The Y-chromosome of King James I (and VI) (2024)

Genetic information, from both living humans and ancientskeletons, is rapidly solving mysteries of human prehistory.Three distinct types of DNA are mitochondrial (passed mother to child),Y-chromosome (passed father to son) and autosomal (passedfrom both parents to their children).With only limited time, I have focused on the Y-chromosome.There are several reasons for my focus.(A) Surnames usually follow the Y-chromosome; for this reason somepeople can guess their Y-haplogroup without even getting a DNA test;(B) Most societies are patrilocal: brides move to their husband'svillage rather than vice versa;(C) Clans or castes are often based on male inheritance.The dominant caste will have a huge procreative advantage over theirsubjects: Y-chromosome diagrams may show their success long aftertheir history is forgotten.Lookat the rapid fan-out of P312in the lower-left of the diagram to see what I mean.Click on the image for an expanded version.)Below there is more discussion of point (C).

Patrilocality (B) means that Y-chromosome distributionswill appear much 'crisper' on geographic charts than mtDNAhaplogroups (uterine lines). Northeastern Siberia hasmatrilocal societies and there the effect is reversed:the mtDNA distributions are crisp, while Y-haplogroups are blurred.(Reading that most societies are patrilocal surprised mea little since I knew from my own experience that Thai society ismatrilocal. But when I Googled ... there was Thailand citedas one of the few matrilocal societies.)

While reviewing Y-haplogroup information it is always importantto keep in mind the profound difference between ordinary ancestry andagnatic ancestry.You have two grandfathers, four different great-grandfathers,eight 2-g grandfathers and so on.You have over a thousand 9-g grandfathers, over a million19-g grandfathers, a billion 29-g grandfathers, and over atrillion 39-g grandfathers!

Ooops! That's impossible; the number of humans who've everlived is less than a trillion. You have a trillion 39-g grandfatherslots in your pedigree, but many of these slots will be filledby the same people. Charlemagne might appear a billion times in yourpedigree!

And yet, among the thousand 9-g grandfathers, only one isyour agnatic 9-g grandfather, your father's father's father's father'sfather's father's father's father's father's father's father.Among the trillion 39-g grandfathers, only one isyour agnatic 39-g grandfather.Among the googols of 340-g grandfather slots, only one isthe agnatic slot, the ancestor from whom your fatherinherited his Y-chromosome.

Indfhine and other Gaelic inheritance rules

In order to determine eligibility and settle claims(e.g. blood money for murdered kinfolk or ascent to a lordship)the earliest Irish and Scots people memorized agnatic genealogies,and we can infer thattheir bards and Druids memorized these lineages long beforethere were written records!There seem to be traces of similar systems in ancient Hinduculture.The agnatic lineage is important in some cultures.And, while male invaders were often happy to mate with indigenous women,the genetic evidence shows that indigenous males often hadlittle or no procreative success after they were conquered by invaders.

Here's a (very ancient!) genealogical lineage you may be familiar with.

  • G11: Adam, husband of Eve & 11-gt grandfather of Eber
  • G10: Seth
  • G9: Enos, 9-gt grandfather of Eber
  • G8: Cainan
  • G7: Mahalaleel
  • G6: Jared, 6-gt grandfather of Eber
  • G5: Enoch
  • G4: Methusaleh, 4-gt grandfather of Eber
  • G3: Laamech
  • G2: Noah NOAH:→ Japheth, Ham
  • G1: Shem NOAH:→ Aram, Asshur, Elam, Lud
  • G0: Arphaxad, grandfather of Eber
  • G-1: Salah
  • G-2: Eber the Prophet EBER:→ Joktam
  • G-3: Peleg

We ignore mother connections in the genealogies on this page,so twenty generations get condensed into a very short list.Adam had multiple sons, but the agnatic lines of all but Setheventually went extinct. Similarly, all surviving human maleshave the Y-chromosome of Enos, and of Cainan, and indeed of all themales in the list until we get to Noah.Eber had sons other than Joktam and Peleg,by the way, but as far as can be found inBiblical genealogies, the agnatic lines of the other sons soon went extinct.

If we accept Biblical myth, then Adam is the agnatic ancestor ofALL living humans, as are Seth, Enos, etc. all the way to Noah.No other Y-chromosomes have survived. We're all descended fromNoah's uncle Eliakim also, of course -- he was the father-in-lawof Noah's sons, but Eliakim's agnatic line went extinct inthe Flood.

Noah had three sons each with living agnates. Men that have threeor more sons with agnates living today are of special interest;we will label them NOAH,in acknowledgemnt of the first such (legendary) man.For each NOAH, all but one of the sons with living agnates apppearsto his right in red (as Japheth and Ham do), while the son whose linewe follow (Shem) appears below the NOAH.Noah's son Shem also fits the requirement for"NOAH".We will also speak of "EBER"s,who have two sons with living agnates,again named after a famous Biblical progenitor.

But we're not interested in the legendary ancestry of the legendaryProphets of Genesis.Instead we will focus on a particular Stuart family.And yet we will see that, like the line to the Prophet Eber, there are manyancestors along the way whose Y-chromosome survives in only a single son.

Stewart is a common surname in the British Isles and America.There are various different Stewart families, but many are descendedfrom the ancient Lord High Stewards of Scotland -- it is that line wewill consider.

We will root the tree at James Stuart (King James I of England).He has many living agnates (although many developed surnames like FitzRoy).The lineage has a clear character, albeit one which might be viewed in"racist" terms: We see the a single line of males "walking point", almostacting as "the tip of a spear."

By the way, 30 years is a good estimate, at least in historic times,of the generation gap between father and son. (24 years is a goodestimate for mother-to-daughter gaps.)Following is the lineage of interest.(Of course we don't know the names of most of these men, so we assign them"names" like 'G20000.')

  • G20000: b. 598k BC, 20000-gt grandfather of King James(hom*o heidelbergensis)
  • G19200: b. 573,000 BC EBER→ ancestor of Neanderthal (and Denisovan) Man
  • G10000: b. 298k BC, 10000-gt grandfather of King James
    G10000 was the agnatic ancestor of ALL of us.Even if hom*o sapiens existed this early, there's no guaranteeG10000 was of that species. He might have been some other strainof hom*o heidelbergensis(the common ancestor of Neanderthal man and us),with his descendants eventually breeding with hom*o sapiensmuch later.
  • G8853: b. 264,000 BC Mrca of A00-T EBER→ A00-AF6 (Bangwa & Mbo)
    G8853 had two sons,each with agnates living today. Almost all living humansare agnates of one son (G8852, aka A0-T) but the very rare Y-chromosomeof a second son has shown up, especially among certaintribes of Cameroon (and neighboring Berbers).And did G8853 live in Northwest Africa? That's where most ofhis agnates live today and Google finds websites that assume helived in Northwest Africa, but a lot of migration can takeplace in 260,000 years!
    The figures we show (King James' 8853-g grandfather, bornabout 264,000 BC was the 'EBER' with two sons who leftagnates) is just an estimate.Yfull.Com (2017), which we use for other estimates, shows theA00 branching at 234,000 BC.
  • G6650: b. 198k BC, 6650-gt grandfather of King James
    We know that 99% of living males share the Y-chromosome of G6650,while the chromosome of A00-AF6 barely survives.But what were the sizes of these clans 200,000 years ago?The A00 clan might have been dominantthen; we just don't know. Eventually the DNA in some very old skeletonsmay be sequenced and we will know more.
  • G5550: b. 165k BC, 5550-gt grandfather of King James
  • G5360: b. 159,300 BC Mrca of A0-T EBER→ A0-P305 (Bakola Pygmies)
  • G4430: b. 131,400 BC Mrca of A1 EBER→ A1a-M31
  • G4340: b. 128,700 BC Mrca of A1b EBER→ A1b1-A6 (Bushman etc.)
  • G3550: b. 105k BC, 3550-gt grandfather of King James
  • G3050: b. 90k BC, 3050-gt grandfather of King James
  • G2917: b. 86,000 BC Mrca of BT EBER→ B-M60 (Pygmy & Hadzabe etc.)
  • G2650: b. 78k BC, 2650-gt grandfather of King James
    Mutations facilitating language probably emerged about this timeand soon spread to all human populations.
  • G2455: b. 72k BC, approx. date of Toba super-eruption
  • G2350: b. 69k BC, 2350-gt grandfather of King James
    The next several lines are conjectured, and dates guessed.
  • G2345: led a clan of hunters near the Great Rift.
  • G2300: b. 67,500 BC, 2300-gt grandfather of King James
  • G2300: led a clan of shellfish seekers near Yemen
  • G2267: b. 66,500 BC Mrca of CT EBER→ DE
    G2267 probably lived near Yemen or Ethiopia.D (to East Asia) & E (back to Africa) soon split.D is now rarish, found especially in Tibet and among Ainu.E dominates Africa; especially important are two clades of E,which we will call E-Berber and E-Bantu, dominant in North Africaand Sub-saharan Africa respectively.A few DE* are found in Ethiopia and Tibet.(There are some E's in the Middle East, and Southern and Southeast Europeas a result of Neolithic and post-Neolithic migrations. E's are also found among the Paleolithic skeletons from Europe.)
  • G2250: b. 66k BC, 2250-gt grandfather of King James
  • G2180: b. 63,900 BC Mrca of CF EBER→ C
    C become dominant in Asia. Today, clades are found in Japan,Eastern and Northern India, New Guinea and its neighbors,aboriginal Australia. Another clade is dominant among theMongols (and other Asian tribes) and among American tribes like the Apaches.The C Y-chromosome may have been dominant among the Cro-Magnon (Aurignacian)of Europe but is very rare in today's Europe.
    About this time the bow and arrow may have appeared in Africa.(Bone sewing needles to stitch animal hides together may have firstappeared about this time, but weren't well represented untilthe Aurignacian era, 30,000 years later. The bow-and-arrowmay not have left Africa until even later.)
  • G2050: b. 60k BC, 2050-gt grandfather of King James
  • G1997: b. 58,400 BC, led a band of hunters near the Great Rift.(He and his next few successors are fanciful.)
  • G1995: Usurped the band leadership from his older brother.
  • G1993: Born a bastard, he fled from his half-brothers who wanted to kill him.
  • G1992: Servant in band 200 miles from Great Rift; cuckolded band leader.
  • G1990: Became band chief.
  • G1988: Took over second band, then third.
  • G1985: Co-leader of largish clan.
  • G1983: Dominated growing clan.
  • G1981: Continued to expand clan power.
  • G1976: Principle leader of largish tribe.
  • G1974: b, 57,700 BC, younger brother of clan chief,left to start his own band.
  • G1973: Et cetera.
  • G1750: b. 51k BC, 1750-gt grandfather of King James
  • G1617: b. 47,000 BC Mrca of FT EBER→ F*
    Somewhere near Pakistan a huge population expansion began.
  • G1614: b. 46,900 BC EBER→ F1
  • G1604: b. 46,600 BC Mrca of GHIJK EBER→ G (widely dispersed)
  • G1602: b. 46,500 BC Mrca of HIJK EBER→ H (India)
    F1, G, H are common among ancient European skeletons, but todayH is almost confined to India (and Romani "gypsies"); G has high levelsonly near the Caucasus.
  • G1558: b. 45,200 BC Mrca of IJK EBER→ IJ
    After many thousands of years, IJ splitsinto I (Europe's Solutrean culture) and J (Near East).
  • G1550: b. 45k BC, 1550-gt grandfather of King James
    The lineage moves Eastward.
  • G1499: b. 43,450 BC Mrca of K EBER→ LT
    Perhaps centered near Central India,another break-out occurs.After 15 or 20,000 years LT separates into L (India) and T (dispersed).
  • G1498: b. 43,420 BC Mrca of K2 NOAH→ NO, K2c, K2d
    The O haplogroup is dominant in today's East Asia;N remained single-line until 20,000 BC but is now found throughoutNorthern Eurasia, from tribes like Eskimos and Evenks in the Eastand Finns and Saami in the West.
  • G1497: b. 43,400 BC Mrca of K2b EBER→ MS
    M and S are found in New Guinea and neighboring islands.The ancestor of P began moving back toward Pakistan, and eventuallynorthward to the Eurasian steppes.
  • G1350: b. 39k BC, 1350-gt grandfather of King James
  • G1150: b. 33k BC, 1150-gt grandfather of King James
  • G1050: b. 30k BC, 1050-gt grandfather of King James
    By this time the Aurignacian (Cro-Magnon) revolution was underway.But those humans weren't in P haplogroup.The ancestor of Q and R at this time was just a single man,somewhere near central Eurasia.
    And the Cro-Magnon people weren't in haplogroup I either;like P, today's I haplogroup was probably represented at this time byjust a single man, whose ancestor had migrated from the Near Eastto southern Europe.
  • G1037: b. 29,600 BC Mrca of P EBER→ Q
    Q is rare and scattered over Northeast Asia and India. One branch of Qbridged across Beringia and eventually populated the Americas.There are two major groups of Q's in Europe (primarily in Scandinavia);one might descend from Central Asians (perhaps the Huns), anothergroup is a distant clade, cousin to the North Americans to Europe.
  • G950: b. 27k BC, 950-gt grandfather of King James
  • G927: b. 26,300 BC Mrca of R EBER→ R*
    With the Aurignacian well underway in Europe, with C, F*/G/K*haplogroups; and the I haplogroup just beginning to expand,a line of R develops in Central Asia.
  • G924: b. 26,200 BC Mrca of R-Y482 EBER→ R2 (India)
  • G750: b. 21k BC, 750-gt grandfather of King James
  • G743: b. 20,800 BC Mrca of R1-P238 EBER→ R1a-M420
  • G663: b. 18,400 BC Mrca of R1b-M343 EBER
  • G625: It was during his time that there was a split between theQ strain that took the Americas, and a strain found today in Scandinavia.→ R1b*
  • G613: b. 16,900 BC Mrca of R1b-L278 EBER→ PH155
  • G553: b. 15,100 BC Mrca of R1b-L754 EBER→ V88
    V88 is an important clade, traveling via Europe to West Africa where itis associated with the Chadic language family.It is still found in Europe, though rarish compared with other R1b strains.It is found in North Central Africa, with highest concentration in thenorth of Cameroon.
  • G550: b. 15k BC, 550-gt grandfather of King James
  • G543: b. 14,800 BC Mrca of R1b-L389 EBER→ L389*
  • G450: b. 12k BC, 450-gt grandfather of King James
  • G427: b. 11,300 BC Mrca of R1b-P297 EBER→ M478 (found among Tocharian skeletons and Bashkir)
  • G350: b. 9000 BC, 350-gt grandfather of King James
  • G250: b. 6000 BC, 250-gt grandfather of King James
    R1b-P297 is found in the Early Samara culture near the Volga River.
  • G200: b. 4500 BC, 200-gt grandfather of King James
    R1b, R1a and Q are all found in the Pontic-Caspian steppes.Central and Western Europe, however, are dominated by haplogroupsG, I, T, F*, in approximately that order, with ever-dwindling presenceof C, H, J, but increasing presence of E.
  • G195: b. 4300 BC Mrca of R1b-M269 EBER→ PF7562
    The important Kurgan cultures of Eastern Europe are becomingprominent. King James' agnatic ancestor was probably a "royal prince"of Samara, but the royal family of Khvalnysk was R1a.As these cultures evolve into Yamnaya, an R1a royal caste becomesdominant in the East (near the Volga River), while R1b becomesdominant in the West (near the Dnieper River).
  • G192: b. 4200 BC Mrca of R1b-L23 EBER→ Z2103
  • G180: b. 3900 BC Mrca of R1b-L51 NOAH→ L51*, Z2118
    Does the "tip of the spear" move westward, with Z2118 especiallyassociated with the Globular Amphora culture?Probably not. Instead, the royal caste of Western Yamnayaremained centered in East Europe for several centuries,and then some "princes" moved west.
  • G160: b. 3300 BC . By this time, wagon-building skill wasdiffusing widely, but not widely enough to stop the Yamnayapeople and their kin who continually raid into the Hungarianbasin, between the lower Danube and the Carpathian mountains.From there, men from the steppes can turn toward Greece ornorthern Italy, can continue up the Danube, westward to Franceor northward into the German Plain.
    We'll guess G160 still lived to the North of the Black Sea.
  • G155: b. 3150 BC . Prince in Carpathian Basin.
  • G147: b. 2900 BC . Prince in Carpathian Basin.
    We can't be sure where Princes G155 and G147 lived.We can be sure this clan soon moved West and North to becomethe dominant Y-chromosome of Corded Ware.They had a cousin who may have stayed behind in Hungary,but a few centuries later had descendant (P312) who moved West allthe way to France.These "Yamnaya Princes had knowledge, charisma,strength and horse-riding skills.
  • G144: b. 2800 BC Mrca of R1b-L151 NOAH→ U106, S1200, L151*, A8039, A8051
    Rapid expansion begins. U106 is especially common among Germanicpeople, and is particularly associated withCorded Ware (and includes Jamie's own agnatic ancestor).But here we follow U106's brother, the ancestor of P312.
  • G138: Moves from Hungary up the Danube, or with theStelae people -- a Yamnaya folk who moved west about thistime.
  • G134: b. 2500 BC NOAH
  • G133: b. 2470 BC Mrca of R1b-P312 NOAH→ P312*, Z40481 (incl. U152, DF27, DF99), DF19, L238, PH2278, Y18209
    An extremely rapid expansion associated with the "Bell Beaker phenomenon."P312 was a great "King" with many sons and grandsons who began a rapidconquest of Western Europe."U152" was a Prince ancestral to the Urnfield Bronze Age."DF27" was U152's brother; he and his sons conquered Spain (their descendantslater invaded Ireland). "DF99" was an uncle of U152 and DF27 whose descendants headed for Denmark,and so on.We just follow the line to King James.
  • G131: b. 2410 BC Mrca of R1b-S461 EBER→ BY22760
  • G130: b. 2380 BC Mrca of R1b-L21 NOAH→ L21*, CTS300, A5846, BY2899
    This Bell Beaker Prince remained initially near P312's homelandin Bavaria. Some of his descendants moved to England.
  • G129: The Amesbury Archer, whose famous tomb is near Stonehenge,might be the 129-gt agnatic grandfather of King James I.
  • G128: b. 2330 BC NOAH
  • G127: b. 2300 BC Mrca of R1b-DF13 NOAH→ DF13*, Z253, L195, S219, DF21, FGC11134, DF1, Y5305, Y9097, Y16233, Y15071, Y14049, Y9090, L679, CTS2457.2, Y28571, Z251, etc.
  • G125: b. 2250 BC NOAH
  • G123: b. 2200 BC Mrca of R1b-Z39589 NOAH→ DF49, L1335, Z251, L371, CTS1751, S1051, S1026, etc.
  • G120: b. 2100 BC NOAH
  • G118: b. 2030 BC Mrca of R1b-DF41 NOAH→ Y8426, CTS6581*, MC21, FGC14692, FGC13017, Z18021, V1246, Y22326, Y3515, etc.
  • G117: b. 2000 BC Mrca of R1b-S775 EBER→ A600
  • G100: b. 1500 BC, 100-gt grandfather of King James
    The L744/L745 mutation occurred sometime after the branching to A600but before the branching to Y4954.
  • G50: b. 1 AD, 50-gt grandfather of King James
  • G40: b. 300 AD, 40-gt grandfather of King James
  • G32: In response to the Anglo-Saxon invasions of England,some Britons fled across the Channel to Armorica, which thereforebecame known as Brittany. King James' ancestor was probably one of these.Several centuries later, the line followed William Conquerorback to Britain.
  • G30: b. 600 AD, 30-gt grandfather of King James
  • G20: b. 900 AD, 20-gt grandfather of King James('circa' assumed on all dates before here)
  • G16: b. ca 1000 Alan (Dapifer/Seneschal/Steward) of Dol
  • G15: b. ca 1035 Flaald Seneschal of Dol
  • G14: b. ca 1080? Alan FitzFlaald (Baron of Oswestry,Sheriff of Shropshire) EBER→ William FitzAlan (R1b-Y4954?, R1b-Y14197?)
  • G13: b. 1106 Walter FitzAlan, 1st Lord High Steward of Scotland
  • G12: b. ca 1135 Alan FitzWalter, 2nd Lord High Steward
  • G11: b. 1178 Walter FitzAlan, 3rd Lord High Steward
  • G10: b. 1214 Alexander le Steward, 4th LHS EBER→ Walter (grandfather of King Robert II)
  • G9: b. ca 1246 John of Bonkyll (2nd in command under Wm. Wallace at at Battle of Falkirk) NOAH→ James of Pierston (ancestor of Earls of Atholl etc.), Alexander (ancestor of Earls of Angus), etc.
    The S781 mutation is known to have occurred in John of Bonkyll specifically.
  • G8: b. ca 1280 Alan of Darnley, Crookston and Dreghorn (killed at Battle of Halidon Hill)
  • G7: b. ca 1315 Alexander of Darnley EBER→ William of Castlemilk
  • G6: b. ca 1345 Alexander (II) of Darnley
  • G5: b. ca 1375 John (of Darnley) d'Aubigny (killedat Siege of Orleans in time of Jeanne d'Arc)
  • G4: b. ca 1407 Alan (of Darnley) d'Aubigny (killed in feud)
  • G3: b. ca 1430? John Stewart, 10th Earl of Lennox
  • G2: b. ca 1472 Matthew Stuart, 11th Earl of Lennox (killed at Battle of Flodden)
  • G1: b. ca 1495 John Stuart, 12th Earl of Lennox EBER→ Jean d'Aubigny
  • G0: b. ca 1516 Matthew Stuart, 13th Earl of Lennox & Regent of Scotland (married grand-daughter of Henry VII Tudor)
  • G-1: b. 1545 Henry Lord Darnley (3rd husband of Marie Queen of France and Scots; murdered when he attempted to usurp throne)
  • G-2: b. 1566 King James I (VI of Scots)
  • G-3: b. 1600 King Charles I EBER→ King James II (VII of Scots)
  • G-4: b. 1630 King Charles II NOAH
Quoted from Nichol (Gaelic and Gaelicised Ireland during the Middle Ages):

One of the most important phenomena in a clan-based society is that ofexpansion from the top downwards. The seventeenth-century Irish scholar andgenealogist Dualtagh Mac Firbisigh remarked that 'as the sons and families ofthe rulers multiplied, so their subjects and followers were squeezed out andwithered away; and this phenomenon, the expansion of the ruling or dominantstocks at the expense of the remainder, is a normal feature in societies of thistype. It has been observed of the modern Basotho of South Africa that 'there isa constant displacement of commoners by royals [i.e. members of the royal clan]and of collateral royals by the direct descendants of the ruling prince;, andthis could have been said without adaptation , of any important Gaelic orGaelicized lordship of late medieval Ireland.

In Fermanagh, for example the kingship of the Maguires began only with theaccession of Donn Mór in 1282 and the ramification of the family - with theexception of one or two small and territorially unimportant septs - began withthe sons of the same man. The spread of his descendants can be seen by thegenealogical tract called Geinelaighe Fhearmanach; by 1607 they must have beenin the possesion of at least three-quarters of the total soil of Fermanagh,having displaced or reduced the clans which had previously held it. The ratewhich an Irish clan could itself must not be underestimated. Turlough an fhíonaO'Donnell, lord of Tirconnell (d. 1423) had eighteen sons (by ten differentwomen) and fifty-nine grandsons in the male line. Mulmora O'Reilly, the lord ofEast Brefny, who died in 1566, had at least fifty-eight O'Reilly grandsons.Philip Maguire, lord of Fermanagh (d. 1395) had twenty sons by eight mothers,and we know of at least fifty grandsons. Oliver Burke of Tirawley (two of whosebecame Lower Mac William although he himself had never held that position) leftat least thirty-eight grandsons in the male line.

Irish law drew no distinction in matters of inheritance between thelegitimate and the illegitimate and permitted the affiliation of children bytheir mother's declaration (see Chapter 4), and the general sexualpermissiveness of medieval Irish society must have allowed a rate ofmultiplication approaching that which is permitted by the polygynypractised in, for instance, the clan societies of southern Africa already cited.

The Y-chromosome of King James I (and VI) (2024)


Who has the oldest Y chromosome? ›

Albert Perry carried a secret in his DNA: a Y chromosome so distinctive that it reveals new information about the origin of our species. It shows that the last common male ancestor down the paternal line of our species is over twice as old as we thought.

Is the Y chromosome the same from father to son? ›

The information carried on the Y chromosome travels from father to son as a nearly exact copy of itself. Occasionally, during the DNA copying process small changes or mutations occur, and it is these mutational differences that allow us to distinguish the Y chromosome of an individual from his ancestor's.

What haplogroup is Celtic DNA? ›

R-L21 or R1b1a2a1a2c, also known as R-M529 or R-S145, is a Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. It is often linked to the Insular Celts. One subclade, R-DF13 comprises over 99% of bearers.

What is the Y chromosome heritage? ›

The Y-chromosomal most recent common ancestor (Y-MRCA), often referred to as Y-chromosomal Adam, is the most recent common ancestor from whom all currently living humans are descended patrilineally. Y-chromosomal Adam is estimated to have lived around 236,000 years ago in Africa.

What is the Eve gene? ›

Instead, this genetic Eve is simply the most recent female ancestor to whom all modern humans can trace their genealogy. In other words, there were many women who came before her and many women who came after, but her genetic code is the point from which all modern branches on humanity's family tree grew.

What is the Adam gene? ›

An ADAM is a transmembrane protein that contains a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain and, therefore, it potentially has both cell adhesion and protease activities. Currently, the ADAM gene family has 29 members, although the function of most ADAM gene products is unknown.

Can a male have no Y chromosome? ›

In fact, there's a whole lot more to maleness and femaleness than X or Y chromosomes. About 1 in 20,000 men has no Y chromosome, instead having 2 Xs. This means that in the United States there are about 7,500 men without a Y chromosome.

What gender is a yy chromosome? ›

Males with XYY syndrome have 47 chromosomes because of the extra Y chromosome. This condition is also sometimes called Jacob's syndrome, XYY karyotype, or YY syndrome. According to the National Institutes of Health, XYY syndrome occurs in 1 out of every 1,000 boys.

What is special about the Y chromosome? ›

The Y is unique under many aspects. It is always in the haploid state, is full of repeated sequences but it is responsible for important biological roles such as sex determination and male fertility. Moreover, the Y chromosome is a powerful tool to study human populations and evolutionary pathways.

What haplogroup is Gypsy? ›

(25) Within the H-M82 haplogroup, an identical 8-microsatellite Y chromo- some haplotype is shared by nearly 30% of Gypsy men, an astonishing degree of preservation of a highly differentiated lineage, previously described only in Jewish priests.

What haplogroup are blacks? ›

Mitochondrial DNA

African Americans, who were sampled in 2015, carried various haplogroups of macro-haplogroup L (e.g., L0, L1, L1b, L1c, L2, L2a, L2b, L2c, L2e, L3, L3b, L3d, L3e, L3f, L3h, L3x, L4). 10.2% of African Americans carried haplogroup L1b and 19.8% of African Americans carried haplogroup L2a.

What haplogroup is Caucasian? ›

The most common haplogroup, H, was observed for approximately 46 percent of the Caucasians. The analysis also found 229 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) shared by 2 or more Caucasians.

What are the Y chromosomes in Native Americans? ›

Most Native American Y chromosomes belong to haplogroup Q and lie within the branch Q-L54, which coalesces at 18.9 (16.7–21.4) kya but also contains Northern Eurasian chromosomes (Figures 2 and S1).

What do daughters inherit from their fathers? ›

Daughters get two X chromosomes, one from Mother and one from Father. So Daughter will inherit X-linked genes from her father as well as her mother. Examples of X-linked recessive disorders are hemophilia, red-green color blindness, and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.

Which is the oldest haplogroup? ›

Haplogroup L0 is the most ancient haplogroup on the human mtDNA tree. L0 arose about 150,000 years ago in eastern Africa, where the oldest fossils of anatomically modern humans have been found. L0a arose 100,000 years later and was carried to the southeastern part of the continent.

When did the Y chromosome first appear? ›

For example, the human X and Y chromosomes originated about 200-300 million years ago in eutherian mammals1,2 after the split of monotremes, and sex chromosomes evolved independently in birds, snakes, and multiple times in other reptiles, amphibians and fish; they also formed repeatedly in many invertebrate taxa and ...

How old is the Y chromosome Adam? ›

As of 2015, estimates of the age of the Y-MRCA range around 200,000 to 300,000 years ago, roughly consistent with the emergence of anatomically modern humans.

What is the lifespan of Y chromosome? ›

For a boy, sperm with the Y chromosome should be deposited as close as possible to the egg because the Y chromosome has a short lifespan and it will not live longer than 24 hours, compared with the sperm with the Y chromosome which will live in a woman's body for up to 72 hours.

At what age do Y chromosomes disappear? ›

Within the last 166 million years, the human Y chromosome has lost most of its 1,600 genes at a rate of nearly 10 per million years. At this pace, the Y chromosome is expected to vanish in about 4.5 million years. This isn't unexpected, according to The Conversation.

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