, occurred today when Alexander Berkman, known as Sasha, a20-year-old Russian immigrant outraged at the brutal suppression of the strikeat Carnegie Steel’s Homestead plant, burst into the office of Henry Clay Frick,the plant’s manager, shot him twice, then tried to stab him. (As reported byElsa Dixler)

1893(10thof Av, 5653): Tish’a B’Av observed the 9th of Av fell on Shabbat

1893(10thof Av, 5653): Issac Burnheimer, a retired millionaire who was over the age of80 and suffering from ill health passed away today at the Grand Union Hotel inSaratoga Springs.

1893: “Victimsof the Czar’s Ukase” published today described the plight of Jewish refugees asseen through the eyes of one family who arrived in the United States with onlyseventeen dollars, eight of which they had to spend on rent and the rest wasspent on purchasing the necessities of life which have left them broke.

1894: Youngmen “went among the audience selling copies…of The Arbeiter Freund, ananarchist paper printed in Hebrew and published in London” before tonight’smeeting of anarchists at Clarendon Hall.

1894: “WhatShall Royalties Do?” published today speculates on how Europe’s impecunious nobilitywill support themselves and includes the possibility that someday, we may see“a Hapsburg taken into partnership with a Rothschild.”

1894: One dayafter he had passed away, 67 year old David Cohen was buried at the West HamJewish Cemetery.

1894: LizzieBerus, a 17-year-old Russian Jewish immigrant from Paterson, NJ is to go ontrial in New York today on charges of having “procured diamonds by bogus checkfrom several jewelry firms in Upper Broadway.

1894: Policeare currently looking for George Patterson, the nephew of a prominentPresbyterian minister, who is the husband of Lizzie Berus and thought to be themastermind behind a series of jewel robberies.

1895: As WolfSilverman sits in jail facings charges of fraud related to an insurance policypurchased for his wife, the district attorney has also brought charges againstthe woman known as “Jane Doe” who impersonated his wife when he bought thepolicy and the insurance agent known as “Richard Roe” who sold the policy. Itis believed that Silverman is involved in a wider fraud ring that involvesseveral insurance companies and their employees.

1896: InLaudenbach, Bavaria, Emil Worms, the son of Babbete and Gabriel Worms and hiswife Clara Worms gave birth to Jettchen Sondheim, the wife of New YorkerSiegmund Sondheim.

1896: InAvoyelles Parish, LA, Omega and Gustave Levy gave birth to Lucille Weil LevyBodenheimer the wife of Dr. Jacob Mahne Bodenheimer whom she married in NewOrleans in 1919.

1897: Mr. andMrs. Jacob Black, Russian Jews from Kiev who are 104 and 100 respectively wereawakened early this morning by a barking dog which is what saved them fromdying as their apartment at 184 Clinton Street went up in smoke.

1899: InHaverhill, MA, founding of Beth Jacob which owns a cemetery on Merrimack Road.

1899: TheUnited Hebrew Charities acknowledged that it had collected $148.50 (withcontributions ranging from 50 cents to $25) to help settle a poor family thathad become chronic invalids from overwork in rural location where they can workand take care of their children.

1899: The United HebrewCharities acknowledged that it had collected $148.50

1900: Today,King Alexander I of Serbia, whose Jewish subjects were enjoying a new “breathof freedom” thanks to the repeal of anti-Jewish restrictions in 1889, announcedhis decision to marry his mistress; a marriage that would led to hisassassination and further destabilize the Balkans, the home to the start of WWI.

1901: Seventy-seven-year-old Isaac Mautner, whopassed away yesterday was buried today in Bohemia

1902: Abraham and Shaindel Buchalter Nadlergave birth to Gertrude Nadler, the wife of Harry Perlman whom she married in1929.

1902: Mrs.John M. Gitterman was the first to drink from the bronze fountain that waspresented today to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals inmemory of her father, the late Simon Sterne.

1902(18thof Tammuz, 5662): Twenty-year old Elsa Neumann, “the first woman to receive aPhD in Physics from the University of Berlin passed away today.

1903: InLouisville, KY, “Julius Handmaker and Agnes (Jacobstein) Handmaker gave birthpracticing attorney and law professor Herman Gilbert Handmaker, “a member ofthe Kentucky State Legislature and B’nai B’rith who was married to Esther MarieJacobson in 1932.

1903 (28thof Tammuz, 5663): Sixty-five-year-old British born author Benjamin Farjeonpassed away today.

1904(11thof Av, 5664): Parshat Vaetchanan; Shabbat Nachamu was observed on the same daythat “according to some accounts, Charles E. Menches conceived the idea offilling a pastry cone with two scoops of ice cream and thereby invented the icecream cone. (Editor’s note – And what could be “comforting than a scoop or twoof your favorite delight in a sugar cone?)

1905: InRimbach, “Leopold Kahn, a mathematician and synagogue cantor” and his wife gavebirth to composer Erich Itor Kahn who with his wife Frida fled first to Parisand then to United States where he founded the Albeneri Trio and became “aperforming member of the Bach Aria Group.”

1906(1st ofAv, 5666): Rosh Chodesh Av

1906:University of Cincinnati graduate and HUC trained rabbi, Sidney EmanuelGoldstein, the Marshall, TX born son of Jacob and Golda Goldstein married SusieE. Sugarman today after which he went on to become a special lecturer at theJewish School of Social Work.

1907:Birthdate of Cambridge, MA native and Harvard trained attorney HaroldRosenwald, the husband of Betty Booth with whom he had three children who isbest known for his role in the prosecution of Louisiana political leader HueyLong and the defense of Alger Hiss.

1907: GeorgeW. Ochs opened “fourteenth annual assembly of the Jewish Chautauqua Societytonight in Atlantic City with an address on immigration in which hedeclared that “the wail that ourpopulation is in danger of contamination and decadence by the infusion ofhundreds of thousands of Jews annually is a slander on the sturdiness of theAmerican character and preposterous in the light of history.”

1908: “OlcottIn a Play by His Wife” published today that Ragged Robin a play which isscheduled to appear this autumn “includes five new songs by Manuel Klein,composer of the music for the Hippodrome spectacles…”

1908: Dr.Joseph Pedott of Chicago contribution $150.00 to the National Conference ofJewish Charities.

1909: Whilesome Christian leaders took issue with the views expressed Dr. Eliot, thePresident of Emeritus of Harvard on religion which they summarized as sayingall you to do is “love God and serve your fellow-man without regard to dogma”Dr. Pereira Mendes, the rabbi of the Shearith Israel Congregation indicated ina statement that “he was much interested in President Eliot’s views” because“they corresponded with the spirit of Judaism.”

1910: Premiereof “Arsène Lupin contra Sherlock Holmes” “a German drama film serial” starringPaul Otto as” Arsène Lupin”

1911: ArthurWelsh set one of his many records today when he was joined by a passenger “toestablish a new American two-man altitude record of 1,860 feet.”

1912(9thof Av, 5672): Tish’a B’av

1912: In thetown of Moineşti, in the district of Bacău, the rav gaon Avraham Arie LeibRosen and his wife gave birth to Moses Rosen (David Moshe Rosen) the Rabbi (RavKolel) of Romanian Jewry between 1948–1994 and president of the Federation ofJewish Communities of Romania between 1964-1994 who led the community in hiscountry through the entire Communist era in Romania and continued in that roleafter the restoration of the democracy by the Romanian Revolution of 1989.

1912:Birthdate of Meyer Howard “Mike” Abrams, the son of Jewish immigrants, whobecame a leading American literary critic.

1913(18thof Tammuz, 5673): Chayim Hirsch Kahan, a fellow student of Professor SolomonSchecter and “for the past 22 years, the rabbi of the Romanian Congregation inPhiladelphia” passed away today.

1913: Arabsattacked the Jewish settlement of Rehovot.

1913:Birthdate of “surrealist theorist and poet” Ghersaim Luca.

1914: InChicago, Fanny (Rozin) and Isidore Foreman gave birth screen writer andproducer Carl Foreman whose most famous work maybe “High Noon” the Gary Cooperclassic western that featured Grace Kelly in her first major film role.

1914: “Thefirst co-operative conference of Jewish farmers ever held in New York State”came to an end today at Utica, NY.

1914:Birthdate of Jana Klauberova, who at the age of 37 was deported from Prague toUjazdow where she was murdered.

1915:“Governor Harris and members of the Georgia Prison Commission left” Atlanta“tonight for Milledgeville where an inquiry will be begun tomorrow into theattack made on Leo M. Frank at the State Prison Farm.”

1915: It wasreported today that Leo Ditrichstein has terminated his relationship withdirector David Belasco.

1915: InChicago, Illinois, a Summer Course sponsored by Hebrew Union College came to anend.

1915: InMilledgeville, GA, the warden at the prison reportedly believes that J.W.Creen, the convict who tried to kill Leo Frank, “is insane.”

1916(22ndof Tammuz, 5676): Sergeant Evelyn Joseph, the son of Fred and Matilda LouiseJoseph was killed in action in Flanders while serving with the 14thBattalion of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment.

1916: “Anannouncement made at the Aeolian Building” tonight” stated that “the GeneralFund Day collection conducted by the Provisional Executive Committee forGeneral Zionist Affairs” raised about $20,000 today which “will be used to helpbuild new settlements for Jews in Palestine.”

1917: DuringWW I, “The special commission representing national Hebrew organizations, whichwas selected to co-operate with the Food Administration” sent a letter “to theproprietors of Jewish Summer hotels and boarding houses asking them carry outinstructions to be issued from time to time” concerning the “campaign for foodconversation.”

1917:Birthdate of Buffalo, NY, native Leon Yochelson, the graduate of U. of BuffaloMedical School, WW II Veteran who served as Chairman of the PsychiatricInstitute of Washington and chairman of the department of psychiatry at GeorgeWashington University Medical School.

1917: “JewishSocialists for Free Palestine” published today described an appeal by membersof Poale Zion who had been expelled from Palestine by the Turks to the“Socialist brethren in the United States and Russia” that put them “firmly onthe side of the Allies and against” the Central Powers because they believethat “the dream of Zionism for an independent Palestine an come true” only ifthe Allies are victorious.

1917: It wasreported today that Colonel Theodore President, the former President of theUnited States, has sent a letter to Jacob de Haas, the Executive Secretary ofthe Zionist Organization of America, expressing his support for a JewishLegion, saying that he wished them “all luck in the movement to enlist thatJewish Legion for the war against Turkey, one of the features of which is therecovery of Palestine for the Jews..”

1918:Birthdate of Abraham ('Appie') Bueno de Mesquita, the Amsterdam born comedianwho survived the Holocaust.

1919: Two daysafter she had passed away, 59 year old Mary Marcus was buried at the East HamJewish Cemetery.

1919: Today inChicago, Violet Stern married Arthur Winter, “the son of Mr. and Mrs. S.Winter.”

1920: TheZionist Conference here, probably the most important gathering of Jews everheld, concluded today with the election of United States Supreme Court JusticeLouis D. Brandeis as honorary President of the Zionist organization; ProfessorChaim Weizmann, President, and Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of the ExecutiveCommittee.

1921: Twenty-nine-year-old Lester Lipman Farberthe Grodno, Russia born son of “Rabbi Eliezer Lipman and Chaya Gitel(Berkowsky) Farber” who was the President of Congregation B’nai Zion and thefounder of the Talmud Torah in El Paso married Lillian D. Flaum today.

1922: InZurich, State Supreme Court Justice Alfred Frankenthaler, the New York born sonof Mary and Louis Frankenthaler and his wife Martha gave birth to Marjorie Iseman Josepha SeemanIseman.

1923: TheNew York Times reviews volume 4 of The Life of Benjamin Disraeli; Earlof Beaconsfield by George Earle Buckle which covers the years 1855 to 1868.

1924: Amongthe passengers sailing today for Plymouth and Harve aboard the French linerParis are Brooklyn Municipal Court Judge Jacob S. Strahn and his wife who willgo on to Jerusalem to organize a Jewish life insurance company

1925: In aconference today with General Lincoln C Andrews, head of the government’s dryenforcement unit, Rabbi Horowitz of New York, who represents the Orthodoxcommunity “expressed the hope that the new plan of prohibition enforcementwould not interfere in any way with the use of wines for sacramental purposes.”

1926: Fox Film bought the patents of the Movietonesound system for recording sound onto film.Sol M. Wurtzel was the producer responsible for Fox moving itsoperations to California and for making this purchase. Following the Stock Market Crash of 1929, Foxwould be purchased and become part of production giant 20th CenturyFox.

1926: Sixteen-year-oldPhiladelphia native Harry Blitman, a left-handed featherweight, fought and wonhis first professional bout today.

1926: InEllenville, NY, “Morris Heller and the former Yetta Shapiro, Russian Jewishimmigrants who had been settled there by the Jewish Agricultural (andIndustrial Aid) Society” gave birth to Isaac “Ike” Heller the toymaker andco-founder of Remco. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1927(23rdof Tammuz, 5687): Parasaht Matot

1927: The twoweeklong convention of the Palestine Jewish Labor Federation came to a closetonight in Tel Aviv.

1928: InPhiladelphia, PA, “Philip Cooper, an electrical engineer, born in Vilnius,Lithuania as Pesach Kobchefski” and Rose Applebaum, a native of Bessarabia whoworked for Bell Telephone Company gave birth to Vera Cooper who married RobertCooper in 1948 and who as Vera Rubin became a pioneer in the field of Astronomyfor which she has won numerous awards and is the Rubin in “the Rubin-FordEffect” and the Rubin in “Asteroid 5726 Rubin.

1928: Birthdate of famed pianist, teacher and conductor, Leon Fleisher. Fleisher is doubly famous. When at the height of his successful careeras a pianist, he lost the ability to use his right hand. Fleisher then discovered a body of musicwritten for the left-hand and gained greater fame for this accomplishment.

1929: Thirty-four-year-oldPhilip Sendak, the son of Israel and Bluma (Buszlyn) Sendak and the husbandSadie (Schindler) Sendak who came to America from Poland in 1914 “became anaturalized U.S. citizen” today.

1930:Birthdate of French historian Pierre Emmanuel Vidal-Naquet whose interestincluded Jewish history and who was an active opponent of Holocaust denierRobert Faurisson.

1931(9th ofAv, 5691):Tish'a B'Av

1931: As theWeimar Republic is crumbling and the Nazis are on the threshold of coming topower, the London Conference during which “seven powers” had been discussingthe German economy came to a end without addressing any of the problems.

1932(19thof Tammuz, 5692): Parashat Pinchas

1932: InManhattan, Isaac Sherman, a Ukrainian businessman, and the Lithuanian pianistNadia Reisenberg gave birth to radio broadcaster, author,music critic for the New York times, andeducator Robert Sherman.

1932: Whileliving in Berlin, 18-year-old Hermann Pressman wrote in his diary today, “Thisevening my dear father has telephoned us from Nordenei (sp). He told us that heand my sister Sonia are doing just fine. My mother and I then went to a beerrestaurant which was pretty nice. There was a dance and music. The ladies werenothing much to write home about.” (His father Zysia and his sister Sonia werestaying at Nordeneie, a German resort near the North Sea.)

1933: Morethan twenty leaders of the extreme wing of the Zionist Revisionist party werearrested today in various parts of the country, including Jerusalem, Tel Avivand two Jewish villages, Kfarsaba and Kalmania, when the police simultaneouslyraided houses in connection with the murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, member ofthe Jewish Agency Executive of Palestine. Dr Arslosoroff was killed whilewalking on beach at Tel Aviv with his on June 16. This was no random killing sinceArslosoroff’s killer held a flashlight into his face, asked “Are you Dr.Arslosoroff” and only fired the three fatal shots after the doctor had answeredin the affirmative.

1934: WhileHadassah was trying to determine the best site for a hospital in Palestine,Hadassah’s two-man team of experts – Dr. Nathan Ratnoff and Dr. Jacob Golub,“the director of New York’s Hospital for Joint Disease – sent a cable todaythat they had “conclusively determined Scopus most suitable site.” (Editor’snote – that is Scopus as in Mt. Scopus.)

1935: “Therehas been a lull today in the more violent aspects of the persecution that hadso suddenly burst again upon the Jews of Germany” but it may be taken for granted that the lullis merely temporary.

1936: The Palestine Post reported that aBritish soldier was killed in an Arab ambush near Tulkarm. Arab attacks werereported from Ein Harod and Kfar Yehezkel. Arabs celebrated the 100th day oftheir insurrection with demonstrations, calls for prayer and donations. But theArab Nashashibi Party proposed that the Arab Higher Committee should resign asa protest against the non-fulfillment of their promises and leave the people todecide the fate of their prolonged general strike by themselves.

1936: Arabterrorists threw a bomb at a small religious school (Talmud Torah) in theYemenite Quarter of Tel Aviv. Nine children were injured. One of the terroristswas later caught by a British constable and arrested.

1936: Dr.Joseph Tannenbaum of the American Jewish Congress addressed 600 delegates atthe Hotel New York telling them “that the anti-Nazi boycott has proven arelentless grinding machine in which Hitlerism must turn to dust” and that theAmerican Jewish labor movement has aligned itself with the boycott”

1936: “TheJewish newspaper Danziger Echo wassuspended for ten months today.

1936: TheBritish government officially declared that there would be no change of policyin regard to the issue of Jewish immigration into Palestine until the RoyalCommission was able to visit the country, study the subject and publish itsfindings. Britain expected that all Arab terrorist activities would stop beforethe commission's arrival in the country. The British were wrong. The violencedid not stop.

1937(15thof Av, 5697): Tu B’Av

1937: “TheGerman Government today imposed a special tax on eligible males who fail toserve in the military forces” which “will fall heavily on the Jews who aredisqualified from service.”

1938(24thof Tammuz, 5698): Parashat Pinchas; shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Av

1938(24thof Tammuz, 5698): Joseph Backer, the St. Louis merchant, not the Dutch painter,passed away today.

1938: Jewsin Germany are ordered to apply for identity cards to be shown to police ondemand.

1938: “TheNazi purge of Jews in annexed Austria eliminated Herr Reinhardt, Salzburg’simpreressario and conductors Walter and Toscanini from participating in theSalzburg Festival which opened tonight for the first time under Nazi control.

1938:Birthdate of Leon H. Charney, the Bayonne, NJ native and graduate of YeshivaUniversity and Brooklyn Law School whose accomplishments included everythingfrom writing The Mystery of Kaddish to serving as “a back-channel peacebroker between Egypt and Israel.”

1939: InBudapest, “a plan for the partial exchange of populations between Hungary andthe United States to solve this country's "Jewish problem" wasreported today to be under consideration by the government” which in whichHungary would send her Jews, numbering almost 400,000, to the United States “inexchange for families of ‘Aryan’ Hungarians already established” in the UnitedStates.

1940(17thof Tammuz, 5700): Tzom Tammuz

1940:Birthdate of Daniel Saul Goldin who was appointed as the 9th Administrator ofNASA by President Bush in 1992 and served under three different Presidents.

1940: HansFrank issues order revoking the autonomy of all Jewish, Ukrainian and Jewishindependent aid organizations in the General Government.

1941: In WhiteRussia an Einsatzkommando unit commander reported that some Jews were able to‘escape into the surrounding forests and swamps’ because they “had managed toorganize a ‘signal service’ between villages” that warned of the approach ofthe Nazi killing squads.

1942 (9thof Av, 5702): Tisha B’Av

1942 (9thof Av, 5702): Adam Czerniakow took his own life. Born in 1880, Czerniakow wasthe leader of the Jewish council of Warsaw, the Judenrat. Czerniakow had heldthe position for 3 years and kept a diary of over 1000 pages chronicling theformation of the ghetto up to the beginning of the forced transports. TheGermans had ordered him to provide them with a list of names for deportation.His response was a list of his own name written hundreds of times. The daybefore his suicide, the Nazi officer in charge of the deportation procedurethreatened to shoot his wife if he didn’t cooperate. In his suicide note hewrote "I am powerless, my heart trembles in sorrow and compassion. I canno longer bear all this."

1942SSSenior Colonel General Viktor Brack advises Heinrich Himmler that all healthyJews should be castrated or sterilized, and the remainder annihilated.

1942: TheGerman Foreign Minister, Von Ribbentrop, warned the Italian Chief of Staff,that Italy should not resist efforts to deport the Jews of Croatia.

1942: TheNazis opened the Treblinka Extermination Camp.

1942:Deportation of Jews from Dobsina, Slovakia, to Auschwitz

1943(20thof Tammuz, 5703): Forty-year-old Salomon Sachs was murdered at Sobibor today.

1943(20th of Tammuz,5703):Forty-year-oldMandel Langer, a Jewish French partisan who was active as an anti-Nazi saboteursince the end of 1942, is captured and executed in Toulouse, France.

1943: Colonel Josiah Clement Wedgwood, 1stBaron Wedgwood, passed away. Swimmingagainst the establishment stream, he opposed the British decision to create anArab state east of the Jordan River, seeing it as a betrayal of promises to theZionists. He opposed the 1939 WhitePaper on the same grounds.

1943: An urn containing the ashes of therecently deceased German historian Bernheim who had lost his right to lectureafter losing his German citizenship due to the Nuremberg Laws was secretlyburied today by his “former colleagues” in the cemetery at Greifswald.

1944: Otto Armster, “a German militaryintelligence-officer” who played a role in the July 20th plot tokill Hitler was arrested by the Gestapo today, taken to Berlin and placed insolitary confinement.

1944: Soviettroops liberate the abandoned death camp at Majdanek, where about 500 inmatesare alive.

1944: Today, StellaLevi, a native Ladino speaker and member of Centro Primo Levi NY’s Board ofDirectors,her immediate family, and the entire Jewish community of Rhodes(1,870 people) were deported to Auschwitz.

1944: TheNazis deport 1700 Jews from Rhodes to Auschwitz “while the Italian authoritieswho had governed the island from 1912 until 1943 idly stood by.”

1945: In whatwas their first joint operation after having “resolved to against British rule”a joint unit of Irgun and Lehi fighters, under the command of YehoshuaWeinstein (Benyamin) blew up a railway bridge near the village of Yibne.”(Jewish Virtual Library)

1945: “ProminentJewish figures in the civil and military life of the Soviet Union paid tributetoday to Shachno Epstein, executive-secretary of the Jewish Anti-FascistCommittee, who died on July 21st of a cerebral hemorrhage” (JTA)

1945(13thof Av, 5705): Sixty-year-old Russian born Tufts College graduate ProfessorIsrael Pollock, one of the founders of the Hebrew Teachers College” in Bostonand the father of Mrs. Ann Shevach and Mrs. Eunice Kazis passed away tonight atBeth Israel Hospital in Boston.

1946: An Arabmission arrived in Rome seeking “the Pope’s intervention” in finding a solutionfor “the disagreements between Arabs and Jews in Palestine and to prevent thearrival of …100,000 Jews” in Palestine.

1947: Thismorning as “The Empire Lifeguard sat in the heavily guarded port of Haifa” abomb which the American crew had left aboard the ship “exploded below thewater” causing the ship to sink in the harbor.

1948(16th ofTamuz, 5708): In Jerusalem, two more Israeli soldiers were killed by Arabfiring from Abu Tor.

1948: Arabshelling from the village of Silwan damages the King David Hotel in Jerusalem.

1948: Thepossibility loomed today that the Israeli Government might conduct negotiationswith Soviet Russia for a supply of crude oil to be refined at Haifa.

1949(26thof Tammuz, 5709): Parashat Matot –Masei

1949: Today, theNew Yorker magazine published an article by Liebling entitled"Spotlight on the Jury" in which he opened by stating "The trialof Alger Hiss, which produced some of the best and some of the worst newspapercopy of our time" and concluded "This sort of thing obviously andapparently lessens the chance of a fair trial next time. Perhaps the secrecy ofthe jury room, like that of the voting booth, should be protected by law.”

1949: TheTurkish government authorized an Israeli, Victor Elyachar, to open an office inIstanbul to answer questions about the new state of Israel. In October of thesame year, Elyachar was appointed Consul General of Israel at Turkey.

1950(9thof Av, 5710): Tish’a B’Av

1950: InBucharest, Romania, Moses Kozinski and his wife, both of whom were Holocaustsurvivors gave birth UCLA Law School Grad Alex Kozinski whose judicial careertook him all the way to serving as the Chief Judge of the United States Courtof Appeals for the Ninth Circuit” but did not cushion his fall from gracefollowing numerous “allegations of improper sexual conduct”

1950: Based onthe wording of the Official Citations, today marked the beginning of a seriesof heroic acts on the part of Corporal Tibor Ruman during the darkest days ofthe Korean War that would lead to him being awarded the Congressional Medal ofHonor.

1951: Afterpremiering in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the month, “Sirocco” afilm based on Coup de Grace by Joseph Kessel, directed by Curtis Bernhardt andco-starring Lee J. Cobb was released in the United States today.

1951:Thousands of mourners led the black-draped gun carriage carrying the coffin ofKing Abdullah of Jordan to the royal cemetery in Amman. The Jordanian policerounded over 70 suspects in connection with the king's assassination, includingtwo relatives of the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini.There were clashes in the Jordanian-occupied Old City of Jerusalem between ArabLegion Bedouin and the local Arabs.

1951: Thefirst immigrant from the U.S.S.R., 73-year-old Tova Lerner from SovietBessarabia, arrived in Israel together with 993 newcomers from Romania.

1952: GeneralNeguib overthrew the monarchy and seized power. Some Israelis thought thischange presaged a possible improvement in relations with the Egyptians. Thelast King of Egypt, Farouk, was man known for his personal and politicalcorruption. The Israelis thought the revolutionaries would bring Western stylereforms and that they would be more accepting of the Jewish State. Obviouslythis did not happen. One of the men behind what was known as "TheColonels’ Revolt" was Nasser. Nasser would soon seize the reins of powerand make the destruction of Israel a cornerstone of his Pan-Arab policy. In alesson that has still not been learned, Nasser said that he did not hate theWest because of Israel but hated Israel because it was Western. In other words,anti-Western philosophy has been a staple of the Arab/Moslem world long beforethe appearance of Bin Laden.

1953: “Acottage hospital covering forty-two acres that will serve 100,000 members ofKupet Holim, the sick fund of the General Federation of Labor, in the Negev andSouthern Judea was formally dedicated tonight in Rehovot in memory of EliezerKaplan, Israel's first Finance Minister.”

1954(22ndof Tammuz, 5714: Fifty-one-year Bisbee, AZ born Leonard Goldstein, the twinbrother of Robert Goldstein whose eighteen-year career in films includingproducing the popular and comic “Francis, the Talking Mule” film series, passedaway today.

1955:Birthdate of Baghdad native Edwin Shuker who said of his parents who did notflee to Israel in 1951 like most Iraqis. “like gamblers, they overplayed theirhand” but “were fortunate to escape from Saddam Hussein’s regime with theirlives.” (For more see In Ishmael’s House by Martin Gilbert; pgs. 302ff.)

1955: CordellHull, Tennessee political leader and U.S. Secretary of State passed away. Appointed by FDR, he served in the post until1944 which made him the longest serving Secretary of State. He won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1945 forhis role in creating the United Nations, which at its inception, played apositive role in the creation of Israel.Hull blocked the admission of Jews fleeing Hitler as can be seen in hisrole with the SS St. Louis and the SS Quanza. Hull’s wife was reportedlyJewish, a fact they worked to keep from public knowledge lest it impede hispublic career.

1956(15thof Av, 5716): Tu B’Av

1956(15thof Av, 5716: Carrie Mantell, the wife of Herman Mantell passed away today aftershe was buried at Springfield Gardens in Queens County, NY.

1957(24thof Tammuz, 5717): Ninety-four-year-old Alice Maud Olivia Stanley, Countess ofDerby, the daughter of William Montagu, the 7th Duke of Manchesterpassed away today.

1957(24thof Tammuz, 5717): Latvian born “American sculptor and painter Maurice Sterne,the son of Naomi Schlossberg and Gregor Sterne and the husband of Vera Segalwhom he married in Vienna in 1923 whose works including the statues “The Awakening”and “The Bombthrower” passed away today in Mount Kisco, NY after which he wasburied at the Kensico Cemetery.

1958: A weekafter opening in New York “Rock-A-By Baby” a comedy produced by and starringJerry Lewis, featuring Gary Lewis and with songs by Sammy Cahn and WalterScharf was released in New York today.

1959(17thof Tammuz, 5719): Tzom Tammuz

1960: Authorand screenwriter Peter Viertel, the Dresden born of the writer and actressSalka Viertel and the writer Berthold Viertel married his second wife actressDeborah Kerr today.

1960: In NewYork City, Edie and Ely A. Laundau gave birth to Jon Landau, the producer ofTitanic and co-producer of science fiction blockbuster Avatar.

1961(10thof Av, 5721): Tish’a B’av is observed for the first time during the Presidencyof John Kennedy

1964: It wasreported today that “The Five Towns chapter of Brandeis University's nationalwomen's committee will hold its BringaNewMemberluncheon on Aug. 10 at the home of Mrs. Robert Englander in Lawrence, L. I.”

1967: HerbGray, Canada's first Jewish federal cabinet minister, Gray married lawyerSharon Sholzberg, with whom he had two children: Jonathan David and ElizabethAnne.

1967:Birthdate of Mariane Pearl, the wife and widow of Danny Pearl.

1967: DeniseScott Brown, the daughter of Jewish Rhodesian parents married fellow architectRobert Venturi.

1968:“Isabel,” the winner of four Canadian film awards, featuring Al Waxman as“Herb” was released today.

1968: For thefirst time, the PLO hijacked an El Al plane. El Al was the first airline to putsky marshals on its flights and the first airline to introduce the securitymeasures that many tried to emulate after 9/11.

1969(8thof Av, 5729): Erev Tish’a B’Av

1969(8thof Av, 5729): Seventy-seven-year-old “Sidney J. Weinberg, whose financialacumen earned him the sobriquet ‘Mr. Wall Street’” passed away today. (As reported by Alden Whitman)

1969:Birthdate of Rachel Goslins, the director of “God’s House,” a documentary aboutAlbanian Muslims who save Jews during World War II based on Besa: MuslimsWho Save Jews in World War II by Norman Gershman. A member of Adas Israel, she has served asthe Executive Director of the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities.

1969:“Hannibal Brooks” a comedy based on a story by Michael Winner who also producedand directed the film was released today in the United Kingdom

1971: PaulaRobison “premièred the first of Leon Kirchner's compositions commissioned forher, Flutings for Paula, in Sanders Theater at Harvard University.”

1971:Birthdate of Edison NJ, native and Stanford University educated journalist JoelStein, the husband of Cassandra Barry whose columns included “Who Runs Hollywood’ “ which mocked the canardof Jews controlling Hollywood.”

What ILearned When My Son Was Born | HuffPost Life

1972(12thof Av, 5732): Fifty-seven-year-old MIT Graduate William Lewis Abramowitz, anexpert in the plastics business who raised four children – Kenneth, Susan, Avaand Gail – with his wife “the former Lena Epstein” passed away today.

1972(12thof Av, 5732): Eighty-five-year-old New York native Moses Fertig, the CCNYtrained teacher and NYU trained lawyer Maldwin Fertig, the unsuccessfulcandidate for President of the New York City Council who was “president of theBronx Young Men’s Hebrew Association passed away today.

1973: Birthdate of White House Intern, MonicaLewinsky.

1974(29thof Tevet, 5734): Seventy-eight year old Dr. Frank Pearcy, the Kelso, WestVirginia native and graduate of Rush Medical College who served on the facultyof the University of W. Va., and the U of Texas passed away today.

1975(15thof Av, 5735): Tu B’Av

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that thevisiting governor of the Bank of Spain, Luis Coronel del Palma, expressed hopeof "a considerable improvement of relations between Spain andIsrael." According to American experts the recent events in Lebanon andthe Syrian intervention there threatened the total dismemberment of the PLO andthe demise of Yasser Arafat who had lost control of all his forces. Mossad hitteams were reported to have been waging a concerted assassination programagainst all Palestinian terrorists who murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972Munich Olympiad.

1977(8thof Av, 5737): Parashat Devarim; Erev Tish’a B’Av

1978(18thof Tammuz, 5738): Tzom Tammuz observed

1978: The Israelicabinet rejected Sadat's call for return of 2 Sinai areas.

1978: In “Sex,Torah, Revolution,” Alan Lelchuk reviewed Shosha by Isaac BashevisSinger.

1979(28thof Tammuz, 5739): Eighty-one-year-old Argentine native Joseph Kessel who gainedfame in his adopted France as a journalist and novelist after having servicedwith the Free French in WW II passed away today.

1980(10thof Av, 5740): Eighty-four-year-old Dr. Max Kadushin, a leading ConservativeRabbi, passed away today.

1982(3rdof Av, 5742): Fifty-three year old actor Vic Morrow died today in a tragicaccident while filming a movie.

1982: “Jewishleaders said today that they have long shared Interior Secretary James G.Watt’s view that the United States should speedily reduce its reliance onimported oil and that such an approach will benefit Israel as well as otherAmerican Allies” but they took issue with comments made in a letter sent toIsraeli Ambassador Moshe Arens staying that “the American support for Israelcould jeopardized if “liberals of the Jewish community join with other liberalsof this nation in opposing the Regan administration’s accelerated energydevelopment policies.”
1983(13th of Av, 5743): Parashat Vaetchanan; Shabbat Nachamu

1983(13thof Av, 5743): Seventy-six-year-old Broadway producer and director ShepardTraube, the recipient of the New York Drama Critics “best director prize” forthe long running “Angel Street” passed away today.

1983(13thof Av, 5743): Ninety-four-year-old Lithuanian born Florence R. Dolowitz, theHunter College graduate and mathematics teacher who founded the Women’sAmerican ORT while raising two children – Grace and David – with her husbandAlexander Dolowitz, passed away today.

1984:Convicted financier Shmuel Flatto-Sharon is attempting a comeback in theIsraeli elections being held today.

1985(5th ofAv, 5745): Eighty-seven-year-old Bessarabia born Benjamin Gold, the “formerpresident of the International Leather Workers Union” and former member of theCommunist Party who was the husband of “the former Sadie Algus” passed awaytoday.

1986: KathrynLevin gave birth to her first-born Daniel “Danny” Jerome.

1987(26thof Tammuz, 5747): Seventy-year-old Lewis Putzel, the husband of Emily FrankelPutzel, passed away today after which he was buried at the Har Sinai Cemeteryin suburban Owings Mills, MD.

1987: FiftyAmerican volunteers pulled out of an archeological excavation site here todayafter a group of rigorously Orthodox Jews mobilized international pressure tohalt digging in the area, which they say is an ancient burial ground. While 100Israeli policemen, armed with riot sticks and tear gas, separated them fromthree busloads of angry Orthodox protesters, the American archeologicalvolunteers spent the morning clearing dust off a fifth-century mosaic sidewalkin Caesarea, a historic coastal city 25 miles north of Tel Aviv

1992(22ndof Tammuz, 5752): Ninety-five-year-old New York born real estate magnate andphilanthropist May Rudin who founded Rudin Management with her husband SamuelRudin with whom she raised two sons—Jack and Lewis – while overseeing theactivities of the Samuel and May Rudin Foundation passed away today.

1994(15thof Av, 5754): Triple Header: Parashat Vaetchanan; Shabbat Nachamu; Tu B’av

1994(15thof Av, 5754): Ninety-eight-year-old Viennese born, American film composer HansJ. Salter passed away today.

1995: At B’naiIsrael Synagogue Rabbi Leo Heim and Rabbi Hyman Weissman are scheduled toofficiate at the funeral services for ighty-eighty-year-old Lithuanian born“South Texas farmer and rancher” and son of parents killed in the Holocaust,Abraham Morris ‘Abe’ Katz, the husband Doris Goodman Katz with whom he hadthree daughters – Annette, Sharon and Carol – and the man called the Onion Kingbecause as President and founder of Valley Onions he “ created the Blue Babybrand trademark and was instrumental in financing research at Texas A&MUniversity, which resulted in the development of the Texas 1015 Onion in 1982”whose “deep commitment to Jewish causes was reflected in the late 1940's whenhe joined with Benzion Netanyahu in helping secure arms for the future state ofIsrael,” developed a friendship with Menachim Begin and supported such Jewishinstitutions as B’nai Israel Synagogue, the Hebrew Academy of Houston and theJonathan Netanyahu Academy of San Antonio

1996(7thof Av, 5756): Sixty-nine year old New Jersey State Chief Justice Robert Wilentzpassed away today. (As reported by David Stout)

1997:According to a report released today the July 14 collapse of a pedestrianbridge at the Maccabiah Games was caused by a chain of failures involving thebridge's planning and construction.

1998: InToledo, the sixth congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies(EAJS) under the presidency of Professor Angel Sáenz Badillos came to a closetoday.

1999: Afterhaving undergone “tests regarding her heart condition at the Akron CityHospital in Akron, Ohio,” Janet Rosenberg Jagan “was discharged” today andreturned to Guyana where she would later resign her position as the country’spresident.

1999(10thof Ave, 5759): Seventy-seven-year-old photographer Stanley Tretick passed awaytoday. (As reported by Nick Ravo)

2000: In“Jerseyana: A Fading Jewish Haven,” published today Robert Strauss describes adisappearing slice of Jewish life unknown to most Jews, that centered aroundrural and small-town New Jersey

DavidUniglicht remembers gliding down the streets of this small town in the woodedinterior of Cape May County as if it were yesterday. ''You'd go down WashingtonAvenue, that was the main street, and you would pass Collier's Department Storeand Singers Barber Shop and Grossman's grocery,'' said Mr. Uniglicht of hischildhood in the 1950's and 60's. ''Down Adams Avenue, there was Siegel'skosher butcher. Outside the town center were Franklin's children's clothingfactor and the Rabinowitz Hat Factory and Bradstone's, where rubber forsneakers was manufactured. ''It was a Jewish community, a wonderful close-knitcommunity,'' he went on. ''I can't think there was a better way to grow up.''None of those shops and factories are left in Woodbine, which is largely blackand Hispanic today. Now, the last vestige of Woodbine's origins as alate-19th-century Jewish agricultural community may also fade into history. TheWoodbine Brotherhood Synagogue on Washington Avenue in the center of theborough -- on the National Register of Historic Places -- is under an agreementof sale. Another synagogue, Tefares Israel, was razed in the 1960's. Mr.Uniglicht, who is chairman of the synagogue's board of trustees, said it wasdecided to have the building -- the same one where his grandparents were wed in1906 -- put up for sale while still well maintained. While there have been noweekly services there since the 1970's, the synagogue has remained opened forHigh Holy Days services every fall, with nostalgic visitors and vacationers atthe shore a few miles away joining the shrinking population of Jews here forthe traditional prayers. That is far from the thriving Jewish community thatused to inhabit Woodbine. In 1891, a local judge sold 5,300 acres of DennisTownship to the Baron Maurice De Hirsch Fund for $37,500. Baron De Hirsch, aFrenchman, believed that the Jewish community in America would thrive if it gotout of the cities and back to its agricultural roots. ''He recruited his peoplefrom New York and Philadelphia and Chicago, Eastern European Jews who werealready here,'' said Joseph Brandes, a professor emeritus of history at WilliamPaterson University, who wrote ''Immigrants to Freedom: Jewish Communities inRural New Jersey since 1882'' (University of Pennsylvania Press). ''He alsothought it should be a balanced community, and so the farmers wouldn't loaf inthe winter, he encouraged factories.'' While there were other De Hirschcommunities in Southern New Jersey -- Brotmanville, Rosenhayn, Alliance, Normaand Carmel near Vineland -- none of them were as prominent as Woodbine, whichwas the only one that was not just a place name, but also an incorporatedborough. ''A writer in 1907 called Woodbine the first self-governed Jewishcommunity since the fall of Jerusalem,'' said Dr. Brandes. ''It became aprototype for the New Deal balanced communities like Roosevelt near Trenton,with the hope of having agriculture and industry combine.'' But in fact,agriculture was not all that was happening in Woodbine. ''It was sandy soil andhad to be cleared of dense forest,'' said Rachel Rodgers, the executivedirector of the Cape May County division of culture and heritage. ''It was fullof mosquitoes and scrub bushes, horrible conditions for agriculture. So thefactories did a lot better.'' The De Hirsch Fund established an agriculturalhigh school here, which taught the physical sciences and had a roll ofgraduates who eschewed the land and became doctors and scientists. GregoryPincus, an early developer of the birth-control pill, attended the De Hirschschool, as did Selman A. Waksman, who developed streptomycin, one of the firstcures for tuberculosis. The school has long since become the WoodbineDevelopmental Center for the handicapped. For decades, the Jewish communitythrived here. ''People came here happily,'' said Mr. Uniglicht, who today is anadministrator at the Woodbine center. ''It was far better than being in thedirty city.'' Sitting in William Eisenberg's Haddonfield law office is theloving cup his grandfather, also named William, was awarded by Woodbine'scitizens in 1922 after serving as the town's mayor. ''My grandfather was amason and helped to build the synagogue,'' said Mr. Eisenberg, whose familymoved to Collingswood before he was born. ''My father and most of the family isburied in the cemetery there. So it's nostalgic for me. But things started todissipate even before World War II.'' The Depression did not help the factorieshere, though most managed to stay afloat during those times. And as childrenwent off to war and to college, they could not imagine returning. In the late1940's there was one more surge of interest: Legend has it that residents heresmuggled weapons out of Millville Airport to the Hagannah resistance movementbefore Israel was formed in 1948. ''But then the suburban Jewish exodusstarted, too,'' said Dr. Brandes. ''Jews naturally wanted to be in communitieswith other Jews and, primarily, moved to the places around New York andPhiladelphia.'' The places Mr. Uniglicht revered -- Singer's and Collier's andthe Rabinowitz Hat Factory -- were all closed by the 1970's. The hordes thatcame from all over South Jersey to eat deli at Siegel's found other places togo. Even Mr. Uniglicht, though he works in Woodbine, moved to Vineland years ago.For Mr. Uniglicht, the decision to hold the last services at the synagogue wasnot a hard one. ''There isn't a Jewish community here,'' he said. ''We had anice reunion on the 100th anniversary of the synagogue in 1993. It has beennice to have services here, but Jews also have to focus on the future.'' ScottNovick, who lives in Cape May Court House a few miles away, has bid for thebuilding and has a tentative closing date in the fall. Mr. Novick has toldresidents that he intends to keep it functioning as a synagogue, though he hasnot elaborated. The Borough of Woodbine and the State Police had consideredbuying the building and converting it to office space, but balked whenconsultants put the buying price and the cost of renovation at about $500,000.But as Mr. Eisenberg put it, ''Those people in the graveyard who escapedoppression in Europe would have haunted the place if people in shiny boots andrevolvers were in there anyway.''

2001: 16thMaccabiah comes to a close.

2001(3rdof Av, 5761): Sixty-year old Rabbi Alan Bergman, who served Congregation TempleIsrael in St. Louis before moving to the Chicago area where her served “asDirector of the Great Lakes Region/Chicago Federation of the Union AmericanHebrew Congregations” for a quarter of century while raising three children –Daniel, Marc and Saralyn – with his wife the former Marcia Sky passed awaytoday in Highland Park, Illinois after which he was interred at WestlawnCemetery.

2001: Haim“Saban announced that he and News Corporation would sell Fox Family WorldwideInc for $5.3 billion to The Walt Disney Company.”

2001: MattBloom lost the WWF Intercontinental Championship to Alliance member Lance Stormin Buffalo, New York

2001: “Issuesin Jewish Philosophy,” a colloquia sponsored by The European Association forJewish Studies (EAJS) opened today.

2002:TheKnesset approved the Tal Law as an attempt to reach a compromise to the publicdemand that the Israeli ultra-Orthodox citizens would share an equal extent ofobligations which other Israeli citizens are required to fulfill, specificallyrequiring them to serve in the Israel Defense Forces. The coalition upheavalsdelayed the initial adoption of the Tal law.

2002: The IDFbombed the building in which Hamas leader Salah Shehade was sleeping. He was the mastermind behind a series ofsuicide attacks that claimed the lives of hundreds of Israeli civilians.

2003:Best-selling author Peggy Orenstein and Academy Award winning filmmaker StevenOkazaki gave birth to their daughter Daisy Tomoko.

2003:President Bush presents Edward Teller with the Medal of Freedom, six weeksbefore Teller’s death.

2004: “TheBourne Supremacy” on which Doug Liman who had directed the first of the “Bournefilms” served as executive producer was released today.

2005: PitcherCraig Breslow made his major league debut with the San Diego Padres.

2005:Several explosions rocked the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Shiek in the earlymorning hours which were aimed at a number of resort hotels catering totourists from Egypt, Europe and Israel.

2005: The Jerusalem Post reported that ArielSharon will not change the date of the evacuation from Gaza. Theevacuation date is August 17. Sharon fought attempts in the Knesset bythe anti-disengagement forces to postpone the evacuation. He has alsodismissed suggestions from those favoring the evacuation, including the VicePremier and Shimon Peres to advance the date of the evacuation. Theevacuation date is a matter of law, having been enacted in legislation passedby the Knesset. It would take three votes to change the law, somethingSharon does not care to attempt. At the same time, he will not actunilaterally to move the date because it is critical that Israel maintainitself as society that accepts and respect the rule of law.

2006:TheSanFranciscoChronicle reviewedHow This Night IsDifferent by Elisa Albert

2006: The NewYork Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of specialinterest to Jewish readers Fear:Anti-Semitism in Poland After Auschwitz - An Essay in Historical Interpretationby Jan T. Gross and the recently released paperback edition of Freud'sRequiem: Mourning, Memory, and the Invisible History of a Summer Walk byMatthew Von Unwerth an “elegantly meandering look at Sigmund Freud's life andthe intellectual world he moved in that examines an obscure 1915 essay, ‘OnTransience,’ in which Freud records a conversation with the poet Rainer MariaRilke and the psychoanalyst Lou Andreas-Salomé.”

2006(27th of Tammuz, 5766): Ursula Merkin, the widow ofHermann Merkin, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of YeshivaUniversity passed away today.

2006: Thefollowing were among a total of 43 Israeli civilians (including four who diedof heart attacks during rocket barrages) and 116 IDF soldiers were killed inthe Israel-Hizbullah war: Shimon Glickblich, 60, of Haifa; Habib Awad, 48, ofIbellin.

2007: In Krakow, Poland, the Cinema Pod Baranami / Festival of JewishCulture presents a screening of “Hungry Hearts,” which is “based on the shortstories of Anzia Yezierska, the first writer to bring stories of AmericanJewish women to a mainstream audience.”

2007(8th of Av, 5767): Ninety-three-year-old Hungarian bornwriter George Tabori. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2007(8th of Av, 5767): Seventy-four-year-old Ronald NormanMiller the songwriter who created the lyrics to the Grammy Award winning hit“For Once in My Life” passed away today in California.

2007: The New Republic featuresreviews of 1967: Israel, the War, and the Year That Transformed The MiddleEast by Tom Segev and Foxbats over Dimona: The Soviets’ Nuclear Gamblein the Six-Day War by Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez by Israeli historianand author Benny Morris as well Nathan Glazer’s review of Robert Moses andthe Modern City: The Transformation of New York.

2008:At the Karmiel amphitheater Let UsGrow showcases 3,000 children from all over the country in a mosaic ofdances choreographed especially for them featuring such singers as Tal Mosseriand Yoav Yitzhak.

2008: Dina Gottliebova-Babbitt an artist and Holocaust survivor hadsurgery today after having been “diagnosed with an aggressive form of abdominalcancer.”

2008: Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook Connect, a version of FacebookPlatform for users.

2008: In an example of interfaith at its best, members of Temple Judahloaded their cars with clothing items shipped to Cedar Rapids by Chabad of DesMoines and took them to Community of Christ Church for distribution to victimsof the Cedar Rapids Flood of 2008.

2008(25thof Tammuz, 5678): Eighty-seven-year-old Professor Leon A. Feldman the refugeefrom Nazi Germany who earned a Ph.D. and smicha from Yeshiva University and whofounded the Department of Hebraic Studies at Rutgers University in New Jerseypassed away today.

2008(25thof Tammuz, 5768: Officer David Chriqui of Rishon Lezion, 19-year-old borderpoliceman who was shot near the Lions' Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem onJuly 11 died of his wounds today. Officer David Chriqui of Rishon Lezion wasshot in the head at close range by a man thought to be a Palestinian. Jerusalempolice officer Imad Gadir from Kafr Zarzir in the Western Galilee has recoveredfrom his wounds.

2008:Senator Barack Obama opened a day of talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaderssharing breakfast with Ehud Barak before traveling to the West Bank to meet ithMahmoud Abbas.

2009:Closing ceremony of the 18th Maccabiah takes place at Latrun

2009: Chicago’s MillenniumPark celebrated its fifth anniversary with a blockbuster event of song andspoken word called SHELebration: A Tribute to Shel Silverstein.

2009:In New York City, rooftop premiere of Keren Cytter's feature length film,"The Great Tale." The Tel Aviv native “creates films that appropriateand transform different cinematic genres, such as film noir, melodrama,documentary, and soap opera. Often set in cheap domestic interiors, Cytter'sfilms depict dysfunctional families and alienated friends on the verge ofnervous breakdown.”

2009:Several rabbis were arrested as part of a public corruption and internationalmoney-laundering investigation in New Jersey. According to reports, among the44 people arrested this morning by the FBI along with the rabbis were themayors of three New Jersey towns, a deputy mayor and a state assemblyman.

2010:As part of “Downtown Shabbat”Robyn Helzner, one of the leading interpreters ofworld Jewish music, and Cantor Larry Paul are scheduled to lead aCarlebach-inspired service at the Historic Sixth & I Synagogue inWashington, D.C.

2010: An Israeli government decision to shelve a controversialbill on Jewish conversions drew praise today from liberal Jewish groups inIsrael and the U.S. who opposed the legislation and waged a vocal campaign toget it thrown out.

2010:From L.A. to Cedar Rapids and points unknown, family and many friends celebratethe birthday of Charlene Wolfe, a “balabus” par excellence.

2010((12thof Av, 5770): Daniel Schorr, whoseaggressive reporting over 70 years as a respected broadcast and printjournalist brought him into conflict with censors, the Nixon administration andnetwork superiors, died today at the age of 93. (As reported by Robert D.Hershey, Jr)

2010:In “At War With Itself” Leo Damrosch provides a detailed reviews of Dreyfus:Politics, Emotion and the Scandal of the Century by Ruth Harris.

2011:In Iowa City, Agudas Achim Sisterhood's annual Mitzvah Fund Event will includethis evening’s University Repertory Theater production of Neil Simon's"Lost in Yonkers."

2011:The Daniel Ori Trio is scheduled to perform three sets of originals and newarrangements from the upcoming album Emuna at the Barn Next Door in NYC.

2011: Ten of thousands gathered in central Tel Aviv tonight for amass rally against soaring housing prices and Israel's high cost of living.

2011: The first-ever reunion of the Ritchie Boys began today atthe Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills, Michigan.

2011(21st of Tammuz,5771): Jewish-British singer Amy Winehouse, whose hit single"Rehab" became the anthem for troubled celebrity culture, has beenfound dead at her home in north London, Sky News reported today.

2011(21st of Tammuz,5771): Ninety-two-year-old Robert C.W. Ettinger, the “founding father” of thecryonics movement, passed away today. (As reported by Paul Vitello)

2012: Shiva services for LaurenBecker, of blessed memory, are scheduled to be held at the home of her fatherHarold in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2012: “One Day After Peace” isscheduled to have its American premiere at the San Francisco Jewish FilmFestival.

2012: The KnessetControl Committee is scheduled to discuss the aspects of the annual StateComptroller’s Report that deal with the Temple Mount, including security andunsupervised building. (As reported by Melanie Lidman)

2012: As it prepares to move to itsnew location, members of Agudas Achim under the leadership of Rabbi JeffPortman gather at the Agudas Achim Cemetery to bury old prayer books, bibles,talisim and other religious artifacts in the time honored manner of the Jewishpeople.

2012: Today President Shimon Perescondemned Syrian government statements that it would deploy chemical weapons inthe event of a foreign invasion and said Israel would do whatever it takes toeliminate the threat these weapons pose to the Jewish state.(As reported byIlan Ben Zion)

2012: DNA evidence believed tobelong to the culprit and his female accomplice in last week’s bombing at theBurgas Airport was reportedly found at the Hotel Perfekt in Varna, Bulgaria,Bulgarian TV station BTV reported today (As reported by Aaron Kalman and IlanBen Zion)

2013: The 17th annualJerusalem 3x3 Streetball tournament sponsored by the Jerusalem Municipality isscheduled to open at Safra Square.

2013: From CedarRapids to California and lots of other places, people celebrate the birthday ofCharlene Wolff, a culinary wizard and pillar of the Jewi

2013: Coalition andLabor MKs praised the passing of the government's haredi enlistment plan in itsfirst reading today, after a long debate in which haredi MKs used creativemeans to demonstrate their opposition. (As reported by Lahav Harkov)

2013: Prince Williamand Kate Middleton, the duch*ess of Cambridge walked out St. Mary’s Hospitalwith their infant who was born in the Lindo Wing which was named for FrankCharles Lindo, a member of a famous British Sephardi family who paid for thewing in 1937.

2014: The HistoricSixth & I Synagogue is scheduled to host “The Great Walk of Chinatown”which explores the history of this unique Washington neighborhood.

2014: “The USFederal Aviation Administration barred flights to Israel this evening for 24hours, citing security concerns” but El Al continues with its full flightschedule. (As reported by Raphael Ahren)

2014: Oren Shaul whowas identified today as the seventh of the soldiers “caught in in a deadlyambush in Gaza City’s Shejaiya area” was reported missing in action andpresumed dead despite claims from Hamas that he is there prisoner. (As reportedby Mitch Ginsburg)

2014: “French PrimeMinister Manuel Valls denounced anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism. “Anti-Semitism,this old European disease,” he said in a speech, has taken “a new form. Itspreads on the Internet, in our popular neighborhoods, with a youth that haslost its points of reference, has no conscience of history, and who hidesitself behind a fake anti-Zionism.”

2014: The 97thNational Convention of Hadassah is scheduled to come to an end in Las Vegas.

2015: Dr. Ori Z.Soltes is scheduled to lead a private tour for those wishing to “learn moreabout Sy Gresser's sculptures while viewing the exhibition ‘Stone, Silence, andSpeech.’”

2015: The Museum ofJewish Heritage is scheduled to host two performances of “My Report to theWorld” The Story of Jan Karski.”

2015(7thof Av, 5775): Eighty-eight-year-old obesity specialist, Dr. Jules Hirsch passedaway in Englewood, NJ.

2015: The NaomiPrawer Kadar International Yiddish Summer Program at Tel Aviv University isscheduled to come to an end today.

2015: The Friendsand family of Charlene Wolfe are excited to share in what she calls “amilestone” birthday as she turns 75.

2015: In “Why Is ItSo Hard to Get a Great Bagel in California?” published today Elizabeth Weilwonders why bakers in San Francisco have so much trouble replicating theproduct produced in New York City.

2016: Under theleadership of Israeli-born choreographer Zvi Gotheiner, ZviDance is scheduledto perform at the Doris Duke Theatre.

2016: The funeralwas held today for Heshy Jacob “the Lower East Side’s last Jewish powerbroker.” (As reported by Josh Nathan-Kazis)

2016: PININAfeaturing the choreography is scheduled to open Sally-Anne Friedland atPeridance Capezio Center.

2017: Scott“Blumstein, 25, of Brigantine, New Jersey, pulled a deuce on the river — thefinal card of a poker round — to win with a pair of twos in a dramatic finishtoday to poker’s most prestigious event.” (As reported by Marc Brodsky)

2017: The New York Times featured reviewsbooks by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including TheGreat Nadar: The Man Behind the Camera by Adam Begley, Young Radicals:In the War for American Ideals by Jeremy McCarter which includes a portraitof Walter Lippmann and We Crossed a Bridge and it Trembled: Voices fromSyria by Wendy Pearlman as well as an interview with Calvin Trillin.

2017: The SanFrancisco Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “Keep theChange” and “a live performance from the Marcus Shelby Quartet” today.

2017: “West pfthe Jordan River” and “In Her Footsteps” are scheduled to be shown on the lastday of the Jerusalem Film Festival.

2017:“Menorah: Worship, History, Legend” that featured “roughly 130 artifacts,including menorahs from different periods and depictions of them in paintings,sarcophagi, sculptures and medieval and Renaissance drawings and manuscripts”and has been on displayed “simultaneously at both the Jewish Museum as well asthe Braccio di Carlo Magno Museum in the Vatican” is scheduled to come to aclose today.

2018: The Arthur and Rochelle Belfer NationalConference for English Language Arts Educators which is designed to “introduceparticipants to the” United StatesHolocaust Memorial “Museum’s pedagogical approaching to teaching about theHolocaust, as well as Museum resources” is scheduled to open today.

2018: With violence a reality on the Gazaborder, Israelis show that they can still life to the fullest with Besarabiascheduled to host “Open Jam and Mic”

2018: The world awakes to a mixed bag of newsfrom Israel’s north with Syrians claiming that the IAF has struck a base mannedby Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and approval from the civilized world forIsraeli’s daring rescue of the White Hats.

2019 is scheduled to present a session of “TheBeginnings of Modern Jewish Literature” during which Eugene Orenstein analyzes“the rise of Modern Yiddish literature as a result of the struggle betweenHasidism and Haskalah (the Jewish Enlightenment movement.”

2019: In San Francisco, CinéArts Palo Alto isscheduled to host a free screening of “The Rabbi Goes West,” a film “about aharedi guy,” Chabad Rabbi Chaim Bruk, “who uproots himself from everything heknows to move to” Montana.

2019: In New York, the Quad Cinema is scheduledto host a screening “The Other Story” directed Avi Nesher.

2019: “The Canadian Friends of HebrewUniversity (CFHU) and the University of Alberta” are scheduled to co-sponsor alecture by Hebrew University Professor Yoram Yovell the “psychiatrist, brainresearcher, psychoanalyst and author of “two best sellers”

2019: The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival isscheduled to host screenings of “King Bibi” and “Made in Auschwitz: The UntoldStory of Block 10.”

2020: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center isscheduled to “virtually,” “Losing Our Humanity: An Evening With Cate Blancetteand The Stateless Team.”

2020: Baghdad born Edwin Shuker, the Board ofDeputies’ vice president is scheduled to celebrate his 65thbirthday.

2020: The Jewish Museum of Maryland isscheduled to host a livestream presentation by Rabbi Dr. Eli Yoggev on “How toBe Jewish in Space.”

2020: The Museum of Jewish Heritage isscheduled to host an on-line screening of “Watermarks,” following by adiscussion with director Yaron Zilbermanand Professor Raanan Rein.

2020: The JWA’s Book Club is scheduled to hosta virtual author talk “with Chavi Karkowsky, maternal-fetal medicine physicianand author ofHigh Risk:Stories of Pregnancy, Birth, and the Unexpected.

2020: The Illinois Holocaust Museum isscheduled to host a virtual book club program, “One Museum, One Book” whichwill feature a discussion of the NewYork Times bestseller Lilac Girls: A Novel, with an onlinediscussion moderated by the author herself, Martha Hall Kelly.

2020: “Addison-Penzak JCC in Los Gatos isscheduled to present a virtual program on overcoming fears, phobias and stress,with a look at the Jewish mourning period between Tammuz 17 and Av 9.”

2020: As Israelis prepare to face the day, theymay be questioning how the country will pay for newly agreed to pay raises formembers of the Israel Union of Social Workers and the Prime Minister’s requestfor an increase in defense funding along with the additional demands created bythe Pandemic.

2021: The Jewish Arts Collaborative isscheduled to present, online, “JLive With Stuart Hecht,” the “American theaterhistorian and professor who has worked extensively in Chicago theater historyand more recently on assimilation and the American musical.”

2021: American basketball legend Sue Bird andIsraeli gymnast Linoy Ashram are among the Jewish athletes scheduled to competein the Olympics which are scheduled to open today.

2021: Kan Kol Hamusika is scheduled tobroadcast a Young Artists in Concerts” featuring pieces by Arnold Schoenbergperformed by members of the Tedarim Ensemble.

2021: Labyrinth of Peace is scheduled to beshown online at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.

2022: S.F. Jewish Film Festival is scheduled toscreen a new hybrid feature-documentary about Andrea Dworkin, a radicalfeminist and writer who had groundbreaking takes on p*rnography, sexism andrape culture, and who once thought about becoming a rabbi.

2022: The Cambridge Jewish Center of the Artsis scheduled to present a Family Shabbat Service “which is tailored forchildren up to the age of six and their parents.

2022 (24th of Tammuz, 5782): Parashat Pinchas

2023: The Osher Marin JCC is scheduled topresent “New Moon, New Mountain: Forest Bathing, “ a two-and-a-half-hourmeditative forest excursion led by Forest Therapy Guide Emily Wolf McMane, withexploration of themes of destruction and rebuilding in preparation for TishaB’av.”

2023: In New Orleans, the Btesh Family ChabadHouse is scheduled to host a fish fry lunch

2023: Yeshiva University Museum’s Director ofMuseum Education Ilana Benson is scheduled to lead “a guided tour of The GoldenPath: Maimonides Across Eight Centuries, illuminating the life and impact ofthe multifaceted luminary and great Jewish sage across continents and culturesthrough rare manuscripts and books.”

2023: In Sharon, MA Temple Kol Tikvah isscheduled to present “SummerFest 2023.”

2023: The Museum at Eldridge Street isscheduled to host “Synagogues of the Lower East Side,” a walking tour ofneighborhood that used to be home to hundreds of “Jewish houses of worship.”

2024: The Streicker Center is scheduled to hostthe second lecture by Dr. Eric Goldman on “The Jewish Paul Mazursky.”

2024: In the third session of the series"Agnon is hosted in the Khan, "Bilha Ben-Eliyahuand Ruhama Elbegg arescheduled to lead a conversation about writing and sources of inspirationfollowing the novel "I Remained for You" and the novella "In theBlood of Her Days" at Agnon House.

2024: The Jewish Women’s Summer Happy Hour isscheduled to take place from six in the evening until nine in Manhattan.

2024:The Streicker Center is scheduled to hostthe final session of Hebrew for Advanced Beginners and Intermediate Hebrew.

2024(17th of Tammuz, 5744): On theJewish calendar, observance of American Independence Day. In 1776, the 4thof July fell on the 17th of Tammuz. So for those of you who want tocelebrate American Independence, for a second time in July here is your chance.

2024: Prime Minister Netanyahu is scheduled tospend his second day in Washington before addressing Congress on July 24.

2024(17th of Tammuz, 5784): TzomTammuz

for more see

2024: The Center for Jewish History isscheduled to host a matinee performance of “The Trial of Adolf Eichman which isdescribed as a “compelling and thought-provoking theatrical experience.

2024: As July 23rd begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave ofanti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengerson a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and theHamas held hostages begin day 291 in captivity.(Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so weare just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time

This Day, July 23, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.