The Truth about the Home Office Deduction | Mark J. Kohler (2024)

There’s more interest in the Home Office Deduction than ever before and justifiably so. With the ‘great resignation’, there has been the ‘great formation’. More Americans than ever have a home office with a side-hustle or even a full-time business operation!

According to a Stanford Study, it’s estimated that more than 47% of full-time workers now work from home. Also, almost twice as many employees are working from home as at work.

As such, millions of Americans are wondering if there could be a tax deduction in all of this for the ‘wear and tear’ on their floors, furniture, and refrigerator.

Good News and Bad News about Home Office Deductions

Bad News

First, the bad news. If you are an employee, and do not have any type of side-hustle or small business, you’re not going to have a write-off.

Under current U.S. tax law, there is no longer a deduction for ‘unreimbursed employee expenses’. This means that when you are forced to work from home and paid as an employee with a W-2. There’s no write-off for the cost of you sharing your home supplies, equipment or space. I’m sorry. However…there are options. Please read on.

Good News

If you can talk your employer into it, IF they do reimburse you for the ‘cost’ of you sharing your wonderful home as a new corporate workspace. Those reimbursem*nts are typically tax-free. Otherwise stated, the company gets a tax deduction. You, the employee, don’t have to include the income in your W-2.

However, if any of those funds exceed a fair ‘cost’ reimbursem*nt, it could turn into rental income. It could possibly even be included in your W-2 (we want to avoid either of those issues if possible). Make sure to talk with your employer about the options for the amount and how to categorize it properly.

Great News for a Home Office Deduction

The best option and good news is that if you have any type of small business you are likely to qualify for the home office deduction.

In fact, I will encourage you and WANT you to take the home office deduction. At the least, it will be as a deduction supporting your side-hustle, rental property business, or any 1099 you might be earning.

That’s right! I want andneed you to have a side-gig or side-hustle in your life. This opens the door to many powerful write-offs, including that treasured home office deduction.

In fact, chances are you already have some sort of side-gig and may not even know it. This could include anything from driving for Uber, selling a product online, providing a service business, or part-time consulting.

Yes…again…a “side-hustle”, or “side-gig”, with any type of 1099-NEC is code for “Small Business”. NOW we can talk about the home office deduction and I want you to take it!

Dispelling the Myth that it’s a Risky Deduction

Bottom line, it’s not a risk to take the home office deduction if you do it right – period!!

Before I get into the requirements and your options for deducting the home office, keep that fact in mind. I’m sick and tired of hearing new clients and students of mine explain that their personal accountant is ‘afraid’ for them that they may get audited. Hence, they encourage their clients to not take the deduction and explain that it’s ‘high risk’. That simply isn’t true.

As long as you are entitled to it… take it! But it’s true….don’t get greedy or too aggressive. Make sure to use the proper method or strategy that’s best for your situation. Even if you are audited, you shouldn’t shy away from taking a deduction, when you can legally do so.

Another Reason to take the Home Office Deduction – Your Auto!

There’s another incredible reason for even a conservative home office deduction: it opens the door to a great auto deduction!

Think about it. Mileage commuting to and from work, as well as for the personal use of your vehicle is nota write-off. However, if you have a “home office” (no matter how small) for your side-gig (aka. small business)…you can now justify writing off A LOT more auto mileage when leaving the home office to pursue your side-gig.

Moreover, don’t overlook the benefit of the home office to justify so many other expenses that come with it! Maybe it could be equipment, supplies, electronics, storage, and of course the auto mileage. Think outside of the box when you have a side gig!


You have a small business office or worksite 10 miles from your home. When you set up a home office as a principal place of business (or Administrative Office- see below), you convert the commuting (typically not deductible) from your home to your second office into business miles. The elimination of your commute creates 5,000 business miles by year-end (20 miles a day round trip, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year). With the deductible business standard mileage rate in 2022 of .585 cents multiplied by 5,000 miles, that’s an extra $2,925 deduction that you wouldn’t have without the qualifying home office.

Need I quote the CPA, Christian Wolff, played by Ben Affleck in one of the opening scenes of “The Accountant”? Christian gives his farming clients a little tutorial on the home-office deduction. He does take a few liberties with the “exclusive use test” (see below). He certainly nails the concept.

The bonus for us nerdy accounts with the character Christian Wolff, is that we finally have a hero other than Rick Moranis in the 1984 version of “Ghostbusters”.

FIRST: Two(2) Requirements to Claim the Home Office Deduction

Before you can talk about ‘how’ you take the deduction, you want to make sure you ‘can’. There are two basic requirements for your home to qualify as a deduction. You have to meet BOTH of them:

1. Regular and Exclusive Use

This is the most difficult test to satisfy and one where the IRS finds most of its leverage. First the technical rule: A taxpayer/business owner must regularly use part of your home exclusively for conducting business. Now I know the word ‘exclusively’ may concern you. Many people don’t have a space that is dedicated exclusively to business. There’s a good chance you might go into the room at night in your underwear eating cereal and watch a movie or return an email to your grandma. However, there are two exceptions that may still open the door for taxpayers to meet the exclusivity test.

Deminimize use

  • In the Miller v Commissioner case the Court recognized that the exclusive use rule can be difficult for owners of small homes. They forgive you for what they call “de minimis” personal use. In a practical sense, this means that you can set up your office in an area that you must walkt hrough for personal reasons. Then still consider it an exclusive space for business. For example, in the Hughes case, the court allowed the taxpayer to have his office in a walk-through closet, even though he had to pass through the space to get to the bathroom. However, the Court in the Elmer Stalcup case denied the de minimis exception in a situation where a taxpayer used the space to store personal items, and in the Sengpiehl case when a taxpayer used the space occasionally to host family meals. Think of the de minimis rule as a walk-through rule. Essentially, if you simply pass through the area, you can useit for office space. If you use the space for personal reasons, you probably violate the exclusive use rule.

Small Home

  • If you live in a small home or even rent a studio apartment, you can still qualify for the home office deduction and create an ‘exclusive space’ for the business. Consider the example in the Albert Mills case, where the taxpayer created a court-approved home office for 23 percent of his 422-square-foot home. For example, some people have suggested a type of ‘mini office’ where you can pull it out or fold it up when needed. This could even be a cabinet that may only take up 6-8 square feet, but you can use it exclusively for storing your business materials, computer, etc…and open it up and fold out a desktop to manage your business when needed. This type of strategy would close the door on the exclusive test, and open the door to a better auto deduction and more.

2. Principal Place of Your Business

This has become the easier of the 2-part test to satisfy. In year’s past this was a serious qualification, because if you had ‘another office’ in town for your business, your home office was generally off-limits. This was because your ‘principal’ place of doing business was the ‘other’ office. However, if you have in-person meetings with patients, clients, or customers in your home in the normal course of your business, even though you also carry on business at another location, you can deduct your expenses for the part of your home used exclusively and regularly for business. The big breakthrough for taxpayers however was in the Commissioner v Soliman case.

Dr. Soliman Blazed the Trail

In 1991 the IRS took on Dr. Soliman, an anesthesiologist, and disallowed his home office deduction. In 1993, the Supreme Court sided with the IRS and agreed that Dr. Soliman didn’t meet the Principal Place of Business Test. Although the anesthesiologist used a room in his home exclusively to perform administrative and management activities for his profession (i.e., he spent two or three hours a day in his home office on bookkeeping, correspondence, reading medical journals, and communicating with surgeons, patients, and insurance companies), the Supreme Court upheld the IRS position that the “principal place of business” for the taxpayer was not the home office, because the taxpayer performed the “essence of the professional service” at the hospitals. So what’s the big deal?!

In response to this terrible case, Congress passed the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 (effective 1999) and passed new legislation in regards to the Home Office Deduction. During the process, the House Ways and Means Committee explained that a home office qualifies as the “principal place of business” if the office is

  • used by the taxpayer to conduct administrative or management activities of a trade or business[,] and
  • there is no other fixed location of the trade or business where thetaxpayer conducts substantial administrative or management activities of the trade or business.

Thus, the ‘Administrative office’ has evolved to give many, many taxpayers the option to meet clients/customers at a ‘main office’, but then comes home to return email, billing, do the books, and various other administrative tasks.

TIPIf you have multiple businesses, i.e. a rental property business, use the home office deduction for this business and leave it alone for your primary or operational business.

SECOND: Two (2) Options to Calculate the Home Office Deduction

Generally, deductions for a home office are based on the percentage of your home devoted to business use. If you use a whole room or part of a room for conducting your business, you need to figure out the percentage of your home devoted to your business activities. However, the IRS has now come up with another option for completing the actual ‘calculation’.

1. Simplified Option.

The simplified option can significantly reduce the recordkeeping burden by allowing a qualified taxpayer to multiply a prescribed rate by the allowable square footage of the office in lieu of determining actual expenses. (Rather than the Regular Method – see below). There are several principal benefits of this relatively new option (since 2014):

  • Business owners are allowed to take a deduction of $5 per square foot for the part of their home used for business (a maximum 300 square feet). Essentially $1,500 per year.
  • This method still allows business owners to claim their mortgage interest and property taxes as Itemized Deductions on Schedule A without allocating a portion to the Home Office Write-off.
  • There is NO requirement to recapture home office depreciation later when you sell your personal residence.

2. Regular Method.

This is the better option if the business owner has an expensive residence, home office design, or more square footage. Thus, it’s important to take advantage of the bigger write-off and not settle for the simplified option. However, it also take math and record-keeping. The issues to consider include:

  • Deductions for a home office are based on the percentage of your home devoted to business use multiplied by expenses to maintain the home.
  • Allowable expenses include mortgage interest, insurance, utilities, repairs, and depreciation.
  • You will be stealing deductions from your Itemized Schedule A deductions in order to maximize the Home Office write-off, but that may not be a bad thing with the new limits on Mortgage Interest and Property Taxes. See my article on the new “The New Home Mortgage Interest Deduction”.
  • You will have to recapture the depreciation you took for the Home Office when you sell your home in the future.
  • And…don’t forget the record-keeping to justify those expenses you are taking.


For those of you operating as S-Corporations, standard industry practice is to calculate a fair home office ‘reimbursem*nt’ amount and take a deduction for rent on the S-Corp tax return. The reimbursem*nt is tax-free to you, and the rent is obviously a tax deduction for the S-Corp. However a couple of important notes or requirements:

  • Make sure the amount of the write-off is not inflated. It would be exactly or at least similar to the amount taken with the home office worksheet for a sole-proprietorship.
  • Consider putting the expense on the 1120S under “office expense”. If you put it on the “rent” line, then the IRS (computer system or auditor) may look for the rent to be claimed on the personal 1040 and we don’t want this to occur. It truly is a ‘reimbursem*nt’ and tax deductible for the S-Corp and tax-free to the individual.
  • It’s also critical you have an “Accountable Plan” set forth in your Annual Minutes for your S-Corp. See my article “Maintaining Your S-Corporation”. The IRS requires an ‘accountable plan’ for this expense and others when it benefits the employees and/or owners.
  • Finally, if you are worried about ‘audit risk’, this is a great way to take the deduction in a much less visible manner and further reduce your chances of an IRS taking an interest in your deduction.

Don’t get Sneaky

You think all of these business deductions are a waste of time. You may also think “I’ll just claim this money ‘under the table’. Not a good idea. You could get busted by the IRS. Along with that you WANT to claim the income to increase your overall financial picture.

This extra ‘net’ income on your tax return could possibly fund retirement accounts, qualify you for a mortgage to buy a home, or even better terms on your current mortgage…and don’t forget: More tax write-offs!

The bottom line, having a small business allows you to better build AND live the American Dream. Moreover, the home-office deduction is just a small part of the overall equation. Talk with your CPA and demand an aggressive position on this deduction. Don’t be talked out of NOT taking it simply out of fear, but ONLY if you clearly don’t qualify.

The Truth about the Home Office Deduction | Mark J. Kohler (2024)


Is it worth taking a home office deduction? ›

Although there may have been some merit to this advice in the past, changes in the tax rules in the late 1990s made it easier for people who work out of their homes to qualify for these write-offs. So if you qualify, by all means, take it.

What is the home office deduction for 2024? ›

Sadly, that's not the case anymore. If you work at home as an employee — even for your employer's convenience — you can no longer deduct your out-of-pocket expenses. As of 2023, there are no longer deductions for unreimbursed employee expenses.

What are the disadvantages of claiming home office on taxes? ›

Cons of a Home Office Deduction

The portion of the gain attributable to the home office use would be subject to capital gains taxes, which may result in a tax bill higher than any savings the homeowner may have seen from the home office deduction, depending on the size of the capital gain.

What does IRS allow for home office deduction? ›

Deductible expenses for business use of your home include the business portion of real estate taxes, mortgage interest, rent, casualty losses, utilities, insurance, depreciation, maintenance, and repairs.

Can I write-off my internet bill if I work from home? ›

Internet bills are one of the work from home tax deductions self-employed individuals can take. Utilities are considered a home business tax deduction. When deducting a cell phone for business, you can only write off the business use portion.

Can you write-off utilities for a home office? ›

The home office deduction, calculated on Form 8829, is available to both homeowners and renters. There are certain expenses taxpayers can deduct. These may include mortgage interest, insurance, utilities, repairs, maintenance, depreciation and rent.

What are the three general rules for qualifying your home office as a business expense? ›

You can claim a home office deduction if both of these apply:
  • You use your home exclusively and regularly for administrative or management activities of your trade or business, and.
  • There's no other fixed location where you conduct substantial administrative or management activities of your trade or business.

What is the largest home office deduction? ›

Instead of calculating actual expenses, you can use a standard deduction based on the square footage of your home office. As of the last update in 2022, the rate is $5 per square foot, up to a maximum of 300 square feet. Calculating office space for taxes requires careful consideration and adherence to IRS guidelines.

Can I write-off a desk for my home office? ›

If you opt for the regular method, you can write off the cost of any furniture or renovations that are used exclusively for your home office. This can include items such as desks, chairs, filing cabinets, bookcases, and office supplies. To be eligible for a write-off, the item must be used solely for business purposes.

Why don't I qualify for the home office deduction? ›

First, it needs to be the primary space where you work; if you rent office space somewhere else, your home office isn't tax-deductible. Second, the space needs to be dedicated to working; if you eat at your kitchen table and you also work at it, technically it doesn't qualify.

What is the income limit for home office deduction? ›

You cannot claim more than the gross income of your business in a tax year. For instance, if your gross income is $7,000, then you cannot deduct $9,000 as home office expense. So, your business income can be a deduction limit.

Can I deduct a portion of my mortgage for home office? ›

You can't deduct your mortgage payments. Mortgage interest and rent payments can be deducted, but only the portion that applies to your home office. The IRS has a home office deduction worksheet that will help you calculate this (scroll to the bottom of the document).

What is the actual method of home office deduction? ›

To claim home office deductions on your 2023 return, you can choose either of the following methods: Actual expense method. Under this method, you write off the full amount of your direct expenses and a proportionate amount of your indirect expenses based on the percentage of business use of the home.

Should I use the simplified home office deduction? ›

Is it a good idea to use the simplified home office deduction? Only if the deduction you could obtain using the regular method isn't much more than $1,500. Most people with home offices, particularly those who rent their homes, can qualify for a home office deduction much larger than $1,500.

Can I write off my mortgage if I work from home? ›

Generally, you cannot deduct items related to your home, such as mortgage interest, real estate taxes, utilities, maintenance, rent, depreciation, or property insurance, as business expenses. However, you may be able to deduct expenses related to the business use of part of your home if you meet specific requirements.

How much can you save with home office deduction? ›

Instead of calculating actual expenses, you can use a standard deduction based on the square footage of your home office. As of the last update in 2022, the rate is $5 per square foot, up to a maximum of 300 square feet.

Can you write-off your home office if you work from home? ›

If you only work from home for part of the year, you can only claim the deduction for the period that you can satisfy the "regularly and exclusively" requirements. "Regular use" means you use a specific area of your home (e.g., a room or other separately identifiable space) for business regularly.

Do I have to depreciate my home for home office deduction? ›

Depreciation allows for your property's decrease in value due to normal wear and tear. If you claim home office expenses using the actual expense method, you deduct depreciation if you have profit. Under the safe harbor method, you don't.

Can I deduct home improvements if I have a home office? ›

To qualify for the home office deduction you must have a legitimate business and use part of your home exclusively and regularly for the business. If you qualify for this deduction, you can deduct 100% of the cost of improvements you make just to your home office. Use the links below for additional information.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.