The Ultimate Guide to Appealing Health Insurance Denials (2024)

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If you appeal a health insurance denial correctly and promptly, you have a chance of getting the equipment or procedure covered. Many times, health insurance companies automatically deny anything that isn’t routine. It’s up to the patient (or the patient’s parent) to be persistent and get coverage by appealing the denial.

I recognize that the time and mental energy needed to fight a huge corporation may beyond your abilities, especially during times of stress. I’ve been there, which is why I created this guide to help make the process a bit easier.

I recently interviewed Mary Thompson, an amazing occupational therapist with 26 years of experience. She now works for a rehabilitation provider, appealing health insurance denials for their clients. Over the last 4 years, she’s learned a lot about appeals and dealing with insurance.

Quick Tips for Appealing Health Insurance Denials

Take notes

Keep a log of everyone you talk to when you contact your health insurance provider.

Write down:

  • Representative’s name
  • Representative’s title
  • Date & time of the phone call
  • What was discussed

If you have the representative’s email address, send a quick email after the phone call. Summarize what was discussed and lay out your interpretation of the next steps or what is needed. This will help reduce the chances of miscommunication and cover you if there is a disagreement about the call later.

Pay attention to deadlines

There are deadlines throughout the appeal process. If you’re trying to get coverage for an expensive item or treatment, missing a deadline by a single day is enough for the insurance company to continue denying coverage.

Usually, you have 30-60 days from the date of the denial to submit your appeal. The exact appeal process varies by the health insurance provider. It’s important to figure out the specific steps you need to take and when to take them.

If other steps are required, such as a second appeal, there will be additional deadlines to watch for. Always create a reminder for the appeal deadlines.


Develop a filing system for insurance-related documents so you can find exactly what you need when you need it. You should keep an exact copy of every letter you send to your insurance company.

When someone in your family is medically complex, I highly recommend investing in a scanner and storing the documents electronically. Use cloud storage, like Google Drive or Dropbox, as a backup in case your hard drive crashes.

Whether your files are paper or electronic, keep them organized in a way that makes sense to you. My electronic files are categorized by topic (appeals, receipts, travel, education, etc.), then by year. I also use the search feature of File Explorer to find what I need.

I create file names that are as descriptive as possible and include the date or month.

The Ultimate Guide to Appealing Health Insurance Denials (1)

Cover yourself

When physically mailing letters to your insurance company, always request a tracking number for the envelope. You may need to later prove it was mailed before the deadline, and it’s nice to know when/if it is delivered. We have no control over the postal system, so proving you mailed the document before the deadline covers your bases.

When faxing your insurance company, you can use a free service like FaxZero. You upload a PDF file to the website and confirm via email. The service will send an email when the fax has been successfully sent.

Do your research

To effectively fight a denial, you must know what your health insurance policy will and will not pay for. Ask for specifics of the denial, but also request the policy related to the requested coverage.

It may also be helpful to find out if Medicaid covers the specific service or equipment you are trying to get. Even if your health insurance provider doesn’t follow all the Medicaid rules, you have some justification in your appeal if the US government covers that thing.

Remember, health insurance is a business

Health insurance companies are businesses and their purpose is to make money. They’re not really trying to help people. Don’t expect a lot of sympathy or altruism.

Of course, great people are working for these companies, but the overall goal of an insurance company is to turn a profit. This leads to a lot of denials on the first attempt. The less they have to cover, the more money they make.

The Ultimate Guide to Appealing Health Insurance Denials (2)

Basic Process for Appealing a Health Insurance Denial

1. Request coverage for a service or equipment

Your provider (doctor, therapist, etc.) will submit the required paperwork to get a preauthorization before the service or to bill insurance after.

TIP: when you receive a bill from a healthcare provider, make sure the charges are appropriate and legitimate. You can request an itemized statement so you can review every single charge.

2. Receive a denial letter and/or Explanation of Benefits (EOB)

Both the patient (you) and the provider will receive a notification when something is denied. The reason given will probably be vague.

Mary Thompson said some of the more common justifications are “lack of medical necessity,” “experimental treatment,” or an error. If you’re lucky, it’s just a clerical error, which can be fixed easily. I’ll explain these terms and how to appeal these specific denials later.

3. Call your insurance company

Ask your health insurance company why the denial was issued. They’re required to give more detail, but you have to ask for it.

Put “work on appeal” on your calendar to make sure you get around to it AND have enough time before the due date.

Inquire whether your health insurance company provides a healthcare advocate, medical social worker, or nurse advocate for their subscribers. This person should be able to help you understand your benefits and why the claim was denied. They may also be able to help with the appeal process. Not every insurance company provides this benefit, unfortunately.

4. If the denial is due to a “lack of medical necessity,” get more information

Ask the health insurance company representative to email you the company policy related to the service or equipment you want to be covered. Getting the correct policy from the company will save you a lot of time, so you don’t have to try to find it on your own.

You’ll use this information to craft your appeal letter. Quote the policy back to the company to show how it applies to the patient you’re advocating for.

The Ultimate Guide to Appealing Health Insurance Denials (3)

5. If the denial is due to a clerical error, contact your provider

The easiest error for the patient to get resolved is a clerical error. When the wrong billing code is used, or something similar occurs, simply call your provider’s office and ask them to resubmit the claim. Once the corrected claim is submitted to the insurance company, it should be approved.

Your provider’s office can, and should, handle the resubmission and any associated insurance company correspondence without further involvement from you. You should keep an eye on your EOBs and the bills from the provider’s office, still.

6. Follow the appeal process

If you’re going to go forward with an appeal, make sure to ask for details of the process. The denial letter will detail the appeal process but clarify the steps with the representative while you have them on the phone.

Make sure to follow the process exactly as detailed, and stick to the deadlines.

7. Always ask what the next step is

An appeal is not guaranteed to be successful. Ask what the next step is if this appeal is denied. This lets the insurance company know that you’re not going away and will pursue the matter.

8. Follow the process, but don’t be afraid to go beyond

When a first appeal is denied, you often have the option to appeal again, and then you may be able to request a medical review. Keep pursuing coverage, especially if it’s a crucial service or piece of equipment.

Another option is to request an external review. This moves the appeal outside the health insurance company, where a third party makes a decision on the claim.

In the most extreme cases, you can always mention your willingness to take the matter to the state insurance commission. If you do go that route, exact copies of the letters you’ve submitted to your insurance company already will bolster your case.

The Ultimate Guide to Appealing Health Insurance Denials (4)

Why are health insurance claims denied?

Clerical errors

In the best-case scenario, a claim is denied due to a clerical error, either at the provider’s office or at the insurance company. Examples of errors include: the wrong billing code is used, a date is incorrect, or something else is just entered incorrectly.

Once you find out the case of the denial, you can ask the provider’s office to correct the error and resubmit the claim. Usually, that will solve the problem and the claim will be processed.

“Lack of medical necessity”

This phrase is kind of a catch-all euphemism for “we don’t want to spend the money, so we’re testing how serious you are about this” (that’s my interpretation from my own experiences).

Mary did say this was the primary reason she sees for denying a claim. Since it’s a vague reason, it can be hard to know where to start appealing, especially for a layperson. This is when you ask for specific information about the denial, including a copy of the insurance policy that applies.

You then need to relate the policy to the patient – show they meet the conditions outlined or demonstrate the need for the treatment concerning the policy. Quote the policy in your appeal letter to show you’ve done your research and it applies to the patient.

The patient may also need to follow the steps outlined in the benefits policy. Often, you have to try and fail other treatments first, before something more expensive will be covered. For example, when getting approval for my daughter to start a new epilepsy medication, we had to show she’d unsuccessfully tried several other medications first. The process should be outlined in the policy.

You may be able to avoid some of the steps in the appeal process if your provider’s office appeals on your behalf. They’re not required to and are often too busy to do so, but an appeal from a medical professional can go a long way. A professional explaining why the other treatments won’t work can save a lot of time and wasted effort.

“Experimental” treatment

When you’re told the denial is due to the treatment being considered experimental, ask for more information. “Experimental” is defined by each insurance company, so you need to know why.

A treatment not recognized by the FDA could be experimental, even if it’s the best course of action in other countries. Your health insurance company could also decide there isn’t “enough” evidence to support using the treatment.

The provider’s office is a good resource when appealing an “experimental” denial. Ask for help finding research published in accredited medical journals to bolster your appeal.

Out of network

Each health insurance company has its own network of providers. The doctor you see isn’t guaranteed to be in-network, so it’s important to check coverage before even making the appointment. It’s much better to find out before the treatment. That will allow you to appeal the denied reauthorization rather than appealing the health insurance denial.

You’ll likely have to pay for out-of-network treatments if appealing after the fact. If you’re lucky your policy’s out-of-network plan will pay a portion of the bill, but it may not pay anything. Some plans will even cover out-of-network providers the same as in-network, especially in rural areas.

Health insurance is more likely to cover emergency expenses. Unexpected, time-sensitive treatments can’t always be performed by an in-network provider. That’s a good basis for an appeal.

The Ultimate Guide to Appealing Health Insurance Denials (5)

Writing your appeal for a health insurance denial

Identify the patient

In addition to including the date of the appeal letter, make sure to list:

  • The patient’s first & last name
  • Patient’s address
  • The name of the person appealing (if you’re not the patient)
  • Insurance ID number
  • Patient’s date of birth
  • Provider name
  • Date of service (if it has already occurred)

The treatment/equipment is “reasonable and necessary” to “improve, prevent, or stabilize the condition.”

Know that the treatment doesn’t necessarily have to improve the situation to be reasonable and necessary. Preventing a decline or complication, or stabilizing a current condition that isn’t going to change, is enough.

The Jimmo settlement ruled that improvement isn’t a necessary condition of a “reasonable and necessary” treatment. I recommend researching how this ruling applies to your specific situation, then using that knowledge in your appeal letter.

The treatment will “facilitate the approach or approximation of a milestone or building block.”

For pediatric patients, point out that the child needs the treatment to make gains toward age-appropriate milestones. Even if the child never actually reaches that goal, improvement is important.

The treatment “facilitates communication of wants and needs” of the patient.

When you can’t communicate your wants and needs, there’s a high chance they won’t be met. Any treatment that assists in this process should be justifiable.

The treatment “improves the patient’s ability to get their basic human needs met.”

Anything that affects a person’s ability to care for themselves or impacts another person’s ability to care for the patient is reasonable. Denying these treatments can drift into areas of neglect and abuse in the worst-case scenarios.

Show who the patient is

Go out of your way to humanize the patient as much as possible. Use their first name, mention how the denied service or equipment is/could improve their life, and include photos of cute young patients. You want the people at the insurance company to see you & your family as real people, not just a claim.

If you can, send a short video. It’s powerful to actually see the real person involved.

Involve the provider

I always like to get a letter of medical necessity from the provider. That letter will have more medical information and carry more weight with the insurance company. Make sure to include the letter with your appeal letter.

A really great provider with a fully-staffed office may even file the appeal on your behalf.

The Ultimate Guide to Appealing Health Insurance Denials (6)

Appealing Health Insurance Denials Before the Service

When you’re planning an expensive procedure or medical purchase, it’s always a good idea to have the provider’s office ask your health insurance provider if a preauthorization is required. This is an approval process that occurs before conducting the service or ordering the equipment.

If the preauthorization is denied, you can appeal using the strategies outlined here. An appeal is more effective if it comes from the provider’s office, but there isn’t always time for that. I know from personal experience that patient appeals can also be approved.

Key Take-aways

Be proactive

As much as you can, anticipate what treatment, therapy, surgery, or equipment you (or your child) will need ahead of time. It takes forever to get expensive things approved, ordered, scheduled, and implemented. It’s less stressful to start the process early before it becomes critical (like when your kid outgrows their wheelchair but has to squeeze into the old one for months while waiting on the new one).

Be persistent

Your tenacity is probably the most important factor in whether a claim is approved. Giving up guarantees failure.

Mary stated, “so many people just can’t.” They can’t continue fighting, they can’t invest the time required, or they can’t overcome their depression or anxiety. Unfortunately, successful appeals of health insurance denials often depend on being able to do these things.

I wish I could refer you to a resource that walks you through the appeal process and really holds your hand, but I don’t know of such an organization. The Patient Advocate Foundation looks promising, so check it out if you need more assistance.

In my own life, I have filed multiple successful appeals on my daughter’s behalf. I’ve written second appeal letters and requested a medical review. I know how hard all of this is, how much mental energy it takes. Just remember that you can do this, especially when it’s really important.

The Ultimate Guide to Appealing Health Insurance Denials (2024)


The Ultimate Guide to Appealing Health Insurance Denials? ›

When consumers challenge a healthcare service their insurer denied, they win about half the time, data from California insurance departments show. The Affordable Care Act allows all consumers to appeal any denied service to a third party, like a state insurance department.

What percentage of insurance appeals are successful? ›

When consumers challenge a healthcare service their insurer denied, they win about half the time, data from California insurance departments show. The Affordable Care Act allows all consumers to appeal any denied service to a third party, like a state insurance department.

Which health insurance company denies the most claims? ›

UnitedHealthcare is the worst insurance company for paying claims with about one-third of claims denied. Kaiser Permanente is the best large health insurance company for paying claims, denying only 7% of medical bills. Currently insured? It's free, simple and secure.

When a claim is denied, it may usually be appealed within what time period? ›

You must file your internal appeal within 180 days (6 months) of receiving notice that your claim was denied.

What are the two types of claim denial appeals? ›

The appeal process gives you two options for appealing a denial: an internal appeal and an external appeal.

Are appeals hard to win? ›

Winning an appeal is very hard. You must prove that the trial court made a legal mistake that caused you harm. The trial court does not have to prove it was right, but you have to prove there was a mistake. So it is very hard to win an appeal.

How to successfully appeal a medical insurance denial? ›

Steps to Appeal a Health Insurance Claim Denial
  1. Step 1: Find Out Why Your Claim Was Denied. ...
  2. Step 2: Call Your Insurance Provider. ...
  3. Step 3: Call Your Doctor's Office. ...
  4. Step 4: Collect the Right Paperwork. ...
  5. Step 5: Submit an Internal Appeal. ...
  6. Step 6: Wait For An Answer. ...
  7. Step 7: Submit an External Review. ...
  8. Review Your Plan Coverage.

How do I write an effective insurance appeal letter? ›

How to write an appeal letter to insurance company appeals departments
  1. Step 1: Gather Relevant Information. ...
  2. Step 2: Organize Your Information. ...
  3. Step 3: Write a Polite and Professional Letter. ...
  4. Step 4: Include Supporting Documentation. ...
  5. Step 5: Explain the Error or Omission. ...
  6. Step 6: Request a Review. ...
  7. Step 7: Conclude the Letter.
Feb 15, 2024

How long can the appeals process typically take? ›

The Length of an Appeal in State Court vs. in Federal Court

The first is state court, while the second is federal court. If you are appealing your case in state court, the timeline is generally 14 to 24 months or even longer until you have a decision. In federal court, this time can be extended to two years or more.

Why would a medical insurance claim be denied? ›

This may happen if you don't pay your monthly premiums or run out of COBRA coverage. Claims also can be denied for a clinical reason. For example, a service may not be considered medically necessary, or the right level of care wasn't provided given your specific condition.

How to fight back when your health insurance won't cover treatment? ›

If you are not satisfied with your health insurer's review process or decision, call the California Department of Insurance (CDI). You may be able to file a complaint with CDI or another government agency. If your policy is regulated by CDI, you can file a complaint at any time.

What is the denial rate for health insurance? ›

Healthcare providers consider a claim denial rate above 10% a red zone for a center's financial stability. In 2022, the claims denial rate for the Healthcare Industry was 11% (Crowe RCA benchmarking analysis). For the average-sized health center, according to Crowe, that means 110,000 unpaid claims a year.

Does UnitedHealthcare deny a lot of claims? ›

UnitedHealth has caught the eyes of attorneys across the nation for its bleak reputation. UnitedHealthcare has a background abundance of unjustified claim denials to those it ensures.

What are the chances of a successful appeal? ›

You may want to know: What are the chances of successfully overturning a judge's ruling on appeal? The answer depends entirely on the specific circ*mstances of your case. That being said, the state and federal data show that the overall success rate is between 7% and 20%.

What percentage of people win appeals? ›

The chances of winning a criminal appeal in California are low (about 20 percent of appeals are successful).

What percentage of cases make it to the court of appeals? ›

Appeals are filed in 10.9 percent of filed cases, and 21.0 percent of cases if one limits the sample to cases with a definitive judgment for plaintiff or defendant. The appeal rate is 39.6 percent in tried cases compared to 10.0 percent of nontried cases.

What is the outcome of most appeals? ›

The vast majority of courts of appeals decisions are final, and they are binding on lower courts within the same circuit.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.