This Could Lower Your Monthly Student Loan Payment — but Is It Worth It? (2024)

As if college wasn’t stressful enough, there’s also the crushing pressure that comes when your first student loan payment is due six months after graduation.

Depending on how much debt you have, that bill could range from a couple hundred dollars to more than $1,000 a month. And if you weren’t lucky enough to land a six-figure job right out of college, making those payments on top of all your other bills can be a struggle.

Income-driven repayment plans can help. If you’ve got federal student loans, these plans may help relieve some of your stress by significantly lowering your monthly payment based on your income.

When he graduated with a degree in political science from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, Derek Lawrence had $23,788 in student loan debt. He earned between $22,000 and $24,000 a year, which made paying $245 a month under the standard repayment plan a bit tough.

After he applied for an income-driven repayment plan, his monthly payment dropped to $38, which created a little extra breathing room in his budget. Meanwhile, he focused on paying off a car loan with a higher interest rate than his student loans and built his savings for unexpected expenses.

“The beauty of (these plans) is that it doesn’t mean you can’t pay more,” Lawrence said. “If you are eligible for it, you can pay as much as you can while having the option to slack off one month if something happens.

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“My payment dropped from $245 a month to $38, but I’m still paying well over double that amount and don’t plan on paying anywhere close to the minimum unless something drastic happens.”

Keep in mind: These plans may not be the best choice for everyone, but they’re certainly an option to consider if you know you won’t be able to make ends meet.

Income-Driven Repayment Plans, Explained

In short, these plans cap your monthly payment at a percentage — typically between 10% and 20% — of your discretionary income. They’re only available for federal student loans, so if you’ve got private loans, these plans can’t help you. If you’re in default, you’re also out of luck.

After you make monthly payments for a set period of time, typically 20 to 25 years, any remaining debt is forgiven (more on that later — this perk comes at a cost).

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Types of Plans

There are four types of income-driven student loan repayment plans. They vary in terms of who qualifies, how much a borrower must pay each month, the length of the repayment period and the type of loans that are eligible. Certain types of federal loans may not qualify on their own, but may qualify if they’re consolidated.

The beauty of (these plans) is that it doesn’t mean you can’t pay more. If you are eligible for it, you can pay as much as you can while having the option to slack off one month if something happens.

Here’s a quick rundown on each. Stay with us, because this is about to get confusing. For more detailed information about each type of plan, visit the Federal Student Aid office’s website or consult with a financial planner.

“Each plan is a further improvement (mostly) of the plan before it,” according to Joshua Cohen, a lawyer who specializes in student loans. “It is very confusing, even for those of us in the field.”

Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE) Plan

  • Monthly payment: 10% of discretionary income
  • Repayment period: 20 years for only undergraduate debt, 25 years if the amount includes graduate debt
  • Eligibility: Any borrower with eligible direct federal loans. FFEL Program and Perkins loans are eligible if they’re consolidated.

Income-Based Repayment (IBR) Plan

  • Monthly payment: 10% of discretionary income if you took out your first loan after July 1, 2014, and 15% if you took out your first loan before July 1, 2014.
  • Repayment period: 20 years if you took out your first loan after July 1, 2014, and 25 years if you took out your first loan before July 1, 2014.
  • Eligibility: Any borrower with eligible direct federal loans, including FFEL Program loans. Perkins loans are eligible if they’re consolidated. Your monthly payment must be less than what you would pay under the standard repayment plan over a 10-year period.

Pay As You Earn Plan (PAYE)

  • Monthly payment: 10% of discretionary income
  • Repayment period: 20 years
  • Eligibility: Any borrower with eligible direct federal loans. FFEL Program and Perkins loans are eligible if they’re consolidated. Borrowers who took out their first loan after Sept. 30, 2007 (and had no outstanding balance on a Direct or FFEL Program loan when you received it), and at least one loan on or after Oct. 1, 2011. Your monthly payment must be less than what you would pay under the standard repayment plan over a 10-year period.

Income-Contingent Repayment (ICR) Plan

  • Monthly payment: 20% of discretionary income or what you would pay on a 12-year standard repayment plan adjusted according to your income, whichever is less.
  • Repayment period: 25 years
  • Eligibility: Any borrower with eligible direct federal loans. FFEL Program loans, Perkins loans and Plus loans made to parents are eligible if they’re consolidated.

How Do I Know Which Plan Is Right For Me?

Good question. Since there are so many plans, loan types and eligibility dates, it’s best to get in touch with your loan servicer or the company that maintains your student loan.

According to the Federal Student Aid office, your loan servicer can determine which plans you qualify for and which plan will provide you the lowest monthly payment amount — you can also use this repayment estimator.

Who Are These Plans Designed For?

Income-driven repayment plans are designed for borrowers who have a high amount of debt compared to their income.

Borrowers can apply through the U.S. Department of Education, which will factor in your discretionary income and the size of your family to calculate your monthly payment amount. You may have no monthly payment at all.

The U.S. Department of Education calculates discretionary income using federal poverty guidelines.

Depending on which plan you choose, your discretionary income is calculated by subtracting either 150% (IBR and PAYE) or 100% (ICR) of the poverty guideline for your household size and state of residence from your income, depending on the program you qualify for and select.

Since your monthly payment is based on your income and family size, your payment will change over time. Bottom line: Every year, you must send in updated information about your situation, even if there’s been no change.

“For borrowers that experience an earnings bump, be prepared for a change in your income-based monthly payment,” said Greg Stallkamp, strategic adviser for GradFin.

If you forget to re-certify (remember, you’ll be doing this every year for 20 to 25 years — you may slip up), you’ll move to a standard repayment plan, which you may not be able to afford.

This is one of the top reasons people default on their student loans, said Robert Farrington, founder of

What If I’m Married?

It depends on which plan you pick, according to the Department of Education. Under the PAYE, IBR and ICR plans, if you file your tax return separately from your spouse, only your income and debt will be considered. Under the REPAYE plan, it doesn’t matter if you file separately or jointly. The payment will still be based on your combined income and loan debt.

Downsides to Income-Driven Repayment Plans

Though they sound attractive upfront, these repayment plans may end up being more expensive than a standard repayment plan in the long run.

“Income-based repayment plans are really only suitable for borrowers with fairly specific circ*mstances,” said Katie Ross, education and development manager for American Consumer Credit Counseling. “It’s an attractive idea to recent grads to pay as little as possible because they’ve just started making money, and they want to enjoy it a little. It also sounds fair to pay based on what they’re earning.

“Unfortunately, this is a trap that makes the loan more expensive and increases the repayment timeline.”

There are two main downsides to income-driven repayment plans.

  1. You’ll pay more interest. Under a standard repayment plan, you’d make fixed monthly payments for 10 years. But under an income-based repayment plan, you’re extending the payment period to 20 or 25 years, which means you’ll pay more in interest.

  2. You’ll pay taxes on any debt that is forgiven. This one is a huge bummer. The IRS views any amount of debt forgiven as income on top of your regular earnings, which means you could be looking at a hefty income tax bill the year your balance is forgiven. According to the Federal Student Aid office and the IRS, there are some exceptions to this rule, including the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, which is a plan for borrowers who work for the government, a nonprofit organization, or for a program like AmeriCorps or Peace Corps.

Depending on your situation, the pros of income-driven repayment plans may still outweigh the cons. And there have been efforts over the years to remove the income tax burden on forgiven student loan debt. Who knows, maybe someday one of those efforts will be successful.

“The laws could change both for how income is calculated to qualify, and there may be tax advantages introduced later to waive the forgiveness of debt in this situation,” said Crystal Stranger, president of 1st Tax. “I wouldn’t bet on it, but at the same time it would not surprise me.

“The bottom line is that for those who qualify, you may as well take advantage of the program while you can and get the most benefits possible, then hope and pray that Congress will be kind to you when the forgiveness payments finally come in.”

As you can see, there are a ton of factors to consider before deciding the best way to pay off your student loans.

Just remember, if you sign up for an income-based repayment plan, you can always make extra payments or switch to a standard plan -— nothing is set in stone. The important thing is to keep making payments in some shape or form so you stay out of default.

Sarah Kuta is a writer in Boulder, Colorado, with a penchant for weekend thrifting, furniture refurbishment and good deals. Find her on Twitter: @sarahkuta.

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This Could Lower Your Monthly Student Loan Payment — but Is It Worth It? (2024)


Is it possible to lower student loan payments? ›

If some of your loans are forgiven, your monthly payment could be lowered if you're on a fixed repayment plan. Most federal student loans are eligible for at least one income-driven repayment (IDR) plan. If your income is low enough, your payment could be as little as $0 per month.

Do you think student loans are worth the cost why or why not? ›

Borrowing to earn a four-year college degree typically pays off, according to research from the College Board, a company that helps prepare students for higher education. This conclusion holds true even after considering the time out of the labor force when a student could have been earning money.

What are 3 things you could do to lower your potential total student loan debt? ›

6 ways to minimize student debt
  • Talk about how much college costs. High school students don't always think about money when considering a school. ...
  • Choose the right school. Tuition and fees vary widely. ...
  • Start at a community college. ...
  • Test out of classes. ...
  • Skip room and board. ...
  • Take advantage of scholarships and financial aid.

When paying down your student loan a good strategy? ›

9 tips for paying off student loans fast
  1. Make additional payments.
  2. Set up automatic payments.
  3. Get a part-time job in college.
  4. Stick to a budget.
  5. Consider refinancing.
  6. Apply for loan forgiveness.
  7. Lower your interest rate.
  8. Take advantage of tax deductions.
Feb 28, 2024

Why is my student loan lowering my credit score? ›

Having a student loan will affect your credit score. Your student loan amount and payment history are a part of your credit report. Your credit reports—which impact your credit score—will contain information about your student loans, including: Amount that you owe on your loans.

What if my student loan payments are too high? ›

If your student loan payments seem too high for your income level, you might be able to switch to an income-driven repayment plan. This bases your payment amount on your income and family size. Find out how to apply for an income-driven repayment plan to lower your monthly payments.

Why are student loans a problem? ›

More debt and less support have undeniably led to long-term debt burden and severe financial consequences. Although more students of color are attending college and pursuing the “American Dream,” student debt has delayed them from purchasing homes, starting businesses, and building generational wealth.

What are the pros and cons of student loans? ›

In this article:
Pros and Cons of Student Loans
Accessible to college students with no or limited credit historiesDefault can lead to very serious consequences
Lower interest rates than other financing optionsThey may not be enough to cover all of your expenses
1 more row
Sep 28, 2022

Why did student loans get so bad? ›

For decades, there had been enthusiastic bipartisan agreement that states should fund high-quality public colleges so that their youth could receive higher education for free or nearly so. As a result of this ideological swing, student loan debt began to mount.

How can we solve student debt problem? ›

Some ways to manage student loan debt include paying more than your minimum monthly payment, sticking to a budget, consolidating or refinancing your loans, looking into loan forgiveness, and exploring different payment programs.

What are ways to reduce student debt? ›

Consolidate multiple student loans into one payment. Pay down extra toward the principal. Refinance your student loans at a lower rate. Explore deferment or forbearance.

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The rule of thumb about too much student debt

Personal finance experts often advise students to avoid taking out an amount of student loan debt that's lower than the average starting salary of their desired career.

What is one of the easiest ways to reduce your student loan debt in the long run? ›

Pay More than Your Minimum Payment

Paying a little extra each month can reduce the interest you pay and reduce your total cost of your loan over time. Continue to make monthly payments even if you've satisfied future payments, and you'll pay off your loan faster.

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How to get a student loan settlement
  1. Approach your lender about settling.
  2. Negotiate the debt settlement.
  3. Get the agreement in writing.
  4. Pay the agreed-upon amount.

Who gets student loan forgiveness? ›

Under Public Service Loan Forgiveness, borrowers in public service for 10 years who have made 120 months of qualifying payments can get their remaining student debt canceled.

How do I get Sallie Mae to lower my payments? ›

If you're experiencing financial hardship, you could contact Sallie Mae to see if it would be willing to temporarily forbear or reduce your payments. However, this is only a short-term fix. Generally, the only way to permanently reduce your loan payment is to refinance your loan.

Does reducing student loan debt affect credit score? ›

Since you're likely to pay off student loans over a long period, they can help you begin establishing credit while also helping you maintain a higher average credit age until they're paid off and the accounts are closed. Making positive moves to eliminate debt is a smart financial move.

How can you lower the total amount you pay in student loans? ›

Pay More than Your Minimum Payment

Paying a little extra each month can reduce the interest you pay and reduce your total cost of your loan over time. Continue to make monthly payments even if you've satisfied future payments, and you'll pay off your loan faster.

What is the least amount you can pay on student loans? ›

Graduated Repayment.

The loan term is 12 to 30 years, depending on the total amount borrowed. The monthly payment can be no less than 50% and no more than 150% of the monthly payment under the standard repayment plan. The monthly payment must be at least the interest that accrues, and must also be at least $25.

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