There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this bef (2024)

Table of Contents
There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. 1. "Chipotles in adobo. I practically drink that stuff from the can." 2. "Nutmeg, especially in cream-based sauces. Even the smallest amount can take any cream sauce to another level." 3. "Gochujang. It's a Korean chile paste that can be used as a base for sauces, marinades, or as a condiment to add heat to soups, stews, meats, and veggies. I bought a big tub and have been experimenting with all the ways to use it." 4. "Chile oil. I tried it recently for the first time, and it's a life changer." 5. "Real Parmigiano Reggiano. I grew up in a place where cheddar was basically the only cheese available. When I moved to the city, I started buying the imported stuff, and wow — authentic Parmesan is the real deal. Compared to the cheap stuff, you only need half the amount to make your food (like carbonara) taste great." 6. "Garlic scapes. They're a familiar taste to something like scallions, but next level in my opinion." 7. "Pozole (also called hominy). It looks like big corn kernels, but it has this really unique, comforting flavor. I tried it for the first time when I was in my 30s, but it reminds me of home and tastes like comfort food to me." 8. "Ricotta cheese. After eating it with garlic bread, I never looked back. It's amazingly good." 9. "Tamarind. My favorite Indian restaurant growing up served a naan starter with tamarind chutney on the side. I thought it was the most magical condiment, but turns out it was just tamarind." 10. "Sumac. I had it for the first time in chicken Musakhan at a restaurant. When I went to look up the recipe to make it at home, I realized that the delightful flavor I loved was due to sumac. It's a wonderfully unusual, almost-sour taste." 11. "Quality balsamic vinegar. I got some a few years ago as a gift. I still use the cheap version for some things like deglazing or marinating, but there's no substitute for the real deal when it comes to dipping bread, drizzling over pizza or caprese salad, etc." 12. "Good soy sauce. Go to an Asian supermarket and get the imported Kikkoman. All of the text will be in Japanese, and it will have an unadorned white label pasted on the bottle to comply with international food standards. The difference in quality is unbelievable. Supermarket Kikkoman tastes like seawater, but the imported stuff tastes like delicious, savory liquid miso." 13. "Plain yogurt. I never realized that you could even buy plain yogurt, or that it goes with meals other than breakfast. My friend had a dinner party and cooked some spicy meat paired with plain yogurt to dip it in. It was so freaking good." 14. "Fish sauce. It adds such a depth of flavor to so many dishes. I especially like to add it to any recipe that calls for ground beef. It takes the dish to flavor town." 15. "Saffron. I had never used it in my cooking until just recently, and it adds so much flavor. I've had that saffron rice you buy as a mix, but it's not the same as using real saffron. I cook with it mostly when I'm making rice and Spanish dishes, but it would be delicious with chicken too." 16. "Tahini. It's creamier than cream, and it's also vegan. It's unreal and I love it." 17. "Anchovies. There's nothing like a Caesar salad topped with anchovies. And the savory flavor they add to pasta or pizza is out of this world." 18. "Nuoc cham. It's an all-purpose dipping/pouring sauce you find in Vietnamese restaurants, made with fish sauce, sugar, and lime juice, all thinned with water. It's absolutely perfect." 19. "Pandan. It's a plant grown in Southeast Asia, and its leaves are made into a paste you can use to make many desserts and pastries. My mother-in-law makes moon cakes with it, and when I was in Malaysia (my husband's home country) we bought pastries stuffed with it. The paste is a nice green color, and it tastes nutty, vanilla, and slightly sweet. It is one of the best things I've ever eaten, but sadly it's very hard to find in the States." 20. Chimichurri 21. "Yuzu kosho. The first time I tried it was a tiny amount on the side of a bowl of ramen. I requested more; then, I bought some to take home. I'd never tasted anything like it. It's hot like Thai chile but soft, aromatic, and citrusy like yuzu." 22. "Black sesame. It's one of my all-time favorite flavors...especially in desserts. It’s pretty popular in Cantonese and other Asian desserts." 23. "Cardamom. It is exquisite in sauces. I can't really describe the flavor, but the taste and the aroma are heavenly." 24. "Za'atar. Lately I’ve been tossing chickpeas in oil and za’atar, roasting them, and adding them to simple pasta dishes where they steal the show." 25. "Harissa, a hot chile pepper paste from Northern Africa. I put it on everything." 26. "Black garlic. It has a deep, earthy flavor from being fermented. My local ramen place offers it as an option to add to your ramen, and it's incredible." Do you have a favorite ingredient that you simply can't live without? Tell us in the comments below. FAQs

    "Even the smallest amount of it can take any cream sauce to another level."

    by Hannah LoewentheilBuzzFeed Staff

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on.

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (2)

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    1. "Chipotles in adobo. I practically drink that stuff from the can."

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    "I blend a can of adobo with honey for a smokey, sweet sauce that lasts forever."—u/Josh967·

    2. "Nutmeg, especially in cream-based sauces. Even the smallest amount can take any cream sauce to another level."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (3)

    Getty Images

    3. "Gochujang. It's a Korean chile paste that can be used as a base for sauces, marinades, or as a condiment to add heat to soups, stews, meats, and veggies. I bought a big tub and have been experimenting with all the ways to use it."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (4)

    Getty Images

    4. "Chile oil. I tried it recently for the first time, and it's a life changer."

    Amazon / Via, Getty Images

    5. "Real Parmigiano Reggiano. I grew up in a place where cheddar was basically the only cheese available. When I moved to the city, I started buying the imported stuff, and wow — authentic Parmesan is the real deal. Compared to the cheap stuff, you only need half the amount to make your food (like carbonara) taste great."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (5)

    6. "Garlic scapes. They're a familiar taste to something like scallions, but next level in my opinion."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (6)

    Getty Images

    7. "Pozole (also called hominy). It looks like big corn kernels, but it has this really unique, comforting flavor. I tried it for the first time when I was in my 30s, but it reminds me of home and tastes like comfort food to me."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (7)

    Getty Images

    8. "Ricotta cheese. After eating it with garlic bread, I never looked back. It's amazingly good."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (8)

    9. "Tamarind. My favorite Indian restaurant growing up served a naan starter with tamarind chutney on the side. I thought it was the most magical condiment, but turns out it was just tamarind."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (9)

    Getty Images

    10. "Sumac. I had it for the first time in chicken Musakhan at a restaurant. When I went to look up the recipe to make it at home, I realized that the delightful flavor I loved was due to sumac. It's a wonderfully unusual, almost-sour taste."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (10)

    Getty Images

    11. "Quality balsamic vinegar. I got some a few years ago as a gift. I still use the cheap version for some things like deglazing or marinating, but there's no substitute for the real deal when it comes to dipping bread, drizzling over pizza or caprese salad, etc."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (11)

    Getty Images

    12. "Good soy sauce. Go to an Asian supermarket and get the imported Kikkoman. All of the text will be in Japanese, and it will have an unadorned white label pasted on the bottle to comply with international food standards. The difference in quality is unbelievable. Supermarket Kikkoman tastes like seawater, but the imported stuff tastes like delicious, savory liquid miso."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (12)

    Getty Images

    13. "Plain yogurt. I never realized that you could even buy plain yogurt, or that it goes with meals other than breakfast. My friend had a dinner party and cooked some spicy meat paired with plain yogurt to dip it in. It was so freaking good."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (13)

    14. "Fish sauce. It adds such a depth of flavor to so many dishes. I especially like to add it to any recipe that calls for ground beef. It takes the dish to flavor town."

    Amazon / Via, Getty Images

    15. "Saffron. I had never used it in my cooking until just recently, and it adds so much flavor. I've had that saffron rice you buy as a mix, but it's not the same as using real saffron. I cook with it mostly when I'm making rice and Spanish dishes, but it would be delicious with chicken too."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (14)

    Getty Images

    16. "Tahini. It's creamier than cream, and it's also vegan. It's unreal and I love it."

    Amazon / Via, Getty Images

    17. "Anchovies. There's nothing like a Caesar salad topped with anchovies. And the savory flavor they add to pasta or pizza is out of this world."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (15)

    Getty Images

    18. "Nuoc cham. It's an all-purpose dipping/pouring sauce you find in Vietnamese restaurants, made with fish sauce, sugar, and lime juice, all thinned with water. It's absolutely perfect."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (16)

    Getty Images


    "If you grill absolutely anything, dipping it in nuoc cham will make it taste better." —u/Ghee_Guys

    19. "Pandan. It's a plant grown in Southeast Asia, and its leaves are made into a paste you can use to make many desserts and pastries. My mother-in-law makes moon cakes with it, and when I was in Malaysia (my husband's home country) we bought pastries stuffed with it. The paste is a nice green color, and it tastes nutty, vanilla, and slightly sweet. It is one of the best things I've ever eaten, but sadly it's very hard to find in the States."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (17)

    Getty Images

    20. Chimichurri

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (18)

    Getty Images

    "I have it on hand pretty much all the time, and I put it on anything and everything. I'll make a big batch for the week, and it just gets more beautiful as it sits in the fridge." —u/OlisMommy

    21. "Yuzu kosho. The first time I tried it was a tiny amount on the side of a bowl of ramen. I requested more; then, I bought some to take home. I'd never tasted anything like it. It's hot like Thai chile but soft, aromatic, and citrusy like yuzu."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (19)

    Getty Images

    22. "Black sesame. It's one of my all-time favorite flavors...especially in desserts. It’s pretty popular in Cantonese and other Asian desserts."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (20)

    Getty Images

    23. "Cardamom. It is exquisite in sauces. I can't really describe the flavor, but the taste and the aroma are heavenly."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (21)

    Getty Images

    24. "Za'atar. Lately I’ve been tossing chickpeas in oil and za’atar, roasting them, and adding them to simple pasta dishes where they steal the show."

    Amazon / Via, Getty Images


    "You can also take old toasted flatbread, pour some olive oil on it, and toss it in za'atar. It makes a great, crunchy snack." —u/DolanPlaes·

    25. "Harissa, a hot chile pepper paste from Northern Africa. I put it on everything."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (22)

    Getty Images

    26. "Black garlic. It has a deep, earthy flavor from being fermented. My local ramen place offers it as an option to add to your ramen, and it's incredible."

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this before?" Here are some of the flavor-boosting ingredients you're going to want to stock up on. (23)

    Getty Images

    Do you have a favorite ingredient that you simply can't live without? Tell us in the comments below.

    There are certain ingredients that seem so simple, yet the tiniest bit can completely upgrade whatever you're eating it with. So redditor u/thyman3 asked, "What ingredient did you try for the first time and think, 'I've never tasted anything like this bef (2024)


    Why can skinny people eat whatever they want? ›

    Cheskin points out people who don't seem to gain weight may have favorable biological factors, like a faster metabolism, more lean tissue or more muscle mass. Inherently they may be able to burn more calories.

    Can you eat whatever you want and still be skinny? ›

    The bottom line: It's possible to continue to eat the foods you love and lose weight; it just comes down to balance. The saying, “Everything in moderation,” may seem boring, but it's sage advice that works!

    What is the food noise in my head? ›

    Food noise, also known as food chatter or head hunger, refers to the incessant mental chatter that revolves around eating. It's often a combination of thoughts about what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat, which can overshadow other aspects of life.

    How come some people can eat anything? ›

    Age, genetics, and the amount of lean body mass to fat tissue play a role. Gender also seems to be a factor, as women burn fewer calories than men of comparable age and body composition. Another possible explanation could be some people naturally move more in response to the added energy food provides.

    Why am I thin even though I eat a lot? ›

    You may be born naturally small and your low BMI can be due to your genes. You may have a very high metabolism and find it hard to put on weight, even if you eat foods that have a lot of calories. You may not follow a healthy, balanced diet because you forget to eat or cannot afford nutritious foods.

    Why do I stay skinny no matter what I eat? ›

    Genetics, nutrition, and even behavioural factors are involved which help slim people to maintain their body weight. Each individual is different and the way they can maintain their weight depends on the fact how much the aforementioned factors interfere in their daily lives.

    Is food noise ADHD? ›

    It's a real thing, called misophonia — the dislike or even hatred of small, routine sounds, such as someone chewing, slurping, yawning, or breathing. It's often an ADHD comorbidity.

    What is hyperacusis? ›

    Hyperacusis is a type of reduced tolerance to sound. People with hyperacusis often find ordinary noises too loud, while loud noises can cause discomfort and pain. The most common known causes of hyperacusis are exposure to loud noise, and ageing. There are no tests for diagnosing hyperacusis.

    How rare is misophonia? ›

    How common is this condition? Available research indicates that misophonia may affect approximately 1 in 5 people during their lifetime.

    Can your body refuse to eat? ›

    People can experience a loss of appetite for a wide range of reasons. Some of these are short-term, including colds, food poisoning, other infections, or the side effects of medication. Others are to do with long-term medical conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, or life-limiting illnesses.

    What is it called when you eat a lot but don't get fat? ›

    A Fast Metabolism

    This rate changes from person to person based on a number of factors, including genetics, diet, and level of activity; if you eat a lot but don't gain weight, it could be because your BMR is high, so you burn calories at a greater rate than most people.

    What is the most a human can go without food? ›

    Information about life expectancy is based on real world contexts, such as hunger strikes and serious medical conditions. With no food and no water, the maximum time the body can survive is thought to be about one week . With water only, but no food, survival time may extend up to 2 to 3 months.

    How to eat whatever you want and stay skinny? ›

    1 Watch your portion sizes. 2 Eat fiber and protein with your favorite foods. 3 Pace yourself while eating. 4 Avoid eating when you're bored.

    Do skinny people eat differently? ›

    Studies have shown that skinny people don't all eat the same way. Those who successfully maintain a lower weight have often adopted a particular way of eating. In addition, all skinny people think differently about food, apparently.

    How do people stay skinny eating junk food? ›

    You can maintain weight if you can balance the calories you burn and consume on a daily basis. By counting how many calories you eat from junk food, you will realize you have to eat a lot less throughout the entire day than you usually would.

    What is it called when you are skinny but eat a lot? ›

    Malabsorption. In some cases, an inability to gain weight effectively could indicate that a person can't absorb the calories and nutrients they consume – a condition called malabsorption.

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    Author: Barbera Armstrong

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    Name: Barbera Armstrong

    Birthday: 1992-09-12

    Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

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    Job: National Engineer

    Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

    Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.