The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (2024)

Do you want to embark on a lectin-free lifestyle and have no idea what to have for breakfast? I get it. What’s left to eat once you give up bread, oats, pancakes, muffins, cereals, and potatoes?

I have good news; all the above have a lectin-free version as tasty and satisfying as the original and much healthier and more nutritious for you and your loved ones. Let’s explore some of my favorite lectin-free breakfast ideas.

What is ‘breakfast’?

But first, let’s clarify what ‘breakfast’ means. It is the first meal of the day, the one you break your overnight fast with. So, it doesn’t matter what time you eat it, if it’s your first meal of the day, it’s called break-fast.

That being said, you can eat anything for your first meal of the day. However, when people want ‘breakfast’ ideas, they refer more to the emotional significance of that first meal of the day, usually related to a familiar taste or texture that helps us recreate a positive experience.

With this in mind, I decided to put together a round-up of the most comforting lectin-free breakfasts you can have when you are following the plant paradox lifestyle. If combined and cooked appropriately, lectin-free foods will make delicious and beautiful meals.

I have been following the plant paradox lifestyle for over five years, and all these lectin-free breakfast ideas are my favorite plant paradox-approved breakfasts.

Intermittent fasting: when do we eat breakfast?

Many health enthusiasts, functional medicine practitioners, health coaches, and even MDs now advocate for the role of intermittent or time-restricted fast in improving our health.

Simply put, time-restricted fasting is when you voluntarily give your body a break from eating, even when food is available (a fundamental distinction from starvation, unfortunately still a reality for many people worldwide).

We all fast to some extent – we don’t eat when we are asleep, right? But, this period can be extended to 14-16 hours every day for health benefits. I do 14-16 hours most days without any effort.

My last meal of the day is around 6 pm, and the next meal is anywhere between 9 am and 12 pm, depending on the day. I also think this is the easier way to fast, as most of it is sleep anyway. Fasting should feel good once you pass the first few days when the body adjusts to the new schedule.

The ideal way to fast would be to have an earlier breakfast and skip dinner, but that is impossible for a lot of people. For me, for example, dinner is a family meal. I eat together with my husband as a way to connect, and that’s very important to us.

Experiment with fasting, do what feels good for you.

Fasting is a very personal experience and can be done in many ways. So you must listen to your body and do what feels good for you.

Start slowly and experiment with fasting in the particular context of your life. Do what suits you and what makes you feel good. Fasting should give us energy and clarity of mind and, overall, should positively impact our health. But, as with anything, there is too much of a good thing, so balance and considering bio-individuality are essential.

If you want to understand more about how you can make fasting part of your healthy diet, I recommend the following article, including an easy-to-follow meal plan and ten nutritious and satisfying meals:

  • 5-Day Fasting Mimicking Diet Meal Plan (Do It Yourself)

But let’s focus now on what you can eat for the first meal of the day. If you want to dig deeper into the science of fasting, I recommend Dr. Jason Fung, The Complete Guide to Fasting, and Dave Asprey, Fast This Way.

What is a lectin-free breakfast?

If you are a long-time follower of The Plant Paradox and Dr. Steven Gundry, you probably know the YES and NO lectin-free food list by heart. But the lectin-free movement is growing every day. There are always new people trying to figure out what healthy eating is and how we can lead normal lives and eat delicious foods while eliminating so many familiar ingredients from our diets.

The list of approved food and foods to eliminate is long and can be found in any of Dr. Gundry’s books and here in this post: the plant paradox food list and shopping list.

But briefly, related to our topic of breakfast, you will eliminate:

  • all grains and pseudo-grains (except for millet, sorghum, fonio, and teff – read my article ‘The 4 Gut-Healthy, Gluten-Free and Lectin-Free grains’ for more insight on grains),
  • everything that has sugar, in all its forms, all high-sugar and out-of-season fruits, and smoothies
  • heavily processed foods
  • animal protein that is not grass-fed, pasture-raised, wild-caught

All eggs have to be pasture-raised or Omega-3 eggs, and if you are very sensitive to corn, soy, or oats, you have to check with your supplier to make sure the hens are not supplemented with any of these (which is very common).

You are only allowed dairy coming from casein A2 milk, but in tiny amounts (food to consume only once in a while).

The lectin-free food lists are updating all the time as there is always new research on lectins coming in and a lot of new, plant paradox compliant products are introduced to the market.

So, to keep up with it, I recommend following Dr. Steven Gundry on his social media channels and reading the latest books with the most updated information.

Lectin-free breakfast recipe round-up

One quick note regarding the below collection of lectin-free breakfast recipes.

I am the only one following a lectin-free lifestyle (at least intentionally) in my family, but when I make such a breakfast, I make it for everyone. Most of them were tried and tested by people who are not on any particular diet, and they are all loved by everyone.

When you eat any of the below breakfasts, you won’t feel you are on a diet. They are satisfying, full of flavor, rich, and nutritious, and you will feel good after eating them.

And as a general rule, while pancakes and muffins are an excellent treat for brunch during the weekend, make sure your breakfast includes vegetables and greens, protein, and healthy fats.

Greens and Sweet Potato Hash Bowl

Inspired by one of my favorite meals in a restaurant in Dallas, this Greens, and Sweet Potato Hash Bowl is a perfectly balanced lectin-free breakfast: it’s full of nutrients, healthy carbs and fats, healthy proteins and tastes amazing. And it’s quick to put together. Suppose you are vegan or can’t have eggs; replace the eggs with a handful of plant paradox-approved nuts and seeds. Or, if you are sensitive to eggs but ok with animal protein, replace them with grilled or pan-cooked chicken breast or a steak (flank steak would be great).

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (1)

Millet Porridge, a warming lectin-free breakfast

Millet is an ancient grain that makes an excellent replacement for oats, and the millet porridge is a creamy, comforting, warming, satisfying and delicious lectin-free breakfast. With add-ons such as coconut oil and butter, nut butter, chopped nuts, frozen or fresh berries, cinnamon, and a little bit of a plant paradox approved sweetener, this millet porridge is a winner. Millet can be cooked in only water or with a mix of water and non-dairy milk. Get creative when it comes to add-ons and toppings.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (2)

Sunchokes Breakfast Skillet

Sunchokes are delicious and packed with prebiotic fiber. They are also easy to cook and make the best replacement for white potatoes, in case that’s what you are craving. This sunchoke lectin-free breakfast is super easy to put together and nutritious, and it will satisfy those cravings for a familiar potato and eggs breakfast without compromising your health.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (3)

Grain-Free Spinach Pancakes with Wild Blueberries

These sweet and savory pancakes are my lectin-free take on the famous Finnish pancakes, pinaattiletut. They pack a lot of spinach and are made with almond and cassava flour, eggs, and non-dairy milk. I love to serve them with warm wild blueberries. If you want to stick to savory, you can get creative and have them with bacon, cheese, or salted butter. You can make the batter in a blender. With this fun presentation and interesting salty and sweet combination, you can wow anyone. This lectin-free breakfast is certainly not dull.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (4)

Green Shakshuka with Brussels Sprouts and Smoked Sausage

Something about shakshuka screams comfort, taste, and lazy, but gourmet mornings. It’s simple and festive at the same time; it’s nutritious, easy to make, and sharable. In this lectin-free version, I replace the traditional tomato base with a bed of nutritious greens. The result is a healthy, comforting, sharable lectin-free breakfast. To tell you a secret, I’ve had people making this for their New Year’s Eve dinner, and in my family is a favorite holiday brunch.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (5)

The Tortilla Wrap, the most satisfying lectin-free breakfast

This must be one of the most satisfying lectin-free breakfasts I’ve ever made. It started with a viral Tik Tok trend that took over the internet in just a few days. I felt we, too, the plant paradox followers, deserve to be part of such a viral experiment and show the world there are always healthier alternatives to any meal. And that’s how this lectin-free breakfast was born. Lectin-free tortillas are easy to make at home. They cal also be frozen and reheated. So you can always have some on hand when you want to put together a quick and delicious tortilla wrap for breakfast.

Lectin-Free Granola with Green Plantain and Nuts

I couldn’t put together a lectin-free breakfast recipe round-up without a granola recipe. Whether we want it or not, the cereal breakfast is familiar, comforting, and easy worldwide, and what you find in stores, even those labeled as ‘healthy’, are far from being nutritious meals. This lectin-free and sugar-free granola recipe was one of the first recipes I created more than three years ago.

It freezes well, so you can make a big batch in advance and keep it in the freezer. Since it has so many nuts, it doesn’t really freeze, so you don’t have to take it out from the freezer long time in advance.

Serve it with your favorite plant paradox-approved yogurt or with a non-dairy plant paradox-compliant milk. I prefer hemp milk with granola. The best brand available in the US is Pacific – Hemp Original, Unsweetened. It’s also easy to make at home.

Here, you find a recipe: Hemp Milk Recipe (A Healthier Alternative to Oat Milk).

Basil Seed Pudding with Cherries and Pistachios

Looking for a healthy and delicious breakfast, high-fiber snack, or light dinner option? Look no further than this basil seed pudding with cherries and pistachios recipe! Not only is this pudding lectin-free, but it’s also packed with nutrient-rich ingredients that will leave you feeling satisfied and energized throughout the day.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (9)

The Classic Pancakes, with Tigernut Flour and Wild Blueberries

Pancakes are a regular weekend breakfast in our home. I have many ways of making lectin-free pancakes, but this one is one of my favorites. They are easy to put together and personalize to your taste. Add your favorite nut butter, more or less sweetener, sprinkle with your favorite nuts, and you can even drizzle with Yacon Syrup, a healthy alternative to maple or agave syrup.

Gluten-Free German Pancakes Recipe (Low-Carb)

I’m excited to share with you my new recipe for lectin-free and gluten-free German pancakes, also known as Dutch baby pancakes. Because they are so good! These pancakes are not only delicious but also healthy and low-carb, making them a great option for anyone looking for a tasty breakfast treat that won’t weigh them down.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (11)

Gundry MD’s pancake mix (a quick and healthy option)

If you are not in the mood for the work, there is another, easier way. Get GundryMD’s Pancake Mix, and always have some in your pantry for the days when you feel like pancakes.

This plant-based, lectin-free pancake mix makes it possible to enjoy a delicious stack of pancakes right at home… without the grains, added sugars, or dangerous preservatives that come with most store-bought breakfast mixes.

When buying GundryMD’s Pancake Mix on my Ambassador Store, you will get more than 30% off if you buy six boxes. Just use the link above and save up to $36.00.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (12)
The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (13)

The morning lectin-light toast, everyday little bread

This might look a little weird to you, tomatoes for a lectin-free breakfast?

If seeds and peels are removed and you use organic, heirloom tomatoes, from your garden or a trusted farmer, in season, tomatoes are plant paradox approved if consumed in moderation. In that case, you might be able to reintroduce to your diet after you complete Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the plant paradox program.

My Everyday Lectin-Free Bread is the perfect vehicle for a breakfast toast. If you are not ready yet to adventure into tomato land, or not in season, you can top it with avocado, olives, cilantro and onions, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and even a little bit of compliant cheese if you wish. Top with a fried or poached egg, maybe?

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (14)
The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (15)

The superfoods, delicious smoothie, with avocado and collard greens

Smoothies are a popular lectin-free breakfast. Sometimes they are just easier to put together and even easier to digest. When it comes to combinations, the sky is the limit. When you need a kick and a smoothie that tastes like a dessert, try my superfoods smoothie. It tastes more like ice cream (which I can’t complain about), but it is packed with superfoods and nutrients.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (16)
The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (17)

The classic, refreshing plant paradox smoothie, the healthiest lectin-free breakfast

If you love smoothies, this is my smoothie recommendation for anyone doing the three-day plant paradox cleanse. Or whenever you feel like a reset. This lectin-free breakfast is packed with nutrients, is fresh, and easy to drink. Skip the coconut butter if you are doing the Phase 1 plant paradox.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (18)
The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (19)

Creamy Fonio Porridge with Almonds and Blueberries

This creamy fonio porridge with almonds and wild blueberries, flavored with toasted coriander seeds, is such a delicate, tasty, and satisfying breakfast or snack. Fonio is an ancient lectin-free and gluten-free, nutritious grain that cooks really fast and can be prepared in a variety of ways.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (20)

Sorghum Porridge with Walnuts and Warming Spices

Sorghum, a versatile and nutrient-rich grain, is the heart of this porridge recipe. Combined with the crunchy goodness of walnuts and a symphony of warming spices, it creates a comforting bowl that’s both delicious and healthful.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (21)

Salmon Egg Benedict

This used to be one of my favorite breakfasts to order when I lived in Dubai and ate out a lot. It all came on a toast, but I made a version without a toast. This breakfast is built on seven layers of goodness: romaine lettuce, avocado, smoked wild-caught salmon, pasture-raised egg, chives, olives, and almond ricotta. Lots of extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice for the salmon and avocado, salt and pepper.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (22)

The Bread, Butter and Jam

This one is my childhood breakfast. Now and then, I want a piece of bread with butter and jam. Even though the usual bread is not allowed on a lectin-free diet, there are so many ways to make lectin-free bread. You will find quite a few recipes in my book – The Living Well Without Lectins Cookbook – and on this website.

One of my favorite treats would be The Brazilian Cheese Bread with grass-fed butter, French butter, and homemade berry jam. Alternatively, you can use our sorghum bread rolls.

To make jam at home you just have to simmer berries (frozen are great) on low heat with a bit of bit of approved sweetener such as Lakanto monk fruit or inulin powder until it thickens. Agar-agar is an excellent thickener for jams if you want it to look more like a jelly. The jam can be stored in a fridge for about one week.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (23)

The Pecan (‘Peanut’) Butter and Jelly

Along the same lines as the above, but very American (growing up in Romania, I had no idea what peanut butter was until college), is a lectin-free version of peanut butter and jelly.

You can make the jam or jelly at home, have lectin-free bread on hand, and instead of peanut butter, use the best nut butter known to humankind: pecan butter. It can be bought from specialty stores or Amazon (read the ingredients) or made at home, quickly. Find the recipe for My Favorite Nut Butter: Pecan Butter here.

If you prefer the classic hazelnut spread, then try this healthy sugar-free Nutella. It is super easy to make and can be ready in 5 minutes.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (24)

The Occasional Lectin-Free Breakfast Treat

Muffins, cinnamon rolls, and oat cookies can make a delicious lectin-free breakfast in special moments. They are not the everyday favorite way to break your fast, but now and then, your first or second coffee (or tea) of the day deserves a little treat. Plus, these are made with wholesome, healthy ingredients, so you should not feel guilty.

Ginger and Turmeric Sweet Potato Muffins

Grain Free Lemon Blueberry Muffins

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (25)

The Cinnamon Rolls

I have to admit, I haven’t ventured to make cinnamon rolls from scratch, but GundryMD Multi Purpose Bread Mix comes to the rescue. One of the recipes on the pack is for Cinnamon Rolls. But you can make a lot of treats with this lectin-free flour mix, including bread. And remember you will save up to $36.00 when buying on my Gundry MD Ambassador Store.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (26)

The ‘oatmeal’ cookies

Another classic grab-and-go breakfast, the oat cookies can be easily made lectin-free, if that’s what you feel like.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (27)

I hope you enjoyed the lectin-free breakfast guide. If you have questions, feedback, or need more ideas for breakfast leave a comment.

*This post contains affiliated links, which means I get a small commission if you choose to purchase something via one of my links, at no extra cost to you.

The Ultimate Lectin-Free Breakfast Guide, Recipe Round-Up (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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