The Truth about the Butterfly Bush (And What To Plant Instead!) (2024)

Updated on 10 August 2023

The enchanting allure of the butterfly bush

Many gardeners are attracted to the butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii) because of its name and signature flowers. These deciduous shrubs, known to some as summer lilacs, can grow up to 10 feet tall, making them appear quite grand in a garden. The way butterfly bush grows, with its arching stems and flower clusters with spikes, truly draws the eye.

But despite its allure, there's a lesser-known truth about butterfly bush. While these seemingly harmless plants do invite and provide nectar to some adult butterflies, the truth is there are better — equally colorful and beneficial to insects — options for gardeners who want to attract butterflies and help them through all stages of their life cycles.

The Truth about the Butterfly Bush (And What To Plant Instead!) (1)

Why you should think twice before you plant a butterfly bush

The butterfly bush is not native to North America; it is a species that evolved in Asia where it was first cultivated as an ornamental. Because of this, not a single native caterpillar in North America can feed on butterfly bush. Without host plants to feed their caterpillars, butterflies can’t complete their lifecycle and their populations suffer..

The butterfly bush is a popular ornamental plant because it thrives in most garden conditions, especially in warmer climates and well-drained soils. These conditions allow the butterfly bush to produce abundant seeds that easily spread outside defined garden areas to natural areas. A single butterfly bush flower can produce 40,000 seeds and each bush is filled with many flowers.

In these natural areas, the butterfly bush becomes an invasive plant. It's considered a noxious weed in some regions because it can out-compete native plants and destroy habitat. Native plants are crucial host plants for local caterpillars and other pollinators.

So while the butterfly bush may appear to attract many butterflies to your yard, it can inadvertently damage the local ecosystem by spreading into natural areas and crowding out the native plants crucial to butterfly life cycles.

The Truth about the Butterfly Bush (And What To Plant Instead!) (2)

The role of host plants in supporting butterflies

Unlike butterfly bush, many native plants serve as host plants for butterflies. A prime example of such a plant is milkweed. This plant, unlike the butterfly bush, provides a place for caterpillars to feed and grow as well as nectar for the adult butterflies.
Garden for Wildlife™ collaborator, entomologist Dr. Doug Tallamy, stated, “People rationalize their perceived need for butterfly bush because they think it helps butterflies. What they really want is a pretty plant in their yard.”

Embrace native plants for a flourishing garden

To provide the support butterflies, birds, and other important wildlife needs, gardeners would be well-advised to plant native plants. These plants invite butterflies and support their entire life cycle from caterpillar to adult, contributing to the biodiversity in your garden.

Depending on where you live and your garden goals, there are many beautiful, easy-to-grow, native plants that will better support butterflies and other wildlife. These native alternatives to the butterfly bush can even thrive in small spaces.

The Truth about the Butterfly Bush (And What To Plant Instead!) (4)

Butterfly bush alternatives: embrace the power of native plants

We have compiled some excellent native alternatives to butterfly bush. These plants attract butterflies and are proven to aid their survival better in the US than the invasive butterfly bush.

OPTION #1: Snowy Milkweed - Asclepias perennis — a resilient alternative

Commonly known as snowy milkweed or aquatic milkweed, this plant is another great substitute for butterfly bush. It's a resilient plant that can return year after year. It's ideal for areas with continuously wet soil and can handle the early to mid summer, early spring, and late fall conditions better than the butterfly bush.

Native Range: AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, SC, TN, TX

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Buy snowy milkweed plant set

OPTION #2: Whorled Milkweed - Asclepias verticillata — the ideal dry-sun plant

Also known as whorled milkweed, this is a host plant for monarch caterpillars and is ideal for dry, sunny, and part shade areas in summer. This plant, with its pale green-white flowers, serves as a fantastic replacement plant for the butterfly bush, offering much more to the local fauna.

Native Range: AL, AR, AZ, CT, DC, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NM, OH, OK, PA,SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, WI, WV, WY

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Buy whorled milkweed plant set

For even more milkweed variety ideas that are better options than a butterfly bush, check out Milkweed for Monarchs’ long list.

OPTION #3: Orange Butterfly Milkweed - Asclepias tuberosa —the powerhouse of pollinator gardens

Also known as orange milkweed or butterfly weed, this perennial presents itself with large, flat-topped clusters of yellow-orange or bright-orange flowers. It's a fantastic option for areas with well-drained soil, requiring full sun for optimal growth.

Orange milkweed grows in compact, small “bush-like” tough plants that can be clustered for maximum impact. This makes them an excellent addition to perennial beds and can help attract those all-important butterflies better than any butterfly bush could.

Native Range: AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WI, WV

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Buy orange butterfly milkweed plant set (i)- Northeastern US

Buy orange butterfly milkweed plant set (ii)- Southeastern US

OPTION #4: Swamp Milkweed - Asclepias incarnata- a striking jewel in native landscapes

Pink Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) is a captivating addition to home wildlife gardens. With vibrant pink blooms, it attracts pollinators like Monarch butterflies and various bee species, contributing to their conservation. Thriving in wetter conditions, it's suitable for rain gardens and supports wetland wildlife. Low-maintenance and adaptable, it blooms from late spring through summer, ensuring a vibrant garden for an extended duration. By incorporating Pink Swamp Milkweed, you enhance your garden's visual appeal while fostering biodiversity and creating a haven for cherished wildlife, making it a valuable asset for home wildlife gardens.

Native Range: AL, AR, CT, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, and WV

Buy Pink Swamp Milkweed Plant Sets

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OPTION #5: American Beautyberry Shrub - Callicarpa americana - a striking jewel in native landscapes

The American Beautyberry Shrub is a captivating native plant that adds a burst of vibrant color to any garden. This deciduous shrub is renowned for its stunning display of brightly colored berries that cluster along its arching branches.

Its white flowers offer nectar to native bees, and it serves as the caterpillar host plant for the spring azure butterfly and the snowberry clearwing moth.

In the late summer and fall, the American Beautyberry Shrub transforms into a show-stopping spectacle with its lustrous, iridescent purple berries. These berries not only serve as a visual delight but also provide a valuable food source for a variety of wildlife, including birds and small mammals.

This shrub prefers well-drained soil and thrives in full to partial sun, making it a versatile choice for different garden settings. With its manageable size and bushy growth habit, the American Beautyberry Shrub can be a splendid addition to perennial beds or used as an eye-catching focal point in your landscape design.

Native Range: AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, TX, VA

Embrace the beauty of nature with an American Beautyberry Shrub.

Buy American Beautyberry Shrubs

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A final word on native plants versus butterfly bushes

Instead of opting for the butterfly bush, consider these alternatives. The impact of these native plants on the local butterfly population, and the ecosystem as a whole, will be significantly more positive.

In the battle of butterfly bush vs. native plants, the latter undoubtedly triumphs in terms of supporting butterflies. The native plants provide nourishment and homes for local butterflies, other pollinators, and even birds, enhancing your garden's biodiversity.

Check out our list for even more native milkweed variety ideas that are better options than a butterfly bush. Not only do these alternatives provide a beautiful addition to your garden, but they also play a significant role in supporting your local wildlife.

Butterfly Bush FAQs

What are the risks when growing a butterfly bush?

Butterfly bushes grow and spread aggressively, often out-competing native plants. This can disrupt local ecosystems and decrease food and habitat availability for beneficial insects and other wildlife.

Can butterfly bushes harm the butterfly populations they attract?

While butterfly bushes can attract adult butterflies with their flower spikes, they don't serve as host plants for the larval caterpillar stage of butterflies. Butterfly species need resources in all stages of life. This mismatch can disrupt butterfly life cycles and contribute to the decline of local butterfly populations.

What's the impact of Buddleia davidii on native plants?

Buddleia davidii can out-compete and crowd out native plants due to its fast growth and seed production. This could detrimentally impact native ecosystems.

What are some native alternatives to butterfly bushes?

Native alternatives to butterfly bushes that also attract butterflies include butterfly weed, native host plants, and other native flowering plants. These can provide food for adult butterflies and also serve as host plants for their larvae.

Why should I choose native plants over butterfly bushes for my pollinator garden?

Native plants provide food and habitat for both the adult butterflies and their caterpillars, as well as other pollinators, songbirds, and other wildlife. Unlike butterfly bushes, they don't become invasive or disrupt local ecosystems.

Are butterfly bushes bad for all gardens?

While butterfly bushes can provide aesthetic appeal due to their deep purple, pink, or white flower spikes and can attract adult butterflies, their aggressive growth and potential to become invasive can make them a problematic choice in many gardens, especially in areas close to natural habitats.

Is it difficult to control the spread of butterfly bushes?

Yes, controlling the spread of butterfly bushes can be challenging. They grow rapidly and their seeds spread aggressively into natural areas, making them a potential noxious weed. It's recommended that if you have butterfly bushes, you should remove the spent flower clusters to prevent seeding. Each flower can produce 40,000 seeds!

What other issues can arise when you plant butterfly bush?

Butterfly bushes can pose other problems. They can get root rot if the soil isn't well-drained, and their height — up to 10 feet tall — can overshadow and crowd out smaller plants in the garden and look unruly. It's important to consider these potential problems before deciding to grow a butterfly bush.

More resources:

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National Wildlife Federation Native Plant Finder

The Truth about the Butterfly Bush (And What To Plant Instead!) (2024)


What is a companion for butterfly bush? ›

Typically annuals or perennials with fibrous roots are the best match. Sedum, Portulaca, Verbena, and Calibrachoa come in many colors to complement or contrast your Butterfly Bush and look great spilling over the side of a large container.

What is the lifespan of a butterfly bush? ›

Typically, a butterfly bush will live about 10 years. You may find some plants that live longer than that, but it's a rare case. Proper care of a butterfly bush will help it live longer and thrive in your garden.

Are there non-invasive butterfly bushes? ›

The good news is that plant breeders have been hard at work, and in the last few years have come up with a new generation of butterfly bushes – ones that are both compact and sterile, meaning less work and no invasiveness.

What is better to plant than a butterfly bush? ›

Fortunately, there are great choices available. My personal top choice is Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis). This 6-to-12-foot-high shrub sets fabulous cylindrical white flowers that attract not only butterflies, but bees, hummingbirds and songbirds, as well as serving as host plant for two kinds of Lepidoptera.

What looks nice next to a butterfly bush? ›

Pair butterfly bushes with purple Salvias, Milkweed, Ornamental Grasses, and Asters.

Where should a butterfly bush be planted? ›

Light: Butterfly bushes grow and flower best in full sun. They will grow fine in part shade, especially in warmer climates, but their flowering may be reduced. Soil: Butterfly Bushes are not particular about the soil conditions, as long as it drains well.

Do hummingbirds like butterfly bushes? ›

As you can imagine, the butterfly bush is famous for attracting butterflies, though hummingbirds enjoy its large, fragrant flowers as well.

Do butterflies like lavender bushes? ›

Lavender produces sweet nectar butterflies love to consume, meaning that by growing lavender in your yard, you'll soon start to see butterflies. The butterflies primarily attracted to lavender are the Horace's Duskywing and Western Tiger Swallowtail.

What are the disadvantages of butterfly bushes? ›

While great for pollinators, butterfly bushes are an environmental concern because of the plant's high reproductive success. Butterfly bushes frequently overcome and replace native shrubs and plants, making them an invasive species. Due to their lightweight, long-lasting seeds, butterfly bushes quickly reproduce.

What happens if you don't cut back a butterfly bush? ›

Left unpruned, large butterfly bushes can become “second story” plants: their flowers form way up at the top so you can't enjoy them unless you have a second story window. The warmer your climate, the more you should cut back your butterfly bush each spring.

Is butterfly bush toxic to dogs? ›

Is Butterfly Bush Toxic for Dogs? While they are not edible, they are also not poisonous to dogs, cats, or humans. Eating a large quantity (we mean a lot) of leaves, stems, or flowers can cause an upset stomach. It is certainly safe for your dogs!

What is a good substitute for a butterfly bush? ›

Native substitutes for Butterfly Bush

For sunny, open garden or landscape plantings, try Sweet Pepperbush, also called Summersweet (Clethra alnifolia) or Virginia Sweetspire (Itea virginica). For wetter soils, try Buttonbush (Cephalanthis occidentalis)—a food source for moths—or New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus americanus).

Why not grow butterfly bush? ›

Butterfly bush is an invasive plant, meaning it crowds out beneficial plants that have naturally grown in your community for centuries. This species originally from Asia readily takes over space where native North American plants would normally thrive.

Are butterfly bushes banned in some states? ›

It forms thick, shrubby thickets that preclude the development of other native species such as willow. Butterfly bush is considered invasive in many states, as well as England and New Zealand. Some states, like Oregon, have even banned sales of the plant.

What is the difference between butterfly bush and Vitex? ›

The chaste tree leaves have a palmate pattern with five to seven lance-shaped leaflets emanating from a single point, while the butterfly bush has opposite leaves. Both are aromatic, though the butterfly bush has a sweeter smell, and the scent of the chaste tree is more like sage.

Do butterfly bushes prefer sun or shade? ›

Light: Butterfly bushes grow and flower best in full sun. They will grow fine in part shade, especially in warmer climates, but their flowering may be reduced. Soil: Butterfly Bushes are not particular about the soil conditions, as long as it drains well. Poorly-drained soils can cause root rot.

What is the difference between a butterfly bush and a dwarf butterfly bush? ›

Butterfly bushes come in 2 general categories- a “larger” size that grows between 3 to 5 feet in width and 5 to 10 feet in height and the “dwarf” size that grows between 2 to 4 feet in width and 2 to 4 feet in height. There are various colors and bloom shapes that come in both categories.

Does a butterfly bush need to be cut down every year? ›

While pruning is not absolutely necessary, butterfly bushes tend to bloom better and keep a better shape if pruned hard each spring. They can also be pruned in summer to encourage new blooms, or just to tame untidy growth.

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